Running head: SOCIAL CONNECTIONS 1 Social Connections: My workplace Justin Gamache EDDC 620 Concordia University Nov 12, 2016

Social Connections

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Social Connections: My workplace

Justin Gamache

EDDC 620

Concordia University

Nov 12, 2016

Page 2: Social Connections


My Workplace

This paper is about the ideas for creating connections in the workplace, the importance

of those ideas, and how I will implement the connections of my social network that allows for

positive learning to take place. In this paper, I will discuss how having the idea of creating

successful connection my workplace, is something that can be done by all human beings

because we are all wired to be connected to each other. I will discuss a list of ideas, that I

believe create a positive connection in my workplace for teachers and students to create a

positive learning environment that will allow for creativity and innovation to be inquired into

the learning facility.

Ideas for Creating Connections in the Workplace

Having the idea for creating successful connections in my workplace, is something that

can be done by all human beings because we are all biologically wired to connect to each other.

In a learning environment where sources have to be wired to students and staff, these

connections are taking by example what you feed their mind. You want to create a positive

connection with students and staff like mirror neurons firing the imitative fashion to what

another person is doing. It is important to be positive, create a positive flow in the workplace,

and accepting of the ideas that your connections have invested time to create. A list of ideas for

creating connections in my workplace are:

1. Create a positive flow. I have created in my workplace that positivity can go a long

way, and what you mirror reflects to other signs of life.

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2. Accepting of ideas in the workplace. I allow my students and staff to share their

ideas because we are all learning from each and cannot grow without the converging

of ideas, thoughts, and the human mind.

3. Be positive to your students and staff. Being positive is my optimistic way in saying,

we can get through nearly anything if work together. We are strong together.

Without positivity in my workplace, work becomes hard, and unbearable to accept

any new ideas. Be positive and accepting of your team because it is truly the team

that makes the organization clearer to obtain the mission complete of teaching each

student to be creative, innovative, and use self-inquiry.

Importance of the Ideas

The importance of ideas in my workplace, allow for students to integrate in their studies

so that they can go beyond the textbook to study complex topics based on real-world issues, and

to allow students to reach across traditional disciplines and explore their relationships with

history, literature, and art. The staff should embrace cooperative learning that will allow

students to work together on project teams that are guided by trained teachers. Students and

staff learn skills by collaborating with each other, managing emotions, and resolving conflicts in

groups. Students need to experience comprehensive assessments, and this should be expanded

by simply going beyond test scores to provide a detailed continuous profile that build students

strengths and understand weaknesses.

The importance of ideas in my workplace allow teachers to be the intellectual and

emotional guide to students. The role of the teacher is important in my workplace because they

coach and guide students through the learning process, giving attention to nurturing the

student’s interests and self-confidence. Teachers also need to be willing to learn and take on

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apprenticeship in this workplace. Preparing a teacher for teaching should follow the model of

apprenticeships, in which novice teachers learn from the experiences of veteran teachers.

Teaching skills should be continually sharpened, with time to take courses, attend conferences,

and share lessons and tips with other teachers, online and in person.

Teachers and students make up the workplace environment, and creating the emergence

of positive ideas allows to create a positive environment in my workplace. In a school with

positivity, there’s an informal network of heroes and heroines and an informal grapevine that

passes along information about what's going on in the school. My workplace creates a set of

values that support professional development of teachers, create a sense of responsibility for

student learning, and builds a positive caring atmosphere.

Implementing Connections

As a music teacher, implementing connection of my social network is by opening the

space by actively valuing students’ expertise on what they know in music, allow for questions

on music, and the ways of learning through music. I also allow students to acknowledge their

peer’s contributions and ideas, because it is important to have communication with each other,

and allow for students to improve their quality in making music. The way I allow people’s

idiosyncrasies and peccadilloes is by having a good sense of humor, laughing at my mistakes,

and implementing the idea that no one is perfect so everyone should be who they are and work

together to achieve greatness.

I believe the changes would take place as a result of implementing these connections

would be to increase a student’s success in class, and the student's abilities to be confident and

accepting of their mistakes so that there can be an increased positivity in learning. Noticing and

acknowledging a students’ work truly does help to their benefit, it makes them feel good about

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what they are learning, and provides opportunities so that they can improve what it is they are

learning and succeed at it. Students peccadilloes should be allowed so the power of anticipation

can be taught while allowing their idiosyncrasies so that each student can have the opportunity

to accept everyone’s behavior with respect.

Ways that connections can be implemented are:

1. Create a policy that prevents harassment

2. Create an effective line of communication

3. Encourage employees to accept individual differences, and

4. When the time comes to change, change the way you look at things, and the things

you look at will change.


Creating connections, the importance of those ideas, and the way ideas should be

implemented are by the sense of positivity and love in everything that you do. It is important to

be a mirror of positivity so that you can reflect to your students and staff how the workplace

environment should be run so that teachers and students can create a positive learning

environment that will provide the opportunity for creativity and innovation to be inquired into


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