Corporate Safety Governance and the role of leadership Business Management Advisory & Training

Consultivo: Corporate Safety Governance and Role of Leadeship

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Corporate Safety Governance and

the role of leadership

Business Management Advisory & Training

about the presentation

Corporate safety Governance stresses on the need of management intervention to address the issues related to health and safety for proper functioning of an organization . High level of health and safety performance is directly linked to business excellence. This presentation will give you a clear understanding on Corporate Safety governance and Role of Leadership , safety governance pathway, safety culture and factors contributing towards good safety culture within an organization.



Now on the subject:

Corporate Safety Governance and Role of Leadership


Safety Governance Pathway

Transactional Compliant Focussed Proactive Integrated



• Safety is some one else’s responsibility • Sr. Management gets involved only when some incidents occur • No clear health & safety vision across the organization • No clear understanding that good safety means good business • Health and Safety is not a part of the annual Performance

reporting • Production gets priority over health and safety

Transactional Compliant Focussed Proactive Integrated



• Compliant to legislation requirements is the main driver

• Legal requirements forms the basis of safety Governance

• Safety Policy and procedures are in place but not in sync

• with the priorities set by the leadership

• Only lagging indicators are used for reporting safety


Transactional Compliant Focussed Proactive Integrated



• Sr. Management ask detailed questions on the root causes of incidences

• Realization that mere compliance to legal requirements is not enough

• A Health and Safety vision is articulated, and communicated

• Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined

• Health and Safety Management system is in place

• The organization reports both leading and lagging indicators

Transactional Compliant Focussed Proactive Integrated



• Leadership helps to establish a strong safety culture

• Emphasis is on pre-empting problems rather than reacting to the same

• A proactive approach to safety Governance is driven by the leadership

• Personal commitment from the top leadership become visible

• Annual Health and Safety improvement plans are made with adequate budget provision

• Both lagging and leading indicators are reported

Transactional Compliant Focussed Proactive Integrated



• Top leadership seek to understand the safety impact of every decision made • Safety Governance is completely integrated into the overall governance of business operation • A clear understanding that high level of HS performance is directly linked to business excellence • Free flow of communication both bottom up and top down and complete trust among the major stake holders • The senior health and safety professionals recognize their role a not just a technical position but one with a significant strategic focus on the business

Transactional Compliant Focussed Proactive Integrated


M. level

Description Involvement Symptoms Actions

5 Integrated People led

W-100% M- 100%

Safe working culture prevails. Every one is responsible . There is Mutual trust and interdependence. Free flow of information

Invest in training and awareness. Create atmosphere of innovation. Reward and recognition of good work. Sustain the gain achieved so far.

4 Proactive Management Led

W- 30% M-70%

Systems become more predictive. Continual improvement in OHS is visible. Lagging and leading indicators are reported and show positive results

Facilitate developing a safe work culture in the organization. Introduce BBS training. Improve communication

3 Focussed System led

W- 20% M-50%

Frequency and severity rates decline. Responsibility matrix clear and specific. Event analysis are made as a routine and accountability is there.

Set challenging OHS targets and realization plans . Monitor OHS parameters periodically. Introduce Regular audit and safety inspection. Review OHS performance periodically.

2 Compliant Regulation led

W -10% M -25%

Incident rates are still high. Most of the suggestions and ideas remain on paper. Lack of resources. Resistance to change. Old habits persists.

Introduce OHS management system. Commit resources and articulate management vision. Communicate OHS related matters to the stake holders.

1 Transactional Regulation led

W-5% M-10%

High incident rate. Censured and penalized by regulatory bodies. Lack of awareness at all levels and rampant blame game. Poor documentation. People are unaware of hazards they are exposed to. Production gets priority over safety.

Introduce OHS Policy, legal registers and other basic documentation. Organization structure and responsibilities Employee Training and awareness. Introduce HIRA and implement controls. Incident recording, investigation and corrective actions.

Safety Governance Maturity Grid

M. level Description Involvement Symptoms Actions

1 Transactional Regulation led

W-5% M -10%

High incident rate. Penalized by regulatory bodies is a matter of fact. Lack of awareness at all levels and rampant blame game. Poor documentation. People are unaware of hazards they are exposed to. Production gets priority over safety.

Introduce OHS Policy, and other basic documentations Overhaul the Orgn. structure and responsibility matrix. Initiate employee Training. Introduce HIRA and implement controls. Ensure Incident recording, investigation and corrective actions.

Safety Governance Maturity Grid

What is happening?

M. level Description Involvement Symptoms Actions

2 Compliant Regulation led

W -10% M -25%

Incident rates are still high. Most of the suggestions and ideas remain on paper. Lack of resources. Resistance to change. Old habits persists.

Introduce OHS management system. Commit resources and articulate management vision. Organize intense Communication of OHS related matters to the stake holders.

Safety Governance Maturity Grid

We have problems here but

don't know why.

M. level Description Involvement Symptoms Actions

3 Focussed System led

W- 20% M-50%

Frequency and severity rates decline. Responsibility matrix clear and specific. Event analysis are made as a routine and accountability is there.

Set challenging OHS targets and realization plans . Monitor OHS parameters periodically. Introduce Regular audit and safety inspection. Review OHS performance periodically.

Safety Governance Maturity Grid

Problems are there but we

know the reasons.

M. level Description Involvement Symptoms Actions

4 Proactive Management Led

W- 30% M-70%

Systems become more predictive. Continual improvement in OHS is visible. Lagging and leading indicators are reported and show positive results

Facilitate developing a safe work culture in the organization. Introduce BBS training. Improve communication

Safety Governance Maturity Grid

Things are within our control and

we know why.

M. level Description Involvement Symptoms Actions

5 Integrated People led

W-100% M- 100%

Safe working culture prevails. Every one is responsible . There is Mutual trust and interdependence. Free flow of information

Invest in training and awareness. Create atmosphere of innovation. Introduce positive reinforcements to the environment of safe work culture to sustain the gain achieved so far.

Safety Governance Maturity Grid

Safe working is a matter of habit here.

Exceptions are extremely


The Safety Culture of an organisation is the product of the individual and group values , attitudes, perceptions, competencies and patterns of behaviour that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organisation’s health and safety management.

Safety Culture




Behaviours Habits customs

Collective mindset Attitudes Perceptions Expectations Values Beliefs

Safety Culture


Safety Culture

Situational aspects ‘What the organisation


Behavioural aspects

‘What people do’

Psychological aspects ‘How people feel’

Policies, procedures, regulation,

organisational structures, and the

management systems

Can be described as the ‘Safety Climate’ of the organisation, which is

concerned with individual and group values, attitudes and



• Visible Management Commitment

• Open and clear Safety Communication

• Prioritise Safety over Production

• Make it a Learning Organisation

• Focus on anticipating and pre-empting

problems rather than reacting to it

• Ensure cent per cent employee participation in Safety

• Ensure adequate resources for Health and

Safety improvement programmes

Factors contributing towards good safety culture


• Discourage Risk-Taking Behaviours for shot term gains

• Reward competence to work safely over getting it done at any cost

• Ensure Good Contractor Safety Management

• Establish trust between management and frontline


Factors contributing towards good safety culture


Inspiring Excellence

What Consultivo does?

Consultivo is an international advisory firm involved in the field of Responsible Business, Business Excellence and Risk Management.

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Consultivo researches are carried out by the industry veterans and it is backed up by subject matter experts (SME) and academic prudence.


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