Mobile Advertising Mobile Internet INTACT Interactive Online Sales Agency Part of INTACT Media Group www.intact-interactive.ro Internet ad serving by: Member of: Mobile ad serving by:

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Mobile AdvertisingMobile Internet

INTACT InteractiveOnline Sales Agency

Part of INTACT Media Groupwww.intact-interactive.ro

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New Media, Internet & Mobile

Mobile Internet Overview

Mobile Market Trends

How to get the most out of mobile advertising?

Case Studies

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New media

“New media is a term meant to encompass the

emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies in the later part of the 20th century.

Most technologies described as "new media" are digital [...]


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New media

Number of Users PenetrationWORLD Internet Users ~ 1 596 000 000 23.80%Internet Growth 2000-2008 342.20%Mobile Users ~ 4 154 768 588 61.94 %

EUROPE Internet Users ~ 393 373 398 48.90%Internet Growth 2000-2008 274.30%Mobile Users ~ 957 040 551 119.25%

ROMANIA Internet Users ~ 7 430 000 33.40%Mobile Users ~ 27 651 495 128.00%

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Internet Market Overview

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008

Value (EUR) 3,800,000 7,000,000 15,000,000


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What is Mobile Advertising?

It’s a collection of mobile channels suitable for advertising such as:

Mobile WAP bannersSMS advertisingMMS advertisingAdvertising in games and videos

What it’s NOT!Mobile Advertising is not about SMS SPAM

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Mobile Internet

REACH5.6 million Europeans access financial information from their mobile phones - 23.6% increase over last year. (highest increase: 30.2% in Italy)

POPULARITYMobiles now more omnipresent than PCs

COSTSAverage mobile phone cost in the EU: €476

Average mobile subscriber yearly spend:€401 mobile phone bill (highest in Spain: €544)€69 acquiring their handset (highest in Italy: €148)€6.07 on mobile content such as ringtones, wallpaper, games and music. (highest in the U.K. : €6.89)

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Mobile Internet

Mobile it’s personal90% of customers are located where their phone is

Reach PotentialOver 90% of Total Consumer population have Mobile Telephones

45% of Romanian population On VDF= 9.8 millions unique users

Positive perceptionRomanian market is open to this kind of advertising

Cost efficiency Reach more customers with less money

Interactivity click2call, click4info, click trough, click2sms, click2buy

Advanced Targeting Opportunities NO MESSAGES WASTED

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Mobile Internet - Targeting

PrintGroup targeting

based on demographics

TV / RadioChannels, programs

and time of day


InternetSimilarity with the

subject of search or web site affinity








MobileIndividual targeting and frequency of



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Mobile Internet - Clients

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Mobile Internet in Romania

Mobile content / websitesThe top internet news portals developed in the last 6 months mobile websites

Vodafone live! portal: >1.6 mil page views and > 350k unique users per month

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Mobile Internet in Romania

Mobile 2.0 – user generated content / socia mediaSocial Media apps suchs as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are gaining more and more awareness and are positioning as content generating sources (e.g.: Moldavian’s Revolution on Twitter, The Bucharest Earthquake on Twitter).

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Mobile Internet in Romania

Location Services

Behavioural & location services will become more and more important, as it allows advertisers to target precisely the potential customer

Example: after completing a quizz on the Vodafone website, a potential customer that answered that his hobby is automotive will receive an SMS offer when passing by the RENAULT store in the mall.

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How to get the most...

...out of the mobile advertising?

Optimizing Landing PagesPlacement of Product or Service OfferingThe call to action, product or service that you are

promoting have to be easy to locate on the landing page. A solution will be to include the call to action area multiple times on the landing page

Consistency between Ad and Landing PageIt's important that the ad a user clicks and the

landing page to which it takes them are consistent. For example, if you are running an ad in Spanish, ensure that your landing page is in Spanish as well.

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How to get the most...

...out of the mobile advertising?

Managing AdsTracking URLsBy creating unique URLs for each of the ads you can

measure the impact of each targeting/creatives.Multiple AdsAdvertisers who have multiple ads running see higher

click-through-rates than those with fewer ads. Also having multiple ads allow you to experiment with ad performance levers such as targeting, creatives, etc.

Changing Text FrequentlyUsers are more likely to click on ads that they haven't

seen before. Consistently refreshing your banner will ultimately improve your click-through-rates (CTR).

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Common mistakes

Not including branding or a call to action in banners.

Users who know who you are are much more likely to click and then convert into customers.

Not changing ad text frequently. Users are more likely to ignore your ad if the

they’ve already seen it.

Too few ads.The recommended start is with a minimum of

three to five ads to increase your visibility and allow you to optimize

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Common mistakes – part 2

Not carefully selecting targeting. To ensure that your ads are shown to the right

users, you have to know who you’re trying to reach.

Not optimizing ads.Not optimizing your ads during a campaign may

mean missed opportunities for maximized performance.

Landing pages aren’t optimized for mobile.To maximize conversions, you should ensure that

your ads are sending mobile traffic

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Case study no 1


4 days - 47 830 impressions - CTR 3.14 % - Conversion rate 10.24 % - 154 leads

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Case study no 2


31 days - 262 213 impressions – Clicks 1116 - CTR 0.43 %

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Case study no 3


4 weeks

282 042 impressions

CTR 1.05 %

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Gabriel BoacaSales Director

[email protected] 018 391




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