Biomedical Innovation today Biotech 2.0

Enlightenment 2.0 - Joseph P. Jackson III - H+ Summit @ Harvard

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Joseph P. Jackson III Enlightenment 2.0: Unleashing the Open Science and Open Source Innovation Revolutions The 21st century is off to a rocky start, and as economic and ecological crises converge, there is no shortage of dire predictions. On the other hand, politicians and pundits point to the expectation that Science and Technology will let humanity invent its way out of the problems we’ve created. This rosy outlook ignores a deep crisis that has been brewing and could hamstring our innovative capacity when we most urgently need it. Despite nostalgic myths that Science is the realm of open inquiry, reasoned debate, and the pursuit of objective truth, it has always been politicized, though never to the dangerous degree attained just in the past decade. The viciousness of the fight over embryonic stem cell research, the conflict over creationism, and the politics of climate change are unprecedented new lows. In the last ten years, a collection of burgeoning movements has begun the herculean task of overhauling the outmoded institutions and worldviews that make up our global scientific governance system. Imagine a vastly accelerated research, development, and commercialization cycle using an entire Open Innovation process from start to finish. In the best case scenario, a virtuous circle of mutually reinforcing shifts toward transparency and collaboration could unleash hitherto untapped reserves of human ingenuity. Joseph P. Jackson III is a philosopher, entrepreneur, activist, and organizer in the Open Science Movement. His goal is to assist the emergence of a new political-economic paradigm that enables sustainable prosperity for all based on distributed, decentralized, appropriate technologies, fully hackable and modifiable to suit the needs of users.

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Page 1: Enlightenment 2.0 - Joseph P. Jackson III - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Biomedical Innovation today

Biotech 2.0

Page 2: Enlightenment 2.0 - Joseph P. Jackson III - H+ Summit @ Harvard

A Tale of 2 Technologies, Computing Vs Biology

The Futurist's Bias: Accidents of History, Economics, CultureSTEMI (J Smart) compression not inevitable.

Transistor, anti-trust forced to be licensed broadly, Shockley alienated co-workers, ARPA Net, open standards = Web explosion

No Guarantee we're going to make it for biomedicine!Optimism, G Church Like the 50s for sny bio parts (transistors+capacitors) Even with Electronics because we can use CAD. Unique advantage of directed evolution, trillions of combinations to throw at problem. Hard take off, sequenced/synthesis... will it be enough?

Page 3: Enlightenment 2.0 - Joseph P. Jackson III - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Show me the Money ?$$

Show me the Innovation!

Cure Entrepreneurs! Biotech has destroyed more capital than any sector in history (-90 biliion until 2008 when it finally showed a profit). PHARMA doesn't create improved health outcomes.

Myth of Patents: Penicillin, Polio Vaccine, Defeat of Smallpox Recombinant DNA

Salk: Can we Patent the Sun? (Polio Vaccine)Are we being good ancestors? NO!

Page 4: Enlightenment 2.0 - Joseph P. Jackson III - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Open Science/Biology/Innovation Paradigm IS

1) Collective Intelligence: semantic web for biology, BioTorrents, massive open data sets, OA Publishing, Slashdot for Science Karma systems to supplant static peereview, Mendley (Last FM for research papers) Don't wait for AI, build Epistemology 2.0 NOW

2) Interoperable technology stacks: Stem Cells, Gene therapy vectors, BiobricksBiology fundamentally distributed, cheap (sunlight + sugar), self replicating, cell cultures--share and share alike Biobanking for these components should be DEFAULT. No one click shopping? 3) Radically better business models, financing mechanisms/prizes/instruments, incentivize sharing, require it, demand to get what your taxes pay for. Monopolies are Obsolete, Progress/Evolution depends on Copying...whether in Biology or Culture. Perversity of Patent as "incentive" for progress. Greenxchange, Innocentive, etc

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Page 6: Enlightenment 2.0 - Joseph P. Jackson III - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Modern University... Obsolete? Open Courseware, Fab Lab Network Schizophrenic, Public vs Private? Harvard Horror Story

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How to Blow a Billion

40 Billion $ endowment 8 billion evaporated over night. Tech TransferWhere Innovation goes to Die. Wanna bet your future on them?

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Desperate Times = Garage Biotech

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Tired of Doing it all Yourself DIY?

Come Do it With US

Community Lab Hackerspace for Citizen Science

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She's BioCurious!

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Straining Towards the Singularity

Innovation Constipation20 yr patent monopoliesSingularity is not NEAR!

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P2P Shall set us Free DIY or DIEopensciencesummit.com