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VVoolluummee 1188,, NNuummbbeerr 33 AAPPRRIILL——MMAAYY 22001111PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................44Readers comment on such diverse subjects as the Laetrileconspiracy, porphyria diagnosis, recognition for BruceCathie and his World Grid research, cultivation of hempfoods in Australia, prophetic dreams, and more.

GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................66We report on the Swiss vote for complementary medicine,surprises with the placebo effect, new evidence inweapons inspector Dr David Kelly's death, archaeologicalsites found via Google Earth, the WikiLeaks-exposednuclear safety cover-up in Japan, and more.

AAMMEERRIICCAA''SS EEMMEERRGGIINNGG SSPPAACCEE WWEEAAPPOONNSS——PPaarrtt 11..................1111By John Lasker. US military contractors in league with"Space Hawks" and the Pentagon are using missiledefence as a smokescreen for their space weapons plans,while avoiding signing international treaties that wouldkeep space for peaceful purposes.

GGMM PPRROODDUUCCTTSS:: AANN IINNDDUUSSTTRRYY BBUUIILLTT OONN MMYYTTHHSS......1199By Friends of the Earth International. Biotechnologycorporations, backed by many governments, continue topress for the widespread introduction of geneticallymodified agriculture despite growing dissent worldwide.

FFOOOOLLIINNGG OOUURRSSEELLVVEESS OONN VVAACCCCIINNEESS....................................................2299By Greg Beattie. The death rates for major illnesses suchas measles, diphtheria and whooping cough were insignificant decline long before vaccines aimed atpreventing these diseases were even introduced.

BBLLOOOODD--BBRRAAIINN BBAARRRRIIEERR AANNDD CCHHRROONNIICC IILLLLNNEESSSS............3355By Dr Steven Rochlitz. The blood-brain barrier becomespermeable as a result of stress, toxins, heat, EMF,nutritional deficiencies and heart defects, causing manyillnesses. One hidden heart defect occurs in one in threepeople and is known to be a leading cause of stroke.

MMAATTTTEERR IINNCCRREEAASSEE WWIITTHHIINN TTHHEE EEAARRTTHH........................................4433By John B. Eichler. This plausible argument suggests that,based on known physical phenomena, solar particles mayaccount for Earth expansion. It resolves questions on thesource of new matter and how it penetrates the Earth,lending support to Expansion Tectonics theory.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS......................................................................................................................................5511This edition, new-energy blogger Brian Westenhausexplains Professor Claus W. Turtur's proposal for a zero-point energy converter capable of harvesting energythrough the rotation of a permanent magnet.

WWHHOO WWRROOTTEE TTHHEE ""RREEPPTTIILLIIAANN AAGGEENNDDAA""??..................................5555By John Lash. The Nag Hammadi Codices and theMesopotamian cuneiform tablets both tell of alienintervention with humanity, but the stories in the tabletsmay have been hoaxed to give divine mandate to tyrants.

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE............................................................................................................6611We feature an extract from the forthcoming new editionof CoEvolution by Alec Newald, the New Zealander whoclaims to have been abducted in 1989 by benevolent aliensand taken on a tour of their home planet.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................6699"The Archetypal Cosmos" by Keiron Le Grice"Afterlife" by Barry Eaton"Randi's Prize" by Robert McLuhan"Life and Death on Mars" by John Brandenburg, PhD"Atlantis and the Cycles of Time" by Joscelyn Godwin"Time of the Quickening" by Susan B. Martinez, PhD"Psychedelic Healing" by Neal M. Goldsmith, PhD"The Art of Soaring" by Vladimir Dolokhov and Vadim Gurangov"Autism: Beyond Despair – CEASE Therapy" by Tinus Smits, MD"My Experiences of Aliens..." by Dr J. S. Chiappalone"LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy" by Joseph P. Farrell"Final Warning...the New World Order" by David Allen Rivera"Underground" by Suelette Dreyfus and Julian Assange"Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" by Antony C. Sutton

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7766"Ancient Technology in Nazca & Central Peru" with D. H. Childress"The Afterlife Investigations" by Tim Coleman, Survival Project"What in the World are they Spraying?" by G. Edward Griffin et al.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7777"Desert Phase" by Kaya Project"Out of the Blue" and "Into the Amazon" by Emily Burridge"Bhakti Bazaar" by Jai Uttal"Path of Compassion" by Karunesh


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It seems that 2011 is showing no signs of becoming "just an ordinary" year. It'shard to believe that so much is suddenly changing so quickly: extraordinary

flooding and destruction in Australia, South America and South Africa; suddenuprisings and revolutions in the Middle East; catastrophic earthquakes in NewZealand and then in Japan, along with a deadly tsunami and now a nuclearradiation crisis; and today the West started launching cruise missiles upontargets in Libya. If all this weren't enough, the financial crisis is deepening, solaractivity is unexpectedly increasing, and growing numbers of people are reportingvivid dreams of cataclysmic Earth changes.

I guess it is natural in times of great crisis to look for someone or somethingto blame. I see that many people are blaming HAARP and/or chemtrails forthe New Zealand and Japanese earthquakes, and many have sent me emailsshowing pretty graphs as "evidence" that the evil New World Order is trying tokill off mankind. I am well aware that technology does exist to generateearthquakes and to manipulate weather patterns, but none of that "evidence"being circulated actually stands up to investigation.

Nevertheless, the agenda to bring the entire planet into a more united andcoherent single entity continues. But at what cost? The superpowers appearto be racing each other to control the new "high ground", i.e., space, and allparties seem to be trying to avoid treaties and accountability. Our article thisissue (to be continued in the next edition) examines what is going on andwhat the implications are for us mere mortals.

This issue features selected extracts from a very comprehensive recentreport into genetic modification (GM). By the time you get to the end of thearticle, you'll see not only that GM is a total failure but that it is a Trojan Horsefor corporate monopolisation and control of the global food supply. Someresearchers are now openly speculating that the disappearing bees problemhas been deliberately caused by corporations so that food independence (vianatural pollination sources) is impossible.

Still on the health front, our article about the delusion of vaccine successprovides graphic evidence (love that pun) showing how major diseases werejust about gone before immunisation was introduced. Not only is there zeroevidence that vaccines have conferred any immunity against anything, now wecan see that all the credit given to vaccines for saving mankind is total rubbish.

The concept that mankind was "infected" millennia ago by a type of mental-psychic-astral parasite that feeds off our fear and hate is being revisited here. Iwas astonished to learn that the famous Nag Hammadi texts go intoconsiderable detail about this problem as well as other aspects such as theevolution of humanity and the failure of the "alien interbreeding program".These texts even describe the existence of reptilian humanoids, who are stillthe topic of great debate amongst UFO researchers and conspiracy thinkers.

This concept is also featured in the book CoEvolution. In fact, author AlecNewald has recently released information that he had previously withheldfrom his book out of concern for his safety in going public with his abductionexperiences. We include some of this information in this edition.

Because of the popularity and overwhelming success of the last few NEXUSConferences, I'm pleased to announce that we're going to have another one.The 2011 Conference is to be held on 23–24–25 July on the Sunshine Coast ofQueensland, Australia. Make your bookings soon!




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CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTOORRSS TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEEJohn Lasker; Friends of the Earth Int'l; Greg Beattie; Steven Rochlitz, PhD; John B. Eichler; Brian Westenhaus;

John Lash; Alec Newald


CCOOVVEERR GGRRAAPPHHIICCJeff Edis, [email protected]

PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


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SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyonecaught making a buck out of it, without our expresspermission, will be in trouble when we catch them!

WWAARRRRAANNTTYY AANNDD IINNDDEEMMNNIITTYYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of theforegoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles,unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulationsand that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable ofbeing misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that theyare not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profes-sional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2011

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LLaaeettrriillee CCoovveerr--uuppDear Editor: With much

interest I have read Dr S.d'Montford's article aboutLaetrile (NEXUS 18/02). Ican confirm her father’sexperiences.

Back in the 1970s, I metDr Krebs, Jr, who told methat during the Laetrilebattle someone twice triedto assassinate him and thatwhen he complained to thepolice the answer was,“Someone seems to betrying to make somethingclear to you”.

After having learnedabout Laetrile while inCalifornia, I tried it in myown cancer practice to seewhat it did. Straight away,two men were posted oneday in front of my practiceand observed it during thewhole morning. Then, earlyin the afternoon, they camein: a health inspector and aplain-clothes detective.The row went on up to theInspector General ofHealth, who officiallyforbade me from using thissubstance, but at last I wonthe battle.

Anyhow, when things likethat happen it is nearly aguarantee that there issomething good in Laetrile,which indeed there is.

I wish to point out oneerror in her article. It wasnot Dr Krebs’s idea that thecancer cell and thetrophoblast are identical. Itwas that of the EdinburghProfessor in Zoology DrJohn Beard, who in 1911published his book TheEnzyme Treatment of Cancer.

Thank you very much foranother marvellous article!

Dr Hans Moolenburgh,The Netherlands

PPoorrpphhyyrriiaa RReevveellaattiioonnssDear Duncan: I read a few

days ago the article"Porphyria: A Cause ofChronic Illnesses" by DrSteven Rochlitz (see 18/01),which I purchased fromNEXUS.

After reading this article, Icouldn't have been moreexcited than if I had wonthe lottery jackpot.

I have suffered since theage of ten (and probablybefore) from numeroushealth problems: fatigue,insomnia, food andchemical sensitivities,reactive hypoglycaemia andhormonal issues. This hasbeen diagnosed for the pastfew years as chronic fatiguesyndrome, for which,however, there is no cureaccording to conventionalmedicine.

When I also became reallysensitive to EMF, I startedGoogling for answers to thisproblem; and since sometypes of Porphyria lead toSun sensitivity, I startedwondering whether theremight be a link between thetwo.

This led me to DrRochlitz's article, whichexplained my healthproblems exactly—much tomy great excitement. I havestarted treatment forPorphyria based on someinfo that I could find in thearticle and elsewhere, andso far it seems reallypromising.

I thought I would let youknow, and also say that Ihope you'll be publishingmore of Dr Rochlitz's work.

Kind regards, K., South Africa[Dear K.: I'm heartened toknow that the Porphyria article

resonated with you. See DrRochlitz's book (reviewed in18/02) and his latest article inthis edition. Ed.]

PPrraaiissee ffoorr BBrruuccee CCaatthhiieeDear Duncan and

Catherine: I've beenreading NEXUS for as longas I can remember, evenbefore I first met you bothat the trade show inAuckland over 20 years ago.I have fond memories ofyour appearance as a gueston my radio program, ProjectEnigma, back then.

The latest issue of NEXUS(February–March 2011,18/02) contains afascinating article byCaptain Bruce L. Cathie(Ret.) and Rod Maupin on"Mapping the World Grid".

It is about time that BruceCathie be elevated to thelevel of recognition hedeserves in the area of thisresearch, even if only forthe incredible fact that herevealed, some 25 years agoin his book Harmonic 33, thetrue method of detonationof atomic devices inrelation to time(s) andharmonic positions on theEarth's surface.

If more people around theworld were made aware ofthis fact alone, wouldn't itopen some eyes to the liesfed to us by administrationswith "atomic knowledge"since the 1940s?

I have had a privilegedassociation with BruceCathie and his wife Wendyfor many years now, and Iconsider them closefriends. During the time Ihave been associated withBruce (he was a regularguest on my radio programfor more than 15 years), it

has never ceased to amazeme how dedicated andsincere the man has been ina sphere of research thatbrings little or no publicrecognition.

Keep up your sterlingwork, guys. We are all muchbetter off for having youand NEXUS around.

Sincere wishes,Mike Ryder (and Jill), New


HHeemmpp FFooooddss iinn AAuussttrraalliiaaHi Duncan: On 8 March I

received a phone call fromFood Standards AustraliaNew Zealand (FSANZ),giving an update on theprogress of applications tohave hemp foodsnormalised [see article inNEXUS 17/06].

You may be aware that asimilar application in 2002passed the FSANZexamination but wasrejected by a MinisterialCouncil directed by JohnHoward and Tony Abbott.The objection was that it“sent the wrong message”to the youth of Australia,evidently following inputfrom elements in lawenforcement.

The expected completiondate for the current FSANZexamination andsubmission to theMinisterial Council was July– August. However, FSANZhas now been informed bythe Ministerial Council thatit wished to discuss thisapplication at its face-to-face meeting to be held inDecember.

FSANZ told me that thisis a very unusual request.The scientists at FSANZwere not pleased by theaction of the politicians in

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2002, and they wish thiscurrent application tosucceed without unduedelay. They are prepared todispute with the politiciansif there is to be a repeat ofthe 2002 decision.

Public comment will becalled from 15 March to theend of April 2011. Already,many people haveregistered themselves asinterested parties and theywill receive an invitation tomake a submission.

The best way for peopleto respond is by providing asubmission to FSANZ oncethe assessment report isreleased for publiccomment. There is somegood information on theFSANZ website on how tomake a submission; go tohttp://tinyurl.com/4gwqcc6.

Your submission willprovide ammunition whichFSANZ can use to supportthe application by requiringthe Ministerial Council toconsider the application onvalid scientific grounds.

Some points you couldinclude:

• Australia is the onlycountry in the world not torecognise hemp as a foodfor human consumption;

• New Zealand alreadyallows hemp oil as a foodfor human consumption;

• After flax seed oil, hempseed oil is the richest plantsource of omega 3;

• Hemp is grown withminimal to no chemicalinputs and is an ideal plantfor organic cultivation;

• Hemp is the only foodplant that can be grownwith a negative carbonfootprint. Grown on a largescale for its seed, hempcould have a positive

impact on world hunger;• Hemp foods would

introduce a whole newindustry in Australia, with agreat potential to improvepublic health and promoteemployment.

Sending a copy to thePrime Minister and theHealth Ministers wouldhelp reinforce the message.

Dr Andrew Katelaris,http://www.sativaseed.info

PPrroopphheettiicc DDrreeaammssDear Editor: In the past,

both my wife and I have haddreams that later on havebecome reality. We havebeen married for nearly 30years, and over this time wehave learnt to discuss andanalyse these dreams assometimes they are astraight forecast of what isto come.

Last Sunday (13 March) Iawoke after a particularlyvivid dream, but decided atthe time not to mention itto my wife until later in theday. At midday we sat downfor a drink, and I was justgoing to tell my wife aboutmy dream when she said, "Ihad a very strange dreamlast night".

She told me that in herdream Prince William andKate Middleton were killed:whether by accident or bydesign, she did not know;she just rememberedhearing it on the radio. Shesaid that it was so vivid thatshe half expected to see iton the headlines. Afterwe'd discussed it for sometime, I told her about mydream.

My dream was that NewZealand will be destroyedby an earthquake, much likeAtlantis. I remember

reading an article a fewyears ago which proclaimedthat New Zealand wouldbecome the spiritual centreof the world in 2012, and Ihope that it does notachieve this status throughdestruction.

Like my wife's dream,many of the details of minewere missing; but I do knowthat it was not quick: ittook about a week tosubmerge finally, so a lot ofpeople survived.

We discussed thesedreams and both came tothe same conclusion: theseevents will happen in 2012.

Although I would love tohave proof that people canforesee or receive warningsabout future events, when Ithink about theconsequences I wouldprefer that they both werejust dreams. However,fantastic as they seem, theyboth have the potential tobecome fact.

Robin A., UK[Thanks, Robin: In the case ofNew Zealand, the common factorrunning through predictions,visions, dreams and prophecies isthat New Zealand will bedestroyed via earthquakes, that itwill sink beneath the ocean andthen later resurface, but this timeas part of a much, much largernew continent. Some prophecies go further toannounce that such lands thatarise from the sea will be free ofnegativity and "bad karma", andthus those living thereon willbecome the new race of our futurewho live in harmony with eachother and the Earth, etc. In Australia, the common"thread" I've observed in suchdreams and predictions is one ofa huge tsunami hitting the eastcoast of Australia. Ed.]

SSoollaarr FFllaarree PPrreeppaarraattiioonnWell, Duncan: Looks like

it is all starting to happen,i.e., your editorial in theDecember–January issue ofthe magazine (18/01) reearthquakes, etc. Where dowe go from here, I wonder?

I was recently on a cruisein South East Asia, and justout of Singapore the shipalmost had to come to astop because of a Sun flarethat caused the ship'sinstruments to malfunction.I think that this is going tohappen a lot in the future,and our electronic world isgoing to come crashingdown (perhaps a goodthing!).

We need to be prepared.We need to get back to thegrassroots of things.

Jennifer B., NSW,Australia

TThhee SSppiirriitt ooff tthhee TTiimmeessDear Duncan: My

supervisor just introducedme to your magazine, and Ithink it's great. He told meabout your publicationbecause I introduced him tothe Zeitgeist film series.

I was pleased when I sawthat the goal of themagazine "is the day whenall people of all races andcolours can live together intotal trust and respect, on aplanet that is clean,abundant and healthy".

I wouldn't be surprised ifyou've heard about TheZeitgeist Movement,because the goal isidentical and thetechniques of exposing thetruth seem to be so similar.

Eric R., USA[Dear Eric: Thanks; we have.See letter in NEXUS 17/06about The Zeitgeist Movement.]

... more Letters to the Editor

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According to theW a s h i n g t o n - b a s e d

Project on EmergingNanotechnologies (PEN),over 1,300 manufacturer-identified, nanotechnology-enabled products haveentered the commercialmarketplace around theworld.

The most recent update tothe group's five-year-oldinventory reflects thecontinuing use of the tinyparticles in everything fromconventional products likenon-stick cookware to moreunique items such as self-cleaning window treatments.

Health and fitness items continueto dominate the PEN inventory,representing 56 per cent of productslisted. More products are based onnanoscale silver—used for itsantimicrobial properties—than anyother nanomaterial. (Source: ScienceDaily.com, 13 March 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4pkg2pg)


Unacceptable death rates oflaboratory animals have forced

AgResearch to end its cloning trialsin New Zealand.

Reports into trials conducted atthe Ruakura centre detail chronicarthritis, pneumonia, lameness andblood poisoning among the causesof cattle, sheep and goat deaths.

The reports, made available underthe Official Information Act, refer totrials including those carried out ongenetically engineered animalsbeing developed to produce a kindof supermilk as well as on animalsbeing cloned.

Other trials where deathsoccurred included thosethat were looking forresistance to eczema insheep, those exploringfeeding motivation inpregnant sheep and thosecollecting tissue fromgenetically modifiedembryos.

The general manager ofapplied biotechnologiesJimmy Suttie said that after13 years of studying how toprevent abnormalitiesforming in cloned animals,AgResearch had ended itscloning research.

Only about 10 per cent ofcloned animals survived

through the trials, with the mainproblems being spontaneousabortions and hydrops—where acow's uterus filled up with fluid,leading to the mother having to beeuthanised as well.(Source: Dominion Post, New Zealand, 2February 2011, http://tinyurl.com/6e97uu4)


In Switzerland, popular pressurehas decreed that state-backed

health insurance must pay for fivetypes of "complementary medicine"between now and 2017, pending aninvestigation into their efficacy.

In 2009, 67 per cent of the Swisselectorate voted, under the country'ssystem of deciding issues byreferendum, for five complementarytherapies to be covered by healthinsurance. They are homoeopathy,herbal and traditional Chinesetreatments, neural therapy andanthroposophic medicine.

In 2017, an evaluation based on areport on existing studies of thetechniques will be prepared bySwiss complementary practitionersand then reviewed by anindependent body.(Source: New Scientist, 26 January 2011,http://tinyurl.com/62zy3a8)

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Afghanistan is the world's largestproducer of opium, the raw

material harvested from poppies tomake heroin as well as alkaloidslike codeine and morphine.

According to two cables releasedthis month by WikiLeaks,Afghanistan's supply of opiumexceeds the world's demand forheroin, with its unsold stockcurrently totalling 12,400 tons.

Taliban-linked drug cartelsemerging along the southern borderof the country, where 99 per cent ofproduction takes place, influencethe majority of poppy cultivation bycoercing farmers into growing thecrops for a strong and well-suppliedinsurgency.

The drug trade in the south of thecountry is compounded by AfghanPresident Hamid Karzai's treatmentof traffickers, including grantingearly releases to well-connectedsuspects. Karzai also pardoned fiveborder police officers, who werecaught with 124 kilograms of heroinand sentenced to serve 16 to 18years in prison each, "on thegrounds that they were distantlyrelated to two individuals who hadbeen martyred during the civil war".(Source: Truthout, 6 January 2011,http://tinyurl.com/33zyluj)



Patients can benefit from beingtreated with sham drugs even if

they are told they contain no activeingredient, scientists have found.The finding suggests that theplacebo effect could work withoutthe need for any deception on thepart of the doctor, as had beenpreviously thought.

When a patient undergoes a shamtreatment for a disorder, such astaking a sugar pill, but stillexperiences a measurableimprovement in their condition, thisis known as the "placebo effect". It

was widely thought, however, thatthe effect only works if the patientbelieves that the treatment they arereceiving contains an activeingredient.

To investigate the limits ofplacebo, Professor Ted Kaptchuk ofHarvard Medical School's OsherResearch Center divided 80 patientssuffering from irritable bowelsyndrome (IBS) into two groups:one received no treatment, and theother was given dummy pills to taketwice a day. The second group wastold by the doctors that they wouldbe taking "placebo pills made of aninert substance, like sugar pills, thathave been shown in clinical studiesto produce significant improvementin IBS-symptoms through mind-body self-healing processes".

"Not only did we make itabsolutely clear that these pills hadno active ingredient and were madefrom inert substances, but weactually had 'placebo' printed on thebottle," said Kaptchuk. "We told thepatients that they didn't have toeven believe in the placebo effect.Just take the pills."

The results, published in thescientific journal PLoS ONE, showedthat the placebo pills were moreeffective at relieving symptomscompared with doing nothing at all.

"I didn't think it would work," sayssenior author Anthony Lembo of theBeth Israel Deaconess MedicalCenter and an expert on IBS. "I feltawkward asking patients to literallytake a placebo. But to my surprise,it seemed to work for many of them."(Source: The Guardian, 22 December 2010,http://tinyurl.com/22vjud6)


Prescriptions of placebos arebooming in Germany and

Switzerland, reveals a reportreleased last week by the GermanMedical Association (GMA).

For example, 53 per cent of thedoctors from the Medical Universityof Hannover said they wouldprescribe placebos such as vitaminpills and homoeopathic remedies.Half the doctors in a national Swisssurvey agreed.

Their use of such treatmentscontrasts with the UK, wherehomoeopathic treatments havebeen rejected by scientists.However, "physicians should bemade aware of the value of theplacebo effect in the daily treatmentof patients", said Christoph Fuchs,chief executive of the GMA. (Source: NewScientist, 13 March 2011,http://tinyurl.com/68cfbvp)


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In the UK, a group of doctors ispetitioning the Attorney General,

Dominic Grieve, for the reopening ofinquiries into the death ofgovernment weapons inspector DrDavid Kelly.

The doctors have supplied freshevidence that no fingerprints wererecovered from the knife which DrKelly allegedly used to slit his wristand a pack of pills which heapparently took, nor from a mobilephone, watch and water bottlefound near his body in 2003 inwoods close to his Oxfordshirehome.

Dr Kelly was found dead after itwas revealed that he had providedthe information for a BBC Newsstory casting doubt on thegovernment's claim that Iraq hadweapons of mass destructioncapable of being fired within 45minutes.

The Hutton Inquiry found in 2004that he had killed himself; however,the lack of fingerprint evidence wasnot considered by the inquiry,according to the campaigners.(Source: BBC, 2 March 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4b2xs2t)


David Kennedy, from theUniversity of Western Australia,

scanned 1,240 square kilometres ofSaudi Arabia using Google Earth.From this bird's-eye view, he found1,977 potential archaeological sites,including 1,082 ancient tear-drop-shaped tombs made of stone.

Kennedy confirmed that the sitesare vestiges of ancient life, ratherthan vegetation or shadow, byasking a friend in Saudi Arabia, whois not an archaeologist, to drive outto two of the sites and photographthem.

Since Google Earth was launchedfive years ago, the field of "armchairarchaeology" has blossomed. Andit's been harder for archaeologists toget out of the office since SpotImage started providing GoogleEarth with 2.5-metre-resolutionimagery taken from the SPOT-5satellite.

In 2008, researchers fromMelbourne, Australia, found 463potential sites in the RegistanDesert in Afghanistan using thedesktop computer program.(Source: New Scientist, 4 February 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4tkbtzp)


Arevolutionary nanosatellitecould become the rising star of

Russia's space program, developedin conjunction with Britishscientists to test the physics behinda potentially life-saving scheme.

The joint effort, involving Russia'sInstitute of Physics of the Earth andLondon's Mullard Space ScienceLaboratory, is aimed at developing aworkable system to detect theelectromagnetic impulses whichprecede volcanic eruptions andearthquakes—and help timelyevacuations.

With the key nanosatellitecomponent measuring 10 x 10 x 20centimetres and weighing just 2.0kilograms, the cost of the missioncomes down sharply. TheRussian–British joint project teambelieves it can get a nanosatelliteinto orbit for around $5 million, farless than the US$100 million price-tags of old.

Meanwhile, nanosatellites andmicrosatellites could, in their turn,revolutionise future space travel.(Source: TheMoscowNews.com, 18 February2011, http://tinyurl.com/4p4vj8h)


AUS embassy cable obtained bythe WikiLeaks website and seen

by the Daily Telegraph quotes anunnamed expert who expressedconcern in December 2008 aboutguidance on how to protect nuclearpower stations from earthquakes.

The document states: "He [theIAEA official] explained that safetyguides for seismic safety have onlybeen revised three times in the last35 years and that the IAEA is nowre-examining them.

"Also, the presenter noted recentearthquakes in some cases haveexceeded the design basis for somenuclear plants, and that this is aserious problem that is now drivingseismic safety work."

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...... GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS ......The cables also disclose how the

Japanese government opposed acourt order to shut down anothernuclear power plant in western Japanbecause of concerns it could notwithstand powerful earthquakes.

The court ruled that there was apossibility that local people mightbe exposed to radiation if there werean accident at the plant, which wasbuilt to out-of-date specificationsand only to withstand a "6.5magnitude" earthquake.

Another cable to Washingtonreported local concerns that new-generation Japanese power stationsthat recycle nuclear fuel werejeopardising safety.

The cables also disclose how TaroKono, a high-profile member ofJapan's lower house, told USdiplomats in October 2008 that thegovernment was "covering up"nuclear accidents.(Source: The Telegraph, UK, 15 March 2011,http://tinyurl.com/63pe99a)


Moscow is concerned that theturmoil in the Arab world,

aggravated by western interference,may destabilise Russia's restiveNorth Caucasus and former SovietCentral Asia.

"The Arab revolt may have begunas spontaneous protests, but theWest has now moved to take theend-game under its control," saysKonstantin Kosachyov, chairman ofthe Foreign Affairs Committee of theState Duma.

Analysts say the US is using thesame techniques in the Arab Eastthat it earlier used in staging "colourrevolutions" in the former SovietUnion, in Georgia, Ukraine andKyrgyzstan. They noted the role ofCIA-linked foundations insupporting and training civil activistsand Twitter and Facebook organisersof the protests in Egypt and Tunisia.(Source: The Hindu , 11 March 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4mzygvg)


The world's four main emerging economic powers, known by the acronymBRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) now refer to themselves as BRICS,

after the inclusion of South Africa on 24 December 2010. This is adevelopment of geopolitical significance and it has doubtless intensifiedfrustrations in Washington, which has been concerned about the growingeconomic and political strength of the BRIC countries for several years.

The US is still the dominating global hegemon, but a swiftly changingworld situation is taking place as Washington's economic and politicalinfluence is declining, even as it remains the unmatched militarysuperpower. America suffers from low growth, extreme indebtedness,imperial overreach and virtual political paralysis at home while spending atrillion dollars a year on wars of choice, maintaining the Pentagon militarymachine, and on various other "national security" projects.

The BRICS countries, by their very existence, their rapid economic growthand their degree of independence from Washington, are contributing to thetransformation of today's unipolar world order—still led exclusively by theUnited States—into a multipolar system where several countries and blocswill share global leadership.

BRIC as an organisation had a most unusual birthing. The event tookplace in 2001 when an economist with the investment power-houseGoldman Sachs created the BRIC acronym and identified the four countriestogether as a lucrative investment opportunity for the company's clientsbased on the enormity of their combined gross domestic product.

At the initiative of Russia's then president Vladimir Putin in 2006, BRICbegan what became regular meetings at the ministerial level that evolved acouple of years later into what is in effect a political organisation. There aresome differences and rivalries within its ranks that have been kept withinbounds, such as between China and India (which is also close to the US)and to a lesser extent between Russia and China. All five BRICS states—three of whom possess nuclear arsenals—maintain essentially cordialrelations with the US and try to avoid antagonising the world superpower.

The time of decision about the architecture of future world leadershipdraws nearer. At some point in 10 or 20 years, a reluctant Washington mayhave to settle for a prominent position in a multipolar world construct.

But of course, there remains another possibility.Given the volatile global situation—peak oil, climate change, continued

US imperial wars, grave poverty that will increase as world population growsfrom 6.8 billion today to over 9.0 billion in 2050, and many emergingcountries seeking a rightful share of world leadership—the Unites Statesmay resort in time to global military aggression to sustain its dominantstatus, possibly even World War III. Considering the US political system'sdecades-long move towards the right, the enormity of the Pentagon'sarsenal, the militarism in our society and the ability of Washington and thecorporate mass media to collaborate in "selling" wars to a misinformedpublic, this cannot be ruled out.

It is impossible to predict how all this will turn out. What is known is thatthe American people still have the power to make their own history. This isnot so much a question of voting (for whom, in this case?) but of takingaction to galvanise the masses of people to oppose the political structure'spenchant for wars and global domination.(Source: by Jack A. Smith, Global Research, Canada, 16 January 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4c86j5m)

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bbyy JJoohhnn LLaasskkeerr ©© 22001100––22001111

Email: [email protected]

Based on chapter three of his 2010 book Technoir

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TThhee GGrreeaatteesstt TTrroojjaann HHoorrssee——EEvveerr??

For a year, Bruce Gagnon had the same nagging feeling: that someone was,or some people were, on the edges of his life, trying hard to look in. Werethey parked around the block in their black Ford SUV with tinted windows?Or like a cyberspace shadow, could they be following every move he made

on the Internet? He just knew it: something wasn't quite right. Or was he justbeing paranoid? Was his status as the director of one of the world's fastest-growing arms-control movements getting the best of him?

Then Gagnon received an unexpected phone call. It was a lawyer fromFlorida's American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU lawyer right awaytold him: "You and your family are being spied on by NASA, the Air Force andthe Brevard County Sheriff's Department"—basically, a bunch of good ol' boysfrom near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida where Gagnon had oftenprotested. He would soon find out that this posse of spies had conductedbackground checks on him and his son. The spies were also monitoring thearms-control website that he runs, and attending Kennedy Space Centerprotests incognito—protests that he'd coordinated.

Gagnon's instincts, once again, had warned him correctly: a lot of peopleout there don't think too highly of him or what he does. The fifty-somethingGagnon directs the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power inSpace from his office in Maine. The Global Network's aim is to stop all andany weapons, along with any nuclear-powered technology, from ever beingdeployed past Earth's atmosphere and into space. He established the GlobalNetwork in 1992, and today it is considered one of the fastest-growing peaceactivist groups across the globe, with chapters in 170 countries. BruceGagnon's résumé also includes guest lectures at scores of high-profileuniversities, and his writings have been published in prominent newspapersand magazines. He's also a hero of sorts in parts of Europe and Japan.

"We're a small organisation with meagre resources," said Gagnon from hisMaine office during an interview for my book Technoir.1 "They feel threatenedby us? That tells us something."

The ACLU filed a number of Freedom of Information requests seekingrecords that may reveal the entire scope of the government's probe.

"NASA states, in these documents, that they [also] have 'confidentialsources' in Britain and Belgium monitoring Global Network activities," saidFlorida ACLU attorney Kevin Aplin to this reporter.2

Why would the Pentagon, home to the world's greatest and smartestwarriors, be so interested in a small, bare-to-the-bones, peace activist group?

"Space weapons," said Gagnon, a veteran of the US Air Force. Space is militarised with spy satellites, but space is not weaponised with,

for example, "battlesats" or killer satellites loaded with lasers or missiles.Putting weapons into space, or creating weapons that can destroy targets inspace, is the arms race for the 21st century, say experts. It's an arms race that



IInn tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess,,mmiissssiillee ddeeffeennccee

ccoonnttrraaccttoorrss iinn lleeaagguueewwiitthh ""SSppaaccee HHaawwkkss""aanndd tthhee PPeennttaaggoonn aarree hheellll--bbeenntt oonnrreesseeaarrcchhiinngg aanndd

tteessttiinngg ssppaaccee--bbaasseeddwweeaappoonnss aanndd aavvooiiddiinnggssiiggnniinngg iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaallttrreeaattiieess tthhaatt wwoouulldd

kkeeeepp ssppaaccee ffoorrppeeaacceeffuull ppuurrppoosseess..

PPaarrtt 11 ooff 22

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was re-ignited by the Bush administration, China and, toa lesser degree, Russia. It's an arms race that has the USaerospace industry drooling for more. Buildingconstellations of battlesats, for example, could meanhundreds of billions of dollars for the industry.

It is believed that there are no weapons in space at themoment, but there are weapons on the ground that havethe proven capability of taking out targets in space—weapons that have already made aerospace giants suchas Lockheed Martin and Boeing, and their executives,very, very rich.

EEuurrooppeeaann MMiissssiillee DDeeffeennccee SShhiieellddIndeed, new markets and new territories are opening

up for these mega aerospace corporations. In November2010, at the NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal, USPresident Obama triumphed Europe's planned missileshield which will be armed with US missile defencesystems.

Under the Obama plan—dubbed by the Pentagon as"A 'Phased, Adaptive Approach' for Missile Defense inEurope"3 and pushed hard bySecretary of Defense RobertGates—US Navy destroyersarmed with Aegis interceptors,which can obliterate space-based targets, will be stationedby 2011 in the EasternMediterranean, Adriatic andBaltic seas, with possible futuredeployments in the North Sea.The "Phased, AdaptiveApproach" also calls for land-based interceptor batteries andradar sites, with the firstsystems to be set up by 2015 in Romania and by 2018 inPoland. Washington is also waiting to hear whetherTurkey will approve additional sites.

Furthermore, the Obama administration has said thatthe New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty—whichRepublicans have argued would limit US missiledefence—would have "no constraints on current andplanned" missile defence programs.4

Russia's role in the European missile shield is notclear, but Russian officials have said publicly thatMoscow would have authority over one of the "defencequadrants".

"And tomorrow, we look forward to working with Russiato build our cooperation with them in this area as well,recognizing that we share many of the same threats,"said President Obama in Lisbon, alluding that this is thefirst time in history that Russia and the 28 NATOmember states will be working together in defence.5

But Moscow has said that if it is not given equalresponsibility, it will back out of any cooperation.

Bruce Gagnon, director for the Global Network AgainstWeapons and Nuclear Power in Space, believes that

Moscow has good reason to be wary of NATO. "Russia isnot really on board because NATO is not serious aboutmaking them full partners, and in the coming months wewill likely see it break down between NATO and Russia,"he said. "Russia had no choice but to call the US–NATObluff and say, ‘Sure we'll play along'."

Gagnon and other peace activist organisations such asNo to NATO, which claims that NATO's early-21st-century mission is based on intervention and armament,report that Russia is feeling NATO closing in on them."Russia does view [European missile defence] as a threatbecause they clearly see NATO expanding eastward, afterbeing promised by the US after the fall of the Berlin Wallthat NATO would not expand one centimeter eastward,"said Gagnon. "US missile bases in Romania andpotential NATO bases in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia andGeorgia give Russia the clear message that they're beingtargeted with these missile defense systems despite therhetoric about it being about Iran."

For instance, NATO and the White House arechampioning the European missile defence shield

partially based on intelligenceallegations that North Koreasecretly gave Iran 19 BM-25ballistic missiles with a range of2,000 miles (3,220 kilometres).This intelligence nugget recentlywent public via WikiLeaks, but,since then, missile defenceexperts have cast doubt on thetransfer, openly wondering if theintelligence is bogus so as toadvance a European missiledefence shield.

TToowwaarrddss aa NNeeww OOuutteerr SSppaaccee TTrreeaattyyWhat is clear is that weapons in space are considered a

"global taboo" by scores of nations—probably becausemany will never have the know-how or the money tobuild such weapons to counter the US, China andRussia. For several decades now, the UN has tried tohelp broker anti-space-weapons treaties, but during the2000s the US brushed them off. In fact, the Bushadministration unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty made in 1972 with the formerSoviet Union. The treaty's intention was to limit missiledefence, such as deploying anti-ICBM (intercontinentalballistic missile) technology—battlesats—in space. Itwas a brash and cocky move—one that some critics saidflushed 36 years of other agreements on nuclear non-proliferation down the latrine. Then, in 2005, the Bushadministration voted to block a UN resolution to banactual space weapons. It was the first time that the UShad voted that way. To the rest of the world, it sure ashell looked as if the US was going to break one ofmankind's greatest taboos. The ironic thing is thatmankind probably has already broken it. Space

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PPuuttttiinngg wweeaappoonnss iinnttoossppaaccee,, oorr ccrreeaattiinngg wweeaappoonnss

tthhaatt ccaann ddeessttrrooyy ttaarrggeettss iinn ssppaaccee,, iiss tthhee aarrmmss rraaccee

ffoorr tthhee 2211sstt cceennttuurryy,, ssaayy eexxppeerrttss..

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historians are confident that, during the Cold War, theSoviet Union put weapons into orbit—or they tried, andtried hard. Desperate to counter what they believed tobe an emerging US space weapons threat, the Soviets in1987 put their Polyus "laser space battle station"—orbattlesat—into orbit. The Polyus, a cylindrical craft thatwould orbit like a satellite, was equipped with a lasercannon, another laser that could blind any approachingASAT (anti-satellite) weapons and a third cannon thatcould release nuclear space mines. It could also releasea cloud of barium as another defensive measure. Shortlyafter lift-off, however, the Polyus malfunctioned, plunginginto the South Pacific where it remains to this day. TheSoviets were also working on arming one of their spacestations with a high-powered machine-gun that could take out aircraft andfighter jets.

Think of this scenario: you're flyingin an airliner and—without warning,considering there is no space radar—high-powered bullets begin punchinghuge holes into the cabin. Suchthoughts have made peace activistsacross the world shake their heads inastonishment. Can't the human raceleave war out of space? Can't space beused for peaceful purposes only?Those are the basic beliefs (packagedhere in questions) behind theanti-space-weapons movement.

Scores of countries and millionsof people embrace the mantrathat space should be used forpeaceful purposes only. But inthe 21st century, the US military,especially the US Air Force andthe US Space Command, alongwith their partners in the USaerospace industry, have probablyreached the point of no return.They believe wholeheartedly andwithout guilt that space willinevitably be weaponised with battlesats and the like.They argue that wherever man goes, so go his weapons.

The 1967 Outer Space Treaty outlaws weapons of massdestruction to be deployed in space or on celestialbodies—but not weapons of selective destruction such asnuclear-powered battlesats, said Gagnon. The Pentagonhas taken advantage of this loophole, he said. Butcatching on to the Pentagon's space desires are Canada,China, Russia and India, which are seeking to overhaulthe treaty and establish a new language that will limitspace weapons. Yet some experts suggest that China'sand Russia's desire for a new treaty is a strategy to divertattention away from their own space combat research.Nevertheless, there are two countries opposing changesto the 1967 treaty: the US and Israel.

TThhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess:: MMaasstteerr ooff SSppaaccee??So how did the human race reach the edge of this

chasm, literally to the brink of the atmosphere? "Missile defence," said Gagnon. He called it the great rue, the big lie, perhaps the

biggest sham of all time. "The so-called missile defense system, the idea of

having a bullet-hit-a-bullet in space to protect thecontinental US or Japan, is a Trojan Horse," said Gagnonin my interview with him. "That's why Bush was notconcerned that missile defense testing did not go well.The true purpose of this arms program is to control anddominate space. And whoever controls space willcontrol the Earth."

And not just the Earth, addedGagnon. If the US were some day todominate the heavens with battlesats,it would have the ability to strikeanywhere on Earth at a moment'snotice—something that many officersin the Pentagon desire, considering itnow takes the US at least one to twodays to strike a target anywhere on theglobe. Think about it: bin Ladenmight not have got away (that's if hewasn't allowed to get away—a theorywhich even members of the USmilitary have wondered about).

But Gagnon said that US plansgo further, much further, than"Global Strike" capabilities. If theUS dominated Earth's orbits, itwould control the "Earth–Moongravity well", he noted. The USwould gain control of theseshipping lanes of the future.Shipping lanes? Yes, saidGagnon, so as to make sure thatthe US controls helium-3(covered in chapter four of mybook).

"The US has made no secret ofthe fact that it considers space to be the military highground," Gagnon stated. "If you master space, you cancontrol the world. The US is already calling itself 'Masterof Space' [the US Space Command at Peterson Air ForceBase in Colorado refers to itself as such]. Other nationswill react by considerably increasing their arsenals, andmany treaties will be broken or at risk. How long will itbe before weapons are stationed in space—to be aimedat any target, anywhere on Earth? How long before the'Star Wars' fantasy becomes a grim reality?"

Within the next 20 to 40 years, he suggested. For starters, the US military's plan to dominate Earth's

orbits are right out in the open. For instance, take thePentagon's doctrine called "Full Spectrum Dominance",Gagnon added. Officially made public in May 2000 at the

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TThhee 11996677 OOuutteerrSSppaaccee TTrreeaattyy

oouuttllaawwss wweeaappoonnss ooffmmaassss ddeessttrruuccttiioonn ttoobbee ddeeppllooyyeedd iinn ssppaacceeoorr oonn cceelleessttiiaall bbooddiieess——bbuutt nnoott wweeaappoonnss

ooff sseelleeccttiivveeddeessttrruuccttiioonn ssuucchh aassnnuucclleeaarr--ppoowweerreedd


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dawn of the Bush administration, the concept of full-spectrum dominance means that the US wishes todominate a conflict at every level: control the Earth withconventional military forces; control the seas with theNavy; control the sky with the Air Force; and now controlspace with new technologies under development today.A bit later, in the "Strategic Master Plan FY06 andBeyond", the US Air Force Space Command stated:"While our ultimate goals are truly to 'exploit' spacethrough SFE [space force enhancement] and SFA [spaceforce application] missions, as with other mediums, wecannot fully 'exploit' that medium until we first 'control'it."6

According to the Center for Defense Information (CDI),a Washington-based space weaponsthink-tank, missile defence is the mostexpensive US weapons program of alltime: US$120 billion has been spentsince 1983 when President RonaldReagan called for an anti-missileshield.

At the moment, the US MissileDefense Agency is working on 12separate programs, some of which areready to be deployed and can blow uptargets in space, e.g., the THAAD, orthe Terminal High Altitude AreaDefense (see more detail andexplanations of US spaceweapons in part two of thisfeature).

Nevertheless, the Pentagoninsists that it is not researchingspace weapons: it's researchingmissile defence. Thus there's noneed for a space weapons treaty.Gagnon said, "Don't play the fool".The Pentagon has spent $120billion (that's just the unclassifiedspending) and countless man-hours on a weapons program thathasn't truly produced anything ofvalue to the civilian or the warrior on the battlefield.

Another reason why missile defence is a Trojan Horseis because the Pentagon has nothing to show for all themoney it's spent, said Gagnon. What it's getting forspending $120 billion is "dual use" technology, he noted.Instead of taxpayers' dollars being put into building newroads and bridges and rehabbing countless schools, theyare being given to the Pentagon to create an arsenal ofspace weapons, he said.

The CDI leans politically to the left, and, like Gagnon,some of its arms-control experts also support the dual-use hypothesis for missile defence. "So many missiledefensive capabilities have inherent, offensiveapplications as well," said CDI director Theresa Hitchensin a comment for my book.7

For an example of dual use, take Pearl Harbor's USSLake Erie, a guided-missile cruiser which is armed withthe Aegis missile defence system. The Aegis firesinterceptors like the THAAD and has an impressiverecord knocking out dummy intercontinental ballisticmissiles. In 2008, however, the USS Lake Erie and itsAegis obliterated a satellite as it orbited over Hawaii,littering low-Earth orbit for eternity unless cleaned up.The Pentagon claimed that its spy satellite hadmalfunctioned and needed to be taken out. The Aegis—which is the name of Zeus' shield—has been installedon 18 US warships, giving the US the ability to attacknearly any target in orbit around the Earth.

TThhee FFuuttuurree ooff WWaarrffaarree The desire to build such weapons

and put them into space is not just a21st-century phenomenon. SinceWorld War II and through the ColdWar, both the US and the Soviet Unionhave researched missiles, lasers andsatellites that could strike in spaceand be based in space or on Earth.They were being designed, forinstance, to shoot down satellites ormake them go deaf, dumb and blind.In fact, in 1985, the US in a testdowned a satellite with a missile

launched from an F-15 fighter jet.Such an event wouldn't occuragain until 2007, when theChinese obliterated one of itsown satellites with a ground-based missile.

Members of Congress all of asudden were bellowing abouthow vulnerable US satellites are.A year later, the US countered theChinese when the USS Lake Eriedowned the malfunctioning spysatellite.

Both shoot-downs foreshadowthe future of war. To win at modern warfare, you need tohave eyes and ears constantly circling the globe.Battlefield communication, location of forces, spying,terrain recon, GPS and guiding missiles to their targetfrom hundreds of miles away are just some combatfunctions powered by satellites within orbit around theEarth. "Information superiority" is what it's called. ThePentagon's mantra is: it's not that you need to havesatellites to win a war, you have to have satellites to win awar. So if one warring side had the ability to makeanother side—especially the US—go both blind anddeaf, they would do it—and they're trying, especiallyRussia and China.

If China one day were to want back its "lost province"(known to us as Taiwan), the first thing it might do would

OOffffiicciiaallllyy mmaaddee ppuubblliicc iinn

MMaayy 22000000 aatt tthheeddaawwnn ooff tthhee BBuusshhaaddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn,, tthhee ccoonncceepptt ooff ffuullll--ssppeeccttrruumm

ddoommiinnaannccee mmeeaannsstthhaatt tthhee UUSS wwiisshheess

ttoo ddoommiinnaattee aaccoonnfflliicctt aatt eevveerryy


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be to give the order to shoot down as many US satellitesas possible. China has fired ground-based lasers at USsatellites before—blinding them, yet not destroyingthem. It would take a tremendous amount of energy tosend a laser through the atmosphere and then damage asatellite. The US, though, is close to having thiscapability.

Officially, the US military's anti-satellite program doesnot exist. And while Gagnon's theory of the UScontrolling the heavens some day may be a little strongfor some people, some experts agree: the US is secretlytesting anti-satellite capabilities under the mask ofmissile defence.

"There's an Air Force Counterspace Operationsdoctrine [published in 2004]. They have alreadydeployed ground-based satellite jammers. What thereisn't currently is an active, unclassified program tointerfere with satellites by physically destroying them,"said Laura Grego, a space-weapons expert with the Unionof Concerned Scientists (UCS).Notice that Grego did not say"classified" or "secret". "Insteadof declaring a destructive anti-satellite program, there's a built-in capability for anti-satellitewarfare in missile defense," shesaid.8

Consider the fact that if the USwere to create a fleet ofbattlesats, strictly for missiledefence, it would have to bestrung across Earth's lower orbits so as to cover largeareas of the globe and space. The UCS stated: "To keepat least one satellite over a missile launch site at alltimes, many SBIs [space-based interceptors] would haveto be in orbit. In a 2003 study, the American PhysicalSociety showed that many hundreds or thousands ofSBIs would be required in orbit to provide globalcoverage against ballistic missiles. The study alsoshowed that given the technology expected to beavailable for the next decade, each SBI would weigh aton or more. As a result of these factors, deploying sucha system would be hugely expensive."9

TThhee VV--22 RRoocckkeett,, SSDDII aanndd BBrriilllliiaanntt PPeebbbblleessMany believe that the first space weapon was the

Nazis' V-2 rocket, which terrorised the Allies. The V-2would spend part of its journey in space and thendescend on its target, just like today's ICBMs. The V-2,by the way, was designed by the infamous Wernher vonBraun, who would escape from Germany to America andbecome known as the "Father of the American SpaceProgram".

Interestingly, on his deathbed, von Braun allegedlytold a confidante, Dr Carol Rosin, that US spaceweapons would be "based on a lie" and be up and

running before the rest of the world knew what had hitthem. Even more intriguingly, he said that the USmilitary would use extraterrestrial aliens or rogueasteroids as its lie to justify putting weapons intospace.10 Interestingly, it is not documented whether hesaid that "missile defence" would be the "lie" behind USspace weapons.

Not long after von Braun passed away, PresidentRonald Reagan—the sabre-rattling, terrorist-huntingRepublican who wanted to bury the Soviet Union'sCommunist bear—brought "Star Wars" to the world'scentre stage in the early 1980s. "Star Wars" was actuallya moniker given to the Strategic Defense Initiative, orSDI. But what truly inspired—or forced—Reagan to callfor his anti-missile shield? Was it his dream, or was hesimply following a plan that had been set in motion longbefore he won the White House?

Johann Hari, a British journalist with stealth-liketalent, claimed that Reagancame to the idea of creating aspace shield from a 1940s B-movie in which he'd starred. Inthe movie, titled Murder in the Air,Reagan plays a secret agent whohas to protect a weapon calledthe "inertia projector". Hariwrote that the weapon "fired anelectrical current at any plane ormissile approaching the UnitedStates, rendering it worthless". Ascientist tells Reagan that thisweapon "makes the US invincible

in war, and promises to become the greatest force forworld peace ever discovered".11

Nevertheless, Reagan wanted a shield over Americausing ground-based lasers, missiles and battlesats. Oneprogram that his scientists envisioned and worked on(spending millions) was Brilliant Pebbles. A satellite wouldrelease dozens of watermelon-sized interceptors thatwould act like a wall of bullets and fly into a group oftargets so that they take out everything, even a decoyICBM. President Bill Clinton cut the Brilliant Pebblesprogram and it has never been revived. Clintondowngraded missile defence in general, slashingmillions in funds. However, a few senior office-holderswere determined to keep missile defence alive during the1990s, one of those being Senator Daniel Inouye ofHawaii, a Democrat and also a World War II hero. Inouyeclaimed that he needed to protect the islands from theNorth Koreans—who have a hard time feeding their ownpeople, let alone building ICBMs.

""SSppaaccee HHaawwkkss"" aanndd MMiissssiillee DDeeffeennccee CCoonnttrraaccttoorrssAlso waiting during the 1990s was an entirely new

generation of missile defence proponents. They waitedin conservative think-tanks and in military academies,working quietly to keep missile defence in the minds of

......ssoommee eexxppeerrttss aaggrreeee::tthhee UUSS iiss sseeccrreettllyy

tteessttiinngg aannttii--ssaatteelllliitteeccaappaabbiilliittiieess uunnddeerr tthhee

mmaasskk ooff mmiissssiilleeddeeffeennccee..

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those who could make it happen: those with an office onCapitol Hill. This new generation, as it grew strongerand took power, was then tagged with their appropriatenickname: the "Space Hawks". Some of them tookpower in 1994, a year when the Republicans re-took theHouse with their "Contract with America". This so-calledContract called for, among other things, cutting PBS[Public Broadcasting System] funding severely, but italso pledged to renew America's commitment to missiledefence. The lovable Newt Gingrich was an architect ofthis Contract, and he was persuaded by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy to include the missiledefence provision. This right-wing think-tank was a nestof missile defence and space weapons advocates,including Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Bennett and LockheedMartin corporate officers.

To grasp fully how this arms race got so hot during the2000s, you have to understand a very familiar three-waypartnership. Defence contractors, such as LockheedMartin and Boeing, along withCongress and the Pentagon, alldepend on each other in a big,big way. This relationship hascome to an "Eisenhowerfruition". Eisenhower, at theend of his presidency in 1961,made the timeless plea tobeware of the"military–industrial complex".And when it comes to missiledefence, he was dead on.Lockheed Martin and Boeingremain the Pentagon's first-and second-highest-paid defence contractorsrespectively, and they want it to remain this way. To doso, they spend millions lobbying Congress trying toconvince office-holders that there is a need for suchweapons. Thus they keep billions of dollars flowing on ayearly basis for decades to come.

The Pentagon, the US Space Command and the US AirForce also lobby Congress, begging it for their new toys.It is this group that is the creative force behind spaceweapons. This is the group in need of a space plane thatcan strike a target anywhere on the globe within onehour and be able to fly in and out of the atmosphere atwill. But it is the civilian missile defence contractorsthat need the billions to engineer such a craft. Allowingthis money to flow in a deluge to missile defencecontractors are, of course, those members of Congresswho have the keys to the nation's safes. It shouldn'tcome as a surprise, then, that missile defencecontractors are some of the biggest political campaignfinanciers out there.

At the start of the Bush administration, missiledefence contractors broke out buckets of Crisco so as togrease their large pipes. George W. Bush was preparedto pump billions of extra dollars into missile defence

research and development. Jokes aside, it would be a"Golden Age" for Lockheed Martin and Boeing. As forthose politicians in each of their pockets, consider thetwo current senators of Alabama: Republican RichardShelby and Republican Jeff Sessions. Between 2001 and2006, they ranked first and second when it came toreceiving campaign contributions from the likes ofLockheed Martin and Boeing. Both are high-rankingmembers of defence-funding-related Senate committees.And in return for several hundred thousand dollars incampaign contributions, they have approved billions infunding for missile defence research in northernAlabama. Huntsville, Alabama, is also called "RocketCity"—the city that Wernher von Braun built. The cityclaims to have 50 civilian companies working on missiledefence, including all the giants, i.e., Lockheed Martin.It was expected that by 2010, over 6,000 missile defencescientists and researchers would be working in andaround Huntsville, a region of 380,000 people.

Besides the Crisco, alsocoming out during the earlydays of the Bushadministration were the SpaceHawks. Before Bush was evenraced through Washingtonstreets so as to be sworn in asquickly as possible in January2000, his Space Hawks weregiving birth to "Son of 'StarWars'". That same month, thenow-disgraced DonaldRumsfeld released a reportwhich warned that a "Space

Pearl Harbor"12 or a colossal space-combat sneak attackfrom an enemy could cripple the nation. This meant thatthe US needed to build space weapons so as to protectsatellites. Rumsfeld's report also stated that the USneeded "Power projection in, from and through space".13

What this means is that the US should some day be ableto manoeuvre a satellite over a target—on the Earth'ssurface—and then melt it with a future particle-beamweapon. At the time, Rumsfeld hadn't even beenappointed Bush's Secretary of Defense yet, but that wasjust days away.

Apparently, Rumsfeld was certain that the enemies ofthe free world could wipe out America's 400-plussatellites. Nuclear detonations in Earth's orbits areplausible. It is a space-combat-related strategy whichboth Russia and the Chinese have prepped for, butwould they ruin the orbits surrounding the Earth forcenturies to come? Or was Rumsfeld in many anaerospace executive's pocket? The Rumsfeld reportindeed had major corporate influence: seven of the 13commissioners of the report either were working for theaerospace industry or used to work for it.

......tthhee UUSS sshhoouulldd ssoommee ddaayy bbee aabbllee ttoo mmaannooeeuuvvrree aa

ssaatteelllliittee oovveerr aa ttaarrggeett——oonntthhee EEaarrtthh''ss ssuurrffaaccee——aannddtthheenn mmeelltt iitt wwiitthh aa ffuuttuurreeppaarrttiiccllee--bbeeaamm wweeaappoonn..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 7799

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APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 17

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18 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL – MAY 2011

Ancient Roots,Modern Shoots

Reconnecting toNature Through

Spiritual Permaculture

Creating Your Space of Love:The Road Home

The School:Humanity’s New

FutureRecreating AGarden Planet

The EternalCycle

The Return ofAnastasia

“Seeing Your NaturalEnvironment as an

Extension of Your Self”.Presentation by LeonidSharashkin, editor ofThe Ringing Cedars

Series of books.

At this school, the childrenhave designed, built and

decorated their own campus.

Fertility and Birth inNature and Human

Experience. Presentedby Leonid Sharashkin.

Psychology ofHumanity-Earth

Co-evolution. Presentedby Leonid Sharashkin.

This presentation byLeonid Sharashkin

reveals the potential ofRussia’s permaculturegardening movementto change our world.

Family domain andeco-village planning,presented by Leonid

Sharashkin as part of atwo-day intensive

workshop in Byron Bay.

Leonid Sharashkinexplains the spiritual,cultural and economic

significance of theRussian dacha

gardening movement.



Order online at www.nexusmagazine.com

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APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 19

bbyy JJoosseepphh ZZaaccuunnee eett aall.. ffoorrFFrriieennddss ooff tthhee EEaarrtthh

IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ©© FFeebbrruuaarryy 22001111

Edited extracts from FOEI's report"Who Benefits from GM Crops?

An Industry Built on Myths"

Website: http://www.foei.org

WWhhiillee bbiiootteecchhnnoollooggyyccoorrppoorraattiioonnss aanndd

ssoommee ggoovveerrnnmmeennttssccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo pprreessss ffoorrtthhee mmoorree wwiiddeesspprreeaadd

iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn ooffggeenneettiiccaallllyy mmooddiiffiieeddoorrggaanniissmmss iinnttoo tthhee

eennvviirroonnmmeenntt aanndd ffooooddssuuppppllyy,, ooppppoossiittiioonn ttooGGMMOOss iiss oonn tthhee rriissee

wwoorrllddwwiiddee aannddccuullttiivvaattiioonn ooff GGMM

ccrrooppss iiss iinn ddeecclliinnee iinnmmaannyy rreeggiioonnss..


he biotechnology industry secures funding from a vast array ofpublic and private sources, promising to combat hunger, poverty,malnutrition and now even climate change. Yet large-scalecultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops is still limited to six

countries, with the vast majority of these crops grown for fibre, industrialagrofuels and animal feed, not for feeding people.

No new beneficial traits of GM crops have been successfullycommercialised by the biotech industry, despite persistent assurances aboutthe development of drought resistance2 and nitrogen fixation through to theavailability of enhanced nutrients and a reduced need for fertiliser.3 Most"new" GM crops turn out to be existing herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant gene traits stacked in a single modified crop.

In fact, insect resistance and herbicide tolerance are the only two traitsthat have been developed and cultivated on a large scale, purportedly toreduce pesticide usage. According to the International Service for theAcquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), 99 per cent ofcommercially grown GM crops are still herbicide tolerant or insect resistant.4

In the European Union (EU), 43 out of 49 applications for GM cultivation arefor herbicide-tolerant or insect-resistant varieties.5 Fifteen out of 23 pendingapplications in the US are also for herbicide tolerance or insect resistance.6

CCrreeaattiivvee AAccccoouunnttiinngg ISAAA annual reports tend to be overreliant on industry data, contain

inaccurate statistics and have few or unclear sources. They also cite theirown chair, Clive James.7 ISAAA inflates its figures through double and tripleaccounting by using its concept of "virtual hectares", which involvesmultiplying the actual surface area with the number of GM traits in crops. Inthis way, a field of one hectare in size, growing a GM crop that is tolerant totwo herbicides and has an insect-resistant gene, counts as three hectares.8

FFeeww GGMM CCrrooppss iinn FFeeww CCoouunnttrriieess GM crop cultivation is confined to just a few countries around the world.

Ninety-five per cent of GM crops are cultivated in the US, Brazil, Argentina,India, Canada and China. The other 19 countries (out of a total of 25) thatthe ISAAA reports on collectively grew a mere seven million hectares.9

Almost 60 per cent of all GM crop field trials worldwide are carried out in theUnited States.10

According to ISAAA's 2009 annual report, GM crops occupy 134 millionhectares.11 This is out of a total area of global agricultural land of over 4.9billion hectares,12 meaning that the combined area of all GM crops in 2009covered just 2.7 per cent of all agricultural land. Over 97 per cent of globalfarmland remains GM free.

Despite public and private investment for over three decades, GM crops


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have also failed to address global food securityconcerns13 or to raise yields consistently.14

Just four crops—soya, maize, oilseed rape andcotton—dominate almost all the production on landunder GM cultivation. Staple food crops such as wheat,rice, cassava, barley, oats, sorghum and millet are GMfree as far as commercial production is concerned. Thecultivation of GM potatoes for industrial use in Europeis marred by controversy.

Despite PR by biotech companies and pro-GMresearch institutes, acceptanceof GM crops is in fact declining,even in the countries that havehistorically cultivated the largestareas of GM crops. In the US, ahugely pro-GM country, GMalfalfa has been banned fromcommercial cultivation15 andsugar beet seedlings wereordered to be uprooted due toinadequate environmentalimpact assessments.16 In India,Bt brinjal, its first GM food crop,remains banned.17 In Brazil, thecommercial release of Bayer's GM maize has beenstopped.18 In Europe, concern about GM food is on theincrease while the area under GM cultivation continuesto fall.19

In its 2009 report, ISAAA states that 14 million smalland large farmers, 90 per cent of whom are described asresource poor, benefit from biotech crops.20 Theseunsubstantiated claims ignore widespread resistance toGMOs including by farmer mass movements such as LaVia Campesina, which has a global membership of 200million.21

GGMM CCRROOPPSS IINN EEUURROOPPEE The area dedicated to GM crop cultivation in Europe,

which is limited to Monsanto's MON810 maize andBASF's Amflora potato, has fallen steeply over the lasttwo years. At the same time, popular opposition togenetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the EU hasincreased to 61 per cent.22 These concerns over GMcontamination are warranted, and new cases of GMpotato contamination have also led to bans: the 2010approval of a new GM potato by the European

Commission has resulted inbans on the potato in Austria,Luxembourg and Hungary.23

However, while these are theonly two GM crops permitted forcultivation in Europe, a numberof GMOs are approved for feedand food imports. The feedindustry is currently exertingpressure on the EU to repeal itszero-tolerance regulation of non-approved GM feed and food.Furthermore, the European FoodSafety Authority (EFSA), which

assesses the risks associated with GMOs with respect tofood and feed safety, has had its close relationship withbiotechnology corporations exposed.24

GGMM CCuullttiivvaattiioonn DDeecclliinniinngg iinn EEuurrooppee As the biotech industry continues to be hit by legal

proceedings, scandals and public concern over thesafety of GM crops, the cultivation of GM cropscontinues to fall in the European Union. Between 2008and 2010, the total area under GM crops declined by 23per cent. In Romania, the area under cultivation

declined by 87 per cent, in Slovakia by 55per cent and in the Czech Republic by 42per cent.

Over 80 per cent of the total area of landdedicated to growing GM crops in Europe isin Spain, which cultivates Monsanto'sMON810 GM maize. Even within thisexceptionally GM-receptive Europeancountry, official data show there was a 15per cent drop over two years, with 11 percent of that drop taking place between 2009and 2010. (See Table 1 [not shown here;Ed.]).

In Spain, GM crops have contaminatedconventional and organic maize and thehuman food chain, which in turn has hadnegative economic impacts and resulted insome of the largest-ever demonstrationsagainst GM crops in Europe.25 Yet, newevidence shows the Spanish governmentcollaborating with the US to push forgreater acceptance of GM crops in Europe.26

TThheessee uunnssuubbssttaannttiiaatteeddccllaaiimmss iiggnnoorree wwiiddeesspprreeaadd

rreessiissttaannccee ttoo GGMMOOssiinncclluuddiinngg bbyy ffaarrmmeerr

mmaassss mmoovveemmeennttss ssuucchh aassLLaa VViiaa CCaammppeessiinnaa......

“Meteorites have been annoying this summer.”

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PPuubblliicc OOppppoossiittiioonn IInnccrreeaassiinngg The decline in area under GM crops is a result of years

of public opposition, which is increasingly being backedup by independent scientific opinion.27 Governmentshave heeded widespread health and environmentalconcerns by banning GM crops. Six countries acrossEurope have now banned the main EU-authorisedcommercial crop, Monsanto's MON810 GM maize.France, Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary andLuxembourg have all put in place bans on MON810 GMmaize based on health and environmental concerns. InFebruary 2010, Bulgaria also initiated a total ban onGMOs.28

The tide of public rejection of GMOsis sweeping across Europe, with 169regions, 123 subregional provinces anddepartments and 4,713 localgovernments officially declaringthemselves GMO-free zones.29

The latest Eurobarometer, publishedby the European Commission inOctober 2010, showed that 61 per centof EU citizens are opposed to GMOs,an increase over the previous year.30 InDecember 2010, a petition withsignatures from over one million EUcitizens was delivered to theEuropean Commission, calling fora GMO moratorium and thecreation of an independent,scientific and ethical body to testand regulate GM crops.31 Thisappeal followed the requirementsof a new legal process, theEuropean Citizens' Initiative,32 andis a landmark event.

PPaatteenntt DDeecciissiioonn Along with the national bans,

another recent successful development for consumersand farmers is the decision by the European PatentOffice (EPO) that essential biological methods ofbreeding plants and animals cannot be considered atechnical process to be covered by patents.33

Patents on plants and animals block innovativebreeding and weaken the independence of farmers andconsumers, while allowing multinationals to takecontrol over global food production.

This decision delivers a major blow to thebiotechnology corporations, which have been usingbroad legal definitions of patents to gain control overfarming and the food chain.

Nevertheless, conventionally bred plants and animalscan still be patented in Europe, since the EPO decisiononly excludes processes for breeding; it does notconcern itself with patents on plants and animals moregenerally.

GGMM PPoottaattoo SSccaannddaallss Europe is the only region in the world that allows the

commercial cultivation of GM potatoes. In March 2010, the new European Health

Commissioner John Dalli authorised BASF's GM Amflorapotato for the production of industrial starch and asanimal feed.

In addition to that, Amflora is allowed to contaminatefood up to a threshold of 0.9 per cent—even withoutbeing approved for human consumption.

This is unprecedented, and is a concession to biotechcompany BASF (since it protects BASF against productrecalls and liability).

So far, the contamination thresholdof 0.9 per cent has only been appliedto GMOs authorised for humanconsumption (and only if thecontamination is accidental andtechnically unavoidable). Accordingto BASF's own admission, it wouldnot be possible to prevent Amfloraentering the human food chain.35

Since the authorisation, Amflora'scultivation has been characterised bycontamination scandals, publicopposition and judicial proceedings

initiated by five Europeangovernments.

The Amflora38 potato has beenbanned by Austria, Luxembourgand Hungary because of thepresence of an antibiotic-resistance marker (ARM) gene.There are concerns that this genecould transfer horizontally intopathogenic bacteria, whichwould worsen the problem ofantibiotic resistance in veterinaryand human medicine.

EEUU AAnniimmaall FFeeeedd IImmppoorrttss While MON810 GM maize and the Amflora potato are

the only GM crops authorised for cultivation in the EU,there are around 40 GMOs approved for feed and foodimports.42 Imports of GM animal feed into Europe arethe main method of entry for GMOs into Europe.

Currently, animal products from animals fed on GMcrops do not have to be labelled, although due toconsumer demand some European dairy and meatcompanies and retailers in the UK, Austria, Germanyand France have started voluntarily labelling theirproducts as GM free.43

In fact, non-GM soya cultivation in Brazil could alsoincrease in response to European consumers' rejectionof GMOs.44

Alarmingly, both the GM industry and the animal feedindustry are pushing for the acceptance of thresholds in

TThhiiss ddeecciissiioonnddeelliivveerrss aa mmaajjoorr

bbllooww ttoo tthheebbiiootteecchhnnoollooggyyccoorrppoorraattiioonnss,,

wwhhiicchh hhaavvee bbeeeennuussiinngg bbrrooaadd lleeggaall

ddeeffiinniittiioonnss ooffppaatteennttss ttoo ggaaiinnccoonnttrrooll oovveerr

ffaarrmmiinngg aanndd tthheeffoooodd cchhaaiinn..

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the EU in relation to GMOs that have not beenapproved and are currently treated as illegal.

This attempt to repeal the EU's "zero-tolerance policy"with respect to unauthorised GMOs started in 2007,after soy shipments from the US were discovered tocontain non-approved GM maize.45

Claims that this policy is causing a crisis by disruptingtrade in animal feeds when contamination is discoveredare not evidence based. In June 2007, the EuropeanCommission's Directorate-General for Agriculture andRural Development predicted a dramatic decline in porkand poultry meat production within the EU becausesoya would not be available to EU farmers, or only atexorbitant prices.46 But 2009 and 2010 turned out to berecord-breaking years, with thehighest-ever number of pigs andpoultry sold on the market.47

EEuurrooppeeaann FFoooodd SSaaffeettyy AAuutthhoorriittyy''ssRReevvoollvviinngg DDoooorrss

The European Food SafetyAuthority's GMO Panel is responsiblefor the risk assessment of GMOs, butclose associations between some ofits members and the biotech industryare undermining its credibility.

In November 2009, the former headof EFSA's GMO Panel, Suzy Renckens,became Head of BiotechRegulatory Affairs for Europe,Africa and Middle East (EAME)at Syngenta after leaving EFSA.Renckens was previouslyresponsible for GMO regulation,but now lobbies for Syngenta toinfluence EU decision-making onGMOs.

This stark example of conflictof interest has never beeninvestigated and casts doubtsover the independence of EFSA.51

Unfortunately, this is not aunique case.

Harry Kuiper, a leading scientist who has chaired theEFSA GMO Panel since 2003, worked for a task forceestablished by the International Life Sciences Institute(ILSI) before joining EFSA. ILSI is a strongly pro-biotech lobby group funded by food and chemicalcompanies.52

A Monsanto member of staff heads this task force, andall other members are representatives from largebiotech corporations such as Monsanto, Dow andSyngenta.53

In October 2010, Diana Banati, the chair of EFSA'sManagement Board, resigned from the European Boardof Directors at ILSI after complaints of conflicts ofinterest from politicians and NGOs.54

GGMM CCRROOPPSS IINN LLAATTIINN AAMMEERRIICCAATThhrreeaattss PPoosseedd bbyy GGllyypphhoossaattee

Criticism of biotechnology is unwelcome. On 7August 2010, for example, Dr Andrés Carrasco's openlecture to the community of La Leonesa, in ChacoProvince in northern Argentina, was violentlyinterrupted. A group of municipal officers and riceworkers in favour of pesticide sprayings, led by themayor, José Carbajal, threatened and beat up part of thedelegation that had joined the speaker. Local policeand military officers had to intervene.71

This stems from Carrasco's research into GMtechnologies. In April 2009, Carrasco, a professor andresearcher at the Univerity of Buenos Aires, became

internationally renowned when hepublicised research exposing the factthat glyphosate, the main element ofMonsanto's Roundup® herbicide, islinked to the malformation ofamphibian embryos and could havesevere negative impacts on humanhealth.72

Glyphosate has been qualified asinnocuous by agribusiness researchersand managers. However, in August2010, the studies conducted byCarrasco and his team were publishedin the scientific journal Chemical

Research in Toxicology,73 triggering adebate on this widely usedherbicide's impact on health andecosystems. Dr Carrasco hasbeen subjected to a campaign todiscredit him.74

In September 2010, ProfessorCarrasco and other internationalscientists published furtherresearch—based on studies fromacross the Americas—that linksglyphosate to premature births,miscarriages, cancer, and damageto DNA and reproductive organs.75


crops globally,94 is facing unprecedented legalopposition to them, with recent rulings which demandthat GM sugar beet seedlings be destroyed andRoundup Ready® alfalfa be banned. In addition topromoting GMOs domestically, the US government triesto put pressure on the EU to accept GMOs, includingthrough the threat of retaliatory measures—a trendexposed by WikiLeaks. The biotech industry is alsomoving beyond GM crops, aiming to release fast-growing GM salmon and commercialise GM pigs thatexcrete less phosphorus. These pose risks for humanhealth and the environment in the US and Canada.

IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoopprroommoottiinngg GGMMOOssddoommeessttiiccaallllyy,, tthheeUUSS ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt

ttrriieess ttoo ppuuttpprreessssuurree oonn tthhee EEUU ttoo aacccceepptt

GGMMOOss,, iinncclluuddiinnggtthhrroouugghh tthhee tthhrreeaatt

ooff rreettaalliiaattoorryymmeeaassuurreess——

aa ttrreenndd eexxppoosseedd bbyy WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss..

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GGMM FFoorraayy iinnttoo tthhee AAnniimmaall KKiinnggddoomm:: SSaallmmoonn aatt SSttaakkee In August 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) announced that it is considering the approval of agenetically modified salmon, which would make it thefirst GM animal in the world to be approved for humanconsumption.

The corporation AquaBounty Technologies hasengineered AquAdvantage® fish to grow nearly twice asquickly as wild salmon, using genetic material fromchinook salmon, ocean pout and Atlantic salmon tocreate it.

Approval of GM salmon could have seriousbiodiversity implications, adverse socio-economicimpacts on fishing communities and health risks forconsumers in the US and around the world. Researchshows that gene spread could lead to the collapse of theentire species.95 Wild Atlantic salmon is already listedas an endangered species,96 partly due to genetic andfitness disabilities caused by inbreeding with escapedfarmed salmon.

A recent research poll, commissioned by Food &Water Watch, found that 91 percent of Americans believe thatthe FDA should not allowgenetically modified fish andmeat into the marketplace.100

EEnnvviirrooppiigg:: GGMM PPoorrkk oonn tthheePPllaattee??

Researchers at the Universityof Guelph, Ontario, Canada,with support from privateinvestor Ontario Pork, theGovernment of Ontario and theGovernment of Canada, havedeveloped an "enviropig"101 that is geneticallyengineered to contain less phosphorus in its faeces.102

These GM Yorkshire pigs apparently digest plantphosphorus more efficiently than do conventional pigs,which results in phosphorus-depleted manure thatcauses less pollution to water and aquatic life. This wasachieved by inserting genes from mice and E. colibacteria into the pigs' DNA.103

In 2007, its creators submitted the "enviropig" to theFDA for regulatory approval for human foodconsumption and subsequent commercialisation in theUnited States. Likewise, in 2009, a submission forcommercialisation was made to the Canadian regulatoryagencies.104 Neither of these regulators has approved itso far. Worryingly, there are no regulations for GManimals in Canada, and the processes for applicationand evaluation are kept secret.

PPeessttiicciiddeess ffoorr PPrrooffiittss Research from the United States provides evidence to

expose the falsehood that GM crops reduce pesticideusage and bring benefits to farmers. During the first 13

years of cultivation of GM crops, there has been anincrease of 173 million kilograms (383 million pounds)of pesticides applied in the US.107

Increased herbicide use is also evident from the 46 percent increase in the sales of Monsanto's glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup in 2007 and 2008; Roundup ismarketed to be used along with its Roundup Ready (RR)crops.108 Herbicide sprays are the norm with GM crops,and over 90 per cent of GM soy crops in the US areherbicide tolerant.109

Farmers across the US are reeling under the impact ofthe "superweeds" epidemic, which has been caused bythe continual use of glyphosate in tandem withglyphosate-tolerant crops, which has caused the weedsto develop resistance to the herbicide. A weed scienceexpert, who addressed the US House Oversightcommittee in July 2010, has asserted that superweedsinfest over 4.5 million hectares—a five-fold increase inthree years.110 Congressional Oversight hearings on thegrowth of superweeds provide damning testimony fromfarmers and scientific experts on the adverse effects of

GM technology.111 Farmers arebeing locked into a viciouscircle of dependency onpesticides that can cause birthand reproductive defects, waterand soil contamination.112

As a result, even newer GMcrops are set to be approved,which resist other dangerousherbicides that cause cancerand other serious illnesses andwere set to be phased out.113

Dow's soybean (DAS684164)contains genes tolerant for 2,4-

D, part of Agent Orange, which was used as a defoliantin the Vietnam War and is strongly linked to increasedincidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.114

WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss EExxppoosseess UUSS AArrmm--ttwwiissttiinngg oonn GGMMOOss Although only a fraction of the 250,000-plus US

diplomatic cables that WikiLeaks holds has so far beenreleased, evidence is already emerging about the USgovernment striking alliances with or aggressivelyapplying pressure to countries it wants to adopt GMOtechnologies, to promote the expansion of thetechnology and the spread of GM products around theworld.

In April 2009, Spanish Secretary of State and DeputyMinister Josep Puxeu contacted the US Chargé d'Affairesto express his concern about the fact that Spain is underincreasing pressure to ban MON810 cultivation in thewake of the German ban on GM maize, and about an EUvote urging the maintenance of existing bans in Austriaand Hungary. Due to fears of Spain's increasingisolation over its pro-GM policies, the US was urged tostep up pressure on Brussels, in collaboration with

RReesseeaarrcchh ffrroomm tthhee UUSSpprroovviiddeess eevviiddeennccee ttoo

eexxppoossee tthhee ffaallsseehhoooodd tthhaattGGMM ccrrooppss rreedduuccee ppeessttiicciiddeeuussaaggee aanndd bbrriinngg bbeenneeffiittss

ttoo ffaarrmmeerrss..

APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 23

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Spain, to keep agricultural biotechnology an option forEU member states.

In May 2009, during a meeting with Monsanto'sDirector for Biotechnology in Spain and Portugal,Spanish Embassy officials were told that "Spain isincreasingly becoming a target of anti-biotechnologyforces within Europe" and that "Spain's cultivation ofMON810 corn was under serious threat" . Thesentiment echoed by agricultural biotech supporterson a ban on MON810 cultivation is that "[i]f Spainfalls, the rest of Europe will follow".115

The cable highlights that the bans againstMonsanto GM maize in Germany, France, Austria,Hungary, Greece and Luxembourg, despite EUapproval of MON810, are due to anti-biotechnologysentiment in the EU, where there is increasingmomentum and strong political support to stop GMcultivation.

A recently released cable, sent from the USEmbassy in Paris in December 2007, outl inedconcerns over GMOs: "...Europe is moving backwardsnot forwards on this issuewith France playing a leadingrole, along with Austria, Italyand even the Commission."The US response is to propose"retaliation" in collaborationwith "the pro-biotech side inFrance". France is seen as akey player in "renewedEuropean consideration of theacceptance of agriculturalbiotechnology". France isdeemed a lynchpin forchanging EU policy on GMOs:"Our contacts have made clear that they will seek toexpand French national policy to a EU-wide level andthey believe that they are in the vanguard ofEuropean public opinion in turning back GMOs."117

In a separate Paris cable, such a change of heart isdeemed challenging as GMOs are "a subject ofconsiderable domestic concern in France" and theintentions of France to implement a moratorium onbiotech planting in 2007 "would signif icantlyundermine US agricultural exports to Europe".118

A cable from November 2007 reveals that gatheringinformation on "[g]overnment acceptance ofgenetically modif ied food and propagation ofgenetically modified crops"119 is among the toppriorities for intelligence officials in Burundi, theCongo and Rwanda.

LLeeggaall RRuulliinnggss oonn GGMM AAllffaallffaa aanndd SSuuggaarr BBeeeett SSeeeedd On 21 June 2010, in the case of Monsanto v.

Geerston Seed Farms,120 the United States SupremeCourt ruled in favour of a ban on Roundup ReadyAlfal fa (RRA). This was the f i rst-ever case on

genetically modif ied crops brought before theSupreme Court, and the ruling means that the sellingand planting of RRA is illegal in the US.121

The Court recognised that the threat of transgeniccontamination is harmful to organic and conventionalfarmers and that any injury would allow them tochallenge future biotech crop commercialisations incourt.122

The legal disputes have been taking place since2006, when the Center for Food Safety filed a lawsuitagainst US Department of Agriculture (USDA) whichwas planning to commercialise alfalfa seed designedto tolerate Monsanto's herbicide Roundup, despiteconcerns over environmental, health, cultural andeconomic impacts on farmers and consumers. GMalfalfa can spread uncontrollably through the cross-pollination of plants by bees, contaminating non-GMalfalfa fields.123

On 30 November 2010, the District Court for thenorthern district of California demanded the first-everdestruction of a GMO crop when hundreds of acres of

GM sugar beet seedlings,planted in September 2010,were ordered to be removed.124

Their planting violated federallaw. The District Court ruledthat "farmers and consumerswould likely suffer harm fromcross-contamination", andstated that pastcontamination incidents were"too numerous" to allow thecrop to remain in theground.125 Yet, the USDA isproposing to commercialise

GM sugar beet despite this ruling.127

BBaayyeerr LLoossiinngg CCaasseess oovveerr GGMM RRiiccee CCoonnttaammiinnaattiioonn The year 2010 was a bad one for the US biotech

industry, which was hauled through the US legalsystem. In October 2010, the German corporationBayer was taken to court by three Texas rice growersand forced to settle over the contamination of theirrice crops by Bayer's Liberty Link® rice.128 This is theseventh trial that Bayer has lost in succession,spanning five US states and all related to claimsconcerning contamination leading to exportrestrictions and economic losses.129

In August 2006, the USDA announced that Bayer'sgenetically modif ied seed had been found incommercially grown long-grain rice in Louisiana,Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri.130 Fivedays later, the European Union banned US imports toits 27 member countries; this was followed by Japanand Russia. This sudden loss of a key export markethad devastating socio-economic impacts for US ricefarmers whose crops were contaminated.

TThhee DDiissttrriicctt CCoouurrtt rruulleeddtthhaatt ""ffaarrmmeerrss aanndd

ccoonnssuummeerrss wwoouulldd lliikkeellyyssuuffffeerr hhaarrmm ffrroomm


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GGMM CCRROOPPSS IINN AAFFRRIICCAA Africa has seen a major increase in food production

in recent decades, but 265 million sub-SaharanAfricans still go hungry.131 This food crisis is beingused to justify opening up Africa as the new test-bedfor GMOs: GM technology proponents argue that thetechnology can combat hunger, poverty and climatechange. Yet, many Africans continue to eschewexpensive, dangerous GM crop cultivation that canincrease indebtedness and does nothing to withstanderratic weather conditions, as Friends of the EarthInternational has documented.132

This reluctance is being met by corporate-backedpro-GM initiatives promoted by the Gates Foundationand the Alliance for a GreenRevolution in Africa (AGRA). Theseinitiatives pose grave threats totraditional, sustainable farmingpractices that could feed thecontinent and significantly reducelevels of poverty.

GGaatteess FFoouunnddaattiioonn BBuuyyss iinnttooMMoonnssaannttoo

The Bill & Melinda GatesFoundation, founded in 1994, exertsa major influence on globalagricultural policy. It manages totalgrants of US$24 billion, whichfinance the Foundation'sprojects.133 The GatesFoundation claims to promote"new techniques to help farmersin developing countries growmore food and earn moremoney", while openly supportinggenetic engineering projects inAfrica and other developingcountries.134 Nearly 80 per centof Gates Foundation funding inKenya involves biotechnology,and there have been grants ofover $100 million to organisations connected toMonsanto.135

The revolving door between the Foundation andMonsanto was flung wide open when the Foundationbought US$23 million worth of Monsanto shares inAugust 2010.136 Farmers, social movements and civilsociety organisations reacted with outrage. La ViaCampesina,137 the global peasant movement, hascondemned this acquisition of Monsanto shares.

AAGGRRAA''ss UUnnwweellccoommee GGrreeeenn RReevvoolluuttiioonn Along with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates

Foundation is supporting the implementation of thecontroversial Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africato the tune of US$265 million.139 AGRA consists of a

team of scientists, economists and business leaders,including from the biotech industry, and Kofi Annan isthe Chair of its Board. AGRA is prising open theAfrican continent to GM seeds and pesticides sold bycorporations such as Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta.In contrast to the approach by the Gates Foundationand AGRA, a major study by UNCTAD and UNEP thatexamined organic agricultural practices throughoutAfrica concluded that these could reduce poverty andincrease yields and incomes while protecting theenvironment.140

African farmers and environmentalists havechallenged the Gates Foundation and AGRA'sinitiatives that disregard the structural causes of

hunger and poverty and insteadpromote policies that underminetraditional knowledge and farmingsystems.141

GGMM IINN AASSIIAABBtt BBrriinnjjaall BBaattttllee:: MMoorraattoorriiuummTTrriiuummpphh iinn IInnddiiaa

Brinjal (also known as aubergine oreggplant) is the second-most-consumed vegetable crop in India,providing livelihoods for small-scalefarmers and food and nutrition toimpoverished rural and urban

communities. Mahyco, a partner company of

Monsanto in India,154 developedan insect-resistant version, Btbrinjal (the gene having beendeveloped by Monsanto), whichwas approved by the leadregulatory body on GMOs inIndia, the Genetic EngineeringApproval Committee (GEAC),155

in October 2009.156

On 9 February 2010, after amonth-long public consultationwith various segments of society

including scientists concerned about Bt brinjal'simpact on human health, the environment andtraditional Indian varieties of eggplant, this approvalwas overturned by the Minister for Environment andForests, Jairam Ramesh. An indefinite moratorium wasimplemented. He said that the moratorium will lastuntil such time as independent studies establish thelong-term safety of Bt brinjal from human health andenvironmental standpoints, and that the approach is"responsible to science and responsive to society".157, 158

On the other hand, the industry and many GMscientists are trying very hard to get Bt brinjal releasedcommercially.

A report about GMOs commissioned by the Ministerfrom leading science academies in the country

AAffrriiccaann ffaarrmmeerrss aanndd

eennvviirroonnmmeennttaalliissttsshhaavvee cchhaalllleennggeedd

tthhee GGaatteessFFoouunnddaattiioonn aanndd

AAGGRRAA''ss iinniittiiaattiivveesstthhaatt ddiissrreeggaarrdd tthheessttrruuccttuurraall ccaauusseessooff hhuunnggeerr aanndd


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recommended the limited release of Bt brinjal.159 Thiswas reported and lauded by ISAAA.160 However, it wasrevealed that almost the entire section on Bt brinjal inthe report was copied verbatim from a GM croppromoter's article.161

New analysis outlining the risks of Bt brinjal hasbeen submitted to the Supreme Court as part of theongoing public interest litigation on GM crops inIndia.162

This scientific study highlights the risks ofcontamination of native crops and biodiversity, andthe risks of potentially increasing the prevalence ofpests. Bt brinjal could also have major negative socio-economic impacts on small-scale, resource-poorbrinjal farmers, as they would be forced into unfaircompetition with large-scale commercial brinjalproducers.163

Seed corporations like Monsanto and Bayer are alsocarrying out field trials on herbicide-tolerant cottonand maize, despite thesuperweeds crisis that hasunravelled in the USA.165

FFaarrmmeerrss DDeessttrrooyy DDuuPPoonntt GGMMRRiiccee TTrriiaall CCrroopp

India has the world's largestarea under rice cultivation andgrows around 4,000 differentvarieties.166 On 12 May 2010,the GMO regulatory bodyGEAC granted permission forconfined field trials for eventselection on transgenic hybridrice to prepare for commercialhybrid seed production by the US chemicalcorporation DuPont.167

GM rice trials were being carried out by DuPont inDoddaballapur, in Karnataka, in collaboration with theUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.

In November 2010, peasant farmers belonging toKarnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS), a leadingfarmers' organisation and a member of La ViaCampesina, took action and destroyed most of theone-acre field-trial crop. The Vice President of KRRSsaid that the farmers will oppose open-air field trials ofGM crops as it is a first step to surrendering Indianagriculture to American multinational seedcorporations. He added that GM rice is a threat notonly to farmers but also to the health and environmentof all Indian citizens.168

GGMM MMoossqquuiittoo EExxppeerriimmeennttss iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa Some 6,000 transgenic mosquitoes, developed to

help fight dengue fever, were released in Malaysia on21 December 2010.171 The Malaysian NationalBiosafety Board (NBB) approved the release ofgenetically modified Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on 5

October 2010. The GM technology used for themosquitoes is owned and patented by Oxitec, anOxford-based company which is a spin-off from theUniversity of Oxford.174 Oxitec has genetically modifiedthese male mosquitoes so that once the males havemated with the wild female population, their progenydie in the larval stage, reducing the dengue-carryingAedes aegypti population and thereby the prevalence ofthis mosquito-borne disease. This company is facingmajor financial difficulties,175 but the GM mosquitoprogram, if approved, could involve the repeatedrelease of GM mosquitoes into the environment andprovide an ongoing revenue stream for the company.

As the Malaysian land mass is not an isolated areaand is connected to other countries (and mosquitoesdo not recognise national borders), national andinternational laws could be broken by the import andrelease of GM mosquitoes, as such a trans-boundarymovement of GMOs is governed by the Cartagena

Protocol on Biosafety.176

In laboratory tests, it hasbeen revealed that about 34per cent of the offspring fromthe male GM mosquitoes andwild females survived, despitebeing programmed to die. Thispersistence of transgenes inthe environment means thatthere could be unknown,possibly hazardous,consequences.

Furthermore, the plan torelease GM male mosquitoes,which do not spread disease, is

based purely on separating the smaller malemosquitoes from the female larvae, which is open toboth human and mechanical error.177

Even if this experiment leads to a reduction in Aedesaegypti mosquitoes, it is feared that consequently therecould be a proliferation of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes,which also transmit dengue and Chikungunya (anotherdisease similar to dengue fever). There are significantethical concerns about submitting Malaysians andtheir environment to such a risky experiment.

Oxitec was also behind the controversial GMmosquito trials in the Cayman Islands, which tookplace without public disclosure during 2009 and 2010,leading to UK and European Parliamentary scrutiny.179

EEddiittoorr''ss NNootteeThis article is an edited extract from the February 2011report (issue 121), "Who Benefits from GM Crops: AnIndustry Built on Myths", published by the InternationalSecretariat of Friends of the Earth International. Due tospace constraints, we are unable to publish the completereport inc lud ing endnotes . To see the or ig ina ldocument, go to http://tinyurl.com/4ndgz5t.

TThhiiss ppeerrssiisstteennccee ooffttrraannssggeenneess iinn tthhee

eennvviirroonnmmeenntt mmeeaannss tthhaatttthheerree ccoouulldd bbee uunnkknnoowwnn,,

ppoossssiibbllyy hhaazzaarrddoouuss,,ccoonnsseeqquueenncceess..

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AAnnaallyyssiiss ooff ssttaattiissttiiccaallddaattaa ccoonnffiirrmmss tthhaatttthhee ddeeaatthh rraatteess ffoorr

mmaajjoorr iillllnneesssseess ssuucchh aassmmeeaasslleess,, ddiipphhtthheerriiaa

aanndd wwhhooooppiinngg ccoouugghhwweerree iinn ssiiggnniiffiiccaannttddeecclliinnee lloonngg bbeeffoorreevvaacccciinneess aaiimmeedd aattpprreevveennttiinngg tthheessee

ddiisseeaasseess wweerree eevveenniinnttrroodduucceedd..

bbyy GGrreegg BBeeaattttiiee ©© 22001111

Email:[email protected]


Edited extract from chapter one ("The Belief") of his e-book

Fooling Ourselves on the Fundamental Value of Vaccines

There is a belief which lies at the heart of vaccination, one whichpredicates all discussion, investigation and appraisal of it. Theimportance of this belief is not generally appreciated; but not only isit the foundation of vaccination, it also serves as one of the

cornerstones of the temple of modern medicine. If it moves, the walls of thetemple shake and devotees rush to stay the structure. While the stone staysfirm, we continue forging opinion, formulating hypotheses, conducting"research and review" and even building policy upon it.

So what is this belief, and why is it so powerful? More importantly, howdoes it shape our community?

BBeelliieeffss AAbboouutt OOuurr PPaassttIt was October 1996. Charley (on the cover of my earlier book Vaccination –

A Parent's Dilemma) would be born in five weeks. My hearing in the HumanRights Commission concerning my unvaccinated children being banned fromchild care by the local council had concluded a little under three monthsearlier and I was eagerly awaiting the decision. It would take a further threemonths to arrive. A friend called excitedly to tell me that Norman Swan's"The Health Report" (Radio National ABC) was broadcasting a special showon vaccination that night and was promising to air both sides of the debate."Who's Norman Swan?" I asked. The caller gasped disbelief at my ignorancebefore assuring me, "This guy will do a good job". I jotted down theparticulars and went about finding a radio.

For those who share my past radio ignorance, Dr Norman Swan is a highlyregarded paediatrician. He is also a multi-award-winning broadcaster,having received the Australian Radio Producer of the Year award in 1984,among many other accolades and recognitions.

I caught the show. It opened dramatically. Church music played while thepresenter, Sharon Carleton, wandered through a graveyard reading fromheadstones...2

"To the memory of Alice Ellen Olivia, who died November 10th, 1874, aged1 year and 16 days. Also Frederic Charles, died November 14th, 1877, aged 2years and 9 months. The beloved children of... Walter Charles, died 19thOctober 1883, aged 7 months. Frances Martha Roper, died May 12th, 1860,aged 17 months. Also John Joseph Roper, died 1862, aged 9 months...

"A stroll through any Australian cemetery provides a silent reminder of howoften families in the past mourned their very young. What these weatheredold headstones don't tell us, of course, is what caused the children's deaths:scarlet fever, measles perhaps, diphtheria, whooping cough. A century agothey were all common, often fatal, childhood diseases."

Then cuts in the voice of authority: "What changed...was that we introducedimmunisation. Immunisation has prevented more suffering and saved morelives than any other medical intervention in this century, even antibiotics."

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Therein lies the focus of this chapter. There was atime in our history when the threat of death from acuteillness was enormous. And it was ever present.

Loss of children and other family members to the likesof measles or whooping cough was the norm rather thanthe exception. It was a long time ago. The examplesabove were well over 100 years ago. Thankfully, we weredelivered from that. Death rates fell and the illnessesceased to be the threat they once were. This change isgenerally attributed to several influences, but first andforemost is the advent of immunisation (also calledvaccination), as we heard above.

Immunisation has beenwritten into the history books,alongside clean water, as beingour greatest weapon in the fightagainst the acute killer diseasesof our past.

As a natural corollary to this,we realise that in order toprevent a return to those days,we must keep vaccinating ourchildren. If we fail to do this,the image of those frighteningdays serves as a reminder ofwhat will happen.

The belief that vaccination arrived and transformedour world from one where death from acute illness wascommon, to another where it is rare, is seldomdiscussed. It is a belief that lies at the heart of allthought on vaccines. It is also possibly one of the mostuniversally accepted medical beliefs of our time.

The voice of authority in the radio broadcast abovewas that of Dr Margaret Burgess, one of our nation'smost respected spokespersons on vaccination. Aprofessor of paediatrics with a long list of credentials,awards, memberships, published papers, etc. in the fieldof vaccines, she was to receive a Queen Elizabeth II

Silver Jubilee Medal one year after this broadcast. Sixyears after that, she received the Order of Australia. In anutshell, she was eminently qualified to make all sortsof pronouncements regarding vaccines. However, onedoesn't need qualifications to make statements such as"What changed...was that we introduced immunisation".

Why? Because that statement is probably the mostwell-accepted and cherished aspect of our collectivebelief in immunisation. Ask virtually anyone why deathsfrom measles or whooping cough plummeted and youwill hear "vaccination" or "immunisation". If you had

asked me 25 years ago, I wouldhave chimed in the chorus. Iwas raised on the same belief.

But there is a problem. Thebelief is not correct. This canbe very easily demonstrated. Infact, in this chapter, I will showyou clear and compellingevidence that the belief iscompletely without foundation.

SSttaattiissttiiccaall EEvviiddeenncceeFourteen years ago, whenVaccination – A Parent's Dilemma

was written, I realised that this false belief underpinnedalmost all thought on vaccination. I knew it had asignificant impact on our collective evaluation of thepractice. Since then, I have come to an even greaterunderstanding of its role in the debate and decided todedicate a whole chapter to it.

Let's have a look at the evidence now. We can plot thedeath rate for each illness on a graph and point anarrow to the spot where the vaccine was introduced.Figures for deaths in Australia going back as far as 1907can be found in the Commonwealth year books.Population figures are available from the AustralianBureau of Statistics. For the following graphs, I

obtained figures going back wellbefore 1907 from the CommonwealthDepartment of Health for someillnesses.3 The rates on the graphsrepresent deaths per 100,000population. The figures are five-yearly totals. The introduction of thevaccine is indicated on each graph.

•• MMeeaasslleess The measles graph shows us that

the five-yearly death rate, 100 yearsbefore the vaccine was introduced,was around the 170 mark. For thefive years immediately prior tointroducing the vaccine, it was lessthan one. That's a reduction of 99.5per cent—before the vaccine arrived.The remainder of less than 1.0 per

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IItt iiss aa bbeelliieeff tthhaatt lliieess aatt tthheehheeaarrtt ooff aallll tthhoouugghhtt oonn

vvaacccciinneess.. IItt iiss aallssoo ppoossssiibbllyyoonnee ooff tthhee mmoosstt uunniivveerrssaallllyyaacccceepptteedd mmeeddiiccaall bbeelliieeffss

ooff oouurr ttiimmee..

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cent is the only portion of thedecline which the vaccine could layclaim to because it simply wasn'taround for the first 99.5 per cent of it.How much claim can it lay to thislast little bit? We will see in chapterthree [see Greg Beattie's e-book;Ed.].

Measles vaccine was introduced in1968 and added to the childhoodschedule in 1971.4 Most of the othervaccines went through a period ofgradual introduction.

•• DDiipphhtthheerriiaa Diphtheria vaccine, although

introduced in the late 1920s, did notcome into widespread use until thelate 1930s at the earliest, and some say it was not until1953 when the DTP vaccine was licensed. The reason forthis was an event in January 1928, which came to beknown as the "Bundaberg tragedy",5 from which thecountry was slow to recover. In the 60 years prior tousing the vaccine, the death rate declined by over 80 percent.

You will notice two extra lines in the diphtheria graph.One is for croup and the other for the combined total ofcroup and diphtheria. There is a point in the early 1900swhere only the combined line remains. The reason forthese lines is that diphtheria and croup were not alwaysdifferentiated. Diphtheria was sometimes referred to asmembranous croup.6 According to Rudolph's Fundamentalsof Pediatrics: "Early in the 1900s, the term croup wassynonymous with laryngeal diphtheria."7 Prior to theearly 1900s, figures for diphtheria and croup wererecorded separately. After this, they were lumpedtogether.

•• WWhhooooppiinngg CCoouugghhNext, to whooping cough. This was

another vaccine introduced graduallyfrom the 1940s. Its routine use ininfants came with the licensure in1953 of DTP vaccine (thed i p h t h e r i a – t e t a n u s – p e r t u s s i svaccine; pertussis is the medicalname for whooping cough). As canbe seen from the graph, there wasroughly a 95 per cent reduction inmortality from the 1870s to 1953 priorto the DTP vaccine being licensed,and close to 90 per cent beforeearlier vaccines were used during the1940s.

•• OOtthheerr IIllllnneesssseessI have decided to present graphs

with death rates of two illnesses, one "vaccinepreventable" and one not, side by side for comparison.Measles is compared with scarlet fever. Both hadsimilar death rates in the 1800s. Never a vaccine-preventable illness, scarlet fever had a death rate thatdeclined just as efficiently as that of measles and didnot return to previous levels. Similarly, I have selectedtyphoid fever to be compared with whooping cough, avaccine-preventable illness.

The comparison seems ludicrous. After all, none ofthe illnesses had a vaccine until right at the very end.But just in case we thought measles or whooping coughmay have made a last-minute dash and sprung back upto the levels of 100 years ago had we not invented avaccine, the other two are there to remind us that thatwas unlikely. Typhoid fever and scarlet fever were onceas great a problem as the other two; in fact, greater.They declined and became relatively insignificant justthe same, and without a vaccine.

Data for typhoid fever deaths from 1910 onward shows

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similar rates to whooping cough, ascan be seen in the whooping coughand typhoid fever graph. At the closeof the century, there were 50–70cases of (not deaths from) typhoidfever each year in Australia.8

One last graph shows data fortetanus. This one didn't make it intoVaccination – A Parent's Dilemma.Tetanus is not contagious and it isalmost unheard of in children. Thegraph below is plotted from datakindly supplied by the AustralianInstitute of Health and Welfare.9

Please note that the graph covers allages and, like the typhoid fevergraph above, starts only in 1910whereas the previous graphscommenced 40 years earlier.

As we can see, there was noobservable effect on the trend indeaths from the introductions ofvaccines. There was simply a steadydecline.

FFaacciinngg tthhee TTrruutthhBefore I continue, I would like to

say a few words about reactions tothese graphs. I presented similargraphs (minus tetanus) at my HumanRights Commission hearing. Theywere received with disinterest; in fact,dismissed as irrelevant and totallydisregarded by the expert witnessesfrom the medical establishment andthus the Commissioner. When Isubsequently published them inVaccination – A Parent's Dilemma, theywere received with great interest byreaders and were quickly spreadaround the world. If you search theInternet today, you will find numeroussites where the original graphs havebeen reproduced along with many forother countries. Why the vastdisparity between the reactions?

I can group the public reaction intotwo distinct types. The first, whichhas also been the most common, isshock or disbelief. These reactionsare from those who find it difficult tobelieve what they are seeing. It isthe same feeling I had when I firstsaw evidence of this—the experienceof having a cherished belief pulledapart in front of your eyes. It iscommon for people with this

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reaction to question the figures and the graphingtechnique. "Where did you say these figures are from?Why have I not seen graphs like this before? Did youdouble-check the figures?" In my opinion, this is aperfectly normal reaction. We have a deep faith inmedicine, and especially vaccination.

The second one is the "that doesn't prove a thing"reaction. This is a reaction of rejection. It is lesscommon and generally comes from people who areactively involved in marketing and promoting the use ofvaccines. When asked to explain what they mean by thereaction, these people tend to argue one thing: thatthis data cannot be used to assess vaccine performance.And they are correct. These graphs do not make anyattempt whatsoever to measure the performance of avaccine. They simply put things into historicalperspective. That perspective shows us that vaccines wereunimportant influences in the bigger picture, that they arrivedtoo late to be consideredpotential contributors in anysignificant way.

So, in historical perspective,vaccination made little or nocontribution to the decline indeaths from each illness.

RReeaall RReeaassoonn ffoorr tthhee DDeecclliinneeWhatever caused deaths to

decline before vaccines wereintroduced, it continued quiteuniformly after they wereintroduced. Professor ThomasMcKeown in The Role of Medicine (Basil Blackwell, Oxford,1979, p. 162) says:

"Experience of the last two centuries indicates thatinfectious deaths fell to a small fraction of their earlierlevel without medical intervention, and suggests thathad none been available they would have continued todecline, if not so rapidly in some diseases."

The reasons most medical historians give for thedecline in deaths from these diseases are improvementsin nutrition, hygiene and sanitation, nutrition beingforemost. A very influential report by Dr Moises Behar,published in World Health, explains as follows:15

"In the now developed countries, mortality due totuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, typhoid fever,diarrhoeal diseases and many other infections began tofall long before the responsible microbial agents hadbeen identified and before specific measures of controlor treatment were known. This decline—much greaterthan anything achieved since through the use ofvaccination and antimicrobial drugs—paralleled theimprovement in general living conditions. Microbesand the diseases caused by them prosper, therefore,only in environmental conditions favourable to them."

Regarding nutrition, Dr Behar went on to say:"A debilitated organism is far less resistant to attack

by invading micro-organisms. Ordinary measles ordiarrhoea—harmless and short-lived diseases amongwell-fed children—are usually serious and often fatal tothe chronically malnourished. Before vaccines existed,practically every child in all countries caught measles,but 300 times more deaths occurred in the poorercountries than in the richer ones. The reason was notthat the virus was more virulent, nor that there werefewer medical services; but that in poorly nourishedcommunities the microbes attack a host which, becauseof chronic malnutrition, is less able to resist."

The report concluded:"For the time being, an adequate diet is the most

effective 'vaccine' against most of the diarrhoeal,respiratory and other common infections."

CCoonncclluussiioonnssThe death rates from diseases for which we developed

vaccines fell substantially andconsistently from the mid-1800s. Most of this declineoccurred well beforevaccination was introduced.Routine vaccination was not evenavailable for some of the diseases untilthey had almost disappeared. Eachdeath rate was decliningsubstantially prior tovaccination and, as we have noreason to suspect that trendwould have changed, we haveno reason to credit the small

remainder of the decline to vaccination, especially whenwe can see that other diseases continued their declinewithout vaccines being available for them.

The story is the same for the rest of the developedworld. If you follow this footnote,10 you will be able toperuse numerous historical graphs from England, theUSA and Europe which confirm this.

WWhheerree DDoo WWee GGoo FFrroomm HHeerree??This book is not critical of health professionals but of

the system of thought underlying our collective belief invaccines. The research world has indeed witnessedmany significant contributions from committedindividuals who find ways to help lift humanity fromsuffering. However, there have also been many displays(not so prominently paraded) of the insignificance ofmedicine in some fields of endeavour. But these aregenerally not acknowledged to the level where thepublic is aware of them. Nowhere is this lack of integrity moreblatant than in our recollection of the role of vaccines in thehistorical decline of deaths.

It is time we changed that. It is time we stoppedregurgitating claims that vaccines saved us from the

TThhee ddeeaatthh rraatteess ffrroommddiisseeaasseess ffoorr wwhhiicchh wweeddeevveellooppeedd vvaacccciinneess ffeellll

ssuubbssttaannttiiaallllyy aannddccoonnssiisstteennttllyy ssiinnccee tthhee


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CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8800

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TThhee NNaattuurree ooff tthhee BBBBBB aanndd iittss RReellaattiioonnsshhiipp ttoo CChhrroonniicc IIllllnneessss

Recent discoveries about the permeability of the once-thought-impenetrable blood-brain barrier (BBB) may be involved in manybrain and systemic diseases. These include stroke, migraine,Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory diseases,

allergic disorders, Lyme disease, traumatic brain injury, hypertension,obesity and mental illnesses. Stress, heat, histamine, toxins, allergies,nutritional deficiencies, microwaves and a heart defect—which every thirdperson unknowingly has—can cause permeability of this crucial barrier toour brains. Stroke is the second leading cause of death in Australia,1 andthis hidden heart defect is now known to be a leading cause of stroke.

We've known about this barrier to perhaps our most precious entity—ourbrains—since 1885 when Paul Ehrlich, MD, discovered it.2 He found thatupon injection of blue dyes into living animals, most organs were stained—but not the brain. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that dyes injectedinto the brain did not stain any of the peripheral organs. Ehrlich and otherswould postulate that some type of barrier protects the brain from rapid orlarge influx of factors circulating in the blood. These include bacteria,viruses, toxins, inflammatory substances, inflammatory cells, growth factors,neurotransmitters, amino acids and other substances that might otherwisehave drastic effects on the brain. But it wasn't until 1967 that electronmicroscopy proved the existence of the BBB.

The BBB is now known to consist of a continuous layer of endothelial cellsthat are joined by tight junctions with very high electrical resistance. Theseendothelial cells line the over 400 miles (644 kilometres) of cerebralcapillaries in the brain. Their tight junctions impede influx of ions andmolecules across the plasma membranes of the endothelial cells. Besidesthe physical barrier, a complex set of biochemical factors is also part of theBBB. Small fat-soluble (lipophilic) transport molecules can ordinarily crossthe BBB. They transport glucose, choline and some amino acids. Natureintended for only a few things in the blood to get into the brain, as braincells can so easily—and perhaps disastrously—be affected by many thingscirculating in the blood.

Until recently, the blood-brain barrier was thought to be nearlyunalterable. Much research has now disproved this. Stroke, traumatic braininjury, heat stress, ischaemia, inflammation, drugs, toxins, certain diseases,hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, electromagnetic fields (EMF),microwaves, ultrasound, heart defects and even emotional stress have beenproven to cause changes in the BBB. These changes lead to increasedpermeability of the BBB. This in turn is suspected of being a crucial elementin—and perhaps even the initiator of—certain diseases. Recently it hasbeen found that the BBB is not completely formed until the middle of thefirst year of life.



TThhee bblloooodd--bbrraaiinnbbaarrrriieerr bbeeccoommeess

ppeerrmmeeaabbllee aass aa rreessuullttooff ssttrreessss,, ttooxxiinnss,, hheeaatt,,

EEMMFF,, nnuuttrriittiioonnaallddeeffiicciieenncciieess aanndd hheeaarrttddeeffeeccttss,, ccaauussiinngg mmaannyy


bbyy SStteevveenn RRoocchhlliittzz,, PPhhDD ©©November 2010 – February 2011

Post Office Box 2154Cottonwood, AZ 86326, USA

Email: [email protected]:


Page 37: Nexus   1803 - new times magazine

SSttrreessss aanndd OOtthheerr FFaaccttoorrss AAlltteerr tthhee BBlloooodd--BBrraaiinn BBaarrrriieerrLet's examine the recently proven alterability of the

blood-brain barrier. In 1996, research was doneinvolving Gulf War soldiers and also mice.

One study3 found that 213 Gulf War soldiers hadsuffered significant central nervous system (CNS)symptoms—headache, drowsiness, nervousness,attention deficit and calculation deficit—after ingestionof the drug pyridostigmine. It was administeredsupposedly to block the effects of possible nerve gasexposure. (Some have alleged that the belief thatpyridostigmine could offer some protection againstneurotoxins was not totally based on fact...) This drugwas not supposed to elicit adverse CNS reactionsbecause it wasn't supposed to cross the BBBappreciably. Researchers hypothesised that the stress ofwar led to a weakened BBB, which led to a greaterentrance of the drug into the brain.

Others then experimented on mice that underwent the"forced-swim" stress protocol.4

In the stressed mice, it wasfound that only 1/100th the doseof (peripherally administered)pyridostigmine was needed toinhibit a brain enzyme by 50 percent, as compared to controlmice. This demonstrated that avery significant amount of thedrug crossed the BBB in thestressed mice. So the emotionalstress of war led to a breakdownof the BBB in soldiers, and thestress of forced swimming led tothe breakdown of the BBB in mice.

Another possible exacerbating factor with the Gulf Warsoldiers was heat stress in that part of the world. Earlieranimal studies found that immobilisation, cold,isolation and chronic or acute heat stress all resulted inincreased permeability of the BBB to drugs,neurotransmitters and viruses. It was a shock in themedical field that the BBB was so alterable.

Let's examine heat stress . In 1992, it wasdemonstrated that heat stress in rats is mediated byhistamine5 and results in "a profound increase in blood-brain barrier permeability...along with a significantreduction in cerebral blood flow" and increased brainoedema. Pretreatment with cimetidine, an H2-receptorantagonist (a type of antihistamine and an ulcer drug),"significantly thwarted the increases...in the blood-brainbarrier permeability". The researchers postulate that"histamine might be released as a result of noxiousthermal stimuli from histaminergic neurons whichproject profusely to nearly all parts of the brain, cerebralmast cells and/or from peripheral sources". But theyalso note that histamine is elevated in the brain,cerebrospinal fluid or blood following traumatic braininjuries and other disorders. The authors state that "the

possibility that elevation of body temperature andrelated brain temperature will have a significant effect onincreased BBB permeability and edema is quite likely".Further, they state that "histamine actively participates inthe response to stress" and that "histamine H2 receptorsare involved in the physiological mechanism of stressresponse". They note that the reduction in cerebralblood flow (hypoperfusion) appears to be caused byincreased oxygen and decreased carbon dioxide (CO2).The finding of lowered carbon dioxide in histaminicalteration of the BBB indicates that breathing techniquesto increase CO2 levels may act as an antihistamine andmay benefit problems caused by BBB permeability. Thisis perhaps another validation of the Buteyko breathingmethod to raise the CO2 level. Another naturalantihistamine is water.

So we can conclude that heat—and other stress, suchas trauma to the brain—results in cerebral histaminerelease, which then leads to BBB permeability, cerebral

hypo-perfusion and cerebraloedema.

Do allergies play a role inthese matters? Do those whosuffer from "brain allergies"have greater histamine releaseinto the brain? Or do they havemore histamine receptors? Anddo they thus have leaky blood-brain barriers much of the timedue to their brain allergies?This may be analogous to foodallergies causing permeabilityin the gastrointestinal (GI) tract,

as with leaky gut syndrome. This points out the need toascertain and eliminate foods that might be causing"brain allergies" and subsequent histamine release intothe brain.

Some researchers have found that mast cells, alongwith endothelial cells, must be a component of thephysical BBB. Their research indicates that mast cellsunder certain conditions regulate the BBB permeability.6

This means that BBB alteration/permeability can be partof allergic diseases. Mast cells are found in the skin, GItract, lungs, brain and other tissues. Mastocytosis is adisorder whereby mast cells either are present in excessor are malfunctioning and degranulating too readily,releasing histamine. Mast cell disease thus may beinvolved in the aetiology of those who suffer from manyallergies or allergy-like reactions to foods, chemicals andEMF. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is known to cause or

worsen mast cell disease; thus MSG may adversely affectthe BBB. MSG may then get into the brain more readilyand cause more harm. Some foods, including meat, fishand dairy, have high histamine levels that may also beinvolved in these mechanisms.

If there is alteration of the BBB, the brain may have a

36 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL – MAY 2011

RReesseeaarrcchheerrss hhyyppootthheessiisseeddtthhaatt tthhee ssttrreessss ooff wwaarr lleedd ttooaa wweeaakkeenneedd BBBBBB,, wwhhiicchh lleedd

ttoo aa ggrreeaatteerr eennttrraannccee oofftthhee ddrruugg iinnttoo tthhee bbrraaiinn..

Page 38: Nexus   1803 - new times magazine

temperature out of its normal range. Placing a cold gelpack on the head or forehead may help those sufferingfrom mast cell disorder, allergies, migraine, thyroiddisorders, neurotransmitter defects, histamine disorders,flushing, pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stroke orcardiac problems. Are you a "hothead"? The ancientGreeks, who coined the term, knew about this condition.But if there are chills or other signs of low temperature,place a hot gel pack, or at least a full cap, over yourhead. It is interesting to note that new guidelines forheart attack victims indicate that the blood should becooled down immediately. Above, I noted how harmfulheat stress is to the BBB. Now, once the brain is notfunctioning properly, the whole body—including the heart—will suffer further.It's a vicious cycle, and it works bothways. Have cold packs around forthose who may suffer heart problems,after consulting a physician.

Some neurotransmitters may be atsub-optimal levels after BBB alterationand will cause their own unfolding ofevents. Once we realise that BBBalteration may involve changes inneurotransmitter levels, we mustconsider that some "mental illnesses"may be caused or exacerbated by BBBpermeability. These can includedepression, anxiety, panic,obsessive–compulsive disorderand even more serious illnessessuch as paranoia, schizophrenia,catatonia, etc. Indeed, deficiencyof inhibitory neurotransmitters(GABA, serotonin, others) can bean integral part of allergy- likereactions to foods. If a slightirritation, or reaction, in the GItract ensues after eating a food, aperson who is low in one or moreinhibitory neurotransmitters mayexperience severe symptoms.These can include cardiac symptoms (tachycardia,hypertension/hypotension), pain, oedema, anxiety,depression, rash or other complaints. People who aredeficient in GABA may be intolerant of many spices.GABA supplements may help symptoms from a leaky gutor a leaky BBB.

Some micro-organisms can penetrate the BBB. Theseinclude spirochetes such as Borrelia burgdorferi, whichcauses Lyme disease, and the spirochete that causessyphilis. Spirochetes are believed to tunnel throughblood vessel walls. This may cause subsequent BBBpermeability for other substances in the blood. Someviruses may get through the BBB by attachingthemselves to certain immune cells. This is part of AIDS. Ammonia may play a role in BBB alteration in Lyme

disease. One researcher states that this has implicationsfor "cerebral allergies...neurological and psychologicalhypersensitivity, MCS [multiple chemical sensitivity],cognitive dysfunction, CFS [chronic fatigue syndrome]..."7

He claims that Borrellia and other infectious organismsthat have got into the brain are releasing ammonia andcausing a hyperpermeable BBB, or leaky brain syndrome.Ammonia may be converted to glutamine, which mayaffect the BBB. Then larger molecules such as dietaryamino acids may too readily enter the brain.8 TheFunctional Acuity Contrast Test, also called the VisualContrast Sensitivity Test, is recommended to test forcerebral dysfunction.

Systemic inflammatory diseasesare also suspected of causing BBBpermeability, or perhaps they arepartially a result of something that hascaused BBB permeability. Otherfactors have recently been found toinduce BBB breakdown. Research isongoing to allow greater amounts ofdrugs to penetrate the BBB. Mannitol,given intravenously with subsequentdrug administration, is being used toinduce BBB permeability.Electromagnetic radiation also

causes BBB breakdown. In 1977,researchers observed that very low

levels of microwaves applied tothe brain rapidly initiated BBBpermeability. Microwaveradiation caused albumin to leakfrom capillaries, causing neurondamage and BBB permeability. In1988, scientists found that BBBleakage can occur after twominutes of microwave exposureand at a density level of only1/10,000th of a watt. This is farless than the radiation absorbedby a cellphone-user's brain.9

Finnish scientists have found thatcellphone radiation can shrink brain cells, making themmore permeable to leaking toxins.10 There may be avicious cycle in play here for sufferers of EMF sensitivity.The BBB has also been found to contain magnetite, andso would be sensitive to purely magnetic fields.Ultrasound radiation is being used to open up smallareas of the BBB for subsequent drug administration.Some researchers have stated that testing for possiblepermanent brain damage from such ultrasound-irradiated brain areas has been insufficient to date.11

Certain governments are known to have createdultrasound devices to be used for "crowd control"—andthey claim that these are safe. Now you know better.

One would expect that a crisis in blood flow in thebrain might have serious consequences for the BBB.

APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 37


ddiisseeaasseess aarree aallssoossuussppeecctteedd ooffccaauussiinngg BBBBBB

ppeerrmmeeaabbiilliittyy,, oorrppeerrhhaappss tthheeyy aarreeppaarrttiiaallllyy aa rreessuulltt

ooff ssoommeetthhiinngg tthhaatthhaass ccaauusseedd BBBBBBppeerrmmeeaabbiilliittyy..

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Indeed, there is a transient loss of the BBB that occurswithin minutes or hours of a stroke. Even a smallpercentage of loss of BBB function, but over a lengthyinterval, may lead to degenerative neurological illnesses.A cerebral ischaemic event—stroke—leads to oedemaand BBB breakdown.12 BBB permeability after a strokehas been shown to be very variable both in time andlocation. Openings of 20 nanometres occur and thenclose off, and some areas of the brain have greaterpermeability than others. Further changes can then takeplace in the BBB endothelium involving depositing offibrin, platelets, adhesion molecules and, later,macrophages (white blood cells). Ischaemia (lack ofblood flow) leads to the death of brain cells.

Shortly we'll see how a hidden heartdefect causes stroke.

NNuuttrriittiioonnaall DDeeffiicciieenncciieess aanndd tthhee BBBBBB Deficiencies of certain nutrients can

cause BBB permeability. Zincdeficiency has been found to adverselyaffect the BBB, after the BBB was firstsubjected to excess oxygen stress.13

Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids hasalso been found to adversely affect theBBB.14 Omega-3 deficiency has beenlinked to depression, so increasedBBB permeability may be linked tothis "mental illness". Thiamine(vitamin B1) deficiency has beenfound to adversely affect BBBintegrity.15 The crucial anti-oxidant glutathione has beenfound to play a role in BBBintegrity.16 Iodine deficiency hasbeen implicated in BBBpermeability, and also led todecreased transport of glucoseand an amino acid in the brain.17

Iodine is part of the thyroidhormones, so there may be a linkinvolved in hypothyroidismleading to retardation, if present in infancy.

Correcting nutritional deficiencies has been aidedrecently by nanotechnology, which allows for liposomalencapsulated nutrients (or drugs) to get past the BBB.Liposomes utilise phospholipids to surround a nutrientor drug. But great care should be taken with this newtechnology as it may not be safe to get certain nutrientsrapidly into the brain. Nature devised or evolved theBBB for good reason.Alzheimer's disease may entail protracted BBB

leakage.18 Deficiency of the recently found proteinapolipoprotein E (apoE) in the brain leads to significantloss of BBB integrity and may be linked to Alzheimer's.A high cholesterol level is one factor that seems topotentiate the apoE-deficient BBB integrity

diminishment. Brain tumours are also known to beassociated with leaky BBBs.

Blood-brain barrier hyperpermeability may be involvedin hypertension. Researchers observed rats with kidneydefects that led to excess sodium chloride passingthrough the BBB.19 This then led to hypertension. Herean essential nutrient, sodium—via BBB hyper-permeability—entered the brain in harmful, excessamounts.

The BBB may be involved in obesity. Leptin is aprotein implicated in obesity. Ordinarily, leptin signalssatiety. In some obese people, this signal does not workproperly; this is called leptin resistance. Researchers in onestudy found: "...serum triglycerides impair the ability of

the BBB to transport leptin.Triglycerides are likely a major causeof the leptin resistance seen in bothstarvation and obesity. Loweringtriglycerides may be therapeuticallyuseful in enhancing the effects ofleptin on weight loss."20

A related research area isascertaining if the BBB is normallypermeable to certain nutrients, whenscientists just assumed it was not.Folic acid and iron have now beenfound to cross the BBB under normalcircumstances. Does BBB breakdown

subsequently allow excesspassage of these nutrients intothe brain? Folic acid is known toexacerbate histamine releasefrom certain cells. And we havealready seen histamine'sinvolvement in BBB breakdown.So we would have a vicious andharmful cycle, possibly involvingmast cell disease.21 Folic acid is amethyl donor, and researchershave noted that some chronicallyill people get worse from takingmethyl donor supplements.

Excess folic acid has been found to cause reactiveairways disease in animals.Multiple sclerosis is another disease linked to BBB

breakdown. Takashi Kanda states: "In multiple sclerosis(MS), disruption of the BBB is the initial key step in thedevelopment of inflammatory lesions ... once the BBBbreaks, massive infiltration of T cells, augmentedexpression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cellsurface, and leakage of inflammatory cytokines andantibodies will aggravate the MS lesions."22

There are areas of the brain that are outside the BBB.The circumventricular organs (CVOs) are BBB-deficientareas that communicate with the cerebrospinal fluid andfacilitate the flow of blood-borne substances betweenthe brain and peripheral organs. CVOs include the

38 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL – MAY 2011

BBlloooodd--bbrraaiinn bbaarrrriieerrhhyyppeerrppeerrmmeeaabbiilliittyymmaayy bbee iinnvvoollvveedd iinn hhyyppeerrtteennssiioonn..

RReesseeaarrcchheerrssoobbsseerrvveedd rraattss wwiitthhkkiiddnneeyy ddeeffeeccttss tthhaatt

lleedd ttoo eexxcceessssssooddiiuumm cchhlloorriiddeeppaassssiinngg tthhrroouugghh

tthhee BBBBBB..

Page 40: Nexus   1803 - new times magazine

pineal gland, parts of the pituitary gland, thehypothalamus and other tissues. So some of our mostimportant brain organs, like the pituitary andhypothalamus, have diminished BBB protection.Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), released by thehypothalamus during stress, has been found to causeBBB permeability.

Researchers have found that BBB cells alone regulatedthe amount of glucose entering the brain, and that theBBB created more glucose transporter molecules withinitself in response to hyperinsulin-inducedhypoglycaemia in rats.23 So perhaps we should say thatthe blood-brain barrier itself has a brain. Thiscompensating effect was noted in rats that recovered ontheir own after two days of hypoglycaemia.

MMiiggrraaiinneess,, SSttrrookkeess aanndd tthhee HHoollee iinn tthhee HHeeaarrtt Migraine sufferers often also suffer from depression,

anxiety/panic and sleepproblems. All these may entailincreased permeability of theBBB. Migraine without aura iscalled common migraine.Migraine with aura is calledclassic migraine. The aura stageconsists of visual disturbances:flashing lights, zigzagging lines,rainbow areas, vertigo, loss ofpart of the visual field, pins andneedles on one side of the face,and numbness.

Classic migraine has threephases: the aura phase, the headache phase and thepost-headache phase. The aura phase lasts about a half-hour, and often has a preceding premonition phase. Theonset of the painful headache phase usually ends theaura phase. The throbbing or pounding headache painmay start out in one area and spread to a much largerarea, and can last for hours up to a day. The headachephase can be accompanied by severe sensitivity to light,smells, sounds and touch. The post-headache phase caninclude chills, sweats, diuresis, polyuria and shakes.

Common migraine may have precursor events ofmoodiness, fatigue or mental lapses. The headachephase may be similar to the classic migraine headachephase. One can also have the purely optic migraine offeeling sick with aura symptoms, including temporarypartial loss of the visual field, but without getting theheadache. The aura phase has been suspected of beingdue to vasoconstriction, and the headache phase due tovasodilation. Recently, the aura phase has been said tocoincide with a cortical spreading depression (SD) wave.This is a depolarisation (reversal or reduction of theelectrical potential of cell membranes) wave moving atabout three millimetres per minute in the cerebralcortex. Cerebral blood flow is altered during this SDwave. A brief, spreading, hypaeremic (above normal)

blood flow pattern is followed by a much longer lasting,spreading, oligaemic (diminished) blood flow pattern.The SD wave can be triggered by electrical, mechanicalor toxic factors. Migraine cessation has also beenattained by the elimination of certain foods.

Recent research has found a delayed BBB permeabilityincrease and subsequent cortical oedema from a singleepisode of an SD wave, and that repetitive SD wavescause BBB permeability beginning within two hours ofonset.24 Another study has found that "chronic cerebralhypoperfusion induces BBB damage with subsequentmorphological changes of the vascular structure in thecorpus callosum".25 (The corpus callosum lies betweenthe two brain hemispheres and is involved in dyslexiaand other problems.) The associated leakage into thebrain of macromolecules, such as proteases andimmuno-globulins, may contribute to the formation ofwhite-matter lesions (visible on MRI) which are

associated with decreasedcognition in the elderly.

But what can cause chroniccerebral hypoperfusion? Hiddenheart conditions are known todo this. One in particular isinvolved in migraines, strokesand other problems. This is thepatent foramen ovale (pronounced"pay-tent foray-men oh-val-ee"),or PFO. It is an atrial septaldefect. One out of about every threepeople has a hole or tunnel between thetwo upper chambers of the heart that

did not seal properly in infancy.26 This is partially based onanalysis of a 1984 Mayo Clinic autopsy study of 965people, which excluded obviously diseased hearts. Thestudy revealed a 27.3 per cent prevalence for all ages.For people who died in their first three decades of life,the prevalence was 34.3 per cent. As obviously diseasedhearts were excluded, 27.3 per cent is likely a significantunderestimate for the entire population. Enlightenedresearchers now cite a 35 per cent PFO prevalence.27

The PFO allows for poorly oxygenated blood to go tothe brain and the rest of the body. Recent research hasproven the role of the PFO in causing migraines (more soif there is aura), ischaemic strokes and transientischaemic attacks (TIAs) which usually include the mindgoing blank. Strokes and TIAs occur, in part, because the PFOcauses clots or micro-clots to form. The PFO may be causativeof, or linked to, exercise intolerance, asthma, pulmonaryhypertension and cardiac degeneration. It gets largerand more problematic with age.

When closure of the PFO was attained, via catheterimplantation of a small closure device, migraines wereserendipitously found to cease in many sufferers,including divers. It can prevent new strokes fromoccurring. Such devices currently all contain nickel,which can be problematic for allergic or porphyric

OOnnee oouutt ooff aabboouutt eevveerryytthhrreeee ppeeooppllee hhaass aa hhoollee oorrttuunnnneell bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ttwwoouuppppeerr cchhaammbbeerrss ooff tthheehheeaarrtt tthhaatt ddiidd nnoott sseeaallpprrooppeerrllyy iinn iinnffaannccyy..

APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 39

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people. Hopefully, better methods such as stem cellswill be used in the future.

The PFO is now recognised as a leading cause ofischaemic stroke and classic migraines. A well-knownmedical centre states: "About 40 percent of patients whohave an ischemic stroke have no known cause (calledcryptogenic stroke). PFO is present and associated withan increase in stroke in about 40 percent of cases."28 Ibelieve that is a conservative estimate, and that the PFOcan also cause or exacerbate other problems includingfatigue, myalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity, EMFsensitivity, food reactivity and respiratory disorders. Inaddition to the problematic nickel, getting the catheter-implanted device also entails taking blood-thinningdrugs for months before and after implantation. Thecommonly used blood-thinner warfarin was first used asrat poison.

Israel's Prime Minister, ArielSharon, after suffering a mild,ischaemic stroke in December2005 and getting diagnosed witha PFO, took blood-thinners. InJanuary 2006, he suffered ahaemorrhagic stroke theevening before he was to havePFO closure surgery. "Severalsenior doctors [said] 'there wasindescribable negligence'…Questions were also raisedabout the dosage he received."29

He was taken to the hospital byan hour-long ambulance ride—instead of byhelicopter—after his massive haemorrhagic stroke. Hewas formally removed from office in April 2006 and sincethen has been comatose.

In late April 2010, rock musician Bret Michaels washospitalised for a minor stroke caused by his previouslyhidden PFO. He underwent successful closure surgeryon 24 January 2011.

The PFO can be tested for via the (less invasive)Transcranial Doppler (TCD) test or the TransoesophagealEchocardiogram (TOE) test. The TCD test involvesinjecting a saline solution with micro-bubbles of air andseeing if a shunting, or crossover, of blood between theatria occurs by finding the bubbles in the brain via theDoppler device which is placed on the head. The hiddenhiatal hernia and vagus nerve imbalance syndrome isinvolved in the PFO mechanism, I claimed after 27 yearsof helping people with these problems.30 Vagal nervestimulation or imbalance can cause a more open PFOstate.

All this shows that one of the most crucial things formaintaining a strong blood-brain barrier may be toascertain and correct—or mitigate the effects of—thehidden PFO. This can prevent or diminish migraines,strokes and other problems. The PFO may be a primarycause of BBB fragility and subsequent permeability and chronic or

environmental illness in some people. It would be synergisticwith other medical problems that a person has.

Talking about PFO closure with cardiologists can beproblematic. In discussing implanting two closuredevices with two cardiologists, I received, alas, what Ibelieve are typical responses. The first one said, "Thesalesman told me the device has no nickel"—despite thefact that the very name of the device, "30NT", refers to it("N" stands for nickel and "T" for titanium; "30" is thenickel percentage, the remainder being titanium).Several years later, I broached the subject with anothercardiologist. He said that the device had no nickel—Ithink he never knew or cared to know what it was madeof, but that didn't stop him from providing falseinformation—despite the fact that the very name of thedevice, "15NT", refers to it (this device has 15 per centnickel). The second one told me, after I told him that I'd

written a book on the PFO, that"the PFO is not capable ofcausing any problems otherthan what insurance currentlyreimburses for—and I am thedoctor; do not contradict me".Words to live by...or perhaps,more likely, words to die by?

HHoolliissttiicc HHeellppeerrssWe've seen that our precious

brains have a barrier that is nowknown to break down moreeasily than was thought

possible. Permeability of the BBB may be involved instroke, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, MS, Lyme disease,EMF sensitivity, food allergies, hypertension, braininjury, tumours and obesity. BBB permeability can becaused by emotional stress, toxicities, drugs, nutritionaldeficiencies, trauma, heat, allergies, MSG,EMF/microwaves, ultrasound, heart defects and otherfactors. To protect our brains from the possiblydevastating effects of BBB permeability, we need toavoid or counter those factors.

Helpful methods to ensure a properly functioning BBBcan include stress reduction, energy balancing viakinesiology, acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology,breathing techniques and the Rochlitz Heart IntegrationExercises.31 The brain's central acupuncture meridiancan be balanced by running the hand over it five times,going up from the groin to under the lower lip. Lightlyholding points on the forehead, three centimetres abovethe centre of each eyebrow for 30 seconds to fiveminutes, also helps reduce stress and balance the brain,improving the blood flow. This is a neurovasculartechnique. For reflexology, rub hard the top/central partsof the five toes, especially the big toe. Cranialadjustments may also help. Complete food testing with

40 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL – MAY 2011

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

TThhee PPFFOO mmaayy bbee aa pprriimmaarryy ccaauussee ooff BBBBBB

ffrraaggiilliittyy aanndd ssuubbsseeqquueennttppeerrmmeeaabbiilliittyy aanndd cchhrroonniicc oorr eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iillllnneessss

iinn ssoommee ppeeooppllee..

Page 42: Nexus   1803 - new times magazine

APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 41


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ccording to Expansion Tectonics, geological data support the claimthat the Earth has been gaining matter over geological time. Thesource of this new matter and the specific manner of how the Earthgains it remain a mystery which affects the viability of Expansion

Tectonics. This article proposes a new mechanism for matter gain. Insummary, based on the electric nature of our universe, it is suggested thatthis gain is primarily fed by solar particles that are transferred to the Earth'sinterior by electron and proton conduction. It is argued that such a processis plausible and has support based on theoretical and empirical studiesappearing in existing scientific literature.

EExxppaannssiioonn TTeeccttoonniiccss For over a century, many professional geologists have speculated on the

possibility that the Earth has undergone a steadily increasing expansion. Inthe past 60 years, the two names most notable in this regard are ProfessorSamuel Warren Carey and his successor Dr James Maxlow, both geologistsfrom Australia. These and other scientists have arrived at the conclusionthat, based on sound empirical evidence, the observed geology of the Earthcan only be explained if the Earth has been increasing its radiussubstantially over a time period of several billion years.

In the 1990s, Maxlow in his graduate research pursued the Earth expansionhypothesis in much greater detail. Maxlow initiated his studies soon afterthe Commission for the Geological Map of the World and UNESCO hadcompleted worldwide geological mapping of the surface of the Earth, bothon land and under the oceans, assembling extensive ageing data of theentire crust. This mapping then formed the basis for Maxlow's research.

Maxlow determined that the Earth has undergone an exponential increasein radius since the beginning of Earth history some 4,000 million years ago.What this means is that, for over 90 per cent of its existence, the increase inEarth radius was much less than the thickness of a human hair per year, andthen, about 200 million years ago, this rapidly increased to its present rate of22 millimetres per year.

By systematically taking away the area represented by the oceans andconstructing progressively smaller-radius Earth models, Maxlowdemonstrated that it is possible to reduce the Earth's radius and fit all of thepresent continents together at about 55 per cent of the current Earth radiusat the beginning of the Jurassic Period some 200 million years ago.Similarly, by investigation of ancient interior continental basins, Maxlowfound that it was possible to extend this value downwards to approximately27 per cent of the current value at the beginning of the Archaean Aeon some4,000 million years ago. From the beginning of the Archaean to the presentday, this represents about a 50-fold increase in volume. In all cases, Maxlowwas able to achieve a better than 99 per cent land-mass fit as he progressed



AA ppllaauussiibbllee nneewwaarrgguummeenntt ssuuggggeessttss

tthhaatt,, bbaasseedd oonn kknnoowwnnpphhyyssiiccaall pphheennoommeennaa,,ppaarrttiicclleess ffrroomm tthhee SSuunn

mmaayy aaccccoouunntt ffoorrEEaarrtthh eexxppaannssiioonn..

bbyy JJoohhnn BB.. EEiicchhlleerr ©© 22001111

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

Email: [email protected]

APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 43


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stepwise back in time, providing conclusive evidence forExpansion Tectonics.

A detailed technical discussion of the geological andother evidence supporting this expansion process,termed by Maxlow as Expansion Tectonics, is beyondthe scope of this article but is covered extensivelyelsewhere (Carey, 1996; Maxlow, 2005; Scalera & Jacob,2003).

Carey considered and subsequently rejected a numberof possible causes of expansion such as (1) a pulsatingEarth, (2) meteoric and asteroidal accretion, (3) aconstant Earth matter with phase changes of anoriginally super dense core, (4) continual reduction ofthe universal gravitational constant, and (5) acosmological cause involving a continual increase inmatter. The problem with each of these possible causesis that none seemed to account for the proposedmagnitude of expansion. Furthermore, most of thesepossible causes involve only theoretical speculation.Clearly, if the Earth has beengaining matter at the levelsrequired (from what geologicalevidence suggests), there mustbe some other mechanismunderlying this matter increase.Such a mechanism is suggestedhere, based on electron andproton conduction in solids,which is consistent with knownempirically determinedcharacteristics of matter.

AA PPrrooppoosseedd NNeeww MMeecchhaanniissmm Dr Hannes Alfvén, Nobel

laureate and recognised plasma physics expert who isconsidered the father of the field, has said that ouruniverse is one where over 99 per cent of the matterpresent is in the form of plasma. Plasma currentsconsist of charged particles, both electrons andnegatively or positively charged ions, which move inunison (although in opposite directions) under theinfluence of electric and magnetic fields. Subsequentexploration of space by artificial satellites and spaceprobes has verified that such currents do exist. Eventhough these charged particles are widely separated, asis the case in the relative void of space, the sheernumber of particles is so large that currents in thebillions of amps or more are created by their motion(Lerner, 1992). This subject matter has been analysed indetail in many technical books and papers (e.g., Alfvén,1986; Peratt, 1990, 1995). For our purposes, what isimportant here is that vast numbers of charged particlesdo indeed exist in space.

What is suggested here is that the constantbombardment of the Earth by charged particles,primarily from our Sun, provides a source for the matternecessary to account for the increase in matter within

the Earth without the necessity of invoking esoterictheoretical processes. More importantly, all this occurswithin the confines of known physics.

TThhee GGlloobbaall EElleeccttrriicc CCiirrccuuiitt Our Earth is very active, both from an electric and a

magnetic standpoint. In a similar manner as to how acurrent flowing through a coil of wire produces amagnetic field, the Earth's magnetic field is inferred tobe generated by currents of electricity within the Earth.Additionally, there is a large amount of electrical activitybelow, on and above the surface of our planet.

The ionosphere ranges from 50 to more than 400kilometres above the Earth's surface. It is characterisedby a mixture of free electrons and ions of variouselements including hydrogen (whose ion is a singleproton), thus creating a plasma current due to theEarth's magnetic field. From an electric point of view,there exists a voltage potential which ranges from

200,000 to 300,000 volts ormore between the ionosphereand the surface of the Earth(Markson & Muir, 1980). Theatmosphere acts as aninsulator, making it difficult forelectric current to travel to andfrom the Earth's surface to theionosphere except underspecial conditions. This alsohas been extensively studied byothers. In effect, we livebetween the plates of a hugecapacitor where one plate is theionosphere and the other the

surface of the Earth. In thunderstorms, clouds build up large static charges

in a similar way to how you might build up a charge onyour body in cold weather by walking across a rug; whenyou reach for a door knob or other metallic device, aspark is generated between your hand and the device.Nature does the same thing, in essence, only it is called"lightning" and is vastly more intense. The potentialbetween a cloud and the ground may extend upwards toseveral million volts, and the current that is dischargedaverages about a trillion watts (Christian & McCook).It's not surprising that this amount of power isgenerated, considering that a lightning strike has such ahigh voltage together with estimated currents of up to50,000 amperes. This means that there is a hugenumber of negatively charged electrons travellingbetween a cloud and the Earth's surface, conducted viaan ionised path consisting of plasma.

With the advent of artificial satellites capable ofrecording lightning discharges with a high degree ofaccuracy, it has been estimated that about 45 to 50lightning flashes occur every second worldwide frommore than 1,500 to 2,000 thunderstorms in progress

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CClleeaarrllyy,, iiff tthhee EEaarrtthh hhaassbbeeeenn ggaaiinniinngg mmaatttteerr aatt

tthhee lleevveellss rreeqquuiirreedd......tthheerreemmuusstt bbee ssoommee ootthheerr

mmeecchhaanniissmm uunnddeerrllyyiinngg tthhiiss mmaatttteerr iinnccrreeaassee..

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during that second. This means that every dayapproximately 4,000,000 lightning discharges take place,resulting in about 1.4 billion occurrences each year.About 80 per cent of the lightning flashes are betweenclouds, while the remaining 20 per cent are betweenclouds and the surface of the Earth.

Nature abhors with a vengeance an imbalance inelectric charge distribution. After the lightning strike, thecloud has an unbalanced charge. It experiences aninteraction with the ionosphere above it to try to becomeneutral again by the transfer of electrons to the cloud. Buteach lightning strike creates a more negative Earth bypassing electrons to it. In an attempt to restore balance,some means mustexist to transfercurrent back to theionosphere tocomplete what isknown as the "globalelectric circuit" (Beringet al., 1998) or the"global atmosphericelectrical circuit"(Harrison, 2004).

Figure 1 representsa simplified completecircuit. Lightningsends electrons to theground where thecharge spreads, sincethe surface layers ofthe Earth are goodconductors ofelectricity. In what isreferred to as the"fair-weather returncurrent", the highpotential between theground and theionosphere drivescurrent flow through the air to the ionosphere to closethe circuit.

It must be appreciated that in any electrical transfer,the large potential difference between the ground andthe ionosphere also will drive positively charged ionsdown towards the ground because the Earth has anegative electrostatic charge. Any time there is apotential difference and there are charged particlespresent, these particles will move. And the ionosphere,under the influence of the magnetic field lines of theEarth, has all kinds of ionised particles as well aselectrons moving primarily in a north–south direction.In addition, there are continual streams of electrons andions from the Sun which serve as a potentially vastsupply of available charged particles to account for thehypothesised matter gain within the Earth.

In summary, ours is a world where ionised particles

abound whether from plasmas formed by the electricdischarge in a bolt of lightning or plasmas present inthe ionosphere due to particle bombardment from theSun.

NNeeww MMaatttteerr RReeqquuiirreess PPrroottoonnss aanndd EElleeccttrroonnss We are all familiar with electric conduction when it

comes to the electric currents that we use every day topower devices around us. We know, for example, thatcopper and aluminium are excellent conductors ofelectricity. But current conduction is not limited to justmetals. The Earth itself is an excellent conductor, whichis why when you touch an electrical outlet while standing

on the earth you feel azap as electricitytravels through yourbody between theoutlet and the ground.We even know throughthis often accidental,simple experimentthat the body itself isa good conductor ofelectricity.

Most discussionsabout the flow ofelectricity focus on themovement ofelectrons underconditions of voltagepotential difference,since it is so common.Not so obvious ineveryday life is therecognition thatmagnetic fields arealso prime movers ofelectrons and othercharged particles, andnowhere is this truer

than within the magnetic field generated by the Earthitself.

The Earth is continually being bombarded by chargedparticles, both electrons and ions, from our Sun. Theseparticles become entrapped in the Earth's magnetic fluxlines in space, forming plasma sheaths which channelthese particles away from most of the Earth—with theexception of at its poles, where the magnetic lines offorce converge. The beautiful aurora borealis andaurora australis (northern and southern lights) areribbons of plasma where incoming charged particlesenter our atmosphere, driven by the magnetic field ofthe Earth. But a magnet has two poles and each poleacts on particles of the same charge, be it negative orpositive.

In a plasma, electrons and negative ions (atoms whichhave gained an extra electron, making them negative)

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Figure 1: The Global Electric Circuit

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flow in one direction, whereas protons (ionisedhydrogen) and other positively charged ions flow in theopposite direction to that of the negatively chargedparticles. From a particle standpoint, there aredifferences to be noted. Electrons, being lightweight, asopposed to protons and other positive ions (made up ofprotons and neutrons in ionised atoms), travel with ahigher velocity than do ions. But particles of eachcharge come under the same force provided in amagnetic field, only they have different movementcharacteristics.

When a thunder cloud moves over an area of land, thepotential difference between the cloud and the groundcreates a current flow of electrons to or from the grounddirectly below the cloud. This is a local effect. However,disregarding local effects, there is a component ofmagnetic force from the Earth which acts on chargedparticles. We know that currents flow within the Earth,so why shouldn't there be asimilar flow of individualprotons within the Earth?

It is good to reiterate at thispoint that new matter, in theform of atoms, requires bothelectrons and protons; eitheralone is not enough. When weare talking about matterincrease within the Earth, wetherefore must have both typesof particles present. Is theresuch a phenomenon as protonflow within a liquid or solid?

PPrroottoonn CCoonndduuccttiioonn There is a large amount of both theoretical and

experimental evidence for proton conduction. Much ofthe recent research effort in this field has beenmotivated by the desire to find substances which caneffectively separate charged particles in materialshaving practical applications, particularly in areas suchas fuel cells, electrochemical sensors, electrochemicalreactors and electrochromic devices (Kreuer, 1996).

What has been made clear from this research is thatthe mechanism of proton conduction is much differentthan that of electron conduction. Whereas electroncurrent flow is generally based on freely mobileelectrons as found in metals, protons don't move in asimilar manner because free protons don't behave likefree electrons. Protons tend to bind to the electrons inouter orbit around the atoms in a liquid or solid. Thenthe protons migrate in a molecule-to-molecule fashionwhen acted upon by a magnetic force field.

A couple of points to keep in mind are that protonsare the same order of magnitude in size as electrons,and hence individual protons conduct in liquids andsolids better than other heavier positively charged ions.The reason for this is that the smallest atom is roughly

10,000 to 100,000 times larger than either an electron ora proton. The theory behind proton conduction iscomplex, so only highlights will be discussed here.Individual protons are extremely active and tend to bindeasily whenever atoms are present with outer-orbitelectrons which may be shared.

There are two primary modes of proton conductiondiscussed in the literature (although others have beenconsidered). The first mode is where the proton forms abond with an existing atom. For example, the oxygen ina water molecule (H2O) may temporarily gain an extraproton (H3O). If the molecule is capable of rotation, theextra proton (whose bond is relatively weak) can createa bond with a nearby water molecule and then breakloose from its existing bond with the first watermolecule. In this manner, the proton is passed frommolecule to molecule, which essentially provides amethod for proton conduction (Poulsen, 1980). Water

(liquid or solid) is not the onlytype of molecule in which thiseffect has been studied(Glasser, 1975).

The second mode ofconduction is where a largermolecule exists which containsa number of tightly boundatoms. Of particular interesthere is that materials exhibitingthe structure of perovskite (amineral with the same type ofcrystal structure as calciumtitanium oxide, CaTiO3) haveoxygen atoms which create an

interactive electric-potential field where a proton finds aresting spot between such atoms (Kreuer, 1996).Assuming that these molecules are in a matrix structure,as is frequently the case with solids, a virtual path iscreated that is analogous to a virtual proton-carryingwire, so that protons can travel almost unimpeded frommolecule to molecule.

The point being made here is that proton conductionin both liquids and solids has been observedexperimentally and has been intensively studied.Proton conduction is not just a theoreticalphenomenon; it is empirically based.

Within the interior of the Earth, several well-definedlayers have been found by using a variety of techniques,primarily by recording and analysing seismic waves.Furthermore, studies have been conducted with regardto proton conduction in the materials of which theselayers are composed (Yoshino, 2010). The lower mantle,which constitutes the bulk of the material of the Earth,is believed to be composed primarily of perovskite,which, as mentioned above, has been found to be aconductor of protons. Consequently, it is argued herethat there exists a probable pathway for likelyconduction of protons deep within the Earth under the

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IItt iiss ggoooodd ttoo rreeiitteerraattee aatttthhiiss ppooiinntt tthhaatt nneeww mmaatttteerr,,

iinn tthhee ffoorrmm ooff aattoommss,,rreeqquuiirreess bbootthh eelleeccttrroonnss

aanndd pprroottoonnss;; eeiitthheerr aalloonnee iiss nnoott eennoouugghh..

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influence of the Earth's magnetic field, thus providing aviable method of proton transport. But what happensto this concentration of protons within the Earth?

NNuucclleeoossyynntthheessiiss aanndd TTrraannssmmuuttaattiioonn wwiitthhiinn tthhee EEaarrtthhffrroomm PPrroottoonnss aanndd EElleeccttrroonnss

Protons, being of like charge, normally repel eachother with a vengeance. However, quantum and othereffects come into play. The problem with nuclear fusionis trying to keep a group of charged particles togetherfor sufficient enough time for fusion to occur, thusliberating energy. Protons in close proximity encounterwhat is known as the "Coulomb barrier". As the protonsget closer together, the force ofrepulsion between them becomesexponentially greater. Theoreticallythis force should reach a near infinitelevel, making it impossible for nuclearfusion to occur.

Nucleosynthesis is the formation ofatoms more complex than thehydrogen atom. It is generallybelieved that nucleosynthesis of theheavier elements only occurs ininteriors of stars where extremely hightemperatures and pressures arethought to occur, leading to theconclusion that most of theheavier elements found in theuniverse have been created in thismanner.

To assume that the Earth isgaining matter and that this maybe due to nucleosynthesis withinthe Earth seems to fly in the faceof conventional wisdom—and itdoes. However, if the geologicalevidence strongly suggests thatthe Earth's radius is getting largerwith time (due to the Earth's gainof new matter), as ExpansionTectonics advocates maintain, then some mechanismmust be at play to account for this additional matter.Clearly, the solid nature of the crust of the Earth isrelatively impervious to the infusion of most matter, withthe exception being electrons and the nuclei of thelightest elements, most likely hydrogen or an isotope ofhydrogen.

Transmutation is the changing of one element intoanother by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment orsimilar processes. New matter introduced into the Earthwould require transmutation as well as nucleosynthesis.According to conventional physics, both processesnormally occur when high energy levels of the interactingparticles are present. The question here is whether ornot these processes could happen should high-energyparticles not be present. Over the last two decades, work

has been going on in this area of research. Tounderstand this better, we turn our attention to thesubject of what is generally referred to as "cold fusion".The research into this subject is complex, with manyunanswered questions remaining.

In 1989, two researchers, Dr Martin Fleischmann andDr Stanley Pons at the University of Utah, announcedthat they had achieved nuclear fusion in their laboratory.They claimed that this was done by electrolysis, using apalladium cathode with heavy water (deuterium oxide),with the result being that the energy output, based onmeasured heat, was greater than the energy input. Theyhypothesised that two atoms of deuterium (a stable

isotype of hydrogen) fuse, creating ahelium atom and liberating heat inthe process. For them to have donethis in a laboratory at low energieswas thought to have been impossible.Since the 1950s, billions of dollars hadbeen spent trying to accomplishfusion through expensive atom-smashing-type machines with verylimited success. The hope had beento provide a cheap source of energy.Absent in Fleischmann and Pons'sexperiment were all the exotic by-products normally expected when

high-energy fusion occurs underthermonuclear conditions withtemperatures in the millions ofdegrees.

Below are the important pointsrelevant to the discussion here.The best source of currentinformation about cold fusion,i.e., low-energy nuclear reactions,is http://www.lenr-canr.org. Iencourage interested readers tocheck out this website.

• Cold fusion has beenexperimentally verified in a

number of laboratories around the world, including inthe USA. Because of the nature of the experimentation,the most difficult part of this effort is in carrying out theextensive instrumentation procedures required toobtain definitive results. However, scientists workingwith cold fusion generally agree that there is noquestion about its working. Excess energy is releasedthrough the fusion process, as predicted by nuclearphysics, and has been measured.

• Various theoretical analysis models have beenproposed to explain the process, and headway is beingmade in this regard according to a number ofinvestigators (e.g., Fleischmann, Pons & Preparata,1994; Beaudette, 2002). Although cold fusion ofdeuterium to create helium (and other atomic nuclei)ends with the same final result as hot fusion, the

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TToo aassssuummee tthhaatttthhee EEaarrtthh iiss

ggaaiinniinngg mmaatttteerr aanndd tthhaatt tthhiiss

mmaayy bbee dduuee ttoonnuucclleeoossyynntthheessiisswwiitthhiinn tthhee EEaarrtthhsseeeemmss ttoo ffllyy iinn

tthhee ffaaccee ooffccoonnvveennttiioonnaallwwiissddoomm——aanndd iitt ddooeess..

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process by which this occurs is much different, primarilyin the absence of high-energy by-products includingradiation. Clearly, a new physical process seems to beat work that begs more theoretical attention.

• It has been reported in many instances that once theelectrolysis current was turned off, the heat generationprocess continued for extended durations, i.e., hoursand/or days afterwards (Beaudette, 2002). Presumablythis is due to the palladium becoming saturated withdeuterium, allowing continuation of the fusion effectindependently of additional power input.

• Some researchers have reported that atomictransmutation occurred in cathodes made of variousmaterials. For example, one researcher using high-purity nickel-coated beads as the cathode found thatafter five weeks about 40 per cent of the nickel had beentransmuted into a mixture of other elements includingchromium, iron, copper, selenium, silver, cadmium,antimony and lead (Beaudette,2002).

• Over two decades ago, itwas proposed thatnucleosynthesis has perhapsbeen occurring in condensedmatter within planets, moons,etc. Some research was doneover that period in an attemptto prove or disprove thishypothesis (Bockris & Mallove,1999). This research involvedlooking for fusion by-products,primarily isotopes of hydrogenand helium. The principal radioactive isotope ofhydrogen looked for is tritium, which has a half-life of12.32 years. Because of this short half-life, tritium innature doesn't remain present for long and hence isquite rare. With helium, there are two stable isotopes(3He, 4He) which allow for a ratio of one to another to becalculated. The ratio of naturally occurring isotopes ofhelium is much different than the ratio produced infusion reactions, allowing detection of these reactions.Gas analysis searches were conducted in two primaryareas.

The first area included so-called "hot spot" volcanoes,like Kilauea in Hawai'i and Alcedo in the Galápagos,which produce magma from plumes which supposedlyrise hundreds of kilometres from the core–mantleboundary, as opposed to crustal volcanoes which areregarded as rather shallow in comparison (Jones &Ellsworth, 2003; Tebbe, 1980). The deeper volcanoeshave yielded tritium presence and helium ratios(3He/4He) much higher, by factors of tens to hundreds,than do the shallower crustal volcanoes, indicating thepossible by-products of fusion.

The second area is that of volcanic crater lakes (Jianget al., 2007). Towards the bottom of many such lakes, thewater does not mix with the upper-layer water so gases

trapped in the bottom layers typically remain unaffectedfor thousands of years. Research has shown that thepresence of tritium (with its short half-life) and highhelium ratios strongly indicates that the source of theseisotopes is from mantle degassing rather than from theEarth's surface. This unusually abnormal finding hasled the researchers to the tentative conclusion that itfits with the hypothesis of what would be expected iffusion were occurring deep within the Earth.

CCoonncclluussiioonnss aanndd CCoommmmeennttss For over a century, many professional scientists have

maintained that expansion of the Earth has occurred.Numerous technical articles and books have expressedthis hypothesis as a viable and indeed necessary one toexplain the observed empirical geological facts knownabout our planet. Expansion Tectonics, as it is knowntoday, alleviates the reliance on other theories that have

been put forth, such asContinental Drift and PlateTectonics.

However, Expansion Tectonics,in and of itself, has not inspired aparadigm shift away from thecurrently held paradigm of PlateTectonics. When one asks whythis is true, the response whichmost frequently comes back isthe question, "If the Earth hasundergone expansion, where didthe increase in matter comefrom?" Carey, for one, spent the

majority of his lifetime trying to provide an answer to thisquestion. Time and again he considered possiblemechanisms, mostly theoretical, to explain this questionof increase in matter, only to reject such mechanisms forone reason or another. Any mechanism should have afoundation in the area of experimental physics rather thanin purely theoretical physics abstractions.

This article proposes and examines what is considereda plausible answer to this question based upon physicalprocesses that have been experimentally observed. Ithas never been observed, for example, that matter justpops into being where nothing was before. What isrequired is (1) a source for new matter, (2) a meanswhereby this matter can penetrate into the Earth'sinterior, and (3) a mechanism by which heavier elementsmay be formed.

Empirical geological evidence strongly indicates thatExpansion Tectonics is indeed valid, so the taskconfronted has always been to formulate a viablemechanism whereby this expansion occurs. In a plasmauniverse, the Earth is under constant bombardmentwith all the necessary components to reconstitutematter from its constituent parts deep within the Earth.

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EExxppaannssiioonn TTeeccttoonniiccss,, aass iitt iisskknnoowwnn ttooddaayy,, aalllleevviiaatteess tthheerreelliiaannccee oonn ootthheerr tthheeoorriieesstthhaatt hhaavvee bbeeeenn ppuutt ffoorrtthh,,ssuucchh aass CCoonnttiinneennttaall DDrriifftt

aanndd PPllaattee TTeeccttoonniiccss..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8822

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by Brian Westenhaus © 2011

here is a lot of activity in zero-point energy (ZPE) around theworld. In the United States, it

remains an oddball or unscientificfield. In other places, the science istaken much more seriously. Thiswriter abhors the notion of beinghooked into "known" science when alifetime is already filled with the factsbeing updated, corrected andreframed. Far better to keep an openmind: opportunity comes whenpreparedness and new events collide.Zero-point energy and cold fusion arenow events, right or wrong; but, ifright, one had better be prepared.

The astronomy and cosmologysciences have observed that two-thirds of the total universe iscomprised of an invisible type ofenergy, about which little is known oronly slightly more than the fact that itexists. One cannot see this type ofenergy; thus it's been given the name"dark energy". The name does notcompare with or connote "dark" orsome miraculous paranormal forces;it simply points out that one cannotsee this energy, just like one cannotsee anything in darkness. The namealso indicates that we have littleknowledge of its nature or origin.

This energy is sometimes referred toas "space energy" or "vacuum energy"because it is a property of mere spaceand thus vacuum. If classical physicsis right, this energy is everywhere. Itdoes not require a good vacuum inorder to establish this energy. Thereis a great deal of space, even inside"solid" objects. Things are rather likethat: space contains this energyindependently, whether it contains

any visible matter or not. Anotherportion of this energy is "quantummechanical zero-point energy"because it is supposed that itoriginates from quantum mechanicalzero-point oscillations. Though theseoscillations are rather abstract, theyare well known within quantummechanics and have been for severaldecades.

With that in mind, and for some thisis an adulteration of the theory, thereis energy everywhere in the quantumstate to be harvested. Theengineering goal is to make the ZPEvisible and manifest it in thelaboratory, leading to a harvest formankind's use. That would convertthe classical physics dark energy intomechanical energy, thus proving theclassical theory. That premise forprogress should—but doesn't—lighta fire under the physics field toencourage experimentation.

This brings us to what might be theleading, bleeding edge of physicstheory and engineering. Claus W.Turtur (Fachbereich Elektrotechnik,University of Applied Sciences

Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel) andWolfram Knapp (Institute forExperimental Physics, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg) thinkthey have devised a device that canharvest the ZPE and obtain somemechanical energy activity.

The result is no small matter, eventhough the attention paid is quitesmall. Turtur's problem in obtainingpublic recognition is that the ZPEexplanation requires considerablemathematics and physics skills. It'squite a lot to digest, and thepresentation lends no sound-bitematerial for the lazy journalist. So Iwill attempt to provide an explanationabout Turtur's paper suitable for thelayperson such that the import, if itturns out to be really there, is withingrasp. Turtur has realised that hisprevious harvesting attempts werebased in the electrostatic field, nettingsuch small results that practicalitywas out of reach. Thus the new workfocuses on the energy density ofmagnetic fields because it increasesthe availability of energy by severalorders of magnitude.

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This set-up with load resistor shows the results of Claus Turtur's paper: a powerfulzero-point energy motor with realisable dimensions. (Source: Claus W. Turtur)


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Turtur's paper proposes a way fortheoretical construction of a zero-point-energy converter in the kilowattrange (see http://tinyurl.com/4zhcaql).The result is a model of a ZPE motorwith a diameter of 9.0 centimetres anda height of 6.8 cm, producing 1.07kilowatts—able to power more than10 100-watt bulbs.

The paper is arranged intonumbered parts. Part 1 discusses howthe project is defined, i.e., the theoryis provided that's awaitingexperimentation. At this writing, noworking unit has been built, but themathematics and theory show thatthe materials needed would be thelimitations.

Parts 2 to 5 explore the chainof thoughts that took Turtur tothe device proposal. It'simportant to follow these along,as the discussion shows thesteps of theory development.Over the course of thediscussion, three questionsarise.

Now for the layperson, keep inmind that the quantumoscillations are very, very smalland happen over time. Thatmakes the management oftiming or tuning the device key to itsoperation. If one's device can't tuneto the time segments of oscillation,the energy pick-up isn't going tohappen. That means Turtur had tostabilise the device inputs with pulsedsignals. Oscillations are wavelike inthat there is an "up" or "down", so tospeak, to tune for. Turtur'sbreakthrough is in understanding thatthe tuning has to adjust to the tworesonances between the two motionsof the oscillation. Now for the first"Ahah!" moment: the differential ofthe two resonances is the energyvalue that can be harvested.

Then, as seen in part 4, Turtur wasready to try another design with atransformer-style coil pair for shuntingout some power. The next "Ahah!"moment yielded 63 milliwatts. Now

Turtur is getting somewhere.Part 5 provides not so much an

"Ahah!" as a brainstorm moment.Here it's realised that the initialconcept suggesting that theoscillation would be expressed in acapacitor could be revised to have theoscillation occur in the device's coil.The luxury of a theory withmathematics has rewards—something that the cold fusion crowdis still seeking. The brainstorm solvesthe matter of getting a capacitor tohave moving plates that can be tuned.Instead, a commercial capacitor mightwell work. The other advantage is thatthe energy density would be withinthe magnetic side of the device, so

harvesting is at that level instead of atthe electrostatic level. The devicethen has the tuning motion comingfrom an electromagnet within anelectromagnet, much like anelectrosolenoid in simple terms.

The difficulty is in the tuning. Theproblem in a nutshell: oscillation ofan electromagnet within anelectromagnet. The solution: rotate apermanent magnet instead.

Part 6 explains the use of therotating permanent magnet inconsiderable detail. One key is thatTurtur has worked out an algorithm tofind the tuning points for a workingconversion device. Once one has agrounding in the theory, puts thealgorithm to work and builds theconversion device, it should work.

This is surely just the beginning.

Several engineering types would havethe skill set to build a device, and itwould be no surprise if someinquisitive engineers showed up withworking devices in the comingmonths.

Turtur points out that the device haslimitations based in the materials.Magnet rotational speeds are withincommon material specificationranges. The wire within the coil isgoing to be an issue, limiting thepotential amperage. But that doesnot mean that the device cannot bescaled up.

2211sstt--CCeennttuurryy EEnneerrggyy BBrreeaakktthhoouugghhWhere does that leave us? For this

writer, the ZPE concept for nowhas a theory that can be graspedwith working mathematicsexplaining what's going on.Turtur deserves congratulations:the breakthrough of seeing,understanding and devising aconverter of the energy availablein quantum oscillation might bethe opening point of an energy-filled 21st century for humanity.

But is the theory right and canthe device be made to work?Almost everything an engineer

would need has been provided byTurtur. The intellectual property isopen source now. The test is in theintelligence and application of skill forbuilding a device, followed by adetermined persistence fordebugging.

One or two of these devices wouldprovide a very energy-dense portablepower unit. The market is huge, theproduction cost looks to be very low,and the operating managementseems adaptable to IC chips. This isquite something, if it works. Let'shope it does. ∞(Source: Brian Westenhaus,NewEnergyAndFuel.com, 17 February 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4fyfayu. Note: ProfessorClaus W. Turtur's article "A Connectionbetween Gravitation and Other Interactions"was published in NEXUS 11/02.)


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TTuurrttuurr''ss ppaappeerr pprrooppoosseess aawwaayy ffoorr tthheeoorreettiiccaallccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn ooff aa zzeerroo--ppooiinntt--eenneerrggyyccoonnvveerrtteerr iinn tthhee kkiilloowwaatttt rraannggee..

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TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEE::TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEE::UFOs, Antigravity & the Energy GridIn this documentary DVD, UFO/antigravityresearcher and author Bruce L. Cathie explainsthe unknown secrets of our reality in thisexclusive documentary into his life and research.

Discover the truth about matter and antimatter;time travel; UFO sightings; Earth's energy grid;harmonic mathematics; and the connectionbetween atomic bomb tests and volcanicactivity.

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SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr MMDD

For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secretmilitary, government, intelligence and corporate

witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories whichdisclose the greatest covert program in world history.This explosive testimony by actual government insidersproves that UFOs are real , that some are ofextraterrestrial origin and that super-secret programshave energy and propulsion technologies that will enablehumanity to begin a new era.


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bbyy WWeennddyy LLyyddaallll

A well-referenced book which dispells many myths aboutvaccinations, including that the benefits are worth the risks,that without vaccinations there would be epidemics, and thatvaccines are scientifically and clinically tested for their safetyand effectiveness. Lydall exposes the sham studies designedto cover up the vaccine connection to SIDS (cot death); andshows that homoeopathic vaccines are bringing an alienvibration into the body, and are not necessarily safe.

Lydall also has information about the denial and/ordishonesty of some health care providers, medicalbureaucrats, vaccine manufacturers and high-level officials onvaccine safety issues. Highly recommended!


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AA GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee EEnndd ooff tthhee WWoorrlldd

bbyy AAlleexxaannddeerr PPrriiccee

Many people in the ancient world saw human life as deeplyconnected with the great cycles of nature: the rising and

setting of the sun, the changing of the seasons, the death andrebirth of vegetation. In the same way that other patterns innature repeat at regular intervals, they believed that humanhistory also goes through cycles in which significant events repeat,and are likely to happen again in the future at predictable times. Apenetrating study into the history of astrology, ancient religion,secret societies and the evolution of consciousness, 2012 and theShift of Ages: A Guide to the End of the World is sure to be aninvaluable resource in navigating a time of difficult transitions.


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TThhee NNaagg HHaammmmaaddiiCCooddiicceess aanndd tthheeMMeessooppoottaammiiaann

ccuunneeiiffoorrmm ttaabblleettssbbootthh tteellll ooff aalliieenniinntteerrvveennttiioonn wwiitthh


bbyy JJoohhnn LLaasshh ©© 22001100

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.Metahistory.org

TTHHEE OORRIIGGIINN OOFF TTHHEE AANNUUNNNNAAKKII SSCCRRIIPPTTcollector's edition entitled "Secrets of the Da Vinci Code",

published by U.S. News & World Report, features a brief interview withJames Robinson, general editor of The Nag Hammadi Library inEnglish. Correcting Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown’s reference to

the Nag Hammadi texts as scrolls, Robinson points out that they arecodices—"books with individual pages". "They are actually the oldestexamples we have of leather-bound books," he said.

Amazingly, whatever the significance of their content—and we have yet tocomprehend what that might be—the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC) are theearliest surviving examples of bound books. Close reading of these arcanematerials shows that the Gnostics, as teachers in the ancient Mysteries werecalled, were deeply concerned with an alien intrusion upon humankind.

Entities that they called Archons appear to be identical to theextraterrestrials (ETs) of modern ufology. The codices indicate both reptilianand "Grey" types: a drakonic type, and a neonate type suggested by the imageof a prematurely born foetus. The former are the overlords; the latter, servilerobotic drones who obey a hive mentality. The NHC do not contain graphicphysical descriptions of these alien intruders, but present ample informationto profile them comparatively with the two types of ETs most widelydiscussed today.

AAlliieenn PPrrooffiilleePerhaps one-fifth of the intelligible material in the NHC concerns the

origin, methods and motives of the Archons, also called "authorities,governors". Their name derives from the Greek arche, "first, from thebeginning", because, according to Gnostic cosmology, they emerged at anearly stage of the solar system previous to the formation of the Earth. Thesebizarre entities may be regarded as a locust-like species of cyborgs withsilicon-based bodies so designed to permit only brief forays into the Earth'soxygen-rich atmosphere. They inhabit the solar system at large, travellingamong the planets in alien-engineered spacecraft. Gnostic texts hint thatthey may be compared to custodial engineers of the inanimate clockworkmechanism of the system. Some, but not all, UFO sightings and abductionsmay be attributed to them.

Although Archons do exist physically, the real danger they pose tohumanity is not invasion of the planet but invasion of the mind. The Archonsare intrapsychic mind-parasites who access human consciousness throughtelepathy and simulation. They infect our imagination and use the power ofmake-believe for deception and confusion. Their pleasure is in deceit for itsown sake, without a particular aim or purpose. They are robotic in nature,incapable of independent thought or choice, and have no particular agendaexcept to live vicariously through human beings. Bizarrely, they are able to


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pretend an effect on humans which they do not really have.For instance, they cannot access human genetics, butthey can pretend to do so in such a way that humans fallfor the pretended act, as if staged events were taken forreal. In this respect, Archons are the ultimate hoaxers.This is the essence of "archontic intrusion", as I call it.The trick is: if humanity falls under the illusion ofsuperhuman power, it becomes as good as real—a self-fulfilling delusion.

In the cosmic perspective, the Archons present adynamic aspect of the evolutionary scenario ofhumankind, through which human potential is tested.The Gnostic view of their role closely matches the"flyers" in The Active Side of Infinity—the last book ofCarlos Castaneda, who says that the flyers are "themeans by which the universe tests us". There arenumerous close parallels between Castaneda's andGnostic teachings.

This profile of the Archons is not speculative. Itfollows what can be gatheredfrom the Gnostic writings. Forinstance, NHC texts describehow the Archons attempted torape Eve—clearly amythological rendition ofgenetic intervention. Suchpassages appear to support theclaims of alien interbreeding sowidely discussed today. But inthe Gnostic account, the alienintruders did not succeed inthis act of cross-speciesintervention: they tried, but failed.

The notion that Archons present a test to humanity—explicitly stated by Castaneda, if one accepts theArchons/flyers correlation—can also be traced in someNHC writings, especially The Apocryphon of John. This textsuggests that the Aeon Sophia, the cosmic intelligenceof the Earth, engages the Archon species and uses itsdeviant and deceptive influence for such a purpose. Theaccount of how the overlord of the authorities"committed adultery with Wisdom [Sophia]" and bindshumanity to "a chain of blind compulsion [heimarmene]"is baffling, to say the least (NHC II, 1:28.16).

To sort out and clarify what the Sophianic narrativemay have to say about the test of the Archons is a greatchallenge to our understanding of the Gnostic messageand how it can benefit humanity today.

CCuunneeiiffoorrmm LLiieessSo, the earliest surviving documents in book form, the

Nag Hammadi Codices found in Egypt in 1945, containan account of alien intrusion with descriptive clues onthe physical form of the intruders. But what about theearliest known writings in any form?

Archaeologists tell us that cuneiform writing wasinvented in Mesopotamia around 3200 BC, long before

bound books appeared. The cuneiform record on claytablets presents a fascinating repertoire of stories abouthuman prehistory.

Cuneiform texts such as Atrahasis, Enuma Elish and Enkiand the World Order describe an alien race called theAnunnaki—"those who from heaven to earth came", asZechariah Sitchin translates that term. Sitchin is wellknown for his densely researched books on theAnunnaki, whom he identifies with the biblical Nephilimand the Watchers of the Book of Enoch. These are alienentities who "came into the daughters of men", asGenesis says. In short, they interbred with the humanrace.

Assumed to be factual, the Sumerian tablets give anaccount of alien intervention upon humankind by amaster race from another world or dimension. This is"the Anunnaki script", as I call it. Sitchin and manyothers take this script for a record of actual events inprehistory.

The tablets describe twoAnunnaki leaders, Enki and hishalf-sister Ninhursag, whoproduce a hybrid slave race bymixing their divine genes withthe inferior genes of the Lu-Lu,the indigenous ape-like peoplesof the planet. Thus, an alien"interbreeding program" iscentral to the Anunnakinarrative. This is also a keyevent in the "reptilian agenda".

Indeed, the story of Enki andNinhursag may be considered

the foundation myth of that agenda. A foundation myth isa story that legitimates a social or cultural custom ororder. It is worth noting that the Anunnaki script is thefoundation myth of theocracy, rulership by the gods ordescendants of the gods. The ancient theocrats claimeddescent from the reptilian alien race.

It is an indisputable fact that this story is writtendown in the oldest surviving records, but is the storyitself a fact? And if Anunnaki intervention were not afact, but a fiction presented as fact, how would weknow? How would we be able to tell the difference?What critical faculties would be required for such anexercise of discernment?

How amazing it is that the oldest known writings and theearliest surviving books both tell the same story! Thecuneiform tablets and the Nag Hammadi books bothdescribe an alien intervention scenario. To myknowledge, no attention has yet been given to thisremarkable coincidence.

But hold on a second. There is a huge difference inthe way that these two sources handle the foundationmyth of the reptilian agenda. The cuneiform recordpresents alien intervention as if it were solid fact, anevent that really happened in prehistory.

IInn tthhee ccoossmmiicc ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee,,tthhee AArrcchhoonnss pprreesseenntt aaddyynnaammiicc aassppeecctt ooff tthhee

eevvoolluuttiioonnaarryy sscceennaarriioo ooffhhuummaannkkiinndd,, tthhrroouugghh wwhhiicchhhhuummaann ppootteennttiiaall iiss tteesstteedd..

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By contrast, Gnostic writings in the NHC put the storyof the Anunnaki (called the Archons) in thecosmological perspective of the fallen goddess myth,then analyse and deconstruct it in quite rigorous terms.The trained seers of the Mysteries had a definite fix onthe Anunnaki, including a view of their origins andmotives, and within that view they took a criticalapproach to intervention. In short, they deconstructedthe Sumerian narrative and exposed part of it to be afabrication, a lie.

The cuneiform record itself is just a story, withoutcritical commentary. We are not told the source of thestory, who authored it. By contrast, we know that theNHC texts come from Gnostic sects ofthe pre-Christian Mysteries. Althoughalmost all the authors remainanonymous, we know them as havingbeen participants in that ancienttradition of spiritual education, theMystery Schools.

The resident seers of thoseorganisations took special interest ina panoramic view of human evolution,with particular attention tointerference from non-humanchannels, but they did not report thatthe human species has beenengineered by alien forces.Several passages in the NHCdescribe the "alien interbreedingprogram", yes, but alwaystreating it as a failed venture:

"The Archons came to Adam.When they saw Eve talking tohim, they said to each other:

"'What sort of creature is thisluminous woman? … Now come,let us lay hold of her and cast ourseed into her, that she maybecome soiled and unable toaccess her inner light. Thenthose whom she bears will be under our charge…'

"But Eve, being a free power, laughed at theirdecision. She put mist in their eyes [and escapedthem]."

(On the Origin of the World, NHC II, 5:116.10ff)This is one of several riveting passages that show Eve,

the primal woman who represents the human race,outwitting the Archons. Another text describes how Eveleaves her "phantom image" for the Archons to defile,but they are unable to access her body, i.e., humangenetic structure. If the Gnostics knew what they weretalking about, and were not themselves merelyfabricating a tall tale, the Archon/Anunnaki race didattempt to interbreed with humanity, but failed.

If this is true, the cuneiform record is false, adeliberate fiction intended to deceive. It is mythological

disinformation. That possibility must be allowed, but canit be investigated?

Consider this: actual alien intervention in humangenetics would have an effect, obviously, but equally sowould a false claim of intervention were it taken for real. Thephysical and evolutionary effect of genetic intervention,however, would be impossible to trace without samplesof pre-intervention DNA to compare to modern DNA.So, even if it is literally true, the cuneiform story cannotbe confirmed, or denied, scientifically.

TTeessttiinngg CCrreedduulliittyyThere is no way to prove the effects of actual genetic

intervention in a remote time, but theeffects of a hoax purporting suchintervention can be investigated.Gnostic seers appear to haveunderstood that the interventionalpower of the Archons is pure fakery,like the special effects of the Wizard ofOz.

But for humanity, imagination ispowerfully real and directs ourpurposeful behaviour in a crucial way:we have first to imagine a goal orobjective in order to pursue it.Presented with a decoy in place of a

real objective, we will pursue thedecoy and adapt our behaviour toa false set of events. TheSophianic story about the testingof the Archons may refer to therisk of pursuing fake objectives,such as a "war on terror", when wefail to apply our intelligence tothe quest for a true version ofevents.

The Archon story tests us,perhaps more than the Archonsthemselves do, or can do. Theintervention story tests human

credulity and poses a riddle: do you accept the power ofyour imagination to invent something that comes trueand use it in that way, or are you in defaultimaginatively, overpowered by an invention thatpretends to be true?

The "reptilian agenda" propounded by David Icke andothers is an extrapolation of the Sumerian cuneiformstory. If the Gnostic critique of the Anunnaki script iscorrect, this would amount to the unwittingperpetuation of an ancient hoax.

Icke and others such as Michael Tsarion and JordanMaxwell appear to be completely uninformed aboutGnostic teachings on the Archons. Moreover, they donot question Sitchin's weak points: namely, his inabilityto confirm the return of Nibiru, the home planet of theAnunnaki, by astronomical science, and his failure (or

CCoonnssiiddeerr tthhiiss::aaccttuuaall aalliieenn

iinntteerrvveennttiioonn iinnhhuummaann ggeenneettiiccsswwoouulldd hhaavvee aann

eeffffeecctt,, oobbvviioouussllyy,,bbuutt eeqquuaallllyy ssoo

wwoouulldd aa ffaallssee ccllaaiimmooff iinntteerrvveennttiioonnwweerree iitt ttaakkeenn

ffoorr rreeaall..

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refusal) to describe their physical appearance. Most ETspeculators who follow Sitchin assume that theAnunnaki are reptilians; for instance, R. A. Boulay inFlying Serpents and Dragons—an excellent book, by theway, and more deeply researched than Sitchin's books insome ways.

SSeerrppeennttiinnee WWiissddoomm Another account of the failed rape of Eve occurs in The

Reality of the Archons (NHC II, 4). Here again the Mysteryteachers offer wise counsel concerning the reptilianfactor in human evolution. According to the Gnostics,the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a benefactorbecause it advised the first humans to eat the forbiddenfruit that opened their eyes toheightened or paranormal perception.The Reality of the Archons says explicitly:"The female spiritual principle camethrough the snake, the instructor."

This passage identifies thepsychophysical energy known in Asianmystical practices as kundalini, the"serpent power". This electricity-likespiralling energy called kundalinibelongs equally to the cosmos, theEarth and the human body, integral toour corporeal and spiritual make-up.It has been universally equated withgoddess divinities or shaktis .Raising kundalini is the aim ofyogic practices that havepersisted for thousands of years.

The serpentine power is alsothe form of divine energy–intelligence witnessed bycountless people who haveundergone ayahuasca trance.Veteran shamans assert that thisserpentine power is an actualdynamism of nature, asupernatural creature to beencountered in the altered stateof ayahuasca trance over and over again. Sacha Mama,the great serpentine wisdom goddess of the Amazon, isidentical with the Rainbow Serpent of the AustralianAborigines. Countless other examples and parallels ofthe "female spiritual principle" could be given.

But note carefully: this telluric-vision serpent is not areptilian entity. A serpent is a reptile, but not every reptileis a serpent. An iguana, a salamander, a monitor lizardfrom Indonesia—these are reptiles, but not serpents.No one mistakes a lizard for a garden snake. The snakeexhibits a particular legless morphology of the reptilianclass of creatures, distinct and separate from otherreptiles. But where in all the accounts and analyses ofthe "reptilian agenda" does anyone make this obviousdistinction? So far, nowhere.

TThhee EEnnddoowwmmeenntt ooff SSeerrppeennttiinnee PPoowweerrWhatever the threat to humanity, real or imagined,

coming from reptilians such as the scaly overlord of theGnostic Archons, the gift of the serpent power is clear.In all esoteric systems, eastern and western, the serpentis the agent and symbol of wisdom: Sophia. In Asiaand in the Western Mysteries, masters of the coilingenergy were called "serpents of wisdom". They wereteachers, healers and guides, not power-crazedtheocrats or tyrants who claimed descent from alienserpent gods. Gnostic initiates and their counterpartsin the ancient world never claimed to be descendants ofoff-planet deities as theocratic rulers did, citing theAnunnaki script.

The benevolent and healing serpentpower is a spiritual birthright thatbonds the human species directly tothe planetary goddess. Kundalini isessential to the wisdom endowmentthat nature has implanted in us forsanity. Countless myths attest to thebeauty and power of the serpentineconnection. Eve, the instructor, didnot merely eat the forbidden fruitpresented by the snake in Eden: sheherself is an instrument of the serpentpower.

The role of this power as a teacher,healer and visionary guide to thehuman species is immeasurablygreat, and the record of itspresence stands out everywherein ancient mythology, mysticaland esoteric traditions andindigenous lore.

The form of the Archons orAnunnaki ETs is reptilian (drakonicin the NHC text), but the facultybuilt into our psychosomaticstructure, by which we detect andrepel alien intrusion, is serpentine.

To confound the divinelyendowed serpentine power integral to our biopsychicfunctions with the alien reptilian menace is grotesque, aridiculous error. The difference between the two is asclear as day, once it is pointed out. No one doingresearch into ancient esoteric and mythological loreshould fail to note that difference.

Writers such as David Icke dwell on the reptilianmenace as the problem facing humanity, but ignore theserpentine endowment provided as the solution to thatvery threat. They explain in detail the fight-or-flightimpulses of the R-complex or reptilian brain without aword on the serpent power that resides in the spinalcolumn or how it informs the subtle anatomy of thechakras and enlivens the entire network of the autonomicnervous system.

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KKuunnddaalliinniiiiss eesssseennttiiaall ttoo tthhee wwiissddoomm

eennddoowwmmeenntt tthhaattnnaattuurree hhaass

iimmppllaanntteedd iinn uuss ffoorr ssaanniittyy..

CCoouunnttlleessss mmyytthhssaatttteesstt ttoo tthhee

bbeeaauuttyy aanndd ppoowweerrooff tthhee sseerrppeennttiinnee


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Gnostics from the Mysteries taught that we mustrecognise our benign serpentine endowment to face theintrusive reptilian influence. The Gospel of Philipdescribes the use of the serpentine power kundalini torepel alien intrusion.

Today we hear claims regarding reptilian aliens, ofhow they manipulated us genetically in ancient times, oftheir horrific rituals and shape-shifting powers, of howthey are running the world, etc. Unfortunately, most ofthe chatter on the "reptilian agenda" ends up providinghype for the scaly intruders, who, in my opinion, areenormously overrated.

Gnostics taught that the signature of the Archons ishal, the Coptic word for "simulation". They warned us inno uncertain terms to distinguish between what theArchons can actually do and what they merely simulatewith the alien technology of VR, virtual reality.

These cosmic cousins of ours may be lolling inperverse delight at bringinghumanity down to their level,turning us into monsters ofaggression and conformity,slavish control-freaks. But theirgame or test is not what itappears to be, if they prevail bytricking us to annihilateourselves.

What if Arch-con loomingpower over us depends uponthe con we perpetrate in ourown minds, giving our poweraway to them?

Imagination fuelled bykundalini gives total immunity to alien intrusion is whatthe Gnostics taught.

CChhaannnneelllleedd FFiiccttiioonnTo return to the coincidence that the oldest bound

books and the oldest written records treat the samescenario, the "reptilian agenda" stands or falls on howwe view the cuneiform accounts, the oldest version ofthe alien intrusion plot. It would be irresponsible toignore the deconstruction of those accounts found inthe Nag Hammadi Codices.

Finally, we might ask, "Who wrote the cuneiformstories?" The answer is: scribes in the service of theSumerian theocrats. This answer is incomplete,however, because scribes just write things down; theydo not originate what they write. Who then originatedthe intervention stories taken down in cuneiform byscribes? I propose that it was soothsayers and advisersin the service of the theocrats, the patriarchal tyrants ofthe Fertile Crescent.

No ancient royal court was without a Chaldean, orpsychic medium, if not a whole team. Is it surprisingthat psychics advising the theocrats would produce astory to please their masters—specifically, a story

making the tyrants out to be descendants of "gods" and,at the same time, slaves (albeit privileged ones) to thehigher race that claims to have created them? Thismessage is schizophrenically ambivalent and, as such,totally consistent with the split-mind bias of channelledmaterial and the mentality that produces it.The Second Treatise of the Great Seth in the NHC asserts the

bold heretical view that Abraham, Moses, the Patriarchsand even Jesus the Messiah were duped by Archons.They suffered a false sense of grandiosity based on theillusion of being chosen by the off-planet father god,Jehovah, whom Gnostics identified with the Archonoverlord, a nasty reptilian called Ialdabaoth.

The same observation of duping can be applied to theegomaniacal patriarchs who founded the first city-statesin the Near East. They bought the Anunnaki scripthook, line and sinker because it fed their pretensions ofdescent from superhuman masters and legitimated their

enslavement of the generalpopulace.

The story telepathicallyreceived by their advisingsoothsayers was highlyappealing because it provided adivine mandate for their schemes ofworld domination.Plus ça change, plus c'est la mêmechose ("The more it changes, themore it stays the same") .

The picture of global realpolitikis not much different today.Now, as way back then,reptilians may appear to be

running the show, but this can be so only if humancomplicity, and credulity, enable them to maintain theillusion of power that they do not have.

In reality, the "authorities" rule by the power ofillusion, not by actual and veracious power. Gnosticswould insist that actual power on Earth comes from theEarth through humanity's bond to the planetary goddesswhose name means "wisdom", Sophia, and whoseinstrument is serpentine.

It may be that the Archons fed the Anunnaki script toancient mediums to plant a lie in human imagination,as a test which Sophia allows them to perform. (Suchwould be my best shot at a brief paraphrase of thebaffling passage in The Apocryphon of John.) But if thecuneiform stories are the product of psychic channellingin ancient times, then how reliable are they?

The scant material surviving in the NHC reflects therecord of trained seers who worked in teams overmillennia to explore the supernatural and investigatethe prehistory of the human species.

The Gnostics who detected the Archons wereexperienced in parapsychology and had a cosmic

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TThhee ssaammee oobbsseerrvvaattiioonn ooffdduuppiinngg ccaann bbee aapppplliieedd ttoo

tthhee eeggoommaanniiaaccaall ppaattrriiaarrcchhsswwhhoo ffoouunnddeedd tthhee ffiirrsstt

cciittyy--ssttaatteess iinn tthhee NNeeaarr EEaasstt..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8833

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bbyy AAlleecc NNeewwaalldd ©© 22001111

New Zealander Alec Newald claims thatin 1989 he was abducted for 10 days bybenevolent extraterrestrials and taken totheir home planet Haven. His 1997 bookCoEvolution is an account of many of hisamazing experiences. Alec has decided torelease more revelations, as you'll readbelow. Editor

Here you will find information that Iheld back from the manuscript of mybook CoEvolution. I did not want

great sections of my personal thoughtsand attitudes to be on public display,as my life had been ripped apart bythis whole affair and I was a littletender around the edges back then.

MMeeeettiinnggss wwiitthh ZZeeeennaa I wanted to learn more about the

times during my early childhood whenI would set out for school in themornings but never seemed to arrive.I can still recall "awakening" in theafternoon on the back steps of achurch near my home. As was normal

with many conversations with Z-5, analien for want of a better word, Ireceived far more information than Iknew what to do with or comprehendat the time.

It was during one of theseconversations that I learned that myhost and others of her kind knew meby another name. To them I hadalways been known as Anu. Theancient spelling of this name has oftenbeen recorded through history assimply An. Strangely enough, theseare my Earthly initials in this verylifetime, or at least the two initials Iuse the most. I have never used mymiddle given name. Perhaps wecannot entirely escape our past. Or isthere a deeper reason, perhaps as areminder?

I was soon to learn that our lives aredotted with signposts to help show usthe way and to remind us of our goalsand intentions. It's just that most ofus forget to watch out for them or areunaware that we are even following apath, as happened to me.

At this point, I need to tell you that Ididn't really like the idea ofcommunicating with an entity whose

name tag was more like that of arobot, so for my personal comfort Ibestowed upon her the more Earthlyname of Zeena. She seemed to acceptit as readily as I had accepted mine.

Zeena continued to answer myquestions about my missingchildhood school time, during which Iattended "other" lessons it seems.

"You don't remember the lessonsbut still they influence your life path.You follow the teachings from day today; your Higher Self never forgets,"she explained.

I looked at her. "But my life hasbeen very average. How could this bethe chosen path of my Higher Self?"

"Do not think so negatively aboutyour wonderful life on Earth, Anu.Have you not always followed yourpassions?"

"Well, yes, I guess so," I replied."You need not guess. We, I, can read

your entire life path right to this verymoment."

I must admit that this rocked me alittle.

"Are you telling me that everything Ihave ever done you know about?"

Zeena looked to comfort me.

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"Not every detail; just the imprint ofyour intent, your joys, your sorrows—your emotional imprint. By followingyour passions, your soul or the spiritof your Higher Self has been bathingin the wondrous excitement of thesephysical endeavours. By the very actof following what excites you, there isvery little negative energy attachingitself to your physical framework.

"It might be best described asgetting itself tangled in the wiring, forit is not so much a physical illness buta mental one. I had best be carefulhere, or you might misunderstandwhat I am trying to say. Negativeenergy is what causes mostillness among your kind. Surelyyou have noticed how you neverhave any serious sickness? Weare very interested in this aspectof your physical make-up. Weneed to know how to be healthyon your planet, also. We mayknow the theory to these thingsbut we need to study thepractical application of thistheory. In that way, you havebeen most helpful to us; youmight say, a living experiment."

I did not quite know what to make ofthat last statement. I must admit itmade me feel a little uneasy.

HHiiddddeenn EETT BBaasseess oonn EEaarrtthhZeena continued once again. "In the past, when some of our

people tried to live in isolatedoutposts on Earth, they quicklybecame ill and many died. One suchoutpost was a very small island in yoursouthern oceans, known to yourpeople as Southern Thule. This wasbefore the base was compromised byunfriendly forces.

"We tried to live there undergroundto remain undetected and private,even though we had permission to useit as such by the governing body incontrol of that small piece of land.Mostly we had to live beneath thesurface because of the extremeweather conditions in that area. This

was a test laboratory, if you like; aplace where we experimented withways to overcome the dangeroustoxins in your atmosphere andunderground, a place to allow ouryoung people to acclimatise to Earth'sconditions.

"The reason I raise this point is thatwe have tried to live on Earth alreadybut found our metabolisms unable tocope with the negative forces andenergies that pervade your planet.Mostly this has to do with the darkenergy I mentioned earlier, which isnot a native but a hybrid visitor

designed to do the work of others.You don't realise how much resistanceyou have built up as a race, naturallycombatting this parasite. But we havelittle or no immunity to it and need toboost ourselves quickly and effectively.This is where you once again havebeen of help to us, Anu.

"I know you have been unaware ofthe parasite's existence until ourmeeting, but still you build yourimmunity naturally just as you do withany unseen germ."

At this point I had to butt in."Southern Thule? I thought you said

earlier it would be too dangerous togive out locations on Earth that youhave been using as bases, just in casesomeone manages to get inside mymind."

"Yes, it would be," she replied, "butwe no longer use it. Perhaps one daywe will take you to our new base;

another visit, perhaps another timewhen we think we are ready to showyou the new 'us'."

The new "us"? I could only ponderon the meaning of that small word.

Zeena continued to describe whathad happened to base number one.

"As if the parasitic force were notsuccessful enough in killing off someof our kind, the base was also attackedby human forces. Of course, theycould not damage our undergroundfacilities from a surface attack. It wasjust a statement as if to say, 'Time tomove on before we get serious about

evicting you'. Some landlord—and this from the very ones thatmany years before said we coulduse the land."

I had to ask, "Who had givenyou permission?"

"Your so-called worldgovernment, the ones thatcontrol you when the dark forceis taking a holiday. The 'unseenones' to you, perhaps, but weknow them only too well.However, it might well be thatthere are others now in control of

this; we are not yet sure."Zeena then continued to help me

come to grips with what she was tryingto say.

"I have gained permission from theElders to help you understand betterwhat this coming war might be like.We have already told you there will beincreasing storms and very unusualweather in all parts of your planet.This is part of an unseen war which isin fact a mind war to this point in time,but it could become far worse thanthat. Please let me explain why thiscould be so.

"The Earth and you are notdissimilar. The Earth has a body justas you have. The Earth also has aconsciousness just as you have. Yourconsciousness resides outside yourphysical body. The air about the Earthcontains its consciousness. The Earthhas been infected by the dark forceboth in mind and body.


""...... iinnccrreeaassiinngg ssttoorrmmss aanndd vveerryyuunnuussuuaall wweeaatthheerr iinn aallll ppaarrttss ooff

yyoouurr ppllaanneett ...... iiss ppaarrtt ooff aannuunnsseeeenn wwaarr wwhhiicchh iiss iinn ffaacctt aa

mmiinndd wwaarr ttoo tthhiiss ppooiinntt iinn ttiimmee,,bbuutt iitt ccoouulldd bbeeccoommee ffaarr wwoorrssee

tthhaann tthhaatt..""

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"When I said you had built up aresistance to the force, this is only sofar as the infection within theconsciousness is concerned; in otherwords, the infection within theatmosphere you are resistant to, butyou have not yet been exposed in fullto the infection within the Earth'sbody.

"When we set up one of our bases atSouthern Thule, therewas good reason for this:not only was it isolated,which suited our work,but it was also infectedbeneath its surface withwhat I could call a 'blackplague'. It is like aconcentration of negativeenergy.

"We wanted to see if wecould nullify this plaguebefore it made its way tothe surface by accident ordesign. It is easier tocontrol if it is kept nearzero degrees, so it wasbest to work with it in thecolder regions of yourplanet. Heat appears tobe its friend. If it wereever released into thetropics, I don't think wecould deal with it. Ourinterests as well as yoursare endangered heresomehow. We mustprevent this exposure.

"It was a set-back to have our projectat Southern Thule shut down, evenafter our friends in Argentina tried tohelp. We have since moved to anotherlocation. Our work continues; it is notover yet.

"We have even stronger friends thanthose in the south of the Americas.Perhaps one day you will know this,but never forget that we are not friendsof those of the stars and stripes. Ifsomeone tells you your ET brothersand sisters are coming and to holdyour hands to those that come to visitwith the stars and stripes, let it be said

there is danger in the air, for this couldnever happen.

"The battle in the atmosphere is theoutward sign as the storms build inintensity, so those manipulating theforces are becoming more and moredesperate. Perhaps this will be a goodsign for you because, as some of yousay, the darkest hours come before thedawn.

"Perhaps the best sign of the war'send is the appearance once more ofthe gold coin. I do not fullyunderstand your monies and how yourate their worth; to us, gold can befood. You know this, for you are nowpartaking of it. We have seen the valueof gold come and go with your peoplesmany times over the past fewmillennia. Perhaps today it is worthits least, as you do not use it asmonies as you once did.

"Those of you who are our greatestenemies do not want the true value ofgold to be known, so it is predicted

that when a gold coin once again hastrue value to your people the war willend. It is difficult for me to explainbecause, as I said, I do not understandsome of your values, and your food Iunderstand even less."

PPrrootteeccttiinngg aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee PPaarraassiitteeMy next question. "How can you transfer my protective

abilities against thisparasite to yourselves ifyou suggest it is just acase of a natural build-up of immunity due toconstant exposure andif it is not so much adisease but acontrolling energyforce?"

"You might besurprised at what wecan do, for it is not yourterrestrial body thatcarries the immunity; itis your conscious outerself which wears thisnew armour," Zeenaassured.

"You might recall Isaid earlier that it wasmore a case of yourwiring being affectedthan your physicalbody; and as you arereally one of us that justhappens to be wearinga terrestrial suit for the

time being, it is not such a big deal, asyou might say, to slip you out of yoursuit for a short period of time and tryto synthesise or clone your other self.From that we will learn much."

"You said before that if I wished notto remember any of this interaction,you could wipe my mind of it. What ifI chose to remember?"

"Then we would have some work todo," Zeena commented. "There is aprocess you need to go through uponyour arrival back on Earth thatnormally edits your memory ofeverything that has happened off


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planet. It is just the physical processof fitting you back into the normalstate—what you might call a denserbeing, a more compressed self.

"The new material you have taken in,the new information, never sticks. It islike your dreams. In fact, it is exactlylike a dream memory. Some verysmall fractions you might remember,but quickly the details will fade and,try as you might, you will lose most ofyour recall. The only way we canrestore it is to feed it back to you onceagain in dreams, only over and overagain until finally it becomes a normalmemory of a normal event. But eventhis does not always work. It is, asyou say, a hit-and-miss affair; andas well as that, it will only work ifwe are in Earth time and space. Ican't do it from home. I, we, needto be in your airways, so to speak.Do you understand what I amsaying?"

"Well, yes. It sounds like adifficult job, kind of labourintensive. I can see how youwould not want to do it toeveryone you put back," I replied.

"Exactly, and it might be best foryou if you don't remember, becausefrom experience I think you will neverbe able to live a normal life again ifyour memory of this is fully restored.You should weigh the pros and cons ofthis very carefully. You are still youngin Earth years, with most of your lifeahead of you. Even if you areexceptional, I doubt you will survive tolive a normal life—or worse, it couldvery well end your life if you try toconvince the wrong people of whatyou have seen and done.

"This is very dangerous territory andthere are many on your planet thatwould rather see the back of you, Ithink. I hope I am making the dangersclear to you, Anu. I do not want to beresponsible for harm coming yourway."

RReevviieewwiinngg CChhiillddhhoooodd MMeemmoorriieess "So this is why I can't remember

what happened to me when I was ayoung boy?" was my next question toZeena.

"Not exactly. We never took you offplanet when you were young. Wepresented you with a holographicclassroom or learning centre. Wesimply made you invisible to otherswhile this was being presented to you.You simply stepped out of your timezone for a short while. In actual Earthtime, mostly you were never gone formore than a few moments. It wasonly very occasionally that you mighthave had some missing time: I mean,real-time outages where you don't

remember what happened for part of aday. This is very disruptive and we trynot to do it very often. It would havebeen important, whatever it was thatcould take away some of your real timeon Earth.

"If it helps you at all, it is only theyoung, who are very important to us,that this would ever happen to. Pleasebelieve me, Anu, when I say that wecare very much for you. We always aretrying to protect you. We know that byinteracting with you there is always achance we could endanger you. Butultimately it was always your choice tolive this life: that is a decision youmade before you were born. I did notsee you choose your life, but I knowyou would have been privy to most ofthe ups and downs of your life choice.We always are. You, me, the rest of theworld's population have all madechoices.

"It is difficult to say this, but youshould never really feel sorry foranyone. They are mostly living theirchosen life within a small degree ofalteration. But this is a very deepsubject and I am perhaps not skilled inthis area to give out too muchinformation. If you need to go deeper,I would refer you to my Guardian, theElder you met when you first cameaboard, for surely then you wouldknow more than you could everimagine. This is another place it isdangerous to tread, because to knowtoo much about the life you are livingis to endanger its existence.

"Forgive me, Anu; I must leaveyou for a short time. I feel I needguidance before I say or domore."

AAcccclliimmaattiissiinngg ttoo aa NNeeww LLiigghhttThis was the first and only

time that Zeena had excusedherself almost in mid-sentence.Never before had I seen herfalter in her presentation ofinformation to me. In manyways, it only endeared her to meall the more to know that she

was not just an infallible machineregurgitating information like somecomputer program. It made me seeher in a new light—a better light, infact.

But that is a dangerous road for me,and one that I would rather not traveldown in relating my experiences toyou right now. For I was not sure how Ishould feel towards Zeena. I was stilla stranger in a strange land, in spite ofwhat was being presented to me. Icould still feel the resistance frommany of the crew when I was nearby,perhaps with good cause on theirbehalf because of the dangers theyface from humans when they comeanywhere near Earth time-space. But,all that aside, I was on my own here. Ifelt that one wrong move from me andthings could get very interesting in thewrong sort of way.

So once again I was left to my own

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""WWee nneevveerr ttooookk yyoouu ooffff ppllaanneettwwhheenn yyoouu wweerree yyoouunngg.. WWee

pprreesseenntteedd yyoouu wwiitthh aahhoollooggrraapphhiicc ccllaassssrroooomm oorr

lleeaarrnniinngg cceennttrree.. WWee mmaaddee yyoouuiinnvviissiibbllee ttoo ootthheerrss wwhhiillee tthhiiss wwaass

bbeeiinngg pprreesseenntteedd ttoo yyoouu..""

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devices to roam the transporter, orplatform as I heard some of the crewdescribe this machine that couldtraverse time-space and dimensionsjust as easily as we would cut cake...

When Zeena joined me once againto carry on our conversations and herexplanations, she almost seemed likea different person. For some reason,she seemed to have lost her self-confidence. Through this I felt anotherside to her, a loving gentleness noteasily detected before with her aloof,matter-of-fact form of presentation.

We mostly had these talks inwhat I called the "oval room",the number one recreationroom, I guess, for crew andpassengers. It's surprising howsoon you can get used tosomething that at first mighthave taken your breath away.Not enough that Zeena had ablue body and looked just alittle more than unworldly. Notenough that I looked the same.But here we were in a room thathad no corners, no lights, butwas never dark. Constantly the roomwould change colour from a lightgreen to a pink or purple, then go backto a creamy silver. I still had troublegauging distances in these curvedrooms: they did not always look sobig, but it took an age to travel fromone side of them to another.

I now rarely needed any sleep, andnot eating or even desiring hard foodseldom crossed my mind as strangeany more. Talking without sound wasanother aspect of life that I wasstarting to get used to, although Iwould occasionally catch myselfspeaking words as I communicated toZeena.

TThhee BBiiggggeerr PPiiccttuurreeSo my questions drifted back to life

or, to be more precise, life before life. Iwanted Zeena to expand on herexplanation about our life choices. Ihad felt she was about to describesomething of importance and certainly

of great interest to me when shepulled back from the conversation andexcused herself.

For the first time in our interactiverelationship, I felt a hesitance from herto proceed with an explanation.

"Perhaps I should approach thissubject from another direction," shesuggested. "One of the main reasonsthere is resistance from my people tointeract with the Earth's population toa more expanded extent is because ofyour belief systems or understandingof the self.

"We are constantly underwhelmedby your sciences, which appear to beheld in such high regard by yourpeoples. Your scientists appear to bediligent in their endeavours, but darkerforces control them. Their vision isconfused by their inability to expandand combine the knowledge they hold.

"Small sections of knowledge arenever combined so that a biggerpicture can be seen. In this way theyare controlled, because the right handnever knows what the left hand hasdiscovered and vice versa. Thoseamong you gifted enough to be able tosee all are quickly dispatched by theunseen ones and your history booksmostly deprived of their contributions,so you all remain deprived of your truehistory and an understanding of whatbeing human is all about.

"The non-physical aspects of life onEarth or life in a human body havegenerally been ignored by yoursciences at the direction of the darker

forces. The science of your churches,which you might expect to discoverand reveal this subject to all, has beencorrupted also, but you know this so Ido not need to expand on it now.

"Still, I hope this gives you anoverview of just how extensive thecensorship of your knowledge aboutthe self is, and how it continues.Without this knowledge, you are butchildren and easily controlled. Youcould be turned against us at thewhim of the unseen ones, andanything we might tell you would be

looked upon with more thansuspicion.

"To condense what I am trying tosay here, your people are not yetready to embrace the truth. Thisis not to put the people of Earthdown, for they are but puppets atthis time in your history. If wecould declare all the truth at onetime, your civilisation would mostlikely collapse—and this we donot wish to see."

CCoonnffrroonnttiinngg tthhee TTrruutthh"So what is all this about, then?" I had to ask the question. My mind

was flooded with the confusion ofhaving been told so much, and at thesame time told that this wasinformation I was not ready for!

"Why are you telling me this? Whatcan I do with this knowledge? Not thatI know much of what you talk about,but, even so, why tell me this if youfeel I am not ready or the human raceis not yet ready to deal with it?"

"I have to tell you because youasked," Zeena replied.

"It is strange that you still do notrealise you are not one of them. Youare one of us. I am trying to remindyou of that which you already knowbut have just forgotten because ofyour circumstance. You need notrepeat any of this information toanyone if you so choose. It is for yourbenefit that I recite this account of lifeon Earth.

"It has been suggested to me that


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""...... yyoouurr ppeeooppllee aarree nnoott yyeett rreeaaddyy ttooeemmbbrraaccee tthhee ttrruutthh.. TThhiiss iiss nnoott ttooppuutt tthhee ppeeooppllee ooff EEaarrtthh ddoowwnn,, ffoorrtthheeyy aarree bbuutt ppuuppppeettss aatt tthhiiss ttiimmee iinnyyoouurr hhiissttoorryy.. IIff wwee ccoouulldd ddeeccllaarree aallll

tthhee ttrruutthh aatt oonnee ttiimmee,, yyoouurrcciivviilliissaattiioonn wwoouulldd mmoosstt lliikkeellyy

ccoollllaappssee ......""

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TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEEperhaps it would be better for us andfor you to keep most of thisinformation to yourself in the shortterm. Perhaps, at some later stage inyour life on Earth, you might considerthat the information I am now sharingwith you is ready to be passed on toothers. This we will leave to yourjudgement, but, for now, treat it as areminder of the way things are. Wefeel it could be of help to you in thetrials which will confront you after yourreturn to life on Earth.

"Now, if you wish, I will remind youof what your sciences have yet todiscover about the non-physicalaspects of life on Earth."

I duly indicated that I wished her toproceed.

"You have two bodies back onEarth, the physical and the non-physical, so you never walkalone. Most on Earthintrinsically know this, but yourscience is working hard todisavow the fact. What we aretrying to do in our experimentsand visits to Earth is to fuse thetwo aspects of humanity intoone whole; in other words, foryou to be aware of the other self.We have failed thus far in ourexperiments. If we shouldsucceed, the unseen ones would losecontrol over the population of Earth,the Sun would shine a different colour,the deserts would bloom again andEden would once more become thegarden of plenty.

"Those that dwell in an existenceclose to yours draw off the light, forthey live in a darker world. Theyextract the life force from your planetin a way that not only drags down yourown moral fortitude but depletesnature's energies as well.

"Only a few of your kind havestumbled upon the existence of thisother world, and they have beendispatched and dealt with by theunseen ones and their corrupt legionsthat dwell among you. Many of yourown kind have given themselves to

this force for a token moment ofpersonal glory, which is all that eachlife on Earth really is—only a momentof your personal history, a blink of aneye.

"So this is the dark force I oftenspeak to you about. As I havedescribed it to you, it is within you andwithout. By that, I mean that itpossesses some of you while it resideselsewhere," Zeena advised.

"Once again I have diverted from thetrue subject, that of your choice in thislife on Earth. I hope you can find it inyour heart to forgive those on Earththat have fallen prey to the unseenones. If you have no warning of thesethings, you have little defence. Thosethat forget the lessons of past lives live

the same mistakes over and over untilthey at last recall them. Many amongyou are weak and fall prey to an easylife path, which the unseen ones areonly too happy to provide if they gainfrom such.

"Before being born, you were given aglimpse of your life path, for alabyrinth of choices always comes yourway as you navigate towards yourchosen goal. All lives are chosen aslessons. You feel a need to improvesome aspect of your being? A life pathis chosen to help with this learning.Often you can be distracted, thechosen path forgotten, and the lessondoes not take place. So you mustattempt it over again. For some, thiscan happen many times before anyprogress is made.

"The glimpse of your life before ittakes place is to help you rememberwhich choices to make if you are toreach your goal, but still it is easy toforget. Just as you forget your dreamswhen you awaken from sleep, so it iseasy to forget your chosen path onceyou are born. Practice makes perfect,as your people say, and as one livesthrough more and more experiences itis easier to focus on the goals thathave been set. So the older, moreexperienced soul has fewerdistractions, does not get hooked intopower plays, does not sell out to thehighest bidder and usually stands outamong your kind for totally differentreasons than those that are glorifiedby the promoters of fame and fortune."

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Alec Newald has been aprofessional yachtsman andsailmaker for most of his adult life.At the age of twenty-four, hestarted his own sailmaking businessand has been working for himselfalmost ever since. For a short time,he delved into the world ofmotorsport and running his owncar-sales business before returningto sailmaking.

Alec Newald is the author ofCoEvolution: An Interplanetary Adventure(NEXUS Publications, 1997; available athttp://www.nexus magazine.com;reviewed in NEXUS 4/03, with extractsin 4/02 and 16/04). Alec has additionalchapters and updates on events since themid-1990s to include in a second editionof CoEvolution, to be released by NEXUSPublications later this year. He is alsoseeking a publisher for an adventurenovel built around his extraordinaryexperiences.

Correspondence for Alec Newaldshould be sent care of the Editor,NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30,Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia, or viaemail at [email protected] orthe website http://www.nexusmagazine.com.

IIff wwee sshhoouulldd ssuucccceeeedd,, tthhee uunnsseeeennoonneess wwoouulldd lloossee ccoonnttrrooll oovveerr tthhee

ppooppuullaattiioonn ooff EEaarrtthh,, tthhee SSuunnwwoouulldd sshhiinnee aa ddiiffffeerreenntt ccoolloouurr,,tthhee ddeesseerrttss wwoouulldd bblloooomm aaggaaiinn

aanndd EEddeenn wwoouulldd oonnccee mmoorreebbeeccoommee tthhee ggaarrddeenn ooff pplleennttyy..

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TTHHEE AARRCCHHEETTYYPPAALL CCOOSSMMOOSSbbyy KKeeiirroonn LLee GGrriicceeFloris Books, Edinburgh, UK, 2010ISBN 978-086315-775-2 (328pp tpb)Available: www.florisbooks.co.uk

We stand at a pivotal point inhuman evolution and are being

challenged on many levels: cultural,political, ecological and spiritual.How can we make sense of theseuncertain times? In the view ofphilosopher Keiron Le Grice, PhD, weneed a coherent framework in whichto understand our plight and givedirection for a future of integrationrather than fragmentation.

A new archetypal astrology couldprovide the answer: a synthesis ofthe insights of depth psychology,borrowed from Carl Jung, andcomparative mythology, influencedby Joseph Campbell, combined withthe new scientific paradigm thinkingof theorists like Bohm, Sheldrake,Grof and Swimme. Scientificrationalism has dispelled theimportance of myth in our modernlives, and yet the new science isrevealing the connection between theinner realm of the psyche and theouter realm of the cosmos.

Archetypal astrology, with itsemphasis on a mythic perspectivethat includes the hero's journey, isimbued with principles that can bringus into a meaningful consciousconnection with the deeper cosmicorder that shapes our progress. Itcan succeed where religion andscience fail us. The hero's journeycan become that of each individualand reunite us with the natural orderalong a path laid by our ancestors indeep antiquity. Humanity has muchto gain from this synthesis betweenplanetary cycles and the dynamicsand patterns of human experience.

A new, meaningful, spiritual era isat hand, promises Dr Le Grice.

AAFFTTEERRLLIIFFEEbbyy BBaarrrryy EEaattoonnAllen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2011ISBN 978-1-74237-484-0 (286pp pb)Available: www.allenandunwin.com;This stunningl book describes thepassage from life through death andinto the afterlife—as much as it canbe grasped by us on this side of thefence. Afterlife is the first book bylong-time Australian radio and TVpresenter Barry Eaton, who hasworldwide audiences for his Net-based RadioOutThere.com andRadioNEXUS programs. A psychichimself, Eaton has had many like-

minded friends make an impact onhis life, and he retells his and theirstories with sensitivity and clarity.

Age-old questions to do with fearof death, where we go when we die,and whether there is punishment forsuicide are all covered here. Thereare reports on ghost hauntings, thelight at the end of the tunnel, theastral healing centre and soulfamilies. There are activities in theafterlife, communications beyond thegrave and preparations for the nextlife to consider. Eaton confronts hispast incarnation as a soldier whodied at the Somme during World WarI, and he brings many insights fromhis research and experiences. Afterlife is a profound book written

from the heart in the light of truth.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRuutthh PPaarrnneellll

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RRAANNDDII''SS PPRRIIZZEE bbyy RRoobbeerrtt MMccLLuuhhaannMatador, UK, 2010ISBN 978-1-84876-494-1 (418pp pb)Avail: www.troubador.co.uk/matador

Freelance journalist and formerGuardian foreign correspondent

Robert McLuhan is well suited towriting a book on the paranormal:he's been a member of the UKSociety for Psychical Research fornearly two decades. McLuhan in hisbook's title refers to the Canadianstage magician James Randi, who,back in the 1960s, put up a milliondollars for anyone who can convincehim that they have psychic powers—a prize that no one has yet claimed.

McLuhan argues that sceptics likeRandi have too much sway when theydebunk the paranormal: they have anegative influence on scientific andpublic opinion and yet theyunderstand little about what they'redebunking. Scientific researcherswho do explore paraphysicalphenomena have indeed foundanomalies worthy of further study,but the sceptics explain away theseanomalies as being due to fraud oran overactive imagination.Consequently, science and societylose out and the messengers aredenigrated. It's time to replace ourbroad culture of disbelief in the

paranormal with a more discerningview, says McLuhan in his thoughtful,well-balanced work that touches ondeeply spiritual elements and offersan enlightened way forward.

LLIIFFEE AANNDD DDEEAATTHH OONN MMAARRSS:: TThhee NNeeww MMaarrss SSyynntthheessiissbbyy JJoohhnn BBrraannddeennbbuurrgg,, PPhhDDAUP, Kempton, IL, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-935487-36-4 (275pp tpb)Avail: adventuresunlimitedpress.com

Much of what science understandsabout Mars is wrong, says US

astrophysicist Dr John Brandenburg.Life once thrived on Mars in a similarway to on Earth, and quite possiblyeven seeded life on Earth via crashedmeteorites. However, in its longhistory, Mars experienced two majorcatastrophes: one by ice, from whichlife did re-emerge, and one by fire,from which it did not. Before DrBrandenburg gets to the core of hisargument, he highlights what Marshas meant to humanity through theages, embraced in mythology andeven in modern military symbology.

One of the unexplained discoveriesabout Mars is the presence of axenon isotype in the atmosphere andan abundance of uranium andthorium on the surface. DrBrandenburg posits that theseelements are the products of a

natural fission reaction: the orebodies containing these oxides wereinfiltrated by water, went critical andcaused a thermal neutron reactionwith fallout that rained down andcaused the end of life on Mars.Debris patterns can be seen radiatingfrom a site in the northwest of MareAcidalium. He hypothesises that theevent was probably triggered by achange in groundwater distributionrelated to a global cooling event, andthat it would have produced anenergy release equal to the impact ofa 70-kilometre-diameter asteroid.

Mars is an undeniable teacher forus Earthlings, and it has much to sayabout the cosmos, too, according toDr Brandenburg in his controversial,well-illustrated book.


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AATTLLAANNTTIISS AANNDD TTHHEE CCYYCCLLEESS OOFF TTIIMMEEbbyy JJoosscceellyynn GGooddwwiinnInner Traditions, Rochester, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-59477-262-7 (436pp tpb)Available: www.InnerTraditions.com;www.brumbybooks-music.com.au

Much has been written about thelost continents of Atlantis and

Lemuria from an occult perspectiveas well from a rationalist view basedon geographic and geological data,but these perspectives have not reallybeen synthesised into a coherentwhole. Scholar, translator and musicprofessor Dr Joscelyn Godwin applieshis talents to reconciling the two.

Just among the rationalists, thereare scientific hypotheses aboutAtlantis having been in the Arctic andAntarctic, in Britain, Malta, Cyprus,the Caribbean and Central America,to name but a few, proffered bythinkers and researchers through thelast few centuries and even veryrecently. The esotericists includeSaint-Yves d'Alveydre and Papus,Theosophists from Blavatsky toBailey, René Guénon, the "sleepingprophet" Edgar Cayce and more.

In his study of Atlantis research,mythology and interpretation,Professor Godwin reveals that allthese viewpoints, some which aresourced from sacred texts, prophecy

and paranormal communications, arelinked to cycles of time, the maincyclical systems being the Four WorldAges and the Precession of theEquinoxes. He notes that 2012features in cyclical theories unrelatedto the Mayan calendar, and that therhythms of history, the "human life-wave" through the ages, are fractal.He sheds light on our immediatefuture, evolution and reincarnation,root races and catastrophe theory.

TTIIMMEE OOFF TTHHEE QQUUIICCKKEENNIINNGGbbyy SSuussaann BB.. MMaarrttiinneezz,, PPhhDDBear & Company, Rochester, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-59143-126-8 (374pp tpb)Avail: BearandCompanyBooks.com

Fed up with inaccurate prophecies?Linguist, anthropologist and

paranormal researcher Susan B.Martinez, PhD, has developed amathematical way of divining thefuture. It's based on a 12,000-year-old system—the Egyptian Tables ofDestiny—that can foretell every dayof the year accurately, based on theEarth's magnetic rhythms.

Dr Martinez is an expert in the19th-century Oahspe Bible, whichpresents the Tables and theirprophetic numbers of Earth cycles(11, 33, 66, 99, 363 among them).She's applied her system to cycles ofhurricanes, earthquakes, floods and

volcanic eruptions and shown thatthe numbers stack up over intervalsthrough time.

From reviewing the cycles of historyfrom biblical times and theprophecies of notable seers fromNostradamus and Cayce to JeaneDixon and Chet Snow, Dr Martinezconcludes that we're in the earlystage of a Utopian Age—the time ofthe "quickening" of the human race,the opening of our etheric sight. Butwe have many flashpoints along theway. One of them, foreseen for 2011,seems to be on the mark; it involvesFrance and a time wave going back tothe 1880s–90s. Her takes on our pastand her forecasts for our future, e.g.,on America's destiny, the worldeconomy and climate change, makethis a system to be taken seriously.


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PPSSYYCCHHEEDDEELLIICC HHEEAALLIINNGGbbyy NNeeaall MM.. GGoollddssmmiitthh,, PPhhDDHealing Arts Press, Rochester, VT, 2011ISBN 978-1-59477-250-4 (238pp tpb)Available: www.HealingArtsPress.com;www.brumbybooks-music.com.au

The late 1960s clampdown onresearch into psychedelic drugs as

therapeutic catalysts is beingreleased as interest in theirpsychiatric use grows at the top USmedical schools like Harvard andJohns Hopkins. Clinical evidenceshows that entheogens—substanceswhich engender the spiritual in us—can ease anxiety in the dying, treataddiction, cure post-traumatic stressdisorder and overcome deep-seatedemotional blocks.

New Yorker Neal Goldsmith, PhD, apsychotherapist who specialises inpsychospiritual development,explains that the curative effect ofentheogens comes not from achemical effect on the body but fromthe triggering of a peak or spiritualexperience. He has studied the useof entheogenic substances in therituals of indigenous cultures andexamined the growing body ofresearch into psychedelics. Indeed,he recounts some of his ownexperiences with mind-expandingdrugs including LSD, MDMA andpsilocybin on his journey of growthand discovery. He's part of a globalnetwork of psychedelics researcherssharing their findings on the Net.

Dr Goldsmith proposes howpsychedelic healing can be

incorporated into a new, integratedpsychotherapy that harnesses theemotional, mental and spiritualhealing powers of these entheogenicdrugs within a clinical setting. Hegives guidance on safe "tripping" andon handling emergencies. He alsosuggests moves that could changeexisting drug laws and healthpolicies. This is a visionary approachtowards a whole new reality.

TTHHEE AARRTT OOFF SSOOAARRIINNGGbbyy VVllaaddiimmiirr DDoollookkhhoovv aanndd VVaaddiimmGGuurraannggoovvDeep Snow Press, USA, 2010 (firstpublished in Russian, 1998)ISBN 978-0-9842873-1-4 (239pp tpb)Available: www.DeepSnowPress.com

This charming self-help book aboutpractical magic, written by two

Russian spiritualists, became a best-seller when it was first published inRussian. This English-languageedition is translated by linguist MarkHavill, PhD, who has worked with theauthors since 1993, and edited byLeonid Sharashkin, PhD, who alsoedited the English versions of thefamous Ringing Cedars series.

Authors Dolokhov and Gurangovdraw on Russian proverbs andfolklore as well as the works of CarlosCastaneda and Richard Bach inhelping us discover the magicianwithin each of us. They explain thatthe magician is playful and joyful, isnot focused on any outcome, and isprepared for anything while hopingfor the best—and all with goodhumour. One of the principal tenetsof their magical system is the need toenter the "state of soaring", which islike a heartfelt, ecstatic danceexperienced in the moment.

We can live our lives as magicalacts, and the authors show how theway of the magician involves takingcreative action, e.g., expressingthankfulness and having the worldrespond to creativity to provide thebest outcomes for all involved. It's aprocess of joyfully participating increation, even if we have to "test thewaters" initially. Inspirational!


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AAUUTTIISSMM:: BBeeyyoonndd DDeessppaaiirr CCEEAASSEE TThheerraappyybbyy TTiinnuuss SSmmiittss,, MMDDEmryss Publishers, Netherlands, 2010ISBN 978-90-76189-28-4 (191pp hc)Available: www.emryss.com

For decades, Dutch homoeopathicdoctor Tinus Smits, MD, has been

healing behavioural and otherproblems in children by detoxifyingthem of the vaccines they were givenas babies and toddlers. Further, hehas been giving them homoeopathictreatments in conjunction withorthomolecular doses of nutritionalsupplements, effecting cures in mostcases. In time, he turned hisattention to autism, noting that thesame kind of treatments worked forthis disorder, a blockage in the brain.

Fundamental to Dr Smits'streatment is getting to the cause ofthe illness. In some cases, even withautism, pharmaceutical drugs havebeen responsible for triggering thecondition. The treatments need tobe prescribed and tailor-made byspecially trained homoeopathicpractitioners because of the multi-faceted aspects even of just thehomoeopathy form involved.

From his years of clinicalobservation and practice, Dr Smitshas developed a therapy that he callsCEASE—Complete Elimination ofAutistic Spectrum Expression—andhas had amazing successes with it, asthe case studies and parents'testimonials in this book attest. Hediscusses the genesis of autism viavaccination and medication (even

drugs taken by the mother duringpregnancy), how to detoxify vaccinesusing potentised vaccines and how totreat intestinal disorders andaggression or hyperactivity with diet,including the right fatty acid intake.

Dr Smits's CEASE therapy promisesenormous benefits in most cases,and fortunately there are more andmore homoeopaths being trained inthe procedures. For further details,visit www.cease-autism.com.

MMYY EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEESS OOFF AALLIIEENNSS AANNDDOOTTHHEERR RREEAALLIITTIIEESS –– VVoolluummee OOnneebbyy DDrr JJ.. SS.. CChhiiaappppaalloonneeZeus Publications, Australia, 2010ISBN 978-1-921731-71-6 (302pp pb)Available: www.zeus-publications.com

The world is reaching a tippingpoint in the great battle between

good and evil, says Dr JosephChiappalone, a metaphysical author,medical doctor and contactee.According to information he says hereceived in 1985 aboard the etherealmothership of the Space Command,led by a group of spiritually advancedbeings, Earth is to be rid of the evilthat's been present here for aeons—and it's going to be a rocky ride.These interdimensional beings haveplans for the evacuation of humanswho are aligned with the Light beforethey initiate the destruction of theplanet. The good doctor wasconvinced that this "correctiveprocess" was scheduled to happen adecade or so ago (this edition is anupdate on earlier writings).

Dr Chiappalone is certain aboutwho is on the side of the evil alienoverlords; some of them work in hisown profession! As for aliens, theGreys and their reptilian masters arethe baddies, while the "theomorphic"interdimensional beings in contactwith Higher Mind and who travel inplasma ships are the goodies.

Dr Chiappalone has been on anamazing personal quest spanningseveral decades, and here he shareshis journey and Gnosticism-inspiredrevelations to help us through thesechallenging "end times".


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LLBBJJ AANNDD TTHHEE CCOONNSSPPIIRRAACCYY TTOOKKIILLLL KKEENNNNEEDDYYbbyy JJoosseepphh PP.. FFaarrrreellllAUP, Kempton, Illinois, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-935487-18-0 (302pp tpb)Avail: adventuresunlimitedpress.com

Here, prolific investigative authorJoseph P. Farrell (Babylon's

Banksters, 17/05; Roswell and the Reich,17/04) directs his attention to the JFKassassination and the "coalescence ofinterests" that sought to overthrowPresident Kennedy in a coup d'état.The premise put to him by hispublisher was to uncover what roleVice President Lyndon B. Johnson(LBJ) may have had in the conspiracyin the light of the "Texas connection",but Farrell has taken a different tackby reconciling LBJ's probable rolewithin the wider context of vestedgroups: Soviets, Cubans, Mafia, BigOil, banksters, the military, a host ofalphabet agencies (CIA, FBI, ONI,NASA) and the Secret Service.

Farrell, whose fascination with theJFK assassination began at the time,when he was just six years old,utilises research from others whohave already identified major players,in order to draw links between thesegroups and their agendas and toidentify who knew what and theirpossible level of involvement in theassassination. In his analysis, Farrellconsiders mind-controlled patsiesincluding Jack Ruby, doppelgängers,bullet-counting errors, ritual magic,Masonic symbolism and mysteriousdeaths of key witnesses. There's

damning evidence of LBJ'sinvolvement in the conspiracy, e.g., inthe planning of JFK's Texas trip.

This is a deep political conspiracyexposé that's an engrossing read.

FFIINNAALL WWAARRNNIINNGG:: AA HHiissttoorryy ooff tthheeNNeeww WWoorrlldd OOrrddeerrbbyy DDaavviidd AAlllleenn RRiivveerraaProgressive Press, 2010 (3rd ed., part 1)ISBN 978-1-61577-929-1 (366pp tpb)Available: www.amazon.com;www.gazellebooks.co.uk

There's nothing new about theconcept of a New World Order

(NWO). According to author DavidRivera, the term has been in usesince at least 1915, but the idea thata shadowy cabal beyond the reach ofrulers and presidents is controllingworld events and manipulating themasses is far older. However, thecabal is now much closer toestablishing its long-desired one-world government than ever before.

Rivera's book Final Warning was firstpublished in 1984 and has beenrepublished and/or revised severaltimes since then; this is the thirdedition of part one (part two coversend-time prophecies and is availableat www.comingjudgement.250x.com).

Rivera concludes from his extensiveresearch that descendants of theoriginal Illuminati, which disbandedafter a short life in the 1790s, are stillhell-bent on the goal of a one-worldsocialist government, and, havingalso implemented the communistrevolution and set the stage forWorld War II, now operate throughsuch organisations as the UnitedNations, the European Union, theBilderbergs, the Trilaterals and more.

Moves towards globalisation of theworld marketplace via organisationssuch as NAFTA and the WTO arefurther implementing the NWOagenda, as are moves to institute aone-world currency, foment riots andrevolutions, and remove citizens'basic rights not just in the USA butaround the globe.

A punchy historical overview withthemes of control and suppression.


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UUNNDDEERRGGRROOUUNNDDbbyy SSuueelleettttee DDrreeyyffuuss aanndd JJuulliiaannAAssssaannggeeWilliam Heinemann/Random HouseAustralia, 2011 revised edition (first pub.by Reed Books, Australia, 1997)ISBN 978-1-74275-202-0 (495pp pb)Available: www.randomhouse.com.au

With all the interest in WikiLeaksthese days and with the

controversy surrounding its releasesof sensitive US diplomatic cables, it'sinstructive to recap on the culture ofcomputer hacking that ultimately ledto the creation of this website forwhistleblowers. This second editionof journalist Dr Suelette Dreyfus'sbook Underground is an update of the1997 original with a new introductionand conclusion by Dreyfus as well asan introduction by Julian Assange,dated 2001, five years before hefounded WikiLeaks. Assange hadresearch input into the original bookand now has co-author status. Thebook documents anarchistic youngAustralian hackers' attempts to havefun while taking on the forces of theUS establishment including themilitary, NASA and the Departmentof Energy, e.g., subjecting theircomputers to the "WANK worm".

There are tales of convictions andimprisonment for acts of infiltration,and of the descent into crime, drugaddiction and madness. The earlybulletin-board days are on display, asare alter-egos and enough techno-babble to baffle all but those who arehighly proficient in computer

programming. This is importantdocumentation of the social historyof the 1980s–1990s computerunderground, with reflection from the21st century at a time whenWikiLeaks has to exist because of alame media and when its founder hasto fight for his rights as an Australiancitizen. Meantime, hacking has goneto a new level of "worm-as-cyber-weapon" and the surveillance state isnot only legal but compulsory.

WWAALLLL SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD TTHHEE RRIISSEE OOFFHHIITTLLEERRbbyy AAnnttoonnyy CC.. SSuuttttoonnClairview Books, UK, 2010 ISBN 978-1-905570-27-0 (220pp tpb)Available: www.clairviewbooks.com

This third book in a trilogy byProfessor Antony Sutton

(1925–2002), published in 1976, wasexceptional at the time for itsexamination of the rise of corporate-sponsored socialism in Germany inthe 1920s and the corporate financingof Adolf Hitler's ascent to power andpreparations for war. Britishpublisher Clairview has released areproduction edition of this classic,hard-to-get book Wall Street and theRise of Hitler, a key reference work forserious students of recent history.

Sutton exposes the financialassistance of Wall Street inGermany's rebuilding in the 1920s,including that of many well-knownAmerican corporations which aidedthe subsequent war footing: GeneralElectric, Standard Oil, ITT, Ford,General Motors, Chase andManhattan banks, and Rockefellerand Morgan interests among themany. Moreover, these US interestswere not permitted to take anythingout of Germany, so there had to havebeen other reasons for promoting theNazi regime and financingpreparations for a new world war.

Sutton adds that establishmenthistorians have overlooked the occultdriving force behind Nazism—a pointwhich many researchers haveexpanded upon in ensuing decades.Essential background reading.


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AANNCCIIEENNTT TTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYY IINNNNAAZZCCAA && CCEENNTTRRAALL PPEERRUUwwiitthh DDaavviidd HHaattcchheerr CChhiillddrreessss ©© 22001100Available: Adventures Unlimited Press,Box 74, Kempton IL 60946, USA,www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com

In this fifth instalmentin the Ancient

Technology series,David heads down thePan American Highwayfrom Lima to Ica andNazca in Peru.

In Ica he examinesthe huge, elongatedskulls discovered in thearea, and then he visitsthe strange museum ofDr Cabrera with itscollection of thousands of stonesdepicting dinosaurs and humans.

Next, David and the team fly overthe Nazca geoglyphs in order to grasptheir amazing complexity. Were theymeant to be seen only from the air?

The team then journeys to Cuzco incentral Peru and visits the megalithicsites of Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchuand Sacsayhuamán, taking in aspecial examination of a megalithicrock quarry near the Inca Trail.

TTHHEE AAFFTTEERRLLIIFFEE IINNVVEESSTTIIGGAATTIIOONNSSAA SSuurrvviivvaall PPrroojjeecctt PPrroodduuccttiioonn ©© 22001100Available: Insight Media, London, UK,www.theafterlifeinvestigations.com

This award-winning documentary byTim Coleman is being hailed as the

best-ever compilation of scientificevidence in support of life after death.

One of the main topics is the ScoleExperiment, where for five years a

group of researchers and mediumswitnessed and investigated morephenomena than in any otherexperiment in paranormal history.

Another is the electronic voicephenomenon (EVP): can the deadspeak to the living via electronicdevices like radios, tape recordersand computers?

These experiments may finallyconvince you that there is life afterdeath. A fantastic documentary!

WWHHAATT IINN TTHHEE WWOORRLLDD AARREE TTHHEEYYSSPPRRAAYYIINNGG?? TThhee CChheemmttrraaiill//GGeeoo--EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg CCoovveerr--uuppbbyy GG.. EEddwwaarrdd GGrriiffffiinn,, MMiicchhaaeell MMuurrpphhyyaanndd PPaauull WWiitttteennbbeerrggeerr ©© 22001100Available: www.realityzone.com

By now, everyone has seencrisscrossing streaks of white

clouds trailing behind jet aircraft,stretching from horizon to horizon,

eventually turning thesky into a murky haze.Our innate intelligencetells us that these arenot all just mere vapourtrails from jet aircraft.So who is doing this,and why?

This film tells the storyof a rapidly developingindustry called geo-engineering, driven byscientists, corporations

and governments intent on changingglobal climate, controlling theweather and altering the chemicalcomposition of our soil and water —all supposedly for the betterment ofmankind. Although officials insistthat these programs are only in thediscussion phase, evidence isabundant that they have beenunderway since about 1990—and theeffects on crops, wildlife and humanhealth have been devastating.

76 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL – MAY 2011


CCoommppiilleedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss


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DDEESSEERRTT PPHHAASSEE bbyy KKaayyaa PPrroojjeecctt Interchill Records, UK, 2010 (66mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; UUKK——Interchill Records, www.interchill.com;www.kayaproject.com

This album has been inspired bythree deserts—the Sonoran, the

Thar and the northern Sahara—andby Kaya Project's experiences in thosedeserts in Arizona, Rajasthan andMorocco. The tracks reflect thetimeless, haunting nature of thesedeserts, and some are reflections ofthe areas' peoples and a tribute totheir resilience. Other tracks arebased in folklore or cinematic myth.Omar Faruk Tekbilek makes anappearance on one track of DesertPhase. Thoughtful and atmosphericmusic that's highly recommended.

OOUUTT OOFF TTHHEE BBLLUUEE && IINNTTOO TTHHEE AAMMAAZZOONNbbyy EEmmiillyy BBuurrrriiddggee Emily Burridge Music, UK, 2010(2CDs, 49mins) Distributor: UUKK——Emily BurridgeMusic, www.emilyburridge.com

Emily Burridge has produced aunique two-album set with Out of

the Blue and Into the Amazon. Sheinterweaves classical cello works withher own compositions, and hertechnological expertise allows her to

create pieces which shift in and out ofa familiar classical repertoire into herown dreamspace. The second CDtakes us on a captivating journey intothe world of the Xavante people ofthe Amazon. Burridge combines theirsongs and lyrics with her cello andthe sounds of the jungle. A veryunusual and distinctive creation.

BBHHAAKKTTII BBAAZZAAAARR bbyy JJaaii UUttttaall Sounds True, USA, 2010 (68mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Books& Music, tel (03) 9761 5535; UUSSAA——Sounds True, tel 1800 333 9185,www.soundstrue.com

Jai Uttal has a number of releases tohis credit (e.g., see NEXUS 3/01,

9/05). Vocalist Tina Malia andNepalese bamboo flautist Manosejoin with Jai and Ben Leinbach tocreate Bhakti Bazaar in tribute to "yogaand other joys" and to awaken theflame of devotion. The featuredinstruments include dotar, electricguitar and slide tamboura. The musicis very laid-back devotional and onthe cutting edge of the new wave ofkirtan singing. Relaxing and calmingin that quietist musical genre.

PPAATTHH OOFF CCOOMMPPAASSSSIIOONN bbyy KKaarruunneesshh Real Music Records, 2010 (66mins)Distributors: AAuusstt——Brumby Books &Music, tel (03) 9761 5535; EEuurrooppee——MCC, tel +49 4102 898202; UUSSAA——Real Music, tel 415 331 8273,www.realmusic.com

Maui-based Karunesh (Sanskrit for"compassion") has created this

album especially for yoga, massageand relaxation (also see Zen Breakfastreview, NEXUS 8/06). "I want to gobeyond the limits and barriersseparating different cultures, mixingdifferent music styles and lettingthem flow and dance together," saysKarunesh. This world fusion albumwould be the ideal accompanimentfor your cosy evening by the fire oryour exercise and yoga sessions.Soothing, relaxing music.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess

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CCoonnttiinnuueedd nneexxtt eeddiittiioonn......

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::John Lasker is a freelance journalistwho was born and raised in Buffalo,New York, and now resides inColumbus, Ohio, USA. His work hasbeen published hundreds of times in50 different newspapers andmagazines, including Wired, ChristianScience Monitor, Toward Freedom andFate. He covered the 2008 USpresidential election from central Ohiofor Agence France-Presse. In 2010, hepublished his first non-fiction bookTechnoir (e-book avai lable fromh t t p : / / s t o r e . t h e e b o o k s a l e .com/science-fiction/technoir); thisarticle is based on chapter three of thisbook. He received a grant from theKnight Foundation in 2011 to writeabout non-combat deaths of USfemale soldiers. John Lasker can be emailed [email protected].

EEnnddnnootteess1. Bruce Gagnon quoted in chapterthree, "The Emerging US SpaceWeapons Arsenal", in: John Lasker,Technoir: 13 Investigations from theDarkside of Technology, the US Militaryand UFOs, RealTime Publishing,Limerick, Ireland, 2010 2. Interview with Kevin Aplin, 20073. The White House, Fact Sheet, 17September 2009,http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/FACT-SHEET-US-Missile-Defense-Policy-A-Phased-Adaptive-Approach-for-Missile-Defense-in-Europe/4. Phillips, Macon, The White HouseBlog, 8 April 2010,http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/04/08/new-start-treaty-and-protocol5.http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2010/November/20101119162642su0.1538464.html6. US Air Force Space Command,"Strategic Master Plan FY06 andBeyond", 1 October 2003, p. 6,

http://www.wslfweb.org/docs/Final%2006%20SMP--Signed!v1.pdf7. Interview with Theresa Hitchens,2007 8. Interviews with Laura Grego, 2005,20069. Interview with Union ofConcerned Scientists, 200710. Testimony of Dr Carol Rosin atthe National Press Club, Washington,DC, for The Disclosure Project, 9 May2001,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkswXVmG4xM 11.http://www.johannhari.com/2008/11/13/this-is-obama-s-chance-to-end-the-star-wars-fantasy12. "Report of the Commission toAssess United States NationalSecurity Space Management andOrganization", Washington, DC(Public Law 106-65), 11 January 2001,pp. 8, 13, 15,http://www.dod.gov/pubs/space20010111.html 13. op. cit., p. 16

AAmmeerriiccaa''ss EEmmeerrggiinngg SSppaaccee WWeeaappoonnss AArrsseennaall

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 1166

To order, visit www.nexusmagazine.com



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BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee rreesseeaarrcchhBBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee rreesseeaarrcchh

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mmoorree BBrruuccee CCaatthhiieemmoorree BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

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past. It is also time we insisted thatall future consideration of policybegin with a recognition of the factthat vaccines made little, if any,contribution to the massivehistorical decline in deaths. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Greg Beattie is an Australian authorwho made headlines in 1996 when hetook his local government body to theHuman Rights Commiss ion forbanning his unvaccinated childrenfrom child care, but lost. The battlewas documented in his first book,Vaccination – A Parent's Dilemma(Oracle Press, 1997), published inEnglish, Swedish and Korean and nowavailable as an e-book. The sequel tothis book, Fooling Ourselves on theFundamental Value of Vaccines, wasself-published in February 2011 as an e-book. Both e-books are availablefrom Greg Beatt ie 's website

http://vaccinationdilemma.com. To contact the author, email him at

[email protected]. Formore information on this subject, visithttp://vaccinationdilemma.com.

EEnnddnnootteess2. ABC Radio National, "The HealthReport", 7 October 1996,http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/hstories/hr071096.htm3. Cumpston, J.L.H., "The History ofDiphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Measles, andWhooping Cough in Australia,1788–1925", Commonwealth ofAustralia, Service Pub. No. 37, 19274. McIntyre, P.B. et al., "Measles in anera of measles control" (editorial),Medical Journal of Australia 2000, 172:103-104, http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/172_03_070200/mcintyre/mcintyre.html5. In Bundaberg on one afternoon, 21children were injected; 12 of them diedwithin 34 hours. A lengthy discussioncan be found in my book Vaccination – A

Parent's Dilemma,http://vaccinationdilemma.com6. http://www.lilyblog.com/membranous-croup.html7. Rudolph, Abraham M., Robert K.Kamei and Kim J. Overby, Rudolph'sFundamentals of Pediatrics, McGraw-Hill,2002, 3rd edition, p. 3388. National Health and MedicalResearch Council (NHMRC), TheAustralian Immunisation ProceduresHandbook, AGPS, Canberra, 1995, 5thedition, p. 979. Australian Institute of Health andWelfare (AIHW), GRIM (General Recordof Incidence of Mortality) books,Canberra, 2010 (original author Dr PaulJelfs; updated by Karen Bishop),http://www.aihw.gov.au/national-grim-books/10. "Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2Centuries of Official Statistics",http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs15. Behar, M., "A deadly combination",World Health, February–March 1974

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 3333

FFoooolliinngg OOuurrsseellvveess oonn tthhee VVaalluuee ooff VVaacccciinneess

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APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 81

kinesiology is important.Find out if you have the common

but hidden heart defect, patentforamen ovale, and correct it orameliorate its effects, such as incorrecting the hiatal hernia/vagusnerve syndrome. PFO closure oramelioration can prevent a strokeand stop migraine, further cardiacdegeneration and other problems. Itis hoped that, soon, better closureoptions will appear—or maybe youcan tolerate the nickel and blood-thinners. Here I would recommendkinesiological testing.

I have found that certain foodreactivities worsen the PFO or otherheart problems. Obviously avoidcaffeine, nicotine, MSG and excesssalt, but also try to avoid wheat andnightshades—tomatoes, potatoes,peppers. Trigger-point work isbeneficial, as certain body pointsreflex back to the heart or coronary

arteries.32, 33 Consider taking vitaminE, evening primrose oil, magnesiumand coenzyme Q10. Eat smaller,more frequent meals. Avoid liftingor over-strenuous exercise thatincreases abdominal pressure, anddon't do any diving.

We have seen that if we keep ourblood-brain barriers not toopermeable, our brains may behealthier and happier—and the rest ofus may follow suit. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Steven Rochlitz, PhD, was originally aphysics professor. For the past 30 yearshe has researched chronic andenvironmental illnesses and taught hisseminars across the world, including inAustralia, New Zealand, Europe and theAmericas. His unique systemincorporates kinesiology, nutrition andhuman ecology. He has written ninebooks, six of these on alternativemedicine. His latest book is Porphyria:The Ultimate Cause of Common,

Chronic, & Environmental Illnesses (seereview in NEXUS 18/02). His article"Porphyria: A Cause of ChronicIllnesses", was published in NEXUS18/01. Further research is at his websitehttp://www.wellatlast.com. Dr Rochlitzcan be emailed at [email protected].

EEddiittoorr''ss NNootteess::• This article is extracted from Dr StevenRochlitz's books Hidden but PandemicHeart Defect as Possible Cause of MCS,"Allergies", Chronic Fatigue, Brain Fatigueand Other Degenerative Illness: ThePatent Foramen Ovale (2005) and TheBlood-Brain Barrier, and its Permeabilityfrom Allergies, Toxins, Stress, andNutritional Deficiencies: Its Link to theHiatal Hernia and the PFO (2009). Topurchase these books, go to http://www.wellatlast.com/books.html.• Due to space constraints, we areunable to publish the endnotesaccompanying Dr Rochlitz's article. Toview these, go to his websitehttp://www.wellatlast.com.

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 4400

TThhee HHoollee iinn tthhee HHeeaarrtt aanndd tthhee BBlloooodd--BBrraaiinn BBaarrrriieerr






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Theoretical constructs that have never beenexperimentally observed are not required. The Earth,having a magnetic field strong enough to interact withimpinging particles, gathers more than sufficientfundamental particles, namely electrons and protons, toaccount for a slow increase in matter internally overhundreds of millions of years. There is, therefore, nolack of component particles to create new matter deepwithin the body of the Earth. The exact process by whichthis occurs is complex in nature and, like the interior ofthe Earth itself, involves speculation as to its dynamics.It is argued that the avenue of approach proposed hereis plausible and warrants further serious scientificinvestigation. If new matter has been added to theinterior of the Earth, there must be an answer to theriddle of the dynamics of the process.

At the level of human perception it may seem that theEarth is an impenetrable solid, and this perception givesrise to the notion that it is impossible for new mattersomehow, as if by magic, to make its way to the Earth'sdeep interior. But, as argued here, there aremechanisms which have an empirical basis whereby thismay occur on a subatomic level. It is extremely doubtfulthat humans will ever penetrate much below the Earth'scrust (the deepest hole depth obtained to date isapproximately 0.1 per cent of the Earth's radius), so it isa near certainty that the best we will ever achieve arevery-small-scale, time-limited experimental laboratorysimulations based upon what we can only speculate isgoing on within the deep interior of the Earth.

Perhaps the time has come to stop ignoring thegrowing geological and other evidence against PlateTectonics and in favour of Expansion Tectonics andbegin to consider that we may, in fact, have an element-synthesising factory right beneath the ground on whichwe walk. ∞

AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss::Special thanks go to Dr James Maxlow (Australia), ProfessorAndre K. T. Assis (Brazil) and Professor Charles M. Anderson(USA) for their helpful comments and suggestions in thepreparation of this article.

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::John B. Eichler graduated from the Illinois Institute ofTechnology with majors in physics and mathematics. Under acontract from the US Atomic Energy Commission, he worked oncomputer analysis of blast shields for nuclear reactors and othergovernment research activities at the IIT Research Institute.Later, his efforts were in the design and implementation of newcomputer systems. After retiring, he went back to graduateschool at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock, where he'sbeen working on the manuscript for his forthcoming book An

Infinite Universe. He's currently working on a thesis titled "Aninvestigation of a scientific paradigm shift: the rhetoric of anuphill battle". John Eichler's interest in Expansion Tectonicsbegan in 1958 when he arrived at the conclusion that the Earthhad undergone a significant expansion over time. His search fora viable mechanism to explain the matter gain utilising empiricalevidence has led to the writing of this article. John Eichler can be contacted by email [email protected].

RReeffeerreenncceess • Alfvén, H., "Model of the Plasma Universe", IEEE Transactions onPlasma Science 1986; 14:629-638 • Beaudette, C.G., Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed,Oak Grove Press, LLC, 2002, 2nd ed. • Bering, E.A., A.A. Few and J. R. Benbrook, "The Global ElectricCircuit", Physics Today 1998 Oct; 51:24-30 • Bockris, J.O'M. and E.F. Mallove, "Is the Occurrence of ColdNuclear Reactions Widespread throughout Nature?", InfiniteEnergy 1999; 27:29-38 • Carey, S.W., Earth, Universe, Cosmos (published for the FiftiethAnniversary of the Geology Department), University of Tasmania,Hobart, Australia, 1996 • Christian, H. J. and M. A. McCook,"Lightning & AtmosphericElectricity Research at the GHCC: A Lightning Primer",http://thunder.msfc.nasa.gov/primer/index.html • Fleischmann, M., S. Pons and G. Preparata, "Possible Theoriesof Cold Fusion", Il Nuovo Cimento A 1994; 107(1):143-156 • Glasser, L., "Proton conduction and injection in solids",Chemical Reviews 1975; 75(1):21-65 • Harrison, R.G., "The global atmospheric electrical circuit andclimate", Surveys in Geophysics 2004; 25(5-6):441-484 • Jiang, S. et al., "Observation of 3He and 3H in the volcanic craterlakes: possible evidence for natural nuclear fusion in deepEarth", 8th International Workshop on Anomalies inHydrogen/Deuterium Loaded Metals, Sicily, Italy, 2007• Jones, S.E. with J.E. Ellsworth, "Geo-fusion and ColdNucleosynthesis", Tenth International Conference on ColdFusion, Cambridge, 2003, http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/JonesSEgeofusiona.pdf• Kreuer, K.-D., "Proton Conductivity: Materials andApplications", Chemistry of Materials 1996; 8(3):610-641 • Lerner, E.J., The Big Bang Never Happened, Vintage Books, N ewYork 1992 • Markson, R. and M. Muir, "Solar Wind Control of the Earth'sElectric Field", Science 1980 May 30; 208(4447):979-990 • Maxlow, J., Terra Non Firma Earth: Plate Tectonics is a Myth, TerrellaPress, Australia, 2005 • Peratt, A.L., "The Evidence for Electrical Currents in CosmicPlasma", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 1990; 18(1):26-32 • Peratt, A.L., "Introduction to Plasma Astrophysics andCosmology", Astrophysics and Space Science 1995; 227(1):3-11 • Poulsen, F.W., An Introduction to Proton Conduction in Solids, RisøNational Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 1980 • Scalera, G. and K.-H. Jacob (eds), Why Expanding Earth? A book inhonour of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica eVulcanologia, Roma, Italy, 2003 • Tebbe, J., "Print and American Culture", American Quarterly 1980;32(3):259-279 • Yoshino, T., "Laboratory Electrical Conductivity Measurementof Mantle Minerals", Surveys in Geophysics 2010; 31(2):163-206

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 4488

AA NNeeww MMeecchhaanniissmm ffoorr MMaatttteerr IInnccrreeaassee wwiitthhiinn tthhee EEaarrtthh

Page 84: Nexus   1803 - new times magazine

perspective centred on the divineintelligence of the Earth. Theylearned directly from disciplinedtrance instruction, giving themaccess to the planetary mind.

They incorporated their learning inthousands of books and foundedspiritual universities where theyserved as the teachers andvocational advisers of the ancientworld.

They preserved in imagination andpractice the connection to the divinesource of our species, the Pleroma orgalactic centre.

How reliable is that, compared to apsychic medium?

The rigorous, critical skills of theGnostics can serve us well today.The "reptilian agenda" in its modernelaboration needs to be entirely re-examined in the light of Archontheory from the Mysteries.

The first step in confronting the

reptilian menace is to set the storystraight and see the disinformationin the cuneiform scenario, to namethe game of alien deception as theGnostics themselves did. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::John Lash i s a se lf-educated

freelance scholar who combinesstudies and experimental mysticismto teach directive mythology: theapplication of myth to life, ratherthan its mere interpretation.

He is a leading exponent of thepower of myth to direct individualexperience and drive historical eventsover the long term. An expert ons idereal mythology, naked-eyeastronomy, precession and the worldages, he also teaches a critique ofbelief systems.

On his website Metahistory.org,John Lash presents a radical revisionof Gnost ic i sm, with or ig ina lcommentaries on the Nag HammadiCodices.

He a lso presents a completerestoration of the Sophianic myth ofthe Pagan Mysteries, the sacred storyof Gaia–Sophia, recounting the originof the Earth and the human speciesfrom the galactic core.

He is the author of The Seeker'sHandbook ( 1991) , Twins and theDouble (1993), The Hero – Mankindand Power (1995), Quest for the Zodiac(1999) and Not In His Image (2006).

To contact John Lash, email him atj l [email protected]. For moreinformat ion, vis i t h is webs itehttp://www.metahistory.org.

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::John Lash's manuscript "Who Wrotethe Rept i l ian Agenda" was f i rstpublished in March 2005 and revisedin October 2010. This is an editedextract from the revised manuscript.Vis i t the web pagehttp://tinyurl.com/35r9oot for thecomplete version.

APRIL – MAY 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 83

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RReeccoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo NNaattuurreeTThhrroouugghh SSppiirriittuuaallPPeerrmmaaccuullttuurree

bbyy LLeeoonniidd SShhaarraasshhkkiinn

TThhee SScchhooooll::HHuummaanniittyy’’ss NNeeww


CCrreeaattiinngg YYoouurr SSppaacceeooff LLoovvee:: TThhee RRooaadd


AAnncciieenntt RRoooottss,,MMooddeerrnn SShhoooottss

RReeccrreeaattiinngg AA GGaarrddeennPPllaanneett TThhee EEtteerrnnaall CCyyccllee

TThhee RReettuurrnn ooffAAnnaassttaassiiaa

TThhee HHaarrmmoonniicc CCooddeebbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

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TThhee GGiizzaa DDeeaatthh SSttaarr22001122 aanndd tthhee SShhiifftt

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HHiittlleerr''ss SSuupppprreesssseedd,,SSttiillll--SSeeccrreett WWeeaappoonnss,,SScciieennccee && TTeecchhnnoollooggyybbyy HHeennrryy SStteevveennss

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RRiinnggiinngg CCeeddaarrss SSeerriieessbbyy VVllaaddiimmiirr MMeeggrréé

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LLiivviinngg EEnneerrggiieessbbyy CCaalllluumm CCooaattss

HHiiddddeenn NNaattuurreebbyy AAlliicckk BBaarrtthhoolloommeeww

VVooyyaaggeess IInnttoo tthheeUUnnkknnoowwnn

LLeeyy LLiinneess aanndd EEaarrtthhEEnneerrggiieess

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TThhee EEnneerrggyy MMaacchhiinneeooff TT.. HHeennrryy MMoorraayybbyy MMoorraayy BB.. KKiinngg

PPrrooddiiggaall GGeenniiuussbbyy JJoohhnn JJ.. OO''NNeeiillll

TThhee FFaannttaassttiiccIInnvveennttiioonnss ooff NNiikkoollaa

TTeessllaaCCoommppiilleedd bbyy CChhiillddrreessss

HHaarrnneessssiinngg tthheeWWhheeeellwwoorrkk ooff NNaattuurreeeedd TThhoommaass VVaalloonnee

AAddaammss’’ PPuullsseeddEElleeccttrriicc MMoottoorr

GGeenneerraattoorr MMaannuuaallTThhee AAddaammss MMaannuuaall --

AAddddeenndduumm PPeerrppeettuuaall MMoottiioonn

bbyy AArrtthhuurr OOrrdd--HHuummeeTThhee FFrreeee--EEnneerrggyyDDeevviiccee HHaannddbbooookk

GGrraavviittaattiioonnaallMMaanniippuullaattiioonn ooffDDoommeedd CCrraafftt

TThhee AAnnttii--GGrraavviittyyHHaannddbbooookk

TThhee EEnneerrggyy GGrriiddbbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

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bbyy MMaarriiuuss BBooiirraayyoonnCCOOEEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONNbbyy AAlleecc NNeewwaalldd

CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCoouunnttddoowwnn ttooTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

bbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr

HHIIDDDDEENN TTRRUUTTHH::FFoorrbbiiddddeenn KKnnoowwlleeddggeebbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr








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