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VVoolluummee 1188,, NNuummbbeerr 22 FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY——MMAARRCCHH 22001111PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................66Readers comment on such diverse subjects as the powerof collective meditation, Climategate, homoeopathy vscancer, secret plans to cope with a biblical-scale flood inAustralia, and systemic problems in the health system.

GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................88We report on ULF waves recorded over Haiti before the2010 quake, Wi-Fi's deadly effects on trees, safety issueswith flu vaccines, the strongest La Niña event on record,WikiLeaks revelations and revolutions, and more.

WWIIKKIILLEEAAKKSS:: WWOORRLLDDWWIIDDEE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN WWAARR..............1133By Andrew Gavin Marshall. WikiLeaks' recent release ofthe first batch of 250,000 US diplomatic cables givesinsights into government and media propaganda, themachinations of diplomats, and opportunities for positivesocial transformation amidst the new global awakening.

TTHHEE KKNNIIGGHHTTSS OOFF TTHHEE EEXXTTRREEMMEE RRIIGGHHTT..........................................2233By Philip Coppens. Many secret societies, including thosepromising spiritual enlightenment, have been infiltratedby intelligence operatives for the purposes of groomingterrorists and fulfilling nefarious political agendas.

LLAAEETTRRIILLEE VVSS CCAANNCCEERR:: AANN AAUUSSTTRRAALLIIAANN SSTTOORRYY............2299By Rev. Dr Shé D'Montford. The medical/pharmaceuticalestablishment has a vested interest in ensuring thatsuccessful alternative cancer treatments are withheldfrom the public. Laetrile or vitamin B17 is one substancethat threatens the stranglehold of "the cancer industry".

TTHHEE FFUUTTUURREE OOFF TTHHOOUUGGHHTT CCOOMMMMUUNNIICCAATTIIOONN..............3355By Belinda Doyle. Brain-to-computer interfacetechnology is increasingly helping people with profounddisabilities but is also paving the way for new forms ofcommunication with network-enabled telepathy.

IISS AALLZZHHEEIIMMEERR''SS CCAAUUSSEEDD BBYY PPAARRAACCEETTAAMMOOLL??........................4411By Walter Last. Within two decades of the introductionof phenacetin and paracetamol analgesics in the 1880s,the first Alzheimer's cases were described, and thereafterthe disease rate rose sharply. Natural medicine offers asolution to this increasingly prevalent illness.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS..................................................................................................................................4499This edition, we feature Bruce Cathie and Rod Maupin'sexploration of the updated Gridpoint Atlas® softwarewhich can be used to calculate World Grid harmonics andplot grid maps on Google Earth screenshots.

TTHHEE 2211SSTT--CCEENNTTUURRYY RREENNAAIISSSSAANNCCEE OOFF SSCCIIEENNCCEE..................5555By Professor Robert Pope. To ensure our survival into thefuture, the 20th-century scientific world-view, blinded bythe flawed second law of thermodynamics, must bereplaced by an ethical holographic life-science.

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE..........................................................................................................6633We feature an extract from Karl Brugger's rare book"The Chronicle of Akakor", which recounts an AmazonianIndian's story of his tribe's relationship with an alienmaster race over thousands of years and of greatcatastrophes that have befallen planet Earth.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................6699"Porphyria" by Steven Rochlitz, PhD"Energizing Water" by J. Schwuchow, J. Wilkes and I. Trousdell"Beyond Belief" by James F. Coyle"Earthing" by C. Ober, S. T. Sinatra, MD, and M. Zucker"Homo Serpiens" by Aeolus Kephas"What Lurks Beyond" by Jason Offutt"The Art of Close Encounters" by Kim Carlsberg"George Adamski: A Herald..." by Gerard Aartsen"The Cosmic Conspiracy" by Stan Deyo"The NASA Conspiracies" by Nick Redfern"The Mystery of U-33" by Nigel Graddon"The Forbidden Archeologist" by Michael A. Cremo"The Origin of God" by Laurence Gardner"Challenges of Change" by Stanley A. Fulham

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7766"NEXUS Conference 2010" produced by E&E Productions

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7777"Akave" by George Telek"Tibet: Awakened Heart" by Tenzin Choegyal and Taro Terahara"Shakuhachi Water Meditations" by Riley Lee"This is the Story" by Miriam Lieberman


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Well, 2011 has arrived with a bang, or, in the case of many countries includingAustralia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Brazil, with unprecedented flooding. The

culprit, we are told, is the strongest La Niña pattern ever recorded, as you'll read in theGlobal News section in this edition.

Also in the news are numerous reports from all over the planet of thousands ofdead birds, fish and now mammals being found. Occasional reports of mass fishdeaths and even mass bird deaths are not new, but the sheer scale of these recentevents (most of which are confined to local area news reports) is quite alarming. Itis unclear whether there is any common cause for these deaths. I hope to havemore information on this disturbing topic in our next issue.

And if record-breaking floods and strange mass animal deaths are not enough tokeep you wondering, then what about the Sun? A few months ago it produced thelargest solar filament, or solar prominence, on record. Fortunately, so far, all therecent coronal mass ejections have shot out into space, away from the Earth.

Back down here on Earth, the WikiLeaks Cablegate phenomenon is still capturingattention worldwide. The leaking of the first batch of 250,000 US diplomatic cableshas already changed the world forever, and only 1% of the cables has been releasedto date! For people in power, there are no surprises with the contents of the cables;but for the average person in the street, especially in Muslim countries, they revealshocking evidence of government hypocrisy and worse, with many governmentssecretly supporting the USA and Israel while uttering meaningless platitudes at themasses. The mid-January ousting of the Tunisian president is considered to be aresult of WikiLeaked revelations, which gave new impetus to existing tensions. Thepeople decided that enough was enough. See our feature article plus Global Newsin this edition for more on the WikiLeaks releases.

I want to make particular mention of two articles in this issue. The first is in theScience News section, and it's all about the new Gridpoint Atlas software—the latestupdate of the original Gridworks program based on Bruce Cathie's World Gridharmonics system. This is an incredible piece of software which also utilises GoogleEarth to plot the location of any part of the World Grid that you specify. As word ofthis gets out, I expect to hear from researchers who have discovered new locations ofinterest and connections with key grid intersection points. Truly, this software putspowerful information into the hands of the public. Get it while you can!

The other article is in Twilight Zone, and it's an edited extract from a rare bookcalled The Chronicle of Akakor. In the book (but not included in our extract), authorKarl Brugger mentions that 24 December 2011—not 2012—is the end of the Mayanlong-count calendar. Note the context of this event in relation to the recordedhistory of the Chosen Tribes: for these people, it is not the end of the world per se; itmarks the end of an era and, importantly, the return of the gods, who they say comeback to Earth every 6,000 years.

Meanwhile, rumours are on the rise that the Chinese have entered into arelationship with an alien race and that this involves game-changing technology.One thing that's not clear is whether this means conquest or cooperation by andwith China. I also hope to have more information about this next time. The signsare there for all to see that the geopolitical landscape has changed dramatically,with China emerging on top. Many insiders say that war with China is coming soon,but is likely to be piggybacked on a major Earth-changing event.

Remember the article last edition about the power of collective prayer andmeditation to help change people and thus the world? I'll say it again: the worldneeds as much love, light and prayer as you can give. If you want to change theplanet to a higher vibration, then start visualising and broadcasting that vibrationnow. Already, millions of people send out love and prayers to the world every fullmoon and new moon. Seriously, what have you got to lose? Love to all...










CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTOORRSS TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEEAndrew Gavin Marshall; Philip Coppens; Rev. Dr Shé D'Montford; Belinda Doyle;

Walter Last; Captain Bruce L. Cathie (Ret.)and Rod Maupin; Professor Robert Pope


CCOOVVEERR GGRRAAPPHHIICCJeff Edis, [email protected]

PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


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SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyonecaught making a buck out of it, without our expresspermission, will be in trouble when we catch them!

WWAARRRRAANNTTYY AANNDD IINNDDEEMMNNIITTYYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of theforegoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles,unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulationsand that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable ofbeing misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that theyare not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profes-sional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2011

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CCoolllleeccttiivvee CCoonnsscciioouussnneessss Dear Duncan: I have just

read my first edition ofNEXUS (vol. 18, no. 1), afterspotting the cover headlinefor Dr Roger Taylor's article"The Power of CollectiveMeditation". Thank you forprinting this article, whichis one of the mostinformative and stimulatingtexts I have read recently.

It is clear that thediscoveries of "real"scientists, i.e., the non-blinkered, self-interest-freeminority such as thoseresponsible for theadvances made in the fieldof quantum physics,validate the activities ofgroups who haveexperimented with thepower of consciousness toeffect healing and positivechange on a global scale.

However, as Dr Taylorpointed out in his article,there are millions ofaltruistic individuals whodo regularly pray andmeditate. For many of us,though, our practice is notas powerful as it couldpotentially be. I think thereare two reasons for this:first, many people areunaware that their activitieshave been scientificallyproven to be effective; andsecond, their method lacksstructure and coherence.

I would like to bring toyour attention the "laser"meditation techniqueexplained by a Bulgarianmystic, O. M. Aivanhov, whoencouraged interestedparticipants to meetcommunally on a regularbasis. He suggestedutilising the vibrations ofsound by listening to shortpassages of highly charged

music (such as by Beethovenor Mozart) as an aid to thevisualisation process.

This method involvesunifying the faculties ofmind with the heart andwill, in order to broadcastpositive light energy intothe wider community. Inspecial circumstances,projecting thoughts ofpeace and light specificallytowards the powers-that-beis recommended!

Encouragingly, there arenow groups who regularlypractice this method ofcollective meditation onevery continent.

As quantum physics isnow proving, it isconsciousness that createsour world. Thank you againfor printing Dr Taylor'sempowering article. I hopethat an increasing numberof peaceful people ofgoodwill will unite theirminds to utilise thisknowledge. We will create aforce that is ultimatelycapable of defeating thebastions of egoism andvested interest. Then wecan begin to create a muchbetter world for all.

Regards,Susan J., Brighton, UK

CClliimmaatteeggaattee CCeennssoorreedd Hi Duncan: I have been

reading NEXUS for 20 years. Last year I read the

Project Censoredcompilation and there wasno mention of theClimategate scandal. Isuspected this may havebeen due to the timing.

I waited for this year'ssummary, and again nomention. In fact, they [theProject Censored team]have gone one step worse:

they quote the IPCC as if ithad something valuable tosay. Perhaps you shouldedit the list of top 25 storiesto a top 10. Trivial storiesabout segregation in USschools can be the first togo. The rest can be locatedon the Project Censoredwebsite.

Keep up the good work.Zyconoclast, Griffith,

NSW, Australia

EElleeccttrriicc CCiirrccuuiittss aanndd QQEEDD Dear Duncan: In 2009 I

made a film which explainshow an electric circuitworks from the view ofquantum electrodynamics(QED). Tom Bearden wrotea short comment about thefilm which I have publishedon my website atwww.electra-energy-ag.com/en/animation/.

Since it has become verydifficult nowadays toreceive recognition for ascientific work, I wasthinking if I may ask youalso to write a shortcomment about the film.

Warm regards,Marcus Reid, Germany

TTiimmee FFlliieess wwiitthh NNEEXXUUSS!!Hello Duncan and staff:

Loved your editorial in the18/01 edition of themagazine, which isexcellent again.

You mentioned "how timehas flown" in your editorial.I find your magazine soinformative and easy toread that when I have towait for another six or sevenweeks for the next editionto arrive, time drags.

An old-timer told me thathe did not know how heever had time to go to work,as he has been so busy

since retiring. Thinking I donot wish to be that busy, Inow enjoy six Saturdaysand a Sunday each week.

Keep up your good work.Regards,John L., South Australia

AAggaaiinnsstt AAtthheeiissmm && ZZiioonniissmmDear Duncan: Thanks

again for a thought-provoking and informativeissue (18/01). Two mattersin particular are of interestto me: your editorial, andPalestine [Project Censoredarticle, item 9].

With reference to youreditorial on whether we aremeaningless, I became alapsed atheist when I facedup to the "obvious"contradiction of thepopular materialist view ofeverything being withoutpurpose—as you rightlyimply. Simply, if there isonly material (and itscomplement, energy), thenlife has evolved from this.Non-life material is subjectto increasing disorder; lifeto increasing order, whichmust derive this force fromwithin its material self.

We individually havepurposefulness, if only tocontinue living (as all lifehas). So as life has thispurpose and life is inherentin the material of theUniverse, then the Universehas purpose—albeit thatwe may not be conscious ofwhat that is.

With regards to Palestine,the Zionist Jews (there aremany Jews who are notZionists, and many Jewswho oppose what theZionist state does in theirname) trade on aperversion of their religionand history to perpetuate

Letters to the Editor ...

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the apartheid mentioned inthe article, along with theethnic cleansing that theyand their forebearsinitiated and continue:crimes against humanity.

What is becoming moreknown is the crime againsthumanity that Zionists haveperpetrated, and continueto perpetrate, by ethnicallycleansing Palestine toachieve their mythical racialpurity (akin to the Nazis).

I can only assume thatthe western powers supportthe Israeli state because ofmisguided ideas that this isin their countries' interests(such as keeping thesurrounding Arab countriesin a permanent state of warwith each other andIsrael—divide and rule)and the pressure from theequally misguided Jews intheir countries who believethe Zionist myths.

Best wishes, Ian C., UK

HHoommooeeooppaatthhyy vvss CCaanncceerrDear Editor: Fourteen

years ago I had brain cancerand was given months tolive. I had all theconventional treatment,including radiology andchemotherapy. All my hairfell out in one weekendafter radiology, and I put onfour stone in four weeksafter the steroids. Mymedical notes say thatchemotherapy was nothelping, and that mydisease had progressedduring my treatment.

I was mostly bed-bound,and to get anywhere I hadto use a wheelchair. I hadagonising pains in my legs,was unable to open myeyelids voluntarily, and my

vision was so poor that Icould only see an arm'slength away—and that wasfuzzy with double vision.

I was told that thetreatment was not workingfor me, and was asked if Iwanted to stay in thehospital, go to a hospice orgo home. I decided to gohome, and as a last resort Iconsulted a homoeopath.Since then, I have neverneeded to consult a doctoragain.

I trained as ahomoeopath, have beenregistered for the last 10years, and now work in theWest Midlands in England.

Gemma, UK

MMoorree FFllooooddss ffoorr AAuussttrraalliiaa??Dear Duncan: I spotted

this at George Ure's website(www.urbansurvival.com) on12 January 2011 [firstpublished on 6 March 2010at www.peoplenomics. com]:

"Every once in a while, areader email or a news tipcomes along which justscreams for more follow-upbecause it fits with a lot of'rumbles' being heardlately. That was the casethis week when thefollowing email arrivedfrom Australia:

'Hi George. [I'll] keep itshort; know you have tonsto look at every day.

'I just don't get it. Myhusband is working on thishuge project. In the firstmeeting, the topmanagement levels areinformed the government isbuilding it for the 10,000-year flood and it's notpublic knowledge. He looksaround and hardly anyonebats an eyelid. The speakerlooks my husband in the

eye and says, "Yes, the lasttime Noah was involved.Yes, that flood!"

'Forty-five billion beingspent on this one. His partis in Brisbane, Queensland,yet many roads are beingrebuilt higher all over thestate and many newmotorway tunnels. Thetunnels in Brisbane arewhat we believe will be theway to relay the big floodsout to sea (too bad if you'rein one at the time is myguess). Examining the waythey have built the newhospital, it appears thatships could dock there: noreason to be built that high.

'No photography isallowed, and this isregulated strictly. Must befinished before 2012, butlast few days they havesuggested to speed upworks and intend to workunder floodlight around theclock. Now, that's justmaking me a bit morenervous. Maybe you'reright: 2012 has been movedforward?

'Feel free to ask for moreinfo; he will send it over theweekend if so. I probablywould have dismissed it asmyth myself, but whenyou're on the payroll for thebig event, well, it doesn'tget more real than that.Are there any projects overthere reporting the samereason for big projects?Maybe they weren't meantto slip the truth into thismeeting.

'Just reply simply "moreinfo", and I will forwardfacts if you're interested.The company is sworn tosecrecy but he hasn'tsigned anything and sayshe is willing to speak. Why

should we be in the darkwhile they spend so muchto safeguard the corporatestructures? I really don'tthink we will get warningson what they must alreadyknow is coming.

'Yours...'"Anonymous[Intriguing! Anyone able to

shed more light on this, pleasecontact us. (Item slightly editedfor publication here.) Ed.]

EExxppoossiinngg MMeeddiiccaall EErrrroorrssDear Duncan: As

requested, I write to adviseyou of my web page aboutmy husband Don's dreadfulsuffering and consequentdeath in May 2007 at thehands of a major hospital inAustralia.

As my testament is self-published, I am relying onthe goodwill of those I havecontact with to ensure thatas many people as possibleare able to have access toinformation about systemicproblems with theAustralian (western) healthcare system.

I thank you for your helpand appreciate any helpyou can give me in (a)ensuring that those whocaused my husband'ssuffering and death be heldaccountable, (b) hopefullychanging the public healthcare system in Australia sothat injury and deathcaused by medical error willbe investigated as with anyother wrongful injury anddeath, and (c) ensuring thatthose accountable will bemade to answer for theiractions.

The website is www.withoutduecare.com.au.

Thank you,Therese Mackay, Australia

... more Letters to the Editor

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The financial crisis hashelped the Federal

Reserve in the US becomethe most profitable bank inhistory. "The Fed" turned aUS$80.9 billion profit in2010, $76.2 billion of whichcame from securities that itbought during the crisis.

The Fed's interest costsare minimal because almostall of its liabilities, such asbank reserves, are paid atthe overnight rate of 0.0% to0.25%, but many of thelonger-term assets it hasbought yield 4.0% or 5.0%.

Most of the Fed's income($76.2 billion) came from interest onthe approximately $2,000 billion ofsecurities it has acquired as part ofits efforts to stimulate the USeconomy. It earned $7.1 billion innet income from special-purposevehicles, such as that set up to buyassets from the failed investmentbank Bear Stearns, and $3.4 billionfrom its loans to the bailed-outinsurer AIG. (Source: The Financial Times, London, 10January 2011, http://tinyurl.com/4lxxc6l)


The French satellite DEMETERobserved a dramatic increase in

ultra-low-frequency (ULF) radiowaves over Haiti in the monthbefore the M7.0 earthquake inJanuary 2010.

DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmittedfrom Earthquake Regions) waslaunched in 2004 by the Frenchspace agency CNES into a polarorbit approximately 700 kilometres

above the Earth's surface. In early December, a

group of researchers fromthe Technical University ofSerres in Greece releasedresearch data showing thatDEMETER detected asignificant change in ultra-low-frequency radio wavesin the ionosphere aboveHaiti in the month beforethe quake.

"The results reveal asignificant increase of theenergy of ULF waves, up to360%, for a period of onemonth before the mainearthquake compared withthe energy of thebackground," they said.

In a carefully wordedstatement, Michael

Athanasiou, one of the scientistsinvolved, said: "The results of thispaper clearly indicate that ULFelectromagnetic waves can be veryuseful in revealing possibleprecursor seismic phenomena." (Source: Technology Review, 9 December2010, http://tinyurl.com/4aaquhv)


Research in the Netherlands hasshown that trees that were

planted in close proximity to awireless router suffered fromdamaged bark and dying leaves.

The city of Alphen aan den Rijn, inthe west of the country, ordered thestudy five years ago after officialsfound unexplained abnormalities ontrees which they did not believe hadbeen caused by any known viralinfection.

The researchers took 20 ash treesand exposed them to various kindsof radiation for three months. Thetrees were exposed to six sources ofradiation with frequencies rangingfrom 2412 to 2472 MHz and a powerof 100 mW at a distance of just 20inches [50.8 centimetres].

Trees placed closest to the Wi-Firadio developed a "lead-like shine"on their leaves that was caused by

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the dying of the upper and lowerepidermis. This would eventuallyresult in the death of parts of theleaves, the study found.

The researchers also discoveredthat Wi-Fi radiation could slow thegrowth of corn cobs.

In the Netherlands, about 70 percent of all trees in urban areas showthe same symptoms, compared withonly 10 per cent five years ago, thestudy found. Trees in denselyforested areas are not affected.(Source: The Dai ly Mai l , London, 25November 2010, http://tinyurl.com/4jugzav)


Researchers at the University ofCalifornia, San Francisco (UCSF),

have engineered E. coli bacteria withthe key molecular circuitry that willenable genetic engineers to programcells to communicate and performcomputations.

The work builds into cells thesame logic gates found in electroniccomputers and creates a method tomake circuits by "rewiring"communications between cells.This system can be harnessed toturn cells into miniature computers,according to findings reported in thejournal Nature.

That, in turn, will enable cells tobe programmed with more intricatefunctions for a variety of purposes,including in agriculture and in theproduction of pharmaceuticals,materials and industrial chemicals,according to Christopher A. Voigt,PhD, a synthetic biologist and anassociate professor in the UCSFSchool of Pharmacy's Department ofPharmaceutical Chemistry and thesenior author of the paper.

"The purpose of programmingcells is not to have them overtakeelectronic computers," said Voigt."Rather, it is to be able to access allof the things that biology can do in areliable, programmable way."(Source: ScienceDaily.com, 8 December2010, http://tinyurl.com/3a7lybm)


Reacting to a French pledge torepresent the "common interest"

in considering biotech foods, aformer US ambassadorrecommended publishing a"retaliation list" of Europeanlocations where genetically modifiedorganisms (GMOs) were beinggrown, in the hope that activistswould destroy them and "causesome pain" for officials, a leaked USdiplomatic cable shows.

In the confidential communicationdated 14 December 2007, the thenUS Ambassador to France, CraigRoberts Stapleton, recommendedcreating the list if France and theEuropean Union continued to banbiotech seeds.

"Mission Paris recommends that[the US government] reinforce ournegotiating position with the EU onagricultural biotechnology bypublishing a retaliation list whenthe extended 'Reasonable TimePeriod' expires," Stapleton wrote.

In December 2010, more than onemillion Europeans signed a petitiondemanding that the EU halt theapproval of new genetically modifiedcrops. The petition was laterdismissed by the EU Commission

on procedural grounds.In the last 12 years, only two

organisms have been licensed forseeding across Europe, and one ofthem was a potato that triggered therecent mass petition against thecrops. The world's number-onemultinational biotechnology firm,Monsanto, isn't happy about that. The Nation's Jeremy Scahill revealed

in September that the world's topproducer of genetically modifiedseeds hired US security contractorBlackwater to "infiltrate activistgroups organizing against themultinational biotech firm".

Meanwhile, other cables releasedby WikiLeaks show that, behind thescenes, Spain has been a key ally ofthe US in defending geneticallymodified crops.

Another cable sent to the Vaticanon 19 November 2009 indicated thatPope Benedict XVI also supportsgenetically modified crops, but willnot admit it in public.

"Vatican officials remain largelysupportive of genetically modifiedcrops as a vehicle for protecting theenvironment while feeding thehungry, but—at least for now—areunwilling to challenge bishops whodisagree," the cable explained.(Source: The Raw Story, 20 December 2010,http://tinyurl.com/2ujebo3)


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Aremarkable study published inthe Cochrane Library found no

evidence of benefit for influenzavaccinations and also noted that thevast majority of trials wereinadequate.

The authors stated that the onlytrials showing benefit were industryfunded. They also pointed out thatthe industry-funded studies weremore likely to be published in themost prestigious journals. Inaddition, they found cases of severeharm caused by the vaccines, inspite of inadequate reporting ofadverse effects.

The study, "Vaccines for preventinginfluenza in healthy adults", isdamning of the entirepharmaceutical industry and itsminions, the drug-testing industryand the medical system that relieson them.

The authors attempted to find andinvestigate every study that hasevaluated the effects of flu vaccinesin healthy adults aged 18–65. Tothis end, they searched the"Cochrane Central Register ofControlled Trials (CENTRAL) (TheCochrane Library, 2010, issue 2),MEDLINE (January 1966 to June

2010) and EMBASE (1990 to June2010)". They included 50 reports; 40of them were clinical trials, addingup to over 70,000 people. Tworeported only on harmful effects andwere not included in this study.

Studies of all types of influenzavaccines were included: live,attenuated and killed—or fractionsof killed—vaccines.

The authors concluded in asomewhat understated manner:"The results of this review seem todiscourage the utilisation ofvaccination against influenza inhealthy adults as a routine publichealth measure. As healthy adultshave a low risk of complications dueto respiratory disease, the use of thevaccine may be only advised as anindividual protection measureagainst symptoms in specific cases."

The authors also found that"industry-funded studies were...citedmore than other studies", that"reliable evidence on influenzavaccines is thin", and that "there isevidence of widespreadmanipulation of conclusions".

To view the study, go to the webpage http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20614424.(Source: GaiaHealth.com, 16 December2010, http://tinyurl.com/49omf9d)


New NASA satellite data indicatesthat the current La Niña event

in the eastern Pacific remainedstrong during November andDecember 2010.

"The solid record of La Niñastrength only goes back about 50years and this latest event appearsto be one of the strongest ones overthis time period," said climatologistBill Patzert of the Jet PropulsionLaboratory. "It is already impactingweather and climate all around theplanet. This La Niña hasstrengthened for the past sevenmonths and is one of the mostintense events of the past half-century."

"Although exacerbated byprecipitation from a tropicalcyclone, rainfalls of historicproportion in eastern Queensland,Australia, have led to levels offlooding usually only seen once in acentury," said David Adamec,oceanographer at NASA's GoddardSpace Flight Center. "The copiousrainfall is a direct result of La Niña'seffect on the Pacific trade winds andhas made tropical Australiaparticularly rainy this year."(Source: NASA press release, 13 January 2011,http://tinyurl.com/4j8eads)


For years, scientists concernedabout the threat of antibiotic-

resistant bacteria in food-animalproduction have been trying tofigure out just how much antibioticsproducers are using each year.

Now, long-awaited data has beenreleased by the US Food and DrugAdministration. Of the antibioticssold in 2009 for both people andfood animals, almost 80 per centwere reserved for livestock andpoultry. The grand total for 2009:13.1 million kilograms.

A huge portion of thoseantibiotics was never intended to

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...... GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS ......fight bacterial infections; rather,producers most likely administeredthem in continuous low dosagesthrough feed or water to increase thespeed at which their animals grew.And that has many public healthexperts and scientists troubled.

The growing threat of antibioticresistance is largely due to themisuse and overuse of antibiotics inpeople and animals, which leads toan increase in "super-bacteria". (Source: Center for a Livable Future, 23December 2010, http://tinyurl.com/4svn6gk)


An international group ofscientists is working on a

simulator with the goal of replicatingeverything that happens on Earth. Itwill track everything from weatherpatterns to disease spread to trafficcongestion to financial transactionsall over the globe.

The Living Earth Simulator, LES,as it is nicknamed, is being createdto advance scientific understandingabout everything that is happeningon the planet and to attempt tofigure out what "human actionsshape society" and how everythingchanges the world.

The scientists plan to build anumber of supercomputers tocrunch the numbers. They will likelyalso use processing power from allacross the Internet, asking mobilephone and computer users todonate a small portion of theirprocessing to the project.

The data will be easier to come by.Websites and services like Wikipedia,Google Maps and governmentdatabanks make up a few of morethan 70 already existing sources ofmoving data. NASA's Planetary Skinproject will also feed data into LES.

The scientists hope to integratereal-time feeds from social networkslike Facebook, stockmarkets, medicalrecords, mobile devices and more. (Source: Digital Trends, 28 December 2010,http://tinyurl.com/4uzp739)


Apreliminary review of the US diplomatic cables released so far byWikiLeaks reveals the duplicity of many Arab nations in foreign policy,

especially in the case of Iran. For example, in the past few years, Arabnations have publicly countered Israeli propaganda that Iran is a biggerthreat to the world than the resolution of the Palestinian issue, with claimsthat the failure to bring a just solution to the Palestinians is the number-one issue for Arabs and Muslims. But privately, these same nations havebeen repeatedly asking the US to bomb Iran and even invade it with groundtroops.

The same cables also reveal that, even now, the main financiers of Al-Qaeda are Saudi donors. American Presidents George W. Bush and BarackH. Obama have identified Al-Qaeda as the biggest threat to the US, and yetthey've colluded with the nation whose citizens are its biggest financiers.

While the US is worried that the latest revelations from WikiLeaks willundermine its relations with its allies, Muslim governments are worried thatthese same leaks will expose the extent to which they routinely lie to theirown people. Nation after Muslim nation has been exposed as supportingand collaborating with the United States and lying to its public about theextent of its support for US foreign policy. For example, the President ofYemen acknowledged that he would continue to lie to his people and claimthat American military operations in Yemen are Yemeni operations; and thePakistani government does not want its people to know the extent to whichit cooperates with the US on nuclear issues.(Source: TheHuffingtonPost.com, 16 January 2011, http://tinyurl.com/25x2pwy)


The drastic changes brought about in Tunisia, which ultimately forcedPresident Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali to flee the country, have been

described as the "first WikiLeaks revolution" because the whistleblowerwebsite played a major role in stirring up public anger against thecorruption of their leader.

According to The Scotsman, the revolution is virtually unprecedented inmodern Arab history and has already led to experts predicting that othercountries in the region could follow suit.

After Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on Friday [14 January], protesters inCairo chanted: "Ben Ali, tell Mubarak a plane is waiting for him, too!"

US diplomatic cables released by the whistleblower website WikiLeakscalled the President and his siblings "The Family", comparing them to aMafia crime organisation. The cables also revealed that Ben Ali's wife,Leïla, had made huge profits out of building an exclusive school.

One cable was banned in Tunisia, but its contents became widely known."Corruption in the inner circle is growing. Even average Tunisians are

keenly aware of it, and the chorus of complaints is rising. Tunisians intensely dislike, even hate, first lady Leïla Trabelsi and her

family. In private, regime opponents mock her," US Ambassador RobertGodec wrote.

The cables further claimed that, in 2006, two nephews of Ben Ali hadseized the yacht of a French businessman.

"Although the petty corruption rankles, it is the excesses of President BenAli's family that inspire outrage among Tunisians. With Tunisians facingrising inflation and high unemployment, the conspicuous displays of wealthand persistent rumours of corruption have added fuel to the fire," the cableadded. (Source: TheAfricaNews.Net, 16 January 2011, www.theafricanews.net/story/ 732193)

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bbyy AAnnddrreeww GGaavviinn MMaarrsshhaallll

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here are those who accept what the WikiLeaks releases say at facevalue, largely due to the misrepresentation of the documents by thecorporate-controlled news media. There are those who see thedocuments as authentic and simply in need of proper interpretation

and analysis. Then there are those, many of whom are in the alternativemedia, who approach the leaks with caution and suspicion. There are thosewho simply cast the leaks aside as a "psy-op" designed to target specificnations that fit into US foreign policy objectives. Finally, then, there arethose who deplore the leaks as "treason" or threatening "security". Of all theclaims and notions, the last is, without a doubt, the most ridiculous.

This essay aims to examine the nature of the WikiLeaks releases and howthey should be approached and understood. If WikiLeaks is changing things,let's hope people will make sure that it changes things in the right direction.

MMeeddiiaa PPrrooppaaggaannddaa aaggaaiinnsstt IIrraann:: TTaakkiinngg tthhee CCaabblleess aatt FFaaccee VVaalluueeThis perspective—taking the cables regarding Iran at face value—is

perhaps the most propagated one, as it is largely influenced and undertakenby the mainstream corporate media which present the leaked diplomaticcables as "proof" of the media's take on major world issues—most notableamong them, Iran's nuclear program. As per usual, the New York Times stepscentre stage in its unbridled contempt for truth and relentless use ofpropaganda to serve US imperial interests, headlining articles with titles like"Around the World, Distress over Iran", which explained how Israel and theArab leaders agree on Iran as a nuclear threat to the world, with thecommentary in the article stating that "running beneath the cables is a beliefamong many leaders that unless the current government in Tehran falls, Iranwill have a bomb sooner or later".1 Fox News ran an article proclaiming that"Leaked Documents Show Middle East Consensus on Threat Posed by Iran",and commented that "the seismic document spill by WikiLeaks showed onearea of profound agreement—that Iran is viewed in the Middle East as theregion's No. 1 troublemaker".2 This, it should be understood, is propaganda.

Yet, we need to refine properly our understanding of propaganda in orderto assess what is specifically propagandistic about these stories. While oneshould remain sceptical of sources and disinformation campaigns (as thosewho critically analyse the media have known take place time and timeagain), one must also consider the personal perspective of the source anddecipher between authenticity and analysis. These documents, I trulybelieve, are authentic. In this sense, I do not adhere to the notion that theseare a part of a psychological operation (psy-op) or propaganda effort interms of the actual release of the documents. We must keep in mind thatthe sources for these cables are US diplomatic channels, and thus thestatements within them reflect the perspectives and beliefs of US diplomaticpersonnel. The documents are an authentic representation of their



TThhee rreecceenntt rreelleeaassee oofftthhee ffiirrsstt bbaattcchh ooff225500,,000000 UUSS

ddiipplloommaattiicc ccaabblleesslleeaakkeedd ttoo WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss

hhaass pprroovvookkeedduunnppaarraalllleelleedd gglloobbaalliinntteerreesstt,, bbootthh

ppoossiittiivvee aanndd nneeggaattiivveeaanndd eevveerryywwhheerree iinn bbeettwweeeenn..

OOnnee tthhiinngg iiss cceerrttaaiinn::WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss iisscchhaannggiinngg tthhee ssttaattuuss qquuoo..


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statements and beliefs, but that does not imply thatthey are an accurate representation of reality.

This is where the media come in to propagandise theinformation within the leaks. The above two examplesclaim that the leaks show there is a "consensus" on Iran,and thus the American and indeed Israeli positions onIran for the past several years have been "vindicated" inthat they fear Iran is making nuclear weapons. This isnonsense. The media have essentially read andpropagated the documents at face value—meaning thatbecause US diplomats and Middle Eastern and Arableaders all agree that Iran is a "threat" and is trying tomake a "nuclear weapon", it therefore must be true.This is a non sequitur. Just because Middle Eastern andArab leaders see Iran as a threat does not make it so.

Again, consider the sources. What makes the Arableaders trustworthy sources for "unbiased" information?For example, one "revelation" that made its way aroundthe world was the insistence of Saudi Arabia's KingAbdullah that America "cut offthe head of the snake" of Iranand launch military strikes.3

This has largely beeninterpreted in the media as"proof" that there is a"consensus" on the "threat"posed by Iran to the MiddleEast and the world. This hasbeen the propaganda line toedby the New York Times, Fox Newsand the Israeli government,among many others. Yet, weneed to contextualise thisinformation properly—something which the New YorkTimes has a long record of failing to do (intentionally, Imight add). I do not doubt the authenticity of thesestatements or the belief of the Arab leaders that Iran isa "threat". Iran, on the other hand, has claimed that theleaks are "mischievous", that they serve US interests,and that Iran is "friends" with its neighbours.4 This, too,is propaganda. Again, we need to contextualise.

Iran is a Shi'a nation, while the Arab nations,particularly Saudi Arabia, are predominantly Sunni.This presents a means of division among these nationsin the region, at least on a superficial basis. The reality,however, is that Saudi Arabia and Iran are far from"friendly" and have not been on good terms since 1979when the Shah was deposed. Iran is Saudi Arabia'sprimary contender and competitor for power andinfluence in the region, and thus Iran is inherently athreat to Saudi Arabia politically.

Further, the Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia,Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt,whose claims against Iran have been widely publicised,must be understood in terms of their relationship to theUnited States. The Arab states are American proxies inthe region. Their armies are subsidised by the American

military–industrial complex; their political regimes (allof which are dictatorships and dynasties) are proppedup and supported by America.

The same goes for Israel, although at least it has theoutward appearance of a democracy, much like theUnited States. Further, Israel itself is left subdued toAmerican interests as an American proxy. If Israel'smilitary financing and hardware come from America(which they do), then Israel is dependent upon Americafor its own military power and is in no position to tellthe US not to arm its other regional proxies. If indeed aregional war against Iran is in the making, and it hasappeared for some time that there is, it is certainly inIsrael's interest to have allies against Iran in the region.

IIss WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss aa PPrrooppaaggaannddaa EEffffoorrtt??The leaders of Israel have been very adamant that the

WikiLeaks documents do not embarrass Israel to anyextent. Prior to the release, the US government briefed

Israeli officials on the type ofdocuments that would bereleased by WikiLeaks regardingIsrael.5 Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu stated:"There is no disparity betweenthe public discourse between usand Washington, and themutual understanding of eachother's positions."6 The IsraeliDefence Minister, Ehud Barak,claimed that the documents"show a more accurate view ofreality".7 One top Turkish

politician stated that looking at which countries arepleased with the releases says a lot, and speculated thatIsrael "engineered the release" of documents in anattempt to advance its interests and to "pressureTurkey".8

Further, the Internet and various alternative newsorganisations are abuzz with speculation that WikiLeaksitself may be a propaganda front, perhaps even a CIAfront organisation, a method of "controlling theopposition" (which we know that, historically, the CIA isnot unfamiliar with). Yet, this speculation is basedupon the use of the information that is released in thecables, and it strikes me as showing a lack ofcontextualising the documents.

So, how should one contextualise this? Let's beginwith Israel. When the Israeli Prime Minister states thatthe WikiLeaks releases are not embarrassing to Israel,he is mostly correct. This is not because Israel hasnothing to hide (remember, the WikiLeaks documentsare not "top secret" documents but merely diplomaticcables), but because the diplomatic exchanges thatIsrael makes largely reflect the reality of the publicstatements that Israel makes. Israel and its politicalelite are no strangers to making absurd public

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TThhiiss hhaass llaarrggeellyy bbeeeenniinntteerrpprreetteedd iinn tthhee mmeeddiiaa aass ""pprrooooff"" tthhaatt tthheerree iiss aa

""ccoonnsseennssuuss"" oonn tthhee ""tthhrreeaatt""ppoosseedd bbyy IIrraann ttoo tthhee MMiiddddllee

EEaasstt aanndd tthhee wwoorrlldd..

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statements, to constantly threatening war with Iran andother neighbours, or to propagandising their belief thatIran is making nuclear weapons (something which hasnever been proven). Thus, the leaks do not "hurt"Israel's image, because Israel's image internationally isalready so abysmal and despicable and because Israelidiplomats and politicians are generally as brazen inwhat they say publicly as in what they say to each other,so Israel's image has largely remained the same. Ofcourse, Israeli leaders—political and military—are usingthe leaks to suggest that they "vindicate" theirperspective on Iran as a threat, which of course is anabsurd propaganda ploy, the exact same techniquetaken on by the corporate media in taking the cables atface value.

While Iran has slammed theseWikiLeaks releases as westernpropaganda aimed at Iran, thisstatement itself should be taken as aform of propaganda. After all, Iranclaimed that it is "friends" with all itsneighbours—a claim which is anhistorical and present falsity. Iran, likeall states, uses propaganda toadvance its own interests. Those whoattempt to battle the spread ofmisinformation and propaganda,myself included, must remain highlycritical of media representationsand campaigns against Iran, ofwhich there are many. Iran isfirmly in the targets of America'simperial ambitions; this is nosecret. Yet, there is nothing inthe current batch of WikiLeaksreleases that strikes me asinauthentic in relation to Iran,especially those documentspertaining to the perspectives ofwestern diplomats and Arableaders. No doubt they havethese perspectives simplybecause they reflect the policy priorities of America andthe West itself, not because they are factual in theirsubstance. In this, we must decipher betweenauthenticity and accuracy.

Analysts must not only critically assess theauthenticity of documents (and the sources from whichthey come), but also, and perhaps even moreimportantly, they must critically analyse theinterpretation of those documents. So while I do notdoubt the authenticity of documents pertaining towestern and Middle Eastern perceptions of Iran (as theyfit in with the wider geopolitical realities of the region),it is the interpretations of the documents that I view asactive propaganda efforts on the part of westerngovernments and media. The method of this

propaganda effort, however, is in depicting thedocuments as "factual assessments" of the on-the-ground reality, which they are not. The documents arefactual in how they represent the views of those whowrote them, which does not mean that they are factualin their substance. There is a difference, andacknowledging this difference is incredibly important inboth the exposure of propaganda and the assessment oftruth.

TThhee TTrruutthh aabboouutt DDiipplloommaaccyyCraig Murray is one voice that should be heard on this

issue. Murray is a former British Ambassador toUzbekistan, who made a name for himself in exposing

intelligence from Uzbekistan relatedto Al-Qaeda as entirely unreliable,due to the methods of torture (suchas boiling people alive) which wereused to get the information. Thisintelligence was passed to the CIAand MI6—intelligence which Murraysaid was "factually incorrect". WhenMurray expressed his concerns withthe higher-ups in the BritishDiplomatic Service, he wasreprimanded for talking about"human rights".9 Murray was told bythe British Foreign & Commonwealth

Office that he had one week inwhich to resign, and he wasthreatened with possibleprosecution or prison time forrevealing "state secrets".10 Hewas subsequently removed fromhis ambassadorial position, andhas since become something of apolitical activist. In short, Murrayis exactly the type of diplomat aperson should want: honest. Buthe was also exactly the type ofdiplomat that western imperialpowers don't want: honest.

In the midst of the latest WikiLeaks releases ofdiplomatic documents, Craig Murray was asked to writean article for the Guardian regarding his interpretation ofthe issue. As Murray later noted, the paper placed hisarticle, largely reduced, hidden in the middle of a longcompendium of various commentaries on WikiLeaks.Murray, however, posted the full version on his website.In the article, he begins by assessing the claims ofgovernment officials around the world, particularly inthe United States, that WikiLeaks exposes the US to"harm", that it puts lives at risk, and that the leaks will"encourage Islamic extremism". Most especially, heassesses the notion that "government secrecy isessential to keep us all safe". Murray explains that,having been a diplomat for over 20 years, he is very

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TThhee ddooccuummeennttssaarree ffaaccttuuaall iinn hhoowwtthheeyy rreepprreesseenntt tthhee

vviieewwss ooff tthhoosseewwhhoo wwrroottee tthheemm,,wwhhiicchh ddooeess nnoott

mmeeaann tthhaatt tthheeyy aarreeffaaccttuuaall iinn tthheeiirr

ssuubbssttaannccee.. TThheerreeiiss aa ddiiffffeerreennccee,, aanndd

aacckknnoowwlleeddggiinnggtthhiiss ddiiffffeerreennccee iiss iinnccrreeddiibbllyyiimmppoorrttaanntt......

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familiar with these arguments, particularly the argumentthat, as a result of the WikiLeaks releases, diplomatswill no longer be candid in giving advice "if that advicemight become public". Murray elaborates:

Put it another way. The best advice is advice you would notbe prepared to defend in public. Really? Why? In today'sglobalised world, the Embassy is not a unique source ofexpertise. Often expatriate, academic and commercialorganisations are a lot better informed. The best policy adviceis not advice which is shielded from peer review.What of course the establishment mean[s] is that

Ambassadors should be free to recommend things which thegeneral public would view with deep opprobrium, without anydanger of being found out. But shouldthey really be allowed to do that, in ademocracy?11

Murray pointedly asks why a type ofbehaviour, such as lying, that isconsidered reprehensible for mostpeople, "should be consideredacceptable, or even praiseworthy, indiplomacy". He explains that forBritish diplomats "this belief that theirprofession exempts them from thenormal constraints of decentbehaviour amounts to a cult ofMachiavellianism, a pride in theirown amorality". He explains thatdiplomats come from a verynarrow upper social stratum and"view themselves as ultra-intelligent Nietzscheansupermen, above normalmorality", who are sociallyconnected to the political elite.

In criticising the claims madeby many commentators that therelease of the leaks endangerslives, Murray writes that thisperspective needs to "set againstany such risk the hundreds of thousands of actual deadfrom the foreign policies of the US and its co-conspirators in the past decade". Further, for those whoposit that WikiLeaks is a psy-op or propagandaoperation or a "CIA front", Murray has this to say:

Of course the documents reflect the US view—they areofficial US government communications. What they show issomething I witnessed personally, that diplomats as a classvery seldom tell unpalatable truths to politicians, but ratherreport and reinforce what their masters want to hear, in thehope of receiving preferment.There is therefore a huge amount about Iran's putative

nuclear arsenal and an exaggeration of Iran's warheaddelivery capability. But there is nothing about Israel's massivenuclear arsenal. That is not because wikileaks have censoredcriticism of Israel.

It is because any US diplomat who made an honest andopen assessment of Israeli crimes would very quickly be anunemployed ex-diplomat.12

Murray concludes his article with the statement thatall would do well to keep in mind: "Truth helps thepeople against rapacious elites—everywhere."13

WWoorrlldd OOrrddeerr aanndd GGlloobbaall AAwwaakkeenniinnggIn attempting to understand WikiLeaks and its

potential effects (that is, if the alternative media andcitizen activists use this opportunity), we must placeWikiLeaks within a wider geopolitical context.

Our human world exists as acomplex system of social interactions.As powerful and dominating as elitesare and have always been, we mustunderstand that they are notomnipotent: they are human andflawed, as are their methods andideas. But there are other forces atwork in the human social world.There is a new and uniquedevelopment in human history that istaking place around the world. It isunprecedented in reach and volume,and it is also the greatest threat to all

global power structures: the"global political awakening". Theterm was coined by ZbigniewBrzezinski, who wrote in the NewYork Times (16 December 2008):

For the first time in historyalmost all of humanity is politicallyactivated, politically conscious andpolitically interactive. Globalactivism is generating a surge inthe quest for cultural respect andeconomic opportunity in a worldscarred by memories of colonial orimperial domination.

It is, in essence, this massive "global politicalawakening" which presents the gravest and greatestchallenge to the organised powers of globalisation andthe global political economy: nation-states,multinational corporations and banks, central banks,international organisations, and military, intelligence,media and academic institutions. Members of thetransnational capitalist class, or "Superclass" as DavidRothkopf refers to them, are globalised like neverbefore. For the first time in history, we have a trulyglobal and heavily integrated elite. As elites haveglobalised their power, seeking to construct a "newworld order" of global governance and ultimately globalgovernment (decades down the line), they havesimultaneously globalised populations.

IInn aatttteemmppttiinngg ttoo uunnddeerrssttaanndd

WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss aanndd iittssppootteennttiiaall eeffffeeccttss((tthhaatt iiss,, iiff tthhee

aalltteerrnnaattiivvee mmeeddiiaaaanndd cciittiizzeenn

aaccttiivviissttss uussee tthhiissooppppoorrttuunniittyy)),, wwee mmuusstt ppllaaccee

WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss wwiitthhiinn aawwiiddeerr ggeeooppoolliittiiccaall


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The "Technological Revolution" involves two majorgeopolitical developments. The first is that astechnology advances, systems of mass communicationrapidly accelerate and the world's people are able toengage in instant communication with one another andgain access to information from around the world. In itlies the potential—and ultimately a central source—of amassive global political awakening. Simultaneously, theTechnological Revolution has allowed elites to redirectand control society in ways never before imagined,potentially culminating in a global scientificdictatorship, as many have warned of since the earlydecades of the 20th century. The potential forcontrolling the masses has never been so great, asscience unleashes the power of genetics, biometrics,surveillance and new forms of modern eugenics,implemented by a scientific elite equipped with systemsof psycho-social control.

Brzezinski's analysis of the"global political awakening" isuseful because of hisrepresentation of it as theprimary global threat to eliteinterests everywhere. Thus,people should view the conceptof the global political awakeningas the greatest potential hope forhumanity and that it should beadvanced and aided—asopposed to Brzezinski'sperspective that it should becontrolled and suppressed.

Brzezinski posits that to address this new global"challenge" to entrenched powers, particularly nation-states that cannot sufficiently address the increasinglynon-pliant populations and populist demands, what isrequired is "increasingly supranational cooperation,actively promoted by the United States". In otherwords, Brzezinski favours an increased and expanded"internationalisation", not surprising considering thathe laid the intellectual foundations of the TrilateralCommission.

CCoonncceeppttuuaalliissiinngg WWiikkiiLLeeaakkssI feel that WikiLeaks must be conceptualised within

our understanding of this geopolitical reality which wefind ourselves in today. There is, of course, logic behindthe automatic scepticism and suspicion aboutWikiLeaks from the alternative media; however, theyalso risk losing an incredible opportunity presented byWikiLeaks, not only to reach more people withimportant information but to better inform thatinformation itself.

For those who view WikiLeaks as a conspiracy or plot,as a psy-op of some kind, while indeed these thingshave taken place in the past, there is simply no evidencefor it thus far. Every examination of this concept is

based upon speculation. Many nations around theworld, particularly in the Middle East and South Asia,are pointing to the western nations as engaging in acovert propaganda campaign aimed at creating disunitybetween states and allies. Iran, Turkey, Pakistan andAfghanistan have made such claims. It is no surprisethat most of these nations, particularly Iran, are targetsof US imperial policy. However, since the WikiLeaksreleases speak heavily and negatively about Iran,Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Venezuela, etc.,one must remember that these are diplomatic cablesand represent the opinions and beliefs of the diplomaticestablishment, a social group which is historically andpresently deeply enmeshed in and submissive to eliteideology and methodology. If all the information theycome up with are rumours, conjectures and repeatedtalking points, that is what will be seen in thediplomatic cables. Indeed, that is exactly the case.

The cables are full of rumoursand unsupported allegations.So naturally, they would targetthese specific nations—deemed geopoliticallysignificant by Americanimperial interests—and thiswould explain why there wouldbe far less information on Israeland other allied nations. Thisis why it seems to me thatthese cables are authentic.They seem to represent thereality of the "diplomatic social

group", and thus they are a vivid exploration in thestudy of imperialism. We have been given theopportunity to see the "communications" of imperialdiplomacy. It is in this that we are presented with anincredible opportunity.

Further, in regards to many Middle Eastern and Asiannations framing WikiLeaks as a "western plot", as criticalthinkers we must take note of the geopolitical reality ofthe global political awakening. All states are self-interested: that is the nature of a state. Elites all overthe world are aware of the reality and potential politicalpower of the global political awakening and thus seek tosuppress it or co-opt its potential. States (such as Iran)which are often viewed by the critical press as "targets"of western imperial powers may seek to use this powerto their own advantage. They may attempt to steer theglobal awakening and the alternative media to theirfavour, which gives them political power. But thealternative media must not pick sides in terms of globalelites and power structures: we must remain critical ofall sides and all actors.

WikiLeaks is receiving an incredible readership and isreaching out to new audiences, globally and in theAmerican homeland itself, and to the youth of theworld. People's perceptions are beginning to change on

FFoorr tthhoossee wwhhoo vviieewwWWiikkiiLLeeaakkss aass aa ccoonnssppiirraaccyy

oorr pplloott,, aass aa ppssyy--oopp ooffssoommee kkiinndd......tthheerree iiss ssiimmppllyynnoo eevviiddeennccee ffoorr iitt tthhuuss ffaarr..

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a variety of issues. The question is: will the alternativemedia ignore WikiLeaks and isolate themselves, or willthey engage with WikiLeaks and prevent the mainstreamcorporate media from having a "monopoly ofinterpretation", which becomes inherentlypropagandistic. If we do not reach out to this new andgrowing audience, we are left talking to each other,further isolating ourselves and ultimately becomingsubverted and ineffective for change. We need to reachout to new audiences, and this is an incredibleopportunity to do so. People are interested, people arecurious, people are hungry for more.

WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss aanndd tthhee MMeeddiiaaInstead of deriding WikiLeaks as "not telling us

anything we didn't know before", perhaps the alternativemedia should use the popularity and momentum ofWikiLeaks to take from it the documentation andanalysis that furtherstrengthen our arguments andbeliefs. This will allow forothers, especially newaudiences of interested peopleworldwide, to place theWikiLeaks releases within awider context andunderstanding.

The reports from WikiLeaksare "revelations" only to thosewho largely adhere to the"illusions" of the world: thatwe live in "democracies"promoting "freedom" around the world and at home,etc. The "revelations", however, are not simplychallenging American perceptions of America but theperceptions of all nations and their populations. Thefact that these people are reading and discovering newthings for which they are developing an interest is anincredible change.

This is likely why the corporate media are so heavilyinvolved in the dissemination of this information (whichitself is a major source of suspicion for the alternativemedia): to control the interpretation of the message. Itis the job of the alternative media, intellectuals andother thinking individuals to challenge thatinterpretation with factual analysis. The WikiLeaksreleases actually give us more facts to place within andsupport our interpretations than they do for thecorporate media.

We must ask why the WikiLeaks releases are"revelations" for most people. Well, they are surprisingsimply for the fact that the media themselves have sucha strong hold on the access to, dissemination andinterpretation of information. They are revelationsbecause people are indoctrinated with myths. They arenot revelations to the alternative media because wehave been talking about these things for years.

However, while they may not necessarily be revelations,they are in fact confirmations and vindications and theybring more information to the analysis. It is in this thata great opportunity lies. For since the leaks support andbetter inform our perspectives, we can build on thisconcept and examine how WikiLeaks adds to andsupports critical analysis.

For those who are newly interested and looking forinformation, or for those who are having their previousperceptions challenged, it is the alternative media andcritical voices alone that can place that information in awider context for everyone else. In this, more people willsee how it is the alternative media with their criticalperspectives which are more reflective of reality than,say, the mainstream media (for which WikiLeaks is a"revelation"). Thus, more people may soon start turningto alternative media and ideas; after all, our perspectiveshave been vindicated, not those of the mainstream

media (though they attempt tospin it as such).

However, no other organisedapparatus is as capable ofdisseminating as muchmaterial as quickly and withsuch global reach as themainstream media. If theleaks initially only made itinto alternative media, thenthe information would onlyhave reached those who arealready reading the alternativepress.

In that, they would not have been such grand"revelations" and would have had a muted effect. Intheir global exposure of WikiLeaks material (never mindtheir slanted and propagandistic interpretations), themainstream media have changed the dynamic andsignificance of the information. By reaching wider andnew audiences, the alternative and critical voices canco-opt these new audiences and lead them away fromthe realm of information "control" into the realm ofinformation "access". This is potentially one of thegreatest opportunities presented for the alternative andcritical voices of the world.

The WikiLeaks releases are a globally transformativeevent, not simply in terms of awakening new people to"new" information but also in terms of the effect it ishaving upon global power structures themselves. Withambassadors resigning, diplomats being exposed asliars and tools, political rifts developing betweenwestern imperial allies, and many careers andreputations of elites around the world at great risk,WikiLeaks is creating the potential for an enormousdeterioration in the effectiveness of imperialism anddomination. This, in itself, is an admirable and worthygoal. That this is already a reality is representative ofhow truly transformative WikiLeaks is and could be.

TThhee ffaacctt tthhaatt tthheessee ppeeoopplleeaarree rreeaaddiinngg aanndd ddiissccoovveerriinnggnneeww tthhiinnggss ffoorr wwhhiicchh tthheeyyaarree ddeevveellooppiinngg aann iinntteerreesstt iiss

aann iinnccrreeddiibbllee cchhaannggee..

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People, globally, are starting to see their leadersthrough a lens not filtered by "public relations".Through mainstream media, information gets filteredthrough propaganda, which is why it is an essential dutyof the alternative media and critical thinkers to placethis information in a wider, comprehensive context.This would further erode the effectiveness of empire.

With the reaction of several states and policingorganisations in issuing arrest warrants for WikiLeakseditor-in-chief Julian Assange or in calling for hisassassination (as one Canadian adviser to the PrimeMinister suggested on television), these organisationsand individuals are exposing their own hatred ofdemocracy, transparency and freedomof information. Their reactions can beused to discredit their legitimacy to"rule". If policing agencies aresupposed to "protect and serve", whyare they seeking instead to punishand subvert those who expose thetruth? Again, this comes as nosurprise to those who closely studythe nature of the state and especiallythe modern phenomenon of themilitarisation of domestic society andthe dismantling of rights andfreedoms. However, it is happeningbefore the eyes of the wholeworld, and people are payingattention. This is new.

This is an incredibleopportunity to criticise foreignpolicy (read "imperial strategy")and to disembowel many globalpower structures. More peoplenow, than ever before, will bewilling to listen, learn andinvestigate for themselves.WikiLeaks should be regarded asa gift, not a distraction. Insteadof focusing on the parts of theWikiLeaks cables (such as on Iran) which do not reflectthe perspectives of the alternative media, we must useWikiLeaks to better inform our own understanding notsimply of the "policy" itself but of the complex socialinteractions and ideas that create the basis for thepolicy to be carried out.

In regards to the diplomatic cables themselves,WikiLeaks helps to unsheathe and strip away therhetoric behind imperial policy and expose diplomatsnot as "informed observers" but as "agents of power".The reaction by nations, organisations and institutionsaround the world adds further fuel to this approach, aswe are seeing the utter distaste that political leadershave for "democracy" and "freedom of information",despite their rhetoric. Several institutions of power canbe more widely exposed in this manner.

WWiikkiiLLeeaakkss aass aann OOppppoorrttuunniittyyIf WikiLeaks is a psy-op, it is either the stupidest or

the most intelligent psychological operation everundertaken. But one thing is for sure: systems andstructures of power are in the process of being exposedto a much wider audience than ever before. Thequestion for the alternative media and criticalresearchers alike is what will they do with thisinformation and this opportunity.

Julian Assange was recently interviewed by Timemagazine about WikiLeaks, and explained to itsinadequately informed editor that organisations whichare secretive need to be exposed:

If their behavior is revealed to thepublic, they have one of two choices: oneis to reform in such a way that they canbe proud of their endeavors, and proud todisplay them to the public. Or the otheris to lock down internally and tobalkanize, and as a result, of course,cease to be as efficient as they were. Tome, that is a very good outcome, becauseorganizations can either be efficient, openand honest, or they can be closed,conspiratorial and inefficient.15

Assange further explained some ofhis perspectives regarding theinfluence of and reactions toWikiLeaks, stating:

Aspects of the Chinesegovernment, Chinese PublicSecurity Service, appear to beterrified of free speech, and whileone might say that meanssomething awful is happening inthe country, I actually think that isa very optimistic sign, because itmeans that speech can still causereform and that the power structureis sti l l inherently polit ical, as

opposed to fiscal. So journalism and writing are capable ofachieving change, and that is why Chinese authorities are soscared of it. Whereas in the United States to a large degree,and in other Western countries, the basic elements of societyhave been so heavily fiscalized through contractual obligationsthat political change doesn't seem to result in economicchange, which in other words means that political changedoesn't result in change.16

In the interview, Assange turned to the issue of theInternet and community media:

For the rise of social media, it's quite interesting. When wefirst started [in 2006], we thought we would have theanalytical work done by bloggers and people who wroteWikipedia articles and so on. And we thought that was anatural, given that we had lots of quality, important content...

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......tthhiiss ccoommeess aass nnoossuurrpprriissee ttoo tthhoosseewwhhoo cclloosseellyy ssttuuddyytthhee nnaattuurree ooff tthhee

ssttaattee aanndd eessppeecciiaallllyy tthhee mmooddeerrnn

pphheennoommeennoonn oofftthhee mmiilliittaarriissaattiioonn

ooff ddoommeessttiiccssoocciieettyy aanndd tthheeddiissmmaannttlliinngg ooff

rriigghhttss aannddffrreeeeddoommss..

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The bulk of the heavy lifting – heavy analytical lifting – that isdone with our materials is done by us, and is done byprofessional journalists we work with and by professionalhuman-rights activists. It is not done by the broadercommunity. However, once the initial lifting is done, once astory becomes a story, becomes a news article, then we start tosee community involvement, which digs deeper and providesmore perspective. So the social networks tend to be, for us, anamplifier of what we are doing. And also a supply of sourcesfor us.17

As researchers, media and critics, we must realise thatour perspectives and beliefs must be open to changeand evolution. Simply because something like this hasnever happened before does not meanthat it isn't happening now. We live inthe era of the TechnologicalRevolution, and the Internet haschanged economics, politics andsociety itself on a global scale. This iswhere the true hope in furthering andbetter informing the "global politicalawakening" will need to take speedand establish itself. True change inour world is not going to come fromalready established or newly createdinstitutions of power, which is whereall issues are currently beingaddressed, especially those ofglobal significance. True change,instead, can only come not fromglobal power structures but fromthe global "community" of people,interacting with one another viathe power unleashed by theTechnological Revolution. Changemust be globally understood andcommunity organised.

We are on the verge of a periodof global social transformation.The question is: will we doanything about it? Will we seek to inform and partake inthis transition, or will we sit and watch it be misled,criticising it as it falters and falls?

As "globalisation" has facilitated the emergence of aglobal elite and several global institutions andideologies of global power, so too has this processfacilitated the "globalisation of opposition". So whileelites, globally, actively work to integrate and expandglobal power structures, they are inadvertentlyintegrating and expanding global opposition to thosevery same power structures. This is the great paradox ofour time, and one which we must recognise, for it is notsimply a factual observation but a hopeful situation.

Hope should not be underestimated, and it issomething that I have personally struggled with in myviews of the world. It is hard to see hope when you

study so much horror in the world and see how little isbeing done about it. But activism and change needhope. This is very evident from the Obama campaign,which was splashed with rhetoric of "hope" and"change", something that all people rightfully want andneed. However, Obama's "hope" and "change" were WallStreet brands and patents; it was a glorious practice inthe art of propaganda and an horrific blow to truenotions of hope and change. There is a reason why theObama campaign took the top prizes in public relationsindustry awards.18

While indeed, on most fronts in the world, things aregetting progressively worse, the alternative media havefocused almost exclusively on these issues such that

they have blinded themselves to thepositive geopolitical developments inthe world—namely, the global politicalawakening and the role of the Internetin reshaping global society. Whilethese issues are acknowledged, theyare not fully understood or explainedwithin the wider context: that theseare, in fact, hopeful developments; thatthere is hope. WikiLeaks strengthensthis notion, if it is to be taken as anopportunity.

The list of examples surfacing fromthe WikiLeaks cables is endless in the

amount of additional informationthat can be added to thealternative media's disseminationof information and analysis. Makeno mistake: this is an opportunityfor the spread of truth, not adistraction from it. Treat itaccordingly. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Andrew Gavin Marshal l i s aresearch associate with the Centrefor Research on Globalization in

Montreal, Canada. He is co-editor, with Professor MichelChossudovsky, of the recent book The Global EconomicCrisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century (available athttp://www.globalresearch.ca). He is currently writing abook on global government, due to be released in 2011 byGlobal Research Publishers. His previous articles inNEXUS are "The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda" (17/06),"The Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship" (17/05), "ANew World War for a New World Order" (17/02) and "TheFinancial New World Order" (16/04–05).

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::Due to space constraints, we cannot publish the completeversion of Andrew G. Marshall's article. To view this andthe accompanying endnotes, go to the website at:http://tinyurl.com/67hmpqp.

20 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

TTrruuee cchhaannggee,,iinnsstteeaadd,, ccaann oonnllyyccoommee nnoott ffrroommgglloobbaall ppoowweerrssttrruuccttuurreess bbuuttffrroomm tthhee gglloobbaall""ccoommmmuunniittyy"" ooff

ppeeooppllee,,iinntteerraaccttiinngg wwiitthhoonnee aannootthheerr vviiaa

tthhee ppoowweerruunnlleeaasshheedd bbyy tthheeTTeecchhnnoollooggiiccaallRReevvoolluuttiioonn..

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bbyy PPhhiilliipp CCooppppeennss ©© 22001100

PO Box 13722North Berwick EH39 4WB

United Kingdom

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Website: http://www.philipcoppens.com

MMaannyy sseeccrreett ssoocciieettiieess,,iinncclluuddiinngg tthhoossee aaiimmeeddaatt nnuurrttuurriinngg tthhee

ssppiirriittuuaalleennlliigghhtteennmmeenntt ooff tthheeiirrmmeemmbbeerrss,, hhaavvee bbeeeenn

iinnffiillttrraatteedd bbyyiinntteelllliiggeennccee aaggeenncciieessffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoosseess ooffggrroooommiinngg tteerrrroorriissttss

aanndd ffuullffiilllliinnggnneeffaarriioouuss ppoolliittiiccaall



EEEEXXTTRREEMMEEXXTTRREEMMEE RRRRIIGGHHTTIIGGHHTTre secret societies just another front for shady intelligenceoperations? Are members of knightly orders groomed to becometerrorists? Many initiatory cults, from the Solar Temple to theRosicrucians, are or have been used as fronts for extremely nefarious

and horrific dramas.In "State-sponsored Terrorism in the Western World" (NEXUS vol. 14, no. 2,

February–March 2007), I highlighted that western governments had organisedterrorist activities against their own citizens, often sacrificing the lives ofinnocent civilians for what they consider to be the greater good. In countrieslike Belgium and Italy, government inquiries revealed that a secret army,known as the "stay-behind network", had been staffed by their own citizens. InBelgium, it had taken orders from the Belgian State Security Service, theequivalent of the Russian FSB or the American CIA. The cell was code-namedSDRA8 and was directly linked to NATO's stay-behind centres, the AlliedClandestine Committee (ACC) and the Clandestine Planning Committee(CPC). In Italy, a series of bombing campaigns in the 1980s left hundreds ofinnocent people—often commuters—dead and injured.

These campaigns were part of a "strategy of tension", a way to control andmanipulate public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation,psychological warfare, agents provocateurs and false-flag terrorist actions, allcarried out to scare the average citizen into the belief that communism wasnear and willing to kill. In truth, it was the intelligence agencies of the westernworld that killed and created a threat that was never real.

Though state-sponsored terrorism is now a commonly accepted fact forthese episodes (though the role of the British government in Northern Irelandremains a hotly debated topic), what is less known is that what kept thisinternational network of "government-employed terrorists" organised was aseries of pseudo-chivalric organisations, which conspiracy theorists havelargely failed to identify for what they truly are and which the "esoteric crowd"largely has embraced with love.

KKnniigghhttllyy aanndd TTeerrrroorriisstt OOvveerrllaappss iinn AArrggeennttiinnaa,, SSppaaiinn aanndd IIttaallyyOne of the most prominent examples of a knightly overlap with the extreme

right is the case of José López Rega, a leader of the Umbanda voodoo cultwhich was strong in Argentina in the 1970s. López Rega made his career in theranks of the Argentinian federal police, but left the police force in 1961 at theage of forty-five. In 1965, he became acquainted with María Estela Martínez,the third wife of Juan Perón, who became enthralled by the occultist. Hebecame her personal bodyguard, and soon after he became private secretaryto President Perón himself. When Perón returned to Argentina in 1973, LópezRega became a minister in his new government.

To "keep communism at bay", López Rega founded the ArgentineAnticommunist Alliance (AAA), which was responsible for a series of brutal

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murders. On 20 June 1973, more than 300 people werekilled in Ezeiza. This and more meant that, in 1975, hehad to flee to Spain, living in the Perón villa where hedecided to bring the AAA to Spain. Together with StefanoDelle Chiaie, he began the fight against ETA, the Basquefreedom fighters, and the rest is another sad history.

The knightly connections come in the form of LópezRega being a prominent member of the ItalianFreemasonic lodge Propagande Due (P2), which in Italywas linked with a string of terrorist activities that werediscussed in detail in my previous article (referencedabove). It was López Rega who brought the Peróns intocontact with Licio Gelli, the P2 leader. Gelli became anadviser to Perón, and he was the only non-Argentinian onthe aircraft that brought Perón back to Argentina.

Gelli and López Rega then founded the Argentinianwing of P2, the Pro Patria lodge. Immediately, highrollers from the military as well as government ministerswere admitted. Theorganisation's primary agendawas to create ties with the oiland weapons industries. AfterPerón's fall, López Rega wasoften seen around Lake Genevaat Gelli's house, underlining theclose bond which the two menhad.

OOrrddeerr ooff tthhee SSoollaarr TTeemmpplleeThe link between the stay-

behind networks in Italy and P2in Italy is not the exception. Ifanything, it is the rule. It is nowclear that the stay-behind networks in various Europeancountries infiltrated the knightly and freemasonicorganisations: in Italy, it was a Freemasonry lodge thatwas targeted; in France, it appears that the KnightsTemplar of the Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple(Ordre Souverain du Temple Solaire, or OSTS), set up in1952, was their main attraction.

In the 1990s, the Order of the Solar Temple (Ordre duTemple Solaire, or OTS), under the visible leadership ofLuc Jouret and Joseph Di Mambro since its inception in1984, committed a series of what has been officiallyclassified as "collective suicides"—even though most ofthe victims were actually killed by bullet and/orasphyxiation. French officials have rather purposefullyneglected all routes that could reveal a ghastly truth andinstead have continuously focused on the cult aspect ofthe organisation. For example, it has twice tried MichelTabachnik, a member of the OTS, for being responsiblefor agitating the Order so that its members committedsuicide. Yet all experts consulted, as well as members ofthe "cult", stated that Tabachnik was innocent of suchcrimes. Twice a jury agreed, and twice Tabachnik wasacquitted.

One of the experts in the story of the Solar Temple is

the French journalist Maurice Fusier. In one of his bookson the subject, Secret d'Etat? ("State Secret?")1, he explainswhere his lines of enquiry have taken him. For example,it has become clear that police and investigatorspurposefully neglected clues which showed that unknownpersons aided if not executed the "collective suicides"(which, in France, took place in 1995). Trails suggestingthat several hundreds of millions of dollars were movedfrom OTS bank accounts into what appears to have beenAustralia were intentionally not followed up during theinvestigation. Specifically, Fusier has identified that keyfigures within the OTS had direct links and access to thethen French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua. Indeed, inthe final weeks of the OTS's existence, members claimedand complained that they had been "infiltrated", and justbefore their deaths they sent their passports to Pasqua,apparently claiming that they felt he was responsible forwhat was about to happen. But how could a cult hold the

Minister of the Interiorresponsible for deaths that wereofficially of their own doing?

The theory of collectivesuicides has also been heavilycontested by Alain Vuarnet,René and Muguette Rostan,Willy and Giséla Schleimer, whoare relatives of the victims, andDr Alain Leclerc, their lawyer.Their investigation hasuncovered one document, acopy of a letter of 21 April 1997,addressed by a lawyer's office toa bank, concerning the

distribution of 17 million French francs (about 2.5millions euros) between various personalities andpolitical parties, the OTS and the Rosicrucian OrderAMORC (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis). In hisdemand for a further investigation, Dr Leclerc (quoted byFusier) wrote: "If the document is true, it shows that theOrder of the Solar Temple was in activity after the lastMarch 22, 1997 massacre [in Quebec, Canada] and thatthe leaders of this organisation are still alive." The courtrefused to investigate the letter.

If the OTS's demise was a "state secret", what was goingon? Author François-Xavier Verschave has argued thatthe "collective suicides" were connected to Gladio, thesecret NATO stay-behind network in Italy. Verschave maybe echoing the opinions of Dr Jean-Marie Abgrall, anexpert who was used during the investigations into theOTS and who was accused of violating these secretinvestigations as he spoke out of turn. He was not theonly expert who was frustrated with the level of secrecyand the desire to bring some of this information into themedia spotlight: another was French esoteric journalistJean-Luc Chaumeil.

Abgrall repeatedly stated, in declarations to Le Pointand Nice-Matin in February 2003, that the Renewed Order

......ppoolliiccee aanndd iinnvveessttiiggaattoorrssppuurrppoosseeffuullllyy nneegglleecctteedd

cclluueess wwhhiicchh sshhoowweedd tthhaattuunnkknnoowwnn ppeerrssoonnss aaiiddeedd

iiff nnoott eexxeeccuutteedd tthhee ""ccoolllleeccttiivvee ssuuiicciiddeess""..

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of the Temple (Ordre Rénové du Temple, or ORT) cult, theancestor of the OTS and created in 1968, had relationswith the Gladio network. Abgrall added that there werefurther relationships between AMORC, of which he wasonce a member, and the French networks in Africa, theso-called "Foccart network". According to Fusier, Abgrallconcluded that "the Order of the Solar Temple, as well asAMORC and the ORT, was created and controlled byFrench and foreign secret services".

Other researchers have concluded that Luc Jouret, headof the OTS, co-operated with the far-right Belgian activistJean-François Thiriart. In the 1970s, they founded anorganisation whose goal it was to organise a split in theCommunist Party of Belgium, formingthe Parti Communautaire Européen,which then became the PartiCommunautaire National-Européen.Bruno Fouchereau, author of La mafiades sectes ("The mafia of sects")2 and awriter for Le Monde Diplomatique, allegesthat this Belgium "Nazi-Maoist group"was actually controlled by the SDRA8,Belgium's branch of Gladio.

Observers have noted that there aremany parallels between the OTS andthe original "Templar Order" in France,the OSTS. A leading member of theOSTS was Constantin Melnik,head of the then French externalintelligence agency SDECE.Melnik conceived the so-calledLa Main Rouge ("the Red Hand"),a group of state-sponsoredterrorists that specificallyoperated in the Algerian War inthe 1950s. Several terroristattacks were attributed to thisorganisation and seen as attacksagainst the French state, whereasthey were actually committed bythe state—a so-called false-flagoperation.

Melnik has since admitted his responsibility in thecreation of the fiction of the Red Hand, but he has deniedany involvement in the Templar story. Instead, he haspointed the finger at the KGB! He claims that, in 1958, itsent over people to the area he lived in, dressed up asTemplars, in an effort to discredit him! As he was laterrepeatedly seen at the OSTS headquarters in VilliéMorgon, near Lyon, his claims regarding the KGB, even iftrue, do not change his personal and extensiveinvolvement in the OSTS.

What Constantin Melnik does not dispute either is thathe received his training from the Rand Corporation, acompany whose principal customer is the Pentagon. Healso accepts that it was François de Grossouvre who wasinstrumental in his return to France in 1983. De

Grossouvre was the person in charge of Gladio in theLyons region. Geoffroy d'Aumale and Jean-Pierre Faure,in their Guide de l'espionnage et du contre-espionnage("Espionage and Counter-espionage Guide")3, claim thesame. De Grossouvre would later commit suicide insidehis office in the Elysée Palace, the residence of theFrench president, though many believe that he was"suicided".

Former members of the OSTS have noted that theredefinitely was a military aspect to the OSTS. Thoughthere were mass gatherings of members in whichapparently esoteric if not magical rituals were performed,there were also weekends of a slightly different nature.

One member stated that on one suchweekend, a group was taken to asecluded valley in which their guidesbegan to show them extremely high-tech machine guns which definitelycame from a military arsenal.

They were asked to begin targetpractice, an offer which some of theOSTS members immediately declinedand then most annulled theirmembership or let it expire. Ittherefore seems clear that the OSTShad always been, or at some pointbecame, exposed to Gladio, and

members were often unknowinglyinvited to begin to train asresistance fighters in the Gladionetwork.

Within the Gladio framework,the OTS begins to make moresense. If the OTS was part of theGladio network, it would explainwhy it was led by Luc Jouret, aBelgian ex-military official withties to Gladio. It explains theenormous sums of money thatwere transferred, and it explainswhat happened in the final days

of the OTS. If the OTS was a Gladio cell, it seems that theFrench Ministry of the Interior had indeed infiltrated thiscell and may have been responsible for neutralising it (forGladio was controlled by the CIA and NATO, not thegovernments of the countries in which it operated). Onemeans of neutralisation is to kill all members…

TThhee QQuueebbeecc CCoonnnneeccttiioonnGladio is often seen as a European network of NATO

cells created to fight communism. But the OTS also hadmembers in Canada. And it was while investigating theOTS suicides there that the Quebec provincial policeforce uncovered unrealised plans to set up a terroristorganisation for war against the Mohawk Nation! TheMohawk live around Lake Ontario and the St LawrenceRiver in what is now Canada and the United States.

SSeevveerraall tteerrrroorriissttaattttaacckkss wweerree

aattttrriibbuutteedd ttoo tthhiissoorrggaanniissaattiioonn aannddsseeeenn aass aattttaacckkss

aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee FFrreenncchhssttaattee,, wwhheerreeaass tthheeyy

wweerree aaccttuuaallllyyccoommmmiitttteedd bbyy tthheessttaattee——aa ssoo--ccaalllleedd


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To make some sense of this story, it should be pointedout that the OTS in Canada was specifically linked withthe electricity corporation Hydro-Québec. There werepress reports that executives of Hydro-Québec werebuilding dams at the behest of Jouret in order to provideelectricity for a Québécois colony that would exist afterthe group's prophesied doomsday event. Of course, thedoomsday prophecy could be seen as a smokescreen, thedam could be seen as a key economic initiative...and theMohawk Nation's wishes might have been overridden inthe pursuit of hard cash by the OSTS and the like.

Fusier underlines that Di Mambro wired 93 million USdollars to Australian banks before his death. And it islittle known that it is one Jean-Pierre Galipeau whoclaims that he is the heir to thatmoney. Galipeau is Canadian. At firsthe appeared to Fusier as a potentialattention-seeker if not con-man, butthen Fusier entertained the notion thathis claim could be true.

The story begins in 1995, whenCanadian citizens were told to registerany weapons in their possession. Atfirst, this law was said to cost twomillion Canadian dollars, buteventually the price rose to two billiondollars! Galipeau claimed that apartfrom several scandals, there was also agroup that the Quebec police haddiscovered in 1993, a year beforethe first OTS suicides. This groupwas a "pseudo-terrorist group"known as Q-37, which wasidentified as planning theassassinations of several leadingCanadian politicians. It was thenuncovered that there was a reportin the newspaper Soleil (of allnames!) on 7 April 1993 thatJouret had been pressuringwomen into training to shoot. Thereport continued that a group that was known as Q-37("Q" standing for Quebec, and "37" being the number offounding members) was linked to the OTS and hadalready threatened Claude Ryan, Quebec's then Ministerof Public Security. Two members of the group werearrested and charged with complicity in acquiringweapons and silencers. One of these was...Luc Jouret.

Jouret returned to Canada in August 1993 and wasarrested, but he was given only a probationary sentence.Allegations of terrorism, murder, etc. had all disappearedand only the weapons charge remained. Was it becauseofficially the Quebec government's hands were tied? Didthe government instead have to come up with an"alternative punishment"? Were the OTS suicides the"real punishment" that Jouret received? (He died in themass suicide in Switzerland in October 1994.)

That this may be the case comes from accusations fromthe Quebec police, who suspected that Jouret, along withhis supposed involvement in an arms-trafficking ring, wasinvolved in blowing up transmission towers belonging toHydro-Québec (where Jouret had given inspirationalseminars on business and self-realisation) and in leadingQ-37. These accusations were hysterically denied in theSolar Temple's collective suicide note which accusedClaude Ryan of belonging to the right-wing Catholicsecret society Opus Dei.

AAMMOORRCC LLiinnkkss In the aftermath of the OTS suicides, most attention

was focused on the group's Belgian "leader", but thegroup truly was more the child ofJoseph Di Mambro than of Jouret.Whereas Jouret's background waslargely military and he became aKnight later, Di Mambro had joined theRosicrucian organisation AMORC in1956. The official investigation intothe mass suicides established anextremely close co-operation betweenthe OTS and AMORC.

But the shady history of AMORC andthe intelligence communities did notbegin with the OTS. On 27 October1972, an Air Inter Viscount aircraft

crashed in the Loire. Thesubsequent official investigationdid not clear up why the aircrafthad crashed and missed itslanding in Clermont-Ferrand.

By 1976, French journalist SergeHutin argued that the remains ofthe aircraft suggested that it hadsuffered an impact with aprojectile—that is, it had beendeliberately shot down.

On board and one of the deadwas Marie-Rose Baleron de

Brauwer, one of the chiefs of the French RenseignementsGénéraux, based in Nice. She was Hutin's partner andwanted to give him a file. Specifically, she wanted tobring it to Clermont-Ferrand, where on 28 and 29 OctoberAMORC's yearly Grand Conseil et Séminaire Magistralwas being held. The president of the organisation wasRaymond Bernard, and Baleron was AMORC'srepresentative for the Puy-de-Dôme region.

Baleron's report, according to Hutin, detailed the linksbetween AMORC, the CIA, P2, the Corsican Mafia, theSAC (Service d'Action Civique, France's Civic ActionService) and various other knightly orders. Hutin saidthat the report specifically concluded that the extremeright-wing organisations were hiding as esoteric andsecret societies. The file showed details about theirinvolvement in international terrorism and how it was

TThheessee aaccccuussaattiioonnsswweerree hhyysstteerriiccaallllyy

ddeenniieedd iinn tthhee SSoollaarrTTeemmppllee''ss ccoolllleeccttiivveessuuiicciiddee nnoottee wwhhiicchhaaccccuusseedd CCllaauuddee

RRyyaann ooff bbeelloonnggiinnggttoo tthhee rriigghhtt--wwiinnggCCaatthhoolliicc sseeccrreett

ssoocciieettyy OOppuuss DDeeii..

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organised. Hutin stated that Baleron had been able toshow that the knights of the SAC, a parallel French policeforce, had links with Raymond Bernard and Julien Origas,the leader of the ORT, the Renewed Templar Order—another organisation closely allied with AMORC and theOTS. Because of the personal relationship betweenBaleron and Hutin, the French media could spend lessattention on the revelation than it deserved. But Hutinhad no reason to lie. And it is a fact that, in July 1974,Origas spoke in front of the ORT and said: "[A] womanhad wanted to oppose the birth and the development ofthe ORT. She died in an accident."4 A rather interestingstatement to make…

In 1975, Origas also held a series of meetings inBrussels, where he said that he saw that year as thebeginning of a new era and the creation of a new super-race. He spoke of the Green Order and felt that it wasunder the control of Lucifer—allof them interesting commentsto make, and which are likelynot known to the rank and file ofhis Order!5

The lure of knightly orMasonic organisations is strong,with extravagant claims—likethe one made at AMORCinitiations that the Egyptianpharaoh Tuthmosis III was thefounder of the Rosicrucians. Intruth, the Order was formed in1915 by Harvey Spencer Lewis inCalifornia. Contrast this with the notion that, in the1980s, AMORC had 160,000 members in France and G.Buisson, the official spokesman for the Order in France,was proud to state that certain governments, especially inBlack African countries, were under the control ofAMORC.6

TThhee OOrrddeerr ooff MMaallttaaToday, there are hundreds if not thousands of pseudo

and official knightly organisations. Amongst the officialones, the most notorious is the Order of Malta. Martin A.Lee, in his article "Their Will Be Done" (Mother Jones, July1983), states that the American branch of the Order isone of the most important communication channelsbetween the CIA and the Vatican. Indeed, the Order ofMalta is able to transfer money in and out of countries towhich neither the CIA nor the Vatican has access.

The Order of Malta is full of military and intelligencepeople, and its history in the 20th century truly begs achicken-and-egg question: which came first—the moneyconnections or the intelligence officials? The head of theOffice of Strategic Services, the predecessor of the CIA,William "Wild Bill" Donovan, was a member of the Orderof Malta, as was James Jesus Angleton, the CIAcounterintelligence chief who was immortalised in themovie The Good Shepherd.

Others included William Casey, who was Director ofCentral Intelligence under Ronald Reagan. It isspecifically Angleton who has been identified, in his roleas counterintelligence chief, as the main organiser ofGladio in Italy.

Maybe unsurprisingly, therefore, is that Licio Gelli wasa Knight of Malta, too. And what is less known is that hefought for Franco with Mussolini's Blackshirts. Indeed, atthe end of the Second World War, Gelli was arrested andfaced possible execution but was rescued by joining theUS Army Counter Intelligence Corps. In the case of Gelli,it was therefore a world in which he was both a Knightand a Mason.

AA MMuurrkkyy TTrruutthhWhat has been portrayed as cult suicides, organisations

of modern knights and the like is merely a smokescreen:underneath is a sizzling pot ofpolitical machinations andintelligence agency shenani-gans, often with the specific pur-pose of staging fake terroristattacks or planning destabilisa-tion campaigns.

When the Europeangovernments woke up to thereality of Gladio in the early1990s, it was clear that nonewanted to go deeper. But thepicture as it continues toemerge, and which has been

portrayed above, is clearly still not the final truth. As nogovernment has dared to stare into the abyss, it is likelythat its depth will never be seen. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Philip Coppens, who divides his time between the UKand California, USA, is a long-time contributor toNEXUS. His most recent article, "Climategate: TheMan-Made Global Warming Hoax", was published in vol.17, no. 2. For more information, visit Philip’s website atwww.philipcoppens.com.

EEnnddnnootteess1. Fusier, Maurice, Secret d'Etat?, Editions des Traboules,Brignais, France, 20062. Fouchereau, Bruno, La mafia des sectes, Filipacchi,Levallois-Perret, France, 19963. D'Aumale, Geoffroy and Jean-Pierre Faure, Guide del'espionnage et du contre-espionnage, Le Cherche Midi, Paris,France, 19984. Van Bosbeke, André, Ridders van nu: over occultegenootschappen en ridderordes in de 20ste eeuw ("Knights today:on occult societies and knightly orders in the 20thcentury"), EPO, Berchem, Belgium, 1987, p. 875. op. cit., p. 476. op. cit., p. 27

IInnddeeeedd,, tthhee OOrrddeerr ooff MMaallttaaiiss aabbllee ttoo ttrraannssffeerr mmoonneeyy iinn aanndd oouutt ooff ccoouunnttrriieess ttoowwhhiicchh nneeiitthheerr tthhee CCIIAA nnoorr

tthhee VVaattiiccaann hhaass aacccceessss..

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TThhee ssuucccceessss ooffaalltteerrnnaattiivvee ccaanncceerrttrreeaattmmeennttss uuttiilliissiinnggaammyyggddaalliinn,, vviittaammiinnBB1177 oorr LLaaeettrriillee hhaassbbeeeenn ddeenniieedd bbyy tthhee

mmeeddiiccaall eessttaabblliisshhmmeennttaanndd ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt

aauutthhoorriittiieess bbeeccaauussee iitttthhrreeaatteennss tthheessttrraanngglleehhoolldd ooff

""tthhee ccaanncceerr iinndduussttrryy""oovveerr oouurr hheeaalltthh ccaarree


bbyy RReevv.. DDrr SShhéé DD''MMoonnttffoorrdd©© OOccttoobbeerr 22001100

Email:[email protected]


This article is not intended to give medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. The intentionis to raise questions as to the vested interests of research results and testing methods. It isalso a retelling of a personal account that should raise ethical concerns which demandanswers. This article only reports and retells facts, research and statements from others whohave been involved in cancer research. The purpose of this article is not to claim a cure forcancer; rather, it is an act of responsible freedom of speech that should raise questions thatneed addressing about the study of treatments for cancer. – SD'M

My father and his business partner were the first people tointroduce Laetrile into Australia, 35 years ago. After my father didthis, people suffering from various forms of cancer chose to use itand successfully treated themselves. However, testing was

refused despite its apparent amazing results in thousands of cases, withmany willing to give written accounts of their personal experiences. Since1963, there have been over 100,000 cancer patients treated successfully withLaetrile and other alternative methods at the Contreras Hospital, now theOasis of Hope Hospital, in Mexico alone. The late Dr Ernesto Contreras, Sr,was a vocal supporter of Laetrile treatment. This hospital is his legacy.

I, too, have been handed a legacy. As a twelve-year-old, I witnessedindividuals identifying themselves as being from "Therapeutic Goods"approach my father with threats of financial ruin to try to dissuade him fromimporting and distributing this substance before any Australian legislationhad been passed against it. More on this later.

When Laetrile was finally officially tested in Queensland, it was shown tobe effective (see Queensland Health Circular No. 02/2003; replaced byCircular No. 01/2006). However, despite the testing and approval of Laetrileeight years ago, sufferers are still not being made aware of it as a possibleeffective alternative treatment, thereby curtailing their ability to makeinformed choices for their own health care. This is far from acceptable.

Before I proceed with telling my father's story in more detail, I shouldexplain what Laetrile is and why it works.

WWhhaatt iiss LLaaeettrriillee??Laetrile is a name for vitamin B17, also known as amygdaline. Vitamin B17

occurs naturally in many foods including strawberries, cashews, cassava,apple seeds, and peach and apricot kernels, and can be consumedharmlessly from these sources. Many alternative practitioners claim thatregular consumption of B17 can keep cancer at bay and is an effectivetreatment for many organ and skin cancers.

For 3,000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has used peach kernels, alsoknown as bitter almonds, which contain significant quantities of amygdaline,in the treatment of tumours. Its effectiveness was so legendary that peachesare associated with immortality in Chinese culture.

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Zhang Guo Lao, one of the Eight Immortalsassociated with health and healing, is depicted carryinga Peach of Immortality. Since 1843, various forms ofthis substance have been used in western medicine inthe treatment of human cancer. Yet, in the 1970s,administrative bodies began actively opposing vitaminB17, amygdalin or Laetrile treatments as "potentiallytoxic" and heavily promoted undeniably toxicchemotherapy in their place, even though some studiesshow chemotherapy to be less than two per centeffective (Morgan et al., 2004; Barton et al., 1996).

Those who say that vitamin B17 is not a cure forcancer are technically correct. It is only the human bodythat cures cancer. In the same way it is the human body,not the taking of supplementsof vitamin B1, which are givenby injection or taken by mouth,that cures beriberi. Yet, thehuman body cannot cure itselfof beriberi without vitamin B1supplements. As I understandit, cancer cells are omnipresentin the human body and are onlylife-threatening when these getout of control. Vitamin B17appears to be the switch tocontrol these cells and keepthem friendly. Deficiency in B17may be a significant contributing factor to cancer cellsbecoming aggressive. The more we understand B17, themore it makes cancer look like it is a nutritionaldeficiency disease. Cancer is increasingly appearing tooccur if we do not consume foods that are rich innitrilosides/vitamin B17.

HHyyddrrooggeenn CCyyaanniiddee aanndd EEnnzzyymmeessThe studies of American biochemist Ernst T. Krebs, Jr,

DSc, from the late 1940s, and many others through tothe present who have duplicated his findings, show thatvitamin B17 is in the cyanide family, but it is goodcyanide. It is two parts glucose, one part hydrogencyanide and one part benzaldehyde (an analgesic).Hydrogen cyanide is non-toxic when taken as a food or

in controlled doses as a refined pharmaceutical.Commonly consumed substances such as salt and sugarcan be up to 20 times more toxic.

Krebs claimed that the body breaks down B17 usingthe enzyme rhodanese, which changes it intothiocyanate and benzoic acid. These are beneficial,working with B12 to nourish the body. Excesses of theseby-products are expelled from the body via urine.Krebs's work demonstrated that rhodanese has aninverse relationship to cancer cells: it is foundeverywhere in a normal healthy body, but not wherecancer cells exist. However, the enzyme beta-glucosidase has a direct relationship to cancer cells andis found in very large quantities around them. If there is

no cancer in the body, there isno beta-glucosidase enzyme.However, when B17 comes intocontact with beta-glucosidasethat is present in largequantities around colonies ofcancer cells, a chemical reactionoccurs and the hydrogencyanide and benzaldehydecombine to produce a poisonwhich destroys only cancercells. This process is known asselective toxicity. (See diagram.)

Why does one substance,Laetrile, appear to be selectively toxic against mostcancers when there are hundreds of different kinds?Ernst T. Krebs, Jr, an honorary Doctor of Science, foundthat the only constant, the malignant or neoplasticcomponent in all exhibitions of cancer, is susceptible tothe Laetrile reaction's specific toxicity. This is thetrophoblast. Trophoblast cells are primitive cells thathave a fierce antithesis to all other cell types, includingtheir somatic or hostal cells. Krebs (1993) wrote:"Cancer is trophoblast in spatial and temporal anomaly,hybridised with and vascularized by hostal or somaticcells and in irreversible and fiercely malignant antithesisto such." So, we are looking at any specialist cell thatmutates into a typical, less evolved and more aggressiveform. B17/Laetrile is thus a typical treatment for a typical

cell type.

FFaallssee TTeessttiinngg aanndd VVeesstteedd IInntteerreessttss In 1972, the US Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) commissionedits top doctor to conduct a study toprovide evidence that Laetrile did nothave an effect on cancer. The resultsproved the opposite. The study foundthat Laetrile inhibited the growth oftumours, stopped the spreading(metastasising) of cancer in mice,relieved pain, acted as a cancerpreventative and improved general

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YYeett,, iinn tthhee 11997700ss,,aaddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee bbooddiieess

bbeeggaann aaccttiivveellyy ooppppoossiinnggvviittaammiinn BB1177,, aammyyggddaalliinn oorr

LLaaeettrriillee ttrreeaattmmeennttss aass""ppootteennttiiaallllyy ttooxxiicc""......

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health. At the time, Dr Kanematsu Sugiura was thesenior laboratory researcher at the MemorialSloan–Ketting Cancer Center. He reported in hisexperiments with mice that Laetrile was more effective inthe control of cancer than any substance he had evertested. This was not acceptable to his superiors.Instead of being pleased at the possibility of abreakthrough, they brought in other researchers toduplicate Sugiura's experiments to try to prove that theywere faulty. Instead, the follow-up studies confirmedSugiura's findings. Undaunted, his superiors called fornew experiments, but following procedures which weredesigned to make the tests fail. Eventually they did, andit was only this failure that was announced to the world.

Ralph Moss, PhD, was a sciencewriter and then the assistant director ofpublic affairs at Sloan–Kettering at thetime of the Laetrile tests. When he wasordered by his superiors to releasefalse information about the results ofthose tests, he held a press conferencein November 1977 in protest and wassubsequently fired for "failing to carryout [his] most basic job responsibility"(Moss, 1994). Dr Moss later wrote abook, The Cancer Syndrome, about thisscandalous situation, but it hardlyraised an eyebrow in the medical world.

FFoollllooww tthhee MMoonneeyy TTrraaiillTo make sense of something

that seems bureaucratic andnonsensical, follow the money.The money says this: when aperson is diagnosed as havingcancer, as many as seven peopleare directly employed in theirtreatment. With hundreds ofthousands of people beingdiagnosed with cancer each year,this ensures that seven times asmany jobs are secured. Billions of dollars are pouredinto the fundraising process for cancer research, whichis itself a huge industry employing thousands. A smallpercentage of those funds not used up in thefundraising process filter through to a self-perpetuatingresearch process. How is it possible, under thesecircumstances, to remove a vested interest in not findinga cure from this huge, convoluted bureaucratic process?

Add to this that the drug companies have stockpiles ofcurrent treatments that are very toxic, are limited intheir results and are fetching very good prices. Thismeans that it would not be sensible to declare an easy,cheap, non-toxic and readily available solution, whichrequires little or no specialist training in itsadministration, as obtainable on the market any timesoon. It could be seen as being contrary to certain

vested interests or justified as "not good for thestockholders". This untenable situation could bedefended on the grounds of economic rationalism, i.e.,"Let a few of them die for the greater good". Yet thereality is that one part of society is surviving on thesuffering and death of the other.

Many people might believe that a serious, fraudulent,mass-life-threatening situation could never happen inmodern times, yet I was an eyewitness to openstatements that such shocking economic rationalism is adriving force behind the cancer industry.

AA FFaammiillyy HHiissttoorryyThis story begins some 35 years ago when my father

Geoffrey was the first person to importLaetrile into Australia. Dad was apartner in a new health foodscompany, and they were also the firstin the world to sell flavoured mineralwater. The market was wide open andmy father had positioned himself well.At the time, Laetrile was notprohibited so it seemed like a goodinvestment to add to his stable, butmy father soon became aware of theoverwhelming human need behind it.It was more than a mere product. Dadcould see that it was really helping

people. However, my father wassoon to realise that he was anidealistic man in a far fromidealistic world.

Dad ran the business fromhome. Our large double garagehad become our stock room. Hehad two drivers and wasresponsible for the distribution.It was common for people tocome to the home in order toconduct business with Dad. Hewould often do business deals

standing in the garage, sweaty from lugging boxes ofstock. I was only twelve years old, yet I clearlyremember some men in black suits with posh accentsarguing with my father in the front yard of our house. Iwent outside to investigate the commotion. Dad wasfinishing a very intense, in-depth conversation withthese men in black. They looked at each other androlled their eyes. I clearly remember hearing them say,"You don't understand; we simply cannot allow you toimport something that might damage the cancer industry ifpeople begin self-prescribing" (my emphasis). My fatherrarely raised his voice or got upset, yet he swore atthese men, told me to go inside and told them to leave.As I was going inside, I heard one of the men say to myfather that if he refused to co-operate, they would ruinhim and all of his businesses.

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IInnsstteeaadd,, tthheeffoollllooww--uupp ssttuuddiieess

ccoonnffiirrmmeeddSSuuggiiuurraa''ss ffiinnddiinnggss..UUnnddaauunntteedd,, hhiiss

ssuuppeerriioorrss ccaalllleedd ffoorrnneeww eexxppeerriimmeennttss,,

bbuutt ffoolllloowwiinnggpprroocceedduurreess wwhhiicchhwweerree ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo

mmaakkee tthhee tteessttss ffaaiill..EEvveennttuuaallllyy tthheeyy ddiidd......

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"Who was that?" I asked my father when he cameinside.

"Representatives from Therapeutic Goods," he replied."What do they mean by 'the cancer industry'?" I

queried."Cancer appears to be making a lot of people a lot of

money," he stated. "Whenever obviously stupiddecisions are made by men in power, the reason can befound by following the money."

I was so angry. I understood what they had meantbefore my father explained it, but I just couldn't believeit. These were people who were supposed to bealtruistically looking out for our best interests; however,they revealed on our front lawn that they were servingthe best interests of big business. It had vague déjà vurealism. At twelve, it was like someone telling me thatmy worst nightmares were real: thatthe bogeyman was real, was out to geteveryone and made money out ofletting people die. I don't think thisanger has ever left me; it only grew as Iobserved what happened to my father,a truly altruistic man trying to helpothers.

Within a few weeks, these men inblack began to make good on theirthreats. Legislation was swiftly passedthat saw Laetrile busted down to a "PetFood Only" licence. Yet people stillbought it. When it became obviousthat the health food stores werehappy to keep stocking it in thepets section, Dad found that hisservice station licences were notrenewed and that he was unableto buy bottles for his mineralwater. Apparently there had beenmass purchases by a subsidiary ofCoca-Cola. Being the first personin the world to flavour mineralwater, my father should have beena millionaire several times over,yet his ethics prevented him fromselling out. Dad had to let thispart of his business fall by the wayside.

Somehow Dad kept going. He kept supplying anddistributing Laetrile. The demand for the product wasoverwhelming. The testimonies were flooding in for thismuch-needed substance, but they were disregarded bythe authorities as merely anecdotal.

By the end of that year, 1976, B17 was completelybanned in Australia. Yet banning a product does notstop people who have used it and had successful resultswith it from trying to procure it. People were turning upon our doorstep at all hours of the day and night, fromas far away as Tasmania and New Zealand, begging forany stocks we might have left. It was heart wrenching.

Dad tried to appeal the ban and have B17 scientificallyand clinically tested so that Therapeutic Goods wouldhave no other choice but to approve it. Testing wasrefused on the grounds that the there was no funding toproceed with tests. Ironically, billions of dollars arethrown at "the cancer industry" every year, yetTherapeutic Goods could not find the resources toinvestigate the successful results that people hadachieved with B17/Laetrile.

It is curious that with all of the money and time givento cancer research, no solutions have been forthcoming.Shouldn't we be demanding to know why, after all of thistime, these researchers still can't even tell us the mostbasic things about cancer, like how and why cancerbegins? Yet, as shown here, Krebs's theory behind whyLaetrile works purports that an answer to this question

has been known since 1950—as has,additionally, a cancer solution.

Since then, other doctors andresearchers have conducted studiesand have had papers published thatconclude in favour of Laetrile; theseinclude Dr John Morrone, Dr ManuelNavarro, Burton Goldberg, Dr RobertAtkins, Dr Ernesto Contreras, DrMichael Schachter, Dr Douglas Brodieand Dr Philip E. Binzel, Jr. The bodyof evidence for Laetrile's effectivenessand safety far outweighs the evidenceagainst.

LLeeggaall RReeccooggnniittiioonn ooff LLaaeettrriilleeThere has been some progress

in Australia since the mid-1970sban, yet information aboutLaetrile's benefits has not beengetting through to the generalpublic, let alone to most medicalpractitioners who treat cancer.

If you wish to obtain a legalpermit to obtain and use Laetrilein Australia, you must proceedwith caution as the regulationsand permits contain ambiguous

language used to protect the departments involved. It is possible to obtain Laetrile/B17/amygdalin in

Australia legally, whether from local or foreign sources,by applying to the Therapeutic Goods Special AccessScheme in Canberra. (Download "Category A FormSpecial Access Scheme" from http://www.tga.gov.au/docs/pdf/unapproved/sascata.pdf, complete it with yourmedical practitioner and fax it to [02] 6232 8112. Checkhttp://www.tga.gov.au for additional details.)

However, at least in Queensland, having a TGA importpermit for Laetrile does not allow you or your doctor topossess or use it: the legislation stipulates that youmust obtain specific approval from Queensland Health.

32 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

WWiitthhiinn aa ffeewwwweeeekkss,, tthheessee mmeenniinn bbllaacckk bbeeggaann ttoommaakkee ggoooodd oonntthheeiirr tthhrreeaattss..

LLeeggiissllaattiioonn wwaasssswwiiffttllyy ppaasssseedd tthhaatt

ssaaww LLaaeettrriilleebbuusstteedd ddoowwnn ttoo aa""PPeett FFoooodd OOnnllyy""

lliicceennccee.. YYeett ppeeooppllee ssttiillll

bboouugghhtt iitt..

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Back in 2003, Queensland Health confirmed that ithad issued a small number of approvals to doctors totreat their patients with amygdalin/B17/Laetrile understrict guidelines. This was one step in the rightdirection. However, in 2006 it tightened the regulations,deciding not to issue approval for treatment with oralamygdalin but only for intravenous or intramusculartreatment (see Queensland Health, Circular No.01/2006).

Patients to be treated with amygdalin have to beinformed of the following (and agree to it in writing):that the process by which the amygdalin ismanufactured may not be subject to quality control;that there is potential cyanide toxicity associated withamygdalin; and that there is a lack of scientific evidencerelating to the efficacy of amygdalin. As we have seen,the second and third of these issues have beenrepeatedly addressed byrespected members of thescientific/medical community.One reason given in the 2006Queensland Health circular towarrant all of this over-stringentcontrol: a possible side effectof a high temperature! It's twosteps forward, one step back!

In Queensland, the patientmust obtain a form, titled"Drugs and Poisons:Application for Approval toObtain, Possess and UseAmygdalin – Informed Consent", from QueenslandHealth (see http://www.health.qld.gov.au). The patientmust then complete the form and sign it with theironcologist, who must then fill out and submit a formtitled "Application by a Medical Practitioner forApproval to Obtain, Possess and Use Amygdalin".Check the website for further guidelines.

If you are not in Australia, strive to make yourself awareof the legislation surrounding the use of amygdalin/B17/Laetrile in your own country. You may be surprised. Ibelieve that it is legal to use amygdalin in the treatmentof cancer in Mexico, Canada and some Europeancountries. I also understand that the traditional practiceof using the stone fruit kernels has never stopped inmany Asian countries and has remained the standardform of first-line anti-cancer therapy. I would be veryinterested if any readers could send me the currentlegislation from their respective countries.

To take this forward, we need to organise and signpetitions and email government health departmentsand authorities, demanding our right to self-determination on access to Laetrile, in all its forms,given the many studies confirming its safety andeffectiveness. Remember, no matter what law anyauthority makes, your health is your responsibility. Youhave the right to make informed choices in matters

concerning your body and your health. The authoritiesexert Draconian control over our health freedoms, andwe must let them know that we are very unhappy withthis situation.

If enough people demand that amygdalin/B17/Laetrilebe more freely available, the more likely that theonerous, ridiculous restrictions will be lifted on the useof Laetrile.

The powers-that-be will finally have to loosen theirstranglehold on "the cancer industry". ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Reverend Dr Shé D'Montford is a teacher, healer, author,promoter and activist as well as a former Queenslandbusiness woman of the year. She is a member of theAustralian Association of accredited Alternative & NaturalTherapists (AAANT) and runs the Australian Shambhallah

Awareness Centre in Helensvale,Queensland. Her previouscontributions to NEXUS are"Tibetan Buddhism and TheGreat Game" (13/05) and"Unveil ing Tibetan BuddhistPropaganda and Atrocit ies"(12/04). Dr D'Montford can be contactedby mobile phone on 0402 793604 and by email [email protected]. Formore information, vis ithttp://www.shambhallah.org.

RReeffeerreenncceess • Barton, M.B. et al., "Radiation Therapy: Are We GettingValue For Money?", Clinical Oncology 1996; 8(3):206• EnCognitive.com, "Dr Krebs dies, but his Laetrile legacylives on", http://www.encognitive.com/node/3309• Griffin, G. Edward, World Without Cancer, AmericanMedia, California, 1974• Krebs, E.T., Jr, E. T. Krebs, Sr and H.H. Beard, "TheUnitarian or Trophoblastic Thesis of Cancer", MedicalRecord 1950; 163:149-174• Krebs, E.T., Jr, "The Unitarian or Trophoblast Fact ofCancer" (Letter), Townsend Letter for Doctors, February-March1993, p. 175• Laetrile Vitamin B17 website, http://www.b17.com.au• Morgan, G. et al., "The Contribution of CytotoxicChemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies",Clinical Oncology 2004; 16:549-560• Moss, Ralph W., PhD, The Cancer Syndrome, Grove Press,New York, 1980 (updated as The Cancer Industry, 1987)• Moss, Ralph, PhD, Laura Lee radio interview, 1994;transcript at http://tinyurl.com/6f7fnka• Oasis of Hope Hospital, http://www.oasisofhope.com• Queensland Health, Circular No. 02/2003, available athttp://www.b17.com.au/pdf/qldhealth.pdf; Circular No.01/2006, available atwww.health.qld.gov.au/ph/Documents/ehu/32092.pdf

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OOnnee rreeaassoonn ggiivveenn iinn tthhee22000066 QQuueeeennssllaanndd HHeeaalltthhcciirrccuullaarr ttoo wwaarrrraanntt aallll ooff

tthhiiss oovveerr--ssttrriinnggeenntt ccoonnttrrooll::-- aa ppoossssiibbllee ssiiddee eeffffeecctt ooff

aa hhiigghh tteemmppeerraattuurree!!

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TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ttoo TThhiinnkk AAbboouutt

More than 6.6 billion people live on this planet, and not one of usever really knows what our family, friends or neighbours arethinking or feeling. When you think about it, the most intimaterelationship you have is with your mind. At this very moment,

you are reading what were once my thoughts. You might be sitting at home,on your sofa or bed, or maybe you're travelling on public transport. Lookaround you: no one knows what's going on in your head right now. Can youimagine how different our lives would be if we could interpret the thoughtsof those around us, if we could communicate mind to mind?

Telepathic communication might sound like the ultimate invasion ofprivacy, but you only have to take a peek at some of today's mobile phoneand Internet technology to realise that we are already connecting in waysthat the human race has never before experienced. Instant messagingservices and social networking websites such as Facebook, Bebo and Twitterhave enabled us to share our thoughts and feelings in real time.

Today, the computer keyboard is merely an extension of the mind. Takeaway the cables and monitors, and you soon realise that we have at thismoment laid the groundwork for the exchange of information by way ofthought. It would seem that the spoken language of the human speciescould be nearing extinction.

For decades, people have been fascinated by the concept of "six degrees ofseparation"—that we can be linked to every other person on the planet injust six steps or introductions—and, in recent years, Internet applicationshave provided researchers with the tools to conduct large-scale studies onour connectedness. In 2008, Microsoft put the six-degrees theory to the test:a study of 30 billion MSN conversations among 240 million people aroundthe world revealed that it would take an average of just 6.6 steps for them allto be connected.

Today, scientists and researchers are developing technologies that mayone day lead to new forms of human-to-human communication. They areconfident that future generations will be able to communicate mind to mindthrough technology-enabled telepathy, or tech-lepathy. While mind-to-mindcommunication might be a little way off, brain-to-computer technology isalready in development, and over the coming years we will see it increasinglybeing used to assist people with disabilities, in particular those who are"locked in".

Locked-in patients, such as those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (alsoknown as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) are trapped in their bodies, unable tomove or speak. Early trials of brain–computer interface (BCI) technologyhave made it possible for some locked-in patients to communicate with theirfamily and caregivers; they have been able to write emails and producedocuments using a word processor.



BBrraaiinn--ttoo--ccoommppuutteerriinntteerrffaaccee tteecchhnnoollooggyyppaavveess tthhee wwaayy ffoorriinnssttaannttaanneeoouuss

tthhoouugghhtt ttrraannssffeerr aannddaa nneeww ffoorrmm ooffccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnbbeettwweeeenn ppeeooppllee,,lleeaaddiinngg ttoo tthhee

pprroossppeecctt tthhaatt tthheessppookkeenn llaanngguuaaggee mmaayyoonnee ddaayy bbeeccoommee


bbyy BBeelliinnddaa DDooyyllee ©© 22001111

When Tomorrow ComesPost Office Box 3350Joondalup, WA 6027


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WWiirreedd wwiitthh BBrraaiinnGGaattee IImmppllaannttssBrain–computer interface technology is also being

utilised in a project known as BrainGate™. In the late1990s, Cyberkinetics developed the BrainGate implant, aBCI that could be attached permanently to a patient'sbrain. In 2004, Matthew Nagle, a 26-year-oldquadriplegic man, became the first person to receive theBrainGate implant. It was placed on the surface of hisbrain and included an external device on his skull thatcould be connected to a computer. When he wasplugged in, Matthew could play video games using hisbrain as the controller. He could move a computercursor around a screen and manipulate a robotic arm.

In his 2009 book Wired for Thought, BrainGate chairmanJeffrey M. Stibel outlined how BrainGate might be usedin the future: "At roughly one-third the size of a penny,our implantable device directly attaches to neurons inthe motor cortex of the brain. Ituses one hundred electrodesroughly the width of a humanhair to record brain activityacross a small number ofneurons. Although BrainGaterequires brain surgery, theperformance is like nothingbefore seen. Once the device isimplanted, people are able toliterally turn thoughts intoaction...

"As with any great innovation,the lines of science and sciencefiction are being blurred. There isnow a real possibility of downloading 'memoryimplants' or retrieving information wirelessly from theInternet. Recall that the Google founders envisioned afuture with 'the entirety of the world's information asjust one of our thoughts'. We may be getting a bitahead of ourselves, but that future may become a realitywith BrainGate.

"This technology has the potential to be revolutionaryfor those who are severely disabled. It will enablebionics, restore speech, and give disabled peopleunimaginable access to a world that the able-bodiedtake for granted. How will BrainGate change the worldfor the rest of us? I can't say, but it is fun to imagine."1

CCoommppuutteerr GGaammeess aanndd VViirrttuuaall WWoorrllddssWhile BCI technology is still being developed for

medical purposes, the gaming world has alreadyproduced its first such device. In 2008, the EPOCheadset was unveiled at a Game Developers Conferencein San Francisco. The headset, which was developed byEmotiv Systems, is based on electroencephalography(EEG) and uses a set of sensors to tune into the brain'selectric signals. The Emotiv EPOC enables players tocontrol games using only their mind, and it is set torevolutionise the gaming world.

Emotiv Systems' president and co-founder Tan Le toldme in an interview2 that, in the future, brain–computerinterface technology will have far broader implications"...in the way that you surf the Internet, in the way thatyou experience content and interactive content on yourTV, in the way that you experience your environment inthe home, with your appliances, all the way through tomedical and health care applications where you canmonitor your health".

Tan Le further explained: "At the moment, if you lookat the way that we interact with machines, it's verylimited, it's very one directional: you give a commandto a machine or computer and it does that task for you.Even if you give it a multitude of commands, it's stillvery directive, but when you look at communicationbetween people on the other hand, it's far moreinteresting because we take into account so much more

than is explicitly expressed: weobserve facial expressions, wecan intuit emotions through ourdialogue with each other.

You walk home one day andyour partner says 'Hey, why areyou so happy?' or 'Whathappened at work today? Youdon't seem to be in such a goodmood'.

They can see that from justobserving you, without youhaving to say anything, and thisis the realm that doesn't exist atall for machines and the way

that we interact with machines today."And so, one of the things at Emotiv, our vision for the

next generation of interaction between humans andcomputers is that it will evolve beyond the limits ofconscious inputs, and this whole new realm of totalcommunication will play a part where machines andcomputing applications will start to have an insight intohow you experience information, how you experiencecontent, and will be able to dynamically presentinformation and change information to really tailoritself to you."

If technology-enabled telepathy were ever to becomea reality, Tan Le believes it would develop as anextension of the virtual worlds, such as Second Life,that exist today: "I think the Internet is a way forbreaking down barriers to connecting and interactingwith people, and having a device like this where youhave a much better way of being able to show the waythat you feel, express yourself far more naturallythrough an avatar-based environment, that allows youto have a better insight into people's perceptions,experiences, and allows you to relate, even through anavatar-type environment.

"There's always an issue of privacy associated withthings like this. How much information are we

36 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

TThhee EEmmoottiivv EEPPOOCC eennaabblleessppllaayyeerrss ttoo ccoonnttrrooll ggaammeessuussiinngg oonnllyy tthheeiirr mmiinndd,, aanndd iitt iiss sseett ttoo rreevvoolluuttiioonniissee

tthhee ggaammiinngg wwoorrlldd..

Page 38: Nexus   1802 - new times magazine

comfortable with sharing? But I think there is certainlyscope in the future for a better level of understanding tobe reached.

Over the last few years in doing this research, we'vecome to realise that there are so many similaritiesacross cultures, across genders, in terms of the way thatwe actually respond to human beings. It's definitely avery interesting observation to see that whilst there's somuch individuality, there's still a lot of commonality inthe way that we experience emotions, and so there's alot to be said in terms of trying to find a commondialogue for everyone and a better understanding fromthat."

SSuubbvvooccaall SSppeeeecchh SSyysstteemmThe National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) in the USA isalso developing a new technology thatmight one day provide the foundationfor a form of synthetic telepathy. In1999, NASA scientists at the AmesResearch Center began work on a"subvocal" speech program. Unlikethe brain–computer interface, whichrequires an EEG cap or brain implantto interpret the brain's electricalactivity, the subvocal speech system isable to decipher thought byconnecting sensors to the speechmuscles.

The NASA team has found thatby placing small sensors underthe chin and on either side of thelarynx, they can collect nervesignals from the movement of thetongue and vocal cords. Tocommunicate, a person wearingthe sensors only has to speak tohimself or herself, withoutmoving the mouth or making asound. As the person silentlyspeaks, the brain sends anelectric current to the speech muscles, which is in turnconverted into text.

Dr Charles Jorgensen, the Chief Scientist forNeuroengineering at NASA, has described the subvocalspeech system as a "voluntary" form of communicationfor users.

He explained in an interview:3 "For me, telepathywould imply the ability to obtain inner thoughts withoutthe clear permission of the user. Subvocal speech mustby its nature be voluntary and only picks up wordswhose physiological commands to the articulators havealready been sent to the tongue or larynx. This is one ofits desirable features, in my opinion, since it preservesprivacy."

The NASA team initially developed the subvocal

system to assist astronauts in very noisy environments.However, Jorgensen is confident that in the not-too-distant future it will be used for a number ofapplications. "The technology would most likely beused for situations with high noise such as fire-fightersin pressurised gear, military environments when silentcommunication with small numbers of words areneeded, or for specialised use by individuals withspeech handicaps and limited communicationcapability.

The obvious extension, given increased vocabulary,would be for a silent cellphone or in teleconferencing,"he suggested.

MMiilliittaarryy IInntteerreesstt iinn BBCCII TTeecchhnnoollooggiieessThe United States Army is

particularly interested in thedevelopment of brain-to-computerand brain-to-brain technologies andis currently working on a number ofprojects that might one day be usedby military personnel. Researchers atthe University of California, CarnegieMellon University and the Universityof Maryland have received a grant todevelop a brain-to-computer systemthat will enable dispersed groundforces to create email and voice mail

without the use of a keyboard orsound.

Meanwhile, another US Armyproject is expected to take thetechnology one step further, andit could pave the way for theeventual development of mind-to-mind communication. In2009, the Pentagon's DefenseAdvanced Research ProjectsAgency (DARPA) received US$4million to start a brain-to-brainprogram called Silent Talk.

According to US DefenseDepartment documents: "Silent Talk will allow user-to-user communication on the battlefield without the useof vocalized speech through the analysis of neuralsignals. The brain generates word-specific signals priorto sending electrical impulses to the vocal cords. Thesesignals of 'intended speech' will be analyzed andtranslated into distinct words, allowing covert person-to-person communication.

This program has three major goals: a) to attempt toidentify electroencephalography patterns unique toindividual words, b) [to] ensure that those patterns aregeneralizable across users in order to prevent extensivedevice training, and c) [to] construct a fieldable pre-prototype that would decode the signal and transmitover a limited range."4

FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 37

UUnnlliikkee tthheebbrraaiinn––ccoommppuutteerriinntteerrffaaccee,, wwhhiicchh

rreeqquuiirreess aann EEEEGG ccaappoorr bbrraaiinn iimmppllaanntt ttooiinntteerrpprreett tthhee bbrraaiinn''sseelleeccttrriiccaall aaccttiivviittyy,,

tthhee ssuubbvvooccaall ssppeeeecchhssyysstteemm iiss aabbllee ttoo

ddeecciipphheerr tthhoouugghhtt bbyyccoonnnneeccttiinngg sseennssoorrss

ttoo tthhee ssppeeeecchhmmuusscclleess..

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TThhoouugghhtt TTrraannssffeerr ffrroomm PPeerrssoonn ttoo PPeerrssoonnIn 2009, researchers at the University of Southampton,

England, successfully demonstrated communicationfrom person to person via thought alone. Here's how itworked. The first person had EEG electrodes attachedto the scalp. The brain activity was picked up andamplified using an EEG amplifier, and was then sent onthe Internet through a PC. The first person transmitteda series of binary digits, imagining moving the left armfor "zero" and the right arm for "one".

The second person was also connected to an EEGamplifier; that person's PC picked up the stream ofbinary digits off the Internet, then flashed an LED lampat two frequencies: one frequency for"zero" and another frequency for "one".The second person simply watched theflashing lamp.

Throughout the entire experiment,the recipient was unaware whether aone or a zero had been transmitted.However, through that person's brainactivity alone, the PC was able todecipher whether a zero or a one hadbeen transmitted.

According to Dr Christopher James,then working with SouthamptonUniversity's Institute of Sound andVibration Research, BCI is nowmoving briskly forward and manylabs around the world aredeveloping and using BCI as acommunication device.

He explained: "We are by nomeans 'there' yet; many issuesremain: reliability [most BCIsystems are still lab-based]; thedebate of implanted versus scalp-attached electrodes still isunanswered—there are pros andcons to either case.

“People need to think outsidethe box more, too, in terms of how BCI is used. In thefuture, I expect to see a certain amount ofstandardisation, and with the advent of smaller, cheaperelectrodes and smaller, longer-life power sources, BCIwill be talked of the way cochlear implants are talked oftoday—no longer a 'bionic' thing of wonder but asystem that is in routine use and making a differenceworldwide. In 2030, BCI users will not only includethose with severe clinical needs, but athletes andperformers could be using a different type of BCI tohone their skills. The games market could berevolutionised the way the Wii has revolutionisedgaming today through the use of accelerometers.

"I don't think it would be used to drive cars, but it maybe popular to write long texts using a neural interface.We know it can be done, and the technology is not too

onerous—we just need it to be faster and moreaccurate. Think of voice recognition systems andhandwriting recognition systems at their inception:they showed lots of promise, and now they are here withvery good recognition rates."5

NNeettwwoorrkk--EEnnaabblleedd TTeelleeppaatthhyyWhat we are seeing at the present time is the

emergence of what might one day be a completely newform of communication. In the 10 years since work firstbegan on the development of brain–computer interfacetechnology, researchers have created systems that canmanipulate objects on a computer screen, systems that

can control artificial limbs and othersthat can convert intended speech orthought into text.

The former program manager atDARPA, Stuart Wolf, has predicted thatone day we will communicate via whathe calls "network-enabled telepathy",or instant thought transfer.6 Wolfpredicts that our thoughts will transferacross a network directly into anotherperson's brain, and that two-way,mind-to-mind telepathiccommunication will become a reality.

Kevin Warwick is the Professor ofCybernetics at The University ofReading, England, and the world'sleading expert in cybernetics.Warwick believes that some timethis century we will develop mind-to-mind telepathiccommunication. "At present ourmethod of communication,speech, is very slow, serial anderror prone. The potential tocommunicate by means ofthought signals alone is a veryexciting one. We will probablyhave to learn how to communicate

well in this way, though; in particular, how to send ideasto one another. It is not clear if I think about an icecream, are my thoughts roughly the same as yours? Wewill have to learn about each other's thoughts. Maybe itwill be easier than we think, maybe not. Certainlyspeech is an old-fashioned, outdated means ofcommunication—it's on its way out!"7

So, how would the development of mind-to-mindcommunication change society? I think Sir William F.Barrett summed it up nicely in his 1918 book On theThreshold of the Unseen.

Sir William wrote about the social justice that hebelieved would inevitably follow if telepathy were totranspire:

38 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

WWoollff pprreeddiiccttsstthhaatt oouurr tthhoouugghhttss

wwiillll ttrraannssffeerraaccrroossss aa nneettwwoorrkk

ddiirreeccttllyy iinnttooaannootthheerr ppeerrssoonn''ssbbrraaiinn,, aanndd tthhaatt

ttwwoo--wwaayy,, mmiinndd--ttoo--mmiinndd


wwiillll bbeeccoommee aa rreeaalliittyy..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8800

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t first glance, it sounds far out to link Alzheimer's disease (AD) toan apparently harmless over-the-counter analgesic (pain reliever)and antipyretic (fever reducer). Paracetamol is calledacetaminophen in the United States and Canada, and is often sold

under the brand name Tylenol®. In Australasia, Africa, Asia, Europe andCentral America, Panadol® is the most widely available brand.

As opposed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such asaspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, which reduce pain and inflammationmainly by local action, paracetamol has recently been shown to work mainlyby affecting the brain, where it blocks the reuptake of analgesic cannabischemicals or endocannabinoids. This only reduces pain without improvinginflammation. It also gives us an indication as to why paracetamol is morelikely to be associated with a degenerative brain disease than are NSAIDswith their mainly local mode of action and anti-inflammatory properties.

That paracetamol is far from harmless can be seen in its tendency to causekidney and liver damage. Overdosing with paracetamol/acetaminophen is themost common cause of acute liver failure in the United States and otherwestern countries. Paracetamol has a very narrow therapeutic index (ratio ofthe toxic to the therapeutic dose). Therefore it is easy to overdose withparacetamol, and most liver damage results from unintentional overdoses,although intentional overdosing (suicides) is also common. The maximumrecommended daily intake is four grams, but this amount already tends tocause liver damage. Since 2009, the US FDA has been contemplatingreducing the recommended maximum dose. Paracetamol overdose results inmore calls to poison control centres in the United States than does overdoseof any other pharmacological substance. Paracetamol is especially toxic tothe liver if taken together with alcohol, and then it can easily be fatal. If takenduring pregnancy, paracetamol can cause infertility in boys. Untreated,overdose can lead to liver failure and death within days. The antidote forparacetamol overdose is acetylcysteine (also called N-acetylcysteine or NAC).It is a precursor for the antioxidant glutathione which helps the body toprevent liver damage. Paracetamol is also lethal to cats and snakes.1

However, until the 1970s, phenacetin was the preferred analgesic; it wasconverted in the body to paracetamol as its active ingredient. In the 1940s,there was a sharp increase in gastric ulcers in young women in Australia,especially in Queensland and New South Wales, followed in the 1960s by anepidemic of kidney failure. At that time it was also recognised that theseevents were related and were induced by analgesics, in particular by theaddictive consumption of Bex® Powder. Originally, Bex contained aspirin,phenacetin and caffeine but in 1976 phenacetin was replaced withparacetamol. It was addictively used by women of all ages—especiallyhousewives, who were encouraged to have "a cup of tea, a Bex and a good liedown"—and it was also the mood-altering drug of choice for young women.2



WWiitthhiinn ttwwoo ddeeccaaddeess oofftthhee iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn oofftthhee aannaallggeessiicc ddrruuggsspphheennaacceettiinn aanndd

ppaarraacceettaammooll iinn tthhee11888800ss,, tthhee ffiirrsstt ccaasseessooff AAllzzhheeiimmeerr''ss wweerreeddeessccrriibbeedd,, aannddssuubbsseeqquueennttllyy tthheeddiisseeaassee rraattee rroossee

sshhaarrppllyy.. FFoorrttuunnaatteellyy,,nnaattuurraall mmeeddiicciinneeooffffeerrss aa ssoolluuttiioonn..

bbyy WWaalltteerr LLaasstt ©© 22001111


FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 41


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TThhee AAllzzhheeiimmeerr''ss CCoonnnneeccttiioonnFrom the 1880s, phenacetin, an aniline derivative,

was widely used as an analgesic. The consumption ofphenacetin and other analgesics increased steeply afterWorld War II. In 1971, the first paper was publishedthat linked high use of phenacetin with thedevelopment of Alzheimer's disease.3 Autopsies wereperformed on a series of individuals who had died ofkidney disease caused by high intake of analgesics(analgesic nephropathy). Senile plaques were found insix individuals aged from 52 to 67 years who hadlifetime high intakes of phenacetin, while no plaqueswere seen in two subjects aged 68 and 72 years whohad consumed similar amounts of aspirin but nophenacetin over their lifetimes. These findings do notonly apply to phenacetin itself, but also to its activemetabolite paracetamol which eventually replacedphenacetin because of its lower kidney toxicity.

The Abstract of this 1971paper reads: "Psychometricand psychiatric studies oneight patients who had abusedcompound analgesicscontaining phenacetin showedthat four had definite evidenceand two possible evidence oforganic dementia. Neuro-pathological studies on nineother analgesic abusersdisclosed a surprisingly highincidence of the histologicalfeatures of Alzheimer's disease.It is suggested that gross abuse of phenacetin mayoverwhelm the antioxidant protection of the body,leading to premature deposition of lipofuscin, andaccelerated neuronal ageing."

This study was not followed up by other researchersor health agencies. But some time later, a "strange"incident happened to Robert Jones, PhD, that madehim dig more deeply into the possible link betweenparacetamol and AD. Dr Jones worked mainly as aBritish cancer researcher who fell out with theestablishment when he published his protocol for thetreatment of cancer with promethazine, anantihistamine also known as Phenergan®.4 Twenty yearsago, he took paracetamol for about 10 days to alleviatepain while painting his house. Two weeks later, henoticed short- and long-term memory problems.Gradually these improved again, but 10 years later thesame sequence repeated itself. That pricked hiscuriosity and he started looking into a possibleconnection between paracetamol and AD. The result ofhis research was an article in Medical Hypotheses in 2001.5

This did not make much of an impact, and so herecently wrote another article, "Does placing thehistories of certain analgesics and Fischer–Alzheimer'sdisease (F–AD) in relative alignment reveal connected

pharmacological risk factors?"6 But this time the paperwas not even accepted by a medical journal.

TTiimmeelliinneess ooff AADD aanndd PPaarraacceettaammoollThe term Alzheimer's disease was coined in 1910 for

an unusual form of early-onset dementia. It had beenindependently recognised in 1901 by Oskar Fischer inPrague and then by Alois Alzheimer in Frankfurt.Fischer's first patient died in 1903; Alzheimer's in 1906.The cortex of each patient showed rare plaque-likelesions. Both published their findings in 1907. Despiteintensive search, only 12 instances of plaques indementia patients had been found before 1907. Overthe next five years, 115 new cases were discovered;Fischer described 56 of these.

Compare the timing of these events leading to therecognition and definition of AD to the introductionand use of phenacetin. Both phenacetin and

paracetamol were first tried onpatients in 1887. At that time,phenacetin became thepreferred drug, and its salesestablished Bayer as a leadingpharmaceutical company.Originally, very high doses wererecommended by some doctors.Use of phenacetin spreadinternationally on a large scaleas a result of the 1889–90Asiatic influenza pandemic. Atthe same time also, its kidneytoxicity became apparent. By

comparing the two timelines, we see that theintroduction and widespread use of phenacetinpreceded the sudden appearance and explosive spreadof AD by one or two decades. Also, these early ADvictims typically displayed the kidney damagecharacteristic of phenacetin overuse. Anotherindication of a possible causal connection is thestatistical fact that presently paracetamol use and ADincidence are almost twice as high in women than inmen.

Originally, phenacetin and later paracetamol weremainly used and produced in industrialised countriesand that is where AD initially flourished. But in morerecent years (2008) production has stopped in Europeand is now mainly based in China and India whichpresently also have the highest projected growth ratesof AD. The estimated annual world production ofparacetamol is about 145,000 tonnes. That is an awfulamount of tablets to swallow, and, at the maximumdose of four grams per day, sufficient to control thechronic pain of about 100 million people. It also showsus where the incidence rates of AD may be heading; in2010, about 35 million cases of AD exist worldwide.

So far, indications are that a high intake ofparacetamol for extended periods is required to lead to

42 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

......tthhee iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn aannddwwiiddeesspprreeaadd uussee ooff

pphheennaacceettiinn pprreecceeddeedd tthheessuuddddeenn aappppeeaarraannccee aanndd

eexxpplloossiivvee sspprreeaadd ooff AADD bbyyoonnee oorr ttwwoo ddeeccaaddeess..

Page 44: Nexus   1802 - new times magazine

the development of Alzheimer's disease. In one study,the use of paracetamol in dementia patients was foundto be higher, at 51 per cent, compared with 21 per centin non-demented controls. In some more recentstudies, aspirin and other NSAIDs had a moderatelyprotective effect on the development of AD, butparacetamol use of more than two years increased therisk by about 50 per cent. However, these were short-term studies and it was not specified if paracetamol usewas occasional and light, or chronic and heavy.6

OOtthheerr CCoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg FFaaccttoorrssWe may assume that the risk of developing

Alzheimer's disease is a function of several factors,including the lifetime intake ofparacetamol, the ability of the liver todetoxify the substance, and the abilityof the kidneys to excrete the residues.Therefore someone with liver orkidney damage, or burdened with theingestion of other drugs, or exposedto mercury, can be expected todevelop AD at much lower doses thansomeone who is reasonably healthyand does not normally use any otherdrugs.

There are three metabolic pathwaysin which the liver can detoxifyparacetamol, and one of thesepathways can produce a toxicmetabolite which mayaccumulate with high intakes andcertain genetic and metabolicconditions. Therefore it is clearthat the accumulated dose ofparacetamol which may triggerAD can be expected to varywidely between individuals.

Furthermore, there is no reasonto believe that paracetamol maybe the only drug orenvironmental chemical that cancause AD-type brain damage. Not only individual drugsand chemicals but combinations of them may cause orcontribute to AD. We do not know anything about this;so far, no one has investigated.

One telling example is the "accidental" finding thatsmall amounts of the common herbicide paraquat andthe fungicide maneb are apparently harmless when fedto animals individually but when given together to ratsand mice, even at very low rates, they produce thesymptoms of Parkinson's disease. These chemicals arewidely used in farming and may remain present as cropresidues. The leader of the research team said: "Noone has looked at the effects of studying together someof these compounds that, taken by themselves, havelittle effect.

This has enormous implications... It 's a hugeproblem to start thinking about a nearly infinite array ofmixtures of chemicals, instead of the risk that a singlechemical might pose."7

Perhaps residues of paraquat and maneb also causeor contribute to the development of AD. Who isresponsible for finding out and allowing only safecombinations of drugs and chemicals into our foodchain? Obviously, the safe way to minimise ourchances of developing AD is to minimise our exposureto all drugs and questionable chemicals! Evenoccasionally taking relatively harmless drugs to treatinsomnia and anxiety has recently been shown toincrease mortality risk by 36 per cent, and widely used

NSAIDs increase the risk of a strokeby up to 86 per cent while alsoincreasing the overall death rate.8

We have government healthagencies that are supposed to ensurethe safety of drugs. So far, after over100 years of medical use, no propersafety checks have been made forphenacetin or paracetamol,especially in regard to the possibilityof causing or contributing to AD. Forthat matter, no proper safety checkshave been done for other drugs,either. Drug companies are justrequired to do some short-term

studies with single drugs andoften on healthy individuals.From this, the medical systemdeduces in an act of magicalthinking that such drugs are thensafe when used in the long termor for a lifetime, and/or if used byindividuals with weak liver orkidney functions, and/or withimpaired metabolic ordetoxifying abilities, and/or whenused in combination withvarious other drugs and

chemicals. In a few cases, drugs may be curtailed orwithdrawn after a few decades when sufficientnumbers of patients have needlessly died, but overallno one knows how much morbidity or mortality iscaused by long-term drug use in varying combinationsfor different conditions.

One class of drug that does frequently causedeterioration or loss of memory is the statin drugsprescribed to lower cholesterol levels. Dr DuaneGraveline, a former NASA astronaut and US Air Forceflight surgeon and a retired family doctor, wrote that hesuddenly had a temporary complete loss of memoryafter six weeks of using Lipitor®. He collectedstatements from others who had been similarlyaffected.

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TThheerreeffoorreessoommeeoonnee wwiitthh lliivveerroorr kkiiddnneeyy ddaammaaggee,,oorr bbuurrddeenneedd wwiitthhtthhee iinnggeessttiioonn ooffootthheerr ddrruuggss,, oorr

eexxppoosseedd ttoommeerrccuurryy,, ccaann bbee

eexxppeecctteedd ttooddeevveelloopp AADD aatt

mmuucchh lloowweerr ddoosseesstthhaann ssoommeeoonnee

wwhhoo iiss rreeaassoonnaabbllyyhheeaalltthhyy......

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It has been proposed that high or elevatedcholesterol levels protect the brain from deterioration.9

Other frequently claimed causes or contributors tothe development of AD are lack of long-chain omega-3fatty acids, specifically DHA, mercury from dentalamalgam, seafood and vaccinations, and aluminiumfrom cookware, baking foil, processed foods, bakedgoods, baking powder, brewed drinks, drinking water,some antacids, and antiperspirants. Other factors arementioned as being lead, mobile phones/cellphones,solvents, fungi and parasites, sugar, chlorinated water,inhalant anaesthetics, and excitotoxins such asmonosodium glutamate (MSG). A good overview ofthese factors with some references isat "Alzheimer's Disease: OnSuggested Causes and Cures".10

Biostatistician Bernard Windhamcollected hundreds of scientificreferences on the toxic effects ofmercury and also aluminium as acause of AD and other neurologicaland autoimmune conditions.Accordingly, major factors in theneurotoxicity of mercury aredecreased levels of glutathioneperoxidase and superoxidedismustase which lead to increasedlipid peroxidation in the brain. Evena few micrograms of mercury canseverely disturb cellularfunctions. Mercury alsoaccumulates in the mitochondriaand interferes with their vitalfunctions, especially byinhibiting cytochrome C enzymesand reducing energy supply tothe brain.11

In regard to mercury andaluminium in vaccines, we canread: "A study of people whoreceived flu shots regularly foundthat if an individual had five consecutive flu shotsbetween 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/herchances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten timeshigher than if they had one or no shots".12

TThhee NNiiaacciinnaammiiddee CCuurree In a study of mice with induced AD, it was found that

their full memory was restored after treatment for fourmonths with the human dose equivalent of 2,000 to3,000 milligrams of niacinamide, also callednicotinamide or vitamin B3. Niacin, or nicotinic acid,belongs to this group as well but it tends to induceflushing and some may be reluctant to take it, althoughit is the recommended form to lower cholesterol andtriglycerides in the blood. "Cognitively, they [the mice]were cured," commented the leading researcher.

"The vitamin completely prevented cognitive declineassociated with the disease, bringing them back to thelevel they'd be at if they didn't have the pathology." Inaddition, niacinamide also improved the memory ofmice without AD. Presently, there are several humantrials with niacinamide in progress.13

It is no real surprise that vitamin B3 is beneficialbecause it works also with many other conditions, suchas improving or normalising schizophrenia, senileconditions, arthritis, hyperactivity or behavioural andlearning difficulties of children, cholesterol problems,cancer, dermatitis, juvenile diabetes, fatigue and lack ofenergy.14 The reason why a single vitamin can help with

all of these problems is its key role asa coenzyme in oxidative cellularenergy production.

If certain areas of the brain or thebody are congested with metabolicwaste products or for other reasonshave reduced blood supply, thenenergy production in that part of thebody is reduced. The brain needs 20per cent of our total energy tofunction properly and therefore isespecially sensitive to lack of energy.

An indication of the degree ofbiological ageing is the amount oflactic acid accumulating in the brain.

This is especially pronouncedwith degenerative brain diseasessuch as Alzheimer's disease andParkinson's disease.15 Lactic acidis formed when the oxidativeenergy production in themitochondria, the powerhousesinside cells, declines. In AD,niacinamide-dependent enzymeshave been shown to bedeficient.16 Getting moreniacinamide into congestedbrain cells helps to rev up energy

production and lets these cells function more normally. There may be an additional reason related specifically

to paracetamol in its function as an antipyretic. Thismeans that paracetamol lowers the body temperature,and it may do this by lowering the temperature in aspecific part of the brain by reducing the energymetabolism in that area. Niacinamide has the oppositeeffect: someone who does not produce enough bodyheat and easily feels cold, with cold hands and feet, canoften improve or overcome this problem by taking high-dose niacinamide supplements. However, even ifniacinamide works as well in humans as it does inmice, it is not likely to be a permanent solution. Inmost of the mentioned conditions, high doses need tobe continued indefinitely or until the primary blockagein energy production has been removed.

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IInn AADD,,nniiaacciinnaammiiddee--ddeeppeennddeenntt

eennzzyymmeess hhaavveebbeeeenn sshhoowwnn ttoo bbeeddeeffiicciieenntt.. GGeettttiinnggmmoorree nniiaacciinnaammiiddeeiinnttoo ccoonnggeesstteeddbbrraaiinn cceellllss hheellppss ttoo rreevv uupp eenneerrggyypprroodduuccttiioonn aannddlleettss tthheessee cceellllssffuunnccttiioonn mmoorree


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Niacinamide works best when other vitamins of the Bgroup are also supplied at lower doses, such as taking aB complex with most meals. In addition, vitamin B12 isespecially useful. In AD studies, B12 has commonlybeen tested together with folic acid and vitamin B6.These B vitamins control levels of the amino acidhomocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is formedduring the conversion of the amino acid methionineinto the functional amino acid cysteine. When thesevitamins are deficient, high levels of homocysteineaccumulate which are associated with an increased riskof AD. Supplementing with these vitamins can halvethe rate of brain shrinkage in elderly people with mildmemory problems. Those with the slowest rate ofshrinkage had better cognitive test scores.17

However, vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed, especiallyby the elderly. If one does not want to get regularinjections of B12, one can chewa tablet and keep it under thetongue for as long as possible,or dissolve it in a small amountof warm water to make a pasteand rub it into the nostrils forabsorption. If done daily, only asmall amount needs to be used.Better than folic acid fromtablets is folate from greenleaves or their juices.

OOtthheerr UUsseeffuull MMeeaassuurreessOther beneficial vitamins and

minerals are high amounts of vitamin C, D (sunshine)and (natural) vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, iodine andselenium. Lecithin, gingko biloba and turmeric arebeneficial for the brain and liver, while caffeinestimulates brain activity. A recent supplement to theJournal of Alzheimer's Disease showed that theconsumption of moderate amounts of caffeine slowedthe cognitive decline associated with ageing as well asthe incidence of AD.18

Acetyl-L-carnitine or ALCAR (try 1–2 grams per day)increases energy production by delivering fatty acidsinto mitochondria and improves their health by helpingto dispose of fatty wastes. It also increases productionof the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine.Before Alzheimer's patients experience memory loss,the brain's neurons have already suffered harm formany years due to their mitochondria being congestedwith protein and fat residues.19

The omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain. Peoplewith liver damage (as from paracetamol) have lost theability to synthesise it from the more common alpha-linolenic acid. Therefore supplementing with DHAtends to be beneficial but it needs to be given togetherwith protective vitamin E, as oxidised DHA maydamage the brain.

Other studies show that a low dosage of a certaincannabinoid, a component in marijuana, reversedmemory loss in older rats. These old rats performedbetter in memory tests and had less brain cell death. Ithas also been found that people who regularly smokedmarijuana in the 1960s and 1970s rarely developAlzheimer's disease.

Earlier research (2006) showed that THC, marijuana'sactive ingredient, can slow the formation of "Alzheimerplaques" in the brain better than any commercial drugs.THC also blocks clumps of protein that inhibit memoryand cognition in AD patients.20 These beneficial effectsof cannabinoids may be significant as paracetamol hasbeen shown to work by blocking cannabinoids in thebrain.

To improve blood supply to the brain, it is beneficialfrequently to lie for extended periods with the head

lower than the heart, such as ona slant board or by raising thefoot end of the bed with bricks.

TThhee RReeaall CCuurreeMedical research clearly

shows that a major factor inthe development ofAlzheimer's disease is a largeamount of abnormal proteinsdeposited in neurons andother brain areas. In addition,there are also oxidised lipidwastes and toxic metals. It is

clear that these more or less toxic waste accumulationswill greatly limit nutrient supply, waste removal andenergy production in the affected areas of the brain.

While mainstream medicine will continue to searchfor new and better drugs and technologies, for naturalmedicine this is a standard problem with a time-honoured solution.

Essentially, all chronic degenerative diseases presentus with the same picture of accumulated metabolic andtoxic waste products that obstruct normal cell andorgan functions. The main difference between themultitude of diseases is the organ or part of the bodythat is most affected and the way in which bodyfunctions are impaired.

The process by which cells degrade and recyclematerial into amino acids that can be reused is calledautophagy. It is an essential component of cellularsurvival and defence against invading organisms. Evenmainstream researchers realise that waste removal isthe potential cure and that calorie restrictionencourages autophagy, but it is more profitable to lookfor a drug or technological solution to accomplishthis.21

If the affected cells could break down the obstructingplaques, this would greatly increase the chances ofrecovery from AD.

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SSuupppplleemmeennttiinngg wwiitthh tthheesseevviittaammiinnss ccaann hhaallvvee tthhee rraattee

ooff bbrraaiinn sshhrriinnkkaaggee iinneellddeerrllyy ppeeooppllee wwiitthh mmiilldd

mmeemmoorryy pprroobblleemmss..

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A researcher in one study explained: "Although wedo not yet completely understand how these diseasesdevelop, we do know that the proteins clump togetherand form a plaque buildup in affected patients'neurons. If we can direct the cell's own ability to breakdown waste products against the plaques, we couldkeep them from forming and potentially intercept thedevelopment of these and other diseases."22

Furthermore, most chronic and autoimmune diseasesare associated with the presence of pleomorphic orcell-wall-deficient microbes in the affected tissues, andthere is some indication that this is also the case withAD. For instance, by experimentally using a drug that isapproved for immune deficiency and autoimmunedisorders, researchers achieved much better resultsthan with any drug approved and used for treating AD.23

This shows the potential benefit of treating AD like anautoimmune disease. For a more detailed explanation,see my article "How toOvercome Chronic andAutoimmune Diseases".24

While cleansing is difficulteven for determined individualswho want to improve theirhealth, it is even more so forAlzheimer's disease patientsand their carers. Nevertheless,it is the only game in town, andsome carers or even individualswith early symptoms may wantto try it.

So here is a basic outline ofan holistic program. Step 1: Avoid or minimise the factors that have been

mentioned as causing or contributing to the condition;e.g., any mercury amalgam fillings still present shouldbe removed, preferably by an holistic dentist.Gradually reduce any drugs to the absolute minimum.Food should be as free of chemical additives orresidues as possible. Step 2: Gradually introduce vitamins, minerals and

other remedies mentioned as being beneficial,especially remedies and methods that improve liverfunction and blood circulation to the brain. Try 500milligrams of niacinamide with each meal; possiblydouble the dose. If niacinamide therapy is reasonablysuccessful, that will make the whole program so mucheasier to follow.Step 3: Monitor the acidity of the urine and try to

keep it close to pH 7. If it is mostly too acid, then takemore alkalising agents including sodium bicarbonate(not close to meals) and potassium citrate. If the bodyseems to be too alkaline, with a pH above 7, and if theskin is insensitive to irritants such as insect stings, thentake more ascorbic acid and hydrochloric acidsupplements with meals. Step 4: Gradually adopt a high-quality diet.25

Step 5: Use oral chelation to remove mercury andaluminium. Sulphur compounds are needed todetoxify the liver. If these are not well tolerated, add amolybdenum supplement. One of the strongestchelators is alpha-lipoic acid (also called thioctic acid),best combined with milk thistle extract. Chlorella(broken-cell powder) prevents re-absorption of expelledmetals from the intestines. Also helpful are MSM, N-acetylcysteine, alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid.You may also add other mercury chelators obtainedfrom the Internet or use the Klinghardt NeurotoxinElimination Protocol.26

Step 6: To reduce or eliminate microbial problems,try a mild form of the Ultimate Cleanse27 with specialfocus on using lactic acid–fermented foods, especiallyfermented vegetables such as genuine sauerkraut.Step 7: A series of cleanses using fresh raw food is

needed to remove the toxic and metabolic wasteproducts from the brain. Thisis the most difficult part andneeds to be done gently withonly gradually increasingintensity. When under-eating,the body starts to process,digest and eliminate its wasteproducts—but only if it hasenough vitality, which can bestbe supplied with fresh juices ofwheat grass and barley grass aswell as sprouted seeds, e.g.,mung beans and lentils. Inaddition, protein-digesting

enzymes, e.g., bromelain and papain, are helpful.28

OOuuttllooookk ffoorr tthhee FFuuttuurreeIdeally, governments would encourage and support

the establishment of sanatoriums and health farms forthe holistic therapy of patients with Alzheimer'sdisease and other chronic diseases. But sadly,government health agencies are firmly wedded to drugmedicine and have a long track record of suppressingnatural medicine. Examples of this are the persecutionof holistic cancer therapists29 and the maliciousdestruction of Pan Pharmaceuticals in Australia.30

Therefore it is clear that any attempt at setting upcommunity healing ventures needs to start from thegrassroots level and proceed very carefully. A model forthis exists in the movement started by Ann Wigmore inthe 1960s that led to the establishment of theHippocrates Health Institute. There, visitors coulddetoxify and heal on a raw food program based on freshwheat grass juice and sprouted seeds. This movementincluded city centres as well as health farms. It wouldbe great if this movement or something similar couldbe revived and made to spread worldwide. ∞

46 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

TThheerreeffoorree iitt iiss cclleeaarr tthhaattaannyy aatttteemmpptt aatt sseettttiinngg uupp

ccoommmmuunniittyy hheeaalliinnggvveennttuurreess nneeeeddss ttoo ssttaarrtt

ffrroomm tthhee ggrraassssrroooottss lleevveellaanndd pprroocceeeedd vveerryy ccaarreeffuullllyy..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

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by Bruce L. Cathie and Rod Maupin © 2010

The Gridpoint Atlas® 4.0 software is theresult of a 21-year collaboration betweenCaptain Bruce Cathie (Ret.) of Auckland,New Zealand, and Rod Maupin of Rainier,Washington, USA. The software illustratesall of the concepts that Bruce Cathie hasdescribed over the past 40 years in hismany books, articles and videos on theWorld Grid system. Ed.

CCaallccuullaattiioonn aanndd MMaapp WWiinnddoowwss

To begin the discussion, thereare two parts to the GridpointAtlas® software: a Calculation

window and a Map window.The Calculation window provides

several utilities which allow you tocalculate harmonics of the speed oflight, gravity and the Earth'smagnetic field for any latitude on theEarth's surface. All of themathematical calculations andtables from Bruce Cathie's books areavailable for use in this side of thesoftware.

The Map window allows you toplot maps of any area of the world,overlay the World Grid® onto them,and then view those overlays inGoogle Earth.

WWoorrlldd GGrriidd SSyysstteemm If you aren't familiar with the

World Grid and its associatedharmonics, here is a briefexplanation. The World Grid systemis a natural electromagnetic networkthat creates the harmonic geometricstructure of the Earth from theuniversal unified field. Our reality ismanifested from the dual fields oflight and gravity, which are harmonic

reciprocals of each other.That last statement is very

important. Said another way, lightand gravity have an inverserelationship to each other. As theharmonic of one increases, theharmonic of the other decreases.Knowing this one fact should allowyou to understand the concept ofhow UFOs fly and how black holesoperate.

In order to work with theharmonics of the World Grid system,you have to adhere to some rules.

The Rules of Harmonics are:1) the system is based on 6 and 10;2) zeros to the left or right of the

decimal point, in any numbersequence, are irrelevant and can beignored.

The Rules of Measurementdictate that you must use thefollowing units:

1) the nautical mile, which is equalto 6,000 geodetic feet or 72,000geodetic inches;

2) the day, based on 27 grid hoursor periods for one revolution of theEarth. There are 60 grid minutes inone grid hour and 60 grid seconds inone grid minute.

Bruce Cathie found that he had toapply both the Rules of Harmonicsand the Rules of Measurement inorder to uncover the harmonicrelationships of the World Gridsystem. The idea is that you mustfirst convert measurements tonautical miles and base the timecomponent on a 27-hour day. Afterdoing that, you can apply the Rulesof Harmonics by checking forharmonics of 6 and 10, and ignoringzeros to the left or right of thedecimal.

It is worth noting that thesemeasurements are not used togetherby any country in the world.Nautical miles are used in aircraft,watercraft and spacecraft travel, butno one on Earth uses a 27-hour day.We use a 24-hour day.

It is our contention that, in the

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Figure 1: Speed of Light Conversion

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past, other units of measurementwere purposely chosen for use bylearned men and governments withthe intention of keeping the truth ofthis harmonic system from thepublic. It's much like how Latinterminology is used in medicine,thereby keeping it out of reach of theunderstanding of the averageperson.

With that brief introduction, wecan now talk about thesoftware. GridpointAtlas was developed as atool that could be usedfor research into theWorld Grid system andits associatedharmonics. This is theonly software of its kindavailable to the generalpublic. Let's have acloser look at itsfunctionality.

TThhee CCaallccuullaattiioonn WWiinnddoowwIn using the

Calculation side of thesoftware, you shouldstart your understandingof the harmonics of theWorld Grid system byusing the Speed ofLight Conversionfunction. This utilityshows the conversion ofthe speed of light fromunits in the physicstextbooks to units ofgeometric harmonics.Figure 1 shows ascreenshot of the utility.

In this function, you can enter alatitude and show how the speed oflight is converted from statutemiles/normal second to nauticalmiles/grid second for that latitude.In this example, we see that at 0°latitude, the harmonic of themaximum speed of light on theEarth's surface is equal to 144,000.This is the fabled number in theBook of Revelation, chapters 7 and

14. So, does the number 144,000refer to a number of people or doesit refer to a frequency?

Another useful function is theRelationship between Gravity andLight. This function shows howgravity and light have an inverserelationship with each other. Figure2 is a screenshot with 0° entered forthe latitude. Here we see the gravityand speed-of-light values for 0°

latitude on the Earth's surface.Let's dive a little deeper into

harmonic theory. Early on, Brucefound that he could define mass, ormatter, in terms of the speed of light.This is illustrated by the CalculateMass Harmonic function. Figure 3is a screenshot. In this utility, youenter a speed-of-light harmonic andthe corresponding mass harmonicwill be displayed.

Bruce found that once he had anequation for mass, expressed interms of light, he could substitutethat into Einstein's famous equationand have the entire equationexpressed in terms of the speed-of-light harmonic. This is illustrated bythe Equation 1: Energy function.Figure 4 is a screenshot of that one.

Another major utility is theMagnetic Field to Gravity function.

This table shows therelationship betweengravity, the speed oflight and the Earth'smagnetic field. To usethe function, you entera latitude on theEarth's surface and theharmonics for thatspecific latitude will bedisplayed. Afterstudying the table, youwill see how gravity,the speed of light andthe magnetic field arejust mathematicalconversions of eachother. This is quite astartling fact that hasnever been publishedby anyone exceptBruce Cathie. Figure 5is a screenshot of theMagnetic Field toGravity function for 0°latitude.

I'll stress again oneof the importantpoints of this table:gravity and light arejust mathematical

conversions of each other. We justchange the units of gravity and weend up with the reciprocal of light, orthe "light reciprocal" as we oftenrefer to it.

Notice that on the left side of thedialogue box there are two arrows bythe field where you can enter alatitude. As you click the arrows upor down, the latitude value willincrease or decrease by an increment


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Figure 2: Relationship between Gravity and Light

Figure 3: Calculate Mass Harmonic

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of 1° at a time. This is very useful, asyou can see how all the harmonicvalues change between 0° and 90°latitudes.

Bruce learned years ago that theseharmonic values vary with latitude.Therefore, if you could drive a carfrom the equator, which is 0°latitude, to the North Pole, which is90° North latitude, your reality wouldcontinuously change asyou travelled. You wouldnot be the same person atthe equator as you wouldbe at the North Pole.However, because youwould be manifesting atthe same rate as your carand the environmentaround you, and becauseof relativity, you would notnotice any difference. Thisis because you would be insync with the process. Theexperience would be thesame if you were drivingfrom the equator to theSouth Pole. It would make nodifference.

Theoretically, this wouldmean that any type of vehicle,aircraft or watercraft whichtravelled primarily north–southroutes would experience morewear and tear (micro-fractures)than those which travelledprimarily east–west routes.

TThhee MMaapp WWiinnddoowwFor most people, the Map

window of the Gridpoint Atlassoftware will be very excitingbecause you can pick any area of theworld and plot the World Grid uponit. You can then view that plot inGoogle Earth. To understand whythe software works the way that itdoes, let's look at its history.

Gridworks™ was the first version ofthe software and was released to thepublic in 1993 as an MS-DOS®

program. From the beginning, wegave people the ability to calculate

grid points over any area of theworld and then print them out.However, it was up to the individualto take the coordinates and plotthem onto a map of their choosing.This was a great beginning becauseno one else provided the capability.But as time passed, we knew that weneeded to provide a mappingfunctionality for people to use.

In 2001, we released the firstMicrosoft® Windows® version of theGridworks software. It still did notprovide a mapping capability.

In 2003, we released Gridpoint™,the first version of the software thatincluded a royalty-free worldwidemap database. This was not a street-level database, but it was useful forprinting out maps and driving tocoordinates on the maps.

Using a royalty-free database wasimportant to us, because we wantedto keep the cost reasonable for ourcustomers.

In 2006, a new version of thesoftware, called Gridpoint Atlas®,was released which had enhancedmapping functionality. But, it stillused the first map database that wehad released back in 2003.

Now we come to thepresent year, 2010. We knewthat the map databaseincluded with the softwarewas dated, but it hadworldwide coverage and wasroyalty free. Street-levelmap databases wereavailable, but thetechnology was expensiveto distribute because mostmap vendors wanted aroyalty per copy. This wouldhave put the software out ofreach of most people. Thatwas not what we wanted.But, there was something

else available that was free andwhich people could use at nocost: Google™ Earth.

Google had spent hundreds ofmillions of dollars developingGoogle Earth since its initialrelease in 2005. For the firsttime, here was a piece ofsoftware that not only hadworldwide coverage usingsatellite imagery, but also wascontinually updated. That initself was huge, but GoogleEarth also loaded different-resolution satellite imagery as a

person zoomed in closer to an area.This was a breakthrough product,and Google allowed the public touse the software free of charge.

Bruce and I knew that there was noway we could compete with Google'sdeep pockets. In addition, Google'sTerms of Use forbade anyone fromusing its imagery in a commercialsoftware product. Google didn'tmind your using its satellite imagery


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Figure 4: Equation 1: Energy

Figure 5: Harmonic Field to Latitude: MagneticField to Gravity Acceleration

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NNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEENNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEENNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEEin the form of Google Earthscreenshots, as long as you gave itproper credit and didn't chargepeople for viewing them.

The Google Earth team providedsomething else which made a worldof difference to researchers like us:they published their filespecification andencouraged people to useit to create GoogleEarth–compatible files.That's what we decided todo, and that's whyGridpoint Atlas does notdisplay Google Earthimagery and why it is aseparate product.

When you plot the WorldGrid® in Gridpoint Atlas, aGoogle Earth– compatiblefile is also created, and inturn the file is displayed inGoogle Earth. From auser's perspective, it is likeyou are moving from onepiece of software toanother—except for thefact that when you plot thegrid in Gridpoint Atlas, thefile is loaded into GoogleEarth automatically. Anexample will illustrate this.

There are manyinteresting sites around theworld that deserve ourattention. Let's start withthe Argonne NationalLaboratory in Argonne,Illinois, USA. We'll beginour investigation of thislocation in Gridpoint Atlasby understanding thephilosophy of the Mapwindow in the software.

The software does nothave precalculated WorldGrid maps of the entire world. Thatis not really practical, as there wouldbe trillions and trillions of points inthose maps and when you loadedsuch a map into memory it wouldbog down any computer system.

Another disadvantage ofprecalculated maps is that they maynot be at a resolution that you wantto use.

Initially, Bruce learned that theWorld Grid system was laid out on asystem of grid lines 30 minutes (30')

or 30 nautical miles apart. He alsolearned that the grid could be furthersubdivided into a system of lines 7.5minutes (7.5') or 7.5 nautical milesapart. To this day, the 7.5-nautical-

mile spacing is used to show themajor lines of the system, eventhough, theoretically, the World Gridis infinite. It has to be infinite inorder to create the reality of theplanet on which we live.

We found over time thatresearchers who purchasedour software wanteddifferent resolutions fromthe 30' and 7.5' divisionswhich we provided. We thenincluded a facility where aperson could enter theirown grid resolution, as longas it was an harmonic of 360degrees.

For our examination of theArgonne NationalLaboratory, we will use agrid resolution of 7.5minutes of arc. To begin ourstudy of this locale, we willload Google Earth and zoomin on the Argonne NationalLaboratory. Figure 6 is ascreenshot from GoogleEarth of the area.

We want to pick a centrepoint in the area and takethat coordinate back toGridpoint Atlas. We willchoose 41.703877° Nlatitude and 87.984228° Wlongitude.

In Gridpoint Atlas, we willload the States layer of theUnited States map library.Although you can loadother map layers, such ascities, towns, rivers andmajor roads, we only needto use one layer as a baselayer for reference.

After loading the Stateslayer, we will place a markerat the coordinate we chose

in Google Earth. This marker will beused to tell Google Earth what thecentre of our area is.

Finally, we will plot the World Gridby overlaying a 7.5' grid onto thearea, and we will indicate that we

Figure 6: Argonne National Laboratory (screenshot source: Google Earth)

Figure 7: Map of the Argonne National Laboratory area with 7.5' grid overlay

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NNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEENNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEENNEEWWSSCCIIEENNCCEEwant to use the last marker placed asthe centre of the area. What we havedone so far is depicted in figure 7.It doesn't look that spectacular.However, you could add other maplayers for more detail if youso desired. To reiterate,this is a map of theArgonne NationalLaboratory area, with amarker placed in the centreof the area and a 7.5' gridoverlaid.

Now that the World Gridhas been plotted over thearea, we will go to thetoolbar and click the Viewbutton in Google Earth,and the overlay is loadedinto Google Earth. Figure8 shows the finished result.From this plot, we can seethat a 7.5' grid line goesright through the storagering of the AdvancedPhoton Source. It makesyou think that theplacement of the facility atthat location was not anaccident.

MMaajjoorr GGrriidd LLiinneess aanndd KKeeyySSiitteess

Another example is theTikal National Park locatedin the Petén Basin ofnorthern Guatemala.Figure 9 is a plot of thatarea. In this case, a 7.5'grid line runs through oneof the temples.

Further use of GridpointAtlas and Google Earth willshow that major grid linesalso run through thefollowing sites:

• Library of Alexandria,Alexandria, Egypt• Luxor Temple, Luxor, Egypt• Great Pyramid, Giza complex,Cairo, Egypt• European Synchrotron RadiationFacility, Grenoble, France

• Angkor Wat complex, Cambodia• Temple Square, Salt Lake City,Utah, USA• CERN particle physics laboratory,Geneva, Switzerland

There are hundreds of other sitesaround the world that haverelationships to the World Gridsystem. All will be consideredaccidents and completely

coincidental to the multitude ofsceptics out there. However, forthose of us who have studied theWorld Grid system for decades, wefeel much differently. Our study of

the system has provided uswith only one possibleconclusion: the ancientshad knowledge of the WorldGrid system and used it inthe design and placement oftheir structures. Theyapplied this knowledge andused it to enrich their lives.

UUttiill iissiinngg tthhee WWoorrlldd GGrriiddSSyysstteemm

Unfortunately, today, thegovernments of the worldhave not seen fit to tell theirpeople about the World Gridsystem. Even though theyuse it in their own research,they jealously guard it fromthe public at every possibleturn. They know that if thefull truth of the system wereto reach the light of day,man would realise thatcurrent power-generationsystems were obsolete anda bad joke at best. Controlof conventional power-generation systems hasbeen a convenient way tocontrol people for decades.But, we think that thosewho are in power know thattheir days of control arecoming to an end. Yet, theyremain defiant to the end.

The World Grid systemcan provide us with a muchdifferent future—one whereunlimited power is availableat no cost or at very littlecost to everyone, whereinterstellar space travel is

possible, and where mankindadvances instead of staying stuck inyesterday.

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8822

Figure 8: Argonne National Laboratory with 7.5' grid overlay (screenshot source: Google Earth)

Figure 9: Tikal National Park, Petén Basin, Guatemala,with 7.5' grid overlay (screenshot source: Google Earth)

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TThhee 2200tthh--cceennttuurryysscciieennttiiffiicc wwoorrlldd--vviieeww,,bbaasseedd oonn tthhee ffllaawweeddsseeccoonndd llaaww ooff

tthheerrmmooddyynnaammiiccss,, iissbbeeiinngg ssuurrppaasssseedd bbyy aanneetthhiiccaall hhoollooggrraapphhiicclliiffee--sscciieennccee tthhaatt hhoollddss

pprroommiissee ffoorrhhuummaanniittyy''ss ssuurrvviivvaalliinnttoo tthhee ffuuttuurree..

bbyy PPrrooffeessssoorr RRoobbeerrtt PPooppee© 2010

Science–Art Research Centreof Australia Inc.

Uki, NSW, Australia

Email: [email protected]:


RReeggiisstteerreedd RReebbiirrtthh DDooccuummeenntthis essay is the birth certificate of the 21st-century Renaissance. Itshows how the life science of the Classical Greek era's humanities hasbeen upgraded in order to bring balance into western technologicalculture. Many philosophers have warned that the fate of human

civilisation depends upon achieving that goal.The ancient Greek Parthenon represented a Greek life-science culture,

symbolising concepts of political government long lost to modern westernscience. The Ottoman military once stored gunpowder in the Parthenon, andin 1687 a Venetian mortar round blew the building into ruins. Recentrestoration techniques using computers revealed that strange illusionaryoptical engineering principles had been used in the building's construction.We know that they were associated with the mathematics of the Music of theSpheres that Pythagoras had brought back from the Egyptian MysterySchools. We also know that Plato considered that any engineer who did notunderstand spiritual optical engineering principles was a barbarian.

Harvard University's Novartis Professor, Amy Edmondson, in her biographyof Buckminster Fuller, A Fuller Explanation (1987, 2007), wrote about how Fullerhad plagiarised Plato's spiritual engineering discoveries and used them toderive his life-science synergistic theories. These theories, which completelychallenged the basis of the 20th-century Einsteinian world-view, are now thebasis of a new medical science instigated by the three 1996 Nobel Laureatesin Chemistry. This complex fullerene geometrical reasoning has broughtabout the rebirth of the lost ancient Greek optical science of life. This is nowrewriting western technological culture, so there is a need to know whyBuckminster Fuller wrote that this reunification provides a choice betweenUtopia or Oblivion.

After presenting complex geometrical reasoning, Professor Edmondsonwrote (p. 43): "By now familiar with Fuller's underlying assumptions, we shalltake time out to introduce some background material. The origins ofhumanity's fascination with geometry can be traced back 4,000 years, to theBabylonian and Egyptian civilizations; two millennia later, geometryflourished in ancient Greece, and its development continues today. Yet mostof us know almost nothing about the accumulated findings of this longsearch. Familiarity with some of these geometric shapes and transformationswill ease the rest of the journey into the intricacies of synergetics."

Human survival now depends upon a more general understanding thatethics is not about how science is used but about the form of the spiritual orholographic structure of science itself. There is no need for the reader tobecome conversant with the complex geometrical equations suggested byProfessor Amy Edmondson in order to follow the journey of ethical logic fromancient Egypt to the 21st-century Renaissance. However, before undertakingthat journey, we need to realise the nightmare scenario that the unbalanced


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20th-century understanding of science has forced globalhumanity to endure and about which Buckminster Fullerwarned.

In 1903, Lord Bertrand Russell's book A Free Man'sWorship was published, containing his vision of "aUniverse in Thermodynamic Ruin". This nightmaremathematical assessment of reality stated that all themost ennobling thoughts of humankind amounted tonothing at all and that all life in the Universe must bedestroyed. Lord Russell wrote that humans mustendure, with total despair, the hopelessness of livingwithin a reality that is totally governed by a lifelessenergy law that Einstein was to call "the premier law ofall of science". This law governing 20th-centurytechnological culture is the second law of thermodynamics. Itis also known as the universal heat-death law or the law ofuniversal chaos. This law demands the total extinction ofall life in the Universe when allheat is dissipated into coldspace. As a result of this law, alllife sciences, including globaleconomic rationalism, can onlybe about species movingtowards this heat-deathextinction.

Buckminster Fuller's life-science energy does not obeythe heat-death law. It is basedinstead upon fractal logic, whichexists forever. Einstein'sgoverning death-science law isthe correct basis of modern chemistry, but this chemistryis balanced by Plato's spiritual engineering principles orthe functioning of fullerene holographic "chemistry".While mainstream science does indeed accept thatfractal logic extends to infinity, no life science within thewestern technological culture can possibly be part of itsworkings. That mindset can be a serious distraction tobiologists who seek to associate rain-cloud fractal logicwith the effects of climate change upon humanevolution.

In 1996, within an Open Letter to the Secretariat of theUnited Nations on behalf of the Science–Art ResearchCentre of Australia (Australian National Library,Canberra, Australian Citation Record 2645463), acomplaint was made that the Australian government wasunintentionally committing a major crime againsthumanity by endorsing a totally entropic educationalsystem governed by the second law of thermodynamics.At the United Nations University in Washington state,USA, the complaint was handed to the UN UniversityMillennium Project, Australasian Node, for investigation.Seven years of peer-reviewed research ensued, with theconclusion that the complaint was justified. In 2006, aformal Decree of Recognition was issued by the Project'sAustralasian division, attesting to the urgent globalimportance of this issue.

LLeessssoonnss ffrroomm AAnncciieenntt EEggyypptt aanndd CCllaassssiiccaall GGrreeeecceeHaving contrasted the 21st-century rebirth of Classical

Greek fractal logic life-science—the New Renaissance—with the 20th-century nightmare, we can follow ProfessorAmy Edmondson's advice to begin our journey of ethicalunderstanding with ancient Egypt. (George Sarton'sIntroduction to the History of Science [1927–1948] argues thatancient Kemetic theories of Egypt were scientific andestablished the foundations of later Hellenistic science.)

The ability of the ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom toreason that two geometries existed to balance theworkings of the Universe was praised by the Greekphilosopher Plato, whose fundamental idea was that "Allis Geometry". Old Kingdom wall paintings depicted thatevil thoughts prevented evolutionary access to a spiritualreality. The geometry used to survey farm boundarieslost each year when the River Nile flooded was quite

different from the sacredgeometry basic to Egyptianreligious ceremonies.

The BBC television programabout the collapse of theEgyptian Old Kingdom,presented by Professor FekriHassan of the Institute ofArchaeology, University College,London, explained that some4,000 years ago a prolongeddrought caused the collapse ofthe First Kingdom soon after thedeath of King Pepi II. Professor

Hassan explained that 100 years after the collapse,hieroglyphs recorded that the Egyptian government wasrestored when the people insisted that the ethics ofsocial justice, mercy and compassion be fused into thefabric of political law. It is rather important to realisethat, at that time in history, ethics associated with fractalgeometrical logic had been fused into a politicalstructure.

During the sixth century BCE, the Greek scholar Thaleswent to Egypt to study the ethics of life science at theEgyptian Mystery Schools and he advised Pythagoras todo the same. Pythagoras learned that evolutionarywisdom was generated by the movement of celestialbodies, which the ancient Greeks called the Music of theSpheres. It was thought that this harmonic music couldtransfer its wisdom to the atomic movement of the soulthrough the forces of harmonic resonance, such as whena high note shatters a wine glass.

The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy was to fuseethics into a model of reality called the nous, postulatedby the scientific thinker Anaxagoras. The nous was awhirling force that acted upon primordial particles inspace to form the worlds and to evolve intelligence. Theancient Greeks invented science by fusing ethics into thefractal logic structure of the nous. The harmonicmovement of the Moon was thought to influence the

IItt iiss rraatthheerr iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoorreeaalliissee tthhaatt,, aatt tthhaatt ttiimmee iinnhhiissttoorryy,, eetthhiiccss aassssoocciiaatteeddwwiitthh ffrraaccttaall ggeeoommeettrriiccaallllooggiicc hhaadd bbeeeenn ffuusseedd iinnttoo

aa ppoolliittiiccaall ssttrruuccttuurree..

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female fertility cycle, and this science could explain amother's love and compassion for her children. Thisscience, involving both celestial and atomic movement,became associated with the Science of Universal Lovetaught in Greece during the third century BCE. JuliusCaesar's colleague, the historian Cicero, recorded duringthe first century BCE that this science was being taughtthroughout Italy and across to Turkey by teachers called"saviours". He considered that such teaching challengedRoman political stability.

The Classical Greek science was about how humansmight establish an ethical life-science to guide theennobling of political government.The idea was that by existing for thehealth of the Universe, humancivilisation would avoid extinction.

The Classical Greek life science wasconstructed upon the concepts ofgood and evil. Good was for thehealth of the Universe. Evil, asdefined in Plato's Timaeus, was adestructive property of unformedmatter within the physical atom. Theancient Greek atom was considered tobe physically indivisible, and it can beconsidered that the anti-life propertiesof nuclear radiation are evil.Modern chemistry is constructedupon the logic of universal atomicdecay, which is governed by thesecond law of thermodynamics.The Egyptian concept of evilthought-processes leading tooblivion echoes Plato's andBuckminster Fuller's concepts ofan oblivion brought aboutthrough an obsession with anunbalanced geometrical world-view.

AAttttaacckk oonn FFrraaccttaall LLiiffee--SScciieennccee Max Planck Institute astrophysicist Professor Peter

Kafka, in his "Six Essays on the Principle of Creation andthe Global Acceleration Crisis" (1976–1994), predictedthe current global financial collapse being brought aboutby "scientists, technologists and politicians" who have anunbalanced understanding of the second law ofthermodynamics. Kafka wrote in the fourth essay, "Ethicsfrom Science?" (1990), that the second law ofthermodynamics had been known for centuries. Kafkarealised that it had various other names throughouthistory, such as Diabolos, the Destroyer of Worlds and theevil god of Plato's Physics of Chaos, now the god ofmodern Chaos Physics.

In the fifth century, some 1,000 years of fractal-logicscrolls held in the Great Library of Alexandria wereburned. The custodian of the library, the mathematician

Hypatia, was brutally murdered by a Christian mobduring the rule of Pope Cyril I of Alexandria. Hypatia'sfractal logic life-science was condemned by St Augustineas the work of the Devil. Edward Gibbon, in his History ofthe Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, marked Hypatia'smurder as the beginning of the Dark Ages. Encyclopaedia Britannica lists St Augustine as the mind

that mostly completely fused the Platonic tradition ofGreek philosophy with the religion of the New Testament,influencing both Catholic and Protestant religious beliefsin modern times. His translation of Plato's atomic evil asfemale sexuality influenced the 13th-century Angel

Physics of St Thomas Aquinas, knownas history's Doctor of Science orAngelic Doctor. During the mid–14thcentury until the mid–17th century,Angel Physics was used to legalise theimprisonment, ritualistic torture andburning alive of countless women andchildren. The argument that StAugustine's banishment of fractal life-science logic in the fifth century wasresponsible for western life-sciencebecoming obsessed with the secondlaw of thermodynamics can bevalidated.

The Reverend Thomas Malthusderived his famous "Essay on thePrinciple of Population" from thewritings of St Thomas Aquinasand used it to establish theeconomic and political policies ofthe East India Company. CharlesDarwin, employed by thatcompany, cited Malthus's essay asthe basis of his survival-of-the-fittest life-science. Darwin, in the18th century, held the essay assynonymous with the second lawof thermodynamics.

RReeddiissccoovveerryy ooff tthhee GGoollddeenn AAggeeIn 529, Plato's Academy was closed by the Christian

Roman Emperor Justinian I for being a pagan institution.Banished Greek scholars fled to Islamic Spain, wheretheir theories were tolerated. The Golden Age of Islamicscience, from which western science emerged, includedthe Translation School in Toledo. Islamic, Christian andJewish scholars worked together to translate the lostGreek ideas into Latin.

The Franciscan monk Roger Bacon, during the 13thcentury, studied work from Jewish scholars familiar withthe research undertaken at the Toledo School. PopeClement IV encouraged Bacon to write his pagan ideas insecret; but after Clement's death, Bacon was imprisonedby the Franciscans.

Roger Bacon developed ideas about flying machines,

TThhee aarrgguummeenntt tthhaattSStt AAuugguussttiinnee''ssbbaanniisshhmmeenntt ooff

ffrraaccttaall lliiffee--sscciieenncceellooggiicc iinn tthhee ffiifftthh

cceennttuurryy wwaassrreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorrwweesstteerrnn lliiffee--

sscciieennccee bbeeccoommiinnggoobbsseesssseedd wwiitthh tthhee

sseeccoonndd llaaww oofftthheerrmmooddyynnaammiiccssccaann bbee vvaalliiddaatteedd..

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horseless carriages, submarines and self-propelling shipsfrom the same Islamic source that later inspiredLeonardo da Vinci. He studied the optics of Plato andthe upgrading of Plato's optics by Islamic scholars.Unlike da Vinci, Roger Bacon agreed with Al-Haytham,history's Father of Optics, that the eye could not be thesource of all knowledge—an erroneous idea of realitythat René Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon, theRenaissance author and Father of Inductive Reasoning,used to usher in the age of industrial entropicmaterialism. In America, Thomas Jefferson, inspired bySir Francis Bacon's vision of a great Empire of Libertybased upon all knowledge originating from the eye,depicted the concept on the Great Sealof the United States.

Cosimo de' Medici, with the help ofSultan Mehmed II, re-establishedPlato's Academy in Florence during the15th century. Medici appointedMarsilio Ficino as its manager. Ficinowrote about the Platonic loveassociated with the Music of theSpheres influencing the atoms of thesoul. He carefully avoided seriouscharges of heresy by placing eminentChristian figures into his writings andpaintings associated with the newPlatonic Academy. Two famouspaintings commissioned by theMedici that survived the GreatBurning, instigated by theChristian monk Savarola,illustrated Ficino's cunning.

In 1480, Botticelli wascommissioned to paint theportrait St Augustine in His Study, inwhich a book is depicted openedat a page displaying Pythagoreanmathematics. Alongside thewritten formulae is an instrumentfor observing celestial movement.St Augustine is shown gazing directly at an armillarysphere, used to calculate data relevant to Pythagoras'Music of the Spheres. The saint's halo, accepted at thattime as representing the consciousness of the soul, uponclose examination has a spherical bookstud within itsorbit, depicting Ficino's atom of the soul responding tothe Music of the Spheres.

At the same time that Botticelli was commissioned topaint St Augustine's portrait, Ghirlandaio wascommissioned to paint a portrait of Augustine's closecolleague, St Jerome. Again, with careful examination,Jerome's halo in St Jerome in His Study can be seen to havea spherical bookstud placed into its orbit, demonstratingthat Botticelli's depiction of the atom of the soulassociated with the Music of the Spheres was notcoincidental.

Both Botticelli and Ghirlandaio were mentors toLeonardo da Vinci.

By realising that Roger Bacon's knowledge of Platonicoptics was generally superior to Leonardo's, theScience–Art Research Centre, in collaboration with acancer research team at the University of Sydney in 1986,succeeded in modifying the optical key to Leonardo daVinci's Theory of Knowledge. This discovery alsocorrected the optics understanding of René Descartes, SirFrancis Bacon, Lord Russell, Immanuel Kant, AlbertEinstein and other scientists who considered Al-Haitham's optics as being industrially impractical. TheScience–Art Research Centre's correction to the crucial

optics key was published in aScience–Art book launched in LosAngeles in 1989 under the auspices ofThe Thalians Mental Health Center inHollywood, California.

In 1991, the Nobel Prize in Physicswas awarded to Pierre-Gilles deGennes for his theories about liquidcrystal optics. In the following year,the vast new science and technologypredicted by the Science–Art Centre'scorrection of da Vinci's work wasdiscovered. The principal discoverer,Professor Barry Ninham of the

Australian National University,later appointed to Italy's NationalChair of Chemistry in Florence,wrote that the Centre's workencompassed a revolution ofthought as important to scienceand society as the Copernicanand Newtonian revolutions.

CCoonnfflliiccttiinngg LLiiffee--SScciieennccee IIddeeaassLeonardo da Vinci was certainly

a great genius, but he was notreally the Man of the Renaissanceat all because he was unable to

comprehend the life-energy basis of Plato's spiritualoptical engineering principles. He had attempted todevelop the relevant optics for several years, thenreverted to what Plato had referred to as the engineeringpractices of a barbarian.

On the other hand, Sir Isaac Newton was a genuineRenaissance Man—as his unpublished papers,discovered last century, reveal. His certain convictionthat "a more profound natural philosophy exists tobalance the mechanical description of the Universe" isbased upon the same physics principles that upheld thelost Classical Greek era's science of life—and they arenow at the cutting edge of fractal logic quantum biology.

The early years of the 20th century were marked by theaforesaid Bertrand Russell's horrific acquiescence in 1903to enslavement by the second law of thermodynamics,

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UUnnlliikkee ddaa VViinnccii,,RRooggeerr BBaaccoonnaaggrreeeedd wwiitthh AAll--HHaayytthhaamm,,

hhiissttoorryy''ss FFaatthheerr ooffOOppttiiccss,, tthhaatt tthheeeeyyee ccoouulldd nnoott bbeetthhee ssoouurrccee ooff aallllkknnoowwlleeddggee——

aann eerrrroonneeoouuss iiddeeaaooff rreeaalliittyy......

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followed in 1905 by Einstein's unbalanced E = mc2

equation. Time magazine's "A Century of Science" listsMaria Montessori as the greatest scientist of 1907.Montessori, in her association with Woodrow Wilson,Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison (all of whomprovided funding for her research), demonstrated how anunbalanced electromagnetic understanding of thesecond law, which she called the "energy greed law",embraces Plato's definition of evil. On the other hand,Montessori's and Teilhard de Chardin's electromagneticlife-science key to open the Golden Gates to the futurewas derived from concepts based upon thespiritualisation of matter and humanity's evolving withthe Cosmos. That was in direct contrast to Bell'selectromagnetic understanding.

President Wilson was genuinely troubled by the loss oflife during World War I. He and Bell chose Darwin'sentropic life-science, rather than Montessori's lifescience, as the electromagnetic key to the future ofAmerica. After World War II, NaziHigh Command prisoners at theNuremberg war crimes tribunalprotested that Adolf Hitler hadbased the policies of the ThirdReich upon the Darwinianeugenics with which Wilson andBell had been involved.

Scientist Matti Pitkanen can beconsidered to have upgradedTeilhard de Chardin's ethicalelectromagnetic key to openMontessori's Golden Gates tothe future. Teilhard de Chardininsisted that the Gates would only open for all people atthe same time, and not for any chosen race or privilegedfew. Pitkanen noted that the Earth's regular deflection ofpotentially lethal radiation from the Sun fulfills thecriterion of an act of consciousness protecting all life onEarth at the same time.

Albert Szent-Györgyi, the winner of the Nobel Prize inMedicine or Physiology for 1937, wrote a book aboutscientists who do not recognise that their understandingof the second law of thermodynamics is balanced by theevolution of consciousness. The title of the book is TheCrazy Ape (1970).

In his 1959 Rede Lecture at the University ofCambridge, the molecular biologist C. P. Snow arguedthat the inadequate understanding by his fellowscientists about the nature and functioning of the secondlaw of thermodynamics was scientifically irresponsible.He referred to their thinking as belonging to theirNeolithic cave-dwelling ancestors. Snow’s lecture waspublished as The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. Itwas listed by the Times Literary Supplement as one of 100books most influencing western public thinking sinceWorld War II, and it has been systematically denouncedever since.

During the past 15 years, science has developed sorapidly that it has given the humanities no time to graspthe significance of the social ramifications of the rebirthof Fuller’s Platonic spiritual, or holographic, engineeringprinciples from ancient Greece.

Organised religious opposition to criticism of theunderstanding of the second law of thermodynamicsfrom Christian schools, colleges and universities hasbeen extremely thorough throughout the world. Take, forexample, Professor F. M. Cornford, who was educated atSt Paul's School and Trinity College, Cambridge, wasmade a Fellow in 1899, became the Laurence Professor ofAncient Philosophy in 1931, and was elected a Fellow ofthe British Academy in 1937. His grasp of the ancientGreek fractal science of life can be shown to becompletely illogical, yet it is the foundation for well-organised international academic study courses at thepresent time. Since 1932, Cambridge University haspublished 11 editions of Cornford's book Before and After

Socrates. Cornford states in thisbook that Plato can beconsidered one of the greatestfathers of the Christian religion.Such pious academic reasoningflies in the face of Plato'sspiritual engineering principlesbeing observed operatingwithin the DNA as a function ofa fractal life-scienceevolutionary process and istherefore ludicrous. Platodefined that reasoning as beingignorant and barbaric and the

language of engineers, not fit to be considered that ofphilosophers.

The Harvard –Smithsonian/NASA High EnergyAstrophysics library has published papers by ProfessorPetar Grujic, scientific adviser to the Institute of Physicsin Belgrade, arguing that the Classical Greek life sciencewas based upon fractal logic, a totally incomprehensibleconcept within the much-lauded ancient Greek studycourses currently set for postgraduate studies.

SSeeaasshheellll PPaatttteerrnniinngg aanndd FFrraaccttaall LLooggiiccHaving arrived at the destination of Professor Amy

Edmondson's journey from ancient Egypt to moderntimes, in order to be educated about the importance ofBuckminster Fuller's geometrical understanding, we areable to grasp the stark reality of the title of Fuller's bookUtopia or Oblivion. The objective of this essay, to constructthe foundations of the Social Cradle to nurture theFlorentine New Measurement of Humanity Renaissance,was derived from that book. The following explains theScience–Art Research Centre's long and arduous struggleto help contribute towards the vital human survivalresearch now being carried out under the auspices of theNew Florentine Renaissance.

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PPllaattoo ddeeffiinneedd tthhaattrreeaassoonniinngg aass bbeeiinngg iiggnnoorraanntt

aanndd bbaarrbbaarriicc aanndd tthheellaanngguuaaggee ooff eennggiinneeeerrss,, nnoottffiitt ttoo bbee ccoonnssiiddeerreedd tthhaatt

ooff pphhiilloossoopphheerrss..

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In 1979, the Science Unit of Australia's ABC televisiondocumented the work of the Science–Art Research Centrewithin its eight-part series The Scientists: Profiles of Discovery.During that year, at the International Centre forTheoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, China's most highlyawarded physicist, Kun Huang, proposed a research planthat was put into operation by the Centre. ProfessorHuang was angry that Einstein and the framers of the20th-century world-view were unable to discuss theClassical Greek life sciences in infinite biological energyterms. He proposed that by observing the evolutionarypatterning changes to species designed upon ancientGreek Golden Mean geometry, it should be possible todeduce the nature of the life-force governing theirevolution through space-time. He suggested that theworld's seashell fossil record would provide thenecessary patterning-change information. The researchwas assisted by the communities of the six townscomprising the Riverland regionof South Australia.

During the 1980s, the Centre'sseveral seashell life-energypapers, written by the Centre'smathematician Chris Illert, werepublished by Italy's leadingscientific journal, Il NuovoCimento. In 1990, two of thepapers were selected asrepresenting importantdiscoveries of the 20th centuryand were reprinted by theworld's leading technologicalresearch institute, the Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers in Washington, DC.

By deriving an art–master optics formula from theItalian Renaissance which can be considered to beassociated with fractal logic, a simulation of a livingseashell creature was generated. By lowering themusical harmonics, a simulation of the creature's fossilancestor was obtained. By lowering the musical order bya different amount, the simulation of a strange,grotesque creature was generated. The SmithsonianInstitution identified the fossil as being the famousNipponites mirabilis that drifted along the coast of Japan 20million years ago. It was designed to drift along uprightin water in order to ensnare its prey. Chris Illert becamethe first scientist to link its evolution to a living seashell.

In 1995, the discovery won an internationally peer-reviewed biology prize from the Institute for BasicResearch in the USA. Kun Huang was greatly honoured.The work was acclaimed for the discovery of new physicslaws governing optimum biological growth anddevelopment through space-time. The ResearchInstitute's president, Professor Ruggero Santilli, incollaboration with the Centre's mathematician, made amost important observation: that the accepted scientificworld-view could not be used to generate such futuristic

simulations; instead, it generated cancer-like biologicaldistortions through space-time.

The Centre's bio-aesthetics researcher, the late DrGeorge Robert Cockburn, London Fellow of the RoyalCollege of Medicine who had worked with the Centre'smathematician, became concerned by the scientificcommunity's refusal to challenge its obsoleteunderstanding of the second law of thermodynamics. Hepublished several books about creative consciousnessbased upon the ancient Greek fractal logic life-science.His correction to Immanuel Kant's aesthetics was laterfound to be validated by the 19th- centurymathematician Bernard Bolzano and his Theory ofScience. Bolzano's own correction to Kant's aestheticshad been assessed by Edmund Husserl in his LogicalInvestigations, vol. 1, Prolegomena to Pure Logic (sn 61,Appendix) (1900) as being the work of one of the greatestlogicians of all time.

We know that Bolzanocorrected the aesthetic logic ofImmanuel Kant by using aspectsof fractal logic, as the famousBolzano–Weierstrass theorem of1817 is now synonymous withthe pioneering of modern fractallogic. The aesthetics associatedwith Kant, belonging to thedestructive entropic world-view,is hailed as being of globalimportance during the 21stcentury when in fact it is knownto be obsolete. J. Alberto Coffa's

book The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap: To the ViennaStation (1991) contains the statement (p. 23): "Kant hadnot even seen these problems; Bolzano solved them.And his solutions were made possible by, and were thesource of, a new approach to the content and characterof a priori knowledge." The famous Bolzano–Weierstrasstheorem was based upon fractal logic concepts.

In the book The Beauty of Fractals: Images of ComplexDynamical Systems (eds H.-O. Peitgen and P. H. Richter,Springer-Verlag, 1986) is a chapter entitled "Freedom,Science, and Aesthetics" by Professor Gert Eilenberger,who also corrected an aspect of Kantian Aesthetics inorder to upgrade quantum mechanics into quantumbiology. Professor Eilenberger wrote about theexcitement surrounding pictures of fractal computer artas demonstrating that "out of research an innerconnection, a bridge, can be made between rationalscientific insight and emotional aesthetic appeal; thesetwo modes of cognition of the human species are nowbeginning to concur in their estimation of whatconstitutes nature".

The Science–Art Centre had discovered that by usingspecial 3D optical glasses, holographic images emerged

TThhee wwoorrkk wwaass aaccccllaaiimmeeddffoorr tthhee ddiissccoovveerryy ooff nneewwpphhyyssiiccss llaawwss ggoovveerrnniinngg

ooppttiimmuumm bbiioollooggiiccaall ggrroowwtthhaanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt tthhrroouugghh


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CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 7799

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BBeeyyoonndd BBeelliieeffbbyy JJaammeess FF.. CCooyylleeTTHHEE UULLTTIIMMAATTEE MMIINNDD--PPOOWWEERR MMAANNUUAALLIIff yyoouu wweerree ttoolldd tthhaatt yyoouu ccoouulldd uussee yyoouurr mmiinndd ttoo iinnfflluueennccee aasslloott mmaacchhiinnee oorr ddiiccee ffaallll ......wwoouulldd yyoouu ffiinndd tthhiiss bbeeyyoonndd bbeelliieeff??

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In 1972, Karl Brugger, a Germanjournalist and radio and TVcorrespondent, met Tatunca Nara, the

white-skinned son of an Indian chieftainand, at the time, the chief of the UghaMongulala, Dacca and Haisha Indians.Brugger, a sceptic and a conscientiousresearcher, listened to the truly incrediblestory that the mestizo told him. Afterhaving checked it thoroughly, hedecided to publish the chronicle thathe had recorded on tape.

Following is an edited extract fromKarl Brugger's book The Chronicle ofAkakor, with a focus on The Book ofthe Jaguar. – Ed.

IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN The real Rio Amazonas starts at the

confluence of the Rio Solimões andthe Rio Negro. It takes 20 minutes byboat to reach Manaus, which iswithout any road connection to theshore. This is where I met TatuncaNara. The date was 3 March 1972.

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of theUgha Mongulala, a people who were"chosen by the Gods" 15,000 years

ago. He described two greatcatastrophes that had devastated theEarth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa, ason of the Gods, who governed theSouth American continent, and of hisrelation to the Egyptians, the origin ofthe Incas, the arrival of the Goths, andan alliance of the Indians with 2,000German soldiers. He spoke of giantstone cities and subterraneansettlements of the divine ancestors.And he said that all these events hadbeen written down in a documentcalled The Chronicle of Akakor.

The longest part of his story wasabout the Indians' struggle against thewhites, against Spaniards andPortuguese, rubber planters, settlers,adventurers and Peruvian soldiers.They drove the Ugha Mongulala,whose prince he claimed to be, furtherand further into the Andes, even intothe subterranean settlements. He wasnow appealing to his bitterestenemies, the white men, for helpbecause of the imminent extinction ofhis people.

Tatunca Nara's story only began toseem plausible when I met my friend,the Brazilian officer M. He was part of

the Second Department, a member ofthe secret service. M. had knownTatunca Nara for four years andconfirmed that the chieftain hadsaved the lives of twelve Brazilianofficers whose aeroplane had crashedin the province of Acre and led themback to civilisation. The Indian tribesof the Yaminaua and Kaxinawarevered Tatunca Nara as a chieftain,even though he was not of their tribe.These facts were documented in thearchives of the Brazilian secret service.

After reviewing Tatunca Nara's taperecordings, I decided to write his storydown "in good words and in clearscript", as the Indians specify. Thisbook, The Chronicle of Akakor, is in fiveparts. The Book of the Jaguar dealswith the colonisation of the Earth bythe Gods and the period up to thesecond world catastrophe. The Bookof the Eagle comprises the timebetween 6,000 and 11,000 years (oftheir own calendar) and describes thearrival of the Goths. The third book,The Book of the Ant, tells about thestruggle against the Spanish andPortuguese colonists after theirlanding in Peru and Brazil. The fourth

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book, The Book of the Water Serpent,describes the arrival of 2,000 Germansoldiers in Akakor and theirintegration with the Ugha Mongulalapeople; it also predicts a third GreatCatastrophe. In the fifth part, theAppendix, I have summarised theresults of my research in Brazilian andGerman archives. – KB

11.. TTHHEE RREEAALLMM OOFF TTHHEE GGOODDSS660000,,000000 BBCC ttoo 1100,,448811 BBCCFFoorreeiiggnn MMaasstteerrss ffrroomm SScchhwweerrttaa

The Chronicle of Akakor, the writtenhistory of my people, starts at thehour zero, when the Gods left us. Atthat time, Ina, the first prince of theUgha Mongulala, resolved to haveeverything that was going to happenwritten down in good words and inclear script.

And thus The Chronicle of Akakorbears witness to the history of theoldest people of the world, from thebeginning, the hour zero, when theFormer Masters left us, until thepresent time, when the WhiteBarbarians are attempting to destroyour people. It explains the testamentof the Ancient Fathers, theirknowledge and their wisdom. And itdescribes the origin of time, when mypeople were the only ones on thecontinent and the Great River stillflowed on either side, when thecountry was still flat and soft like alamb's back. All this is written downin the chronicle, the history of mypeople since the departure of theGods, the hour zero, whichcorresponds to the year 10,481 BCaccording to the calendar of the WhiteBarbarians:

"This is the story. This is the historyof the Chosen Servants. In thebeginning, all was chaos. Men livedlike animals, without reason andwithout knowledge, without laws, andwithout tilling the soil, withoutclothing themselves or even coveringtheir nakedness. They knew nothingof the secrets of nature. They lived ingroups of two or three, as accident

had brought them together, in cavesor rock crevasses. They walked on allfours until the Gods arrived. TheGods brought the light."

We do not know when all thishappened. Where the strangers camefrom is only dimly known. A densemystery lies over the origin of ourFormer Masters which even thepriests' knowledge cannot disperse.According to tradition, the time musthave been 3,000 years before the hourzero—13,000 BC according to the

calendar of the White Barbarians. Suddenly, glimmering golden ships

appeared in the sky. Enormous blastsof fire illuminated the plain. TheEarth shook, and thunder echoed overthe hills. Man bowed down inveneration before the powerfulstrangers who came to takepossession of the Earth.

The strangers said their home wascalled Schwerta, a world far distant inthe depths of the universe where theirancestors lived and from where theyhad come to bring their knowledge toother worlds. Our priests say that itwas a powerful empire made up ofmany planets, as numerous as grainsof dust on the road. And they also say

that both worlds, that of our FormerMasters and the Earth itself, meet oneanother every 6,000 years. Then theGods return.

With the arrival of the strangevisitors to our world, the Golden Agebegan. One hundred and thirtyfamilies of the Ancient Fathers cameto the Earth to free man fromdarkness. And the Gods recognisedthem as their own brothers. Theysettled the wandering tribes; theygave them fair shares of all thingsedible. They worked diligently toteach man their laws, even thoughtheir teaching was met by opposition.For all this labour, and for the sake ofeverything they suffered for mankindand for what they brought andshowed us, we venerate them as thebringers of our light. And ourcleverest artisans have fashionedimages of the Gods that bear witnessthroughout all eternity to their truegreatness and wonderful power. Thusthe image of the Former Masters hasremained known to this day.

In appearance, the strangers fromSchwerta hardly differed from man.They had graceful bodies and whiteskin. Their noble faces were framedwith bluish-black hair. A thick beardcovered the upper lip and the chin.Like man, they were vulnerablecreatures of flesh and blood. But thedecisive sign that distinguished theAncient Fathers from men were the sixfingers on each of their hands and thesix toes on each of their feet, thecharacteristic of their divine origin.

TThhee CChhoosseenn TTrriibbeessFrom the chosen families, the Gods

founded a new tribe and gave it thename of Ugha Mongulala, which inthe language of the White Barbariansmeans the Allied Chosen Tribes. Andas a token of their eternal covenant,they mated with their servants.Therefore the Ugha Mongulalaresemble their divine forefathers tothe present day. They are tall; theirfaces are characterised by protrudingcheekbones, a sharply delineated

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nose and almond-shaped eyes. Menand women have the same thickbluish-black hair. The only differencefrom the Gods were the mortals' fivefingers and five toes. The UghaMongulala are the only white-skinnedpeople on the continent.

Although the Former Masterswithheld many secrets, the history ofmy people nevertheless also explainsthe Gods' history. The strangers fromSchwerta founded a powerful empire.With their knowledge, their superiorwisdom and their mysterious tools, itwas easy for them to change the Earthaccording to their own ideas. Theydivided the country, and built roadsand canals. They sowed new plantspreviously unknown to man. Theytaught our forefathers that an animalis not only prey but can also be avaluable possession andindispensable against hunger. Theypatiently imparted the knowledgenecessary so that man could grasp thesecrets of nature.

TThhee SSttoonnee EEmmppiirree The Chronicle of Akakor, the written

history of the people of the UghaMongulala, only begins after thedeparture of the Former Masters inthe year zero. But the history of theChosen Servants reaches back further,into the Golden Age, when theAncient Fathers were still ruling theEmpire. Very few testimonies of thisperiod have been preserved.

The Gods must have established amighty empire where all the tribesfulfilled allotted tasks. The UghaMongulala ranked highest. They weregranted a greater wisdom that madethem superior to all other peoples. Inthe year zero, the Gods bequeathedtheir cities and temples to the ChosenTribes. They have lasted 12,000 years.

Few White Barbarians have everseen these monuments or the city ofAkakor, my people's capital. SomeSpanish soldiers who had beencaptured by the Ugha Mongulalasucceeded in escaping through thesubterranean passages. White

adventurers and settlers whodiscovered our capital have beenimprisoned by my people.

Akakor, the capital of the realm, wasbuilt 14,000 years ago by ourforefathers under the guidance of theFormer Masters. The name comesfrom them as well: Aka means"fortress" and kor means "two". Akakoris the second fortress. Our priestsalso tell of the first fortress, Akanis. Itwas situated on a narrow isthmus inthe country that is called Mexico, at

the place where the two oceans touch.Akahim, the third fortress, is notmentioned in the chronicle before theyear 7315 BC. Its history is closelylinked to that of Akakor.

At the time of our Former Masters'reign, another twenty-six stone citiessurrounded Akakor, and they are allmentioned in the chronicle. Thelargest were Humbaya and Patite inthe country that is called Bolivia,Emin on the lower reaches of theGreat River, and Cadira in themountains of the country calledVenezuela. But all these werecompletely destroyed in the first GreatCatastrophe thirteen years after thedeparture of the Gods.

Apart from these mighty cities, the

Ancient Fathers also erected threesacred temple complexes: Salazereon the upper reaches of the GreatRiver, Tiahuanaco on the Great Lake,and Manoa on the high plain in thesouth. These were the terrestrialresidences of the Former Masters andforbidden ground to the UghaMongulala. A giant pyramid waserected in their centre, and a broadstaircase led to the platform wherethe Gods celebrated ceremoniesunknown to us. The main buildingwas surrounded by smaller pyramidsinterconnected by columns, andfurther away, on artificially createdhills, stood other buildings decoratedwith glittering plates. In the light ofthe rising Sun, the priests relate, thecities of the Gods seemed to beaflame. They radiated a mysteriouslight, shining in the snowy mountains.

The temple precincts have alsoremained a mystery to my people.Their buildings are testimonies to ahigher knowledge, incomprehensibleto humans. For the Gods, thepyramids were not only dwelling-places but also symbols of life anddeath. They were a sign of the Sun, oflight, of life. The Former Masterstaught us that there is a placebetween life and death, between lifeand nothingness, which is subject to adifferent time. For them, thepyramids were a link with the secondlife.

TThhee SSuubbtteerrrraanneeaann DDwweelllliinnggss "Great was the knowledge of the

Former Masters; great their wisdom.Their vision reached to the hills, theplains, the forests, the seas and thevalley. They were miraculouscreatures. They knew the future.Truth had been revealed to them.Farsighted they were and of highresolve. They erected Akanis andAkakor and Akahim. Truly, their workswere mighty, as were the methodsthey used to create them: the way theydetermined the four corners of theuniverse and the four sides. The lords


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of the cosmos, the creatures of theheavens and the Earth, created fourcorners and four sides of theuniverse."

Akakor now lies in ruins. The greatstone gate is broken. Lianas grow inthe Great Temple of the Sun. On mycommand, and in agreement with theSupreme Council and the priests, thewarriors of the Ugha Mongulaladestroyed our capital three years ago.The city would have betrayed ourpresence to the White Barbarians, andso we relinquished Akakor. My peoplehave fled into the undergrounddwellings, the last gift of the Gods.

We have thirteen cities, deeplyhidden inside the mountains that arecalled the Andes. Their plancorresponds to the constellation ofSchwerta, the home of the AncientFathers. Lower Akakor is the centre.The city lies in a giant man-madecave. The houses, arranged in a circleand ringed by a decorative wall,surround the Great Temple of the Sunin the centre. Just like upper Akakor,the city is divided by two intersectingstreets, corresponding to the fourcorners and the four sides of theuniverse. All roads run parallel tothem.

The largest building is theGreat Temple of the Sun,which towers above thedwellings of the priests andtheir servants, the prince'spalace, the lodgings of thewarriors and the modesthouses of the people. In theinterior of the temple aretwelve entrances to thetunnels that link lower Akakorwith other underground cities.They have sloping walls and aflat roof. The tunnels arelarge enough for five menwalking upright. Many daysare needed to reach one ofthe other cities from Akakor.

Twelve of the cities—Akakor, Budo, Kish, Boda,Gudi, Tanum, Sanga, Rino,Kos, Aman, Tata and Sikon—are artificially lit. The lightchanges in accordance withthe Sun. Only Mu, thethirteenth and smallest of thecities, has high shaftsreaching the surface. Anenormous silver mirrordisperses sunlight over thewhole city. All subterraneancities are crossed by canalscarrying water from themountains. Small tributariessupply individual buildingsand houses. The entranceson the surface are carefully

camouflaged. In emergencies, thesubterranean dwellings can be sealedoff from the exterior world by largemobile rock gates.

Nothing is known to us about theconstruction of lower Akakor. Itshistory is lost in the darkness of themost remote past. Even the Germansoldiers who settled with my peoplewere not able to unveil this mystery.For years, they measured thesubterranean installations of theGods, explored the tunnel systemand searched for the origin of the airfor breathing, but without success.

Our Former Masters constructed the

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CCaalleennddaarr ooff tthhee UUgghhaa MMoonngguullaallaa

ca. 3,000 before the hour zero

0, hour zero












OOuurr CCaalleennddaarr

ca. 13,000 BC

10,481 BC

10,468 BC

10,468-3,166 BC

6351 BC

3166 BC

3166 BC

3,166-2,866 BC

2470 BC

AD 570

AD 570-1531

AD 1532

EEvveennttss iinn tthhee TTrriibbee ooff tthhee UUgghhaa MMoonngguullaallaa

Arrival of the Gods and the choosing of the tribes

Departure of the Gods

The first Great Catastrophe

The years of blood

Destruction of Akakor by theDegenerated Tribes, retreat

underground to lower Akakor

Return of the Gods


Lhasa’s rule, construction ofMachu Picchu and Ofir,

empire of Samon

Viracocha, birth of the Incas

Arrival of the Goths

Thousand years of peace

Arrival of the Spanish in Peru

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underground dwellings according totheir own plans and laws thatremained unknown to us. From herethey ruled over their vast empire, anempire of 362 million people, aswritten in The Chronicle of Akakor:

"And the Gods ruled from Akakor.They ruled over men and the Earth.They had ships faster than birds'flight, ships that reached their goalwithout sails or oars and by night aswell as by day. They had magic stonesto look into the distance so that theycould see cities, rivers, hills and lakes.Whatever happened on Earth or in thesky was reflected in the stones. Butthe underground dwellings were themost wonderful of all. And the Godsgave them to their Chosen Servants astheir last gift. For the Former Mastersare of the same blood and have thesame father."

22.. TTHHEE HHOOUURR ZZEERROO1100,,448811 BBCC –– 1100,,446688 BBCCDDeeppaarrttuurree ooff tthhee FFoorrmmeerr MMaasstteerrssaanndd OOmmiinnoouuss SSiiggnnss iinn tthhee SSkkyy

I know only a few details about theperiod following the departure of theFormer Masters in the hour zero(10,481 BC according to the calendarof the White Barbarians).

The first Great Catastrophe lies likea pall over the events of the firstthirteen years in the history of mypeople. It changed the life of mypeople and the face of the world.Nobody can imagine what happenedat that time, thirteen years after thedeparture of the Former Masters. Thecatastrophe was enormous, and ourchronicle reports it with terror:

"The Chosen Servants were fearfuland terrified. They no longer saw theSun, the Moon or the stars.Confusion and darkness eruptedeverywhere. Strange images passedabove their heads. Resin drippedfrom the sky and, by twilight, menwere desperate for food. They killedtheir own brothers. They forgot thetestament of the Gods. The era ofblood had started."

What happened at that time whenthe Gods left us? Who wasresponsible for the catastrophe thatthrew my people back into darknessfor 6,000 years? Once again ourpriests can interpret the devastatingevents. They say that in the periodbefore the hour zero, there alsoexisted another nation of Gods thatwas hostile to our Former Masters.According to the images in the GreatTemple of the Sun in Akakor, thestrange creatures resembled men.They were very hairy and had reddishskin. Like men, they had five fingersand five toes. But out of theirshoulders grew the heads of serpents,

tigers, falcons and other animals. Ourpriests say that these Gods also ruledover an enormous empire. They, too,possessed knowledge which madethem superior to men and equals ofour Former Masters.

The two races of Gods began toquarrel. They burned the world withsolar heat, and each tried to wrestpower from the other. A tremendouswar between planets started, whichdrove my people to perdition.

Yet, for the first time, the providenceof the Gods saved the UghaMongulala. Recalling the last wordsof our Former Masters announcing thecatastrophe, Ina commanded thewithdrawal into the undergrounddwellings. Here they remained untilthe Earth had quieted, like a birdhiding behind a rock when a stormapproaches. The Ugha Mongulalawere saved from the catastrophebecause they trusted in the AncientFathers.

TThhee FFiirrsstt GGrreeaatt CCaattaassttrroopphhee The year 13 (10,468 BC according to

the calendar of the White Barbarians)is a fateful year in the history of mypeople. After they had withdrawn intothe underground dwellings, the Earthwas visited by the greatestcatastrophe in memory. It evenexceeded the second GreatCatastrophe, 6,000 years later, whenthe waters of the Great River flowedupstream. The first Great Catastrophedestroyed the empire of our FormerMasters and brought death tomillions of people.

The first Great Catastrophe gave thesurface of the Earth a different shape.The course of the rivers was altered,and the height of the mountains andthe strength of the Sun changed.Continents were flooded. The watersof the Great Lake flowed back into theoceans. The Great River was rent by anew mountain range, and now itflowed swiftly toward the East.Enormous forests grew on its banks.A humid heat spread over the easterlyregions of the empire. In the West,where giant mountains had surgedup, people froze in the bitter cold ofthe high altitudes. The GreatCatastrophe caused terribledevastation, as had been predicted byour Former Masters.

And the same thing will happen inthe future catastrophe which ourpriests have calculated from thecourse of the stars. For men's historyruns in preordained paths: everythingis repeated, everything returns in acircle lasting 6,000 years. Our FormerMasters taught us this law. Again,6,000 years have gone by since thelast Great Catastrophe, and it is 6,000years since our Former Masters left usfor the second time.

Once again, ominous signs appearin the sky. Animals flee in panic.Wars have broken out. Laws aredisregarded and held in contempt.While the White Barbarians, out of

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CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8833


TThheeyy ssaayy tthhaatt iinn tthheeppeerriioodd bbeeffoorree tthhee hhoouurrzzeerroo,, tthheerree aallssoo eexxiisstteeddaannootthheerr nnaattiioonn ooff GGooddsstthhaatt wwaass hhoossttiillee ttoo oouurr

FFoorrmmeerr MMaasstteerrss..

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Most people know next to nothingabout porphyria and may dismiss itas having no relevance for them; butwhen 20 per cent of the populationhas this genetic defect, it's advisableto check whether your own chronic

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Amazingly, he says, we can programour mind to attract good luck, be it inmoney or love, and he providesexercises to help develop this highersense. He also cautions about somepitfalls of the law of attraction, butencourages us to aim for the stars.This book could well change your lifefor the better in exciting ways.

EEAARRTTHHIINNGGbbyy CClliinnttoonn OObbeerr,, SStteepphheenn TT.. SSiinnaattrraa,,MMDD,, aanndd MMaarrttiinn ZZuucckkeerrBasic Health Publications, CA, 2010ISBN 978-1-59120-283-7 (258pp tpb)Available: www.basichealthpub.com

As you'll find out in this surprisingbook, all life forms, humans

included, need to connect with theground, whether grass, dirt, sand oreven concrete, to draw in the Earth'selectrical energy in the form of freeelectrons that fluctuate at variousfrequencies. This "grounding" resetsthe body's natural grounded state,equalising it with the Earth'selectrical energy level or potential. Italso combats myriad conditions thatare related to an electron deficiencyin the body's systems: inflammation(which itself can be responsible forscores of illnesses), ageing, immunedysfunction and more.

While knowledge of this Earthenergy connection is common in

traditional cultures, it took a cable TVentrepreneur, Clint Ober, torediscover it, research its scientificbasis and develop products that cankeep us electrically grounded,whether in bed or at work. Ober isjoined here by cardiologist StephenSinatra, MD, who is helping hispatients reverse heart disease, and byMartin Zucker, a veteran writer in thealternative medicine field. Theforeword is by biophysicist Dr JamesL. Oschman, who is researching thispromising energy medicine. Thescientific/technical discussion is easyto follow, and the testimonials frompeople who've benefited fromEarthing are amazing (see www.earthinginstitute.net for more info).

So, go outside and get grounded!


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HHOOMMOO SSEERRPPIIEENNSSbbyy AAeeoolluuss KKeepphhaassAdventures Unlimited Press, 2009ISBN 978-1-935487-00-5 (244pp tpb)Avail: www.nexusmagazine.com oradventuresunlimitedpress.com

History gives only part of thepicture of the past; to understand

it more deeply, we need to lookbelow the layers into occultism andbeyond. Aeolus Kephus who'sdevoted much of his life to studyingphilosophy and folklore, explains thata thread of occult worship, or"sorcerous knowledge", including ofarchetypes, beliefs and magicalpractices, runs from the Egyptianreligion into Judaism, Gnosticism andChristianity. These socio-religioussystems have shaped our progressover the millennia. In recent times,we see them expressed in UFOcontact cults and abduction rituals.

To go deeper, to find the abstractcore, Kephas says we need toimmerse ourselves in myth. In HomoSerpiens, he creates a myth about theway myths shape our existence. Mythis the common ground wherescientist and priest can "bury theirrespective hatchets", he says. It's theburial ground of old worlds and thebirthing place of the new.

But to immerse oneself means atleast to confront the reality of occult

conspiracies peopled by rather nastyhumans harnessing energy from thelower dimensions, the Nazi occultistsbeing one example. Yet it alsomeans exploring even deeperprocesses of DNA and kundaliniactivation, mutating and spirallingfrom personal to galacticconsciousness to become "Homoserpiens", Cosmic Man, the fusion ofall opposites. If we becomeconscious of our own divine nature, itmight just stick. A profound journey.

WWHHAATT LLUURRKKSS BBEEYYOONNDDbbyy JJaassoonn OOffffuuttttTruman State University Press, 2010ISBN 978-1-935503-03-3 (180pp tpb)Available: http://tsup.truman.edu

What Jason Offutt sets out todemonstrate in What Lurks

Beyond is that unexplainedphenomena can occur in your ownbackyard, wherever you live. Offutt(see "Black-Eyed Children", 17/02)lives in Maryville, Missouri, and hehas assembled records of 32paranormal events (some withsupporting photos) that have takenplace within 100 miles of his home.

The reports include sightings ofghosts in college dormitories, the"Jacob's ladder" time machine of MikeMarcum which allegedly transportedhim hundreds of years into the

future, 1960s-era séances featuringconversations with Mark Twain, andthe Black Angel statue in an Iowacemetery which "comes alive" atnight. In addition, there arenumerous reports of UFO sightings,encounters with spectral beings,near-death experiences involvingangelic entities, eyewitness accountsof Bigfoot, ghostly footprintsphotographed in carpet, and thestory of Jim the Wonder Dog whocould read words as well as minds.

In his quest, Offutt travelledthrough four states, so he has someimportant tips for anyone wanting todo the same: ask for permission toenter private property, and rememberthat ghosts and UFOs don't havetime schedules. The paranormal canbe frightening, he warns, but fun aslong as you keep an eye on safety.


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TTHHEE AARRTT OOFF CCLLOOSSEE EENNCCOOUUNNTTEERRSSbbyy KKiimm CCaarrllssbbeerrggClose Encounters Publishing, CA, 2010ISBN 978-1-4507-3268-0 (349pp hc)Avail: www.nexusmagazine.com orCloseEncountersPublishing.com

Following a series of alien closeencounters that began in 1988,

Kim Carlsberg wrote Beyond My WildestDreams, a landmark book in the genreat that time (with amazing images byillustrator/channeller Darryl Anka).Now, to Kim, her new book is anextension of her record. It hums withher own contributions as well asthose from numerous sources aboutexperiences with UFO sightings andinteractions with alien entities bydirect contact/abduction as well asvia dreaming and psychic states.

A noted photographic artist,Carlsberg has applied her creativetalents, along with those of othercontributors (including Kesara, DavidW. Chace, Bryan DeFlores and CoreyWolfe), to interpreting theseexperiences visually. The result is ahandsomely produced book: whitereversed-out type on black pages withtext on the left and mostly full-colourimages on the right. These includecaptivating illustrations of manytypes of ETs (Grey and reptilian,Nordic, Tall White and shapeshifting)as well as angels and fairies, plusimages of visits to alien spaceshipsand records of famous UFO eventslike the Phoenix Lights. While thepictures are enthralling enough, theaccompanying text is too fascinatingto gloss over; it requires immersion.

Carlsberg reminds us to let go offear to participate consciously in the

multidimensional cosmos. This is afascinating presentation of aphenomenon that has many guises.

GGEEOORRGGEE AADDAAMMSSKKII:: AA HHeerraalldd ffoorrtthhee SSppaaccee BBrrootthheerrssbbyy GGeerraarrdd AAaarrttsseennBGA Publications, Amsterdam, 2010(www.biblioteca-ga.info)ISBN 978-90-815495-1-6 (145pp tpb)Available: www.amazon.com

Probably the most famous of theearly "contactees" in the modern

era of the UFO phenomenon wasGeorge Adamski (1891–1965), but hewas also the most maligned andostracised for his claims of havingphotographed UFOs and met withtheir occupants—at a time whenscience was beginning to show thatour solar system is not conducive tolife as we know it on Earth. Now,student of esotericism GerardAartsen rehabilitates Adamski'sreputation in the light of the AgelessWisdom teachings which Adamskiwas exploring long before he wascontacted by the Space Brothers.Indeed, Adamski's spiritual bent maywell have made him an ideal vehiclefor this interplanetary brotherhood tochoose to get their message across.

According to Aartsen, Adamski wasnot "the crackpot from California"that the media made him out to be,but a visionary teacher ahead of histime. Not only did he have apressing message to impart aboutour spiritual nature, but an urgentcall for us to protect our environmentand prevent social and economicinjustice in the world. At the dawn ofthe Aquarian Age, Adamski still has amessage to teach us about theuniversality of life and the individualresponsibility required to make ourworld a better place. As well asarchival photos, including Adamski's1952 Venusian scout ship photo,Aartsen includes selected writingsfrom Adamski on cosmic philosophyand the Space People to help usunderstand the broader scope of thiscontactee's mission.


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TTHHEE CCOOSSMMIICC CCOONNSSPPIIRRAACCYYbbyy SSttaann DDeeyyooDeyo Enterprises, Colorado, USA, 2010(first pub. 1978; updated 1992, 1998)ISBN 978-0-9727688-7-0 (300pp tpb)Available: www.standeyo.com

Stan Deyo's era-defining book TheCosmic Conspiracy has gone through

several incarnations since its firstrelease. This 2010 edition is declaredto be the final, and it includes a newsection, reprints of the 1992 and 1998revisions (which have been out ofprint for years), the 1978 edition's200 pages and a larger index.

The adventure starts with Deyobeing alerted to the case of missingCessna pilot Frederich Valentich, whowas abducted, aircraft and all, inOctober 1978 near Tasmania after hereported four very bright lightsmoving at vast speed over his craft.Deyo had enough connections inintelligence to know that there wasindeed a conspiracy afoot to hideinformation about visiting UFOs andsuppressed super-technology beingdeveloped on Earth.

So Deyo set to work to enlightenreaders on electrogravitic propulsion,Tesla technology, weather warfare,Kabbalist mysticism and numerology,the Elohim, the Illuminati, America's"Great Seal of Deception", andextraterrestrial beings in cahoots withmembers of a secret cabal.

The updates cover UFOs, theenergy crisis and free-energy devices,the New World Order and the farceover the Face on Mars. The final

update is prefaced by Deyo's take onthe growing evil and deceptionsurrounding "the end of this age". Hecautions us to brace for global foodshortages, the collapse of the worldeconomy and cataclysmic Earthchanges. The "great globaldeception" is still going strong, andDeyo reveals his decodings from theBook of Daniel that point to thearrival of aliens posing as godsbefore the return of the Messiah. Wehave been warned, again.

TTHHEE NNAASSAA CCOONNSSPPIIRRAACCIIEESSbbyy NNiicckk RReeddffeerrnnNew Page Books, NJ, USA, 2011ISBN 978-1-60163-149-7 (237pp tpb)Available: www.newpagebooks.com

The US National Aeronautics andSpace Administration, NASA, was

created in 1958 at the height of theCold War to counter the Soviets' leadin the new race for space. As well asdocumenting key aspects of NASA'shistory, Nick Redfern (Strange Secrets,11/01; Contactees, 17/03) delves intothe hidden world of the space agencyin The NASA Conspiracies. Inevitably,space exploration raises questionsabout the existence of UFOs and ETs,and alien interest in NASA's spaceventures was only to be expected.Details are now emerging of UFOsightings by astronauts from theearliest days of the program—reportsthat their superiors kept in check.

Other areas of interest include theApollo Moon-landing controversy,"Andromeda strain" speculationinvolving an alien virus arriving onEarth, the Face on Mars conspiracyand possible sabotage of theChallenger space shuttle. Redfernrevisits the 1947 Roswell and 1965Kecksburg UFO crashes and outlinesNASA's interest in the alienabduction phenomenon andcooperation with the Vatican. Healso documents attempts made tohack into NASA's computers, mostrecently by Gary McKinnon. Redferndoesn't claim to have the answersbut is convinced that NASA's hidingsomething big from the public.


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TTHHEE MMYYSSTTEERRYY OOFF UU--3333bbyy NNiiggeell GGrraaddddoonnAdventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-935487-10-4 (341pp tpb)Avail: www.nexusmagazine.com oradventuresunlimitedpress.com

There's enormous interest inGerman U-boat history, and the

exploits of one particular submarine,U-33, which sank 11 ships and boatsoff the Irish and western Scottishcoasts between November 1939 andFebruary 1940, are no exception. Butthere's more to be uncovered that'snot in the official records.

Nigel Graddon stumbled upon thelegends surrounding U-33 during hisresearch into German treasure-hunterand esotericist Otto Rahn (see 15/06).Certainly, Graddon looked into theofficial histories but he also trackeddown disparate information fromeyewitnesses, maritime museums,researchers and family of survivingcrew members. The U-33, sunk inFebruary 1940 near the Isle of Arran,had on board a top-secret Enigmaencoding device, several rotors ofwhich were retrieved. Among thedeceased were at least two unknownmen (possibly even Rahn); indeed,they may have been involved in anattempt to contact high-level Britishsympathisers to seek an earlypolitical solution to the war, and it'salso possible that they were on amission to unearth secret Templarartefacts housed in Scotland.

Also touched on in Graddon'sfascinating speculative history are the

U-boat missions to South Americaand Antarctica, secret German bases,cargoes of liquid mercury, themystery of the Holy Lance and thesearch for the Holy Grail.

TTHHEE FFOORRBBIIDDDDEENN AARRCCHHEEOOLLOOGGIISSTTbbyy MMiicchhaaeell AA.. CCrreemmooBhaktivedanta Book Publishing, 2010ISBN 978-0-89213-337-6 (244pp hc)Available: www.torchlight.com; UKNEXUS Office, tel (0)1342 322854

The ancient wisdom traditions tellus that mankind has existed on

Earth for many millions of years, saysresearcher Michael A. Cremo(Forbidden Archeology, 5/06; HumanDevolution, (11/01). Since 2001, Cremohas been writing a regular column forAtlantis Rising magazine, and TheForbidden Archeologist is a compilationof these columns through into 2009.

Cremo discusses the evidence forextreme human antiquity as well ashis experiences in presenting hisfindings at international scientificmeetings and at alternative scienceand new age conferences. He alsoexamines the "filtration process" thatkeeps knowledge that conflicts withthe mainstream version of humanhistory out of the picture. Further, headds to his theory of humandevolution: that as beings consistingof matter, mind and consciousness,we "devolved" or came down frompure consciousness.

Having a particular interest in theVedic traditions, Cremo dispels themyth that archaeology wasintroduced to India by 16th-centuryEuropean travellers; instead, it's atradition that goes back thousands ofyears. He cites the example of thesunken city found in the Gulf ofCambay, northwestern India, thatcould be at least 9,500 years old andmay revolutionise our knowledge ofIndian history in line with the ancientPuranas. It's a troublesome notionfor European scholars who insist thatAryan migration into Indiacommenced around 3,500 years ago.

Cremo's groundbreaking researchensures a compelling read.

RREEVVIIEEWWSSRadioOutThere.comstimulating news andviews streamed direct

on the internetPresented by BarryEaton, the host ofRadioNexus, each showpresents a unique look ata wide range of storiesembracing mind, bodyand spirit the paranormaland the metaphysical.www.RadioOutThere.com

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TTHHEE OORRIIGGIINN OOFF GGOODDbbyy LLaauurreennccee GGaarrddnneerrDash House, Brockenhurst, UK, 2010ISBN 978-0-9567357-0-6 (414pp tpb)Available: dashhousepublishing.co.uk;UK NEXUS Office, tel (0)1342 322854

In his posthumously publishedeighth book, Laurence Gardner

muses on the origin of the idea ofGod which is at the core of themonotheistic religions. To find thesource of this male "one and only"God figure, Gardner examines writtenand archaeological evidence goingback well beyond the sixth centuryBC Genesis narrative. He discoveredthat there's a difference between theway the Old Testament scriptureswere written and how they've come tobe taught and understood.

Gardner takes us back toMesopotamia where, despite thepantheon of the ancient Sumeriansand the overlords of the Anannage,there are obvious parallels betweentheir stories of Shining Ones,creation and deluge, and those ofGenesis. The figure of Adam seems toemerge around the same time as theSumerian city-states c. 3900 BC.

The earlier polytheistic traditionswere supplanted by the AbrahamicHebrew belief that this God, called ElElyon or El Shaddai, was the mostsenior judge among the gods, butthis was replaced by the Yahweh ofthe Mosaic Israelites, influenced bythe monotheistic Sun-god worshipespoused by the Egyptian pharaohAkhenaten. The Moses "burning

bush" imagery may have sparked thechange from a corporeal to a spiritualperception of God, wrapped up insupernatural trappings. That shiftmay have happened c. 1400 BC.

After exhaustive analysis, Gardnerconcludes that there is no proof forthe existence of the monotheisticGod; he can only be said to existtoday as "an optional concept basedon individual choice". It's a fittinglegacy for Gardner who, sadly, died inAugust 2010. No doubt his finalbook, The Revelation of the Devil, due outthis year, will complete the circle.

CCHHAALLLLEENNGGEESS OOFF CCHHAANNGGEEbbyy SSttaannlleeyy AA.. FFuullhhaammAmisk Enterprises Ltd, Winnipeg,Canada, 2010 (3rd ed.)ISBN 978-0-9687321-2-0 (360pp tpb)Available: email [email protected];www.amazon.com

Stanley Fulham retired in 1971 as aCaptain in the Royal Canadian Air

Force, having also served at NORADwhere he saw evidence of UFOactivity on radar. His book, Challengesof Change, is a record of 12 years ofdialogues with the TranscendorGroup—members of a galacticgovernance council—conducted via apsychic medium. The informationfrom these sessions covers warningsconcerning environmental pollution,catastrophic Earth changes, terrorismthreats and financial meltdowns, andalso shows the need to bring a newspiritual consciousness to mankind.It seems that many galacticcivilisations have an interest in ourfate here on planet Earth.

In September 2010, Fulham passedon a prediction that UFOs would beseen over key cities on 13 October.His sources were right: there weresightings over New York City that day.In early December, just weeks beforehis death, he issued predictions forsightings over Moscow in earlyJanuary (correct) and over London aweek later (too soon to tell as we goto press). Perhaps his predictionabout a stepped-up ET "interventionprocess" in 2011 is on the mark.


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NNEEXXUUSS CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEE 2200110014 DVDs in either PAL or NTSC format (90mins each) Available: E&E Productions, PO Box444, Oaklands Park, SA 5046,Australia, tel/fax +61 (0)8 8387 9949,www.eande.va.com.au;www.nexusmagazine.com

In July 2010, hundreds gathered forour regular NEXUS Conference, on

the beautiful Sunshine Coast ofQueensland, Australia, for three daysand two nights of informative talksand presentations. As usual, thewonderful team from E&EProductions made the journey fromSouth Australia to record the eventand produce a DVD of each talk. SeeE&E's website for details of a specialdeal on a complete boxed set. 1. Dirty Electricity, EMFs and

Health, with Donna Fisher.Researcher into the links between illhealth and the invisible EMF plague.2. The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy

and the New World Order, with JimMarrs. Award-winning author in thefields of UFOs, JFK, 9/11, remoteviewing and secret control groups.3. Ancient Archaeological

Artefacts, with Klaus Dona. Art

exhibition curator who travels theworld in search of unusual artefactsand evidence of our ancient heritage.4. The Electric Universe, with Wal

Thornhill. This key researcher intothe electric nature of the cosmoshelps us understand solar changesand ancient cataclysms. Includespredictions for our solar system.

5. Frequency HealingTechnology, with Dr Kathy Forti. Anear-death experience survivor wasgiven blueprints for a new technology.6. Hidden History, with Jim

Marrs. Secrets connecting the Bible,the Knights Templar, Freemasons,Trilateral Commission and 9/11.7. Language and Social Control,

with David-Wynn: Miller. How our

language has been used to enslavethe masses for thousands of years,and what we can do about it.8. The Expanding Earth and

2012, with Dr James Maxlow.Geologist and international expert onthe expanding Earth hypothesis.9. UFOs, Exopolitics and

Disclosure, with Stephen Bassett.Leading advocate for endinggovernment secrecy about an ETpresence engaging the human race.10. HCG, Hormones, Body Fat

and Health, with Sherrill Sellman.A new and effective way of losingweight without the usual side effectsof traditional weight-loss diets.11. Sacred Geometry and

Unified Fields, with NassimHaramein. Acclaimed researcherinto quantum physics andconsciousness. Includes highlightsfrom my talk on The Big Picture.12. They Lied To Us In Sunday

School, with Ian Ross Vayro. Backby popular demand with more onNoah and biblical intrigues. 13. Communicating with Animals,

with Trisha McCagh. World-renowned animal whisperer whoexplains how everyone can learn tocommunicate with animals. 14. Summary Highlights of the

three-day conference on a specialtwo-hour DVD or video.

76 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011


CCoommppiilleedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss

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AAKKAAVVEE bbyy GGeeoorrggee TTeelleekk Wantok Musik Foundation, Australia,2010 (42mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany, tel (02) 9283 8250,www.theplanetcompany.com;www.wantokmusik.org

Papua New Guinea's George Telekhas just released Akave, his fifth

album and his first since 2004. Itmixes traditional PNG string bandmusic with modern styles in a greatmusical collaboration that's alreadyproduced a number-one hit inMelanesia with "West Papua(Merdeka Mix)". He's with theWantok Musik label, dedicated toshowcasing indigenous Australianand Melanesian music. Telek sings inEnglish, Kuanuan and Tok Pisin, withstyles ranging from traditionalacoustic sounds to boppy reggaegrooves. Highly recommended.

TTIIBBEETT:: AAWWAAKKEENNEEDD HHEEAARRTT bbyy TTeennzziinn CChhooeeggyyaall && TTaarroo TTeerraahhaarraa Tenzin Choegyal Music, 2010 (57mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Perfect Potion,tel (07) 3256 8500; Tenzin ChoegyalMusic, www.tenzinchoegyal.com

Tenzin Choegyal is Australia's mostpopular Tibetan musician, playing

and performing at festivals aroundthe country. He's renowned for hisprowess with flute and voice. Here,

he combines his traditional Tibetansounds with those of Japanesebansuri flute master Taro Terahara,and together they create songs ofhappiness, simplicity and tranquillity.The extended flute solos are quitesomething, and each musician floatshis music seamlessly into the other'ssounds. A sensitive and beguilingcollection with great power andexpressiveness. Highly commended.

SSHHAAKKUUHHAACCHHII WWAATTEERR MMEEDDIITTAATTIIOONNSSbbyy RRiilleeyy LLeeeeSounds True, USA, 2010 (64mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Books& Music, tel (03) 9761 5535; UUSSAA——Sounds True, tel 800 333 9185,www.soundstrue.com

In the Zen bamboo flute tradition, "amaster does not seek to imitate the

sounds of nature; instead, he createsmusic that speaks to us in the samevoice as the natural world". Riley Lee,a Grand Master of the shakuhachiflute, is globally acclaimed for hisability to express the meditative mindin music (see NEXUS 11/06). Here hecaptures the essence of water withthe serenity we feel when gazing outover a mirror-surfaced lake. Aquieting album, perfect for healing,meditation and deep relaxation.

TTHHIISS IISS TTHHEE SSTTOORRYY bbyy MMiirriiaamm LLiieebbeerrmmaann Miriam Lieberman Music, Australia,2010 (45mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Brumby Books& Music, tel (03) 9761 5535;www.miriamlieberman.com.au

Miriam Lieberman has spent muchtime in West Africa, especially in

Mali, moving between the world ofAustralian music and the influencesof Malian kora master ToumaniDiabaté and his Symmetric Orchestra(NEXUS 13/06) and other greatMalian musicians. With her powerfulvocals and upbeat African rhythms,Miriam tells of her travels. Recordedin both Mali and Sydney, this albumis her third and the best yet.


RReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess

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from within computer-generated fractal artwork. Theexcitement within the artwork itself extends to therealisation that, over the centuries, certain paintingsreveal the same phenomenon, created unconsciously bythe artist, indicating the existence of an aspect ofevolving creative consciousness associated with Plato'sspiritual optical engineering principles now linked to thenew Fullerene life-science chemistry.

The electromagnetic evolutionary informationproperties generated into existence by the liquid crystaloptical functioning of the fertilised ovum are transmittedto the first bone created within the human embryo. Fromthe humanoid fossil record, each time that bone changesits Golden Mean patterning design a new humanoidspecies emerges.

It is currently altering its shapeunder the influence of the samephysics forces responsible forseashell evolution, as wasdiscovered by the Science–ArtResearch Centre during the1980s. The sphenoid bone is invibrational contact with theseashell design of the humancochlea. The design of Nipponitesmirabilis was meant to keep itsowner upright in water; thecochlea design is meant toenable humans to balance so as to keep upright on land.

HHuummaann SSuurrvviivvaall BBlluueepprriinnttssThe cerebral electromagnetic functioning of creative

human consciousness as a Grand Music of the Spherescomposition has been adequately charted by Dr RichardMerrick in his book Interference (2009).

The work of Dr Diego Lucio Rapoport—aTelesio–Galilei Academy of Science, UK, Gold MedalLaureate in 2010—has incorporated the arts bydeveloping a fractal logic stemming from semioticsassociated with self-organising biology principles.

The fullerene life-science of the three 1996 NobelLaureates in Chemistry has found expression within themedical company C Sixty Inc.

The Science–Art Research Centre considers thatBuckminster Fuller's crucial Social Cradle within the Arts,under the auspices of the Florentine New RenaissanceProject, might be able to bring to the public anunderstanding for the global betterment of the humancondition.

Kun Huang's research can now be upgraded togenerate healthy, sustainable, futuristic humansimulations through millions of space-time years, and

from those human survival blueprints the technologiesneeded for overpopulated Earth to utilise ethically theuniversal holographic environment are becomingobvious.

The 20th-century adage that ethics is how one usesscience is as barbaric as Plato's spiritual engineeringclassified it. Ethical consciousness has quantumbiological properties beyond Einstein's world-view, ashas been proven by medical research conducted underthe auspices of the Florentine New Measurement ofHumanity Renaissance.

Dr Candace Pert's "molecules of emotion", discoveredin 1972 and referred to in the films What the Bleep Do WeKnow!? (2004) and What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole(2006), have been experimentally extended into furtherrealms of holographic life-science reality. Dr Pert'smolecules of emotions are the same in humans as in

primitive cells, but have evolvedby increasing the speed of theirmolecular movement.Associated with this emotionalevolution is the functioning ofendocrine fluids necessary tomaintain cellular health. TheFlorentine life-energy researchhas established that endocrinefluids evolve within the Earth'sholographic electromagneticenvironment, affecting health ina manner beyond the

understanding of an unbalanced 20th-century world-view.

On 24 September 2010, on behalf of the President ofthe Italian Republic, Dr Giovanna Ferri awarded theGiorgio Napolitano Medal to Professor MassimoPregnalato and Dr Paolo Manzelli for research conductedin QuantumBioNet/EgoCreaNet by their Florentine NewRenaissance Project.

This essay has explained the primary obstacle that hasprevented Sir Isaac Newton's "more profound naturalphilosophy to balance the mechanical description of theUniverse" from being brought about. The knowledge ofhow to correct this situation has become central to theobjectives of the Florentine New Measurement ofHumanity Renaissance of the 21st Century. This essay isthe Birth Registration Certificate of the New Renaissance.

∞AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr:: Professor Robert Pope is founder and director of theScience–Art Research Centre of Australia Inc., and is aScience–Art artist and philosopher. In 2008, he co-founded the Florentine New Measurement of HumanityProject, run by Dr Paolo Manzelli of Florence University.For more details, visit http://www.science-art.com.au.

FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 79

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 6600

TThhee 2211sstt--CCeennttuurryy RReennaaiissssaannccee ooff SScciieennccee

FFrroomm tthhee hhuummaannooiiddffoossssiill rreeccoorrdd,, eeaacchh ttiimmeetthhaatt bboonnee cchhaannggeess iittss

GGoollddeenn MMeeaannppaatttteerrnniinngg ddeessiiggnn aa

nneeww hhuummaannooiidd ssppeecciieesseemmeerrggeess..

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"But if it were as common hereamong men, as it is doubtlesscommon in the intercourse of thespiritual world, what a change wouldbe wrought!

“If we were involuntarily sharers inone another's pleasures and pains,the brotherhood of the race wouldnot be a pious aspiration or astrenuous effort, but the reality of allothers most vividly before us; thefactor in our lives which woulddominate all our conduct.

“What would be the use of aluxurious mansion at the West Endand Parisian cooks if all the time themisery and starvation of our fellowcreatures at the East End weretelepathically part and parcel of ourdaily lives? On the other hand whatbright visions and joyous emotionswould enter into many dreary andloveless lives if this state of humanresponsiveness were granted to therace!"8 ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::

Belinda Doyle graduated from theAustralian Film, Television and RadioSchool in 1987. She is an award-winning journalist with more than 20years' experience in the broadcastingindustry. Doyle has presented newsprograms in Sydney and Perth, andhas co-hosted some of Australia'smost successful breakfast radioprograms. She was instrumental inthe establishment of Australia's first24-hour news service, ABCNewsRadio, which she launched in1994 from Parl iament House inCanberra.

Belinda Doyle can be contacted byemail at [email protected].

EEnnddnnootteess1. Stibel, Jeffrey M., Wired for Thought:How the Brain is Shaping the Future of theInternet, Harvard Business Press,2009, chapter 10,http://tinyurl.com/4pzqxf82. Author's interview with Tan Le, 21

October 20093. Author's interview with Dr CharlesJorgensen, 3 October 20094. US Department of Defense FiscalYear (FY) 2010 Budget Estimates,May 2009, "Research, Development,Test and Evaluation, Defense-wide,Volume 1 – Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency",Accomplishments/PlannedPrograms, p. 12,http://tinyurl.com/4axocgu5. Author's interview with DrChristopher James, 27 October 20096. Radiokate interview with StuartWolf, 21 October 2009, posted athttp://tinyurl.com/4b82ktm7. Kevin Warwick quote used withpermission; posted athttp://tinyurl.com/4pgmnkz; also seehttp://www.kevinwarwick.com 8. Barrett, William F. (Sir), On theThreshold of the Unseen (introduction byJames H. Hyslop), E.P. Dutton & Co.,New York, 1918, p. 294, available athttp://tinyurl.com/4ftnmhz

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 3388

TThhee FFuuttuurree ooff TThhoouugghhtt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn

To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com


AA GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee EEnndd ooff tthhee WWoorrlldd

bbyy AAlleexxaannddeerr PPrriiccee

Many people in the ancient world saw human life as deeplyconnected with the great cycles of nature: the rising and

setting of the sun, the changing of the seasons, the death andrebirth of vegetation. In the same way that other patterns innature repeat at regular intervals, they believed that humanhistory also goes through cycles in which significant events repeat,and are likely to happen again in the future at predictable times. Apenetrating study into the history of astrology, ancient religion,secret societies and the evolution of consciousness, 2012 and theShift of Ages: A Guide to the End of the World is sure to be aninvaluable resource in navigating a time of difficult transitions.


Page 82: Nexus   1802 - new times magazine

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Walter Last is a retired biochemist, research chemist,nutritionist and natural therapist who has worked inGermany, the USA, New Zealand and Australia, where heis now based. He has written numerous health-related journal articlesand several books. To obtain presently available books,including Heal Yourself the Natural Way, seehttp://www.the-heal-yourself-series.com. Walter Last is a regular contributor to NEXUS. His mostrecent article is "Proof that Cancer Surgery IncreasesMortality" (17/05). Visit his website http://www.health-science-spirit.com.

EEnnddnnootteess1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracetamol (includesreferences for the mentioned statements)2. http://www.pkdiet.com/pdf/pkdpain/australia78.pdf3. http://tinyurl.com/6k3ykrj4. http://www.health-science-spirit.com/phenergan.html5. http://tinyurl.com/6yatkak6. http://tinyurl.com/62q3grg (includes references forthe mentioned statements)7. http://tinyurl.com/6ax2t5c8. http://tinyurl.com/6zaddjh and

http://circoutcomes.ahajournals.org/content/3/4/395.full9. http://www.spacedoc.net/lipitor.htm andhttp://www.spacedoc.net/alzheimers_statins.htm10. http://tinyurl.com/6ggc4qg11. http://www.flcv.com/ms.html12. http://www.flcv.com/alzhg.html13. http://tinyurl.com/67oxjdr14. http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_niacin.html15. http://tinyurl.com/5r7rcg216. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-3940(85)90094-117. http://tinyurl.com/2e9atwy18. http://tinyurl.com/285dtgv19. http://www.naturalnews.com/015553.html20. http://tinyurl.com/4z86hkn21. http://tinyurl.com/2wk6qn22. http://tinyurl.com/3aylwdo23. http://tinyurl.com/4g7cpxw24. http://tinyurl.com/65fjvaa25. http://www.health-science-spirit.com/HF2-2.html26. http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/9steps.htm27. http://tinyurl.com/4cxzpu728. http:/www.health-science-spirit.com/HF1-3.html29. http://tinyurl.com/4q2aoak30. http://tinyurl.com/4ze3lt7

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 4466

IIss AAllzzhheeiimmeerr''ss DDiisseeaassee CCaauusseedd bbyy PPaarraacceettaammooll??

FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 81

Page 83: Nexus   1802 - new times magazine

You don't believe that such afuture is possible? You don't believethat such advanced technology mayeven exist today but is kept awayfrom the general public?

Consider these two statementswith respect to our so-called modernworld:

1) We have gone from the horseand buggy to the Internet in 100years.

2) However, in these 100 years wehave thought of no better way to getaround than by using the internalcombustion engine.

The two statements are notconsistent. How can we have such amajor advancement of technology inone, yet such an utter failure in theother? The answer is that there areother ways to get around. They existtoday and we aren't allowed to usethem.

The Gridpoint Atlas software willnot solve the world's problems.

Only we can do that. But, thesoftware will allow avid researchersto gain an understanding of what hascome before them, so that they maydream of and demand a better worldfor ourselves tomorrow.

If we do not demand it from ourleaders, they will surely never give itto us. Ever. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorrss::• CCaappttaaiinn BBrruuccee LL.. CCaatthhiiee ((RReett..)) is a

former airline pilot who, in 1952 withseveral witnesses, sighted a UFO inthe evening sky at Mangere,Auckland, New Zealand. This led himto discover and plot the World Gridsystem.

He is the author of s ix books:Harmonic 33, Harmonic 695, Harmonic288, The Bridge to Infinity, The EnergyGrid and The Harmonic Conquest ofSpace (reviewed in NEXUS 2/25).

He has contributed several articlesto NEXUS, including "The EnergyGrid" (2/09), "The Pyramids of China"(2/10), "The Harmonic Conquest of

Space" (2/22), "The Harmonics ofCoral Castle" (8/06) and "VolcanicActivity, Nuclear Tests and the UnifiedField" (9/02). Bruce Cathie can beemailed at [email protected].

• RRoodd MMaauuppiinn grew up inOklahoma, USA, and graduated fromOklahoma State University in 1983with an Architectural Design degreeand a minor in Art. For the last 27years he has worked as a softwaredeveloper.

He learned about Bruce Cathie in1988 and began working with him inlate 1989. His 21-year collaborationwith Cathie has resulted in thedevelopment of the Gridpoint Atlassoftware.

He currently l ives in Rainier,Washington, USA. He can be emailedat [email protected].

• For more information about theGridpoint Atlas and World Gridsoftware, and to order, go to thewebsite http://www.worldgrid.net.

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 5533


82 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

Page 84: Nexus   1802 - new times magazine

sheer arrogance, destroy the linkbetween nature and man, fateapproaches fulfilment.

The Ugha Mongulala know that theend is near. They know it and areexpecting it in resignation. For theybelieve in the bequest of their FormerMasters. With the image of the Godsin their hearts, they follow in theirfootsteps. They follow those who areof the same blood and have the samefather.

33.. TTHHEE EERRAA OOFF DDAARRKKNNEESSSS1100,,446688 BBCC –– 33116666 BBCCTThhee CCoollllaappssee ooff tthhee EEmmppiirree

Truly, the White Barbarians are amighty people. They rule the sky andthe Earth and are at the same timebird, worm and horse.

They think they are seeing the light,but nevertheless they live in darknessand are evil. And the worst part isthat they deny their own God andthemselves strive to be God and to

make us believe that they are therulers of the world.

But the Gods are still greater andmore powerful than all the WhiteBarbarians together. They still decidewho of us should die and when. Still,Sun, water and fire serve them first.For the Gods do not allow theirsecrets to be taken from them. Ourpriests say they will send a judgementthat will free the White Barbariansfrom the burden of their errors. Longand continuous rain will fall and washaway the darkness in their hearts. Thewaters will rise higher and higher andcarry away their wickedness and theirlust for power and wealth. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Karl Brugger (1941–1984) was a Germanforeign correspondent for the ARDnetwork as well as an author, bestknown for his book The Chronicle ofAkakor (Die Chronik von Akakor, EconPublishers, Dusseldorf, Vienna, 1976;published in English by Delacorte Press,New York, 1977).

Born in Munich, he studied journalismand contemporary history there and inParis. Brugger worked as a freelancejournalist until 1974 when he became acorrespondent for ARD.

Brugger was shot down in Rio deJaneiro on 3 January 1984 while walkingwith his friend Ulrich Eucke at Ipanemabeach. Neither his killer nor the motivefor his killing is known.

EEddiittoorr''ss NNootteess::• We are well aware of the Germandocumentary which, based upon thebook by Rüdiger Nehberg, purports toprove that Tatunca Nara was afraudulent German worker namedHans Günther Hauck. However, Iremain of the belief that the TatuncaNara exposed in that documentary isnot the same person described by KarlBrugger. • The Chronicle of Akakor is out of print,but we are making available a pdf thatcan be downloaded for a fee from theNEXUS Magazine website,http://www.nexusmagazine.com.


FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 83

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 6677

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84 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com FEBRUARY – MARCH 2011

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bbyy WWeennddyy LLyyddaallll

A well-referenced book which dispells many myths aboutvaccinations, including that the benefits are worth the risks,that without vaccinations there would be epidemics, and thatvaccines are scientifically and clinically tested for their safetyand effectiveness. Lydall exposes the sham studies designedto cover up the vaccine connection to SIDS (cot death); andshows that homoeopathic vaccines are bringing an alienvibration into the body, and are not necessarily safe.

Lydall also has information about the denial and/ordishonesty of some health care providers, medicalbureaucrats, vaccine manufacturers and high-level officials onvaccine safety issues. Highly recommended!


To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com



bbyy SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr MMDD

From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal

running the illegal transnational energy and UFO-related projects,to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of stateand royalty – you will be moved, shocked and enlightened as youread through this memoir. Journey with Dr Greer as he takes youinto the corridors of secret power – beyond the government as weknow it–to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers, and theirhidden agenda.

AA MMuusstt RReeaadd!!!!AA MMuusstt RReeaadd!!!!

To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com

CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCoouunnttddoowwnn ttooTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

bbyy SStteevveenn MM.. GGrreeeerr,, MMDD

This book goes far beyond the usual accounting of objects seen in thesky and takes the reader into a universe of higher states of

consciousness, remote viewing and direct Contact with civilizations thatinterface with thought and awareness as easily as we talk on cell phones.Journey with the CSETI team as they go beyond the veil of light and theresonant frequency of matter and enter into close contact withnumerous ET civilizations who eagerly await the coming Transformationon Earth. The accompanying DVD shows the images, sights and soundsof Contact, as it has evolved over the past 17 years. You will learn howthis Contact has been made - and how you, too, can become anAmbassador to the Universe!

** NNeeww bbooookk++DDVVDD bbyy SStteevveenn GGrreeeerr** NNeeww bbooookk++DDVVDD bbyy SStteevveenn GGrreeeerr

Page 86: Nexus   1802 - new times magazine



RReeccoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo NNaattuurreeTThhrroouugghh SSppiirriittuuaallPPeerrmmaaccuullttuurree

bbyy LLeeoonniidd SShhaarraasshhkkiinn

TThhee SScchhooooll::HHuummaanniittyy’’ss NNeeww


CCrreeaattiinngg YYoouurr SSppaacceeooff LLoovvee:: TThhee RRooaadd


AAnncciieenntt RRoooottss,,MMooddeerrnn SShhoooottss

RReeccrreeaattiinngg AA GGaarrddeennPPllaanneett TThhee EEtteerrnnaall CCyyccllee

TThhee RReettuurrnn ooffAAnnaassttaassiiaa

TThhee HHaarrmmoonniicc CCooddeebbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

VVaacccciinnaattiioonn:: TThheeHHiiddddeenn TTrruutthh

NNEEXXUUSS CCoonnffeerreenncceeDDVVDDss -- 22000077

NNEEXXUUSS CCoonnffeerreenncceeDDVVDDss -- 22000088

This DVD contains thecomplete back issues ofNEXUS from 1987-2010

in pdf format.

The Ringing Cedars editor reveals worldwide poten-tial for Russia’s permacul-ture garden movement.

At this Russian school, thechildren have designed,built and decorated their

own campus.

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Sharashkin in Byron Bay.

“Seeing Your NaturalEnvironment as an

Extension of Your Self” byLeonid Sharashkin.

Psychology ofHumanity-Earth

Co-evolution. Presentedby Leonid Sharashkin.

Fertility and Birth inNature and Human

Experience. Presented byLeonid Sharashkin.

Leo Sharashkin explainsthe significance of the

Russian dacha gardeningmovement.

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harmonic mathematics etc.

Their ineffectiveness, themanipulated statistics and

what vaccines contain exposed in this DVD.

Harry Oldfield, GeorgeWiseman, Sherrill Sellman,Meryl Dorey, Dr Ted Loder

and more.

Ringing Cedars, CrystalSkull, Harry Oldfield,

Callum Coats, Gary Opitand more.

DVDs available through NEXUS

To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com

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TThhee GGiizzaa DDeeaatthh SSttaarr22001122 aanndd tthhee SShhiifftt

ooff AAggeessSSuunnkkeenn RReeaallmmssbbyy KKaarreenn MMuuttttoonn

LLoosstt CCiittiieess && AAnncciieennttMMyysstteerriieess ooff tthheeSSoouutthhwweesstt

AAxxiiss ooff tthhee WWoorrllddbbyy IIggoorr WWiittkkoowwsskkii TThhee HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh

TThhee LLoosstt CCoonnttiinneenntt ooff MMuu

IInn SSeeccrreett TTiibbeettbbyy TThheeooddoorree IIlllliioonn

DDaannggeerr MMyy AAllllyy LLaanndd ooff tthhee GGooddssTThhee LLoosstt SScciieennccee ooffMMeeaassuurriinngg tthhee EEaarrtthh

MMaappss ooff tthhee AAnncciieennttSSeeaa KKiinnggss

This is physicist Joseph Farrell’s amazing book onthe secrets of the Great

Pyramid of Giza.

A Guide to the End of theWorld by Alexander Price.Investigates the cycles ofhuman history and nature.

A Survey of UnderwaterRuins From Around the

World. Includes discussionon causes of sunken cities.

David Hatcher Childresstraverses the AmericanSouthwest investigating archaeological mysteries.

A Multi-disciplinary approach across the

Americas in search of theoldest American civilisation.

Dr Raymond Bernard’sbizarre 60s classic is backin print! New intro by

David Hatcher Childress.

James Churchward’s clas-sic on the theory of a lost continent in the Pacific.First published in 1931.

Reprint of a rare 1930stravel book by a Germantraveller who travelled

through forbidden Tibet.

The true life adventure ofF.A. Mitchell-Hedges

including his discovery ofthe famous Crystal Skull.

How a Scottish Landscapewas Sanctified to BecomeArthur's Camelot by Philip


Discovering the SacredGeometry of the Ancientsby Robin Heath and John


Charles Hapgood's classic1966 book on ancient

maps and world civilisationbefore Ancient Egypt.

Books available via NEXUS on Ancient Mysteries and Travel Archaeology/Mysteries

To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com

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HHiittlleerr''ss SSuupppprreesssseedd,,SSttiillll--SSeeccrreett WWeeaappoonnss,,SScciieennccee && TTeecchhnnoollooggyybbyy HHeennrryy SStteevveennss

WWeeaatthheerr WWaarrffaarreebbyy JJeerrrryy EE.. SSmmiitthh

PPaarraaPPoolliittiiccss::CCoonnssppiirraaccyy iinnCCoonntteemmppoorraarryy


FFrroomm MMaajjoorr JJoorrddaann’’ssDDiiaarriieess

bbyy GGeeoorrggee RRaacceeyy

TThhee SSeeccrreett VVaauullttbbyy AAnnddrréé DDoouuzzeett aanndd

PPhhiilliipp CCooppppeennss

MMiinndd CCoonnttrrooll,, WWoorrllddCCoonnttrrooll

bbyy JJiimm KKeeiitthhTThhee SShhaaddoowwGGoovveerrnnmmeenntt

SSeeccrreettss ooff tthhee HHoollyyLLaannccee

MMaarryy MMaaggddeelleenneeTThhee IIlllluummiinnaattoorr

TThheeyy LLiieedd ttoo UUss iinnSSuunnddaayy SScchhooooll

TThhee PPaappaall BBiilllliioonnssbbyy TToonnyy BBuusshhbbyy

TThhee TTwwiinn DDeecceeppttiioonnbbyy TToonnyy BBuusshhbbyy

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Collection of Kenn Thomas'lecture remarks, interviews

and articles from theworld’s underground press.

Diary account of high-levelcooperation between

Russia and the USA sinceWorld War II.

The Secret Societies' Manipulation of Sauniere& the Secret Sanctuary ofNotre-Dame-de-Marceille.

Veteran conspiracy researcher’s overview ofmind control as a tool ofthe New World Order.

9-11 and State Terror, byLen Bracken, with

introduction by KennThomas.

The Spear of Destiny inHistory & Legend by Jerry

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The Woman Who Enlightened The Christ by

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Ian Ross Vayro takes usthrough ancient biblical

texts leading one to ques-tion traditional teachings.

Damning facts about theVatican's accumulation ofwealth over the centuries.

Reading like a suspensenovel, this book unlocks

the concealed evidence ofJesus’ twin brother.

Conspiracy & Religious Revisionism/Mysteries available via NEXUS (selection only).

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RRiinnggiinngg CCeeddaarrss SSeerriieessbbyy VVllaaddiimmiirr MMeeggrréé

1133--MMoooonn DDiiaarryy ooffNNaattuurraall TTiimmee22001100--22001111

SSttoonnee AAggee FFaarrmmiinnggbbyy AAllaannnnaa MMoooorree HHooww ttoo SSuurrvviivvee 22001122

LLiivviinngg EEnneerrggiieessbbyy CCaalllluumm CCooaattss

HHiiddddeenn NNaattuurreebbyy AAlliicckk BBaarrtthhoolloommeeww

VVooyyaaggeess IInnttoo tthheeUUnnkknnoowwnn

LLeeyy LLiinneess aanndd EEaarrtthhEEnneerrggiieess

bbyy DD CCoowwaann && CC AArrnnoolldd

SSiilleenntt FFiieellddssbbyy DDoonnnnaa FFiisshheerr

EEvveerryy BBrreeaatthh YYoouuTTaakkee TThhee GGoollddeenn FFoouunnttaaiinn

BBeehhaavviioouurraall PPrroobblleemmssiinn CChhiillddhhoooodd

The author’s fascinatingexperience of Anastasia and

the ringing cedars ofRussia.

Red Overtone Moon Year.Contains Mayan 13-Moon

calendar, horoscope, planner & short guide

Eco-Agriculture for the 21stCentury—a holistic,

practical approach to farm& ecosystem management.

Tactics and Survival Placesfor the Coming Pole Shift

by Patrick Geryl.

Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) & his brilliant ideas &

inventions harnessing natural energy explained.

Describes Schauberger’swork with water as a livingorganism. Foreword by

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Bruce Moen's forays intothe afterlife, including his

experience in helping 'retrieve' individuals.

A groundbreaking exploration of the Earth'snatural energy and how it

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The Growing Cancer Cluster Story—an exposéon the power industry &

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Help for asthma suffererswith information on theButeyko Method by Dr

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The Complete Guide toUrine Therapy by Coen

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Neurological & behaviour-al disorders and the link to

vaccines by Viera Scheibner PhD.

Books available through NEXUS—Environment/Spirituality and Alternative Health

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TThhee EEnneerrggyy MMaacchhiinneeooff TT.. HHeennrryy MMoorraayybbyy MMoorraayy BB.. KKiinngg

PPrrooddiiggaall GGeenniiuussbbyy JJoohhnn JJ.. OO''NNeeiillll

TThhee FFaannttaassttiiccIInnvveennttiioonnss ooff NNiikkoollaa

TTeessllaaCCoommppiilleedd bbyy CChhiillddrreessss

HHaarrnneessssiinngg tthheeWWhheeeellwwoorrkk ooff NNaattuurreeeedd TThhoommaass VVaalloonnee

AAddaammss’’ PPuullsseeddEElleeccttrriicc MMoottoorr

GGeenneerraattoorr MMaannuuaallTThhee AAddaammss MMaannuuaall --

AAddddeenndduumm PPeerrppeettuuaall MMoottiioonn

bbyy AArrtthhuurr OOrrdd--HHuummeeTThhee FFrreeee--EEnneerrggyyDDeevviiccee HHaannddbbooookk

GGrraavviittaattiioonnaallMMaanniippuullaattiioonn ooffDDoommeedd CCrraafftt

TThhee AAnnttii--GGrraavviittyyHHaannddbbooookk

TThhee EEnneerrggyy GGrriiddbbyy BBrruuccee CCaatthhiiee

TThhee TTeessllaa PPaappeerrssbbyy DDaavviidd HH.. CChhiillddrreessss

Zero-Point Energy &Pulsed Plasma Physics.

1920s energy device ex-plained by modern science.

Nikola Tesla is revealed asa figure of genius whose influence on the world

reaches into the far future.

Compendium of the inven-tions of the originator ofelectrification. Includes

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Essays, papers, technicalbriefings and press clip-

pings dedicated to Tesla'swork and memory.

This is the manual whichfurther describes the

details on how to build theRobert Adams motor.

This addendum further updates the research andtheory surrounding the

Adams' Motor.

A present-day engineerfinds perpetual motion

seekers were important inengineering’s history.

A compilation of patents,diagrams, descriptions andreports, edited by David

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UFO Propulsion Dynamicsby Paul Potter. Researchbased on crashed UFOs

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Breakthrough book thatexplores the incredible

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Suppressed/Frontier Science & Free EnergyA selection of books available from NEXUS

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bbyy MMaarriiuuss BBooiirraayyoonnCCOOEEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONNbbyy AAlleecc NNeewwaalldd

CCOONNTTAACCTT::CCoouunnttddoowwnn ttooTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

bbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr

HHIIDDDDEENN TTRRUUTTHH::FFoorrbbiiddddeenn KKnnoowwlleeddggeebbyy SStteevveenn MM GGrreeeerr








Giants of the Solomon Islands; UFO underwater

& underground bases deepin the jungle.

The life-changing truestory of a man taken for

ten days to an extraterestrial civilisation.

Chronicle of the CSETIteam’s experience of

contact from 1992-2009.Includes bonus DVD.

From UFO sightings tomeetings with CIA direc-tors, join Greer on his dis-covery of secret agendas.

Dr Richard Sauder’s evi-dence & govt paper trailfor the construction of

huge bases on & offshore.

Investigation intoShapeshifters, Skinwalkers,Dark Adepts and 2012 by

Christopher O'Brien.

Nazi Secret Weapons &The Cold War Allied

Legend by historian andphysicist Joseph P. Farrell

A Provocative look at theMost Mysterious AviationEvent in History by J. Allan


Scientist Leonard G.Cramp's 1966 classic on

flying saucer propulsion &suppressed technology.

A Journey Through theEvolution of InterstellarTravel by Christopher

Humphrey PhD.

The Nazi's Postwar Plan toControl Finance, Conflict,

Physics and Space byJoseph P. Farrell.

Investigations into Occultism, Ufology andParanoid Awareness by

Aeolus Kephas.

A selection of books on UFOs and the Unexplained available through NEXUS.

To order visit www.nexusmagazine.com