Social Advocacy Amplify Your Social Media Reach

Employee Social Advoacy Program

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Social  Advocacy  Amplify  Your  Social  Media  Reach

Page 2: Employee Social Advoacy Program

Social  advocacy  is  when  you  mobilize  and  empower  people  to  amplify  your  reach  with  social  media

What  is    social  advocacy?  

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•  Prospects  are  more  likely  to  seek  informa?on  and  advice  from  social  media

•  Advocates  help  boost  reach  beyond  the  corporate  network

•  Social  media  is  an  easy  way  for  advocates  to  spread  the  word  and  generate  web  traffic

Social  advocacy  is  a  powerful  amplifica9on  tool  

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ü  Enhances  content  marke?ng ü  Encourages  social  selling   ü  Assists  in  recruitment ü  Supports  customer  engagement

Social  advocacy  goes  beyond  brand  awareness  

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•  Employees  •  Distributers  •  Resellers  

Who  are  the  social  advocates?  

Partners  Employees   Distributers   Resellers   Customers  

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•  Exis?ng  content •  Marke?ng  ini?a?ves •  Company/industry  news •  New  products •  Job  pos?ngs

What  content  do  advocates  share?  •  Friends  and  family  deals •  Exclusive  content •  3rd  party  content •  User  generated

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Advocacy Board

Introducing  the      

Social  Advocacy  Board

The  comprehensive  social  media  plaNorm  that  enables  marketers  to  publish,  measure,  engage,  listen  and  amplify  their  social  media  presence  with  advocates.

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Advocacy Board

Pre-­‐select  &  compose  the  social  posts  that  will  be  featured  for  advocate  sharing

What  The  Advocacy  Board  can  do  for  the  marke?ng  team

Track  advocacy  effec?veness  from  share  to  conversion

Effec?vely  manage  social  messaging  across  the  en?re  organiza?on

Synchronize  social  data  with  marke?ng  automa?on  and  CRM  plaNorms

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Advocacy Board

What  the  Advocacy  Board  can  do  for  social  advocates

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Advocacy Board

•  Zero  overhead  for  marketers •  One-­‐click  sharing  for  advocates •  Mobile  first •  Built  in  leader  board •  Data  is  synchronized  with  marke?ng    

automa?on  plaNorms

Most    Popular  Features Top5

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Advocacy Board


social  advocacy  board  keeps  it  simple

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Advocacy Board

Easily  pin  exis?ng  social  content  to  the  advocacy  board

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Advocacy Board

Invite  employees,  colleagues,  and  partners  to  join  the  board

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Advocacy Board

Advocates  login  using  their  social  profiles

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Advocacy Board

Sharing  is  as  simple  as  clicking

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Advocacy Board

Gamify  the  experience  with  fun  leaderboards

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Advocacy Board

Realize  the  value  of  social  advocacy  with  easy  repor?ng

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Advocacy Board

Synchronize  social  advocacy  data  with  your  marke?ng  automa?on  plaNorm

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Advocacy Board

Andrew  J.  Coate  -­‐  Kapost

“The  Oktopost  Advocacy  board  has  made  it  dead  simple  to  provide  my  team  with  social  posts  that  are  proven  to  produce.”  


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Advocacy Board

The  Oktopost  Advocacy  Board  will  allow  you  to:   ü  Invite  anyone  to  be  your  social  advocate ü  Create  &  curate  pre-­‐approved  &  well  marketed  content   ü  Easily  amplify  your  reach  in  just  one  click  &  on  the  go

ü  Integrate  with  your  CRM  and  marke?ng  automa?on  plaNorms

ü  Leverage  social  insights  to  enrich  any  lead’s  records

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Advocacy Board