Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability. John Rinzel, AACIMP, 2011 1.The Hodgkin-Huxley model Membrane currents ‘Dissection’ of the action potential 2.Excitability in the phase plane Morris-Lecar model 3.Onset of repetitive firing (Type I & II) and phasic firing (Type III). 4.Other currents and firing patterns

Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability

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AACIMP 2011 Summer School. Neuroscience stream. Lecture by John Rinzel.

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Page 1: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability.

John Rinzel, AACIMP, 2011

1. The Hodgkin-Huxley modelMembrane currents‘Dissection’ of the action potential

2. Excitability in the phase planeMorris-Lecar model

3. Onset of repetitive firing (Type I & II) and phasic firing (Type III).

4. Other currents and firing patterns

Page 2: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

References on Nonlinear Neuronal Dynamics

References on Cellular Neuro, w/ modeling.Koch, C. Biophysics of Computation, Oxford Univ Press, 1998.

Koch & Segev (eds): Methods in Neuronal Modeling, MIT Press, 1998.

Johnston & Wu: Foundations of Cellular Neurophys., MIT Press, 1995.

Tuckwell, HC. Intro’n to Theoretical Neurobiology, I&II, Cambridge UP, 1988.

Rinzel & Ermentrout. Analysis of neural excitability and oscillations. In Koch & Segev (see above). Also “Live” on www.pitt.edu/~phase/

Borisyuk A & Rinzel J. Understanding neuronal dynamics by geometricaldissection of minimal models. In, Chow et al, eds: Models and Methods in Neurophysics (Les Houches Summer School 2003), Elsevier, 2005: 19-72.

Izhikevich, EM: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience. The Geometry of Excitability and Bursting. MIT Press, 2007.

Strogatz, S. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Addison-Wesley, 1994.

Ermentrout & Terman. Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience. Springer, 2010.

Page 3: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Software/Simulators for Cellular Neurophysiology/ HH and other modeling.

HHsim: Graphical Hodgkin-Huxley SimulatorBy DS Touretzky, MV Albert, ND Daw, A Ladsariya & M Bonakdarpourhttp://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/HHsim/

NEURON: software simulation environment for computational neuroscience. NEURON calculates dynamic currents, conductances and voltages throughout nerve cells of all types. Developed by M Hines.http://www.neuron.yale.eduCarnevale NT, Hines ML (2005). The NEURON Book. Cambridge University Press.

Neurons in Action: Tutorials and Simulations using NEURON.By JW Moore and AE Stuart (2009) 2nd edition, Sinauer Associates.http://www.neuronsinaction.com/home/main

XPP software: http://www.pitt.edu/~phase/

ModelDB: database of models. http://senselab.med.yale.edu/ModelDB/

Page 4: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Dynamics of Excitability and Repetitive Activity

Auditory brain stem neurons fire phasically, not to slow inputs.

w/ Svirskis et al, J Neurosci 2002

Page 5: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Take Home Messages

Excitability/Oscillations : fast autocatalysis + slowernegative feedback

Value of reduced models

Time scales and dynamics

Phase space geometry

Different dynamic states – “Bifurcations”; concepts andmethods are general.

XPP software:http://www.pitt.edu/~phase/ (Bard Ermentrout’s home page)

Page 6: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability.

John Rinzel, AACIMP, 2011

1. The Hodgkin-Huxley modelMembrane currents‘Dissection’ of the action potential

2. Excitability in the phase planeMorris-Lecar model

3. Onset of repetitive firing (Type I & II) and phasic firing (Type III).

4. Other currents and firing patterns

Page 7: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Excitability and Repetitive Firing

Page 8: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Electrically compact cell – the “point neuron”

Current balance equation: A Iapp = A Im = A [CmdVm/dt + (Vm-Erest)/Rm]

= A (Cm dV/dt + V/Rm) , where V=Vm-Erest (dev’n from rest)

or… divide by A and multiply by Rm

RmCm dV/dt = - V + Iapp Rm

(UNITS: 1/Rm in mS/cm2, Cm in μF/cm2, Iapp in μA/cm2, t in ms, V in mV)


Rm Iapp



t=0 t=toff

1.1 Current balance – patch -- review

Passive membrane: constant conductance. area A – response to current step.

Page 9: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Electrically compact cell – the “point neuron”


Rm Iapp



t=0 t=toff

1.1 Current balance – patch -- review

RmCm dV/dt = - V + Rm Iapp

Define τ = RmCm, , the membrane time constant (in ms) (τ or τm)

τ dV/dt = -V + Rm I app

Time course: V(t) = Rm Iapp [1-exp(-t/τ) ] for 0 ≤ t ≤ toff

= V(toff) exp[-(t-toff)/τ] for t ≥ toff

τ, “typical”: 10 ms if Cm=1μF/cm2, Rm=10,000 Ohm-cm2 (cortical cells, motoneurons ) 1 ms or less, … Rm=103 ohm-cm2 (auditory brain stem – RN ≈ 10s Meg-ohm).

Passive membrane: const conductance. area A – response to current step.

Page 10: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Electrical Activity of Cells• V = V(x,t) , distribution within cell

• uniform or not?, propagation?•Coupling to other cells•Nonlinearities•Time scales

∂V ∂ t

∂2 V ∂ x2Cm +Iion(V)= + Iapp + coupling

Current balance equation for membrane:

capacitive channels cable properties other cells


∑ gc,j(Vj–V)

∑ gsyn,j(Vj(t)) (Vsyn-V)

Coupling: “electrical” - gap junctions



chemical synapsesother cells

= ∑ gk(V,W) (V–Vk )

Iion = Iion(V,W)

kchannel types

∂W/∂ t = G(V,W) gating dynamics

generally nonlinear

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Nobel Prize, 1959

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Page 13: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Development of the Hodgkin-Huxley model for the squid giant axon.

Space clamp: developed by Cole/Marmont late ‘40s.

Page 14: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

HH Recipe:

V-clamp Iion components

Predict I-clamp behavior?

IK(t) is monotonic; activation gate, nINa(t) is transient; activation, m and

inactivation, h

e.g., gK(t) = IK(t) /(V-VK) = GK n4(t)with V=Vclamp

gating kinetics: dn/dt = α(V) (1-n) – β(V) n = (n∞(V) – n)/n(V) n∞(V) increases with V.

INa(t) = GNam3(t) h(t) (V-VNa)




mass action for “subunits” or HH-”particles”

Page 15: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

"The Squid and its Giant Nerve Fiber" was filmed in the 1970s at Plymouth Marine Laboratory in England.

Dissection and anatomy (J.Z. Young) (7 MB)

Voltage clamping (P.F. Baker & A.L. Hodgkin) (10 MB)


Page 16: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

HH Equations

Cm dV/dt + GNa m3 h (V-VNa) + GK n4 (V-VK) +GL (V-VL) = Iapp [+d/(4R) ∂2V/∂x2]

dm/dt = [m∞(V)-m]/m(V)dh/dt = [h∞(V) - h]/h(V)dn/dt = [n∞(V) – n]/n(V)



φ, temperaturecorrection factor= Q10**(temp-tempref) HH: Q10=3


Reconstruct action potential

Time courseVelocityThreshold – strength durationRefractory periodIon fluxesRepetitive firing?

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Page 18: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability


Strength-Duration curve

time, ms



, m



Threshold for spike generation

Membrane is refractory after a spike.

Moore & Stuart: Neurons in Action

Page 19: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

1 μm2 has about100 Na+ and K+ channels.

Page 20: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Dissection of the HH Action Potential

Fast/Slow Analysis - based on time scale differences



Idealize the Action Potential (AP) to 4 phases

Mathematically, this is construction of a solution by the methodsof (geometric) singular perturbation theory (Terman, Carpenter, Keener…)

Page 21: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

I-V relations: ISS(V) Iinst(V) steady state “instantaneous”

HH: ISS(V) = GNa m∞3(V) h∞(V) (V-VNa) + GK n∞

4(V) (V-VK) +GL (V-VL)

Iinst(V) = GNa m∞3(V) h (V-VNa) + GK n (V-VK) +GL (V-VL)

fast slow, fixed at holding values e.g., rest

h, n are slow relative to V,m

Page 22: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Dissection of HH Action Potential

Fast/Slow Analysis - based on time scale differences



h, n are slow relative to V,m

Idealize AP to 4 phases

h,n – constant during upstroke and downstroke

V,m – “slaved” during plateau and recovery

Page 23: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Dissecting the HH Action Potential

The upstroke: m, fast and h, n slow – fixed at rest.

CmdV/dt = -Iinst(V; hR, nR) +Iapp

V depolarizes to E

Then, plateau phase: h decreases, n increases

When E & T coalesce: downstroke

Then, recovery phase: h increases, n decreases…. the return to rest.

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R and E – stable

T - unstable

C dV/dt = - Iinst(V, m∞(V), hR, nR) + Iapp

Linear stability analysis: Do small perturbations grow or decay with time?

V(t) = VR + v(t)Substitute into ode: C dV/dt = C dv/dt = - Iinst(VR+v) + Iapp

= - [Iinst(VR) + (dIinst/dV) v + …v2 +…] +Iappcancel


thus, dv/dt = -λ v where λ=C-1 dIinst/dV, at V=VR

solutions are exptl: v(t) = v0 exp(-λt)

VR is stable if λ>0 and unstable if λ<0 (negative resistance

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HH, dissection of single action potential



Iinst vs V changes as h & n evolve during AP

V equilibrates to Iinst (V; h,n) =0.

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HH, dissection of repetitive firing



Iinst vs V changes as h & n evolve during AP

V equilibrates to Iinst (V; h,n) =0.

Iapp = 40

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Repetitive Firing, eg, HH model

Response to current step




subthreshold nerve block

Page 28: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Repetitive firing in HH and squid axon -- bistability near onset

Rinzel & Miller, ‘80

HH eqns Squid axon

Guttman, Lewis & Rinzel, ‘80

Interval of bistability

Linear stability: eigenvalues of4x4 matrix. For reduced model w/ m=m∞(V): stability if∂Iinst/∂V + Cm/n > 0.

Page 29: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability


1. Consider HH without IK (ie, gk =0). Show that with adjustment in gNa (and maybe gleak) the HH model is still excitable and generates an action potential.(Do it with m=m∞(V).) Study this 2 variable (V-h) model in The phase plane: nullclines, stability of rest state, trajectories,etc. Then consider a range of Iapp to see if get repetitive firing. Compute the freq vs I app relation; study in the phase plane.Do analysis to see that rest point must be on middle branchto get limit cycle.

2. Convert the HH model into “phasic model”. By “phasic” I meanthat the neuron does not fire repetitively for any Iapp values – only 1 to a few spikes and then it returns to rest. Do this by, say, sliding some channel gating dynamics along the V-axis (probably just for IK) .[If you slide x∞(V), you must also slide x(V).] If it can be done using h=1-n and m=m∞(V) then do the phase plane analysis.

Page 30: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability.

John Rinzel, AACIMP, 2011

1. The Hodgkin-Huxley modelMembrane currents‘Dissection’ of the action potential

2. Excitability in the phase planeMorris-Lecar model

3. Onset of repetitive firing (Type I & II) and phasic firing (Type III).

4. Other currents and firing patterns

Page 31: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Two-variable Morris-Lecar Model Phase Plane Analysis


ICa – fast, non-inactivatingIK -- “delayed” rectifier, like HH’s IK

Morris & Lecar, ’81 – barnacle musclel


ML model has the features of excitability:Threshold, refractoriness, SD, repetitive firing

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Page 33: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Get the Nullclines

dV/dt = - Iinst (V,w) + Iapp

dw/dt = φ [ w∞(V) – w] / w(V)

dV/dt = 0

Iinst (V,w) = Iapp

w= w∞(V)

dw/dt = 0

w = w rest

rest state

w= w rest

w > wrest

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Case of small φ

traj hugs V-nullcline - except for up/downjumps.

ML model- excitableregime

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FitzHugh-Nagumo Model(1961)


dv/dt = - f(v) – w +I

dw/dt = ε (v- γ w)

Where, f(v) = v ( v-a) (v-1)and γ ≥ 0 and 0 < ε << 1.

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Anode Break Excitation or Post-Inhibtory Rebound (PIR)

IK - deactivated

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Page 38: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Onset is via Hopf bifurcation

Repetitive Activity in ML (& HH)

“Type II” onset

Hodgkin ‘48

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Frequency vs Iapp

Amplitude vs Iapp Bistability near onset - subcritical Hopf

Page 40: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability.

John Rinzel, AACIMP, 2011

1. The Hodgkin-Huxley modelMembrane currents‘Dissection’ of the action potential

2. Excitability in the phase planeMorris-Lecar model

3. Onset of repetitive firing (Type I & II) and phasic firing (Type III).

4. Other currents and firing patterns

Page 41: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Adjust param’s changes nullclines: case of 3 “rest” states

Stable or Unstable?

3 states – not necessarily:stable – unstable – stable.

3 states Iss

is N-shaped

Φ small enough,then both upper/middle unstable if on middle branch.

Page 42: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

ML: φ large 2 stable steady states Neuron is bistable: plateau behavior.

Saddle point, with stable and unstable manifolds



Iapp switching pulses

e.g., HH with VK = 24 mV

e.g., Hausser lab: Bistability of cerebellar Purkinje cells… Nature Neurosci, 2005

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ML: φ small both upper states are unstable Neuron is excitable with strict threshold.

thresholdseparatrix long




Iss must be N-shaped.

IK-A can give long latency but not necessary.

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Onset of Repetitive Firing – 3 rest states

SNIC- saddle-node on invariant circle





limit cycle

homoclinic orbit;infinite period

emerge w/ large amplitude – zero frequency

Page 45: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

ML: φ smallResponse/Bifurcation diagram

Firing frequency starts at 0.

freq ~√ I–I1

low freq but no conductancesvery slow

IK-A ? (Connor et al ’77)

“Type I” onset

Hodgkin ‘48

Page 46: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Transition from Excitable to Oscillatory

Type II, min freq ≠ 0Iss monotonicsubthreshold oscill’nsexcitable w/o distinct thresholdexcitable w/ finite latency

Type I, min freq = 0 ISS N-shaped – 3 steady statesw/o subthreshold oscillationsexcitable w/ “all or none” (saddle) thresholdexcitable w/ infinite latency

Hodgkin ’48 – 3 classes of repetiitive firing; Also - Class I less regular ISI near threshold

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Page 48: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Type II

Type I

I app


Noise smooths the f-I relation

Page 49: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

FS cellnear threshold

RS cell, w/ noise FS cell, w/ noise

Page 50: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal excitability.

John Rinzel, AACIMP, 2011

1. The Hodgkin-Huxley modelMembrane currents‘Dissection’ of the action potential

2. Excitability in the phase planeMorris-Lecar model

3. Onset of repetitive firing (Type I & II) and phasic firing (Type III).

4. Other currents and firing patterns

Page 51: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Bullfrog sympathetic Ganglion “B” cell

Cell is “compact”, electrically … but notfor diffusion Ca 2+


“HH” circuit+ [Ca2+] int

+ [K+] ext

gc & gAHP depend on [Ca2+] int

Yamada, Koch, Adams ‘89

Page 52: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Bursting mediated by IK-Ca

C V = - ICa - IK – Ileak – IK-Ca + Iapp

.... gating variables…

IK-Ca = gK-Ca [Ca/(Ca+Cao)] (V-VK)

Page 53: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Bursting mediated by IK-Ca


C V = - ICa - IK – Ileak – IK-Ca + Iapp

.... gating variables…

IK-Ca = gK-Ca [Ca/(Ca+Cao)] (V-VK)

Spike generating, V-w, phase planeBistability: “lower-V” steady state

“upper-V” oscillation

Ca, fixed

Page 54: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

The “definitive” Type 3 neuron.

Coincidence detection for sound

localization in mammals. Blocking I KLT may convert to

tonic firing.

Auditory brain stem (MSO) neurons fire phasically, not repetitively to slow inputs.

Steady state is stable for any Iapp.

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Rothman & Manis, 2003Golding & Rinzel labs, 2009

Page 56: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Auditory brain stem, DCN pyramidal neuron.

Transient K+ current, IKIF:fast activating and slow inactivating

IKIF de-inactivates… IKIF inactivates…



Page 57: Hodgkin-Huxley & the nonlinear  dynamics of neuronal excitability

Noise gating: detecting a slow signal.

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Noise-gated response to low frequency input.


With noiseGai, Doiron, Rinzel PLoS Computl Biol 2010

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Noise-gating: experimental, gerbil

Gai, Doiron, Rinzel PLoS Computl Biol 2010

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Threshold for phasic model: ramp slope.

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Take Home Message

Excitability/Oscillations : fast autocatalysis + slowernegative feedback

Value of reduced models

Time scales and dynamics

Phase space geometry

Different dynamic states – “Bifurcations”

Excitability: Types I, II, III

XPP software:http://www.pitt.edu/~phase/ (Bard Ermentrout’s home page)