The colour scheme for this magazine is red as it anchors red, also it will stands out on the shelf and it is very appealing. Red is the main colour which anchors that target audience can be anyone who enjoys rock music. The Barcodes are used in all magazines for the price and to give other The central image stands out and it uses direct address as this engages the audience. The mise-en-scene anchors the genre therefore there is always red or black used The main coverline is only slightly smaller than the masthead, making it the second largest piece of text, making it look bold. Also bright colours are used and capital letters are used in the main coverline so it attracts the consumer as it a very important feature on a magazine, it makes it worthwhile to Buzzwords are words like ‘FREE’ and ‘Exclusive’ and they can be on the strapline as this will attract the audience with something new or free. The text is always bold, it contrast from the page by using a different colour which will stand out as the main goal is for the consumer to buy the magazine which will allow them to enjoy something they like, which engages them. However The masthead is always bold and unique in every magazine. It stands out so the consumer knows the name of the magazine and it will be very

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The colour scheme for this magazine is red as it anchors red, also it will stands out on the shelf and it is very appealing. Red is the main colour which anchors that target audience can be anyone who enjoys rock music. The other colours used to make things stand out which work well together.

Barcodes are used in all magazines for the price and to give other information like the issue number and date

The central image stands out and it uses direct address as this engages the audience. The mise-en-scene anchors the genre therefore there is always red or black used in the image as this connotes rock.

Buzzwords are words like ‘FREE’ and ‘Exclusive’ and they can be on the strapline as this will attract the audience with something new or free. The text is always bold, it contrast from the page by using a different colour which will stand out as the main goal is for the consumer to buy the magazine which will allow them to enjoy something they like, which engages them. However this magazine uses both these features as it uses ‘exclusive’ attract the consumer of finding out something new relating to music. It is usually featuring an artist or band (interview).

The masthead is always bold and unique in every magazine. It stands out so the consumer knows the name of the magazine and it will be very noticeable from everything else. The masthead is the largest text on the page.

The main coverline is only slightly smaller than the masthead, making it the second largest piece of text, making it look bold. Also bright colours are used and capital letters are used in the main coverline so it attracts the consumer as it a very important feature on a magazine, it makes it worthwhile to read and want to buy. The colour scheme colours a red, black, white colour scheme as this anchors rock therefore I will be using colours related to rock too by the influence from this rock magazine.