The Homeschool Movement LeSandra Williams EDUC 2110

The homeschool movement

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Page 1: The homeschool movement

The Homeschool Movement LeSandra Williams

EDUC 2110

Page 2: The homeschool movement

Analysis of the Issue

Page 3: The homeschool movement

What is the Issue?

There are many issues in regards to education and how to guarantee that students get the necessary fundamentals to succeed in the real world.

One option that seems to be discussed and has caused a movement in the educational system is the topic of homeschooling.

How does The Homeschool Movement work? Is it a solution to a problem or an issue itself?These are the kinds of questions that will be discussed

in regards to this topic.

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How Does this Issue Work?

Homeschooling is the education of children at home by tutors or parents rather than in the other settings of public or private school.

It is provided to children as an alternative learning environment to public or private schools outside of individual’s homes.

It is basically a way for students to explore on their own and at their own pace: interest-motivated or self-motivated education.

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Is This Issue A Solution To A Problem or the Issue Itself?

I believe that The Homeschool Movement is a solution to a problem

How is it a solution to a problem?-Parents feel that the public education system does not meet the academic needs of the children

-Parents are dissatisfied with the cultural lessons learned in the educational environment where the government has control and power to regulate what is taught in the classrooms.

-Public schools are hostile to religious values and morals

-Education system is inflexible

So, parents feel that homeschooling is the best option for their children because it gives them freedom religiously, morally, and academically.


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Who or What is Making This Issue Happen?

The expectations and demands of the education system today stifles students’ abilities to learn effectively.

Parents want their children to succeed in their education, so they choose a more effective alternative which is homeschooling.

It is a cause and effect situation:The parents are against the public education system, so they favor homeschooling more.

So, parents are making The Homeschool Movement happen to ensure their child is comfortable and getting the necessary fundamentals they need.

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History of Homeschooling In the early 1960’s, Raymond Moore

began to debate about the problems of institutional schooling

R.J. Rushdoony began to advocate homeschooling

The debate soon declined but was replaced in the 1970’s when the Supreme Court upheld that removing prayer in schools was not unconstitutional

Now homeschooling is recommended in situations where bullying is involved.

The homeschool enrollment has increased over the years.

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Cost To Society

I don’t believe there is a cost to society for ignoring the option of joining the homeschool movement.

It is a decision that has to be made between the parent and child

If the child is uncomfortable in a public education environment and the parent is unhappy with the results, then homeschooling might be an option for their child.

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Solutions To This Issue?

Public schools are finding ways to keep schools safe for students and teachers.

They are finding ways for students to participate in their education.

They are restructuring the standards and lesson plans so that each student has a chance to learn more effectively.

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What Is Good or Bad About the Issue?

Good… Interesting…-It is good that homeschooling is an option for parents and children where they can feel comfortable about their education.-It’s interesting that the number of homeschooled children has risen over the years.

Bad…-The question of whether homeschooled students are getting the same fundamentals as public school students arise.-The lack of social skills for homeschooled children is in question for me. Do they struggle with socializing with others?

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Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths

-More parental involvement -Quality of relationships between child and parents are strengthened-Important socialization skills are obtained because more time for outside activities like dance, sports, etc.-More attention is given to the child because homeschool teachers do not contend with large classes-Flexibility

Weaknesses-Critics believe students are isolated form the outside world-Students are not exposed to the diversity of beliefs when homeschooled-lack of peer interaction -instructor may lack resources or facilities to deliver a well-rounded curriculum

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How Do I Relate To This Issue?

I do relate to this issue somewhat because I once wanted to be homeschooled when I was younger.

It wasn’t that I was having a hard time in school; It was just that I wanted to be at home all the time.

I believed that homeschooling allowed flexibility and more attention would be given to me without any other distractions that would be if I was in a public or private school.

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0 Lubienski, Christopher, Tiffany Puckett and T Jameson Brewer. "Does Homeschooling “Work”? A Critique of the Empirical Claims and Agenda of Advocacy Organizations." Peabody Journal of Education, 88. 3 (2013): 378--392. Print.

0 Ray, Brian D. "Homeschooling associated with beneficial learner and societal outcomes but educators do not promote it." Peabody Journal of Education, 88. 3 (2013): 324--341. Print.

0 Romanowski, Michael. Common Arguments about the Strengths and Limitations of Home Schooling. 2014. 1-5, PDF.

0 TED. “13 year old Logan quits school and starts home schooling education system – TED”. Youtube. Web. 17 Mar 2014 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0H7b9faIBo>.

0 Wile, Dr. Jay. Homeschooling: The Solution to Our Education Problem. n.d. 1-7, PDF.