Part Two: Interview By Alejandro Capristo Geography 10 10/6/13

Alejandro Capristo Part two

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Part Two: Interview

By Alejandro CapristoGeography 10


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Do you know where your family came from?

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Do you know where your family came from?

• The question is actually harder to answer than one may think. I interviewed my older cousins and they had little to no idea of where their family is from. Therefore, I came to the conclusion of interviewing my 90 year old grandmother.

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The first question

• To start I asked where she was from. She simply answered “Ask your mom”. After a few minutes she said she was joking and mentioned she was from El Limon Jalisco.

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Question #2Why Did you come here?

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Why did you come here?

• She answered laughing “Not really much to do when you are 80 years old”. Her reasons were basically to live with the family that was here in the united states and stay to live with my mother, who offered to take care of her.

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What food did you eat?

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• The food most common in her time was beans, rice and eggs. She mentioned animal cookies and said she had them at least three times a week.

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What was the religion you were born into?

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• From what she knows and what she remembers the whole family was catholic and never had doubts.

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How wealthy was your family?

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• She brought up how hard it was back in the day to be wealthy and she said even though my grandpa was hardworking it was barely enough to feed the family.

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How was school like?

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• She answered she didn’t go to school but she had all her children attend school and all said they were hit by a ruler if one misbehaved or as a sort of discipline.

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When and how did you meet your spouse?

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Where did you meet your spouse? (my grandpa)

• She mentioned she would go on dates with guys but she did not like any of them.

• She was at a dance and one day he came up to her to ask her to dance and after a year of talking with him she fell for him and they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

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What was your first job?

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Her first job

• Her first job was at a bakery and she added she gained tons of weight because of the job.

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Final question!

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• I had a question I was debating whether to ask or not but I finally decided I did. My question was “How was my grandpa?” The reason the question was important to me was because I never met him in person. She shortly added he was a hardworking man and was a blacksmith. She added how he worked until he could no more and he died at 92 years of age.