Emakina Academy - Gurus - 20070614

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Brice Le BlévennecPresident



A Collaborative Knowledge Sharing Platform

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Knowledge Management

Information is not knowledge

Albert Einstein

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The knowledge iceberg

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Attempted solutions

Partial solution The good The bad

Shared directories �Everybody can access�Nobody finds�Messy structure

Central document repository �Everybody can read�Few can write�Departmental bottle-neck

Shared folders in Outlook, Notes, .. �Close at hand �Requires IT expertise

Departmental web pages �Usually good at launch�How to maintain quality�Many remain passive

Email, newsletters �You are notified �Easily too much

Newsletters �Easy & efficient�New employees have no access to past

Employee initiatives �Can be strong katalyst�When employee is gone, initiative withers

Forums �Information is archived �No quality control

Is there a “best-of” solution?

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What are peopleand corporations

doing on the web?


Social networkingSocial bookmarkingRSS Newsreaders

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What is?

� A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs

Popularity:� Blog search engine Technorati

is currently tracking 66.6 million blogsand doubling every 6 months

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8Create your blog in a minute…

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9E.g. a personal interest blog

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10E.g. B2B blog

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11E.g. company’s external blog

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12Even brand blogs, but…

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13E.g. Emakina’s internal blog

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What are peopleand corporations

doing on the web?


Social networkingSocial bookmarkingRSS Newsreaders

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What is?

� A website that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove, and otherwise edit and change available content, typically without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for mass collaborative authoring.


� Wikipedia has six million articles in250 languages,(1.6 million in English-language edition)

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Enterprise Wiki > Confluence

� An enterprise wiki that makes it easy for your team collaborate and share knowledge. Adding, sharing and finding content has never been easier with additional features:

– Enterprise security

– Simple installation and management

– Attractive, user-friendly WYSIWYG interface

– Powerful tools for structuring and searching your wiki – …

Visit site

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ASP Wiki > JotSpot

Thousands of businesses are using JotSpot to manage projects, build an intranet, share files and stay in sync with colleagues and customers.

Visit site

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Business Wiki + Blogs

Visit site

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Visit site

Visit site

Open Source Wiki > MediaWiki

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What are peopleand corporations

doing on the web?


Social networkingSocial bookmarkingRSS Newsreaders

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Social networks

What is?

� In reference to new media, social networks are the online connections and communities that develop among people and around shared interests.

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Social Networks > LinkedIn

Visit site

� Company independent address book with relations, cvs, endorsements, …

� Discover if you know person X via person Y-Z and get introduced

� Build up trust by relying on network of professionals

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Social Networks > BizTribe

Visit site

� Belgian version but with European scope

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What are peopleand corporations

doing on the web?


Social networkingSocial bookmarkingRSS Newsreaders

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Social Bookmarking

What is?

� Social bookmarking sites are a popular way to store, classify, share and search links through the practice of folksonomy techniques on the Internet or Intranet.

� Other than web page bookmarks, services specialized to a specific subject or format - feeds, books, videos, music, shopping items, map locations, wineries, etc. - can be found.

Automatic notification

� Since the classification and ranking of resources is a continuously evolving process, many social bookmarking services allow users to subscribe to web feeds (see RSS) based on tags, or collection oftag terms. This allows subscribers to become aware of new resources for a given topic, as they are noted, tagged, and classified by other users.

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26Share your bookmarks with others…


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Collaborative Bookmarking

Visit site

� Improve search for end users, allow publishers of all sizes to host search, and enhance search engine marketing for advertisers.

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Digg is a community-based popularity website with an emphasis on technology and science articles. It combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control. News stories and websites are submitted by users, and then promoted to the front page through a user-based ranking system. This differs from the hierarchical editorial system that many other news sites employ.

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Digg > Business Finance

Visit site

� Digg is all about user powered content.

� Every article on digg is submitted and voted on by the digg community.

� Share, discover, bookmark, and promote the news that's important to you!

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32E.g. Social “moderated” content (Belgium)


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What are peopleand corporations

doing on the web?


Social networkingSocial bookmarkingRSS Newsreaders

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What is?

� RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts.

Newsreaders� Users of RSS content use programs called feed 'readers' or

'aggregators': the user 'subscribes' to a feed by supplying to their reader a link to the feed; the reader can then check the user's subscribed feeds to see if any of those feeds have new content since the last time it checked, and if so, retrieve that content and present it to the user.

Advantages� Do not go out and look for updates, let updates come to you

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RSS Content can be pushed to modern screensavers

RSS Content can be pushed to modern screensavers

Or simply pushed to convenience of customer desktop screen

Or simply pushed to convenience of customer desktop screen

News feed can be refurnished via RSSNews feed can be refurnished via RSS

Client based, web based

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Web based newsreader

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Client based RSS newsreader

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Impact on Company

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What Web 2.0 means for you ?

Social Computing is not a fad. Nor is it something that will pass you or your company by.

Gradually, Social Computing will impact almost every role, at every kind of company, in all parts of the world. Firms should approach Social Computing as an ongoing learning process, using some of the best practices of firms that have successfully taken the first steps.

Src Forester Research Inc.

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Maslow’s Pyramid


Esteem needsStatus, recognition

Love, Belonging, Social needsIntegration, network, circle of friends

Safety and Security needsTruth, protection, integrity, …

Physiological needs:Act, communicate, interact, exchange, …

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Maslow’s Pyramid on Internet


Esteem needsStatus, recognition

Love, Belonging, Social needsIntegration, network, circle of friends

Safety and Security needsTruth, protection, integrity, …

Physiological needs:Act, communicate, interact, exchange, …

� Anti-Virus� Hoax Groups� Support Forums� Technical help

� Social Networks� Social bookmarking� Groupware� Knowledge sharing

Featured / ranked in� Wikipedia� Technorati� Slashdot / Digg

� Messenging� Information / Search� Online Web Apps� Publishing

Show your Expertise� Blogs� Communities� Forums

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Technology and Social Factors

Src Forester Research Inc.

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3 tenets of Social Computing

Src Forester Research Inc.

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Top-Down to Bottom-Up Innovation

Src Forester Research Inc.

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The Economic Value of Web 2.0

Src Forester Research Inc.

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Experience is key

Src Forester Research Inc.

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Today’s interfaces� Applications are complex

and require a manual to usewhile nodoby reads manuals anymore

� Applications are slow and people frequently wait 10-20s for a process to finish or a page to load

� Forms are just a sequential dump of input fields

Tomorrow’s interfaces� Applications should become

straightforward; manuals is for advanced features

� Like Google, precompile results where possible, use advanced caching techniques and Ajax

� Well structured dynamic forms, mandatory and optional blocks

Business applications and tools should deliver dashboards providing quick access to key data leading to informed decision making

Business applications and tools should deliver dashboards providing quick access to key data leading to informed decision making

Web : Experience is Interface

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Personalization, not customization

� Successful effortless personalization of content

– Google search, Adsense, Adwords, …

– Amazon “Customers who bought this also bought…”

– Forrester “Similar interest or related topics”

� Focus on usability & personalization

– Microsoft Windows Live & Google Homepage

�Add bookmarks�Aggregate news content�Drag&drop�Auto completion

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Hors d’oeuvres

Talent steals, genius borrows

(Faris Stations)

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What is Gurus?

� A social knowledge platform where you can document, share and exchange enterprise social knowledge organized as:

– Posts, comments, articles, …

– Files, folders, …

– Resources: rss feeds,

� All content can be tagged, commented, archived, linked and grouped in groups on the fly

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Gurus.be > Blog

On your blog you record interesting thoughts and posts you want to share with your current and future network. Posts are archived can be commented and enriched with files and documents

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Gurus.be > Files

Files are centrally stored and can be associated with any tags you want and shared within any group you participate. The system announces new documents as “activities” to others who subscribe to you or to your work

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Gurus.be > Network

You create a network of friends and colleagues with whom you interact in groups and can exchange knowledge with. “Friendships” enables you to subscribe to other people’s feeds and activity and filter on it.

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Gurus.be > Resources

Feeds are information streams from other sites. You will often see a link to an 'RSS' feed while browsing; enter the link address into the 'add feed' box at the bottom of the page to read that information from within your learning landscape.

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Social computing & Knowledge Management







Employee 1@ Site 1

Employee 3@ Site 2

Employee 4@ Site 2

Employee 2@ Site 1

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Social Computing A Strategic Asset

� IT will find itself in the crossfire of Social Computing for tworeasons:

1. they will need to create new tools to encourage and support employee communities; and

2. they will need to create new tools to attract employees with high Social Computing needs.

� IT will need to: – Focus on value, not risk

– Don’t go too far with corporate oversight

– Make Social Computing a recruiting differentiator– Track younger employees

Src Forester Research Inc.

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Virtual departments

� Most enterprise technology vendors already have user groups. TheSocial Computing fabric will empower those user groups even moreand change vendors value proposition.

� Create virtual departments that span and enrich existing departments

� Our advice:– Don’t build your own collaboration tools and technologies

– Learn from open source communities

– Prepare for custom applications– Give employees the tools they need to express themselves

– Catalyze and foster new innovation

Src Forester Research Inc.

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Does Gurus answer pains?

Partial solution The good The bad

Shared directories�Everybody can access

�Nobody finds�Messy structure

Central document repository

�Everybody can read�Few can write�Departmental bottle-neck

Shared folders in Outlook, Notes, ..

�Close at hand �Requires IT expertise

Departmental web pages

�Usually good at launch

�How to maintain quality�Many remain passive

Email, newsletters �You are notified �Easily too much

Newsletters �Easy & efficient�New employees have no access to past

Employee initiatives�Can be strong katalyst

�When employee is gone, initiative withers

Forums�Information is archived

�No quality control

Gurus: a power platform forknowledge management

Does Gurus provide a solution?

Yes, search is a core functionality. Tag-based architecture assures meta-structure

Yes, everybody can read and write. Documents are stored and archived

Yes, everybody has a browser

Yes: continuous interaction and notification allows long term stimulation

Yes: filtered feeds based on personal interests

Yes: new employees can be up and running in no time with minimal learning curve

Yes: social computing is a true stimulant for all employees

Yes: social quality control assures that inappropriate content is instantly removed

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Next Steps

� Discussing the opportunity of a Knowledge Management Pilot

– What would be the objectives of this pilot?

– The targets? How many users?

– What type of information should be included?– Intranet or Extranet?

� Discussing the relevance of a Gurus test