Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?” When attracting and addressing audiences it was important that we first made it clear what genre this opening scene was. This is as people have different film preferences so it‟s important that you make it clear what type of film it is. When analyzing my opening scene with other opening scenes in the industry there was a huge similarity with Steve Shill‟s „Obsessed‟. This is due to the storyline having a girl who can‟t bear to see a couple happy. As my opening scene has similarities to this film I then looked at what kind of audience and response they got and used that in order to target my audience. When analyzing my opening sequel, in order to appeal to my audience I made sure that there were similarities in the scenes of the film to the real life of youths for example by having the stalker on a laptop surfing YouTube and on Facebook you‟re giving the audience things that they can relate to. This then creates a sense of realism for the audience that this is a situation that could happen in their life. I think that I have reached my target audience as my genre being a thriller I made sure I incorporated the specific conventions of a thriller in order to create tenseness and a build up of suspense. I did this by the overall use of different camera shots that kept the audience anticipating what‟s to happen next. I also used the whole having background music instead of dialogue in order to build up suspense until the moment a cast member speaks. Furthermore I also used costuming in order to create a sense of a hidden identity which helped in keeping the audience in suspense and wanting to find out more which is a good sign of a thriller. When gathering feedback from my classmates and teachers one thing they all agreed on was the fact that flipping the stereotype of a male stalker and making her a female was something that was not predictable and anticipated which really is a great attribute of a thriller. Adding to this another thing that the audience found successful was the fact of not having dialogue and still sharing a story. This they found a good way of creating suspense and tension as all you have is eerie shots accompanied by tense music. From the audiences feedback the things that were less successful were the shots used. Because we did not stick exactly to our story board, and took some parts out; we done this to leave more mystery and imagination toward the audiences however some audience feedback was that they are not able to determine who the character actually is and what her relevance is to

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience ?

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Page 1: Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience ?

“Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?”

When attracting and addressing audiences it was important that we first

made it clear what genre this opening scene was. This is as people have

different film preferences so it‟s important that you make it clear what type of

film it is. When analyzing my opening scene with other opening scenes in the

industry there was a huge similarity with Steve Shill‟s „Obsessed‟. This is due to

the storyline having a girl who can‟t bear to see a couple happy. As my

opening scene has similarities to this film I then looked at what kind of

audience and response they got and used that in order to target my


When analyzing my opening sequel, in order to appeal to my audience I

made sure that there were similarities in the scenes of the film to the real life

of youths for example by having the stalker on a laptop surfing YouTube and

on Facebook you‟re giving the audience things that they can relate to. This

then creates a sense of realism for the audience that this is a situation that

could happen in their life.

I think that I have reached my target audience as my genre being a thriller I

made sure I incorporated the specific conventions of a thriller in order to

create tenseness and a build up of suspense. I did this by the overall use of

different camera shots that kept the audience anticipating what‟s to happen

next. I also used the whole having background music instead of dialogue in

order to build up suspense until the moment a cast member speaks.

Furthermore I also used costuming in order to create a sense of a hidden

identity which helped in keeping the audience in suspense and wanting to

find out more which is a good sign of a thriller.

When gathering feedback from my classmates and teachers one thing they

all agreed on was the fact that flipping the stereotype of a male stalker and

making her a female was something that was not predictable and

anticipated which really is a great attribute of a thriller. Adding to this another

thing that the audience found successful was the fact of not having dialogue

and still sharing a story. This they found a good way of creating suspense and

tension as all you have is eerie shots accompanied by tense music.

From the audiences feedback the things that were less successful were the

shots used. Because we did not stick exactly to our story board, and took

some parts out; we done this to leave more mystery and imagination toward

the audiences however some audience feedback was that they are not

able to determine who the character actually is and what her relevance is to

Page 2: Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience ?

the opening sequence although this could also be a positive thing, to keep

the audience guessing.

The work could be improved by adding more scenes into the opening thus

not giving too much away.