@lukequilter B2B Marketing - Search Marketing And The Importance Of Social Media

Social and SEO: The Best Friends of The Digital World

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B2B Marketing - Search Marketing And The Importance Of Social Media

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See Think DO Care

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AffiliatesDisplay Display Display

YouTube YouTube

SEM SEMEmailEmail

See Think Do




Build a plan for each stageRe-align marketing focus with consideration phase

More Complex Journey

Consumer Path to Purchase Now


Retailer Websites


Social Networks


Price check

Mass Media


Store Visits

Family & Friends

Store Purchase

Purchase Online

What I want to talk about

Take Aways

Content strategy sits at the heart of your SEO and Social activity

There is a new approach to SEO, focusing on longer tail and creativity

Running social and SEO together boosts SEO performance

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Micro moments



Target singular keywords

Focus on intent, context and audience

Focus on longer tail search terms

Always controversial, the number of social shares a page accumulates tends to

show a positive correlation with rankings. Although there is strong reason to

believe Google doesn’t use social share counts directly in its algorithm, there are

many secondary SEO benefits to be gained through successful social sharing.


Correlation vs Causation

Social media profiles rank within search

Social channels are search engines too

Not now, doesn’t mean not ever (they may well use social signals in the future to directly influence ranking)

Bing does directly use social signals in its algorithm to factor rankings

Social is great for finding people to share content with

Social works well with genuine content


SEO Social

Why can social impact what you SEE?

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Browsing facebook

Booked concert tickets online

Looking at Deadpool reviews

Looking for local restaurants

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-How many times does the average person check their mobile phone a day?


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Access to information has changed our purchase process…

Consumer consults an average of

10.4sources before purchasing 2X the number consulted

just one year before



Hours of internet use have more than doubled since 2005, and out of home use is more commonplace

Estimated hours spent online per week



In the home

At work or place of study


Social media swallows more than a quarter of time spent online

Britons spend 1 hour and 20 minutes each day managing an average of 4 social networks

A third of all internet usage is now happening via mobile

1 h 20 mins

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94%Smartphone users

looked for local stores nearby

66% Visited a store

26% Made a

purchase in the store

By the time you finish reading this sentence, users around

the world will have uploaded another eight hours of

video to Youtube

Case study

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Content engagement


Audience groups Topics Keywords Influencers






Image Video


and analytics

Create content that will connect and engage

Once created, share it with the people your audience listen too already

As ever, monitor what works and do more of it

1. Who is our target audience?

2. What are their motivators?

3. Who are their influencers?

1. Aquaread flooding guide

2. Interesting & current

3. Useful & informative

1. Engage with key influencers

2. Be where you audience is

3. Drive exposure & engagement

What-Are-The-Solutions moments

Does-It-Fulfil-My-Need moments

How-Can-I-Buy-It moments

Is-It-Cost-Effective moments

Who-Are-The-Experts moments

- flood warning sensors - early warning flood system - early warning system for floods - early warning flood detection system

- home flood protection products

VS - flood alarm sensor in river

- does prediction and warning system reduce the impact of flood? - how is a flood warning system put into place?

- flood warning system cost?

What-Are-The-Solutions moments

Does-It-Fulfil-My-Need moments

Who-Are-The-Experts moments

Is-It-Cost-Effective moments

Lag time from first engagement with the brand to actual enquiry takes up to 30 days

The path length can be anything up to and even more than 25 touch points with the brand

20% of enquiries come from mobile and is growing

15% increase in twitter followers during campaign period

Far greater engagement & exposure than competitors

The flood guide campaign contributed to 140% yoy increase in SEO traffic & subsequent enquiries

Take Aways

Content strategy sits at the heart of your SEO and Social activity

There is a new approach to SEO, focusing on longer tail and creativity

Running social and SEO together boosts SEO performance

t. 01303 240715 e. [email protected] w. www.sleepinggiantmedia.co.uk

Our services

- Data is information in its Raw or Unorganised form.

- Data can be found anywhere and from pretty much anything.

-With online, data is the best way to understand what users are doing.


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London Kent

St. Pancras Folkestone, Kent

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