Trabajo Tecnologías - Energy

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By Jose Miguel Herrera and Jorge Salguero

What Is Energy?

Energy is the capacitythat an object or bodyhas to transform a source of energy into work.The energy is measoured in Joules, (J) and KiloJoules (kJ). Heat is also measured in Calories,(cal) as Joules, calories have a larger Unit, KiloCalories, or Kcal.One cal is 4.18 joules.

Types of Energy

Kinetic Energy: The energy that Objects have when they move.

Potential energy: The energy that objects have when their equilibrium Point is moved.

Types of Energy (II)

Electrical Energy: It's the energy Of an Electric Current

Electromagnetic Energy: The energy of electromagnetic waves

Types Of Energy (III)

Sound Energy: The sound waves which are transmitted through vibrations

Chemical Energy: the energy asociated with Substances or atoms.

Types Of Energy (IV)

Nuclear energy: It's contained in the nuclei of atoms.

It's the vibration of particles in matter.

Energy Sources

Energy Sources Is The Resource where we get the different types of energy. There are renewable and non-renewable. Both will be explained in the following slides.

Non-Renewable Energy Sources

They are types of energy which will end, sooner or later. They were formed Many years ago, they are found deep underground and need special machinery to be extracted. They are explained In the next Slides.

Nuclear Energy

It is stored in the nuclei of atoms

It is released by making the atoms crash each other by:

Nuclear Fussion: 2 light nuclei for a bigger nucleus

Nuclear Fission: One Big nucleus is split into 2


It was formed 300 Million years Ago, by the remains of plants and animals. It's extracted in 2 ways:

Open-Cast Mines: When the coal is found near the surface

Underground Mines: When the coal is found deep underground.


It was formed by the transformation of the organic remains of the earth, by the bacteria. It has lower density than water has.

It is extracted by oil rigs, they use wells to find the petroleum and by pumps or natural force it gets pushed up to the surface. Then it gets purified, after that, an oil tanker carries it to it's destination by sea.

Natural Gas

It's a mixture of gases formed by the decomposition of plants and animals. It's found in underground gas fields, usually you find petroleum near it.

It's extracted by drilling.

It's transported by transforming it into liquid and moving it through gas pipelines. It's destination is a Liquefaction plant.

Renewable energy Sources

Now We Will explain several types of renewable energy sources. A renewable energy source is a source which energy won't run out, there are unlimited Resources for it.


The hydraulic energy is the type of Source that produces energy from the water. It can be found in Hydroelectric dams. This energy is cheap, clean and it is not polluted, but building the dams is very expensive, and in case of breakage, there is a huge risk of catastrophe.


The solar energy is the source of energy that uses the Sunlight to produce it. The Machine that helps us obtain & Transform the solar energy Are the solar panels. This energy is clean and unlimited, but it's quite expensive.


This energy has been always used for moving things, such as ships, Blades... The machine we use to produce this energy are Wind Turbines. This type of energy is Very Cheap, And unlimited.


There are 3 types:

Tidal: Extracted From the Tides

Wave: Obtained from the waves

Ocean thermal: Gotten from the difference of temperature of the surface and bottom of the sea.


This energy comes from the heat stored below the earth, such as geysers and volcanos. Depending on the temperature, we can produce heat or electricity


It is produced from organic matter waste and and plant remains. It is used in 2 ways: To produce electricity and to produce fuels, these are: charcoal, biogas, biodiesel and alcohol.

Municipal Solid Waste (M.S.W)

This is the waste that we produce in our homes, demolition of buildings, etc. This is is what goes to the Landfield. Electrical and Thermal energy is produced through the incineration of these wastes.

Types of power Stations

In the following slides we will explain the types of power Stations that operate allover the world these days. A Power station is usually a building which it's only objective is to produce energy.

Nuclear power plant

A nuclear power plant is the place where the nuclear energy is extracted. In it, the heat source is One or more chemical reactors. The heat produced by them is them moved to a Boiler which rotates a generator to produce electric current.

It works as follows:

Oil rig

An oil rig is the place where oil gets extracted. It is usually in the sea. It works with a drill which is mined deep underground, near the oil. When it reaches the oil, the drill is pulled up and the oil rises by pressure, or by action of pumps

How does it work?

Natural gas Power Plant

It is extracted the same way as petroleum, in fact, when you look for petroleum, you usually find natural gas over it. A drill is mined underground until it reaches natural gas, then by pressure or the force of a pump, The gas pulls up.

How does it work?

Hydraulic power plant

An hydraulic power plant is usually placed in rivers, it's a big wall by which water passes throught conducts and moves a generator to produce electricity.

How does it work?

Solar power plant

A solar power plant is the place where solar panels are grouped to produce energy. They have photovoltaic cells which catch the sun energy and transform it into heat or electricity.

How big is it?

Eolic power plant

An eolic power plant is a group of wind turbines which produce energy from the wind. They Are usually on Windy places like Valleys. The wind moves the blades of the turbine which rotate a generator.

How does it work?

Coal Mine.

A coal mine is the place where coal is extracted. As explained before, it can be buried underground or at the surface of the earth. Special machinery is used to extract this material.

How Does it work?

Geothermal Power station

This is the place where the heat from earth's crust is stored and transformed into electricity, or kept in heat form.

How does it work?

Municipal Solid Waste Plant

This is the place where our Daily Trash is incinerated to produce electrical or either thermal energy. The incineration temperatures should always be over 900C and Filters would be used to prevent the release of toxic substances to the atmopsphere.

This is How it works:

Wind Turbine creates Water From Thin Air Our Oppinion.

When we first readed it, it looked like something by which you think: How Come this can be done? But as we scrolled down we noticed that the procedure is actually quite easy. Just pick air, extract the humidity, cool it down and you got water. Simple as that.

Would this help underdeveloped countries? We think it will. Just get someone nice to donate the 500k it costs and You got water for like 3-4 african villages. We think that if you made a NGO (Non-Gubernamental organisation) you could quickly get some of these installed in africa. For like 20 per family and month, 500 members, you get 10000 per month, you can get the money for one in like 2.5 years. Easy. The thing that really impressed us is that it can produce 1000l of water a day. One THOUSAND litres of water? that's a lot. Overall, amazing idea. We liked it a lot