Transforming Blogs: Creating a 10x Visual Experience

Transforming Blogs - Jesse McDonald - Pubcon Las Vegas 2016

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Transforming Blogs: Creating a 10x Visual Experience


90% of information transmitted to the brain is

visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in

the brain than text


Source: http://www.webmarketinggroup.co.uk/blog/why-every-seo-strategy-needs-infographics/


Infographics:What is their purpose?



Infographics Can Be A Bit Awkward


Ask Yourself: “Is This The Content My Users Are Looking For?”

Help Google Read The Content You’ve Worked So Hard To Create!


Boring Content Make Marvin Feel Very depressed


Transform A Boring Blog

Into A Usable Infographic





Which Droid Resonates Most With Your Users?


Combine Content With Graphics To Create A Lasting Impression


Helpful Resources & Inspiration




Jesse McDonaldDirector of SEO at Geek Powered Studios
