Tools to Increase Conversions For Your Business Neil Patel KISSmetrics

WAC2011: Presentatie Neil Patel Web Analytics congres 2011

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Neil Patel was 1 van de keynote sprekers op het 5e web analytics congres in Amsterdam op 17 maart 2011. Dit zijn de slides van zijn presentatie die middag.

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Tools to Increase ConversionsFor Your Business

Neil PatelKISSmetrics

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Funnel Testing & Optimization

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It’s important not to get distracted by intermediate metrics like the click-through rate of the button itself...we only care about the customer behaviors that lead to something useful”Eric Ries, The Lean Startup

Macro Conversions

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1. Baseline your macro conversions2. Identify optimization opportunities3. Gather qualitative data4. Create and implement A/B tests5. Measure against your baseline, rinse & repeat

5 Step Process for Funnel Optimization

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Baseline your macro conversions

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Identify optimization opportunities

• Which step has the highest drop off?

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Gather qualitative data

• Identify conversion barriers• Surveying• Survey.io, KISSinsights, Wufoo, SurveyMonkey, etc...• Usability Testing• In-person, UserTesting.com, FiveSecondTest, etc...

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Ask questions

•Don’t be afraid to ask your visitors questions

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Not all feedback is relevant

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Create and implement A/B tests

• Many ways to improve funnels• Modify your steps• Combine, remove or change the order of steps.• Add design elements to guide users• Test your designs• Headlines, images, buttons, microcopy, etc...• Try radical variations

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Measure against your baseline, rinse & repeat

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Segmenting Your Customers

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Account type segmentation


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Company size segmentation


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Custom segmentation

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Custom segmentation data

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Testing Your Call to Actions

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How to Increase Sign-ups by 200%http://kiss.ly/seeplansandpricing

Don’t copy “best practices” blindly

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Learn what works best for your customers

A Beginner’s Guide To A/B Testing: Exceptional Web Copyhttp://blog.kissmetrics.com/ab-testing-web-copy/

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Get Creative

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Try video


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Did a Google Search

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Landed on HP.com

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Retargeted on TechCrunch

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Don’t Be Afraid to Spy

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Track Clicks

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Record Mouse Movements

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How do I get more leads? What’s the easiest way to increase conversions? How do I setup funnels? Do you have to setup your funnels in advance? Does multivariate testing work or do you recommend using A/B testing?

Neil [email protected] • 562.292.3834

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