Stanley Lucas, the Man of Haiti’s Occupation!

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Stanley Lucas, the Man of Haitis Occupation!Stanley Lucas is the dreadful expression of the international conspiracy against small states as Haiti (Joel Leon)By Joel LeonWe remember the false report of the Central Intelligence of America, CIA, on the mental state of former President Jean B. Aristide, then in exile in 1992 under the administration of George Bush father. The report had shown that the president was suffering from mental disorders from a Canadian medical source. The report had been proved false, in reality, it never existed, according to the Canadian officials. At that time the "Latin America and Caribbean" section of the State Department was running a team of Neo-Conservatives, composed of Elliott Abrams (convicted by the US Congress in Iran-gate and pardoned by George Bush Father), Otto Reich (the promoter of the 2002 coup in Venezuela according to several analysts) with the support of Senator Jesse Helms (Ultra-Conservative who had only contempt and hatred for Haiti). The Bill Clinton's eight years were tough for the Neo-conservatives. Nevertheless in 2001, with the election of George Bush son, they returned to the charge. Roger Noriega, Otto Reich and Elliott Abrams joined forces to punish the Haitian people for elected Jean B. Aristide again for another 5 years term. But we had to find a bloody idiot of the caliber of Toto Constant, ready to do everything for a handful of dollars, to accomplish the dirty trick. Thus Stanley Lucas appeared on the Haitian political scene.In Haiti, what is known about Stanley Lucas is that his two close cousins and uncles had participated in the 1987 Jean-Rabel massacre, which claimed the lives of dozens of landless peasants. On the other hand, no one foresees that the champion of judo, the Playboy of Port-au-Prince, the well-dressed man, was going to propel the country for the second time in the sharpened claws of the occupants. The former United States ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Bryan Dean Curran, assumed in a New York Times interview that Stanley Lucas is a natural liar when he declared, and I quote: "When Stanley tells you something, it is very difficult to determine which part is true ". So he walked in the footsteps of his Washington masters who created false accusations against progressive and independent Haitian leaders. It seems very interesting to know why he was chosen as the aggressor of Haiti among others. Max Blumenthal, an independent journalist, who also curious about the subject and said: "When I ask the IRI communications director why Stanley was hired, he refused to answer .... You will have the answer while reading the article.The IRI, International Republican Institute, was founded in Washington in the 1980s with the objective to promote democracy under the presidency of Ronald Reagan. But we know very well that this organization exists to overthrow the regimes judged too independent by the Conservatives. Thus we have seen the IRI very active particularly in Haiti, Venezuela, and Cambodia. Haiti is the only country in which IRI has been successful, according to an American official. The coup of April 2002 in Venezuela allowed the whole world to see the hand of IRI which publicly supported the blow of the minority of rich people in Venezuela. I must also remind my readers that during this period Stanley Lucas made seven trips to Venezuela on a mission for the organization he represented in Haiti; however, he was not present at the time of the coup.Mr. Lucas' connections to the rebel leaders of the armed movement that terrorized the country until Aristide left and the arrival of the occupation troops are clearly decisive. The IRI officer in Haiti, Stanley Lucas, said he had never met Guy Philippe, the leader of the armed rebellion, yet the latter described him as a friend who initiated him to the game of Ping-Pong, and 'Other sources said they met in Ecuador in 2001. In an interview with Times magazine, Mr. Guy Philippe said that the political education sessions organized in the Dominican Republic for the leader's Haitian political organizations were held at the same exact hotel where it was hosted (what a coincidence!). He spoke to Mr. Lucas on many occasions, Paul Arcelin another US valet, repeat the same story about the 2 men knew each other and plotted together. The alliance between the so-called peaceful opposition and the armed groups was lodged at the same address.Nelson Mandela, the wise man, said in his jubilee speech of May 10, 2004: "We see how the powerful states, which claim to be democratic, manipulate multilateral institutions to the disadvantages and sufferings of the underdeveloped states." It looks like Mandela was talking about Haiti, without mentioning it. Stanley Lucas is the dreadful expression of the international conspiracy against small states like Haiti.Since the return of Ren Prval to power in 2006, Mr. Stanley Lucas suddenly became a very prolific political journalist, emitting ideas on Haiti, without any embarrassment or remorse. Today, his main ambition after bringing the occupation forces in the country is to put Haiti on the famous blacklist of international terrorism. He wrote in one of his post that: "The U.S. should re-examine these groups (Lavalas) to include them on the overall terrorist watch list. Currently, no Haitian extremist groups are on that List ". These are the statements made by the former representative of the Republican Institute (IRI) in Haiti, the protector of the Haitis opposition, who dominated the Haitian political scene for several years. He urged American administration to place Haiti, his own homeland, on the terrible blacklist of international terrorism and seems to be annoyed by the delay of the state department to do so. No patriot can make these punitive demands from a foreign superpower against a country that he claims to love. We are a docile people, we are a revolutionary and Rebel people, but a terrorist, no. For some people, this behavior of Stanley Lucas is mostly perceived as a joke, but deep down it reflects the opinions of a small group of incoherent Haitians who are living in a surreal dream, but talking with arrogance and authority of a complex reality they do not grasp. They had wished for the occupation of Haiti, it has been done, but the struggle to free Haiti will never stop. In 1893, Frederick Douglas, then an American envoy to Haiti, was thinking about the problems of Haiti and his future, he had reached the conclusion that Haiti could emerge from this atmosphere of suffering "without being reduced to pieces and without falling into barbarism" End of quote. Contrary to what Mr. Lucas and company believe, Haiti will not perish.

Joel Leon