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Nexus 1902 - new times magazine

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VVoolluummee 1199,, NNuummbbeerr 22 FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY –– MMAARRCCHH 22001122PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................44Readers comment on Technocracy's hijacking, NewZealand's proposed Food Act that threatens farmers'markets, mind control, the Thrive movement, and more.

GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................66We report on thousands of American deaths linked toJapan's Fukushima fallout, the new US Act that stripscitizens of their human rights, fears for India's biometricID card system, the Climategate scandal reignited, aBritish town that grows its food communally, and more.

TTHHEE ""AARRAABB SSPPRRIINNGG"" && UUSS GGLLOOBBAALL HHEEGGEEMMOONNYY..................1111By Tony Cartalucci. Wall Street and London corporate-financier-funded NGOs and proxies, along with NATOforces, engineered the 2011 uprisings in the Middle Eastand elsewhere, and have installed puppet leaders open totheir agendas for economic and political control.

GGEEOOMMAAGGNNEETTIICC SSTTOORRMMSS && NNUUCCLLEEAARR DDIISSAASSTTEERRSS..........2211By Matthew Stein. An extreme geomagnetic disturbanceis likely to shut down electricity grids for months or evenyears and trigger nuclear disasters at reactors worldwide.Protective measures could be implemented now to avertwhat could be the end of civilisation as we know it.

TTHHEE HHEEAALLTTHH HHAAZZAARRDDSS OOFF SSUUNNSSCCRREEEENNSS....................................2299 By Dr Elizabeth Plourde. The chemicals in sunscreens notonly fail to provide effective protection against all thesun's rays, they also have toxic effects on humans,aquatic life and waterways. Our best advice is toeliminate sunscreens and adopt an antioxidant-rich diet.

MMAASSTT CCEELLLL DDIISSEEAASSEE:: AA CCOOMMMMOONN PPRROOBBLLEEMM........................3377By Dr Steven Rochlitz. Mast cell disease may be a causeof chronic, inflammatory or allergy-like illness and can behard to treat because of hidden syndromes. Variousnatural treatments can help overcome these conditions.

MMOORRPPHHIICC RREESSOONNAANNCCEE && QQUUAANNTTUUMM BBIIOOLLOOGGYY..............4455By William Brown. Living organisms are quantumbiological systems that interface with the fundamentalfabric of reality. Their DNA acts as a fractal antennawhich can receive and transduce zero-point energy,allowing more direct interaction with the Field.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS....................................................................................................................................5533This edition, we publish the late Dr Dennis Milner's articleon electrophotographic registering of the aetheric force inaction. His spectacular photographs, made possible witha multiple-pulse power source, show the glory of Nature.

TTHHEE MMYYSSTTEERRYY OOFF LLOOOOSSHH............................................................................................5577By Robert A. Monroe. In an out-of-body journey, thiscosmic explorer observed the cultivation of a substancecalled Loosh, and was shocked to realise that ouremotional energies may support the cosmic food chain.

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE..........................................................................................................6633We feature items from the archives on bizarre encounterswith tiny ray-gun-wielding humanoids and craft inMalaysia in the 1970s, and strange incidents involvingpeople with experiences in parallel Earth dimensions.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................6699"Death on a Fork" by Gwynne H. Davies, DSc, ND, DO"Supercharge Your Heart in Seconds" by Steven Rochlitz, PhD"Stone Age Farming" by Alanna Moore"Queen of the Sun" edited by Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz"Gardening as a Sacred Art" by Jeremy Naydler"The Giza Prophecy" by Scott Creighton and Gary Osborn "Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops" by Joseph P. Farrell"Alien Interface" by Mike Oram and Fran Pickering"Double Entry" by Jane Gleeson-White"Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" by Antony C. Sutton"The Ascent of Media" by Roger Parry"The Last Circle" by Cheri Seymour"Vultures' Picnic" by Greg Palast"Disconnecting the Dots" by Kevin Fenton

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7766"Cancer is Curable Now" by Marcus and Sabrina Freudenmann"Ancient Technology in Mexico…" with David Hatcher Childress"Death By Medicine" from Gary Null & Associates Inc.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7777"Solis" by Sunsaria/Baz Bardoe"Follow Your Bliss" by Samjjana"Fatou" by Fatoumata Diawara"Relaxing Melodies of Nature" by Kenio Fuke


FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 1

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2 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012


Well, it's finally happened: the complete takeover of America. On 31December, President Obama signed into law the National DefenseAuthorization Act (NDAA). What is just as astounding is that most

Americans don't even know that this has happened. As long as they havetheir TV, Internet and social media, they couldn't give a damn. Sadly, the UKand many other western nations are not far behind in terms of dumbed-down, disinterested populations facing semi-dictatorship legislation. Thescary part of all this is that the NDAA gives the American military, via the USPresident, the power to kidnap and detain indefinitely anyone, anywhere, forwhatever reason they want to manufacture, and they don't have to answer toany elected or legally representative body. Even people who criticiseAmerica's foreign policy and actions overseas can now be consideredenemies of the state and subject to this law.

On that note, I move on to discuss some of our other articles in thisedition. Most people in the West still believe that the so-called "ArabSpring" was a series of genuine, spontaneous, uprisings of oppressed peopleagainst evil dictators. Nothing could be further from the truth. Last year,2011, was testament to just how successful modern media disinformationcampaigns have become in twisting our beliefs towards this perception, asshown in the first article in this issue.

Another topic of concern is that our Sun is becoming very active now. Inthis age of modern electronics, we are especially at the Sun's mercy shouldit suddenly release a large flare or coronal mass ejection that hits the Earthand fries our electrical generation and distribution systems. It is now beingrealised that, apart from causing massive personal and social inconvenienceby having zero electricity for maybe days, weeks, months or more, a massivestrike could trigger a global catastrophe as hundreds of nuclear reactor coresgo into meltdown. We could be facing 400+ Fukushimas!

Speaking of sunshine, we have an astonishing article linking sunscreenchemicals to major adverse effects on our health and the environment.There a good case linking some sunscreen chemicals to autism as well as tocoral reef bleaching. Who'd have thought?

We have a fantastic article titled "Morphic Resonance and QuantumBiology", which will thrill anyone who has felt that humans have vast,untapped abilities hidden within our very DNA. This article highlights a lineof research that is starting to show that human DNA can be altered fromwithin and/or from without.

This issue also sees the publication of information that I've contemplatedputting into the magazine for over a decade, but the timing has never feltright. Maybe I'm putting it into NEXUS now, in case 2012 does turn out tobe as life-changing as predicted. It's about something termed "Loosh". Itcomes from a book by Robert Monroe, who pioneered out-of-body travel andresearch. It is the equivalent of a travel brochure description of the origin ofplanet Earth and its purpose for nonphysical beings who pass by. It is themost logical explanation I've found to date about the history of this planetup to the time when mankind became consciously aware.

In other news, over the last few months I've been recovering from a severecase of pleurisy and pneumonia, and I wish to acknowledge in particular therole of Elanra negative (oxygen) ion generators in my healing process. Theykept my blood oxygen level up and thus helped me avoid hospitalisation. Ihighly recommend having these Elanra units in your bedroom and office.

I'm working towards organising another NEXUS Conference, most likely to beheld in late July on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Please visit our website formore information, or check the next issue of NEXUS for a full program andbooking form.





Email: [email protected]

Catherine Simons






Steven Rochlitz, PhD; William Brown, MSc;Dennis Milner, DSc


CCOOVVEERR GGRRAAPPHHIICCJeff Edis, [email protected]

PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


HHEEAADD OOFFFFIICCEE –– AAllll CCoorrrreessppoonnddeenncceePO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, Australia.Tel: (07) 5442 9280; Fax: (07) 5442 9381WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

NNZZ OOFFFFIICCEE:: Tel: +64 (0)9 405 1963; Email:[email protected]

UUKK OOFFFFIICCEE:: 55 Queens Rd, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1BG. [email protected]

EEUURROOPPEE OOFFFFIICCEE:: Postbus 10681, 1001 ERAmsterdam, The Netherlands. Email: [email protected]

SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyonecaught making a buck out of it, without our expresspermission, will be in trouble when we catch them!

WWAARRRRAANNTTYY AANNDD IINNDDEEMMNNIITTYYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of theforegoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles,unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulationsand that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable ofbeing misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that theyare not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profes-sional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2012

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FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 3

RReeppuubblliisshheedd pplluuss nneeww iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn -- aavvaaiillaabbllee nnooww!!


One Monday in mid-February 1989,Alec Newald set off on whatshould have been a three-hour

drive from Rotorua to Auckland in NewZealand.

He arrived in Auckland feelingtired and confused, but was evenmore confused to learn thatMonday was now Thursday tendays later, and that he had no ideaof what had happened in themeantime!

When Alec did retrieve hismemories of those missing tendays, he realised his life hadchanged forever.

Early on in that fateful trip,while driving through a foggymountain pass, Alec waswhisked from the road bybeings from an extraterrestrialcivilisation.

What he learned and experienced during his stay withthese friendly beings has profound implications for all of us here on Earth.

Soon after his 'return', Alec received strange visits from 'government scientists'wanting to know about his experience. Among other things, they were keen to learnwhat he had noticed about the capabilities of this alien race. Alec was uncooperativeand soon found himself in 'hot water'.

It was obvious that these 'scientists' knew all about Alec's 'abductors' and expectedthey would return to Earth one day—soon.

OORRDDEERR OONNLLIINNEE AATTwwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

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4 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

TTeecchhnnooccrraaccyy HHiijjaacckkeeddDear Duncan: I have

been a member ofTechnocracy and have beenassociated with it since theearly 1950s in Winnipeg,Canada.

I was born in May 1929,and I'm now 82.5 yearsyoung. I can remember thepoverty in the midst ofplenty in the dirty 1930s,forced on many tens ofmillions of individuals inthe USA and Canada by thedeliberate policies of thecorporate capitalisteconomic and politicalsystems.

So this is the backgroundthat helped give rise toTechnocracy in the early1930s, which caused asensation at the time.

Technocracy has alwaysbeen an educationalorganisation, not a set ofconspirators plotting toseize power. I should know:I was with them till 1960when I chose to migrate toAustralia.

Since 1960, I have been incontact first by letters, nowby email and phone callsmonthly. George Wright, afriend in Technocracy(address details availableon request), will put youstraight.

What has reallyhappened is that the basicideas and blueprint ofTechnocracy have beenhijacked by the so-calledtechnocrats described inyour article.

George Wright visited mein March 2007; he stayed ata tourist resort in YorkeysKnob for nearly a month.We showed him around thetropical delights of the

Cairns region. George is avery knowledgeable personregarding Technocracy andwill correct the wrongassumptions in the article.

Again, I can only statethat we are an educationalgroup—not conspirators—and that Technocracy'sideas (some of them) havebeen hijacked by these so-called technocrats for theirown hidden agendas.

Yours,Roy L. T., Queensland,

Australia[Thanks for your letter, Roy.

Your comments do not surpriseme. Technocracy would certainlynot be the f irst ideology ormovement to be hijacked bythose with the relevant resourcesand agendas. Ed.]

DDeettaaiinnmmeenntt bbyy DDeeccrreeeeDear Editor: Bankers’

calls for European nationsto yield substantial fiscalsovereignty, and their vetoof the proposed Greekreferendum on the sale ofGreek public assets, stink!

In 1999, the US scrappedbasic legislative separationof merchant or speculativebanks and general savingsbanks, promoting bustcycles in which lenders andspeculators are rescued asthey're "just too big". Whydo banks get private profitsbut public subsidy oflosses?

Also, I am deeply cynicalabout the new NationalDefense Authorization Actin the US, allowing anyoneacross the globe to beseized on presidentialdecree and detainedindefinitely without trial asa "terrorist". The US willgain nothing in the long

run by floutinginternational law.

Kind regards, and happynew year,

Linda V., NSW, Australia

IInnddiiggeessttiibbllee NNZZ FFoooodd BBiillll Dear Editor: Have you

been aware of the newlegislation that NewZealand is trying to pass?It is the Food Act 160-2/1301. It comes under aninternational rule calledCodex and cannot bechanged by New Zealand inthe future if passed. Codexwas developed bymegacorporations.

Australian powers will bewatching in the hope thatthey will be able to do thesame if the bill is passed.Hope this is of interest.

Our family enjoys yourmagazine.

Many thanks,M. D., Qld, Australia[Thanks for your email, and,

yes, we are well aware of thislegislation. In case our overseasreaders are not aware, over thelast decade Australians and NewZealanders have seen the rise of"farmers' markets". These areusually weekly markets wherefarmers and families alike bringtheir produce to some centrallocation, and people come fromfar and wide to buy their weeklyfruit and vegetables. Theproduce is usually grown locallyand without chemicals, and it isoften the same price or cheaperthan produce sold insupermarkets. Above all, it isgenerally much fresher. The powers that be in

government and bigagribusiness are missing out onthe action and, moreimportantly, food corporationsand the supermarkets are

missing out on money as thesefarmers' markets increasinglycut into their market share. Sothey are looking for ways andmeans to curtail this anarchicfree-for-all marketplace. Soon you will see all sorts of

attempts via local, state andfederal legislation to deter or evenprevent these markets fromhappening. Importantly, thestrategy they intend to adopt isto scare as many consumers aspossible away from buying freshproduce from these markets—viamanufactured health scares. In the near future, watch for a

rise in the tabloid media and on"tabloid" TV current affairsshows of stories where someonehas become sick or has died fromeating unwashed or taintedproduce from one of thesemarkets. My money is on amassive E. coli scare campaign,with a simultaneous push forfood irradiation. And as usual,this will all be preceded by therelease of some respectable report(released by government, butfunded and written byagribusinesses like Monsanto)on "respectable" media outletslike the ABC or SBS. Make no mistake: they

cannot stop us from producingand consuming our OWN fruitor veges or raw milk—but theywill DEFINITELY keep tryingto deter and stop people fromselling or bartering it withoutgovernment permission in thefuture. Ed.]

BBiigg CCaattss iinn AAuussttrraalliiaaDear Duncan: I am a

long-time reader and enjoyNEXUS.

We had a large cat in ourlittle paddock a few weeksback. Around 3.00 am, ourold dog woke us up, sowith a super-torch we

Letters to the Editor ...

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FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 5

looked around and saw ahuge cat near our cattle.Its eyes' spacing was thesame as a fully grown cow,only the eyes were muchbrighter.

The light upset it and itmilled about, then ranalong our dingo fencewhich brought it within 75metres of us—so we got agood look at it. It turnedand ran back along ourroad fence and jumped thefront gate, all the timemaking a "cougar cough"which is what they do whenupset, so I'm told (Google"cougar"). It was pepperygrey, and I have a hairsample off a dividing fence.Its total body length wouldhave been about 1.5 metresfrom head to tail. Itsrunning speed, at a guess,would have been 40 kph.

We have lost geese, andmany house cats aremissing in our area. Also,local hares are not aroundhere any more.

Robert W., SunshineCoast hinterland, Qld,Australia[Dear Robert: Thanks for

passing on your report. Overthe years, there have been manysightings of big cats in theSunshine Coast region, so be onthe lookout and be careful! Ed.]

MMKK--UULLTTRRAA MMiinndd CCoonnttrroollDear Editor: Dr Michael

Mosley’s TV program Into theMind (2010) on BBCKnowledge seems tounderestimate greatly thepower of the CIA's ProjectMK-ULTRA techniques.Mosley's statement, "Ourpersonalities are tooresilient…too hard tocontrol", lacks a thorough

analysis of the subject andmay reflect a naïve belief inthe ethics of medicalpractitioners.

In my recently publishedbook Letters My GrandfatherWrote Me: Family Origins, Iexplained that MK-ULTRAis still being used by themedical fraternity and thechurch in New Zealand andthe UK.

My awareness of thesubject was triggered bybeing able to hear privateconversations from longdistances while attendingFreyberg High School inNew Zealand.

This school was namedafter General Freyberg, VC,whose interpretations ofULTRA messages in WorldWar II cast a shadow overhis career.

I later read about MK-ULTRA in NEXUS andbegan to understand someof the things to which I hadbeen exposed.

The unethical use ofsubliminal soundcontinues with the publicin New Zealand and othercountries, its use havingbeen hinted at throughsub-themes in numerousfamous Hollywood moviesover the past four decades.

Bryan Crawford, MA(Clinical Psychology),Wellington, New Zealand

TThhee TThhrriivvee MMoovveemmeennttHi Duncan: I'm a Big

Fan! Your magazine haskept me sane over the yearsby confirming my ownsuspicions and research.I've also appreciated otherenquiring and intelligentthought.

I've not had the resources

nor university degrees tohave my many findingspublished—but someoneelse has, and hasproduced an informative,global-watch movie calledThrive. They have alreadypaid a very high price forexposing the Truth. Lettheir sacrifice not be invain. We are One!

Please check outwww.thrivemovement.com.

Ann E., NSW, Australia

CCoonnssppiirraacciieess IImmppoossssiibblleeI have been reading

NEXUS magazine for anumber of years now andgenerally appreciate mostarticles; in this currentissue [18/06], particularly"A Cosmological Journey".

However, I think that yourarticle "Atlantic Council: IsLibya a 'Global Con'?"leaves a lot to be desired.

I think that articles oncosmology, crop circles,science news, global news,etc. are really good andappropriate.

However, when you delveinto politics, I feel that youmay be going a little overthe top.

As for conspiracytheories, I tend to believethat the simplest answer(Ockham's razor) is oftenthe truest one. I don'tthink that we humans areorganised or intelligentenough to be in any waysuccessful at organising agood conspiracy. We tendto muddle through. Justlook at politicians anddictators.

There is no worldwideconspiracy to dominate theworld. We are toodisorganised as a human

species for that, and thatincludes politicalconspiracies.

If you just stuck toesoteric stuff and healthand science, I think itwould be a much bettermagazine. Leave thepolitics to others.

All the best, David C., NSW, Australia[Dear David: Thanks for

your feedback; but afterpublishing factual geopoliticalinformation for over 20 years, Iam hardly likely to stop now. That article about Libya

attracted several outragedletters—all from people who, likeyourself, simply cannot believethat the mainstream media areso compromised. However, the facts about

Libya remain. Gaddafi wasNOT a ruthless dictator, andthere was NO popular uprising.It was an outside invasion,organised by the West, whichused a couple of corrupt tribesinside Libya as "evidence" of acivil war. I reiterate this becausethe West is using the exact samepattern now against Syria. I recall similar letters of

outrage when we said there wereno weapons of mass destructionin Iraq. Also, I would like to point out

that I have been to Libya severaltimes and I saw for myself whatthe conditions were like. I truly understand your

reluctance to accept just howmuch you have fallen for themainstream propaganda when itcomes to countries like Libyaand Syria, though. Butremember, a continuousrepetit ion of l ies does notsuddenly create the truth. Liesare still lies, and we have beenlied to on a scale that defiesbelief. Ed.]

... more Letters to the Editor

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Big Pharma has beenaccused of selling drugs

that are so dangerous theycause death, and drugs thatcause the exact conditionsthey're supposed to treat.

The US FDA has known foryears that formoterolfumarate, found inSymbicort, Dulera andForadil, and salmeterol,found in Advair Diskus andSerevent Diskus, can causeasthma deaths, especially inchildren and African-Americans.

The FDA has heightenedthe warnings on the labels severaltimes, but the drugs, called long-acting beta-agonists, or LABAs, areso lucrative (Advair was the fourth-best-selling drug in the US last year,making almost $5 billion) that theyremain on the market—despite theirestimated US death toll of 4,000 ayear. That's equal to, or even morethan, the number who die fromasthma!(Source: AlterNet.org, 3 November 2011,http://tinyurl.com/7gpxvy8)


Being told that a work of art isauthentic or fake alters the

brain's response to the visualcontent of artwork, OxfordUniversity academics have found.

Fourteen participants were placedin a brain scanner and shownimages of works by Rembrandt;some were genuine, others wereconvincing imitations painted bydifferent artists. Neither the

participants nor their brainsignals could distinguishbetween genuine and fakepaintings.

However, advice aboutwhether or not an artwork isauthentic alters the brain'sresponse; this advice isequally effective, regardlessof whether the artwork isgenuine or not.

Participants reported thatwhen viewing a supposedfake, they tried to work outwhy the experts regarded itnot to be genuine.

Professor Martin Kemp,Emeritus Professor of theHistory of Art at OxfordUniversity, said: "Ourfindings support what art

historians, critics and the generalpublic have long believed: that it isalways better to think we are seeingthe genuine article.

"Our study shows that the way weview art is not rational; that evenwhen we cannot distinguishbetween two works, the knowledgethat one was painted by a renownedartist makes us respond to it verydifferently." (Source: ScienceDaily.com, 20 December2011, http://tinyurl.com/7ugsz4h)


An estimated 14,000 excessdeaths in the USA are linked to

the radioactive fallout from thedisaster at the Fukushima nuclearreactors in Japan, according to amajor new article in the December2011 edition of the InternationalJournal of Health Services.

Authors Joseph Mangano andJanette Sherman note that theirestimate of 14,000 excess US deathsin the 14 weeks after the Fukushimameltdowns is comparable to the16,500 excess deaths in the 17 weeksafter the 1986 Chernobyl meltdown.

Just six days after the first of thedisastrous meltdowns struck theFukushima Daiichi reactors on 11

6 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

"Our decade-long study of the Sun has revealed an unsettling secret.It's actually made up of 50 gazillion LEDs."

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March 2011, scientists detected thatthe plume of toxic fallout hadarrived over American shores (seemap at http://tinyurl.com/6uwb4pc).

Subsequent measurements by theUS Environmental ProtectionAgency found levels of radiation inair, water and milk hundreds oftimes above normal across the US.

Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano,MPH, MBA, said: "This study ofFukushima health hazards is the firstto be published in a scientificjournal. It raises concerns andstrongly suggests that healthstudies continue, to understand thetrue impact of Fukushima in Japanand around the world. Findings areimportant to the current debate ofwhether to build new reactors, andhow long to keep ageing ones inoperation."

Mangano is Executive Director ofthe Radiation and Public HealthProject and the author of 27 peer-reviewed medical journal articlesand letters.

Toxicologist Janette Sherman, MD,said: "Based on our continuingresearch, the actual death count heremay be as high as 18,000, withinfluenza and pneumonia, which wereup five-fold in the period in questionas a cause of death. Deaths are seenacross all ages, but we continue tofind that infants are hardest hitbecause their tissues are rapidlymultiplying, they have undevelopedimmune systems, and the doses ofradioisotopes are proportionallygreater than for adults."

Dr Sherman is an adjunctprofessor at Western MichiganUniversity, a consulting editor ofChernobyl: Consequences of theCatastrophe for People and theEnvironment, published by the NewYork Academy of Sciences in 2009,and author of Chemical Exposure andDisease: Diagnostic and InvestigativeTechniques and Life's Delicate Balance:Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer. (Source: PRNewswire.com, 19 December2011, http://tinyurl.com/7h92r37; also seehttp://www.radiation.org)


Abill that provides for indefinitedetention of Americans within

the USA, and determines that theentire world is a battlefield on whichthe "war on terror" is being waged,has now become law.

The National Defense AuthorizationAct of 2012 (NDAA), sponsored byDemocrat Carl Levin and RepublicanJohn McCain, enables US militaryforces to collect and imprison anyoneanywhere in the world and keep themconfined within the US militarysystem without access to civiliancourts. The provisions form part of aUS$662-billion defence appropriationfor 2012. The NDAA was signed intolaw by President Obama on 31December 2011.

In addition to funding America'songoing wars and the 900 militarybases it maintains in 130 countries,the Act provides for the US Presidentto have draconian worldwideauthority to have the military seizeanyone suspected of "terrorism" orproviding aid to terrorists or"associated forces" anywhere in theworld, including US citizens onAmerican soil, and detain themwithout charge or trial indefinitely.

The NDAA represents thecomplete destruction of everything

that America is supposed to standfor, as the most essential of rightshave been stripped away.

State and local police, the JusticeDepartment and FBI are no longerresponsible on matters relating toalleged national security concerns.Henceforth, the US military mayarrest and indefinitely detain anyoneanywhere, including Americancitizens, based on suspicions,spurious allegations or none at all ifthe President so orders.

Michel Chossudovsky wrote onGlobal Research that the NDAA"…repeals the US Constitution.While the façade of democracyprevails, supported by mediapropaganda, the American republicis fractured. The tendency istowards the establishment of atotalitarian state, a militarygovernment dressed in civilianclothes." Chossudovsky comparedprovisions of the NDAA toGermany’s "Reichstag Fire Decree" of27 February 1933, which was used torepeal civil liberties including theright of habeas corpus. (Sources: Crikey.com.au, 16 December 2011,http://tinyurl.com/84k6tfz; Indian CountryToday, 8 Dec, http://tinyurl.com/838hk9f;BlackListedNews.com, 16 December 2011,http://tinyurl.com/77ssptc; Global Research,1 January 2012, http://tinyurl.com/88vv7x3)


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On 29 September 2010 in thevillage of Shahada in

Maharashtra State, the UniqueIdentification Authority of India(UIDAI) launched its nationwideprogram to allocate a uniqueidentification number (UID) toevery single one of India's 1.2billion residents.

Each number is stored in acentralised database and linked tothe basic demographic andbiometric information—i.e., aphotograph, 10 fingerprints andboth iris scans—of each individual.

Although the justification for thebillion-person database is theincreased ability to disperse socialwelfare benefits accurately, it willnot be just the Indian government’ssocial welfare programs that haveaccess to and utilise the UID.

Indeed, even before the programhas been completed, major banks,state and local governments andother institutions are planning touse the UID for identificationverification purposes and, of course,for payment and accessibility.

Indian government officials havealready stated that the database willbe used by intelligence agencies to

monitor banking transactions,cellphone purchases and themovements of individuals andgroups suspected of fomentingterrorism. This will be very easy todo, since the UID number will beentered any time an individualaccesses services from governmentdepartments, driver’s licence officesand hospitals as well as insurance,telecom and banking companies.

At this point, the UID program isoptional—but obviously not for long.

The CEO of MindTree's IT Services,the company that was awarded theIndian government's contract fordevelopment and maintenance ofthe UID, explained in an interviewwith ComputerWeekly.com that the"ID scheme will support a cashlesssociety". He said that all vendorswill have a biometric reader, andcitizens can pay for things—even abag of rice—with a fingerprint scan.

No doubt, even after such anadmission by a man who wasinstrumental in the development ofthe program, many who read thisarticle will still dismiss it as a"conspiracy theory".(Sources: Activist Post, 12 January 2012,h t t p : / / t i n y u r l . c o m / 7 6 z m m l 4 ;ComputerWeekly.com, 23 June 2011,http://tinyurl.com/7po4cry; Wikipedia)


Anew batch of emails sentbetween scientists central to

the assertion that humans arecausing a global warming crisis wasanonymously released to the publicyesterday [22 November 2011],igniting another firestorm ofcontroversy nearly two years to theday after similar emails ignited theClimategate scandal.

Three themes are emerging fromthese 5,000 emails: (1) prominentscientists central to the globalwarming debate are taking measuresto conceal rather than disseminateunderlying data and discussions; (2)these scientists view global warmingresearch as a political "cause" ratherthan a balanced scientific inquiry;and (3) many of these scientistsfrankly admit to each other thatmuch of the science is weak and isdependent on the deliberatemanipulation of facts and data.

These emails add weight to the"Climategate 1.0" emails, revealingefforts to politicise the scientificdebate and advance predeterminedoutcomes. As well as exposingmisconduct and improper motives,the emails include frank admissionsof the scientific shortcomings ofglobal warming assertions.

"Observations do not show risingtemperatures throughout thetropical troposphere unless youaccept one single study andapproach and discount a wealth ofothers. This is just downrightdangerous. We need tocommunicate the uncertainty andbe honest," writes Peter Thorne ofthe UK Met Office. "I also think thescience is being manipulated to puta political spin on it which for allour sakes might not be too clever inthe long run," Thorne adds.

More damaging emails will likelybe uncovered as observers pourthrough the 5,000 emails.(Source: Forbes.com, 23 November 2011,http://tinyurl.com/7ltuhox)

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Atmospheric rivers (ARs) aregiant ribbons of moist air, at

least 2,000 kilometres long andseveral hundred kilometres across,which move water across themiddle latitudes. They flow in thelower troposphere, where windswith speeds in excess of 12.5 metresper second can carry as much wateras the Amazon River. At any giventime, four or five ARs carry nearly 90per cent of the moisture that ismoving towards the poles.

University of Reading researchershave linked ARs to the 10 mostextreme winter floods recorded inthe UK since the 1970s.(Source: NewScientist.com, 11 November2011, http://tinyurl.com/6tg62lx)


At an AFRICOM conference heldat Fort McNair on 18 February

2008, US Vice Admiral Robert T.Moeller openly declared that aguiding principle of AFRICOM is toprotect "the free flow of naturalresources from Africa to the globalmarket", before citing China'sincreasing presence in the region aschallenging to American interests.

After the unwarranted snatch-and-grab regime change conductedin Libya, nurturing economicdestabilisation, civil unrest andsectarian conflict in Nigeria is anultimately tangible effort to secureAfrica's second-largest oil reserves.

Libya's sovereign wealth fundaccounts, worth over US$1.2 billion,were frozen during the pillage andessentially absorbed by Franco-Anglo-American powers. It wouldbe realistic to assume that muchthe same would occur if Nigeriafailed to comply with westerninterests. While agents of foreigncapital have already infiltrated itsgovernment, there is little doubtthat Nigeria will be next. (Source: BlackListedNews.com, 6 January2012, http://tinyurl.com/6pgltfk)


Carrots in the car park. Radishes on the roundabout. This is thedeliciously eccentric story of the town growing all of its own vegetables.

Outside the police station in the small Victorian mill town of Todmorden,West Yorkshire, UK, there are three large raised flower beds. If you'dvisited a few months ago, you'd have found them overflowing with curlykale, carrot plants, lettuces, spring onions—all manner of vegetables andsalad leaves.

Today the beds are bare. Why? Because people have been wandering upto the police station forecourt in broad daylight and digging up thevegetables.

But the vegetable-swipers are not thieves. The police station carrots, andthousands of vegetables in 70 large beds around the town, are there for thetaking. Free.

So there are (or were) raspberries, apricots and apples on the canaltowpath; blackcurrants, redcurrants and strawberries beside the doctor'ssurgery; beans and peas outside the college; cherries in the supermarketcar park; and mint, rosemary, thyme and fennel by the health centre.

The vegetable plots are the most visible sign of an amazing plan: tomake Todmorden the first town in the country that is self-sufficient in food.

"This is a revolution," says Mary Clear, 56, a grandmother of 10 and co-founder of Incredible Edible, as the scheme is called. "But we are gentlerevolutionaries. Everything we do is underpinned by kindness."

Incredible Edible is about more than plots of vegetables. It's abouteducating people about food and stimulating the local economy.

The idea came about in 2008, after Mary and co-founder Pam Warhurst,the former owner of the town's Bear Café, began fretting about the state ofthe world and wondered what they could do. They reasoned that all theycould do is start locally, so they got a group of people, mostly women,together in the café.

"Wars come about by men having drinks in bars; good things come aboutwhen women drink coffee together," says Mary. "Our thinking was: there'sso much blame in the world—blame local government, blame politicians,blame bankers, blame technology…let's just do something positiveinstead."

Today, hundreds of townspeople who began by helping themselves to thecommunal vegetables are now well on the way to self-sufficiency.

Crucially, the scheme is also about helping local businesses. The Bear, awonderful shop and café with a magnificent original Victorian frontage,sources all its ingredients from farmers within a 30-mile [~48-kilometre]radius. There's a brilliant daily market. People here can eat well on localproduce, and thousands now do.

So what sort of place is Todmorden (known locally, without exception, as"Tod")? If you're assuming it's largely peopled by middle-classgrandmothers, think again. Nor is this place a mecca for the gin-and-Jaggolf club set. Located in a Pennine valley—once, the road through thetown served as the border between Yorkshire and Lancashire—it is avibrant mix of age, class and ethnicity. A third of households does not owna car; a fifth does not have central heating. You can snap up a terracehouse for £50,000, or spend close to £1 million on a handsome stone villawith seven bedrooms.

Similar schemes are being piloted in 21 other towns in the UnitedKingdom, and there's been interest shown from as far afield as Spain,Germany, Hong Kong and Canada. (Source: Daily Mail, UK, 10 December 2011, http://tinyurl.com/6sdnk9d)

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bbyy TToonnyy CCaarrttaalluuccccii ©©24 December 2011

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com

Article available at:http://tinyurl.com./7e6elnj

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WWaallll SSttrreeeett aannddLLoonnddoonn ccoorrppoorraattee--ffiinnaanncciieerr--ffuunnddeeddNNGGOOss aanndd pprrooxxiieessaalloonngg wwiitthh NNAATTOOffoorrcceess eennggiinneeeerreedd

tthhee 22001111 uupprriissiinnggss iinntthhee MMiiddddllee EEaasstt

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ttoo tthheeiirr aaggeennddaass ffoorr eeccoonnoommiicc aannddppoolliittiiccaall ccoonnttrrooll..

n January 2011, we were told that "spontaneous", "indigenous" uprisinghad begun sweeping North Africa and the Middle East in what was beinghailed as the "Arab Spring". It would be almost four months before thecorporate media would admit that the US had been behind the uprisings

and that they were anything but "spontaneous" or "indigenous". In a 14 April2011 New York Times article titled "US Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings",it was stated:

"A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revoltsand reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement inEgypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists likeEntsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing fromgroups like the International Republican Institute, the National DemocraticInstitute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization basedin Washington…"

Regarding the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the articleadded:

"The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with theRepublican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and arefinanced through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set upin 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations.The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually fromCongress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from theAmerican government, mainly from the State Department."

It is hardly a speculative theory, then, that the uprisings were part of animmense geopolitical campaign conceived in the West and carried outthrough proxies with the assistance of disingenuous foundations,organisations and the stable of NGOs maintained throughout the world. Aswe will see, preparations for the "Arab Spring" and the global campaign thatis now encroaching on both Russia and China, as predicted in February 2011's"The Middle East & then the World", began not then, as unrest had alreadybegun, but years before the first "fist" was raised and within seminar rooms inWashington, DC, and New York, US-funded training facilities in Serbia andcamps held in neighbouring countries, not within the Arab world itself.

TThhee TTiimmeelliinnee:: 22000088––22001100 –– PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee BBaattttlleeffiieelldd 3–5 December 2008: Egyptian activists from the now infamous "April 6"Youth Movement were in New York City for the inaugural Alliance of YouthMovements (AYM) Summit, also known as Movements.org. There, theyreceived training, networking opportunities and support from AYM's variouscorporate and US governmental sponsors, including the US Department ofState itself. The AYM 2008 Summit report states that James Glassman, thethen Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs,attended, as did Jared Cohen, who sits on the policy planning staff of the


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Office of the Secretary of State. Six other StateDepartment staff members and advisers also attendedthe summit, along with an immense list of corporate,media and institutional representatives.

Shortly afterwards, the April 6 Movement travelled toSerbia to train under the US-funded CANVAS [Centre forApplied NonViolent Action and Strategies], formerly theUS-funded NGO Otpor! which in 2000 helped overthrowthe government of Serbia. Otpor!, the New York Timesreported, was a "well-oiled movement backed by severalmillion dollars from the United States". After itssuccess, it changed its name to CANVAS and begantraining activists to be used in other US-backed regime-change operations.Foreign Policy magazine reported in its article

"Revolution U" that CANVAS assisted protesters in theRose Revolution of Georgia and the Orange Revolutionof the Ukraine and is currently working with networksfrom Belarus, Myanmar (Burma) and all across theMiddle East and North Africa aswell as with activists from NorthKorea and 50 other countries.

2009: In a US Department ofState–funded Radio FreeEurope–Radio Liberty (RFE–RL)article titled "ExportingNonviolent Revolution, fromEastern Europe to the MiddleEast", it was stated:

"[Srdja] Popovic thenexported his nonviolentmethods, helping train theactivists who spearheaded Georgia's Rose Revolution in2003 and Ukraine's Orange Revolution in 2004.

"And now, Popovic is deploying his new organization,called Canvas, even farther afield—assisting the pro-democracy activists who recently brought downdespotic regimes in Egypt and Tunisia."

Activists from Iran, Belarus and North Korea were alsoconfirmed by RFE–RL as having received training fromCANVAS. The RFE–RL article places the activists'meeting with CANVAS at some time during 2009.

February 2010: The April 6 Movement, after trainingwith CANVAS, returned to Egypt in 2010 along withUnited Nations International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) chief Dr Mohamed ElBaradei. April 6 memberswere even arrested while waiting for ElBaradei's arrivalat Cairo's airport in mid-February. Already, ElBaradei,as early as 2010, had announced his intention ofrunning for President in the 2011 elections. Togetherwith April 6, Wael Ghonim of Google and a coalition ofother opposition parties, ElBaradei assembled hisNational Front for Change and began preparing for thecoming "Arab Spring".

Clearly, then, unrest was long planned, with activists

from Tunisia and Egypt on record as receiving trainingand support from abroad so that they could return totheir home nations and sow unrest in a region-widecoordinated campaign.

An April 2011 Agence France-Presse report confirmedthis when the US State Department's Michael Posnerstated that the US government "has budgeted $50million in the last two years to develop newtechnologies to help activists protect themselves fromarrest and prosecution by authoritarian governments".The report went on to explain that the US "…hasorganized training sessions for 5,000 activists indifferent parts of the world. A session held in theMiddle East about six weeks ago gathered activists fromTunisia, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon who returned to theircountries with the aim of training their colleaguesthere." Posner added: "They went back and there's aripple effect." That ripple effect, of course, is the "ArabSpring".

22001111 –– YYeeaarr ooff tthhee DDuuppee16 January 2011: Al ArabiyaNews reported in its article"Tunisian exiled reformist tohead back home" that MoncefMarzouki was returning toTunisia from Paris amidst thechaos sown by US StateDepartment trained, supportedand equipped mobs who were"triggered" by the convenientrelease of US State Departmentcables via WikiLeaks. Quite

clearly, considering the training Tunisian oppositiongroups received long before the cables were released,the WikiLeaks cables were merely used as a plannedrhetorical justification for long ago premeditatedforeign-funded sedition. Since then, WikiLeaks hasbeen employed in an identical manner everywhere fromEgypt to Libya and even as far flung as Thailand.

Moncef Marzouki, it turns out, was the head [and isnow an Executive Board member] of the ArabCommission for Human Rights, a collaboratinginstitution with the US NED World Movement forDemocracy (WMD), including a Conference on HumanRights Activists in Exile, and a participant in the WMDThird Assembly alongside Marzouki's Tunisian Leaguefor Human Rights, sponsored by NED, George Soros'sOpen Society and USAID.

A "call for solidarity" by the International Federationfor Human Rights (FIDH) mentions by name each andevery group constituting the Tunisian opposition duringthe "uprising" in January 2011 as "FIDH memberorganisations". These include Marzouki's TunisianLeague for Human Rights, the Tunisian Association ofDemocratic Women and the National Council forLiberties in Tunisia (CNLT). FIDH, acting as an

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……tthhee WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss ccaabblleesswweerree mmeerreellyy uusseedd aass aa

ppllaannnneedd rrhheettoorriiccaalljjuussttiiffiiccaattiioonn ffoorr lloonngg aaggoopprreemmeeddiittaatteedd ffoorreeiiggnn--

ffuunnddeedd sseeddiittiioonn..

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international nexus for various foreign-fundedorganisations carrying out sedition worldwide under theguise of "human rights", is itself fully funded by the USgovernment through the National Endowment forDemocracy, Soros's Open Society and many others withclearly compromised affiliations.

28 January 2011: After a warning by journalist/activistDr Webster G. Tarpley of World Crisis Radio, thealternative media began looking closer at the unrest inEgypt which began shortly after Tunisia's growing crisis.In "All is not what it seems in Egyptian Clashes" it wasnoted that protest leader Mohamed ElBaradei was infact a devoted agent of the West, with a longstandingmembership within the Wall Street–London-fundedInternational Crisis Group (ICG) alongside "senior Israeliofficials" including the current President of Israel,Shimon Peres, the current Governor of the Bank ofIsrael, Stanley Fischer, and the former Foreign Ministerof Israel, Shlomo Ben-Ami. The ICG also includes seniorAmerican bankers and geopolitical manipulatorsincluding George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, RichardArmitage, Samuel Berger and Wesley Clark.

Ironically, western media outlets insisted thatElBaradei was both anti-American and strongly anti-Israeli in a ruse best described in March 2010 in theCouncil on Foreign Relations' Foreign Affairs article "IsElBaradei Egypt's Hero?":

"Further, Egypt's close relationship with the UnitedStates has become a critical and negative factor inEgyptian politics. The opposition has used these ties todelegitimize the regime, while the government hasengaged in its own displays of anti-Americanism toinsulate itself from such charges. If ElBaradei actuallyhas a reasonable chance of fostering political reform inEgypt, then US policymakers would best serve his causeby not acting strongly. Somewhat paradoxically,

ElBaradei's chilly relationship with the United States asIAEA chief only advances US interests now."

The most recent manifestation of this came whenIsrael farcically called ElBaradei an "Iranian agent".This further illustrates the immense level of duplicitywith which world events are being manipulated.

17 February 2011: The London-based National Frontfor the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) called for a Libyan"Day of Rage" to be held on 17 February, to match theUS destabilisation rhetoric used in Tunisia and Egypt.The NFSL has been backed by the CIA and MI6 since the1980s and made multiple attempts to overthrowQaddafi's government with both terrorist attacks andarmed insurrection.

18 February 2011: In the wake of Hosni Mubarak'sousting, Soros's Open Society Institute was found to bebehind the NGOs involved in drafting Egypt's newconstitution. These "civil society" groups include theArabic Network for Human Rights Information, openlyfunded by the Open Society Institute and the neocon-lined, NED-funded Egyptian Organization for HumanRights. It appears that while the International CrisisGroup was turning out the strategy and its trusteeElBaradei was leading the mobs into the streets, it wasthe vast array of US-supported NGOs that were workingout and implementing the details on the ground.

21 February 2011: An interview with Ibrahim Sahad ofNFSL, on ABC Australia's Lateline TV program featuredevery talking point covered by the mainstream corporatemedia from previous weeks regarding Libya, all with theWhite House and Washington Monument looming overhim in the background. He made calls for a no-fly zonein reaction to unsubstantiated accusations that Qaddafiwas strafing "unarmed protesters" with warplanes.

March 2011's "US Libyan Policy: Zero Legitimacy"noted the clearly heavily armed, western-backedinsurgency that was still being disingenuously portrayedby western media as "peaceful protest".

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Mohamed ElBaradei’s ties to the West go much deeper thanmerely play-acting within the ineffectual, genocide-enablingUnited Nations. ElBaradei is also a member of the corporate-financier-funded International Crisis Group.

Note the EnoughGaddafi.com signs. EnoughGaddafi.com’swebmaster is l i sted on the US State Department’sMovements.org as the Twitter to follow.

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28 February 2011: "Destroying Libya" stated:"While Libyan opposition leader Ibrahim Sahad leads

the rhetorical charge from Washington, DC, his NationalFront for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) on the ground isarmed to the teeth, as it has been throughout its 20-year history of attempted CIA-backed rebellions againstQaddafi. In 1984, the NFSL tried to overthrow Qaddafiin a failed armed coup. The Daily Globe and Mail alsorecently confirmed that the NFSL along with the LibyanNational Army, both under Sahad's new NationalConference [for the] Libyan Opposition (NCLO), hadboth 'attempted coups and assassinations against Col.Gadhafi in the 1980s'."

Already at this point, both British and USrepresentatives were admitting that Libyan rebels wereindeed heavily armed. Instead of condemning theviolence, they openly called for additional weapons andmilitary support to be provided.

17 March 2011: The United Nations decided to enforcea no-fly zone over Libya to save the globalist-backedrebellion from sputtering infailure and bordering on a "Bayof Pigs" disaster. Canadian,American, French, Arab andBritish jets were alreadyreported to be preparing for theoperation.

24 March 2011: Unrest hadalready begun in Syria as NATObegan bombing Libya, whileEgypt and Tunisia had alreadyfallen into political andeconomic chaos. In "GlobalistsHit in Syria", the opposition is closely examined anddocumented once again to be a creation of western-backed opposition groups.

Much of the "evidence" of Syria's unrest was beingfiltered through organisations such as the London-based Syrian Human Rights Committee, whose hearsaystatements posted on its website were cited bycorporate news media in outlandish reports of violencethat also include "activists say" after each allegation.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, also Londonbased, is now the exclusive source cited by corporatemedia reports regarding Syria.

26 March 2011: In Egypt, signs of a counter-revolutionand the first signs of weakness in ElBaradei's chances tobe installed as President began to show. Mobs peltedElBaradei with rocks, calling him "an American agent".WikiLeaks again came to the aid of US interests bytrying to reintroduce the "anti-western" image thatElBaradei had been ham-fisted in portraying.

28 March 2011: A report on the Fortune 500–funded

Brookings Institution's "Libya's Test of the NewInternational Order" exposed the war as not one of a"humanitarian" nature but aimed explicitly atestablishing an international order and the primacy ofinternational law.

17 April 2011: Syria's unrest has yielded widespreadarson as well as reports ofgunmen targeting bothprotesters and state securityforces in a bid to escalateviolence. According to"Globalist War Machine Fixateson Syria", the "Libya precedent"has already been cited by USand French politicians asjustification to use forceagainst Syria. A later article,"Color Revolution's MysteryGunmen", would establish anhistorical context within which

to view the current violence in Syria and the fact that itis provocateurs who are sowing much of the violence.

20 April 2011: Belarus President AlexanderLukashenko announced that his nation was now alsounder covert attack by western forces to foster an "ArabSpring–style" insurrection. "Besieging Belarus"documented ties between Belarus opposition membersand the same western organisations and institutionsfuelling the Arab Spring.

22 April 2011: US Senator John McCain touched downin Benghazi, Libya, and consorted with verified terroristswho were fresh back from Iraq and Afghanistan wherethey were killing US troops. A West Point report wouldlater confirm with absolute certainty that the regionfrom which the Libyan rebellion began was also theLibyan Islamic Fighting Group's centre of operations. Itwould also expose the fact that the LIFG was in fact along-time affiliate of Al Qaeda, with LIFG membersoccupying the highest levels of leadership within theterrorist organisation.

TThhee UUnniitteedd NNaattiioonnssddeecciiddeedd ttoo eennffoorrccee aa nnoo--ffllyyzzoonnee oovveerr LLiibbyyaa ttoo ssaavvee tthheegglloobbaalliisstt--bbaacckkeedd rreebbeelllliioonnffrroomm ssppuutttteerriinngg iinn ffaaiilluurree……

Red = US-backed destabilisation, Blue = US occupied orstationed. China’s oil and sea accesses to the Middle East andAfrica are being or have already been cut. A similar strategyof isolation was used on Japan just before World War II.

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May 2011: In "Libya at any Cost", the conflict in Libyawas reported to be escalating, with NATO attempts toassassinate Qaddafi and the targeted killings of severalof his family members including several of hisgrandchildren.

"America's ArabDeception" attempted toreview the past severalmonths of engineeredchaos blowing throughNorth Africa and theMiddle East.

June 2011: It was noted in"You Can't Make This StuffUp" that the NationalEndowment for Democracyhad already begun its firstround of self-aggrandising,passing out awards toseveral of the dupes andcollaborators who made itscampaign of carnagethroughout the Arab worlda reality.

In "Arab Spring bringsCorporate Locusts", thetrue agenda behind Egypt'sand indeed the entire Arab Spring's unrest becameapparent as US representatives gave Fortune 500executives a tour of destabilised Egypt and Tunisia in aneffort to promote economic liberalisation andprivatisation. Senators John McCain and John Kerry ledthe tour and had co-sponsored bills to promotewhat would essentially bethe meshing of Egypt andTunisia's economies intothe Wall Street–Londoninternational order.

In late June, Franceadmitted to violating theterms of UN SecurityCouncil Resolution 1973and arming Libyan rebels.

July 2011: The AfricanUnion wholly rejected themandate of theInternational Criminal Court(ICC) against Libya,exposing the severeillegitimacy with which the Court operates. Ties tocorporate–financier-funded organisations as well as thetenuous nature of the ICC's claims against Libya's Qaddafiare revealed in "It's Official: International Criminal Courthas Zero Mandate". It would later be confirmed by

members of Libya's "human rights" community thatindeed they, in collaboration with the rebel leaders, hadfabricated the numbers supplied to both the UN and theICC and that no verified or documented evidence ofQaddafi's "atrocities" were produced.

In Thailand, anotherlong-running US-backedcolour revolution finallyyielded results and saw thereturn of Wall Street proxyThaksin Shinawatra'spolitical party to power.Various mouthpieces of theglobal elite, including theCouncil on ForeignRelations itself, gave sternwarnings to Thailand'sestablishment to acceptthe tenuous results of theJuly elections or faceisolation and otherconsequences.

Another Southeast Asiancountry, Malaysia, also sawcolour revolution take tothe streets: this time, theyellow-clad, NED-fundedBersih movement.

August 2011: By August, even the corporate mediahad begun admitting that Syria's opposition was"mostly unarmed"—or, in other words, armed. Theopposition was starting to be more clearly defined as

armed ethnic groups andarmed militants of theMuslim Brotherhood.

By late August, NATOhad begun a coordinatedattack on Tripoli, Libya,involving an elaboratepsychological operationwith claims that it hadeliminated or captured theentire Qaddafi family in asingle day. The followingday, Saif al-Islam Qaddafiturned up alive and well,and free, while leadingfierce fighting that wouldcarry on until October andresult in NATO's levellingthe cities of Bani Walid and

Sirte in particular into piles of rubble. It had becomeentirely clear that NATO was providing air support notfor democracy-loving freedom fighters but for hardcoreterrorists who were carrying out a systematic campaignof genocide and reprisals throughout the country.

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Thaksin Shinawatra (left), a long time servant of the globalelite since before even becoming Thailand’s Prime Minister in2001, reports to the CFR in New York City on the eve of the2006 military coup that ousted him from power. He hasnow returned to power in Thailand via a proxy political partyled by his own sister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Securing the votesof only 35 per cent of eligible voters puts on full display howtenuous his support really is within a nation which he claimsstands entirely behind him.

Libya’s rebels are far from motivated by democraticaspirations. Their grievances lie along ethnic, not political,divides. “Gaddafi supporters” is the euphemism being usedby the global corporate media in describing the generallydarker skinned and African tribes that form the majority ofwestern Libya’s demographics and who are bearing the bruntof NATO-backed rebel atrocities.

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September 2011: Sensing victory in Libya,corporate–financier-funded think-tanks began preparingfor the rebuilding and despoiling of the Libyaneconomy. "Globalists to Rebuild Libya" commented onNATO's Atlantic Council's report detailing just how theywould go about doing this.

Also, as violence in Libya spiralled out of control andatrocities carried out by the rebels and their NATObackers became more obscene, the fraudulent nature ofthe "War on Terror" became clear. "Libyan Rebels Listedby US State Department as Terrorists" illustrated howNATO members are guilty of violating anti-terrorist lawsby providing material support for listed terroristorganisations.

Senator John McCain landed in Libya, this time inTripoli to celebrate the destruction of the country andshake hands once again with members of the LibyanIslamic Fighting Group that delivered Qaddafi's Libyainto the hands of the Wall Street–London elite.

October 2011: While Tunisia and Egypt had fallen andLibya, too, was being seized by proxy forces fuelled bythe West, the Obama administration began withdrawingtroops from Iraq. This suspicious withdrawal, whenotherwise the rest of the Middle East was under US

proxy assault, raised serious suspicions that anescalation, not a retreat, was to follow.

Rhetoric for war with Iran had been steadily increasingand the beginning of what looked like a covert war wasbeing fought inside and along Iran's borders. Adisastrous ploy of framing Iran for the alleged plannedassassination of the Saudi ambassador in Washington,DC, fell apart when Iranians linked the plot to the US-backed terrorist organisation Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

It is more than likely that the withdrawal of troopsfrom Iraq would simply provide the US "plausibledeniability" for an Israeli airstrike on Iran.

November 2011: Syria's "peaceful protesters", who allalong had been fully armed and attempting to stoke aLibyan-style civil war, were finally acknowledged as suchby the corporate media and more importantly by thecorporate-funded think-tanks that supply them with theirtalking points. In "IISS: Syria's Opposition is Armed", itis stated that a report out of the International Institutefor Strategic Studies (IISS) by Emile Hokayem, SeniorFellow for Regional Security at IISS–Middle East, openlyadmitted that Syria's opposition is armed and preparedto drag Syria's violence into even bloodier depths.

Also in November, Wall Street and London's assaulton Libya came full circle with the installation ofAbdurrahim El-Keib as Prime Minister. El-Keib, whospent decades in exile in the US, was previouslyemployed by The Petroleum Institute, based in AbuDhabi, UAE, and sponsored by British Petroleum (BP),Shell, France's Total, the Japan Oil DevelopmentCompany and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.

Joining El-Keib was US-funded activist MoncefMarzouki, named as President of Tunisia. Marzoukispent two decades in exile in Paris, France, and as notedpreviouly [16 January 2011] was the head [and is now on

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A screenshot taken directly from the US Department of Statewebsite showing the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)clearly listed as a foreign terrorist organisation. This isimportant, as US Code prohibits providing material support tolisted terrorist organisations. Listed below LIFG is MEK, anIraqi–Iranian group also being armed and supported by the US.(Source: http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm)

The farce that is western “democracy”: one corporate-fascistpuppet, Mahmoud Jibril, steps down and another, AbdurrahimEl-Keib, takes his place. In reality, it is NATO states and theircorporate sponsors that now determine Libya’s fate. Picturedabove, El-Keib (left) poses with Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, Chairmanof the unelected NATO-backed National Transitional Councilof Libya.

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the Executive Board] of the Arab Commission forHuman Rights, a collaborating institution with the USNED World Movement for Democracy.

In Egypt in late November, a second "revolution"began unfolding on the streets. In reality, it was thesame western-backed forces led by ElBaradei and theemerging Mamdouh Hamza [of ElBaradei's NationalFront for Change] against Egyptian military forces thatseemed to have gone back on whatever arrangementsthey made with the West after the fall of Mubarak.

The United Nations, in another attempt to escalateforeign intervention in Syria, released a UN HumanRights Council report regarding Syrian "crimes againsthumanity". It was actually co-authored by Karen KoningAbuZayd, a director of the Washington-based corporatethink-tank Middle East Policy Council, which includesExxon men, CIA agents, US military and governmentrepresentatives and even the President of the US–QatarBusiness Council, whose members include Al Jazeera,Chevron, Exxon, munitions manufacturer Raytheon(which supplied the opening salvos during NATO'soperations against Libya) and Boeing. The report itselfcontained no verifiable evidence but rather hearsayaccounts recorded in Geneva by alleged "victims","witnesses" and "defectors", put forth by "all interestedpersons and organizations". In other words, it was anopen invitation for Syria's enemies to paint whateverimage of the ruling government they pleased.

December 2011: With Tunisia and Libya fully run bywestern proxies, with Egypt and Syria still mired inchaos and with globalists calling for war on Iran, the"Arab Spring" was nearly complete. However, the "ArabSpring" was only the first leg of a grander strategy toencircle Russia and China. In December, the campaignsto move in on Russia and China began in earnest.

Hillary Clinton, for the November 2011 edition ofForeign Policy Magazine, penned "America's PacificCentury", a declaration of imperial intent for American"leadership" in Asia for the next 100 years. The article

"Hillary Clinton and the New American (Pacific) Century"[16 November 2011] commented:

"Upon reading Clinton's declaration of intent forAmerican leadership into the next century, readers mayrecall the similarly named, ranting Project for a NewAmerican Century, signed off on by some of America'smost notorious neo-conservatives, which almostverbatim made the same case now made by Clinton. Infact, America's evolving confrontation with China,marked acutely by Obama's announcement of apermanent US military presence in Australia just thisweek, is torn directly from the pages of decades-oldblueprints drawn up by corporate-financier-fundedthink-tanks that truly rule America and its destiny.

"As reported in June 2011's 'Collapsing China', as farback as 1997 there was talk about developing aneffective containment strategy coupled with the baitedhook of luring China into its place amongst the'international order'. Just as in these 1997 talking-points where author and notorious neo-con policymakerRobert Kagan described the necessity of using America'sAsian 'allies' as part of this containment strategy,Clinton goes through a list of regional relationships theUS is trying to cultivate to maintain 'Americanleadership' in Asia.

"For example, the recently reinstalled Wall Streetproxy regime in Thailand, led by Thaksin Shinawatra andhis sister Yingluck, has received reassurances by Clintonherself just this week, stating that 'it is in the nationalsecurity and political interest of the United States tohave this government succeed'. As reported in depth in'Confirmed: Thailand's "Pro-Democracy" MovementWorking for US', Thaksin Shinawatra and his politicalregime have had longstanding, well-documented ties toWall Street and London. The US backing of puppetregimes like Thaksin, installing them into power andkeeping them there, is central to projecting power

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US NED-funded activist leader Moncef Marzouki, afterspending two decades in exile in Paris, helps foist the facade of“democracy” onto the Tunisian people.

The “String of Pearls”: China’s oil lifeline is to be cut by thedestabilisation and regime changes being made throughoutAfrica and the Middle East. Along the “String”, the US hasbeen destabilising nations from Pakistan to Myanmar, fromMalaysia to Thailand, to disrupt and contain China’semergence as a regional power.

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throughout Asia and keeping China subordinate—or, asKagan put it in his 1997 report, these proxy regimes willhave China 'play Gulliver to Southeast Asia'sLilliputians, with the United States supplying the ropeand stakes'."

In Myanmar (Burma), "democracy icon" Aung San SuuKyi, whose entire movement is a creation of Wall Streetand London, received Hillary Clinton as well asThailand's proxy PM Yingluck Shinawatra in a globalistshow of support designating her as the de facto leaderand point of contact within the Southeast Asian country.Clinton's visit coincided with a successful campaign, ledby US NGOs to oust Chinese interests in the nation,that resulted in the halting of a dam that was to provideelectricity, revenue, flood control and irrigation for thepeople of Myanmar.

Meanwhile in Russia, Wall Street and Londonattacked more directly, attempting to interfere withRussian elections in December and resulting in severalstreet protests led by overtly linked NED, Soros andRothschild operatives. NED-funded NGO Golos playeda key role in portraying the elections as "rigged" andconstituting America's extraterritorial meddling inRussia's sovereign affairs.

A concerted effort by the corporate media tomisrepresent the unrest in Russia was pointed out in"Russian Protests: Western Media Lies", illustrating justhow coordinated the overarching global destabilisationbeing carried out actually is.

In "Wall Street Vs. Russia", it was concluded:"It is quite clear that the National Endowment for

Democracy, Freedom House, The Foreign PolicyInitiative and even the US State Department, whose new

Foreign [Policy] Advisory Board is full of think-tanksrepresenting overt corporate–financier interests, are notinterested in 'democracy', 'human rights' or 'freedom' inRussia but, rather, [in] removing the Kremlin out of theway and re-establishing the parasitic feeding on theRussian people and its economy [that] they enjoyedafter the fall of the Soviet Union."

In late December, it was confirmed that the same AlQaeda militants who ravaged Libya with NATO's aidwere on their way to Syria to help overthrow the Assadgovernment. LIFG leader Abdelhakim Belhadj wasconfirmed to be on the Syrian border preparing troopsof the so-called Free Syrian Army.

This wasn't the only recent example of the Westoperating in tandem with listed terrorist groups. It wasalso reported in "Exposed: US Troops Guarded TerroristCamp in Iraq" that the US has been guarding a terroristMEK training camp inside Iraq and is planning torelocate it, possibly to a freshly abandoned US militarybase in Iraq, while DC lobbyists work feverishly to havethe group de-listed, armed and sent to conduct terroristoperations in Iran. Shocking comments had alreadybeen made in the Brookings Institution's 2009 report,"Which Path to Persia?", that US policy expertsconspired to use the MEK against the government ofIran. In essence, corporate-funded policymakers havetransformed the US into a state sponsor of terror.

CCoonncclluussiioonn:: WWhhaatt NNeexxtt ffoorr tthhee GGlloobbaalliissttss?? The year 2011 was surely the Year of the Dupe. Youth

enamoured with lofty naive notions of "freedom" sold tothem by corporate–fascist-funded NGOs were broughtinto the streets to create chaos and division which wasthen capitalised on by covert political and even militarymanoeuvring by the West and its proxy forces.

In Egypt, the nation is teetering on the edge of beingfully integrated into the Wall Street–Londoninternational order, while a Big Oil representative isenjoying his new position as Prime Minister of Libya. InTunisia, a lifelong stooge of western machinations isnow President, and an alarming campaign of NATO-backed violence and terrorism is gripping Syria.

With the encirclement of Russia and China, thesedupes have witlessly brought the world to the edge ofWorld War III and have clearly done nothing at all toimprove their own state of being. As their nations fallunder the control of increasing western influence, theresources once used to placate them and defend theirnationalism will now be diverted into the bottomlessmaw of the parasitic banking combines that arecurrently destroying both North America and Europe.

February's "The Middle East & then the World" is wellworth reading again—to see how far we've come overthe last year since it was written and what is left for theglobalists to do. As the globalists come ever closer to

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CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 7799

NATO’s creeping encirclement of Russia has now beencombined with another round of “colour revolution”destabilisations in Belarus and now in Russia itself.

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-- ssiixx iissssuueess//yyeeaarr-- ssiixx iissssuueess//yyeeaarr-- aadd ssiizzeess ffuullll ppaaggee ttoo oonnee--nniinntthh -- aadd ssiizzeess ffuullll ppaaggee ttoo oonnee--nniinntthh ooff aa ppaaggeeooff aa ppaaggee-- aaddss aacccceepptteedd iinn jjppgg ffoorrmmaatt-- aaddss aacccceepptteedd iinn jjppgg ffoorrmmaatt



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here are nearly 450 nuclear reactors in the world, with hundreds moreeither under construction or in the planning stages. There are 104 ofthese reactors in the USA and 195 in Europe. Imagine what havocwould be wreaked on our civilisation and the planet's ecosystems if

we had not just one or two nuclear meltdowns but 400 or more! How likelyis it that our world might experience an event that could ultimately causehundreds of reactors to fail and melt down at approximately the same time?I venture to say that, unless we take significant protective measures, thisapocalyptic scenario is not only possible but probable.

Consider the ongoing problems caused by three reactor core meltdowns,explosions and breached containment vessels at Japan's Fukushima Daiichifacility and the subsequent health and environmental issues. Consider themillions of innocent victims who have died or continue to suffer from horrificradiation-related health problems ("Chernobyl AIDS", epidemic cancers,chronic fatigue, etc.) resulting from the Chernobyl reactor explosions, firesand fallout. If just two serious nuclear disasters, spaced 25 years apart, cancause such horrendous environmental catastrophes, how we could ever hopeto recover from hundreds of similar nuclear incidents occurringsimultaneously across the planet?

In the past 152 years, Earth has been struck by two extreme geomagneticdisturbances (GMDs) caused by solar superstorms. If a GMD of suchmagnitude were to occur today, in all likelihood it would initiate a chain ofevents leading to catastrophic failures at the vast majority of our world'snuclear reactors, quite similar to the disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushimabut multiplied over 100 times. When our Sun ejects a huge mass of highlycharged plasma (a coronal mass ejection, or CME) directly towards Earth,colliding with the planet's magnetosphere and outer atmosphere, the resultis an extreme geomagnetic disturbance.

Since a GMD of such a potentially disruptive magnitude last occurred inMay 1921, long before the advent of modern electronics and nuclear powerplants, we are for the most part blissfully unaware of this threat and totallyunprepared for its consequences. The good news is that there are somerelatively affordable processes and protective measures which could beimplemented to protect our civilisation from this "end of the world as weknow it" scenario. The bad news is that, as of now, even though panels ofscientists and engineers have studied the problem and the US Congress hasvoted a few times on bills related to electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strikes,our leaders have yet to approve and implement a single preventive measure.

Most of us believe that something like this could never happen, and, if itcould, certainly our "authorities" would do everything in their power toprevent such an apocalypse from ever taking place. Unfortunately, theopposite is true. "How could this happen?" you might ask. "Is this trulypossible?" Read and weep, for you will soon know the answer.

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bbyy MMaatttthheeww SStteeiinn,, PPEE ©© 22001122

Email:[email protected]



AAnn eexxttrreemmeeggeeoommaaggnneettiicc

ddiissttuurrbbaannccee iiss lliikkeellyy ttoo sshhuutt ddoowwnn

eelleeccttrriicciittyy ggrriiddss ffoorrmmoonntthhss oorr yyeeaarrss

aanndd ttrriiggggeerr nnuucclleeaarrddiissaasstteerrss aatt rreeaaccttoorrss

wwoorrllddwwiiddee.. PPrrootteeccttiivvee mmeeaassuurreess

ccoouulldd bbee iimmpplleemmeenntteedd nnooww ttoo aavveerrtt tthhee eenndd ooff cciivviilliissaattiioonn

aass wwee kknnooww iitt..



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NNuucclleeaarr PPoowweerr PPllaannttss aanndd tthhee EElleeccttrriicciittyy GGrriiddOur global system of electrical power generation and

distribution ("the grid"), upon which every facet of ourmodern life is utterly dependent, in its current form isextremely vulnerable to extreme geomagnetic stormsthat tend to strike our planet on average about onceevery 70 years.

We depend on this grid to maintain food productionand distribution, telecommunications, Internet services,medical services, military defence, transportation,government, water treatment, sewage and garbageremoval, refrigeration, oil refining and gas pumping, andto conduct all forms of commerce.

Unfortunately, the world's nuclear power plants, asthey are currently designed, are critically dependentupon maintaining connection to a functioning electricalgrid for all but relatively short periods of electricalblackouts in order to keep theirreactor cores continuouslycooled so as to avoidcatastrophic reactor coremeltdowns and spent fuel rodstorage-pond fires.

If an extreme GMD causeswidespread grid collapse (whichit most certainly will), in aslittle as one or two hours aftereach nuclear reactor facility'sback-up generators either fail tostart or run out of fuel, thereactor cores will start to meltdown. After a few days without electricity to run thecooling system pumps, the water bath covering thespent fuel rods stored in spent fuel ponds will boil away,allowing the stored fuel rods to melt down and burn.1

Since the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)currently mandates that only one week's supply of back-up generator fuel needs to be stored at each reactorsite, it is likely that after we witness the spectacularnight-time celestial light show from the next extremegeomagnetic disturbance we will have about one weekin which to prepare ourselves forArmageddon.

To do nothing is to behave likeostriches with our heads in the sand,blindly believing that "everything willbe okay" as our world inexorablydrifts towards the next naturallyrecurring, 100-per-cent inevitable,solar superstorm and resultantextreme GMD—which, in short order,will end the industrialised world aswe know it, incurring almostincalculable suffering, death andenvironmental destruction on a scalenot seen since the extinction of thedinosaurs some 65 million years ago.

TThhee EEnndd ooff tthhee GGrriidd AAss WWee KKnnooww IIttThere are records from the 1850s to today of roughly

100 significant geomagnetic storms, two of which in thelast 25 years were strong enough to cause millions ofdollars' worth of damage to key components that keepour modern grid powered. In March 1989, a severe GMDinduced powerful electric currents in grid wiring thatfried a main power transformer in the Hydro-Québecsystem in Canada, causing a cascading grid failure thatknocked out power to six million customers for ninehours. The GMD also damaged similar transformers inNew Jersey and the United Kingdom. More recently, inOctober 2003, a GMD of lesser intensity but greaterduration caused a blackout in Sweden and inducedpowerful currents in the South African grid that badlydamaged or destroyed 14 major power transformers,severely impairing commerce and comfort over large

portions of that country as theregulators and utilities wereforced to resort to massiverolling blackouts that draggedon for many months.2

On 14–15 May 1921, anextreme GMD produced groundcurrents roughly 10 times asstrong as the 1989 Quebecincident, affecting the northernhemisphere as far south asMexico and Puerto Rico and thesouthern hemisphere as farnorth as Samoa.3

However, the great-granddaddy of GMDs in recordedhistory is the 1859 Carrington Event. During thisgeomagnetic storm, which lasted from 28 August to 4September, the northern lights were seen as far south asCuba and Hawaii. The GMD induced currents sopowerful that telegraph lines, towers and stationscaught on fire at numerous locations around the world.The best estimates are that the Carrington Event wasroughly 50 per cent stronger than the 1921 incident.4

In a detailed study conducted under the auspices of

……tthhee wwoorrlldd’’ss nnuucclleeaarr ppoowweerrppllaannttss,, aass tthheeyy aarree ccuurrrreennttllyy

ddeessiiggnneedd,, aarree ccrriittiiccaallllyyddeeppeennddeenntt uuppoonn mmaaiinnttaaiinniinnggccoonnnneeccttiioonn ttoo aa ffuunnccttiioonniinngg

eelleeccttrriiccaall ggrriidd……

Solar coronal mass ejection (CME) (SOHO image, 9 June 2002)

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the Electromagnetic Pulse Commission and the FederalEmergency Management Agency, and reviewed in depthby the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the NationalAcademy of Sciences, Metatech Corporation undertookextensive modelling and analysis of the potential effectsof extreme geomagnetic storms upon the US electricalpower grid. Metatech based its modelling on a stormapproximately 10 times stronger than the 1989 Hydro-Québec event, roughly equivalent to the May 1921extreme GMD.5 Metatechshowed how a GMD of thismagnitude would inducemassive current and voltagespikes into thousands of milesof antenna-like power lines thatinterconnect the US electricpower grid. Metatechestimated that within thecontinental United Statesalone, these voltage andcurrent spikes combined withinduced harmonic anomalieswould severely damage or destroyover 350 extra-high-voltage (EHV) power transformerscritical to the functioning of the US grid and possiblywell over 2,000 EHV transformers worldwide.

EHV transformers are custom designed for eachinstallation and are made to order, weighing as much as300 tonnes and costing well over US$1 million each.Given that there is currently a three-year waiting list fora single EHV transformer (due to increased demandfrom China and India, the lead times have grown fromone to three years) and that the total global

manufacturing capacity is roughly 100 EHV transformersper year when the world's manufacturing centres arefunctioning properly, you can begin to grasp the seriousimplications of this situation.

It turns out that the EHV transformers in combinationwith the hundreds of thousands of miles of high-voltagepower lines, which act as giant antennas for capturingEMP- and GMD-induced current and voltage effects, areespecially vulnerable to large geomagnetic

disturbances. The loss ofthousands of EHV transformersworldwide will cause acatastrophic collapse of thegrid, stretching across much ofthe industrialised world. It willtake years at best for theindustrialised world to put itselfback together after such anevent, especially consideringthe fact that most of themanufacturing centres thatmake this equipment will alsobe grappling with widespread

grid failure. Since the Earth's magnetic field tends toprotect the tropical latitudes from the most damaginggeomagnetic effects, with protection dropping as onetravels closer to the poles, perhaps the infrastructureand manufacturing zones in places like Mexico,Malaysia, India and Singapore will be spared, but mostof those countries probably also rely on goods andservices imported from other parts of the world that willbe crippled for many months (or years) in the event ofan extreme GMD.

According to the various Metatech analyses, it isestimated that grid collapse will affect at least 130million people in the United States alone. However, ina recent personal conversation, John Kappenman,author of the Metatech study, admitted that thisestimate is probably grossly optimistic. He noted that"killer trees" and other seemingly insignificant eventshave been attributed to being the tiny seeds thatsprouted into gigantic multi-state blackouts. Themassive Western States Blackout of 10 August 1996apparently started when sagging power lines shortedagainst improperly pruned trees in Oregon during atriple-digit heat wave, cutting power to seven westernstates and parts of Baja, Mexico, and two Canadianprovinces. Due to excessive loads from millions of air-conditioning units operating during the heat wave, thegrid had been operating near peak capacity and theshorted lines threw it over the edge into cascadingfailure, affecting millions of customers.7 Again,improperly pruned "killer trees" were apparently the rootcause of the 14 August 2003 Great NortheasternBlackout that cut power to over 50 million people.8

Kappenman also cited the 8–9 September 2011 eventwhere a utility technician flipped a switch to bypass a

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TThhee lloossss ooff tthhoouussaannddss ooffEEHHVV ttrraannssffoorrmmeerrss

wwoorrllddwwiiddee wwiillll ccaauussee aaccaattaassttrroopphhiicc ccoollllaappssee ooff tthheeggrriidd,, ssttrreettcchhiinngg aaccrroossss mmuucchhooff tthhee iinndduussttrriiaalliisseedd wwoorrlldd..

Growth of the US High Voltage Transmission Network andthe Annual Electric Energy Usage over the Past 50 Years. Inaddition to increasing total network size, the network hasgrown in complexity with the introduction of higher-kilovolt-rated lines that subsequently also tend to carry larger GIC(geomagnetically induced current) flows. (Grid size derivedfrom data in the EHV Transmission Line Reference Book and theNERC Electricity Supply and Demand database; energy usagestatistics from the US Department of Energy – EnergyInformation Administration.)6

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large series capacitor that was not working properly at asubstation outside of Yuma, Arizona, and for reasonsnot fully understood this caused a chain of eventsleading to a massive cascading blackout that cut powerto millions of customers in Arizona, California andMexico. This same blackout also caused two reactors atthe San Onofre nuclear power plant to shut downautomatically and go off line, which they are designedto do as a safety precaution in the event of a local gridfailure. This exacerbated the situation by reducing thelocally available generating capacity at the same time asutility workers were trying desperately to restore powerto San Diego and other areas.9

TThhee NNuucclleeaarr ““AAcchhiilllleess HHeeeell””So, what do extended grid blackouts

have to do with potential nuclearcatastrophes? Nuclear power plantsare designed to disconnectautomatically from the grid in theevent of a power failure, and oncedisconnected they begin the processof shutting down the reactor's core.In the event of the loss of coolant flowto an active nuclear reactor's core, thereactor will start to melt down and failcatastrophically within a matter of afew hours at most. In an extremeGMD, nearly every reactor in theworld could be affected.

It was a short-term coolingsystem failure that caused thepartial reactor core meltdown inMarch 1979 at Three Mile Island,Pennsylvania. Similarly,according to officials it was notdirect damage from Japan's 9.0magnitude Tohoku earthquake on11 March 2011 that caused theFukushima Daiichi nuclearreactor disaster but the loss of electric power to thecooling system pumps when the facility's massive back-up diesel generators were wiped out by the ensuing tidalwaves. In the hours and days after the tidal wavesshuttered the cooling system, the cores of reactors nos 1,2 and 3 were in full meltdown and released hydrogengas, fuelling explosions which breached severalcontainment vessels.

Of even greater danger and concern than nuclearreactor cores themselves are the spent fuel rods storedin on-site cooling ponds. So-called "temporary" nuclearfuel containment ponds are features common to nearlyall nuclear reactor facilities and typically contain thespent fuel from 10 or more decommissioned reactorcores. These fuel containment ponds are generallysurrounded by common industrial-type buildings withconcrete walls and corrugated steel roofs. Unlike the

active reactor cores which are encased inside massive"containment vessels" with thick walls of concrete andsteel, the buildings surrounding spent fuel rod storageponds will do practically nothing to contain radioactivecontaminants in the event of prolonged cooling systemfailures. Since spent fuel ponds typically hold fargreater quantities of highly radioactive material thanthe active nuclear reactors locked inside reinforcedcontainment vessels, they clearly present far greaterpotential for the catastrophic spread of highlyradioactive contaminants over huge swaths of land,polluting the environment for multiple generations

spanning hundreds of years. A study by the NRC determined that

the "boil-down time" for spent fuel rodcontainment ponds runs frombetween four and 22 days after loss ofcooling system power beforedegenerating into a Fukushima-likesituation, depending upon the type ofnuclear reactor and how recently itslatest batch of fuel rods weredecommissioned.10

A few days after the tidal wavesdestroyed the generators providingback-up electrical power to FukushimaDaiichi's cooling system, the

protective water bath boiled awayfrom the spent fuel pond forreactor no. 4, leaving the storedspent fuel rods partially exposedto the air. Had it not been forheroic efforts on the part ofJapan’s nuclear workers toreplenish water in this spent fuelpool, these spent rods wouldhave melted down and theirzirconium cladding would haveignited, which most likely wouldhave released far more

radioactive contamination than what came from thethree reactor core meltdowns.

Japanese officials estimate that, to date, theFukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has released justover half of the total radioactive contamination releasedfrom Chernobyl, but other sources suggest that theradiation released could be significantly more.

In the event of an extreme GMD-induced long-termgrid collapse covering much of the globe, if just half ofthe world's spent fuel ponds boil off their water andbecome radioactive zirconium-fed infernos, the ensuingcontamination will far exceed the cumulative effect of400 Chernobyls.

Most of us tend to believe that a nuclear reactor issomething that can be shut down in short order, likesome massive piece of machinery that can be turned offby simply flipping a switch or performing a series of

HHaadd iitt nnoott bbeeeennffoorr hheerrooiicc eeffffoorrttss

oonn tthhee ppaarrtt ooffJJaappaann’’ss nnuucclleeaarr

wwoorrkkeerrss ttoorreepplleenniisshh wwaatteerr iinn

tthhiiss ssppeenntt ffuueellppooooll,, tthheessee ssppeennttrrooddss wwoouulldd hhaavveemmeelltteedd ddoowwnn aannddtthheeiirr zziirrccoonniiuummccllaaddddiinngg wwoouullddhhaavvee iiggnniitteedd……

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operations in a prescribed manner over a relativelyshort time, such as a few hours or perhaps a day or two.In spite of my MIT education (BSME, 1978), untilrecently I, too, was under the spell of this comfortingdelusion which is far from the truth.

You see, the trillions of chain reactions going oninside a nuclear reactor's core continuously producesuch incredible amounts of energy that a single nuclearpower plant can generate more electricity than isrequired to power a good-sized city. Unfortunately,these reactions do not simply "cease fire" at the flip of aswitch. In general, it takes over 5–7 days to slow down areactor core's nuclear chain reactions to the point wherethe core may be removed from the reactor. Afterremoval, the fuel rods are quite "hot" in terms of bothtemperature and radioactivity. For the next 3–5 years,these fuel rods must be immersed under many feet ofcontinuously cooled water in order to shield thesurrounding area from a high level of radioactivity aswell as to prevent catastrophicmeltdown from occurring.

According to nuclearwhistleblower Arnie Gundersen,former Senior Vice Presidentwith Nuclear EngineeringServices Corporation, afterslowing down the chainreactions inside the reactors'cores at Fukushima for a fulleight months, the fuel rodswould start melting down againif coolant flow were suspendedfor just 38 hours. Arnieexplained that, essentially, all modern nuclear reactorsare designed with banks of "fuel rods", which containhighly radioactive materials, combined with banks of"control rods", which mesh between the fuel rods likethe interwoven fingers of your right and left hands. It isthe degree of interweave that moderates and controlsthe rate of nuclear chain reactions. He further explainedthat in the event of a significant loss of reactor control,reactors are designed for a "fail-safe" process to occur,where the control rods automatically fall into the fullymeshed position with respect to the fuel rods, resultingin maximal slowing of the core's nuclear reactions andbeginning the process of shutting down the reactor.11

Typically, this action rapidly reduces the powerproduced by these chain reactions by a factor of 20:1 (to5.0 per cent of full power), but that still leaves millionsof horsepower worth of waste heat that must beremoved if the reactor core is not to overheat and failcatastrophically. After a day of leaving the control rodsin the fully interwoven position, this reaction slows to1.0 per cent, and after a week it will be about 0.1 percent of full power. Once the reactions in the fuel rodsslow to the point where the rods may be removed fromthe reactor, the spent fuel rods must be cooled inside

containment ponds for 3–5 more years before thenuclear reactions reach a point where the rods can bemoved to specially designed air-cooled storage banks.

As mentioned previously, nuclear power plants areonly required to store enough fuel reserves on site tokeep their back-up diesel generators running for oneweek. The NRC has always operated on the assumptionthat extended grid "blackouts" will not last for more thana few days. The government has promised that, in theevent of a major catastrophe such as a hurricane Katrina,diesel trucks will show up like clockwork at all troublednuclear facilities until local grid–supplied electricalpower services are re-established. Unfortunately,governments and regulators do not consider thepossibility that the next extreme GMD which MotherNature unleashes upon Earth will quite likely disruptgrid services over much of the industrialised world for aperiod of years, not just days. The chances that theworld's nuclear reactors will receive weekly deliveries of

diesel fuel under such chaoticcircumstances are almost zero!

EElleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc PPuullssee AAttttaacckkss Electromagnetic pulses

(EMPs) and solar superstormsare two different, but related,categories that are oftendescribed as high-impact, low-frequency (HILF) events. HILFevents don't happen very often,but if and when they do theyhave the potential to severelyaffect many millions of people.

Think of an EMP as a super-powerful radiowave capableof inducing damaging voltage spikes in electrical wiresand electronic devices across vast geographical areas.(Note that the geomagnetic effects of solar storms arealso described as "natural EMP".)

What is generally referred to as an EMP strike is theresult of the deliberate detonation of a nuclear device athigh altitude, roughly defined as somewhere between 24and 240 miles (~38.6 and 386.4 kilometres) above thesurface of the Earth.

Nuclear detonations of this type have the potential tocause serious damage to electronics and electricalpower grids along their line of sight, covering hugedistances in the order of a circular area 1,500 miles(2,415 km) in diameter, which would correspond to anarea stretching roughly from Quebec City in Canadadown to Dallas, Texas.

The concern is that some rogue state or terroristorganisation might build their own nuclear device fromscratch or buy one illegally, procure a Scud missile onthe black market and launch their nuclear device from alarge fishing boat or freighter somewhere off the coastof the United States, causing grid collapse andwidespread damage to electronic devices across roughly

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WWhhaatt iiss ggeenneerraallllyy rreeffeerrrreeddttoo aass aann EEMMPP ssttrriikkee iiss tthheerreessuulltt ooff tthhee ddeelliibbeerraatteeddeettoonnaattiioonn ooff aa nnuucclleeaarrddeevviiccee aatt hhiigghh aallttiittuuddee……

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50 per cent of America. Much like an extreme GMD, apowerful EMP attack would cause widespread gridcollapse, although this would be limited to a muchsmaller geographical area.12

A powerful EMP from a suborbital nuclear detonationwould cause extreme electromagnetic effects, startingwith an initial short duration "speed of light" pulse,referred to as an E1 effect, followed by a middle-duration pulse called an E2 effect, followed by a longer-duration disturbance known as an E3 effect. The E1effect is particularly damaging to modern electronicequipment, especially digital micro-electronics. Theintermediate E2 effect is similar to many thousands oflightning strikes hitting over a widespread area atalmost exactly the same time. In the case of a nuclear-induced EMP, its E3 effect starts after about half asecond and may continue for several minutes.Electromagnetically, it is quite similar to the effect froman extreme GMD, except the latter may continue for anumber of hours or days.

A "successful" EMP attacklaunched against the US wouldmost likely result in theimmediate collapse of the gridacross roughly 50 per cent ofthe country, the crash of thestock market and thedestruction of many of thecritical digital electronicsystems located in the affectedareas that control nuclearreactors, chemical plants,telecommunications systemsand industrial processes. Modern digital electricalsystems, absolutely critical for running factories,refineries, power plants, sewage plants, etc., are highlysusceptible to EMP damage. These systems includeprogrammable logic controllers (PLC), digital controlsystems (DCS) and supervisory control and dataacquisition (SCADA).

Bill Kaewert, President and CTO of Stored EnergySystems, LLC, a supplier of back-up power systems andcomponents for mission-critical structures such asMinuteman III missile silos, data centres and corporatefacilities, recently took part in a "tabletop EMP" exerciseat the National Defense University. Dozens of thenation's leading first responders, public safety expertsand military personnel took part in this exercise thatsimulated a massive grid-down scenario typical of anEMP attack or an extreme GMD. According to Kaewert,even these highly trained personnel had a hard timegrappling with the public safety implications of adisaster the size of 50 hurricane Katrinas. It was alsoquite apparent that in an extended grid collapse, a largenumber of emergency responders, military andgovernment personnel would abandon their posts toprotect their family and friends from the ensuing chaos.13

The only good news about an EMP strike is that itseffect will cover a much smaller area than will anextreme GMD, so there will be a significant portion ofthe rest of the US, as well as the rest of the outsideworld, left intact and able to lend a hand towardsrebuilding critical infrastructure in the affected areas.Imagine the near total loss of functioning infrastructureacross an area of about a million square miles (~1.61million sq. km; equivalent to 50 hurricane Katrinashappening simultaneously) and you will have some ideaof the crippling effect of an EMP attack from a singlesuborbital nuclear detonation!

PPrreevveennttiinngg AArrmmaaggeeddddoonnThe Electromagnetic Pulse Commission has studied

the threat of both EMP and extreme GMD events andmade recommendations to US Congress to take a seriesof active steps to ensure the survival of the grid andother critical infrastructure.

John Kappenman of Metatechestimates that it would cost inthe order of US$1 billion tobuild special protective devicesinto the US grid to protect theEHV transformers from EMP orextreme GMD damage and tobuild stores of criticalreplacement parts should someof these items be damaged ordestroyed. He estimates that itwould cost significantly lessthan $1 billion to store at leasta year's worth of diesel fuel for

back-up generators at each US nuclear facility and tostore sets of critical spare parts, such as back-upgenerators, inside EMP-hardened steel containers to beavailable for quick change-out should a generator bedamaged by an EMP strike and fail to start.14

To me, this is a no-brainer. For the cost of a single B-2bomber or a tiny fraction of the TARP bank bailout, wecould invest in pro-active preventive measures to avertwhat might well become the end of our civilisation andlife as we know it! There is no way to protect against allpossible effects from a solar superstorm, an extremeGMD or an EMP attack, but certainly we couldimplement measures to protect against the worsteffects. Since 2008, Congress has narrowly failed topass legislation that would implement the EMPCommission's recommendations.15 We have a long wayto go to make our world EMP safe, but every citizen cando their part to push for legislation to move towardsthis goal and work inside their home and community todevelop more local resilience and self-reliance so that,in the event of a longer-term grid-down scenario, theymight make the most of a bad situation. ∞

26 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8800

AA ““ssuucccceessssffuull”” EEMMPP aattttaacckkllaauunncchheedd aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee UUSS

wwoouulldd mmoosstt lliikkeellyy rreessuulltt iinntthhee iimmmmeeddiiaattee ccoollllaappssee oofftthhee ggrriidd aaccrroossss rroouugghhllyy

5500 ppeerr cceenntt ooff tthhee ccoouunnttrryy……

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BBaacckk iissssuueess aarree aavvaaiillaabblleeoonnlliinnee eeiitthheerr aass ddoowwnnllooaaddssoorr hhaarrdd ccooppiieess.. AAllll aarrttiicclleesseevveerr ppuubblliisshheedd iinn NNEEXXUUSS aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee aass iinnddiivviidduuaallddoowwnnllooaaddss vviiaa tthhee wweebbssiittee..

UUssee tthhee sseeaarrcchh ffiieelldd ttoo ffiinnddttooppiiccss ooff iinntteerreesstt oorr cclliicckkoonn tthhee pprroodduuccttss ttaabb aatt


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-- $$2200 ppeerr yyeeaarr ((++$$22 GGSSTT ffoorr AAuussttrraalliiaa))

-- ssiixx iissssuueess//yyeeaarr-- ccoonntteenntt ssaammee aass hhaarrdd ccooppyy,, oonnllyy aaddss mmaayy ddiiffffeerr-- ppeerrssoonnaall eemmaaiill nnoottiiff iiccaattiioonn wwhheenn iissssuuee rreeaaddyy ttoo


TToo ssuubbssccrriibbee,, vviissiittwwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

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FFrroomm CCoorraall RReeeeffss ttoo CCoollllaaggeenn n the summer of 2010, when I was in Maui, Hawaii, the local media werediscussing that the coral reefs were dying due to global warming. However,when I realised that the Hawaiian waters felt colder than they had in the 40years that I had been swimming in them, being a medical researcher I

decided to investigate what else may be killing the coral. I very quickly found an article published in 2008 in Environmental Health

Perspectives (116[4]:441-447) which clearly demonstrated that sunscreenchemicals kill coral. When my search led me to numerous articles whichrevealed that these chemicals are potent hormones capable of having severeimpacts on all species of life as well as on human foetal development, I knewthat I had to write a book to warn the public and that there could only be onename for it that would be appropriate: Sunscreens – Biohazard: Treat as HazardousWaste. This newly published book documents the vast amount of evidence thatidentifies the dire consequences arising from these chemicals entering theecosystems of the planet as well as the human body. It highlights that there isan urgent need to halt the use of sunscreen chemicals today, to bring to anend the harm they are creating every day that they are in use.

From the headlines in every media, we are given this message: "Usesunscreens before going outdoors. Make sure to slather it on your children toprotect them from skin cancers and also to prevent photo-ageing of the skin."This has been repeated so many times that we believe it to be the truth and donot think to question the premise. However, there is now plenty of evidencethat sunscreens not only increase the risk of skin cancers, includingmelanomas, but also leave the skin exposed to a higher percentage of thesolar rays that actually break down collagen and elastin, resulting in greaterphoto-ageing of the skin than without sunscreen use.

MMeellaannoommaa aanndd SSkkiinn CCaanncceerr IInnccrreeaassee wwiitthh SSuunnssccrreeeenn UUssee From the 1960s to the present time, there has been a steady rise in the

incidence of melanoma in all parts of the world.1 A 2009 study published inClinics in Dermatology reveals that the incidence rate for melanoma has beenrising in white populations worldwide over the last four decades.2 Accordingto the World Health Organization, the annual incidence rates for melanoma inNorway and Sweden have more than tripled over the last 45 years.3 Australiaand New Zealand have the highest incidence rates at 40–60 per 100,000.Central Europe increased from 3–4 per 100,000 in the 1970s to 10–15 per100,000 by 2000. These trends indicate that there will be a doubling of theincidence over the next 20 years.4 In fact, the statistics are so overwhelmingthat researchers in a 2008 article, published in the Journal of the EuropeanAcademy of Dermatology and Venereology, stated: "...it is probably safe to suggestthat predominantly UVB absorbing sunscreens do not prevent melanomadevelopment in humans."5



TThhee cchheemmiiccaallss iinnssuunnssccrreeeennss nnoott oonnllyy

ffaaiill ttoo pprroovviiddeeeeffffeeccttiivvee pprrootteeccttiioonnaaggaaiinnsstt aallll tthhee ssuunn’’ssrraayyss,, tthheeyy aallssoo hhaavvee

ttooxxiicc eeffffeeccttss oonnhhuummaannss,, aaqquuaattiicc lliiffee

aanndd wwaatteerrwwaayyss.. OOuurr bbeesstt aaddvviiccee iiss ttooeelliimmiinnaattee ssuunnssccrreeeennssaanndd aaddoopptt aa ddiieett rriicchh

iinn aannttiiooxxiiddaannttss..

bbyy EElliizzaabbeetthh PPlloouurrddee,, CCLLSS,, NNCCMMPP,, PPhhDD ©© 22001111

New Voice for HealthNew Voice Publications

PO Box 14133Irvine, CA 92623-4133, USA

Email: [email protected]:



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Australia has the highest incidence rate of skin cancerin the world, with over 6,000 melanomas and close to300,000 new cases of skin cancers diagnosed each year.Most of these cases are considered to be the result offair-skinned people living in the strong solar radiationthat shines on their continent.6

However, Australia is not the only place in the worldwith increases in skin cancers, and both squamous celland basal cell skin cancer rates have been steadilyincreasing over the last few decades. Switzerland,despite a nationwide prevention campaign over the last20 years, has a skin cancer incidence rate among thehighest in Europe.7 Even in Croatia, where more than70% of the population say they use sunscreens, theannual incidence of melanoma has increased 300% overthe last 40 years.8 A 2010 article, written to promote theuse of protective clothing to address this growingproblem, stated: "Skin cancer incidence in Croatia issteadily increasing in spite of public and governmental[measures]. It is clear that [it]will soon become a major publichealth problem."9

The statistics do prove theincrease in skin cancers of alltypes, and doctors arediscussing amongst themselvesthis apparent contradiction ofincreasing sales of sunscreensparalleling an increasingincidence in skin cancers.10

What research is continuinglyand universally revealing withthe increase in skin cancers withubiquitous use of sunscreen chemical filters is anexample of the law of unintended consequences. This lawidentifies that outcomes from a particular "thought to begood" action, which intervenes in a multi-part system,always generate unanticipated and often undesirableresults.

Sunscreens are promoted to enable people to stay inthe sun 10, 20 or 30 times longer than they normallywould, because sunscreen use turns off our naturalprotective red warning light: sunburn on the skin. Thispromotion has given us a false sense of safety that wecan spend extended amounts of time in the sun withoutconsequences.

The portion of the solar radiation spectrum that causesthe sunburn is the ultraviolet B (UVB) band. The firstsunscreens only blocked this UVB portion of solarradiation. They did not block the ultraviolet A (UVA)portion, which goes deeper into the lower layers of theskin than does UVB and generates both cancerouschanges as well as photo-ageing of the skin. This is oneof the reasons why skin cancers have increased withgreater use of sunscreens: the body was never getting thefull protection that sunscreen users thought they wereguarding against.

Staying in the sun for longer than normal consumes theskin's natural store of antioxidants that are designed toprotect the skin cells from damage. Once theantioxidants have been depleted, the body has lost oneof its defences against the sun's harmful rays creating anoverexposure.

Sunscreen use also hinders our second line ofprotective defence: tanning. The melanin (brownpigment made by melanocytes in the epidermis) that iscreated on exposure to the sun naturally absorbs thesolar energy and provides protection against solarradiation damage.11

TThhee IImmppoorrttaannccee ooff VViittaammiinn DD ttoo OOuurr HHeeaalltthhAnother problem is created because sunscreens block

the ability of our skin to perform its essential duty ofmanufacturing vitamin D in response to solar radiationexposure. Vitamin D is a crucial part of our overallhealth. The promotion of the mass use of sunscreen with

the strong message never to bein the sun without it has led toan increase in the many diseasestates that develop from lowvitamin D levels.

Vitamin D at an adequate levelis essential for proper bonedevelopment as it is necessaryfor absorbing calcium as well asfor regulating calcium andphosphate levels for properbone formation.12 Blocking outthe sun's beneficial raysconsequently lowers the level of

vitamin D. This results in not only osteoporosis but alsosoft bones in newborns and toddlers that lead to a bow-legged or knock-kneed condition (rickets) in children.13

The United Kingdom as well as the United States haveboth seen a re-emergence of rickets as a result of theirpopulations avoiding being in the sun.

Vitamin D is essential in many organs of the body, andlow levels are associated with type 2 diabetes in adultsand with children being born with type 1 diabetes as wellas going into seizures.14 Low vitamin D results inautoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's as well as boweldisorders like Crohn's disease.15 Vitamin D is alsoconnected to muscle metabolism. The weakenedmuscles can result in bladder incontinence and weakpelvic floors in women, which may increase the numberof Caesarean deliveries that are necessary.16 In addition,a deficient vitamin D level can lead to fibromyalgia.17

To produce enough vitamin D naturally, it is importantto enjoy the sun sensibly. Sunscreens – Biohazard discussesthe amount of time you need in the sun formanufacturing an adequate level of your own vitamin D,as well as the appropriate supplemental dosage requiredto achieve a beneficial level. Vitamin D deficiency is nowa worldwide phenomenon.

……ssuunnssccrreeeennss bblloocckk tthhee aabbiilliittyy ooff oouurr sskkiinn ttoo

ppeerrffoorrmm iittss eesssseennttiiaall dduuttyy ooffmmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg vviittaammiinn DD

iinn rreessppoonnssee ttoo ssoollaarrrraaddiiaattiioonn eexxppoossuurree..

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It is critical to stop avoiding the sun entirely and getthe world's population back up to healthy levels ofvitamin D.

SSaaffeettyy CCoonncceerrnnss wwiitthh BBrrooaadd--SSppeeccttrruumm FFoorrmmuullaass The new "broad spectrum" formulas are not the answer.

These newer formulated sunscreens are termed "broadspectrum" because manufacturers are now utilisingchemicals to filter both UVB and UVA rays. Severalchemicals are required to create a broad-spectrum effect,as each chemical covers only a certain portion of thesolar spectrum. However, there are problems associatedwith combining chemicals. Sunscreen chemicals ormetals can become inactivated upon exposure tosunlight—a process calledphotodegradation. This results in their nolonger being able to protect the skinfrom solar radiation. Combiningchemicals makes this process occurmore rapidly.18

In addition, research studies haveidentified that while some chemicalsmay have low toxicity when usedindividually, combinations of themcreate new chemical complexes thatare much more toxic.19 Many studies,citing that chemical combinations arenow the norm for sunscreenpreparations, end with the urging thatall future research on possibletoxic effects of sunscreenchemicals has to study theireffects when mixed incombinations.20 It is remiss tothink that individually approvedchemicals do not have harmfulpotential when combined tocreate new chemical structureswhen in fact it has already beenproven that these individuallyapproved sunscreen chemicals arenot as safe as we have been led tobelieve.

Moreover, UV radiation covers only a small portion ofthe solar spectrum, and what are now being promoted as"broad spectrum" sun filters do not provide all theprotection we need. Of the solar radiation thatpenetrates the Earth's atmosphere, the entire UVB andUVA spectrum makes up only 4%, the visible range oflight comprises 49% and the near-infrared (NIR) radiationconstitutes 47%.21 These NIR rays are more penetrating,going much deeper than UVA rays, and they causedamaging changes that can result in cancers and photo-ageing of the skin as they destroy both collagen andelastin.22 Many new chemicals and methods have beenresearched to prevent NIR damage at the cellular level,but no satisfactory solutions have been found.23

In essence, with sunscreens we are only protected fromUVB and UVA rays, while the more harmful near-infraredrays are allowed through to the skin to create unseendamage. The evidence is clear that this is the case, yetsunscreens labelled as "broad spectrum" continue to bemarketed to people as if they will protect them. This iscreating another false sense of protection.

EEnnddooccrriinnee--DDiissrruuppttiinngg CChheemmiiccaallss:: HHaarrmmffuull ttoo LLiiffeeMany studies are now being published which identify

that sunscreen chemicals cause disruption to all types oflife. The chemicals used in sunscreens are very potenthormones and, as such, are classified as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). They can act like

oestrogens, anti-oestrogens,testosterones or antitestosteroneswhen they are introduced into thebody, disrupting the natural hormonebalance.24

When researchers gave rats thesunscreen chemicals benzophenone-3(BP-3), 4-methylbenzylidene camphor(4-MBC) and octyl methoxycinnamate(OMC), they found that the weight ofthe rats' uteruses increased, whichshows that these chemicals exert anoestrogenic action.

Based on these results, theresearchers stated their concerns:

"Our findings indicate that UVscreens should be tested forendocrine activity, in view ofpossible long-term effects inhumans and wildlife."25

In 2008, the same leadresearcher and colleaguesdetermined that 4-MBC and 3-benzylidene camphor (3-BC)affect both the reproductiveorgans and the central nervoussystem, demonstrating that theseare sensitive targets which

develop toxic developmental effects from the hormonallyactivating sunscreen chemicals.

They concluded: "These data indicate that pre- andpostnatal exposure to 4-MBC and 3-BC can interfere withsexual development at brain and reproductive organlevels."26 They also determined that differingcombinations of chemicals appear to affect the type ofinfluence that they exert.

Sunscreen use has been so well promoted in Americathat benzophenone-3 is now found in the blood of 97% ofAmericans, including 90% of those who stated they hadnever used sunscreens.27 This chemical is so widely usedthat it has found its way into our water systems, and thewater filtration plants do not have the capacity to removeit from the water supply.

SSuunnssccrreeeenn uussee hhaass bbeeeenn ssoo

wweellll pprroommootteedd iinn AAmmeerriiccaa tthhaattbbeennzzoopphheennoonnee--33 iiss nnooww ffoouunndd iinn

tthhee bblloooodd ooff 9977%%ooff AAmmeerriiccaannss,,

iinncclluuddiinngg 9900%% oofftthhoossee wwhhoo ssttaatteeddtthheeyy hhaadd nneevveerruusseedd ssuunnssccrreeeennss..

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The ubiquitous use of this chemical in so manyproducts has resulted in people having it circulating intheir blood, whether they use sunscreens or not.

Another means of gaining access to the body is throughthe lungs. Breathing in these chemicals is harmful, andtheir liberal use has led to their being found inhousehold dust.28 As for the brands that are sold asaerosols, do not use these on children or yourself as theycreate vapours that are inhaled and find their way intothe body through the lungs.

Since these chemicals are found in the blood, they arealso occurring in human breast-milk. Indeed, one studyshowed contamination of 85% of nursing mothers' milksamples, which means that children are drinking potenthormones during crucial earlydevelopment.29

Many of the sunscreen chemicalsbelong to a class of chemicals calledphenols, which are known to be capableof passing through the placenta andentering the foetus.30 Offspring of ratsthat are exposed to sunscreenchemicals show general, thyroid andreproductive toxicity, so it follows thatour human offspring are subjected tothe same harmful changes.31

SSuunnssccrreeeennss,, AAuuttiissmm aanndd AADDHHDDSunscreen chemicals could be

one of the causes of theworldwide rise in autism andattention deficit hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD). Considering allthe aspects of impact thatsunscreen chemicals have on thedeveloping foetus and all thefeatures that autistic childrendisplay, it is important to payattention to the correlationsbetween these two. The featuresof autism that make it importantto look into chemical sunscreens'potential role in the rapid increase in the disorderinclude: gender differences, thyroid disruption, racialdifferences, and a rise in incidence that parallels a rise insunscreen use. Since most sunscreen chemicals act likeoestrogens or anti-androgens, thus disruptingtestosterone, there is more potential impact on maledevelopment compared to female. Autism affects moreboys than girls by a 4:1 ratio.32

The human embryo is "exquisitely sensitive" to thyroiddisruption during gestation, and environmentalcontaminants within the uterus can interfere with normalembryonic thyroid maturation.33 Sunscreen chemicalsdisrupt foetal thyroid development in mammals, andautism is being linked to thyroid deficiencies, particularlyduring foetal growth.34

Abnormal thyroid function affects the development ofspeech and cognitive skills, both of which are disruptedin the autism spectrum. One study stated: "...it ispossible that impaired thyroid function is a cause ofsome of the symptoms of autism, especially languageimpairment and mental retardation."35

Whites have a higher percentage of sunscreenchemicals in their blood, and a study found that there isa higher incidence of autism in the White race comparedto that in Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.36

The rise in the incidence of autism parallels the rise insunscreen use. Sunscreens came onto the market in the1970s and increased in use during the 1980s. The rise inautism started in the 1980s.

According to new research, a toxicsubstance capable of disrupting nervecell formation, combined with lack ofvitamin D, is being identified as acause of either ADHD or autism,depending on the stage of neurologicaldevelopment that was occurring whenthe foetus, infant or child was exposedto the toxic substance.37

Based on these connections, it isimperative to research whether theubiquitous use of sunscreen chemicals,possibly combined with the many otheroestrogenic chemicals (e.g., pesticides)

that have been introduced overthe last 30 years, could beinvolved in the exponential rise inautism that has also occurred inthe last 30 years.

TThhee DDaannggeerrss ooff NNaannooppaarrttiicclleessA major problem with far-

reaching consequences is thatsunscreens utilise materials suchas nanoparticles which arerelatively new to mankind. Fewquantitative analytical techniquesexist for measuring these

nanoparticles in natural systems.38

The metallic oxides titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zincoxide (ZnO) are used in sunscreens as they block out UVAas well as UVB rays. Naturally occurring as thick, white,opaque powders, they are manufactured into whitepastes to be spread onto the skin, especially the nose (apractice common among lifeguards). To make theseoxides more transparent to the eye, manufacturers shrinkthem down to nanometre-sized particles. Nanoparticleshave been allowed to be incorporated in sunscreenformulas without testing because they have beenconsidered safe in their full, natural state or bulk form.However, researchers are finding that the radicallyreduced size results in radically different behaviours ofthese oxides.

32 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

TThhee rriissee iinn tthheeiinncciiddeennccee ooff

aauuttiissmm ppaarraalllleellss tthhee rriissee iinn

ssuunnssccrreeeenn uussee..SSuunnssccrreeeennss ccaammeeoonnttoo tthhee mmaarrkkeett iinn tthhee 11997700ss aannddiinnccrreeaasseedd iinn uusseedduurriinngg tthhee 11998800ss..

TThhee rriissee iinn aauuttiissmm ssttaarrtteedd iinn tthhee 11998800ss..

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Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles,identified that the offspring of mice exposed to TiO2

undergo large DNA deletions.39 Since this shows thatnanoparticles cross the placenta, it is likely, then, thatdamage could occur in human babies who are exposed inthe uterus to these microscopic-sized metallic oxides.Other researchers identified that TiO2 nanoparticles notonly cross the cell membrane but also cross into thenucleus of the cell, where they create DNA damage anddisrupt normal cell division.40 Just as important a findingis the work of others who found that these nanoparticlesare so tiny that they cross the protective blood–brainbarrier and are capable of killing brain neurons.41

Researchers are now stating that these tiny particleswere released for consumer use before studies wereperformed to assure that aquatic and marine life wouldnot be harmed.42

Phytoplankton are critical to our planet. They are notonly the beginning of the marinefood chain, but are estimated tobe responsible for theproduction of 50–90% of theworld's oxygen.43 A 2010 studyfound that ZnO nanoparticleskill plankton,44 while othersdetermined that ZnOnanoparticles are extremelytoxic and TiO2 nanoparticles areharmful to marine life.45

Researchers calculated thatthere are now generally 40%fewer phytoplankton in theworld's oceans compared to the 1950 figure.46 Since ithas been proven that zinc oxide nanoparticles killplankton, it is imperative that we stop contaminating theoceans with sunscreen chemicals.

Multiple studies are now identifying that thesenanoparticles are toxic to fish, finding them in their gills,livers, hearts and brain.47 Also, the chemicals insunscreens are so hormonally active that fish exposed tothem produce offspring with a mixture of male andfemale reproductive parts, with damage so great thatsome even stop spawning. Researchers have coined theterm "intersex" for these chemically affected offspring.48

In addition to TiO2 and ZnO, sunscreen chemicals evenat very low concentrations (the same as after showeringoff the sunscreen) completely bleach (i.e., kill) coral in 96hours. The chemicals which cause the die-off are theaforementioned BP-3, OMC and 4-MBC as well as thepreservative butyl paraben (BP).49

Coral bleaching has become a problem around theworld. Global warming has been blamed for thesebleaching events, but when did they first occur? Theseevents started when tourist populations began toexplode in the affected regions. Both the Belize BarrierReef and Australia's Great Barrier Reef did not experiencecoral bleaching until large numbers of tourists began to

visit. The stress of the sunscreen chemicals decreasesthe ability of the coral to continue flourishing with aslight change in water temperature.

Since the world's oceans are an important source offood, attention needs to be paid to the loss of marine lifedue to the message that no one should go out in the sunwithout sunscreen. How high a price is this to pay?

BBeewwaarree ooff PPrroodduuccttss CCllaaiimmeedd ttoo bbee NNaattuurraall oorr SSaaffeeIt has become fashionable for sunscreen manufacturers

to claim their products to be "natural" or "safe". Even ifthey're labelled as being safe for coral reefs, theseproducts often contain chemicals which have beenproven to kill coral.50 Some manufacturers claim thatthey use only the "bulk" form of titanium dioxide and zincoxide and do not use nanoparticles, thus making theirproducts safe. In reality, there is no way to screen out thesmaller particles from being included in the bulk form

and ensure that you are gettingonly the larger-sized particles.

Avoiding the harmfulchemicals found in sunscreensmanufactured today is the firstline of defence. Sunscreens –Biohazard includes complete listsof all the sunscreen chemicals,by country of approval, so youcan refer to them to determinewhether the product you areconsidering purchasing containsharmful chemicals. It isimperative that you read every

label of anything that you buy to place on your skin, asmost cosmetics, body lotions and shampoos containsunscreen chemicals. Titanium dioxide is the mostcommon chemical and is even added to many foodproducts sold in grocery stores as well as natural foodstores. Be on the lookout, as sunscreen chemicals arebeing included in a vast variety of products ranging fromperfumes all the way to puddings.

DDiieettaarryy AAnnttiiooxxiiddaannttss aanndd NNaattuurraall SSkkiinn PPrrootteeccttiioonnThere have been many studies published over the years

which prove that antioxidants are very effective innaturally protecting the skin from solar radiation. If therewere plenty of reasons in the past to eat a diet high inantioxidants, these findings make it even more importantto do so today.

Antioxidants protect against not only ultravioletradiation, as the sunscreen preparations do, but alsonear-infrared rays, providing the body with far greaterprotection than the narrow spectral UV coverage providedby individual chemical sunscreens. Sunscreens – Biohazard has a chapter covering the

numerous types of antioxidant foods which studies showcan prevent the harmful changes that occur at the cellularlevel when staying in the sun for too long.

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AAnnttiiooxxiiddaannttss pprrootteeccttaaggaaiinnsstt nnoott oonnllyy uullttrraavviioolleettrraaddiiaattiioonn,, aass tthhee ssuunnssccrreeeennpprreeppaarraattiioonnss ddoo,, bbuutt aallssoo

nneeaarr--iinnffrraarreedd rraayyss……

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It also includes a handy reference guide to use whenshopping, to make sure that you find what will work bestin protecting you from the sun.

The body is designed to manufacture the natural sun-protective chemicals it requires to protect itself—if giventhe raw materials it needs to do so. The sunscreens ofthe future will most likely include antioxidants, incombination with advice to consume high concentrationsof antioxidant-rich foods.

LLeessssoonnss ffrroomm AAuussttrraalliiaa’’ss SSuunnSSmmaarrtt PPrrooggrraammThe rest of the world can learn from Australia's

SunSmart program with its media messages thatencourage common-sense protective behaviour and theuse of special clothing to shield the sun's rays. It hasbrought back into fashion clothing styles that cover moreof the skin, including clothing cover-ups for children. Wedo need to make vitamin D inour skin, so covering up fromthe sun completely is not a goodidea. Additionally, the tan thatdevelops from exposure to thesun is beneficial in protectingthe cells from damaging solarradiation. We can start bywearing clothing with longersleeves and skirts or pants aswell as hats and gloves, as ourancestors did just half a centuryago. When swimming in Hawaiiin 2011, I noticed that moreparents had their children wearing swimwear withextended sleeves and legs.

However, be wary of the cloth or clothing designed andmanufactured to provide UV protection, as it isimpregnated with titanium dioxide or zinc oxidenanoparticles. This is not the answer, as thenanoparticles in the material which lies against the skincan be absorbed. Also, these nanoparticles are washedoff to such a degree that the clothing no longer providesprotection after about 20 washes. Additionally, thenanoparticles end up in our waterways via washing-waterrunoff and disrupt our aquatic ecosystems.

Australia's SunSmart promotion has resulted in areduction in melanoma incidence and mortality in theyounger population.51 Unfortunately, the SunSmartprogram with its "Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!" messagepromotes the use of sunscreens as part of the protectiveprocess.

What we need to take from this program is the adviceto be smart about how we interact with the sun. Do notstay in the sun for more time than your body can handle,depending on your skin type. Spend only a reasonableamount of time in the sun. Sit in the shade. Use fabricsand materials that have a tight weave to block out thesun's rays; the tighter the weave, the better to protectyour body and ultimately all life on the planet.

AA NNeeww SSttrraatteeggyy ttoo NNuurrttuurree LLiiffee oonn EEaarrtthhToday there are many programs designed to protect all

life forms on Earth. Just stopping the use of sunscreenswill produce great benefits not only for coral, planktonand fish but also for all of our children, including thosewho are yet to be born. They can have a less toxicenvironment that protects their fragile development inthe womb and during the first critical years of growth.

Since antioxidants are a simple antidote, there is noneed to keep contaminating our planet and its watersystems. Let everyone know to stop using sunscreens intheir current harmful formulations and help create a safeand healthy environment for all life forms.

The world's ecosystems are being affected, as thesechemicals are now being found in all aquatic and marinespecies tested and we are seeing a cumulative build-up inthe food chains in both environments.52 A study in

Europe found sunscreenchemicals in lakes and rivers.53

These findings indicate thatthese chemicals have alreadycontaminated the water systemsof the world.

We need to stop purchasingthese products and call onmanufacturers to develop safeand effective products that willprotect us when we need tospend excessive amounts oftime in the sun. We should beable to work and play in the sun

without concern that the chemicals that we are placingon our skin to protect us are going to do more harm thangood.

The answer on how to protect our children, our familiesand ourselves is not complicated, but it does require ashift in our lifestyle and our relationship to the sun. Itrequires a combination of improving our diet and notcontinuing to believe that we can stay in the sun 10, 20 or30 times longer than our body can handle. We need torespect what our body can manage safely and work with itto let it protect itself naturally. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr:: Elizabeth Plourde, CLS, NCMP, PhD, is a clinical laboratoryscientist and medical researcher as well as an author andinternational speaker specialising in hormones andhormonal balance. She is certified by the North AmericanMenopause Society as a menopause practitioner. Herexpertise has been essential in explaining the full impactthat sunscreens have on humans and other life forms on thisplanet.

Dr Plourde’s book Sunscreens – Biohazard: Treat asHazardous Waste was reviewed in NEXUS 19/01. To obtainthe book and for more information, visit the websitehttp://www.sunscreensbiohazard.com. A pdf of this article,with extensive endnotes, can also be downloaded.

HHoowweevveerr,, bbee wwaarryy ooff tthheeccllootthh oorr ccllootthhiinngg ddeessiiggnneedd

aanndd mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ttoopprroovviiddee UUVV pprrootteeccttiioonn,,

aass iitt iiss iimmpprreeggnnaatteedd wwiitthh……nnaannooppaarrttiicclleess..

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UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg tthhee CCaauusseess ooff CChhrroonniicc DDeeggeenneerraattiivvee aanndd AAlllleerrggiiccDDiisseeaasseess

continue here my articles in NEXUS on uncovering the hidden causes ofthe recent explosion of chronic and/or environmental illnesses. The rolehere of Mast Cell Disease (MCD) is largely unknown to the majority ofboth orthodox and holistic practitioners. Yet MCD is beginning to be

recognised as far more common than was previously understood, and isbeing found to play a key role in inflammatory and allergy-like diseases. Atleast some of the time, MCD may ultimately occur in some people due totheir having another hidden illness, porphyria, which I have previouslyaddressed in NEXUS (vol. 18, no. 1). In this article, I examine what mastcells are, the symptoms and diseases that occur when they malfunction,what causes such malfunctioning, and what to do to overcome this little-understood problem.

Mast cells occur in the skin, lungs, peritoneum, nasal and gastrointestinalmucosa and in the brain. Mast cells are a link between the immune,endocrine and nervous systems. They are involved in the regulation ofblood–brain barrier permeability (BBBP) (NEXUS vol. 18, no. 3). Mast cellsare also involved in allergic or allergy-like reactions. The release ofhistamine and/or other mediators from mast cells is altered from the normin people with mast cell disease. In this disease, there is an increase in thenumber of mast cells or these cells do not function normally. They maydegranulate too readily, releasing histamine or other harmful substances.People with MCD often get sick easily from exposure to stress, sunlight,heat, light, cold, environmental chemicals and electromagnetic fields(EMF). These factors tend to cause their mast cells to degranulate. Thesensitivity to heat or stress is a clue that BBBP may be ongoing in MCD.

Like porphyria, MCD may turn out not to be rare. Very few people gettested for MCD. The full-blown life-threatening form of this problem, ofteninvolving an excess of mast cells, is called mastocytosis. More chronicforms are called mast cell disease or mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).

Mast cells are created in the bone marrow and are also involved in woundhealing and defence against micro-organisms. Mast cells are present inmost tissues surrounding blood vessels and nerves, and are especiallyprevalent in tissues that interface with the external world, such as the skin,mucosa of the lungs, digestive tract, mouth and nose and the conjunctiva inthe eyes. In addition to being implicated in allergies and allergy-likeillnesses, mast cells play a key role in inflammatory diseases which plaguemodern man.

The possible symptoms of MCD include itching, low blood pressure, highblood pressure, shock, flushing, headache, dizziness, swelling, runny nose,wheezing, asthma, bone pain, muscle pain, abdominal pain or discomfort,nausea, tachycardia, vomiting, malabsorption, stomach ulcers, diarrhoea,

FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 37


bbyy SStteevveenn RRoocchhlliittzz,, PPhhDD ©©September 2011

Post Office Box 2154Cottonwood, AZ 86326, USA

Email: [email protected]:


IMMaasstt cceellll ddiisseeaasseemmaayy bbee aa ccaauussee ooff mmuucchh cchhrroonniicc,,

iinnffllaammmmaattoorryy aannddaalllleerrggyy--lliikkee iillllnneessss

aanndd ccaann bbee ddiiffffiiccuullttttoo ttrreeaatt bbeeccaauussee

hhiiddddeenn ssyynnddrroommeessmmaayy bbee iinnvvoollvveedd..VVaarriioouuss hhoolliissttiicc

tthheerraappiieess ccaann hheellppoovveerrccoommee tthheessee


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faintness, nausea, interstitial cystitis, papular lesions,itchy skin lesions, brown skin patches, enlarged liver,enlarged spleen, anaemia, reduced blood plateletcount, skin bumps (1.0–5.0 cm diameter; red, pink oryellow), low white-blood-cell count (leukopaenia),reddening, swelling, blistering and itching of skinbumps if rubbed, electromagnetic field sensitivity(EMFS), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) andsensitivity to light, heat, cold, stress and touch.

The above are many and varied complaints and aresimilar to standard porphyria complaints, including theabdominal discomfort, tachycardia and hypertensionsyndrome. Mast cell disease is known to be caused orexacerbated by monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSGmay lead to mast cell degranulation and histaminerelease in many susceptible individuals. MSG, in all itsforms and with all its names, must be rigorouslyavoided if MCD exists. MSGmay also be called "naturalflavouring", hydrolysed proteinand other names, so one shouldassume that all processed foodcontains MSG. Even when "noMSG added" is stated, one isnot safe as this implies thatsome ingredient may have hadMSG added before the finalprocessor manufactured theproduct. Some foods havenaturally occurring MSG:seaweed, peas, tomatoes andother foods.

Also, cooked meats have much glutamate. MSG, itshould be noted, is highly addictive and has beenfound to be related to the obesity epidemic. It has longbeen known to cause headaches, asthma, anaphylaxisand swelling, and is being linked to diabetes and heartor vascular disease.

Little known, but perhaps not uncommon mast celldisorders, are the vascular ectasia disorders. Theseinvolve mast cell infiltration into various tissues. In theskin, you may see many small red dots during reactionsto MSG, food, stress, sunlight and heat and/or cold. Ifvascular ectasia exists in the stomach, it is calledgastric antral vascular ectasia, also known as"watermelon stomach" because of the red stripes seenunder endoscopic examination. Symptoms here caninclude shortness of breath upon exertion, fatigue,tachycardia, palpitation, headache, poor concentration,irritability, listlessness, peripheral paraesthesia andbrittle nails.

Mast cell disease can be tested for in several ways.There is a tryptase blood test and a 24-hour urine assayfor N-methylhistamine. Then the most definitive test issaid to be an actual skin biopsy, which will entailmicroscopic examination of mast cells under certainconditions and exposures.

Electromagnetic fields may cause or exacerbate mastcell degranulation. This is a two-way street. MCD cancause the sufferer to be sensitive to EMF, often withoutrealising it. In fact, ubiquitous modern EMF exposuremay be a leading factor in the explosion of MCD now.A related factor is that even looking at a computer or TVscreen can adversely affect many with MCD and/orporphyria. These people may also be sensitive tosunlight and even to ambient room light at times.There may also be a hypersensitivity of all the senses.A kindling state is said to exist in the brain. EMFsensitivity symptoms are very much like the above MCDsymptoms list. I have found that vagus nerveimbalance, often part of the hidden hiatal herniasyndrome (NEXUS vol. 18, no. 4), also can co-exist inpeople with MCD.

Individual food reactions, besides MSGcontamination, must bedetermined. MCD may beexacerbated by meat protein.Vegetarianism should beattempted, or at least meatconsumption—to which theremay be an addiction—shouldbe limited. Especiallyminimise over-heating meatsand meat fat. Sufferers of MCDoften carry an epinephrine penand have to avoid stressors.Other drugs often used by themedical orthodoxy include

antihistamines and steroids, both of which are not welltolerated by (hidden) porphyrics. Mast cell stabilisingdrugs may help here. These include cromolyn sodiumand ketotifen.

MCD may make the sufferer's skin sensitive topressure (such as occurs from sitting, lying in bed, etc.)and even wearing clothing. If you find that clothingoften makes you feel irritable, or if you have abnormalsensations or feel better in the nude, you may havemast cell disease. First, change your detergent,certainly go fragrance-free and buy organic cottonclothing, but see if you feel better in the nude.Environmentally ill people are known to have to washnew clothes many times before they can wear them.Clothing can be a severe problem for the very sensitive.Also, if you feel better and less irritable when a gentlebreeze is hitting your skin, this may indicate mast celldisorder, or it may be porphyria again, or even anadrenal or thyroid problem—or all of these factors.

MMCCDD’’ss LLiinnkk wwiitthh PPoorrpphhyyrriiaa aanndd MMCCSSGunnar Heuser, MD, may have been the first to

elucidate the connection between mast cell diseaseand multiple chemical sensitivity.1 More recently, MCDis being linked to EMFS, also known as electromagnetichypersensitivity (EHS), as well. MCS and EMFS along

38 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

……uubbiiqquuiittoouuss mmooddeerrnn EEMMFFeexxppoossuurree mmaayy bbee aa lleeaaddiinnggffaaccttoorr iinn tthhee eexxpplloossiioonn ooff

mmaasstt cceellll ddiisseeaassee nnooww..

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with food reactivity comprise environmental illness(EI). Heuser stated that either MCD or porphyria may becausative in MCS. In 2009, the first edition of myPorphyria book was published. I believe that with thisbook I became the first to assert that the twoillnesses—mast cell disease and porphyria—are linkedand that people with MCS or EI may have bothconditions, and thus this is much deeper and may notbe an "either/or" matter.2 If both conditions arepresent, it is likely that porphyria causes a secondaryMCD. Perhaps years of having hidden porphyria maylater result in MCD. The mechanism will be detailedshortly. However, for now I note that physicianstreating either of these two maladies may not realisethe existence of the other; that is, an attack of one may bean attack of the other instead of, or inaddition to, an isolated attack of the firstcondition.

Of the two conditions, porphyriaremains the one less likely to beknown due to the current state ofpoor and/or corrupt diagnostictesting, while testing for MCD issimpler and may be more accurate.Skin symptoms may be quite visibleand undeniable—but only in the laterstages. Some of the skin conditionsmay even be construed as one of theskin porphyrias. However, MCD mayfirst occur in the gastrointestinal tract,and so skin anomalies and skin testsmay not manifest until a later time.

Recall that porphyria—towhich 20 per cent of mankindmay be genetically predisposed—entails the body improperlyand insufficiently creating theprotein haem. While everyoneknows that haem is inhaemoglobin, it is less knownthat some 40 per cent of thebody's haem goes into makingthe cytochrome P450 (CYP450)enzymes. These enzymes are involved in numerousmetabolic functions, including detoxifying externalchemicals (e.g., drugs) and internal chemicals,processing vitamins and making our hormones. Thereare some 51 known CYP450 enzymes in humans.Different CYP450 enzymes may be in different tissuesand occur in very differing amounts.

The cytochrome P450 3A enzymes have been found insome mast cells. These CYP450 3A enzymesmetabolise steroid hormones, vitamin D, cholesteroland many xenobiotics, and are GABA receptor related(GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid, is an inhibitoryneurotransmitter). Thus MCS, EMFS, hormonaldysfunction and stress intolerance may be involved

with this possible link to porphyria, causing MCD, as Ihave hypothesised. This large set of enzymes, the so-called superfamily CYP450 3A, may be the mostcommon link between porphyria and MCD. Thesehaem proteins may be defective and/or deficient inporphyrics, and thus cells that have a high amount ofthem will malfunction sooner or later, resulting in MCDin these people.

Macroscopically, this may manifest in fascinating andobservable ways. When stressed out, the person may breakout in hives or a rash or may swell up. The mechanism I can nowexplain for the first time. If this person is a hiddenporphyric, any extra stress involves elevated adrenalhormones which are processed by the CYP450 3Aenzymes. However, anything that attempts to up-

regulate haem proteins too rapidlyresults in excess porphyrins and oftenin subsequent def ic iency of theseenzymes—and in dysfunction of the cells,including mast cells, which contain many ofthem. Thus they may degranulate tooreadily when the (hidden) porphyric isstressed. You may see a very nervousperson—with a possible porphyriareaction—also manifesting a rash orother skin problem. Indeed,angioedema was once calledangioneurotic oedema because whenthe patient was very nervous, s/he

would get these large swollentissues. Unfortunately the "highanxiety" was thought of as being"mental" and not biochemical, orelse the porphyria connectionmight have been hypothesisedsooner.

Unfortunately, some physiciansincorrectly apply logic andsimplistically say to patients;"You can't have two rare diseases[porphyria and MCD]." But Iassert that (1) neither is rare and(2) they are linked, as I have

explained above. Another aspect of the possible interplay between

hidden porphyria and MCD is that histamine is alsoprocessed by one or more CYP450 enzymes. Thus normallevels of histamine can cause problems in the (hidden)porphyric because histamine is not processed properlyand may also result in excess porphyrins beingreleased.

FFooooddss aanndd HHiissttaammiinnee TTooxxiicciittyyA related histamine matter is that some foods

contain histamine or its biochemical precursor orknown histamine-releasing compounds. Foods high inpolyamines can be very problematic for allergic people.

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II bbeelliieevvee tthhaatt wwiitthhtthhiiss bbooookk II bbeeccaammeetthhee ffiirrsstt ttoo aasssseerrtt

tthhaatt tthhee ttwwooiillllnneesssseess——

mmaasstt cceellll ddiisseeaasseeaanndd ppoorrpphhyyrriiaa——

aarree lliinnkkeedd aanndd tthhaattppeeooppllee wwiitthh MMCCSSoorr EEII mmaayy hhaavvee

bbootthh ccoonnddiittiioonnss……

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The concentration of polyamines in spoiled food canbe toxic. Meats and fish are very susceptible to micro-organism invasion and subsequent enzymatic action.Fresh fish may remain unspoiled for only one day in therefrigerator. A condition called scombroid poisoning isassociated with polyamine toxicity. Scombroid fishinclude mackerel, tuna and bluefish. These and otherrapidly moving fish—mahi-mahi, sardines, anchoviesand herring—are subject to rapid microbial decompositionafter being caught. These fish contain high amounts ofthe amino acid histidine in their tissues. Bacterialdecomposition of the fish converts the histidine tohistamine. No odour may be imparted by this action,so the decomposition may goundetected. But there may be animmediate sharp or tingly taste inhigh-histamine foods. (MSG oftenyields the same effect on the tastebuds in some people.) An additionalfish amine, putrescine, potentiatesthis histamine effect. A severereaction may then ensue. Some callit a pseudo-allergic reaction.Regardless of the mechanism or whatwe call it, we need to find out whichfoods are making us sick.

Symptoms of histamine, cadaverineor putrescine reaction includefacial flushing, chest tightness,sweating, nausea, vomiting,tingling, rash, hives, headache,shortness of breath, dizziness,throbbing, thirst or diarrhoea.Cooking or other processing willnot destroy putrescine once it ispresent. After ingestion,symptoms can occur within 10minutes to two hours and maylast up to a day. These aresimilar complaints to MSGreaction or to mast cell disease.

If someone is or becomes very sensitive to histamine,s/he can then react to all meats as well. This is becausemicrobial action on meat will result in histaminecreation. The longer that meat is stored after cooking,the higher the histamine levels will become. Thenthere is the issue of glutamate levels, which have beenfound in all cooked meats. Those with MSG sensitivity willbe most affected here. Meats are high in sulphurcompounds as well. All these factors can account forwhy many people are healthier after becomingvegetarians. You may also find yourself feeling lesshungry after giving up or cutting down on meats and/ortheir fats. There is sometimes a type of withdrawalperiod of 5–30 days, whereby the person craves meat orits fat before such craving ends. If you find that youneed to eat beef (or anything else) three times a day,

you may have a severe allergy-addiction going on—anda severe withdrawal. Microbial action also occurs oncheeses; these, too, may have high histamine levels.The more aged the cheese, the higher the histaminelevel.

To counter the effects of histamine, some physiciansmake up dilutions of histamine for patients to placeunder the tongue. This has helped some people.

There is also the homeopathic remedy histaminum,which may offer similar help. It is not individuallytitrated but can be muscle tested.

AAnnttiihhyyppeerrtteennssiivvee DDrruuggss aanndd MMaasstt CCeellll DDiisseeaasseeFew seem to know that a commonly

prescribed class of drugs poses agrave risk for many people who mayunknowingly be predisposed toacquiring a subsequent, permanentmast cell disease. Beta-blockerdrugs, first widely prescribed forhypertension, are now being given forpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),anxiety and cancer. Deliberately ornot, this may end up causing anepidemic of MCD sufferers, and Ihope to prevent this.

These frequently prescribed betablockers have been shown tolead to protracted anaphylacticreactivity. In 1987, J. H. Toogoodwrote:3 "Beta-blocker therapy isassociated with an increase inthe severity and, possibly, theincidence of acute anaphylaxis.The population at risk consists ofpeople with allergic conditionswho are given a beta-blocker foran unrelated condition.Anaphylaxis under these conditionsmay be severe, protracted and resistant

to conventional treatment because of the beta-adrenergicblockade." (Emphasis added.) What Toogood in 1987called protracted anaphylactic reactivity may be whatwe now call mast cell disease or mast cell activationsyndrome.

Very allergic people and those with asthma, mast celldisease, porphyria or MCS/EI should consider avoidingthese beta blockers. Some physicians put people onvery high amounts of these and otherantihypertensives, even when these drugs (1) don'tlower blood pressure (40 per cent of the time) and (2)cause more imminent dangers (as here) than what theyare trying to prevent. It's a difficult problem, ashypertension poses cardiac risk; but if such drugs eitherare not working or are causing immediate, seriousreactions—sometimes including allergic oranaphylactic crisis or hypertension itself—then a

40 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

BBeettaa--bblloocckkeerrddrruuggss,, ffiirrsstt wwiiddeellyy

pprreessccrriibbeedd ffoorrhhyyppeerrtteennssiioonn,, aarreennooww bbeeiinngg ggiivveenn

ffoorr ppoosstt--ttrraauummaattiiccssttrreessss ddiissoorrddeerr((PPTTSSDD)),, aannxxiieettyy

aanndd ccaanncceerr..DDeelliibbeerraatteellyy oorr

nnoott,, tthhiiss mmaayy eenndduupp ccaauussiinngg aanneeppiiddeemmiicc ooff


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physician who appreciates the situation should besought. The hypertensive person should consider safer,more natural methods to lower hypertension. Thesecan include breathing methods (such as long, slowexhalations), diet change (including to a low-sodiumdiet), yoga, the Rochlitz Heart Integration Exercises(see NEXUS vol. 18, no. 6) and supplementation withsuch nutrients as magnesium, potassium, CoQ10 andothers.

Many physicians who routinely prescribe betablockers for the slightest alleged elevation of bloodpressure may be causing protracted anaphylaxis andincurable mast cell disease in more and more people. Ihypothesise here, for the first time, that the lowering ofthe threshold for hypertension with concomitantwidespread prescribing of beta blockers and theincreasing percentage of MCD in the population may berelated phenomena.

Beta-blocker drugs, which arewidely used for hypertension,are now also being used totreat post-traumatic stressdisorder and panic or anxietyattacks. Furthermore, veryrecently they have begun to beused in treating numerouskinds of cancer. There is eventalk of using them as a cancerpreventative!

It appears that beta blockersmay be desired in certainquarters to be this century's equivalent of aspirin: theywant "everyone" to be on these drugs! Those who areso freely, dangerously and widely prescribing thesedrugs either do not know, or do not care, that asignificant percentage of the population may acquire asevere chronic disorder from taking beta blockers.

Instead, I call here for an immediate study to find outthe percentage of those with MCD who acquired thisdisorder after taking beta blockers. Please contact thisauthor if this is in your history.

Of course, most people with MCD do not know thatthey have it, and their physicians are not likely to knowenough to test them, so there is a great danger here forthe people.

Ultimately, though, mast cell disease may alsopartially explain the differences between people withthe "accepted" porphyrias and those with (oftenhidden) porphyria and MCS/EMFS. The MCS sufferermay have porphyria plus mast cell disease.

Mast cell stabilisers—supplements (quercitin) ordrugs (cromolyn sodium, ketotifen)—and diet change(fewer lectins and less meat) may help those with chronic orenvironmental illnesses. I also hypothesise here thatwe may even have another case of a two-sided coin. Anattack of either—porphyria or MCD—may sometimesalso be an attack of the other.

Here's the crucial problem for the EI sufferer: havingboth MCD and porphyria causes one to need high-complex- carbohydrate foods, including wheat, potato,etc., but these exacerbate mast cell disease. Other carbfoods, though, may exacerbate porphyria.

TThhee RRoollee ooff SSppeecciiffiicc FFooooddss iinn MMaasstt CCeellll DDiisseeaasseeRecently, specific foods or food components have

been proven to cause or exacerbate either MCD orspecific allergic or inflammatory diseases. This is aburgeoning field of research, as it should be.

The first food I note here is potato. Researchersfound: "As potato lectin activates and degranulatesboth mast cells and basophils by interacting with thechitobiose core of IgE glycans, higher intake of potatomay increase the clinical symptoms as a result of non-allergic food hypersensitivity in atopic [allergic]

subjects."4 You may know thatpotato is a nightshade and thatnightshades have long beenknown to cause or exacerbatearthritic diseases. Othernightshades include tomato,eggplant, peppers and tobacco.

However, as the above articleindicates, the larger class offoods that potato is a memberof may be implicated in MCD.Lectins as a whole may beinvolved here. Foods high inlectins include wheat, rye,

barley and oats, with lesser amounts in quinoa, rice,buckwheat, millet and corn. Beans contain lectins, withsoy and peanut containing the highest amounts. Dairyproducts contain lectins, as do eggs.

The intestinal villi contain CYP450 enzymes. Now,lectins are potent inducers of polyamine production inthe gastro-intestinal tract. Lectins can damagemicrovilli, cause inflammation and induce MCD. Somelectins can cause growth of the liver, pancreas orspleen. Wheat germ can cause polyamine productionand has been proven to cause changes in animals'small intestines, resulting in stunted growth.

Nightshade (especially tomato and potato) sensitivityhas also been known to exacerbate a common skincondition, rosacea. Vinegar and other fermented foodproducts are also known to aggravate it. MCD shouldbe investigated for its possible role in rosacea.

Sialic acid is a complex sugar that is found on thesurface of cells and on secreted proteins. Recentresearch has found that sialic acid is involved ininflammatory disease and mast cell disease. Sialic acidis found in highest amounts in red meat and dairyproducts. Lesser amounts are found in fish, withvirtually none being found in poultry and produce.

It was discovered recently that humans can'tsynthesise one form of sialic acid, Neu5Gc.5

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RReecceennttllyy,, ssppeecciiffiicc ffooooddss oorrffoooodd ccoommppoonneennttss hhaavveebbeeeenn pprroovveenn ttoo ccaauussee oorreexxaacceerrbbaattee eeiitthheerr MMCCDD oorr ssppeecciiffiicc aalllleerrggiicc oorr

iinnffllaammmmaattoorryy ddiisseeaasseess..

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But if humans eat red meat or dairy products, thisform of sialic acid actually becomes incorporated intohuman endothelial cells—even though the body(paradoxically) makes antibodies against it! Thisthen—at least in some people—leads to inflammation,chronic disease and some cancers. Sialic acid wasrecently implicated in interstitial cystitis—a common,chronic and very painful bladder condition that plaguesmany women and some men. This 2011 research notedthe role of "sialic acid–binding immunoglobulin-likelectins (Siglecs) expressed in mast cells"6 in interstitialcystitis.

Heating, especially deep-frying, lectins (potato,wheat, etc.) or other high-carbohydrate foods causes areaction of proteins withreducing sugars, creatingadvanced glycation end-products (AGEs). A 2010journal article7 revealed thatAGEs can activate mast celldisease. AGEs may be involvedin causing or exacerbating MCSand EMFS as well as in rapidageing, cancer and chronicillness. The highest levels ofAGEs may be found in suchfoods as potato chips, fries andother high-heat or fried, refinedhigh-carb foods.

Supplements that may help with AGEs includeglutathione, benfotiamine (a form of vitamin B1),carnosine, N-acetylglucosamine8 and pyridoxamine (aform of vitamin B6). The US Food and DrugAdministration recently banned the sale ofpyridoxamine—with the rationale that it is now in adrug, even though it is a form of a vitamin. Adversereactions to AGEs, created by heating foods containingcarbohydrate and protein, may partially account for the success ofnatural healing practitioners when they take people with chronicillness off processed foods.

Many people with various medical problems havebeen helped when they changed to a raw-produce diet.I would only add the proviso to be careful in that somepeople develop parasite problems because, in practice,"raw organic produce" usually means produce that hasbeen grown with horse or cow manure used as fertiliser.

TThhee DDaannggeerrss ooff UUbbiiqquuiittoouuss PPhhtthhaallaattee CCoommppoouunnddssA chemical used in vinyl compounds and plastics may

also be involved in MCD and other allergic disorders.Wikipedia informs that phthalates are used in a largevariety of products, including enteric coatings ofpharmaceutical pills and nutritional supplements,gelling agents, stabilisers, dispersants, lubricants,binders, emulsifying agents and suspending agents.

A phthalate compound is even found in the vinyl bagsthat contain saline or dextrose solutions that are used

intravenously. This is more so the case in the USA thanin some other countries. This phthalate compound isDEHP—di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate—a preservativeused in plastics and vinyls. So instead of improvingfrom needed medical intervention, one may worsenbecause of a hidden reaction to this preservative. Aswe saw above, it may be found in drug and supplementpills. Phthalates are also proven endocrine disruptors.They are supposedly being removed from commonusage.

One recent article noted that DEHP enhances atopicdermatitis-like skin lesions in mice.9 The authors foundthat minute levels of DEHP led to this condition inmice, and they stated that ubiquitous DEHP might be

causing much allergic reactionin people.

Phthalates may also be in theplastics that are used in tubingfor oxygen inhalation or inCPAP/BPAP devices for treatingsleep apnoea. People who arevery environmentally illpurchase either steel or specialTygon® tubing for oxygendelivery because somechemical in the usual plastic istoxic to them.

Finally, in listing foods andother substances that can cause or exacerbate MCDand other allergic disorders, supplements must beincluded. Recent research has proven that folic acidand other methyl donor nutrients exacerbate reactiveairways disease in mice.10 Methyl donor supplementsinclude folic acid, B12, B6, trimethylglycine and SAMe(S-adenosylmethionine). Some of these nutrients areessential. While some people may benefit fromamounts far greater than the RDI, there are others whocannot safely take larger amounts of methyl donorsupplements because they may cause or exacerbateMCD or other allergic disorders. More is not alwaysbetter, or at least not for everyone.

PPrraaccttiiccaall HHeellpp ffoorr MMCCDDWe have seen that MCD may be a cause of much

chronic, inflammatory and allergy-like disease inmankind. Once chronic mast cell disease, or mast cellactivation syndrome, has occurred, it may be difficult toovercome it completely. I have detailed one reasonwhy: hidden porphyria may also be involved.Improvement may be afforded by eliminating the foodshighlighted in this article and by taking thesupplements or medications cited or by eliminatingothers. Avoiding or minimising exposure to EMF andrefraining from even looking at computer or TV screensmay also help.

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CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

AA pphhtthhaallaattee ccoommppoouunndd iiss eevveenn ffoouunndd iinn tthhee vviinnyyllbbaaggss tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinn ssaalliinnee oorrddeexxttrroossee ssoolluuttiioonnss tthhaatt aarree uusseedd iinnttrraavveennoouussllyy..

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Ph: 02 6373 3419

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hat is life? This is a question shared universally by nearly all ofus. For scientists in particular, it is a fundamental question. Infact, it formed the title of Erwin Schrödinger's 1944 book What isLife? Schrödinger was a physicist and one of the fathers of

quantum mechanics. His book is perhaps one of the first published treatisesconcerning the quantum physics of biology, which forms the basis for thesubject of quantum biology. Applying the theories of quantum mechanicsand formative causation to biological processes offers insights intoparticular phenomena that have evaded adequate descriptions byconventional scientific methodologies.

FFoorrmmaattiivvee CCaauussaattiioonn:: TThhee MMoorrpphhooggeenneettiicc FFiieelldd The science of biology is nearing an impasse with current theoretical

models because it is approaching the level of description that necessitatesquantum mechanical and Field theories. In order to examine the deeperlevels of reality, new-paradigm science is needed. One such theory thatbeautifully describes many phenomena that have evaded adequate scientificdescriptions thus far is Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance, thetheory of formative causation. This describes the process of morphogenesisbeing driven by a non-physical force from a morphogenetic field.

This is the science of conformation, and it is critical to understanding howinformation from the Field (a.k.a. the vacuum, the aether, the implicate order,the cosmic plenum, superspace, the akasha, etc.) is accessed. How importantis the science of conformation? Erwin Schrödinger elucidated it in a brilliantflash of insight with this statement: "What we observe as material bodies andforces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space"(emphasis mine). This would require some explanation for many, becausethe classical description of space is of something that is empty. However, tomany scientists, space (and even the vacuum) is far from being an emptymedium. Even at a temperature of absolute zero, when all forms of energyshould be gone, each point in space (the smallest quanta of space being avolume based on the Planck length) contains a quantum harmonic oscillatorthat vibrates with the zero-point energy of the ground state for the Field.

Physicist Nassim Haramein has described how a volume of the vacuum thesize of a proton contains an energy density equivalent to all the mass in theUniverse. This exemplifies how the Universe is holofractal, in that asubatomic particle potentially contains the imprint of the whole Universe,and how there are many dimensional layers to the Universe where thisinfinite energy density is distributed.

As for what has been expounded by Rupert Sheldrake, the theory ofmorphic resonance so closely models the actual processes driving theformation of all levels of organisation that when it is properly understood itbecomes self-evident. In regard to biological systems, it explains the

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LLiivviinngg oorrggaanniissmmss aarree qquuaannttuumm

bbiioollooggiiccaall ssyysstteemmsstthhaatt iinntteerrffaaccee wwiitthhtthhee ffuunnddaammeennttaallffaabbrriicc ooff rreeaalliittyy..

TThheeiirr DDNNAA aaccttss aass aa ffrraaccttaall aanntteennnnaawwhhiicchh ccaann rreecceeiivvee

aanndd ttrraannssdduuccee zzeerroo--ppooiinntt eenneerrggyy,,

aalllloowwiinngg mmoorree ddiirreeccttiinntteerraaccttiioonn wwiitthh

tthhee FFiieelldd..

bbyy WWiilllliiaamm BBrroowwnn,, MMSScc ©© 22001122

Email: [email protected]



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formative causes of evolution, embryonic development,thoughts, behaviours and even many metaphysicalphenomena. I find the theory's ability to explain howthoughts work particularly insightful.

BBiioommoolleeccuullaarr QQuuaannttuumm CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn Imaging brain activity through functional magnetic

resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography(EEG) reveals four-dimensional space-time patterns ofelectrical activity produced by the action potentials ofbillions of neurons. Electrical propagation along diversepathways of such networks produces specific patterns ofactivity that have been clearly correlated with physicaland sentient states. One of the most elusive questionswithin neurobiology is how this electrical activity canproduce what we experience as thoughts, behavioursand memories. It is so difficult for neurobiologists toaddress this question because it is completelyperplexing from a purelyphysical point of view, whichscientists have been inclined torestrict themselves to in theirinvestigation of Nature.

Indeed, sentience will neverbe explained by the physicaldelineation of brain activitybecause it is a nonphysicalphenomenon: the brain onlyacts as an interface for thepurely energetic aspects ofsentience to be transduced intothe physical experience. Thismeans that the brain has neverproduced a thought, and never will, because that is notwhat the brain does. Thoughts exist as ideas within themorphogenetic field—and a specific program ofthoughts is a behaviour within the morphogeneticfield—so behaviours are a higher-nested morphicstructure of thoughts. Remember that themorphogenetic field is simply a categorisation of theinformation field, which is a part of the unified field. Soit is a nonphysical component of the mind that accessesthe nonphysical information field; it can be referred toas the higher mind.

The impetus for all ideas occurs within the highermind, whereby ideas are transduced to the brain andelicit the action potentials that produce specific four-dimensional patterns of electrical activity. These space-time patterns tune into a program of ideas within themorphogenetic field through morphic resonance andallow the physical mind to perceive ideas as thoughts.

Similarly, memories are produced by the same kind offour-dimensional patterns of electrical activity. Thespecific patterns of neural activity tune into distinctmorphic fields that contain the information whichproduces images corresponding to a past event. Thismeans that memories are really not recorded anywhere

in the way that we tend to think they are. Instead, theyare created anew each time in the present moment. Thegenesis of new neural pathways for the conduction ofelectrical patterns that can tune into different areas ofthe information field can be observed happening rapidlythrough the formation of physical subsynapticstructures called spines.

Spines can be produced and retracted rapidly, givingthe brain a high degree of plasticity and allowing it toremodel and rewire itself faster than is required throughproduction of entirely new synapses and, in some cases,whole new neurons. In fact, when we feel that we havegrasped or learnt a new concept it is because spineshave been generated that produce novel synapticcontacts, allowing different patterns of electrical activityto occur that can tune into different morphic resonances.However, perception itself does not occur within thephysical brain; perception is only facilitated by it

because it is consciousness thatperceives, and consciousnessdoes not occur within the brainbut is only restricted by it.

This is perhaps one of themost elusive questions withinscience: how is consciousnessproduced? Again, it is aquestion that will never beanswered using the old-paradigm science becauseconsciousness is not producedby physical phenomena: it isprimary and fundamental to allof existence. It is a prerequisite

to existence itself because, without consciousawareness, how can something be said to exist? Whatwould differentiate it from nonexistence if it iscompletely unperceived? Trying to imagine somethingexisting that is unperceived is similar to trying toimagine nonexistence. It can't be done.

There have been very few attempts to explainscientifically the supposed physical processes by whichconsciousness is produced (remembering that withinthe consensus paradigm, all phenomena must beexplained by physical processes). The scientificcommunity has largely been content with assuming thatconsciousness is an emergent aspect of highly complexneural networks, specifically those comprising theneocortex of the human brain. This has actually led tosome productive avenues of enquiry, in that it haspromoted some to think beyond the normal self-imposed restrictions and entertain theories of quantummechanical processes within the biological context toexplain the emergence of consciousness.

Roger Penrose in collaboration with Stuart Hameroffdeveloped a theory in which the delocalised pi electronswithin microtubules are sufficiently sheltered fromenvironmental fluctuations that they can maintain a

TThhiiss mmeeaannss tthhaatt tthhee bbrraaiinn hhaass nneevveerr pprroodduucceedd aa tthhoouugghhtt,, aanndd nneevveerr wwiillll,,bbeeccaauussee tthhaatt iiss nnoott wwhhaatt

tthhee bbrraaiinn ddooeess..

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quantum superposition of their wavefunction. Microtubules are filamentswithin cells that form a supportingmatrix known as the cytoskeleton andare involved in signal and chemicaltransduction through the cell.Penrose and Hameroff theorised thatthe collapse of the quantum wavefunction of the pi electrons couldproduce subneuronal processing ofinformation and be the source ofconsciousness within the brain.

As a wave function, the electronscan form a quantum coherent stateknown as a Bose–Einsteincondensate. In this state, all of theelectrons essentially behave as asingle particle or, more precisely, asa single correlated wave function,with non-local entanglement thatallows for the quasi-instantaneous transfer ofinformation. During normal modes of brain activity,such as the electrical activity that produces betaoscillations, these states are exceedingly fleeting.However, when a person is sufficiently isolated fromenvironmental perturbations, such as in a meditativestate in which visual, auditory and cognitive stimuli arereduced to a minimum, the electrical activity of thebrain can enter into a brain-wave pattern known as thegamma oscillation. The gamma oscillation is characterisedby synchronised spatiotemporal action potentials thatsweep through the entire brain, back and forth, 40 timesa second. In this state, the Bose–Einstein condensatecan be maintained and can coherently entangle with thepi electrons within the microtubules found in virtuallyevery cell of the body. The bodybecomes one quantum-coherentwhole, and the individualexperiences a feeling of oneness.This macroscopic biologicalquantum-coherent state also allowsthe individual to tune specificallyinto hyperspace and accessinformation directly from the Field.

Additionally, microtubules andmany other biopolymers such asDNA can form soliton waves that canproduce many particle-likephenomena such as phonons andBose–Einstein condensates. Thisagain is a form of non-classicalcommunication and quantumfunctionality within the biologicalsystem.

Normally when a wave function isinterrogated by a physicist, itcollapses and the definite position

or momentum of the quanta can be determined. This isknown as subjective reduction, and it is called subjectivebecause it requires the consciousness of the observer.The challenge for Penrose and Hameroff was inattempting to describe the genesis of consciousnessthrough the collapse of the wave function, and not thecollapse of the wave function through consciousobservation. He therefore came up with the concept ofobjective reduction, in which the wave function collapsesafter exceeding a threshold in space-time curvature.This would be an effect of quantum gravity. The conceptis truly astounding in that it marries quantummechanics, special relativity and molecular biology intothe explanation of a given phenomenon.

While the theory is very exciting, it may not be

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Microtubule diagrams depicting the structural architecture of the molecule.Within the hollow tube, delocalised pi electrons may be sufficiently sheltered

from the environment to form quantum-coherent states.

Schematic of an intracellular microtubule network in a neuron.

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necessary to explain the genesis of consciousness ifconsciousness is fundamental and primary to allphenomena. So while the collapse of the quantumwave function within the microtubules wouldn't explainthe genesis of consciousness, it can be applied toexplain many other biological phenomena. Forexample, it is through the quantum level that everythought, feeling and experience is transmitted to thelevel of consciousness that is our individualisedfraction. This information is transmitted through thequantum wave function that is superimposed betweentwo discrete levels of reality—spacetime andhyperspace—allowing the exchange of informationbetween the two levels. The sametype of delocalised electrons foundwithin the microtubules that form thequantum superposition are alsofound within the DNA molecule, andthere is a continuous connectionthroughout the entire body throughthe microtubules to the nuclear DNAfrom cell to cell.

TThhee LLiigghhtt--EEnnccooddeedd DDNNAA FFiillaammeenntt The shifting electron density of the

electrical dipole produces harmonicoscillations of the pi electrons withinthe centre of the microtubules or theDNA. This is the source of theelectromagnetic filament thatruns through the centre of thesepolymers because oscillatingcharges produce magnetic fieldsand oscillating magnetic fieldsproduce electrical fields whichproduce electromagnetic wavesor, in common terminology, light.This is a light-encoded filament,which is the information-carryingstrand of DNA! A number ofscientific experiments haverevealed the presence of these light strands, the light-body of the biological organism.

The empirical exemplification of the light-body goesall the way back to experiments performed in the 1920sby Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch, whoamazingly connected the ultraweak electromagneticemissions of organisms to developmental processes ofthe morphogenetic field! He called these emissionsmitogenic rays. However, without actual empiricalinvestigation into the matter, the scientific communitysimply rejected the notion because it was consideredoutside the bounds of the materialistic paradigm. It hasnot been until relatively recently that experiments havebeen performed to investigate the matter, and they haveindeed confirmed intracellular and intercellularcommunication via electromagnetic emissions.

EElleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc TTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff DDNNAAOne of the most definitive experiments thus far to

demonstrate the primary role of the light-encoded DNAfilament was performed by Luc Montagnier, who in 2008was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicinefor his work in demonstrating HIV to be the aetiologicalagent of AIDS. In this experiment, a specificelectromagnetic signal emitted by a pathogenicbacterial culture was shown to remain even after allbiological material was removed from the culturemedium. When a non-pathogenic strain of the samebacterial species was placed into the culture mediumwith the electromagnetic frequency, it was transformed

into the pathogenic strain and beganto emit the same signature signal asthe previous strain. The strain hadessentially been transformed by theelectromagnetic frequency, whichmeans that it was specifically actingon the DNA molecule of the non-pathogenic strain, "re-coding" it.

All biomolecules form complexeswith water, and indeed water occupiesan essential role in the functionality ofall living molecules. This is why wateris so essential to life: it is not just aninert medium in which biochemicalreactions occur. So, Montagnier

hypothesised that theelectromagnetic frequencies werebeing retained in aqueousn a n o s t r u c t u r e s — c o m p l e xconformational arrangements ofmacromolecular water. Not onlydoes water adopt a unique patternfor the conformation ofbiomolecules (and directlyinfluence the precise three-dimensional shape duringformation of the biomolecules), itis also responsible for much of the

electrical activity of the biomolecules because of theinteraction with its dipole moment.

MMoorrpphhiicc RReessoonnaannccee aanndd DDNNAA CCoonnffoorrmmaattiioonnss When the protein-coding segments of DNA, the genes,

are compared across species, there is a high level ofconservation, meaning that all life shares the samemolecular toolkit—with only minor differences beingobserved—in that genes are homologous. The samegenes that make the molecular and structural machineryof a fruit fly are found in a human. However, these genesare primarily involved in producing molecular machinery,and their high degree of homology and conservationshows that they are not the cause of differences in speciesand individuals. The sections of DNA that areresponsible for producing these differences have been

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IInn tthhiiss eexxppeerriimmeenntt,,aa ssppeecciiffiicc

eelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiiccssiiggnnaall eemmiitttteedd bbyy

aa ppaatthhooggeenniiccbbaacctteerriiaall ccuullttuurreewwaass sshhoowwnn ttoorreemmaaiinn eevveenn

aafftteerr aallll bbiioollooggiiccaallmmaatteerriiaall wwaass

rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm tthheeccuullttuurree mmeeddiiuumm..

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known for a long time because they are what are used toidentify species and individuals! Restriction fragmentlength polymorphisms are produced from uniquesections of DNA (the polymorphic segments) when thepolymer is cut up (restriction digests by endonucleaseenzymes), and they produce what is referred to as the"DNA fingerprint". This is what is used to identifyspecific species, sub-species and clades, all the waydown to individuals. This should have been a big clue:if you're looking for what makes a species different fromany other species, the sections of DNA that are used toidentify a particular species or individual would be agood place to start!

These unique sections of DNA are the non-codingsegments. Calling these sections of the genome "junkDNA" is like calling the engine of a car the "spare tyre".How important are the non-coding sections of the DNA?One indication should be their prevalence in thegenome. In humans, 95–98 per cent of the genome isnon-coding! This is similar for some other species, yetthere is a correlation between increasing organismalcomplexity and the amount of non-coding DNA. Forexample, bacteria such as Escherichia coli have

exceedingly little intergenic DNA. Their genomes arearchitecturally simplistic, being simple circular strandsthat are unlikely to adopt complex configurations, yetthey still have approximately 4,290 genes. That's one-fifth the amount in humans, who contain approximately21,000 genes, and yet these E. coli are microscopicbacteria! In fact, Caenorhabditis elegans, a small worm,contains more genes than humans do. However, in thiscontext, what humans do have more of is non-protein-coding DNA, as can be seen by the correlation of genomesize with non-coding DNA (a great deal of the largegenome sizes of plants is due to polyploidy—multiplesets of the same chromosomes which are sufficient toproduce speciation without a single change to aprotein-coding gene). The non-coding segments havethree primary functions identified thus far…

• About half of the non-coding genomic regions arecomprised of mobile genetic elements which modulategene expression and can remodel the chromosomes.

• The other half is comprised of variable-numbertandemly repeating sequences, known technically assatel l ite DNA. Through specific conformationalarrangements, they interface with the morphic field.

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Genome sizes of various organisms according to number of nucleotide base pairs

Genome Size in bpMycoplasma

Gram positive bacteria

Gram negative bacteria

Fungi / Moulds








Bony fish

Cartilaginous fish




Flowering plants

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• Both of these portions of the intergenic DNAundergo expansion within the genome. This expansionfunctions to increase the information-carrying capacityof the biomolecule.

CChhrroommoossoommee RReemmooddeelllliinngg The mobile genetic elements are a highly functional

portion of the non-coding DNA. They allow the DNA torespond to environmental conditions and remodel thegenome by activating the transposable elements whichcan translocate segments of the genome and remodelthe chromosomes. Because gene regions are modular,they can be translocated and still retain completefunctionality; however, they will be differentiallyexpressed. This can produce punctuated and rapidspeciation—a form of practically instantaneousevolution, in that it can occur over the course of a singleorganism's lifetime. These DNA segments are activatedby high-frequency radiation,and therefore increases in suchsources as cosmic rays willcause an increase in theamount of actively transposingDNA elements.

In comparing the genomes ofspecies classified within thelineage of great apes, such ashumans and chimpanzees, theprotein-coding gene regions arenearly identical, so thedifference in species seems tobe due to the non-coding DNA.In particular, the retro-transposons, called Alu elements,show evidence of playing a particular role within thehuman genome as they are the most abundantelements, being found at a copy number of over amillion loci.

So the modular architecture of DNA made it logical asto how transposable elements could function toremodel the chromosomes. However, what functioncould satellite DNA serve, given that it involves simple,repeating sequences that can reiterate hundreds oftimes? An epiphany arose when considering aparticular characteristic of repeating sequences in lightof the theory of morphic resonance. Repeatingsequences have the ability to form special DNAconformations, including tertiary and quaternarystranded DNA as well as a variety of other specificstructural elements. For example, the telomere regionsare composed of anywhere between 3,000 and 20,000base-pair repeats of the sequence TTAGGG. This G-richregion forms what is called a G-quadruplex that can formfour-stranded complexes of DNA.

The various conformations formed by satellite DNAthus have specific resonances with the morphic fieldand therefore are able to tune into very specificprograms of information. Given that the satellite DNA

is highly specific to each individual, it means that eachindividual is tuning into a distinct morphogeneticpattern that is unique to them. Furthermore, because ofthe high plasticity of the polymer—being able to cyclerapidly through many of these conformations along theDNA molecule—it can serve to modulate the behaviourof the cell, tissue and organism through the changingresonances of morphic patterns. In addition, thecharacteristic of satellite DNA to expand the number ofrepeating sequences increases the information-carryingcapacity of the DNA molecule.

FFrreeqquueennccyy TTrraannssdduuccttiioonn Proceeding with the new-paradigm science, we regard

the function of the biological organism as primarilyelectrical in nature and tending towards quantumcoherence. This can be thought of as the "ElectricUniverse" theory of biology. Given the fundamental

importance of electric andmagnetic behaviour in thebiological system, it is notsurprising that DNA and severalother molecules act as antennae.DNA in particular is a primeexample of this, as can be seenby its molecular structure,making it characteristic of aunique design known as a helicalantenna. The long, linear, polymerstructure is perfectly suited forreceiving and transmittingelectrical impulses, while the ring

formed from the cross-section of the spiralling doublehelix is perfect for receiving magnetic impulses.

As a prime antenna for electromagnetic radiation, DNAcan receive light, transduce it, compute a response andre-emit electromagnetic signals that will have a verydefinite modulating effect on specific molecules or evenextracellular targets. However, DNA also shows structuralorganisation characteristic of fractal antennae, enabling itto receive and transduce zero-point energy and allowingit to interact more directly with the Field. These subtlerforms of energy would interact more directly withconsciousness, and in that way could influence either theexpansion or contraction of conscious awareness. Thismeans that certain modular arrangements of DNA wouldbe more conducive to conscious awareness. Conversely,many re-arrangements of these chromatin modules couldremodel the genome such that it is not as efficient atransducer of zero-point energy and is therefore lessconducive to conscious awareness.

When the information within light is received, it canbe stored, computed and transmitted holographically byDNA. Several studies have shown the efficacy of usingDNA for computations, and in fact it has been utilised

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8833

TThhiiss mmeeaannss tthhaatt cceerrttaaiinnmmoodduullaarr aarrrraannggeemmeennttss

ooff DDNNAA wwoouulldd bbee mmoorree ccoonndduucciivvee ttoo

ccoonnsscciioouuss aawwaarreenneessss..

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This book introduces a brand new field of scientific research basedupon analysis of artifacts retrieved from crashed and damaged

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Mystics and clairvoyants claimthat there are auras ofactivity permeating and

surrounding the physical bodies ofplants, animals and humans.

In the Department of Metallurgy atthe University of Birmingham, TedSmart and I, seeking evidence for thisauric activity, embarked on extra-curricular research, picking up on thework of Dr Hippolyte Baraduc1 who inthe early 1900s registered an "auricsurround" to a human hand (figure 1).This is an electrical discharge picture,akin to a Kirlian photograph, but someof Baraduc's pictures also showed whathe claimed were soul phenomena.

Baraduc did not give sufficient detailsfor us to repeat his results, but in tryingto do so we found a way of registeringauric phenomena around leaves (figure2) by putting them in a "sandwich"between two photographic plates, withmetal plates outside them to which we

applied high-voltage pulsesusing a Wimshurst machineor a Van de Graaff generator.

These seemed to conformto what people perceive in aheightened state ofconsciousness, such asdescribed by the chemist DrFrank Sherwood Taylor:2

"On a clear sunny autumnmorning, I had walked intothe gardens of St John'sCollege, Oxford: thedahlias were still in bloomand the Michaelmas daisieswere covered in greatbutterflies: tortoiseshells,fritillaries and red admirals.Suddenly…everythingrevealed itself asinterconnected…aroundeach centre of life there wasan influence, as if eachliving thing were a centre ina spiritual medium."

We also registered "brightspots" which we thought

Figure 1. Electrophotographic registration around ahand obtained by Dr Hippolyte Baraduc, circa 1910.

Figure 2a (above left). The type of aetheric aura described by clairvoyants around a privet leaf (the narrow band) with globulesof prana in the background. Figure 2a (above right). Interaction between three privet leaves.

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could be the prana that psychics andmystics say is associated with the lifeforce in living organisms. Payne3 statesthat aetheric clouds emanate fromplants. Garrett4 says that plants have a"surround" that appears to move orbreathe gently. The energy/aura healerBrennan5 suggests lying on your backon a sunny day, relaxing and seeingwhite globules of energy flow into theaura around a tree. Pierrakos,6 a NewYork psychiatrist who developed theability to perceive the human aura,observed energy fields associated withall living entities, with crystals, theEarth, its oceans and its atmosphere.(In his book, Pierrakos describes theway in which he developed expandedawareness, starting with Kilnerscreens/filters and then finding that heno longer needed these.)

After a few years, we presented our

work at a conference. A publisher whowas there asked to publish it,7 whileanother member of the audienceoffered us financial support from hisfoundation. Our extracurricularactivities attracted the attention ofthree PhD students, Brian Meredith,Andrew Mcneil and Harry Dean, andafter getting their PhDs they were ableto utilise this financial support to workfull time on this research for a collectivetotal of 19 years, resulting in asubstantial integrated team effort.

SSppaaccee EEnneerrggyy,, AAeetthheerriicc FFoorrmmssWe expanded our electro-

photography research: the Wimshurstmachine and Van de Graaff generatorhad produced multiple uncontrolledpulses of high voltage, but thenMichael Watson designed and built forus a power source with which we could

apply a single controlled pulse of highvoltage, which enabled us to establishmore clearly what was going on.

A basic problem was that if we wereregistering what clairvoyants andmystics describe as the aetheric auraaround plants, we had to find out howthis was happening. On the basis thatplant activity could be associated withan effect in the surrounding aether/energy of space (either that plantactivity created an effect, or that, asmystics claim, phenomena in theaether bring about the pattern ofactivity of plants), we tried creatingdisturbances in the aether/space energyby electrical means and we found thatthese registered equally well.

We also found that we did not need aphotographic emulsion: if we coated aglass plate with fine powder, e.g., of thetype used in photocopying machines,


Figure 3. Some examples of forms created in the aether/spaceenergy by electrical potentials: (a) an expansionary daisy-likepattern created around a short cylindrical electrode to which anegative potential was applied, and a suctional root-like patterncreated when a positive potential was applied; (b) interaction between two negative expansionary patterns; (c) interactionbetween two positive suctional patterns; (d) interaction between a negative expansionary and a positive suctional pattern.

a. b.

c. d.

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this registered the phenomena.Furthermore, by examining thedistribution of the powder under a low-powered microscope, it was possible toget further information on how theobserved phenomena had formed.

We tried many experimentalconfigurations and found that positivepotentials were associated with asuctional effect and negative potentialswith an expansionary effect (figure 3).The suctional or expansionary nature ofthese forms was shown by movement

of the powder when we carried outthese experiments with a glass platecoated with a thin layer of powder.

Using the sandwich arrangementwithout any object being present in thesandwich, with the multiple-pulsetechnique we could create and registerspace-energy shapes that resembleorganic forms (figure 4). In comparingthese results with those obtained withsingle controlled pulses, we had theimpression that the multiple-pulsetechnique brought about and registeredthe phenomena observed (this couldapply to Kirlian photography andLichtenberg figures in general).

We have referred to the fact thatPierrakos stated that when hedeveloped expanded awareness, heobserved flows of energy associatedwith living activities. Occasionally weregistered something like this withleaves (figure 5).

There is great potential for exploringthe electrophotography technique tounderstand what is going on and thesignificance of the results that itproduces, e.g., what these show aboutthe nature of space energy/aether. Thisis just one of the many areas where weonly scratched the surface and thatwarrants more thorough investigation.

The electrophotography techniquerequires a high-voltage power source,and the circuit diagram for the one thatwe used is given in Kosmos.8 ∞

EEnnddnnootteess1. Baraduc, Hippolyte, The Human Soul(English translation), LibrairieInternationale de la Pensée Nouvelle,Paris, 19132. Sherwood Taylor, Frank, The FourfoldVision, Chapman & Hall, London, 19453. Bendit, Phoebe Payne, Man's LatentPowers, Faber and Faber, London, 1938;republished as Mankind's Latent Powers byPelegrin Trust/Pilgrim Books, Norwich,UK, 19924. Garrett, Eileen, My Life as a Search forthe Meaning of Mediumship, Rider & Co.,London, 19395. Brennan, Barbara A., Hands of Light,New Age Books, New York, London, 19886. Pierrakos, John C., Core Energetics,LifeRhythm, Mendocino, CA, USA, 19907. Milner, Dennis and Edward Smart, TheLoom of Creation: A Study of the Purpose andthe Forces that Weave the Pattern of Existence,Neville Spearman, London, 19768. Milner, Dennis, Kosmos: AnEvolutionary-Wholistic Account of Creation,Authors Online, Bedfordshire, UK, 2006

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Dennis Milner, DSc, FIM, FInstP, CEng,1924–2011, was an Honorary ResearchFellow at the University of Birmingham,UK. He joined the Department ofIndustrial Metallurgy in 1952 afterqualifying in physics and physics ofmaterials. A research group leader, hewas later awarded a Doctor of Sciencedegree in recognition of his originalwork on metallurgical processes.


a. b. c.Figure 4. Examples of forms in the aether/space energy created and registered by our electrophotography using the “sandwich”arrangement: (a) a feather-like form; (b) a flower-like form; (c) plant-like forms, obtained with a heated metal stud in the glassplate on the negative side of the sandwich on which we put a piece of wet filter paper.

Figure 5. Two examples of privet leavesshowing apparently associated flowphenomena in their environment. Theseresults were obtained using the multiple-pulse power source.

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Editor's Note: Robert Monroe is regarded as a modern pioneer and explorerof the nonphysical realms using out-of-body or "astral" travel. His first bookon the subject (Journeys out of the Body) was published in 1971, and Monroetreated it in quite a methodical and almost "geographical" manner.

Obviously, out-of-body travel and exploration is not new to mankind, butthis was the first time in our modern era that somebody had taken the timeand effort to document the realms of nonphysical realities that "surround"our planet. As readers of his books already know, these realms aretemporarily inhabited by all sorts of nonphysical beings—including manywho are "in between" lifetimes on Earth, some who visit while out of body,and some who visit in the same manner as that of travellers on guided tours.Consider how we can enjoy a boat tour of the River Nile in Egypt, anddisembark temporarily to view the wonders of ancient Egyptian temples andruins. Each tourist has in their hands a travel brochure which describes thehighlights and history of each destination.

The extract you are about to read is the "travel brochure" description givento various nonphysical tourists who visit Earth while on their own cruise ofcurious sites of the omniverse. This extract picks up after a discussionbetween Monroe and one of these nonphysical "tourists" ("BB") results inMonroe asking to be shown how Earth is described in their travel brochure.However, these nonphysical brochures are not "read"; instead, they are"experienced" or "felt" or "witnessed".

A couple of Monroe's terms in this extract need clarifying: "CLICK!" means"change consciousness", and "ident" signifies "a mental name or 'address'".

Note that this extract on Earth's "history and purpose" only takes you tothe point where conscious, sentient, male and female humans come intoexistence. It does not describe the rise of civilisations or human history.

LICK! Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable)requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats or uses as a drug(sic) a substance ident Loosh… This is a rare substance inSomewhere, and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever

it is used for.Faced with this question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of

Somewhere), Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, ratherthan search for it in its "natural" form. He decided to build a Garden andgrow Loosh.

In the natural state, Loosh was found to originate from a series ofvibrational actions in the carbon–oxygen cycle and the residue was Loosh invarying degrees of purity. It occurred only during such action, andsecondarily during the reactive process. Prospectors from Somewhereranged far and wide in search of Loosh sources, and new discoveries werehailed with much enthusiasm and reward.

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IInn oonnee ooff hhiiss mmaannyyoouutt--ooff--bbooddyy ttrraavveellss,,vviissiioonnaarryy rreesseeaarrcchheerr

RRoobbeerrtt MMoonnrrooeeccaammee aaccrroossss tthheessttoorryy ooff LLoooosshhccuullttiivvaattiinngg aanndd

hhaarrvveessttiinngg,, aanndd wwaasssshhoocckkeedd ttoo ddiissccoovveerrhhooww hhuummaannss aanndd

oouurr eemmoottiioonnaalleenneerrggiieess mmaayy ffiitt iinnttoo tthhee ccoossmmiicc

ffoooodd cchhaaiinn..

Cbbyy RRoobbeerrtt AA.. MMoonnrrooee ©© 11998855

Extracted and edited from chapter 12 of his book

Far Journeys(Main Street Books, Doubleday,

New York, 1985, ISBN 0-385-23182-2)

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TThhee FFiirrsstt aanndd SSeeccoonndd CCrrooppssSo it was that Someone and his Garden changed all

this. Far off, in a remote area, he set to work on hisexperiment. First, he created a proper environment forthe carbon–oxygen cycle, where it would flourish. Hecreated a balance with much care, so that proper radiationand other nourishment would be in continuous supply.

He then tried his First Crop, which actually did produceLoosh but only in small quantities and of comparativelylow grade, not significant enough to take back to the heartof Somewhere. The problem was twofold. The life periodwas too short and the crop units themselves were toominute. This brought about limits in quality and quantity,as the crop had no time to generate Loosh in such closetolerances. Moreover, the Loosh could be harvested onlyat the moment of termination of the life span, not onemoment before.

His Second Crop was no better, if as good. He changedthe environment to another part of the Garden, where thedensity was gaseous rather than liquid and the higher-density chemicals formed a solid base and thus were stillavailable. He planted numberlessunits in many varieties in a newform, with a great increase in size,some many thousands of timeslarger and more complex than thesimple, unicellular First Crop. Hereversed the carbon–oxygen cycle.Yet all had a basic uniformity. Likethe First Crop, they would reseedat regular intervals and terminatetheir life spans automatically. Toavoid the uneven distribution ofchemicals and radiation which hadbeen prevalent in the First Crop, he immobilised theSecond Crop. Each was designed to stay principally in itsown section of the Garden. To this end, each was givenfirm tendrils which burrowed deep in the more densechemical matter. Attached to this was a stem or trunkwhich helped elevate the upper portion upward for itsshare of needed radiation. The upper portion, broad, thinand somewhat fragile, was designed as a transducer ofcarbon–oxygen compounds to and from the crop unit. Asan added thought, brilliant colour radiators accompaniedby small particle generators were mounted on each unit,usually near the top and symmetrically centred.

He set up circulating patterns in the gaseous envelopearound the crop, principally to aid in the reseedingprocess. Later, he discovered that the same turbulenteffect served as a means of harvesting the Loosh. If theturbulence were violent enough, the Crop would be blowndown, the life span terminated and the Loosh woulddischarge. This was especially useful when an immediateLoosh supply was desired at a particular point rather thanat Harvest Time.

Despite all of this, the Second Crop was mostunsatisfactory. While it was true that a much greater

quantity was attained, the unrefined Loosh produced wasof such low grade that it was scarcely worth the effort. Inaddition, the growth period was now too long and noincrease in quality resulted. Some vital element wasmissing.

TThhee TThhiirrdd CCrrooppSomeone hovered over his Garden for a long period in

study before he attempted the Third Crop. It was indeed achallenge. True, he was partially successful. He hadgrown Loosh. Yet the product of his efforts fell far short ofthe wild, uncultivated variety.

It was inevitable that he perceived the answer. TheThird Crop was living proof of this Truth. The originalcarbon–oxygen cycle must be included. Mobility must berestored. Both factors had shown great promise in high-grade Loosh production. If size could be added to this,much could be accomplished.

With this plan in the forefront, Someone removedvarious sample units from the First Crop, which was stillthriving in the liquid portion of the Garden. He modified

them to exist and grow in thegaseous area. He adapted themfirst to take nourishment from theSecond Crop, which he permittedto abound for this very purpose.Thus it was that the first of theMobiles, the Third Crop, came intobeing.

The Mobiles took nourishmentfrom the Second Crop, thus endingits life span and producing low-grade Loosh. When each hugeMobile terminated its own life

span, additional Loosh was produced. The quantity wasmassive, but the frequency pattern of the Loosh residuestill left much to be desired.

It was by accident that Someone came upon the PrimeCatalyst as regards Loosh production. The monstrousand slow-moving Mobiles had a life span far out ofproportion to their nourishment input. The growth andlife-termination process was of such length that soon theMobiles would all but decimate the Second Crop. Theentire Garden would be out of balance, and there wouldbe no Loosh production whatsoever. Both the Second andThird Crop faced extinction.

As the Second Crop grew scarce, energy needs of theMobiles became acute. Often two Mobiles would seek toingest the identical Second Crop Unit. This createdConflict, which resulted in physical struggle among two ormore of the ungainly Mobiles.

Someone observed these struggles, at first bemusedwith the problem, then with great Interest. As thestruggles ensued, the Mobiles were emanating Loosh, notin fractional amounts but in sizable, usable quantities andof a much higher purity!

He quickly put the theory to the test. He removed

TThhee ggrroowwtthh aanndd lliiffee--tteerrmmiinnaattiioonn pprroocceesssswwaass ooff ssuucchh lleennggtthh tthhaattssoooonn tthhee MMoobbiilleess wwoouulldd

aallll bbuutt ddeecciimmaattee tthhee SSeeccoonndd CCrroopp..

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another unit of First Crop from the liquid Garden area,redesigned it for the gaseous environment—but with onesignificant change. The new Mobile would be somewhatsmaller, but would require the ingestion of other Mobilesfor nourishment. This would solve the problem ofoverpopulation of Mobiles, and at the same time wouldcreate good quantities of usable Loosh during eachConflict-struggle, plus a bonus if the new class of Mobileterminated the life span of the other. Someone would beable to transmit to Somewhere practical amounts ofreasonably pure Loosh.

Thus it was that the Rule of the Prime Catalyst cameinto being. Conflict among carbon–oxygen cycle unitsbrings forth consistent emanations of Loosh. It was assimple as that.

TThhee FFoouurrtthh CCrrooppSatisfied that he had found the

formula, Someone prepared the FourthCrop. He knew now that the Third CropMobiles were too large and too long inlife span to be ultimately practical. Ifgrown in large numbers, the entireGarden would have to be expanded andenlarged. There was not space enoughto grow such massive single units andthe proportionate leafy Second Cropsto support them. Also, he reasonedcorrectly that more rapid and increasedmobility would expand theConflict factor, with a resultanthigher Loosh output.

In one single motion, Someoneterminated the life spans of all thelumbering Third Crop Mobiles.Going back to the First Crop in theliquid area, he modified andexpanded them into a multitude ofshapes and sizes. He gave themcomplex multicellular structures ofhigh mobility. He designed intothem a pattern of balance. Therewere those that ingested a SecondCrop type of carbon-cycle unit (basically immobile) as anenergy source. There were others, very highly mobile, thatrequired for energy the ingestion of other mobile ModifiedFirst Crop units.

The completed circuit operated quite satisfactorily. Thestationary Second Crop modification in the liquidenvironment flourished. Small, highly active, liquid-breathing Mobiles took nourishment; they "ate" theSecond Crop modification. Larger and/or other activeMobiles consumed for energy the smaller "plant-eaters".When any Mobile grew too large and slow, it became aneasy target for the smaller Mobiles, which attacked invoracious numbers. The chemical residue from theseingestive actions settled to the bottom of the liquid

medium and so provided new nourishment for theStationaries (Modified Second Crop), completing thecircuit. The result was a steady flow of Loosh—from thelife-span termination of the Stationaries, from the intenseConflict among the Mobiles to avoid ingestion, and finallyfrom the sudden termination of the life spans of suchMobiles as the inevitable product of such Conflicts.

Turning to another portion of his Garden—the gaseousarea with a dense-compound base—Someone applied thesame techniques with even more advancedimprovements. He added many varieties of Stationaries(original Second Crop) to provide sufficient and diversenourishment for the new Mobiles he was to create.

As in the other Garden area, he made such Mobiles intoa balance of two species: those that ingested and drew

energy from the Second CropStationaries, and those that requiredother Mobiles for sustenance. Hecreated them in literally thousands oforiginal types, small, large—yet noneso large as the Third Crop Mobiles—and ingeniously gave each someappurtenance for conflict. These tookthe form of mass, elusive speed,deceptive and/or protective coating andcolour radiation, wave-action andparticle perceptors and detectors, andunique higher-density protuberancesfor gouging, grasping and rending

during conflict. All of the latterserved neatly to add to andprolong the conflict periods, withthe resultant increase in Looshemanation.

TThhee PPiieeccee ooff SSoommeeoonneeAs a side experiment, Someone

designed and created one form ofMobile that was weak andineffective by the standards of theother Mobiles in the Fourth Crop.Yet this experimental Mobile hadtwo distinct advantages. It had the

ability to ingest and take energy from both theStationaries and other Mobiles. Second, Someone pulledforth a Piece of Himself—no other source of suchSubstance being known or available—to act as anintensive, ultimate trigger to mobility. Following the Ruleof Attraction, Someone knew that such infusion wouldcreate in this particular Mobile species an unceasingmobility. Always, it would seek to satisfy the attractionthis tiny mote of Himself engendered as it sought reunionwith the infinite Whole. Thus the drive for satisfaction ofenergy requirements through ingestion would not be theonly motivating force. More important, the needs andcompulsions created by the Piece of Someone could notbe satiated throughout the Garden. Thus the need for

TThhuuss iitt wwaass tthhaatt tthheeRRuullee ooff tthhee PPrriimmeeCCaattaallyysstt ccaammee iinnttoo


CCoonnfflliicctt aammoonnggccaarrbboonn––ooxxyyggeenn ccyyccllee

uunniittss bbrriinnggss ffoorrtthhccoonnssiisstteenntt

eemmaannaattiioonnss ooff LLoooosshh..

IItt wwaass aass ssiimmppllee aasstthhaatt..

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mobility would be ever present, and the Conflict betweenthis need and that of energy replacement would beconstant—possibly a continuous, high-order Looshemanator if it survived.

The Fourth Crop exceeded all of Someone'sexpectations. It became apparent that a consistent, usefulflow of Loosh was being produced in the Garden. Thebalance of "life" operated perfectly, with the Conflict factorproducing immense amounts of Loosh and a steadysupplement brought into being by the constant life-spanterminations from all types of Mobiles and Stationaries.To handle the output, Someone set up Special Collectorsto aid in the harvest. He set up channels to convey theraw Loosh from his Garden to Somewhere. No longer didSomewhere depend principally upon the "wild state" asthe principal source of Loosh. TheGarden of Someone had ended that.

With the success of the Garden andthe production of Loosh by cultivatedmeans, Others began to design andbuild their Gardens. This was inaccordance with the Law of Supply andDemand (Vacuum is an unstablecondition), as the amounts of Looshfrom Someone's Garden only partiallymet the requirements of Somewhere.Collectors on behalf of the Othersactually entered the Garden ofSomeone to take advantage of thosesmall emanations of Looshoverlooked or ignored by theCollectors of Someone.

Someone, his work completed,returned to Somewhere andoccupied himself with othermatters. Loosh production stayedat a constant level under thesupervision of the Collectors. Theonly alterations were ordered bySomeone himself. Underinstructions from Someone, theCollectors periodically harvestedsegments of the Fourth Crop. Thiswas done to ensure adequate chemicals, radiation andother nourishment for the younger, oncoming units. Asecondary purpose was to provide occasional extraamounts of Loosh created by such harvesting.

To reap such harvest, the Collectors generated storms ofturbulence and turmoil in both the gaseous envelope andthe more solid chemical formations that were the base ofthe Garden itself. Such upheavals had the effect ofterminating life spans of multitudes of the Fourth Crop asthey were crushed under the rolling base formation orsmothered under waves from the agitated liquid area ofthe Garden. (By peculiarity of design, Fourth Crop unitscould not maintain their carbon–oxygen cycle surroundedby the liquid medium.)

TThhee DDiiffffeerreenncceeThe Garden pattern of "Life" might have gone on thus

throughout eternity had it not been for the perceptionand inquisitiveness of Someone. On occasion, he wouldstudy samples of Loosh from his Garden. There was nomotive in doing so, other than the fact that Someonemay have held a remote continuing interest in hisproject.

On a particular analysis of a Loosh sample, Someonehad casually examined the emanations and was about toreturn it to the Reservoir—when he became aware of aDifference. It was very slight, but there it was.

His interest centred immediately. He looked again.Woven delicately in with the more common Looshemanations was a slender fragment of purified and

distilled Loosh. This was animpossibility. Purified and distilledLoosh resulted only after the "wildstate" Loosh had been processedmany times. The Loosh from theGarden of Someone required the sametreatment before it could be used.

Yet here it was—so finely graded inits refined radiations that it could orwould not return into compound withthe raw substance. Someonereaffirmed his tests, and the result stillwas positive. There was a factor in hisGarden of which he was unaware.

Quickly, Someone leftSomewhere and returned to hisGarden. Outwardly, all seemedthe same. The solid-base gaseousareas of the Garden were anendless carpet of green reflectionfrom the thriving Second Crop.The Modified First Crop in theliquid area was in perfect accordwith the Action–Reaction Law (aDivision of Cause and Effect).Someone perceived without delaythat the Difference—the source ofdistilled Loosh—lay neither with

the First nor with the Second Crop.He found his first momentary touch of distilled Loosh

emanation in one of the units of the Fourth Crop (whichby then had filtered throughout the plantings of theSecond Crop). The flash came during the unusual actionof this unit as it entered into a life-terminating strugglewith another Fourth Crop unit. This alone would notcreate distilled Loosh, Someone knew, and he probeddeeper for the source.

It was at that moment he discovered the Difference.The Fourth Crop Unit was not struggling in Conflict overan ingestible remnant of a weaker Fourth Crop unit or atasty frond from a nearby Second Crop stern—or toavoid termination of life and ingestion by the other

WWiitthh tthhee ssuucccceessssooff tthhee GGaarrddeenn aannddtthhee pprroodduuccttiioonn ooff

LLoooosshh bbyyccuullttiivvaatteedd mmeeaannss,,OOtthheerrss bbeeggaann ttooddeessiiggnn aanndd bbuuiillddtthheeiirr GGaarrddeennss..

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conflicting Fourth Crop unit. It was in Conflict to protectand save from life termination three of its own newlygenerated species huddled under a large Second Cropunit waiting for the outcome. There was no doubt aboutit. This was the action that produced the flashes ofdistilled Loosh.

With this clue, Someone examined the actions of otherFourth Crop units in the Garden. He found similarflashes when other Fourth Crop units took the sameaction in defence of their "young". Still, there was aninconsistency. The sum of all such flashes of distilledLoosh emanation from all such actions by the currentFourth Crop units would not amount to half of the totalhe had found in the sample from the Reservoir. It wasobvious that another factor was present.

Systematically, he hovered over the Garden, extendinghis perception to all areas. Almost immediately, hefound the source. High-order distilled Loosh radiationwas originating from one particular section of theGarden. Quickly, he hurried to the spot.

There it was—an experimentalModified Fourth Crop unit, oneof those that contained a Pieceof Himself in its functionalpattern. It was standing aloneunder the leafy upper portion ofa large Second Crop unit. It wasnot "hungry". It was not inConflict with another FourthCrop unit. It was not acting indefence of its "young". Thenwhy did it emanate distilledLoosh in such great quantity?

Someone moved closer. Hisperception entered into the Modified Fourth Crop unitand then he knew. The unit was lonely! It was this effectthat produced distilled Loosh.

As Someone drew back, he noted another unusualinconsistency. The Modified Fourth Crop unit suddenlyhad become aware of His Presence. It had collapsed andwas jerking in strange convulsions on the solid-baseformation. Clear liquid was being expelled from the tworadiation-perceiving orifices. With this, the distilledLoosh emitted became even more pronounced.

TThhee FFoorrmmuullaaIt was from this that Someone propounded his now

famous DLP Formula, which is in effect in the Garden atthis time.

The balance of the story is well known. Someoneincluded the fundamental in his formula: "The creationof pure, distilled Loosh is brought forth in Type 4M unitsby the action of unfulfilment, but only if such pattern isenacted at a vibratory level above the sensory bounds ofthe environment. The greater the intensity of saidpattern, the greater the output of Loosh distillate."

To put the formula into effect, Someone designed

subtle changes in his Garden, all of them familiar toevery historian. The splitting of all Crop units intoHalves (to engender loneliness as they sought toreunite) and the encouragement of dominance of theType 4M unit are but two of the most noteworthylimitations.

As it appears now, the Garden is a fascinatingspectacle of efficiency. The Collectors have long sincebecome Masters at the Art of the DLP Formula. Type 4Munits dominate and have spread through the entireGarden, with the exception of the deeper portions of theliquid medium. These are the principal producers ofLoosh distillate.

From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entiretechnology with complementary tools for the harvestingof Loosh from the Type 4M units. The most commonhave been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate,pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership,possession, sacrifice—and on a larger scale, nations,provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom,

industry, trade, to list a few.Loosh production is higher thanever before…

TThhee DDoowwnnssiiddeeCLICK! I was closed tightly,

turned inward, stunned. Myfirst reaction was: there had tobe some mistake; this was notthe story-history of Earth. BBhad it mixed up with someother port of call on their cruiseschedule. Yet as I ran the infoagain, the overlay of what little

I knew of Earth's zoological and human history wasuncomfortably accurate, albeit from anotherperspective. The food chain of Earth's ecobiologicsystem had been well established. Knowing this aboutMother Nature, some of the hard-core philosophicspeculators had often pondered where the humananimal fitted in the process. The downside was, it wasobvious who ate us! Before, it had been just that,speculation… ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Robert A. Monroe (30 October 1915 – 17 March 1995)graduated in 1937 with a BA in Engineering and was asuccessful radio producer, broadcasting executive andmusic composer before starting his research into humanconsciousness in the 1950s. The inventor of Hemi-Sync®technology, which utilises binaural beats to trigger alteredstates of consciousness, he was awarded three US patents.His books, Journeys Out of the Body (1971), Far Journeys(1985) and Ultimate Journey (1994), have inspired millions oftruth-seekers. In 1974, his research group became TheMonroe Institute (http://www.monroeinstitute.org), andthrough it his legacy continues to this day.

HHiiss ppeerrcceeppttiioonn eenntteerreedd iinnttootthhee MMooddiiffiieedd FFoouurrtthh CCrrooppuunniitt aanndd tthheenn hhee kknneeww..TThhee uunniitt wwaass lloonneellyy!! IItt wwaass tthhiiss eeffffeecctt tthhaatt

pprroodduucceedd ddiissttiilllleedd LLoooosshh..

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by Ahmad Jamaludin ©1979FO occupants or "humanoids"present themselves in variousshapes and sizes, as do the

UFOs. Other countries have beenexperiencing close encounters withhumanoids of diversified forms, but Iwould like to draw attention to thereports in Malaysia where humanoidencounters have been confined toonly one type: tiny entitiesmeasuring from three to six inches[~7.6 to 15.2 centimetres] in height.

Though reports of the other UFOcategories bear similarity to theglobal sightings, encounters withhumanoids in Malaysia on therecord so far are in a class of theirown. There has not been a singlereported incident of encounters withUFO occupants measuring tallerthan six inches in height. It is alsoto be noted that there has not beena single case of a UFO measuringgreater than three feet [~0.9 metre]in diameter landing on Malaysiansoil. These observations constitute apuzzle, and if any explanations canbe given it is hoped that some

relationship with the global UFOlandings may give a clue to the UFOphenomenon.

Seven alleged encounters, the fullstories of which are incomplete sincethe principal witnesses cannot belocated, are listed below.

• Case 1: Johor Bahru, 1970. Fourboys going to school one morningsaw a small UFO and tiny, six-inch-tall, creatures. The boys reportedtheir sighting to the headmaster and,since it occurred on the schoolpremises, the news soon broke outand everyone at the school wascombing the area, looking for thecreatures. One small burnt patch onthe ground was found. The UFO wasgone.

• Case 2: Gambang near Kuantan,1973. Two schoolboys claimed tohave seen tiny humanoids, onlythree inches tall, in the schoolcompound. It is said that the boysactually caught one of the creatures,which attracted the attention of ateacher. He arrived in time to see itbefore the tiny creature finallymanaged to escape.

• Case 3: Bukit Mertajam, 1973. Agroup of boys playing football in a

school field sighted a small UFO thathad landed nearby. From it emergedtiny creatures which one of the boysimmediately tried to catch. A beamof light was fired at the boy's hand.The UFO flew away.

• Case 4: Ipoh, 1973. A small UFOcarrying tiny humanoids landed in aschool field. Several schoolboyswho sighted it excitedly called theirteachers. They came just too late tosee the object speeding away.

• Case 5: Miri, Sarawak, 1973.Several boys saw a humanoid aboutsix inches tall, wearing a white suitand cutting a fence wire with anintense beam of light. They tried tocatch it, but lost it in the bushes.The boys saw no UFO.

• Case 6: Miri, Sarawak, 1973.Several people on vacation along thebeach sighted a group of tiny beingswearing white suits. There wereabout six or seven of them. Theywore no masks, and they resembledhumans except for their tiny size.This group consisted of possiblymales and females. The femaleswere notable because of their longhair. An attempt to catch themfailed. No saucer was sighted.


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• Case 7: Bukit Mertajam, 1979. Asmall UFO landed on a field nearsome boys. One boy tried to catch athree-inch creature that emergedfrom it. It fired a beam thattemporarily paralysed his right arm.The UFO then flew away.

From these seven reportedencounters in Malaysia, from thefirst known landing in 1970 throughMay 1979, there were five cases ofclose encounters with tinyhumanoids, and two cases from theEast Malaysia where no UFO wassighted.

Cases 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 occurred inWest Malaysia. All these sightingswere reported by schoolchildren, andall the landings took place on schoolpremises. The creatures measured,in all cases, either three inches or sixinches tall. All were equipped with atype of ray gun. They were describedas well dressed in one-piece suits.Some had a slightly larger head andround eyes. The three-inchhumanoids sometimes had twoantenna-like structures protrudingfrom the head.

There were three more probableencounters with tiny humanoids inMalaysia, but unfortunately theorigin of the incidents cannot betraced.

One case, a probable landing,occurred on 26 May 1979 near Kulim,where the witnesses, three boys andtwo adults, claimed to have sighteda small UFO hovering a few feetabove the ground, perhaps in anattempt to land since its threelanding gears were already down.When the witnesses tried to touchthe object, an intense light ray shoneinto their eyes and temporarilyblinded them. This shows that thesmall UFO was intelligentlycontrolled from inside.

Considering the craft's small size,estimated at about two feet [~0.61cm] in diameter, the UFO occupants,if there were any inside, would haveto measure about three inches inheight to fit comfortably inside theobject.

Of nine reported landings orencounters with humanoids, sevencases occurred in broad daylight;only two were known to have takenplace at night. There have been noreports of encounters with UFOoccupants after dawn.

Almost all of the UFOs sighted atclose range on the ground orhovering close to the groundmeasured on average less than threefeet in diameter.

UFOs that were sighted in the air

were usually of a large size. Therehave been reports of a disc-shapedUFO as big as a house flying over thehilly country in eastern Malaysia,and a long elliptical object like aneon light was also sighted high inthe sky.

Why are Malaysian encounterswith UFOs and humanoidscharacterised by tiny sizes whencompared with sightings in otherparts of the world? Why do mostlandings occur in the daytime whenother worldwide landings usuallyhappen at night? If deception is partof the UFO phenomenon, then thetiny size of these humanoids mayallow them to easily escapeunnoticed. Since there have been noreports of encounters with bigger orhuman-sized humanoids in the darkhours, then we again ask why mostlandings have to be conducted in thedaytime.

It has been observed that UFOsseem to be attracted to the fracture-zone areas of high seismic activity.In fact, it can be seen that there arefewer UFO reports from earthquake-free areas or countries comparedwith the bulk of reports fromearthquake zones or areas that haverecords of or have "felt" even theslightest earth tremors. Malaysia isan earthquake-free country. Theareas of gravitational and magneticanomalies which UFOs may use tooperate so effectively are lacking inthis region. Is the tiny size acompensation for themanoeuvrability to land on and takeoff from a magnetically stable area? (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, USA, no.141, November 1979)


by Ahmad Jamaludin 1981

Some time in 1975 or 1976, therewas some excitement inKuantan, Malaysia, when a

strange encounter with a three-inch-tall man-like creature was reported.

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“For goodness sake, Stephen, tuck your DNA in.”

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The incident occurred about ninemiles [~14.5 km] from the town ofKuantan.

To add to the excitement, thesmall UFO which ferried the tinyentity is said to have landed right inthe Royal Malaysian Air Force(RMAF) Base there.

There were three young witnessesto the encounter. The third witness,not mentioned in the newspaperaccount below, is known to be still inschool in Kuantan. I have tried tolocate this witness, and at this timeof writing have still not succeeded.

The whereabouts of the other twowitnesses is not known, and it isconceivable that they moved toother Air Force installations in thecountry with their parents.

Until the third witness can belocated for the complete story, Ipresent below the newspaper reportwhich was forwarded to me by afriend, but with the date of the reportmissing.

It appeared on the front page ofthe New Straits Times published inKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The report,entitled "Believe it or not",unfortunately omitted to mentionthe UFO.

I have tried to contact the reporterof this item, but unfortunately heresigned a few years ago and is nowworking somewhere in thegovernment departments.

Below is the short account of theincident as it appeared in the paper.

"Kuantan, Thursday — A 3-inch-tall creature said to resemble ahuman being has become the talk ofthe RMAF base here since itsreported sighting by a schoolboy twodays ago. The story has also spreadto the town.

"Paul Lazario, 9, a pupil of theRMAF Primary School, said he sawthe creature two days ago near adrain at the RMAF field. It wasstopping to drink water, he added. 'Icaught it but it escaped from my gripand ran into some undergrowth near

the drain,' he said. "It had two feelers on the head and

held a steel-like rod in its hand. Apistol was hanging from its waist. Itwas brown in colour and looked likea man, he added.

"Paul said he related the incidentto his friends and in the eveningthree of them went to the spot nearthe field. And according toschoolboy Neo Lee Ann, 12, all threesaw the creature moving about onthe area. 'When it saw us, it ran intothe undergrowth and disappeared,'he said.

"A teacher of the school, Mr YewKim Guan, said when he heard thestory he went to investigate. 'Therewas no sign of the creature in thearea, but I saw a Red Indian–likewigwam beautifully weaved out ofgrass. It was partly crushed,' he said.

"He added he didn't know whetherto believe the story."

That is the end of the newspaperaccount of what could only bedescribed as a bizarre affair.

At the time of writing, I havedocumented 24 cases: about 50 percent of the tiny entities were sightedwith their little UFOs and theremainder without the UFOs. (Source: Flying Saucer Review, UK, vol.26, no. 5, January 1981)


The Spanish-language websiterevistadigitalavalon has

published several articlesdiscussing the idea of paralleluniverses. An intriguing story of awoman named Lerina García, whoappears to be from either anotherdimension or a parallel Earth, isfeatured on the website. ApparentlyGarcía left this message on a chatforum on 16 July 2008:

"Four months ago, I awoke on anormal morning. I was in my rentedhome where I'd been living for sevenyears. Everything was the same,except that my bed linen wasdifferent, and I paid no attention atthe time.

"So I went to work in my car, whichwas parked where I'd always parked,and it was the same office I'd workedin for the last 20 years. But when Igot to my department, it wasn't mydepartment. It had names on thedoor, and mine wasn't on it. Ithought I was on the wrong floor, butno, it was my own floor. I went overto the office's wireless section andlooked myself up. I still workedthere, but in another department,reporting to a superior I didn't evenknow.

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"So I went to the departmentindicated in the directory, said I wasfeeling ill, and left. All the contentsof my handbag were the same: mycredit cards, my ID, everything, but Ididn't recall having changeddepartments at any time.

"I went to the doctor andunderwent drug and alcoholtesting…all clean.

"I returned to work the next dayand was able to make my way byasking questions and saying that Iwasn't feeling well.

"I've been separated from mypartner of seven years for some sixmonths. We broke up and I started arelationship with a fellow from myneighbourhood. I know himperfectly well, having been with himfor four months. I know his name,surname, address, where he works,his son from another relationshipand where he studies.

"Well, that fellow no longer exists.He appeared to have existed beforemy 'jump', but there is no trace ofhim now. I've hired a detective tofind him and he does not exist.

"I've visited a psychiatrist and it'sall been put down to stress. Hethinks they're hallucinations, but Iknow this isn't the case.

"My former boyfriend is with me asthough nothing had happened—apparently we never broke it off [in

this world]—and Agustín (my currentboyfriend) appears to have neverexisted. He doesn't live in theapartment where he used to live, andI cannot find his son.

"I swear to you that it's true andthat I'm very sane. My own familydoesn't remember things like surgeryperformed on my sister's shoulder afew months ago: she says she'snever been operated on. Smallthings to that effect.

"I cannot find any pathology thatmatches my experience. For fivemonths I've been reading all of thetheories I've come across and amconvinced that it has been a jumpbetween planes or something, adecision or action taken that hascaused things to change.

"What upsets me is that I'm in thesame year, not in a different time,and I'm exactly the same. Let meexplain: it's as though I had lost mymemory five months ago and wokenup having dreamed those fivemonths, with the exception thateveryone remembers me during thattime, and I've done things that I'mnot aware of having done.

"Has anyone had a similarexperience? Pranksters can refrainfrom commenting. This is veryserious to me. Thank you. Light."(Source: Avalon Enigmas y Misterios, 18February 2011, http://tinyurl.com/7qrcwhb)


Acurious incident took place inTokyo, Japan, during the early

1990s: a man arrived on a flightwith a passport from a nonexistentcountry. The man expressed angerand shock when Japanese customsofficials detained him.

Although the officials checkedtheir records carefully, the passporthad been issued by a country thatdid not exist. No record showed thatthe country had ever existed. Thepassport was real and had customsofficials' stamps on various pages,including stamps by Japanesecustoms officials from previousvisits. The man was a well-travelledCaucasian who said that the countrywas in Europe and had existed foralmost 1,000 years. He carried legalcurrency from several Europeancountries and an internationaldriver's licence, and he spoke severallanguages.

Finally, indignant, he demanded ameeting with higher governmentauthorities. He was convinced thatsome massive practical joke wasbeing played on him.

After being detained for almost 14hours in a small security room at theairport terminal, some governmentofficials took pity on him andtransported him to a hotel. Theyordered the visitor to wait there untilthey decided what to do about thematter. From the reports, theJapanese were just as confused andflustered as the mysterious manwithout a country.

Although two immigration officialswere posted with instructions not topermit the man to leave his room,the next morning the guardsdiscovered that he was gone. Theonly exit was the door that they hadwatched, and the only window hadno outside ledge and was 15 storeysabove a busy downtown street.

The man was never seen again.(Source: Before It’s News, 3 January 2012,http://tinyurl.com/85suylr)

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"The picture's snowy."

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OOnnee ooff tthhee BBiibbllee''ssmmoosstt ffaammoouuss ''lloosstt


translated by Richard Laurence

One of the Bible's most famous "lost books, unearthed inAbyssinia (now Ethiopia) in 1773. Its themes include

apocalyptic visions, the actions of angels and demons, theMessianic age, the New Jerusalem, the Resurrection and theFinal Judgement. Enoch, the son of Cain, communicates withthe "fallen ones", whose interference in human affairs resultedin the introduction of evil into the world, and more.

TThhee BBooookk ooff EEnnoocchhTThhee BBooookk ooff EEnnoocchhtthhee PPrroopphheetttthhee PPrroopphheett

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by John Brandenburg Ph.D

Veteran plasma physicist John Brandenburg reveals the newtheory that finally accomplishes what Einstein failed to do:

the GEM Unification Theory proves the mathematical andphysical interrelation of the forces of gravity andelectromagnetism! He also traces the surprising, hiddeninfluence of Nikola Tesla on Einstein’s life. Brandenburgdescribes control of space-time geometry throughelectromagnetism, and states that faster-than-light travel willbe possible in the future.

GGrraavviittyy && EElleeccttrroo--mmaaggnneettiissmm rreeddeeffiinneeddGGrraavviittyy && EElleeccttrroo--mmaaggnneettiissmm rreeddeeffiinneedd

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aanndd RReeppoorrttssedited by David Hatcher Childress

Alarge-format compilation of various patents, papers,descriptions and diagrams concerning free-energy

devices and systems. The Free-Energy Device Handbook is avisual tool for experimenters and researchers intomagnetic motors and other over-unity devices. Withchapters on the Adams Motor, the Hans Coler Generator,cold fusion, superconductors, N-machines, space-energygenerators, Nikola Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, and thelatest in free-energy devices. Packed with photos,technical diagrams, patents and fascinating information,this book belongs on every science shelf.

FFrreeee EEnneerrggyy RReesseeaarrcchhFFrreeee EEnneerrggyy RReesseeaarrcchh

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DDEEAATTHH OONN AA FFOORRKKbbyy GGwwyynnnnee HH.. DDaavviieess,, DDSScc,, NNDD,, DDOOO-Books, Hampshire, UK, 2011ISBN 978-1-84694-837-4 (316pp tpb)Available: www.o-books.net

Retired British clinical ecologistand naturopathic doctor Gwynne

Davies has had over 30 years'experience in assessing his patients'health problems and "triggers". He'snow updated his 2004 book Allergies –Breakthrough to Health in view of newfindings in the field.

At the core of his healing approachis his stance on foods, and certainlyDr Davies is on the side of avoidingmilk and milk products as well as thefour Cs: coffee, cheese, chocolateand citrus. He describes the mostcommon allergic reactions and whyand how they happen, as well as themethods of testing for allergies andovercoming them (appliedkinesiology is especially helpful).

Central to Dr Davies's hypothesis isthat a common pancreaticmalfunction triggers reactions thatthe immune system is unable to dealwith, and then other systems go downin response. Mast cells are attackedby antibodies, the adrenal glands are

atrophied, and then the mast cellsshrug off the antibodies and flood thesystem. This action can account formany conditions from migraine tobronchitis, asthma to irritable bowelsyndrome, rheumatoid arthritis tohyperactivity. Many of Dr Davies'spatients attest to the success of hisregimes, as seen in their positivetestimonials. You'll surely find muchuseful information herein.

SSUUPPEERRCCHHAARRGGEE YYOOUURR HHEEAARRTT IINNSSEECCOONNDDSSbbyy SStteevveenn RRoocchhlliittzz,, PPhhDDHuman Ecology Balancing Sciences,Cottonwood, AZ, USA, 2011ISBN 0-945262-60-4 (146pp tpb)Available: www.wellatlast.com

Would you like to be healthy intoyour 90s and beyond, just as so

many music conductors have been?What if a few easy exercises couldextend your longevity and quality oflife? And what is it about conductorsthat they live long, fruitful lives?

Seeking to solve his own healthproblems, physicist Dr StevenRochlitz (see article in this issue)obtained answers in appliedkinesiology and in his observationsthat these maestros use specific armmotions when conducting orchestras.Their movements utilise thesubscapularis muscle, connected to

the heart's acupuncture meridian andto the heart itself, and are enhancedby humming or carrying a melody andlooking around at the orchestra.

By 1985, Dr Rochlitz had developedthe first of his heart–brain integrationexercises, incorporating arm and legmovements as well as humming andeye rotations. The testimonials heincludes in this updated edition of anearlier book affirm the efficacy of hisexercises. This breakthrough modehas been shown to normalise bloodpressure, increase stamina andathletic performance, overcomeallergies, Candida and even multiplesclerosis, and add years to lives. DrRochlitz has apt advice on nutritionto nurture heart and brain health.This is simple, workable informationthat can effect powerful healing.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRuutthh PPaarrnneellll

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SSTTOONNEE AAGGEE FFAARRMMIINNGGbbyy AAllaannnnaa MMoooorree Python Press, Castlemaine, Victoria,Australia, 2011, 2nd editionISBN 978-0-9757782-3-4 (210pp tpb)Available: www.pythonpress.com;www.geomantica.com

Ten years after the release of StoneAge Farming (see review in 8/04),

dowser, geomancer and permaculturefarmer Alanna Moore has publishedan updated, revised edition of herguide to esoteric farming andgardening practices. This editionincorporates recent findings inachieving environmental harmonythrough permaculture design, andlong-term results in usingparamagnetic antennae to improvesoil health and increase crop yields.These antennae are inspired by theIrish Round Towers, which visionaryscientist Dr Phil Callahan describedas "silicon-rich semiconductors ofcosmic energies" because of theparamagnetic material they utilise.Moore has practical advice on makingthe most of a power tower and ontroubleshooting potential problemswith location, materials, constructionand environmental disturbances.

Moore's book instructs on suchtopics as using rock dust to save soil,restoring natural resonance withEarth acupuncture, incorporating

dowsing and radionics intogardening, applying dynamic growingprinciples using modern biodynamicsand Earth-spirited permaculture, andfarming in the city. It's big on ancientwisdom and modern, ecologicallysustainable farming practices.

QQUUEEEENN OOFF TTHHEE SSUUNNeeddiitteedd bbyy TTaaggggaarrtt SSiieeggeell aanndd JJoonn BBeettzzClairview Books, Forest Row, UK, 2011ISBN 978-1-905570-34-8 (144pp tpb)Available: www.clairviewbooks.com

Anew film documentary, Queen of theSun, is currently making waves.

Its central theme concerns what'shappening to the honey bees, whichsince 2006 have been disappearingmysteriously in increasing numbers.The phenomenon is called colonycollapse disorder (CCD). This book isa companion to the film, and hasbeen compiled by director TaggartSiegel together with producer JonBetz. It contains many full-colourstills from the film and relatedsources, and includes heartfelt andinformative contributions fromfeatured spokespeople—well-credentialled biodynamic and organicbeekeepers, scientists, farmers,activists, poets and philosophers.

Various theories have been putforward in an attempt to explainCCD—e.g., EM radiation, GE crops,

forced migration to pollinate far-distant trees, and high-fructose cornsyrup supplements—but the jury isstill out. It's not as if we've not hadany warning. In 1923, Rudolf Steinerwarned that bees would die outwithin 100 years if they werereproduced by only artificial means—an all-too-common practice today.Beekeeping has a 15,000-year history,but it's taken less than 100 years tocompromise or ruin our bee colonies.

This compilation, like the film, is awake-up call for us to re-establish ouressential links with Nature and worktowards a sustainable future.Without bees pollinating our foodcrops, we die. We must protect thissacred, community-minded insectthat's intrinsic to the survival of somuch life on Earth.



Internet radio for the mind.Covering everything from thespiritual and alternative to the

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GGAARRDDEENNIINNGG AASS AA SSAACCRREEDD AARRTTbbyy JJeerreemmyy NNaayyddlleerrFloris Books, Edinburgh, UK, 2011ISBN 978-0-86315-834-6 (119pp tpb)Available: www.florisbooks.co.uk

The history of gardening has muchto show about changes in human

consciousness in relation to thenatural world. Professional gardenerJeremy Naydler, who has a doctoratein theology, is compelled to restoresacredness to the art of gardening byacknowledging its spiritualdimension. While for the ancientEgyptians the layout of their gardenswas a recreation of the First Time, bythe late Roman Republic and earlyEmpire period the garden hadbecome much more ornamental, as ifa slave to man's desires. It was as ifthe gods and spirits had withdrawnfrom Nature, suggests Naydler.

The next phase of gardening in thewestern world was fairly utilitarian,but the Islamic world continued toimbue meaning and purpose with itswater-feature gardens, particularlyinspired by the Persian model ofwalled gardens and "paradise"hunting parks. The mediaevalwestern garden took on the idea thatthe qualities of plants could bemirrored in the human soul. By theRenaissance, gardens (and men) werethe measure of things, exerting

architectural dominion over Nature—a state that continued into the 18thcentury. Yet many artists like Blakeand Monet turned their creativegenius to expressing gardening as asacred art, praising Nature's glory.

Naydler suggests that "the gardencalls to us from the future, where itexists as a still unrealised ideal". Inhis beautifully illustrated book, heresounds the call of the garden as a"necessary counterbalance andcorrective". It's a welcome messagetowards resanctifying our world.

TTHHEE GGIIZZAA PPRROOPPHHEECCYYbbyy SSccootttt CCrreeiigghhttoonn aanndd GGaarryy OOssbboorrnnBear & Company, Rochester, USA, 2012ISBN 978-1-59143-132-9 (352pp tpb)www.BearandCompanyBooks.com

Among the interesting similaritiesbetween Freemasonry and ancient

Egypt is that the angle of 23.5° isseen in the masonic keystone designas well as in the Great Pyramid ofGiza. This same angle is alsoencoded in mediaeval cathedrals andRenaissance artworks, hidden inplain sight from the Church becauseit represented heretical knowledge ofthe axial tilt of the Earth (which wassupposed to be fixed at the centre ofthe cosmos) as well as knowledge ofdisaster that a new tilting can bring.

Engineer Scott Creighton and

ancient mysteries researcher GaryOsborn show that the Great Pyramidis a compendium encompassingmathematical, geodetic, astronomicaland cosmological formulas. Thestandard unit of measure, the gravitycubit, may have been set from valuesderived from the sunset at Gizaduring the autumnal equinox.

The authors expand on the work ofFreemason Frank Higgins, who in1919 proposed that the geophysical-axis-related "cosmic angles" of 11.75°,23.5° and 47° are part of the designof the Great Pyramid as well asancient temples around the world,and of Robert Bauval with his Orion'sBelt correlations on the Giza Plateau.That the Giza pyramids layout pointsto a 13,000-year prophetic timeline isjust one of their many revelations.


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SSAAUUCCEERRSS,, SSWWAASSTTIIKKAASS AANNDD PPSSYYOOPPSSbbyy JJoosseepphh PP.. FFaarrrreellllAdventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-935487-75-3 (267pp tpb)www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com

Continuing his theme of advancedtechnologies emanating from the

Third Reich (see 17/04, 16/02, 13/06),historian Joseph Farrell asks why twodisparate technologies representing atwo-track space program—one secret,the other "deep black"—were pursuedby Nazi Germany as well as postwarPaperclip Nazis. The technologies alsoinvolved psychological warfare tomanage perceptions, e.g., the ideathat ET saucer technology could havebeen reverse-engineered by theNazis. But what was the agenda, andwhose agenda was it? Could thepostwar Nazis have been part of a"breakaway civilisation"?

This idea was first tied to the UFOsubject by Richard M. Dolan in UFOsand the National Security State (9/06),and Farrell gives due credit. Much ofhis new book focuses on thestructure and postwar history of thisquasireligious, fascist, supranationalgroup and evidence for its monopolyover advanced scientific concepts andresultant technologies employed incovert activities and secret facilitiescloaked from public scrutiny.

Among many clues that Farrellinvestigates are anomalies to do withthe story of ET contactee GeorgeAdamski. Considering that the retro-styled flying saucers that Adamski

supposedly photographed and visitedin the 1950s have an uncannyresemblance to sketches/photos ofthe Nazi Hannebu saucer madepublic in the 1960s, could Adamskihave been part of a wider psyop?

Farrell posits that this breakawaycivilisation has several factions,including the Anglo–Americancorporate elite and an internationalcriminal syndicate. His well-argued,well-researched book, influenced byDr Carroll Quigley's historicalanalysis techniques, overturns manyassumptions of modern history.

AALLIIEENN IINNTTEERRFFAACCEEbbyy MMiikkee OOrraamm aanndd FFrraann PPiicckkeerriinnggStar Hill Publishing, UK, 2011ISBN 978-1-907710-07-0 (91pp tpb)Available: www.starhillpublishing.co.uk

This amazing story has been a longtime coming. Former RAF airman

"George", whose details remainprivate, recorded interviews with UFOresearcher Mike Oram in 1992 whichhave only been published now.

George claimed to have had threeremarkable encounters with advancedalien beings in December 1964 in theFrome region of England, just beforethe so-called Warminster UFO flapthat started on Christmas Day (andwent on till the late 1970s). Hisexperiences happened in the veryearly days of contactee encountersand have important historical value.

To cut a long and fascinating storyshort, the ET whom he met gave himwarnings about nuclear technology,radiation and waste storage issues,similar to many reports from latercontactees. This kindly, thoughtfulalien was dispensing informationabout future catastrophes in thehope that we humans might avertnuclear and environmental disastersand overcome the grip of theControllers. It's in our hands; wehave free will. The fact that some ofthe prophecies haven't quite cometrue as foretold may mean that wecan still do something about our direcircumstances. This account is a keyaddition to ufological lore.


TTiirreedd ooff tthhee ccrraazziieess aattGGooddLLiikkeePPrroodduuccttiioonnss??

BBoorreedd wwiitthh tthhee sskkeeppttiiccss aattAAbboovveeTTooppSSeeccrreett??

TThhee CCHHAANNII PPrroojjeeccttCCoonnssppiirraaccyy FFoorruumm

iiss aa qquuaalliittyy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnffoorruumm,, ffrreeqquueenntteedd bbyyppeeooppllee wwhhoo wwaanntt mmoorreetthhaann wwhhaatt iiss oonn ooffffeerr


FFrriieennddllyy,, ppoolliittee aanndd ssiinncceerreeppeeooppllee eexxpplloorriinngg tthhee ccuuttttiinngg--

eeddggee iissssuueess ooff oouurr ttiimmeess..


““uu rr ggoodd iinn yyoorr uunniivveerrsseebbuutt uu nnoott ggoodd iinn ggooddss uunniivveerrssee””

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PPRROODDIIGGAALL GGEENNIIUUSSTThhee LLiiffee ooff NNiikkoollaa TTeessllaa

by John J. O'Neill

This is a definitive biography of theman without whom moderncivi l izat ion would not exist . I tcontains many rare photographs ofTesla and his most advancedinventions. Tesla could see aninvention in 3-D, from every angle,within his mind, before it was built •how he refused to accept the NobelPrize • why Tesla clung to his theoriesof electricity in the face of opposition• his friendships with Mark Twain,George Westinghouse andcompetition with Thomas Edison.

NNiikkoollaa TTeessllaaNNiikkoollaa TTeessllaa

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DDOOUUBBLLEE EENNTTRRYYbbyy JJaannee GGlleeeessoonn--WWhhiitteeAllen & Unwin, Sydney, Australia, 2011ISBN 978-1-74175-755-2 (294pp hc)Available: www.allenandunwin.com

Double-entry accounting hashelped make our modern world,

yet it may well break it if we don'toverhaul it. The system of double-entry book-keeping has not alwaysbeen part of our world, and the well-credentialled Jane Gleeson-Whitetakes us back in time to when theancient Mesopotamians devised thefirst known method of accounting inthe trade of goods. She alsoinvestigates the Indian influence inthe Arabic numerals which becameknown in the West around the ninthcentury and their slow uptake inmany nations more predisposed toclumsy Roman numerals.

Gleeson-White traces the evolutionof double-entry book-keeping, withits emergence around the Crusadesand its popularity exploding amongVenetian merchants. Yet it wasn'tuntil 1494 that the first treatise onthis system was published—writtenby monk, mathematician, magicianLuca Pacioli—and it charged up theflourishing Renaissance period andthe emergence of a new economicsystem: capitalism. Next, Gleeson-White follows developments towardsand beyond the Industrial Revolutionand the later rise of Keynesianeconomics. She charts how, in ourcurrent era, we've become so ruled bynumbers that our systems cannot

quantify environmental and socialcosts and benefits. Fortunately somethinkers are seeing the light, andGleeson-White offers solutions fortransforming national accounts andexpanding the definition of GDP. Heraccount is engaging and timely.

WWAALLLL SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD TTHHEE BBOOLLSSHHEEVVIIKK RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONNbbyy AAnnttoonnyy CC.. SSuuttttoonnClairview Books, Forest Row, UK, 2011(first pub. 1974, Arlington House, NY)ISBN 978-1-905570-35-5 (228pp tpb)Available: www.clairviewbooks.com

Carrying on its mission torepublish key works of Professor

Antony Sutton (1925–2002), ClairviewBooks has released a facsimileedition of another book in his famoustrilogy (see review of Wall Street and theRise of Hitler in 18/03). Originallypublished in 1974, Wall Street and theBolshevik Revolution examines the linksbetween American capitalists andRussian communists, and how covertUS funding and support were crucialin the rise of the Bolsheviks and theestablishment of the Soviet Union. Itwas a breakthrough book at the timefor its inclusion of hithertounavailable documentation, officialpapers and cables from such sourcesas the US Department of State andthe British Foreign Office.

Sutton explains why monopolycapitalists would be in bed withsocialist powerbrokers and why mosthistorians (at least up until 1974)have had "an unconscious Marxianbias and are thus locked into theimpossibility of any such allianceexisting". But these capitalists, andeven revolutionaries such as Trotskyand Lenin, were internationalists whohad nothing to gain from a laissez faireeconomy and everything to gain froma centralised collectivist regime inRussia—a captive market andeconomy that would grow only slowlyand not become a competitor.

Decades later, Sutton's analysisstill has much to offer to overturnconsensus views of modern historyand history in the making.


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TTHHEE AASSCCEENNTT OOFF MMEEDDIIAAbbyy RRooggeerr PPaarrrryyNicholas Brealey Publishing, Londonand Boston, 2011ISBN 978-1-85788-570-5 (406pp hc)Available: www.ascentofmedia.com

Every new communication mediumhas a framework involving social,

political, economic and technologicalcontexts. When introduced, it maytake time to be adopted but it tendsto absorb aspects of existing mediaand, in turn, causes them to bemodified. History shows that eachera produces richer, more extensivecommunications than the one before.

With a media career spanningdecades, author and media companydirector Roger Parry has seen rapidchanges forcing traditional forms ofmedia to adapt and evolve. In TheAscent of Media, as well as coveringmodern forms of communication hetraces the evolution of media throughkey formats: graphic (cave paintings),oral (campfire stories; theatre) andwritten (clay tablets; codex) forms,progressing to the printed word(Gutenberg's printing press;newspapers) and then aural(telegraph; telephone; radio), visual(photography; cinema; TV) and digital(Internet; MP3; iPad) systems.

To understand the "media journey",we need to appreciate the buildingblocks of music, image, speech andwriting, and Parry explains how theytransmit complex ideas via a range ofmedia. He intersperses hisengrossing text with pullout boxes

featuring timelines and neat facts onmedia milestones.

As for the future, Parry thinks that ifour rapidly evolving digital media areto mature, age-old issues have to beconfronted: censorship, privacy,copyright, piracy and payment. Ofcourse, content is still king, but Parrycautions that payment is one way toprotect quality standards. A thought-provoking take on media history.

TTHHEE LLAASSTT CCIIRRCCLLEEbbyy CChheerrii SSeeyymmoouurrTrine Day, Walterville, OR, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-9362960-0-2 (599pp tpb)Available: www.TrineDay.com

Just over 20 years ago, investigativejournalist Danny Casolaro was

hunting down the lead of his lifewhen he, too, was hunted down, hisdeath ruled a suicide. He called thecabal of spies, drug traffickers,government officials, mobsters andmoney launderers that he waspursuing "the Octopus", as it hadtentacles everywhere. Central to hissearch was the so-called PROMISsoftware, developed by Bill Hamiltonof INSLAW, which was covertlymodified and sold around the worldwith a "back door" that allowed forsecret monitoring—of foreignintelligence agencies, governmentsand corporations alike. The NationalSecurity Agency reportedly had a fieldday with this modified software.

Soon after Casolaro's death,reporter Cheri Seymour beganrevisiting the tracks that Danny wasfollowing, and much of this bookconsists of material that she's writtenover the years. A key figure isMichael Riconosciuto, who hasplenty to divulge about "TheCompany" (the CIA) and its shadyactivities. Among her revelations isthat Casolaro had stumbled upon alink between a top official at the USDepartment of Justice and the Calidrug cartel of Colombia.

In this compilation, Seymourincludes copious documents (andphotographs) attesting to high-levelcover-ups. It's a heavy trip indeed.


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VVUULLTTUURREESS’’ PPIICCNNIICCbbyy GGrreegg PPaallaassttDutton/Penguin, New York, 2011ISBN 978-0-525-95207-7 (404pp hc)Available: www.amazon.com

You can tell from the title ofinvestigative reporter Greg

Palast's new book Vultures' Picnic thatthe fare won't be too appetising.Within the first few pages, though,you know that you're in for a jaw-dropping excursion as Palast goesall-out to come to terms with theenormity—and intrigue—of the 2011BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig disasterin the Gulf of Mexico.

Ably assisted by his trusty fixerBadpenny and colleagues, Palastlaunches himself into hotspotsaround the world, including locationshe visited back in the 1980s when hewas investigating the Exxon Valdezoil spill disaster in Alaska, which alsoinvolved BP. In the process, heexposes BP's own spook squad andquestionable modus operandi.

Palast's dangerous quest takes himto Baku in Azerbaijan, Fukushima inJapan (revealing incredible linksbetween TEPCO and certain Texas-based corporations), the US GulfCoast, Geneva, London, New York,São Paulo as well as the Arctic. Itincludes a grab bag of fascinating, ifoften unsavoury, characters.

Ultimately, Palast providesbreathtaking glimpses into thecorruption at the heart of Big Oil andthe Bigger Finance behind it. Everystep of the way, Palast presents a

staggering exposé. Interestedreaders can go to Palast's websitewww.VulturesPicnic.com to keep upto date with ongoing investigations.

DDIISSCCOONNNNEECCTTIINNGG TTHHEE DDOOTTSS::HHooww CCIIAA aanndd FFBBII OOffffiicciiaallss HHeellppeeddEEnnaabbllee 99//1111 aanndd EEvvaaddeedd GGoovveerrnnmmeennttIInnvveessttiiggaattiioonnss bbyy KKeevviinn FFeennttoonnTrine Day, Walterville, OR, USA, 2011ISBN 978-0-9841858-5-6 (415pp tpb)Available: www.TrineDay.com

In his attempt to make sense of the9/11 attacks, History Commons

contributor Kevin Fenton focuses onintelligence failings—or deliberatestymying—that happened in thelead-up. He uses publicly availabledocuments, including governmentreports, court proceedings andmainstream media sources, andreckons that anyone with similaraccess to such information could puttwo and two together.

It's not a pretty picture for the USintelligence agencies. Fentonexplains how the CIA, particularlywith its Alec Station Osama binLaden unit, went out of its way toprevent key information from filteringthrough to the FBI. The NationalSecurity Agency, with its extensivephone-call intercepts of the Al Qaedanetwork from such far-flung places asYemen and Malaysia, certainly didn'thelp in sharing the vital intelligenceit had gathered ahead of 9/11.

Just as the two Al Qaeda–linkedbombings in Africa in 1998 wereanticipated, so, too, were attacks onUS soil. Fenton concludes from hisanalysis of this public-domainevidence that certain CIAoperatives—answering to whom, hedoesn't know—had reason tofacilitate a terrorist attack on the USitself. Not only would it bring intolaw the so-called Patriot Act, with allits restrictions on citizens' freedoms,it would also help drive a largergeostrategic realignment in which thepower elite had a significant stake.

In Disconnecting the Dots, Fentonmanages to connect quite a few.


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CCAANNCCEERR IISS CCUURRAABBLLEE NNOOWWbbyy MMaarrccuuss && SSaabbrriinnaa FFrreeuuddeennmmaannnnAvailable: www.canceriscurablenow.tv

This documentary brings togethermore than 30 international

holistic professionals who have beenworking passionatelyin the field of canceralternatives: doctors,scientists, researchersand writers fromaround the world.

The Freudenmanns,Marcus and his wifeSabrina who's anaturopathic doctor,travelled the globe foralmost three years tomeet the experts.Their mission was to create a filmabout natural cancer treatments thatwould "wake up the world".

Presenters include Dr FranciscoContreras, Dr Stanislaw Burzynski,Charlotte Gerson, Dr Bruce Lipton,Don Tolman, Dr Alexander Herzog,Dr Finn Scott Andersen, Dr SherrillSellman, Dr Charlie Schwengel andnumerous other luminaries.

Surely, the most comprehensivefilm ever made on this topic.


David Hatcher Childress andfriends travel through the

American Southwest and Mexico forthis fourth DVD in the AncientTechnology series. Visiting cities,

pyramids and megaliths of antiquity,Childress searches for evidence ofmind-blowing advanced technology.

David and his team check out theancient cities near the Grand Canyonand the alleged Egyptian catacombs,investigate the remnant concretecanals in central Arizona, explore themegalithic ruins of the old Tolteccapital, Tula, and the pyramids atTeotihuacán, and end up inside theGreat Pyramid of Cholula. Amazing!

DDEEAATTHH BBYY MMEEDDIICCIINNEEbbyy GGaarryy NNuullll && AAssssoocciiaatteess ©© 22001100www.deathbymedicinethemovie.com

Gary Null's Death By Medicine is anincisive take on the mainstream

medical paradigm contributing tothe modern healthcare crisis inAmerica and overseas.

Based on Dr Null's bestsellingbook on the hundredsof thousands of injuriesand deaths caused byconventional medicine,this film takes a hardlook at the medical-industrial complex andthe pharmaceuticalindustry's usurpation ofmedical schools,research, clinical drugtrials and the peer-review system—and

the complicity of government healthagencies in allowing this to happen.

From FDA and FBI raids on cherryand dairy farmers to the halls of USCongress, we witness hostile attackson the natural health and raw-foodindustries, both in America andabroad. This film exposes thecorruption and failure of theAmerican healthcare system, andhas chilling implications for theentire western world.

76 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012


CCoommppiilleedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss

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SSOOLLIISS bbyy SSuunnssaarriiaa//BBaazz BBaarrddooee Sunsaria Music, Australia, 2011 (56mins)Distributor: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Books& Music, tel (03) 9761 5535,www.brumbybooks-music.com

Sunsaria's newest album after BlueDreaming (see NEXUS 17/05) draws

on the energy of the Sun. Hissynthesiser sounds on Solis have anharmonious, healing slant and are anideal accompaniment for reiki, yogaand a range of holistic healingmodes. Sunsaria/Baz Bardoe utilisesparticular restorative frequencies tomake sounds that refresh. The resultis an effective, very relaxing andenjoyable recording.

FFOOLLLLOOWW YYOOUURR BBLLIISSSS bbyy SSaammjjjjaannaa Samjjana Music, 2011 (2 CDs, 100mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——SamjjanaMusic, www.samjjana.com

Among their many skills, twoAustralian musicians, Maia and

Sahayak of Samjjana, play the metalhang (NEXUS 18/04). Developed inSwitzerland, the hang is the result ofyears of research on steel instrumentssuch as pans, gongs and bells. It'splayed with the hands and produces asoft air-resonance sound. Samjjana'snew double album consists of varioushang compositions on the first CD,with backing from Carlos Vargas on

percussion and Nicholas Ng on erhuand zhonghu. The second CD has 40minutes of chants, one track withStephen Hamacek on piano. Aquietly sensitive yet potent album.

FFAATTOOUU bbyy FFaattoouummaattaa DDiiaawwaarraa World Circuit Records, 2011 (44mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250; UUKK——World Circuit Records, tel (0)20 77493222, www.worldcircuit.co.uk

Fatoumata Diawara was born in theIvory Coast to Malian parents and

now lives in Paris, where she workswith the great Malian diva OumouSangaré. This, her debut album, is abrilliant milestone in her musicalcareer. Fatoumata has a number ofsolos on the CD, plus backing fromartists such as Toumani Diabaté onkora, Tony Allen on drums and JohnPaul Jones on bass. Fatou is a laid-back album with soulful vocals anddeep, sliding blues showing in trackssuch as "Kèlè". The heritage of someof Mali's greatest female singersshines through on this impressivealbum. Highly recommended.

RREELLAAXXIINNGG MMEELLOODDIIEESS OOFF NNAATTUURREE bbyy KKeenniioo FFuukkee Real Music, USA, 2011 (62mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Books& Music, tel (03) 9761 5535; UUSSAA——Real Music, tel (415) 331 8273,www.realmusic.com

Kenio Fuke, from São Paulo, Brazil,began formal musical studies with

harmonica and then progressed toguitar, piano and other instruments.He studied piano with Alvaro BeldaNeto at the Musical Conservatory ofSão Paulo, where he graduated as aclassical pianist, composer andconductor. Relaxing Melodies of Naturefeatures acoustic piano andkeyboards with oboe and strings ofgentle guitar. Tracks like "Spirit of theWater", "Garden of the Roses", "Danceof the Dolphins" and "Portals of theUniverse" give a soft and warmingsound to help calm your day.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess

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78 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

NEXUS DVD UPGRADEThe complete back catalogue of NEXUS

Magazines on DVD.

� This DVD contains all magazines from 1987-2010 in PDF format.

� Files are text-searchable, meaning you can simply pop the DVD into a computer and useyour search function to find keywords or strings of text.

To order, go to www.nexusmagazine.com

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com



bbyy SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr MMDD

From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal

running the illegal transnational energy and UFO – related pro-jects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads ofstate and royalty – you will be moved, shocked and enlightened asyou read through this memoir. Journey with Dr Greer as he takesyou into the corridors of secret power – beyond the governmentas we know it- to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers, andtheir hidden agenda.

AA MMuusstt RReeaadd!!!!AA MMuusstt RReeaadd!!!!

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com

CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCoouunnttddoowwnn ttooTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

bbyy SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr,, MMDD

This book goes far beyond the usual accounting of objects seen in thesky and takes the reader into a universe of higher states of

consciousness, remote viewing and direct Contact with civilizations thatinterface with thought and awareness as easily as we talk on cell phones.Journey with the CSETI team as they go beyond the veil of light and theresonant frequency of matter and enter into close contact withnumerous ET civilizations who eagerly await the coming Transformationon Earth. The accompanying DVD shows the images, sights and soundsof Contact, as it has evolved over the past 17 years. You will learn howthis Contact has been made - and how you, too, can become anAmbassador to the Universe!

BBooookk ++ DDVVDD bbyy SStteevveenn GGrreeeerrBBooookk ++ DDVVDD bbyy SStteevveenn GGrreeeerr

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China and Russia's doorsteps, thestakes will continue to rise and theplacid spectating that Americans andEuropeans have enjoyed this yearwill forever be lost.

Now, more than ever, "we, thepeople" must steel ourselves againstthis immense corporate-fascistempire as it sprawls death,destruction and domination,militarily and economically, acrossthe planet. We must—our verysurvival depends on it—boycott andreplace entirely the corporate-financier interests that drive thisdark, expansive agenda. It has beenliterally spawned of our apathy,complicity and ignorance, fuelled byus—the very source of corporatefascism's power—and it must be ouractivism, resistance and intellectthat bring it to an end.

Every day that we tune into ourcorporate-sponsored bread andcircuses, we bring inescapableeternal servitude to a corporate–fascist scientific dictatorship onestep closer. It is now "do or die".

Let us not "hope" that 2012 faresbetter for free humanity. Thedecision is not that of our "leaders"or "representatives" but of each andevery one of us. Let us define whereit is that we want our destiny to takeus and start taking one step at a timeto get there. Let us wait no longerfor "saviours", but look in the mirrorand realise that God, the Universe orwhatever higher power you believe inhas already endowed you witheverything you need, in your heart,your mind and within your hands, toprevail in whatever noble pursuitthat you, or "we, the people", choose.

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Tony Cartalucci is a geopolit icalresearcher and writer based inBangkok, Thai land. He runs anindependent alternative news blog,Land Destroyer Report, which coversglobal geopolitics and world events.He promotes self-sufficiency andpolitical and financial independence asthe keys to true freedom. His article“Atlantic Council: Is Libya a ‘GlobalCon’?” was published in NEXUS 18/06.To read more of Tony Cartalucci’spost ings, vis it his website athttp://landdestroyer.blogspot.com.

EEddiittoorr’’ss NNoottee::To check the references for TonyCartalucci’s article, originally titled“2011 – Year of the Dupe” and editedfor publication here, go to the webpage http://tinyurl.com./7e6elnj andclick on the hyperlinks.

FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 79

TThhee ““AArraabb SSpprriinngg”” aanndd UUSS GGlloobbaall HHeeggeemmoonnyy

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 1188






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Page 81: Nexus   1902 - new times magazine

GGeeoommaaggnneettiicc SSttoorrmmss,, EEMMPP aanndd NNuucclleeaarr AArrmmaaggeeddddoonn

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Matthew Stein, PE, is an MIT-trainedengineer, a green builder and theauthor of two bestselling books, WhenDisaster Strikes (Chelsea Green, 2011)and When Technology Fails (ChelseaGreen, 2008). He has appeared onnumerous radio and TV programs,writes about sustainable living, and is aguest columnist for The HuffingtonPost. He is also a ski instructor for theblind. For more information or tocontact the author, visit his websiteshttp://www.whentechfails.com andhttp://www.matstein.com.

EEnnddnnootteess 1. Cappiello, Dina, "Long Blackouts PoseRisk to US Nuclear Reactors", AssociatedPress, March 29, 2011 2. Joseph, Lawrence E., "The Sun AlsoSurprises", New York Times, August 15,2010, http://tinyurl.com/czuk22k3. Silverman, S.M. and E.W. Cliver, "Low-latitude auroras: the magnetic storm of14–15 May 1921", J. Atmospheric and Solar-

Terrestrial Physics 2001; 63:523-535;additionally: NERC, "High-Impact, Low-Frequency Event Risk to the NorthAmerican Bulk Power System: A JointlyCommissioned Summary Report of theNorth American Electric ReliabilityCorporation and the US Department ofEnergy's November 2009 Workshop", June2010, p. 68 4. Committee on the Societal andEconomic Impacts of Severe SpaceWeather Events, "Severe Space WeatherEvents: Understanding Societal andEconomic Impacts", National ResearchCouncil of the National Academies ofSciences, 2008, pp. 7-13, 100; additionally:Cliver, E.W. and L. Svalgaard, "The 1859Solar–Terrestrial Disturbance and theCurrent Limits of Extreme Space WeatherActivity", Solar Physics 2004; 224:407-4225. Kappenman, John, "GeomagneticStorms and Their Impacts on the USPower Grid", Metatech Corporation, Meta-R-319, January 2010 6. op. cit., pp. 1-37. CNN News, "Sagging Power Lines, HotWeather Blamed for Blackout", August 11,1996 8. Walsh, Bryan, "Can We PreventAnother Blackout?", Time, August 11, 2008,

http://tinyurl.com/67wvag9. Effron, Lauren et al., "One ElectricalWorker Blamed for Leaving MillionsWithout Power in California, Arizona andMexico", ABC News, September 8, 2011,http://tinyurl.com/czam64w10. NUREG-1738, "Technical Study ofSpent Fuel Pool Accident Risk atDecommissioning Nuclear Power Plants",February 2001, as reported in "Docket No.PRM-50-96: Petition for Rulemaking",Foundation for Resilient Societies beforethe Nuclear Regulatory Commission, pp.3-9, 49-50, http://tinyurl.com/c5vvd8411. Arnold Gundersen, interview byauthor, November 2011 12. "Report of the Commission to Assessthe Threat to the United States fromElectromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack:Critical National Infrastructures", April2008 (key reference on EMP effects)13. Bill Kaewert, interview by author,December 201114. John Kappenman, interview byauthor, December 201115. Dr Peter Vincent Pry, "StatementBefore The Congressional Caucus OnEMP", EMPact America, February 15, 2011

80 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 2266

To order, visit www.nexusmagazine.com

Gnostic Templar Grand Prior Mark AmaruPinkham presents the amazing history andteachings of the Left Hand Path0whichincludes the world1s gnostics, alchemists, secretsocieties, and mystery school initiates0and itscontinual battle with the patriarchal adherentsof the Right Hand Path.

World Gnosis:The Coming

Gnostic Civilization

The Mystery of U-33:

Hitler's SecretEnvoy

World War II historian Nigel Graddon chronicles a number of mysterious U-Boat

missions0including trips to Antarctica0thattook place both during and after the war. He details the strange landing of U-33 in

Scotland in 1940, which involved the top-secretEnigma encoding device.


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FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 81

Such exposure is little understoodor realised, as its effects are notobvious as with eating a food orbreathing in a chemical.

Further help is afforded by bettermoving the lymph system. This canbe aided by exercise, lymphmassage, applied kinesiology(especially using the Chapmanneurolymphatic reflex points),acupuncture, acupressure,reflexology, magnetic lymph cleanerand weight loss programs.

Then there are specific advancedenergy testing and balancingmethods that I have devised. Sincemast cells surround vascular andnerve tissue, trigger points may alltoo readily be created, and thustrigger-point therapy may also bebeneficial.

As always, getting individualkinesiological testing for all foods,supplements and medications is a

crucial part of getting well.In addition to possibly making

people with MCD worse fromexposure to EMF and causing brainkindling from staring at computerscreens, the Internet has become formany a poor substitute for findingand getting accurate, individual ,kinesiological testing for everythingthat is to be ingested.

So often now I see, at so manyforums, people asking each other ifthey reacted to this or that food orsupplement as if it pertained tothem in any way.

Indeed, a person's own reactionsto a particular food or supplementcan change from day to day, oftenrequiring rotation and repeatedtesting.

Additionally, drinking plenty ofgood water and practising Buteykoor other breathing methods canhave a natural antihistamine effect.Stress reduction methods can alsobe important here to keep those

adrenal hormones in check or toprevent overreacting to them.

If the MCD sufferer is in a hyper-state, it is advisable to go to a cool,dark, quiet room with no EMF ifpossible.

The supplement GABA orPharmaGABA™ may also help (butdon't overdo it), as can placing acold gel pack on the head to cooldown the brain from the effects ofexcess histamine and BBBP.

If the opposite is occurring, placea cotton cap on the head and alsowarm up cold hands and feet. WithMCD, one may be going fromfreezing to "burning up" until theunderlying issues are resolved.

It is quite possible to overcomeMCD as well as chronic and allergicdiseases, if and when the underlyingdisease processes are identified andappropriate changes in diet, lifestyleand energy balancing are made. ∞

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 4422

MMaasstt CCeellll DDiisseeaassee:: AA CCoommmmoonn HHeeaalltthh PPrroobblleemm

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8822

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com


SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr MMDD

For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secretmilitary, government, intelligence and corporate

witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories whichdisclose the greatest covert program in world history.This explosive testimony by actual government insidersproves that UFOs are real , that some are ofextraterrestrial origin and that super-secret programshave energy and propulsion technologies that will enablehumanity to begin a new era.


To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com

SSeeccrreettss ooff tthheeMMyysstteerriioouuss

VVaalllleeyyby Christopher O'Brien

No other region in North America features the variety andintensity of unusual phenomena found in the world'slargest alpine valley, the San Luis Valley of Colorado andNew Mexico. Since 1989, Christopher O'Brien hasdocumented thousands of high-strange accounts thatreport UFOs, ghosts, crypto-creatures, cattle mutilations,skinwalkers and sorcerers, along with portal areas, secretunderground bases and covert military activity.

MMyysstteerryy VVaalllleeyy iinn UUSSAA

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AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Steven Rochlitz, PhD, was originally aphysics professor. For the past 32years he has researched chronic andenvironmental illnesses and taught hisseminars across the world. Hisunique system incorporatesbreakthroughs in energy kinesiology,nutrition and human ecology. Thisarticle is partially excerpted from hisrecent book Porphyria: The UltimateCause of Chronic and EnvironmentalIllnesses, which has been cited as asignificant health breakthrough (seereview in NEXUS 18/02). His articles“Energy Kinesiology: Benefits andLimitat ions”, “Hiata l HerniaSyndrome with Vagus NerveImbalance”, “The Hole in the Heartand the Blood-Brain Barrier” and“Porphyria: A Cause of ChronicIllnesses” were published in NEXUS18/06, 18/04, 18/03 and 18/01respectively.

His book Supercharge Your Heart inSeconds (formerly titled Why Do MusicConductors Live Into Their 90s?) isreviewed in this edition. Furtherresearch is at Dr Rochlitz’s websitehttp:/ /www.wel lat last .com. DrRochl i tz can be emai led [email protected].

EEnnddnnootteess 1. Heuser, Gunnar, "The Role of the Brainand Mast Cells in MCS", Townsend Letter forDoctors and Patients, January 2001, issue 210 2. Rochlitz, Steven, Porphyria: The UltimateCause of Chronic and Environmental Illnesses.With Breakthroughs in Diet, Supplements andEnergy Balancing, 2011, 2nd edition,http://www.wellatlast.com3. Toogood, J.H., "Beta-blocker therapyand the risk of anaphylaxis", CanadianMedical Association Journal 1987 May 1;136(9):929-933 4. Pramod, S.N. et al., "Potato lectinactivates basophils and mast cells ofatopic subjects by its interaction with corechitobiose of cell-bound non-specific

immunoglobulin E", Clin Exp Immunol 2007June; 148(3):391-401 5. Rochlitz, op. cit., p. 446. Park, Chang-Shin and Bruce S.Bochner, "Potential Targeting of Siglecs,Mast Cell Inhibitory Receptors, inInterstitial Cystitis", Int Neurourology Journal2011 June; 15(2):61-63 7. Sick, E. et al., "Advanced glycation endproducts activate mast cells", Br JPharmacol 2010 Sep; 161(2):442-455 8. Auricchio, S. et al., "Mannan andoligomers of N-acetylglucosamine protectintestinal mucosa of celiac patients withactive disease from in vitro toxicity ofgliadin peptides", Gastroenterology 1990;99(4):973-9789. Takano, H. et al., "Di-(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate Enhances Atopic Dermatitis-Like Skin Lesions in Mice", EnvironmentalHealth Perspectives 2006 August; 114(8):1266-1269; published online 15 May 2006 10. Hollingsworth, J.W. et al., "In uterosupplementation with methyl donorsenhances allergic airway disease in mice",J Clin Invest 2008 Oct 1; 118(10):3462-3469

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 8811

MMaasstt CCeellll DDiisseeaassee:: AA CCoommmmoonn HHeeaalltthh PPrroobblleemm

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com

OOrraaccllee ooff tthheeOOrraaccllee ooff tthheeIIlllluummiinnaattiiIIlllluummiinnaattii

CCooiinncciiddeennccee,, CCooccrreeaattiioonn,,CCoonnttaacctt

bbyy WWiilllliiaamm HHeennrryy

Investigative mythologist William Henry's primary mission isfinding and interpreting ancient ''gateway stories'' whichfeature the use of advanced technology for raising spiritualvibration and increasing our body’s innate healing ability. Heshows how the human body shares the design of thecomplete Ark of the Covenant, and tells what the Gnosticsknew about the Divine Particle within. He also unravels vitalnew and important discoveries about the creation of cropcircles and the language of light, and reveals what secretsJesus, Leonardo and Salvador Dali shared.

OOrraaccllee ooff tthhee IIlllluummiinnaattii

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NNaazzii SSeeccrreett WWeeaappoonnss && tthheeCCoolldd WWaarr AAlllliieedd LLeeggeenndd

bbyy JJoosseepphh PP.. FFaarrrreellll

Why were the Allies worried about an atom bomb attack by theGermans in 1944? Why did Hitler in 1945 insist that holding

Prague could win the war for the Third Reich? Why did US GeneralGeorge Patton's Third Army race for the Skoda works at Pilsen inCzechoslovakia instead of Berlin? Why did the US Army not test theuranium atom bomb it dropped on Hiroshima? Why did theLuftwaffe fly a non-stop round trip mission to within twenty miles ofNew York City in 1944? Arguing that Nazi Germany actually won therace for the atom bomb in late 1944, this book explores the evenmore secretive research the Nazis were conducting into the occult,alternative physics and new energy sources.


Page 84: Nexus   1902 - new times magazine

FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 83

Morphic Resonance and Quantum Biology

to solve very specific problems thatrequire special forms ofcomputation, such as problemswithin mathematics like the directedHamiltonian path problem (LilaKari). Therefore it is not at all novelto suggest that DNA functionscomputationally, as has beendemonstrated in vitro, and thecomputational capacity within thebiological system has already beenrecognised with specificapplications.

The computational function ofDNA that has been elucidated thusfar is only regarding computations ofa classically operating system.However, DNA has the capacity toperform quantum computationsusing the superposition of pielectrons within the nucleotide basepairs. The base-pairing ofnucleotides is based on the affinitiesof pyrimidine and purine ringstructures for each other.

These ring structures containdelocalised electrons that form vander Waals bonds, giving the bondedring structures a dipole moment. Adipole moment is a polarisation of amolecule, giving it a magneticmoment and a polar chargedistribution. In this case, theelectron charge distribution can shiftfrom a purine to a pyrimidine orfrom a pyrimidine to a purine or,since this is a quantum mechanicalstate, it can be in a superpositionbetween the two.

Moreover, the shifting of the dipolemakes it a quantum harmonicoscillator, which producesquasiparticles known as phonons.Long-wavelength phonons producesound, thus the light-encoded strandis actually an electro-tonal filament.

In addition to quantumcommunication and computation, thisquantum entangled state may beresponsible for holding the very DNAmolecule together, because underclassical mechanics the dynamicsinvolved in bonding of the DNA are

insufficient to maintain the doublehelix. However, the wavelength of thephonons is equal to the size of theDNA helix, resulting in standing wavesthat produce a phenomenon known asphonon trapping.

The light-storage capacity of DNAis possible because DNA is anaperiodic crystal. Erwin Schrödinger, inWhat is Life?, likened the aperiodiccrystal of DNA to a coherent andmeaningfully designed tapestrymasterpiece. Since by definition theaperiodic DNA crystal hasquasiperiodicity, it is also properlyreferred to as a quasicrystal.

It was not believed thatquasicrystals were even possibleuntil Dan Shechtman (with strongridicule from the scientificcommunity) proved the existence ofthese special solid-state materials.Certain quasicrystals display 12-foldsymmetry; these are dodecagonal. Ifthe DNA molecule were to havedodecagonal symmetry, then thewell-known double helix of DNAmight be more energetically stable ina 12-fold energetic matrix, essentiallyforming 10 additional energeticallystabilising strands. Furthermore,DNA is a unique quasicrystal indeed,in that it is interspersed withconstant periodicity in the pattern ofthe tandem repeats.

TThhee LLiivviinngg UUnniivveerrsseeThis treatise began with a

question: what is life? While it byno means fully defined this mostenigmatic state of being, it certainlyexpanded our perception of theliving organism as a quantum

biological system that interfaceswith the fundamental fabric ofreality. Within science, there is noadequate definition for life. This isdirectly reflective of a lack ofunderstanding about the nature ofthe Universe itself.

In the consensus perspective, theUniverse is thought to be comprisedprimarily of inanimate matter, and atsome nebulously defined transitionpoint the inanimate becomes livingand is referred to as life. This isfundamentally erroneous. TheUniverse in its entirety is living;therefore, to be alive is acharacteristic of existence itself. Lifeis existence and is eternal becausethe primary nature of existence—bydefinition—is to exist. Therefore, lifeand consciousness are infinite andeternal, and only ever change form orconstitution but never cease. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::William Brown, MSc, is a molecularbiologist based at the Institute forBioregenesis Research at the Universityof Hawai’i in Manoa, Honolulu. Hismentor, Dr Frederic Mercier, discoveredextracellular matrix protein complexeswithin the brain which he namedfractones, after the fractal patterns ofthe Mandelbrot set. Their research isfocused on elucidating the primary roleof fractones and other elements of theconnective tissue network in creatingneural plasticity, tissue architecture,bioregenesis and the stem cell niche.Research at the Institute is focused onthe process of development and patternformation within the organism andhow that can be appl ied toregenerating damaged tissues andorgans within humans. Brownconducts directed research intoanything that can be consideredstrange, and he spends most of his timeenjoying nature and music andbecoming more aware of the innersource that connects each of us to theInfinite. He can be contacted by email [email protected] and via his websitehttp://williambrownscienceoflife.com.

TThhee lliigghhtt--ssttoorraaggeeccaappaacciittyy ooff DDNNAA iissppoossssiibbllee bbeeccaauussee

DDNNAA iiss aann aappeerriiooddiiccccrryyssttaall..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 5500

Page 85: Nexus   1902 - new times magazine

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PPRROODDIIGGAALL GGEENNIIUUSSTThhee LLiiffee ooff NNiikkoollaa TTeessllaa

by John J. O'Neill

This highly detailed work captures Tesla as a scientist and as apublic figure. The first, original full-length biography, firstpublished in 1944 and long a favorite of Tesla fans, is a definitivebiography of the man without whom modern civilization wouldnot exist. It contains many rare photographs of Tesla and hismost advanced inventions. Tesla could see an invention in 3-D,from every angle, within his mind, before it was built • how herefused to accept the Nobel Prize • why Tesla clung to histheories of electricity in the face of opposition • his friendshipswith Mark Twain, George Westinghouse and competition withThomas Edison.

NNiikkoollaa TTeessllaaNNiikkoollaa TTeessllaa

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com

TTHHEE HHOOLLLLOOWW EEAARRTTHH((wwiitthh aa nneeww iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn bbyyDDaavviidd HHaattcchheerr CChhiillddrreessss))

bbyy DDrr.. RRaayymmoonndd BBeerrnnaarrdd

Yes, this classic book is back in print! Researcher andauthor David Hatcher Childress adds a lengthy but

informative introduction, which basically reveals whoRaymond Bernard (a pseudonym for Dr. WalterSiegmeister) really was, and how he came about towriting this infamous book. Dr Bernard believed that inthe hollow interior of the Earth lives a super-race whichwants nothing to do with man on the surface. Thismysterious race only launched their flying saucers aftermankind started using A-bombs.

HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh CCllaassssiicc HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh CCllaassssiicc -- bbaacckk iinn pprriinntt ---- bbaacckk iinn pprriinntt --

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com

PPiirraatteess && TThhee LLoossttPPiirraatteess && TThhee LLoossttTTeemmppllaarr FFlleeeettTTeemmppllaarr FFlleeeett

TThhee SSeeccrreett NNaavvaall WWaarr BBeettwweeeenntthhee TTeemmppllaarrss && tthhee VVaattiiccaann

bbyy DDaavviidd HHaattcchheerr CChhiillddrreessss

Author Childress takes us into the fascinating worldof maverick sea captains who were Knights

Templars and later Scottish Rite Free Masons whobattled the Vatican and the Spanish and Italian shipsthat sailed for the Pope. Later, this fleet of ships andnew ones to come, flew the Skull and Cross Bones, thesymbol of the Knights Templar. They preyed on theships of the Vatican coming from the rich ports of theAmericas and were ultimately known as the Pirates ofthe Caribbean.

PPiirraatteess && TTeemmppllaarrssPPiirraatteess && TTeemmppllaarrss

To order visitwww.nexusmagazine.com


BByy JJiimm KKeeiitthh

As the 21st century approaches, many people suspectthat something earth shattering is about to happen.

While researchers have long suspected a conspiracy thatcontrols and manipulates our understanding of UFOencounters, few factor in paranormal and occultconnections that do not conform to standardinterpretations. Jim Keith is also author of Casebook onthe Men in Black, Black Helicopters Over America, The GemstoneFile and more.


84 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012

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FEBRUARY – MARCH 2012 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 85

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In The BridgeTo Infinity,

Bruce Cathietheorises thatthe whole ofphysical reali-ty which is

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In this book you will discoverthe harmonic geometries ofwater, temperature, sound, thelaser, the pyramids of Egyptand China, Stonehenge, bombtests the volcano at Krakatoa,the harmonics of destruction,the world grid system, andmuch more.

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This is thebreakthro

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BBrruuccee LL.. CCaatthhiiee -- bbooookkss aanndd DDVVDDBBrruuccee LL.. CCaatthhiiee -- bbooookkss aanndd DDVVDDTTHHEE BBRRIIDDGGEE TTOO IINNFFIINNIITTYY

HHaarrmmoonniicc 337711224444TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC


HHaarrmmoonniicc 669955 TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEEUUFFOOss,, AAnnttiiGGrraavviittyy aannddtthhee EEnneerrggyy GGrriidd -- ((DDVVDD))

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RReeccoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo NNaattuurreeTThhrroouugghh SSppiirriittuuaallPPeerrmmaaccuullttuurree

bbyy LLeeoonniidd SShhaarraasshhkkiinn

TThhee SScchhooooll::HHuummaanniittyy’’ss NNeeww


CCrreeaattiinngg YYoouurr SSppaacceeooff LLoovvee:: TThhee RRooaadd


AAnncciieenntt RRoooottss,,MMooddeerrnn SShhoooottss

RReeccrreeaattiinngg AA GGaarrddeennPPllaanneett TThhee EEtteerrnnaall CCyyccllee

TThhee RReettuurrnn ooffAAnnaassttaassiiaa

TThhee HHaarrmmoonniicc CCooddeebbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

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DVDs available through NEXUS

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TThhee GGiizzaa DDeeaatthh SSttaarr22001122 aanndd tthhee SShhiifftt

ooff AAggeessSSuunnkkeenn RReeaallmmssbbyy KKaarreenn MMuuttttoonn

LLoosstt CCiittiieess && AAnncciieennttMMyysstteerriieess ooff tthheeSSoouutthhwweesstt

AAxxiiss ooff tthhee WWoorrllddbbyy IIggoorr WWiittkkoowwsskkii TThhee HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh

TThhee LLoosstt CCoonnttiinneenntt ooff MMuu

IInn SSeeccrreett TTiibbeettbbyy TThheeooddoorree IIlllliioonn

DDaannggeerr MMyy AAllllyy LLaanndd ooff tthhee GGooddssTThhee LLoosstt SScciieennccee ooffMMeeaassuurriinngg tthhee EEaarrtthh

MMaappss ooff tthhee AAnncciieennttSSeeaa KKiinnggss

This is physicist Joseph Farrell’s amazing book onthe secrets of the Great

Pyramid of Giza.

A Guide to the End of theWorld by Alexander Price.Investigates the cycles ofhuman history and nature.

A Survey of UnderwaterRuins From Around the

World. Includes discussionon causes of sunken cities.

David Hatcher Childresstraverses the AmericanSouthwest investigating archaeological mysteries.

A Multi-disciplinary approach across the

Americas in search of theoldest American civilisation.

Dr Raymond Bernard’sbizarre 60s classic is backin print! New intro by

David Hatcher Childress.

James Churchward’s clas-sic on the theory of a lost continent in the Pacific.First published in 1931.

Reprint of a rare 1930stravel book by a Germantraveller who travelled

through forbidden Tibet.

The true life adventure ofF.A. Mitchell-Hedges

including his discovery ofthe famous Crystal Skull.

How a Scottish Landscapewas Sanctified to BecomeArthur's Camelot by Philip


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Books available via NEXUS on Ancient Mysteries and Travel Archaeology/Mysteries

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HHiittlleerr''ss SSuupppprreesssseedd,,SSttiillll--SSeeccrreett WWeeaappoonnss,,SScciieennccee && TTeecchhnnoollooggyybbyy HHeennrryy SStteevveennss

WWeeaatthheerr WWaarrffaarreebbyy JJeerrrryy EE.. SSmmiitthh

PPaarraaPPoolliittiiccss::CCoonnssppiirraaccyy iinnCCoonntteemmppoorraarryy


FFrroomm MMaajjoorr JJoorrddaann’’ssDDiiaarriieess

bbyy GGeeoorrggee RRaacceeyy

TThhee SSeeccrreett VVaauullttbbyy AAnnddrréé DDoouuzzeett aanndd

PPhhiilliipp CCooppppeennss

MMiinndd CCoonnttrrooll,, WWoorrllddCCoonnttrrooll

bbyy JJiimm KKeeiitthhTThhee SShhaaddoowwGGoovveerrnnmmeenntt

SSeeccrreettss ooff tthhee HHoollyyLLaannccee

MMaarryy MMaaggddeelleenneeTThhee IIlllluummiinnaattoorr

TThheeyy LLiieedd ttoo UUss iinnSSuunnddaayy SScchhooooll

TThhee PPaappaall BBiilllliioonnssbbyy TToonnyy BBuusshhbbyy

TThhee TTwwiinn DDeecceeppttiioonnbbyy TToonnyy BBuusshhbbyy

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Collection of Kenn Thomas'lecture remarks, interviews

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Diary account of high-levelcooperation between

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9-11 and State Terror, byLen Bracken, with

introduction by KennThomas.

The Spear of Destiny inHistory & Legend by Jerry

E. Smith and George Piccard.

The Woman Who Enlightened The Christ by

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Ian Ross Vayro takes usthrough ancient biblical

texts leading one to ques-tion traditional teachings.

Damning facts about theVatican's accumulation ofwealth over the centuries.

Reading like a suspensenovel, this book unlocksthe concealed evidence of

Jesus’ twin brother.

Conspiracy & Religious Revisionism/Mysteries available via NEXUS (selection only).

To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com

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RRiinnggiinngg CCeeddaarrss SSeerriieessbbyy VVllaaddiimmiirr MMeeggrréé

1133--MMoooonn DDiiaarryy ooffNNaattuurraall TTiimmee22001100--22001111

SSttoonnee AAggee FFaarrmmiinnggbbyy AAllaannnnaa MMoooorree HHooww ttoo SSuurrvviivvee 22001122

LLiivviinngg EEnneerrggiieessbbyy CCaalllluumm CCooaattss

HHiiddddeenn NNaattuurreebbyy AAlliicckk BBaarrtthhoolloommeeww

VVooyyaaggeess IInnttoo tthheeUUnnkknnoowwnn

LLeeyy LLiinneess aanndd EEaarrtthhEEnneerrggiieess

bbyy DD CCoowwaann && CC AArrnnoolldd

SSiilleenntt FFiieellddssbbyy DDoonnnnaa FFiisshheerr

EEvveerryy BBrreeaatthh YYoouuTTaakkee TThhee GGoollddeenn FFoouunnttaaiinn

BBeehhaavviioouurraall PPrroobblleemmssiinn CChhiillddhhoooodd

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Tactics and Survival Placesfor the Coming Pole Shift

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Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) & his brilliant ideas &

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Describes Schauberger’swork with water as a livingorganism. Foreword by

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Books available through NEXUS—Environment/Spirituality and Alternative Health

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TThhee EEnneerrggyy MMaacchhiinneeooff TT.. HHeennrryy MMoorraayybbyy MMoorraayy BB.. KKiinngg

PPrrooddiiggaall GGeenniiuussbbyy JJoohhnn JJ.. OO''NNeeiillll

TThhee FFaannttaassttiiccIInnvveennttiioonnss ooff NNiikkoollaa

TTeessllaaCCoommppiilleedd bbyy CChhiillddrreessss

HHaarrnneessssiinngg tthheeWWhheeeellwwoorrkk ooff NNaattuurreeeedd TThhoommaass VVaalloonnee

AAddaammss’’ PPuullsseeddEElleeccttrriicc MMoottoorr

GGeenneerraattoorr MMaannuuaallTThhee AAddaammss MMaannuuaall --

AAddddeenndduumm PPeerrppeettuuaall MMoottiioonn

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TThhee AAnnttii--GGrraavviittyyHHaannddbbooookk

TThhee EEnneerrggyy GGrriiddbbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

TThhee TTeessllaa PPaappeerrssbbyy DDaavviidd HH.. CChhiillddrreessss

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CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCoouunnttddoowwnn ttooTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

bbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr

HHIIDDDDEENN TTRRUUTTHH::FFoorrbbiiddddeenn KKnnoowwlleeddggeebbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr








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