Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011 The SOLA Project: Monitoring Social Sustainability London , December 19 – 20th, 2011 Marja Vaarama, THL, Finland

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The SOLA Project: Monitoring Social Sustainability

London , December 19 – 20th, 2011

Marja Vaarama, THL, Finland

Page 2: Marja Vaarama: The SOLA Project: Monitoring Social Sustainability

Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Overview • The objectives

• An integrated


• The model

• Next steps

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The objectives • Development of a theoretically grounded and

evidence-based concept of Social Sustainability

• Clarifying the relation to Social Quality and Quality of Life

• Development of a framework for a monitoring instrument or ”dash board” of indicators

• Placing social indicators into a general framework for monitoring Sustainability

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The Approach • An theoretically grounded model:

- action theory : because human beings achieve Social Sustainability, Social Quality and Quality of Life through their actions - system theory: because system theory is a general framework supporting interdisciplinary models, research and policies

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The Approach • An evidence-based and practically feasible

model: - evidence-based: because the indicators have to represent causally relevant factors to support effective policies - practically feasible: because indicators have to be implemented in political and administrative procedures, not just in research practices

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Monitoring Social Sustainability: A Model

• Including 3 levels of policy monitoring: - Structures: societal institutions or „institutional capital“ - Processes: integration of persons in everyday life - Outcomes: Quality of Life and subjective Well-Being

• Two limiting or guiding frame conditions: - Human ecology: the environmental conditions or „limits to growth“ - Values or ethical standards of quality: elements of the „good life“ and the „good society“

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The basic ”logic” of the dimensions

We need for any activity or process – individual or collective : • …the resources and access to do it, • …the know-how or capabilities to do it right, • …the orientation and values that doing it is right, • …the emotional-motivational disposition to feel

comfortable in the process. Resources and capabilities are the “means” to do it. Orientations and emotions point to the “ends” we want to

achieve. Resources and orientations are the conditions set

“externally” by the physical environment (“means”), and the by the social environment (“ends”).

Capabilities and motivations are the potentials or capacities that we ourselves “internally” contribute in the process.

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The ”basic logic”

Vappu Taipale 2010

“external“ environment

“internal” agency

instrumental “means“

evaluative “ends“

resources valued norms

capabilities desired feelings

instrumental “means“ evaluative “ends“

“internal” system

“external“ environment

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Monitoring Social Sustainability: A Model (2)

• Integrating 4 dimensions of society and individual Quality of Life by mediating social processes : - socio-economic security: economic wealth x individual access - social empowerment: democratic governance x personal competence - social inclusion: institutional rights x personal dignity - social cohesion: trust in institutions x affective well-being

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

value standards

equity freedom social justice solidarity




civic society





capabilities/ health

social/physical environment

life valuation/ satisfaction

affective well-being

societal assets or „capitals“

social quality processes

individ. QoL

Human ecology

environ. resources people technology Org. in time/space

The general SOLA model

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The ”dash board” for monitoring sustainability : the general framework

• Human ecology: - environment - resources and impact - population - demography - technology - material culture - space-time organisation - human geography

• societal systems - economy - policy - culture - civil society

• mediating processes – Social Sustainability - social security - social empowerment - social inclusion - social cohesion

• Individual Quality of Life - living standard - capabilitites - life evaluation - affective well-being

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The model from the perspective of individual Quality of Life: The ” Onion – Model ”

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Monitoring QoL : A Model

Political Capital

Social Capital /Committments

Cultural Captial / Human Rights

Economical - ecological Capital

Social Cohesion

Social Inclusion

Social Empowerment Social Security

environment + resources

functional competence

social identity +social relations

pychological well-being

safety sense of comfort control life emotinal meaning feelings

(Outcomes) Quality of Life

subjective QoL

Focus on capabilities

Focus on environment

(Processes) Social Quality

(Investments/Potentials) Institutional Capital

instrumental focus on achievement of a “good life”

evaluative focus on experience of a “good life”

Adapted from Pieper/Vaarama 2008

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Monitoring QoL : A Model

Political Capital

Social Capital /Committments

Cultural Captial / Human Rights

Economical - ecological Capital

Social Cohesion

Social Inclusion

Social Empowerment Social Security

environment + resources

functional competence

social identity +social relations

pychological well-being

safety sense of comfort control life emotinal meaning feelings

(Outcomes) Quality of Life

subjective QoL

Focus on capabilities

Focus on environment

(Processes) Social Quality

(Investments/Potentials) Institutional Capital

instrumental focus on achievement of a “good life”

evaluative focus on experience of a “good life”

Adapted from Pieper/Vaarama 2008

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Marja Vaarama 2011

Socio-economic security : Sustainable economy and public welfare

• investments and markets • welfare provision • productivity and human capital • sustainable consumption _____________________________________ • disposable income / transfer security • inequalities, class structure • professional education • employment security ____________________________________ • individual income, housing, services • supportive social relations • education, health care utilisation • environmental safety

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Monitoring QoL : A Model

Political Capital

Social Capital /Committments

Cultural Captial / Human Rights

Economical - ecological Capital

Social Cohesion

Social Inclusion

Social Empowerment Social Security

environment + resources

functional competence

social identity +social relations

pychological well-being

safety sense of comfort control life emotinal meaning feelings

(Outcomes) Quality of Life

subjective QoL

Focus on capabilities

Focus on environment

(Processes) Social Quality

(Investments/Potentials) Institutional Capital

instrumental focus on achievement of a “good life”

evaluative focus on experience of a “good life”

Adapted from Pieper/Vaarama 2008

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Marja Vaarama 2011

Social Empowerment: Opportunities and Capabilities of Participation

• economic regulation/ territorial politics • legal institutions / legitimation • capacities for democratic decision/administration • Public support / loyalty ___________________________________ • public space /opportunities for participation • ideological diversity / choice of views • political participation / influence • political commitment / motivation _____________________________________ • individual opportunities for participation • identification political groups/institutions • individual participation / functional capabilities • social / interaction competence

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Monitoring QoL : A Model

Political Capital

Social Capital /Committments

Cultural Captial / Human Rights

Economical - ecological Capital

Social Cohesion

Social Inclusion

Social Empowerment Social Security

environment + resources

functional competence

social identity +social relations

pychological well-being

safety sense of comfort control life emotinal meaning feelings

(Outcomes) Quality of Life

subjective QoL

Focus on capabilities

Focus on environment

(Processes) Social Quality

(Investments/Potentials) Institutional Capital

instrumental focus on achievement of a “good life”

evaluative focus on experience of a “good life”

Adapted from Pieper/Vaarama 2008

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Marja Vaarama 2011

Social Inclusion: Rights, Laws and Values

• utility of individual life for others • individual meaningfulness of life • life achivement • emotional life satisfaction ______________________________ • access and usage of cultural resources • non-discrimination/ minority inclusion • sub-cultural participation • institutional trust ________________________________ • cultural infrastructure/investments • values, human rights / religious institutions • cultural productivity, education, creativity • cultural consumption

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Monitoring QoL : A Model

Political Capital

Social Capital /Committments

Cultural Captial / Human Rights

Economical - ecological Capital

Social Cohesion

Social Inclusion

Social Empowerment Social Security

environment + resources

functional competence

social identity +social relations

pychological well-being

safety sense of comfort control life emotinal meaning feelings

(Outcomes) Quality of Life

subjective QoL

Focus on capabilities

Focus on environment

(Processes) Social Quality

(Investments/Potentials) Institutional Capital

instrumental focus on achievement of a “good life”

evaluative focus on experience of a “good life”

Adapted from Pieper/Vaarama 2008

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Marja Vaarama 2011

Social cohesion, trust and civil society

• comfort feelings / lack of stress • social joy, hopefulness • Pride, self esteem, lack of frustration • peacefulness / lack of anxiety _______________________________________ • work ties / economical networks • Bridging ties / institutional linking • binding ties facilitating cooperation • Bonding ties / communal ties _______________________________________ • non-market non-profit organisation • subcultures, ethnic communities • non-governmental organisations • self-help groups / care solidarity

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The model from the perspective of Social Sustainability : • 4 dimensions of social sustainability

• The basic structure of 4 dimensions

• Each dimension again sub-divided by the

same 4 dimensions

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Social Sustainability means ends conditions potentials

Social Security

Social Inclusion

Social Empowerment

Social Cohesion

Definition: Social Sustainability (SS) is the property of social processes to sustain social security, social empowerment, social inclusion and social cohesion for a population in a given region and over time. SS refers to a potential that may be more or less realised depending on conditions due to historically developed structures (societal structures/institutions) and to the ecological situation (human ecology/environmental sustainability) of a society. SS is intrinsically not only a descriptive, but also a normative concept, since criteria for social quality, social development, and social progress imply a reference to value standards.

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Social Sustainability: the basic structure Instrumental “means” Valued “ends”

Conditions : Problem: Uncertainty and risks Environments carry contingencies and risks not under control Solution: Insurances and transfers for security of access to resources Social Security

Problem: Anomie Social environments generate differences of orientations, norms and interests endangering cooperation Solution: Shared values and institutions Social Inclusion

Potentials : Problem: Complexity Controlling the environment means to cope with complex causal relations Solution: Development of own capacities by promotion of health, education and cooperative divisions of labour Social empowerment

Problem: Anxiety Diffuseness about Being and Belonging creates anxiety Solution: Emotional identification and trust to channel passions and desires Social Cohesion

Note: The four colours help to distinguish the basic four dimensions. Throughout the SOLA model the same colours are used for a given dimension

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Social Security conditions potentials

Ensuring access to resources through employment and transfers

Ensuring fairness, equality and non-discrimination in work/class relations

Ensuring adequate capabilities for utilisation and professional education

Ensuring the safety and security of work/transfer relations

Aggregated individual satisfaction with living standard

Definition: Social Security (SocS) is the extent to which mediating social processes apportion resources and secure their utilisation by individuals and groups by (re-)producing adequate conditions and potentials. Conditions include income, housing, goods, services and environmental conditions as well as (in)equalities (not) barring “fair” access; potentials include individual competencies as well as safety and reliability of utilisation.

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Social Empowerment conditions potentials

Ensuring availability and access to public space and public media

Ensuring a diversity of alternative visions and views to enable critical discussion

Ensuring capabilities for decision making and participation by health and education

Ensuring motivation and commitment for engagement

Aggregated individual satisfaction with capabilities

Definition: Social Empowerment (SocE) is the extent to which mediating social processes enable competent participation in decision making and cooperation for common goals by re-)producing adequate conditions and potentials. Conditions include the provision of public space and public media as well as alternative visions or world views; potentials include competencies for participation based on education and health as well as motivational dispositions for commitment.

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Social Inclusion conditions potentials

Ensuring access to cultural and legal resources and services

Ensuring human rights and dignity, socially just treatment under the law, and non-discrimination

Ensuring capabilities and participation in cultural activities and arts, education and science

Ensuring general trust in legal, cultural and regional institutions and regulations

Aggregated individual satisfaction with meaning in life

Definition: Social Inclusion (SocI) is the extent to which mediating processes include individuals under institutions regulating their position, rights, obligations and creative expression as recognised members with human dignity. Conditions include the access to cultural institutions and infrastructure as well as regulations for inclusive cultural and regional membership and for the non-discriminatory exercise of values, world-views and cultural identities; potentials include the participation in cultural activities as well as a general trust in institutional, cultural and regional/national regulations which will promote life styles compatible with though not necessarily compliant with accepted legal and cultural norms.

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

Social Cohesion conditions potentials

Ensuring relationships of social support in networks and communities and informal flexibility in formal organisations

Ensuring relations of trust bridging between groups and linking between individuals and institutions

Ensuring social capabilities and binding relations facilitating informal and formal cooperation

Ensuring bonding based on mutual personal trust, social identity and sense of place

Aggregated individual satisfaction with affective well-being

Definition: Social Cohesion (SoCC) is the extent to which mediating processes facilitate social, pro-social or caring relations between individuals integrating them into social groups, networks or communities. Conditions include the disposition for social support in the community or neighbourhood and the flexibility of formal organisation for the affordances of (legitimate) informal relations as well as the facilitation of bridging social relations between social groups and communities and the linking relationships between individuals and institutions; potentials include the general social competence for creating binding social ties on the basis of norms of reciprocity as well as a disposition to engage in communal or bonding ties on the basis of personal trust and a sense of belonging to the locality, region or – increasingly in information societies – “virtual networks”.

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

The ”dash board” a first impression of the structure of the monitoring instrument which might be realised on a PC screen ...

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

A „Dashboard“ for Monitoring Human ecology Societal (sub-) systems Mediating processes Individual QoL

Environment (natural) Economy Social Security Living Standard

Resources Access

Material Resources Energy

evolution biodiversity

Distributive Markets assets

Welfare Provision (“state”)

Disposable Income/transfer services

Inequalities Class structure

Income, housing, services

Supportiv Social relations

Regulation of ecosystems

Biolog. Self-organisation

Supply Productivity Human capital

Demand Re-production consumption

Professional education, experience

Employment security

Education health care utilisation

safety/soc-environm trust

People (demography) Polity Social Empowerment Capabilities


Population Size, density

Generational/ age structure

recruitment, territory, econ. regulation/inst

Legitimation Legal institutions

Political support, Public space

Ideology base Welt-anschauung

opportunity utilisation

identifi-cation, orientation

Physical/ mental health

Life expectancy Fertility, morbidity

Capacities for decision administration

Democracy Public support Inst. for loyalty

Political participation

Commitment Motivation

production partici-pation

Interaction communi-cation

Technology / Artefacts Culture Social Inclusion Life Valuation

Aims Transport Housing urbanisation

Information communication

Investments/ Infrastructure access

Values Human rights religious instit.

Access, usage of cultural ressources

Non-discrimn. minority/regio.inclusion

Social utility of life

Meaningfl-ness of life

Production, Medical technology

Consumption media

Productivity education Creativity

Culture consumption

(sub-) cultural participation

Institutional trust/distrust, deviance

Life achieve-ment

Emotiona life satisfaction

Organisation (in time-space)

Civil Society / Social Care Social Cohesion Affective Well-being






Work ties/

Bridging ties


Social joy

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Next Steps :

• The model will be discussed in interdisciplinary working groups including politicians and practitioners

• The preliminary selection of indicators for each cell of the „dash board“ from existing sources in Finland has to be completed by additional indicators

• The indicators have to be empirically tested by analyses of existing data and by pilot testing of new indicators

• The further integration with the „Findicators“ has to be achieved, i.e. with the existing and developing monitoring system of the Finnish government.

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Marja Vaarama 19.12.2011

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