Title: it is bold and stands out to the reader to catch the reader’s attention. Over to the right side: it is advertising what else is going to be on in the week. Main image big so that it stands out to the reader. In this case there is a direct mode of address meaning the person is looking straight at the readers and making it more Text: The text on this double page spread has been put into three columns making it have a clear layout. This follows the rule of thirds that all A sub heading with the date, time, and where it can be listened to on. They use drop case letters to let the reader know where the article begins and where a new point has Sub heading suggests what is to come in the article as readers continue to read it. Colour: the colour was blue which is associate d as being a calm colour. Somewhere throughou t the article they have made sure the colour blue has been incorpora ted.


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Title: it is bold and stands out to the reader to catch the reader’s attention.

Over to the right side: it is advertising what else is going to be on in the week.

Main image big so that it stands out to the reader. In this case there is a direct mode of address meaning the person is looking straight at the readers and making it more personal.

Text: The text on this double page spread has been put into three columns making it have a clear layout. This follows the rule of thirds that all double page spreads follow.

A sub heading with the date, time, and where it can be listened to on.

They use drop case letters to let the reader know where the article begins and where a new point has been made within an article.

Sub heading suggests what is to come in the article as readers continue to read it. Colour: the

colour was blue which is associated as being a calm colour. Somewhere throughout the article they have made sure the colour blue has been incorporated.

Main image is big and stands out to the readers.

The title stands out in a readable font, and the ‘Talking’ has been put in bold to empathise what the article is about. In the title it is a rhetorical question which shows that the tile is aimed at you the reader.

Drop case letters: These are in the article to show the readers where the article starts and where a new point begins.

Secondary image: smaller image of a newspaper article.

Time, date, where to listen to it have been included.

In this article they have made the dominant colours to be purple and white. They have made sure that it matches the main image with his tie and shirt/

Sub headings seemed to be used to give some insight into the article.

Main image: all of them for the main image has a picture of the person that the article is aimed on. This one is big and stands out to the reader from the other images that are on the double page spread. This draws the readers attention into the article.

On the right hand side it always advertises what else will be on in the week.

Secondary image: tends to be smaller, and relates to the main body of text.

Title: Is in a bold font that stands out from the rest of the text, and is easily spotted by the readers.

To the side it has what is also on this week on radio’s which is a small article not drawing the readers attention away too much from the main article.

Tells the readers where they can hear it, the date, and the time its on.

Main image grabs the readers attention as it stands out and is large taking up a proportion of the page. Secondary images less dominant, but

still is related to the article with whose written it, and who it is about.

Picture caption smaller than the picture, but letting the reader know who it is and why this person is of importance