Pothiz july-2010

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Page 1: Pothiz july-2010
Page 2: Pothiz july-2010


Inaugural Issue ............................................................................ 3

The Soul is a Battery ................................................................... 5

Elegy .......................................................................................... 11

The Matrimonial Clock .............................................................. 12

Goodbye Mrs. Boa .................................................................... 20

Barberic Times .......................................................................... 21

Oops! I made you a Daddy. ....................................................... 27

Thirteen Hours of Fame ............................................................ 29

Inverting the Pyramid (Jonathan Wilson) ................................. 33

Practical Lessons ....................................................................... 36

God Promise ............................................................................. 41

The Idiot .................................................................................... 44

सना फचऩन ............................................................................... 50

City's Seasons ............................................................................ 51

फटी होन का ददद ........................................................................ 53

Divine Sisterhood ...................................................................... 54

Page 3: Pothiz july-2010

From the Publisher’s Desk

Inaugural Issue by Pothi.com Team

Dear Readers,

It goes without saying that we

take immense pleasure in

presenting to you the

inaugural issue of Pothiz –

Pothi.com’s online magazine.

We see Pothiz as a natural

extension to our efforts of

providing the young and

unheard voices a platform

where they could engage, be

heard, get valuable feedback

directly from their readers

and flourish into wonderful

wordsmiths. While Pothi.com

remains an open platform for

a variety of publishing

endeavors, Pothiz is going to

be a more curated collection

of creative writings. Our hope

is that this collection will

encourage readers to delve

into and discover the hidden

gems in the proverbial “long

tail” of writing.

We received close to a

hundred entries and selecting

a few for your reading

pleasure was not an easy

task. At Pothi.com, we

particularly respect the fact

the each individual has his or

her own taste in reading and

writing. So, apart from the

entries that made it to the

main issue, we are also going

to put up some of the other

entries we have received on

the website. Do read them

and give your praises or

constructive feedback to the

authors through comments.

Coming to the entries

included in the issue, the

Featured entry ‘The Soul is a

Battery’ delighted us with its

interesting and novel take on

ghost stories. It entertains, it

frightens and it leaves you

nodding in agreement with

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the feelings of the characters.

We hope you enjoy it as

much as we did.

Amongst other stories, ‘The

Matrimonial Clock’ will

resonate particularly well

with the urban career

oriented professionals. It is a

story of how they have to

cope with the conflicting

needs of matrimony and

career. ‘Thirteen Hours of

Fame’, ‘Practical Lessons’ and

‘The idiot’ are the stories

about the opportunism, the

hypocrisy, the good and the

bad in common people – just

like you and me.

While ‘Barberic Times’ and

‘God Promise’ are there to

tickle you, ‘Goodbye Mrs.

Boa’ is a sweet, but profound

tribute to Boa Sr., the last

speaker of Bo Language in

Andaman islands. She died

earlier this year. Other poems

‘City’s seasons’, ‘Elegy’,

‘Divine Sisterhood’, ‘फटी होन का ददद’ (The Pain of being a

Daughter/Girl, Hindi) and

'सना फचऩन' (Empty

Childhood, Hindi) touch on

the various stories, pleasures

and pains of our human

existence. ‘Oops! I made you

a Daddy’ is a cute, little

autobiography by a day old

baby (ghost written by his


Finally, as you all battle with

the fever of Football, do not

forget to read the review for

‘Inverting the Pyramid’ by

Jonathan Wilson. The book

provides an interesting

insight into how the

gameplay has evolved over

time and how the game is not

just about the magical


We hope you enjoy the

collection. Do send your

feedback on the magazine

and also on the individual

entries. Entries are also

invited for the next issue of

the magazine. The deadline is

July 16, 2010.

Pothi.com Team

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Featured Entry The Soul is a Battery

by Vivek Ramakrishnan

‘Do you believe in evil


It was Neha. Always the first

one to get scared. It must

have been the story, thought


They were sitting around a

campfire on the banks of the

Ganges near Rishikesh. Their

bodies were aching after a

day of rafting and kayaking. It

was one at night. They were

all stone drunk. Ramesh,

assistant to their rafting

instructor, had concluded his

story just ten minutes back.

It was Sheila’s story. Sheila

had loved a guy, Arjun. Arjun

smiled as he thought of the

bout of leg-pulling that he

had been subjected to just

because of the common

name. Sheila and Arjun were

madly in love, but their

parents were opposed to the

match. They finally decided to

elope. They planned to meet

one night at the very spot

where today’s campfire was


Sheila arrived first. She

waited for hours. There was

no sign of Arjun. His parents

had apparently discovered

their plan, and had convinced

him not to go. At around

three o’clock that night,

Sheila realized that Arjun

would not come. She calmly

walked into the raging

Ganges. Her body was never

found. Arjun was found dead

two days later – his body was

floating on the Ganges.

Ramesh had noted Neha’s

discomfort at this point, but

had carried on. He appeared

to be enjoying himself. ‘To

this day, people say Sheila’s

restless spirit roams the area,

and looks around for Arjun’,

he had said. Ramesh had

looked directly into Arjun’s

eyes as he said this, and Arjun

felt a chill run down his spine.

‘Arjun! I’m talking to you!’

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‘Well, let me think! Don’t you

want a proper answer to


He was lying. He had thought

about this earlier. He had a

very good idea of what he

was about to say. But he

wanted everyone to believe

that he had concocted his

beautiful theory in a matter

of minutes, i.e. after he was

asked the question. He

wanted to impress everyone

with his brilliance.

He put on a very sombre


‘The soul is like a battery’, he


‘A what?!’He heard many

voices exclaim.

‘A battery. Think of a dry cell.

What does it do? It gives life.

You see, if I put a dry cell in a

flashlight, it gives life to the

flashlight, so to speak. If I put

it in a clock, it gives life to the

clock. Now compare this to

the soul. What does the soul

do? It gives life!’

He saw a few drunken heads

nodding. He went on.

‘Well, if I put a dry cell into a

flashlight, and then remove it

and insert it in a clock, does

the clock start behaving like

the flashlight? NO! The dry

cell can only give life, you see.

It cannot retain or transfer

any properties of its host. A

soul too, merely gives life. It

may give life to a dog’s body,

and then the same soul may

later give life to a human

body, but the human will not

show any characteristics of a

dog, just because he has a

soul that was once in a dog’s


Again, a few nods.

Encouraged, he went on.

‘That is why I can say that the

only evil spirits that exist are

the ones that we have

currently consumed! And I’m

not too sure that those are so

evil, now that I think about it.’

He winked. ‘You see, for an

evil spirit to exist, it would

become necessary that the

soul retain some knowledge

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about its prior host, which, as

I have demonstrated, is not


A voice shot up. ‘Dude! You

have not demonstrated

anything! All you have done is

present an idea, which has

never been tested.’

Arjun defended, ‘Well, it fits,

doesn’t it? It explains

everything so well. The

analogy is so perfect, it

surprises me. And of all the

possible explanations, I

believe mine is the one that

makes the most sense.’

‘Besides, the story our dear

Ramesh narrated must be

some stupid legend that

these ignorant villagers

blindly believe. Tell me, why

would these guys even set up

a camp at the very spot

where Sheila is supposed to

have drowned?’

‘Ramesh told us that the

owner of the camp did not

really believe in the story. He

loved this spot, and insisted

on setting up his camp here.

If you remember, Ramesh

also mentioned that hardly

any instructors were willing

to work for the camp’. This

was Neha again.

‘Ramesh has had one drink

too many. I really think we

ought to sleep now. It’s 2AM

and we are set to go rafting

over the real rapids early

morning at 7AM – ‘The Wall’

and ‘Return to sender’. We

need the sleep. And Neha,

please don’t start believing

such nonsense. I don’t want

you tossing and turning the

whole night, and ending up

with no rest tomorrow

morning. We’re going to need

all the energy we can get!’

‘Arjun, don’t mock these

legends. Many of them are

true. Besides, it’s you who

should be worried – it’s Arjun

she’s looking for after all! And

I’ll bet that you are scared

too, underneath that façade

of yours’.

She looked really annoyed.

Arjun let it go at that. He got

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up and went back to his tent.

The others followed suit.


‘Arjun! Arjun!’. It was a

whisper at first. He ignored it.

‘Arjun!’ The voice grew more

forceful. Arjun glanced at his

watch. It was 3AM. He

covered his head with his

blanket and tried to sleep.

‘Arjun!’ There was no

mistaking it. Someone was

definitely calling him. It was a

female voice. Something

inside him warned him not to

get up. But then, he had to

find out. ‘It’s Neha’, he

thought. It had to be. Though

how she managed to chalk up

the courage to venture alone

outside her tent in the pitch

dark was something he could

not imagine. Neha was trying

to scare him. He would scare

her instead, he thought.

‘Arjun!’ The voice was not at

all like Neha’s. It sounded too

confident. It was pleading,

and yet very cold. For some

strange reason, it did not

even seem human. Arjun

noticed that his hands were

trembling. Why should they?

‘The soul is a battery’, he told

himself. He had to get up.

Neha had put on a good fake

accent, he thought.

‘Arjun!’ This time it was

followed by the sound of

anklets. Just like in the horror

movies. Neha was really

leaving no expense spared.

Arjun had always wondered

why the characters in horror

movies would invariably

follow the sound of anklets,

ultimately resulting in their

untimely death. But he found

that he too felt an insatiable

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curiosity to explore the

source of the sound.

His knees were knocking. ‘The

soul is a battery’, he

reminded himself again. He

peered out of his tent.

‘Arjun!’ There she was. A

veiled woman. She seemed to

be looking directly at him.

She beckoned, and Arjun felt

compelled to walk towards

her. She laughed a cruel

laugh, and then turned and

started walking towards the

river. Those anklets! He had

to follow her. Neha was going

too far. He could not let her

have the satisfaction of

spooking him. And yet, a

voice in his heart warned him

that it was not Neha.

The woman seemed to float.

He could not tell for sure of

course - her saree was

sweeping the ground, so that

her feet and slippers were

not exposed. He knew that

something was just not right,

but he could not help

following. She now waded

into the river. Neha would

never do that! Or would she?

She was very annoyed today

– and she looked like she

would go to any extent to

teach him a lesson. At any

rate, he was too drunk to

think straight.

‘The soul is a battery’, he kept

chanting as his foot touched

the cold water. He realized

that the current was

powerful. She stopped. She

was only slightly ahead of him

now. He put his second foot

in. Even so close to the bank,

he could feel the force of the

water. She moved slowly

ahead now, looking back

often to see that he was


He touched the water. He

scooped up some water and

splashed it on his face. The

cool water seemed to clear

his head. He realized that his

firm conviction in his theory

had started crumbling. His

beautiful theory meant

nothing now. How could he

throw away all that he

believed in? Is it just enough

to preach, to believe, and not

to follow? He had always

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thought of himself as one

who followed what he

preached. But now, he only

knew one thing – he had to

run! The woman seemed to

sense his discomfort, or, as

he knew deep in his heart, his

fear. She looked back to see

that he was indeed following


NOW! She had turned ahead.

This was his chance. He

turned around silently.

Making as little noise as

possible, he started making

his way back to the bank. He

was almost at the bank now.

She turned.

‘Arjun!’ A savage cry! It was

definitely not human. He felt

his blood freeze. She was

rushing towards him. The fury

of the river seemed to

multiply. He ran with all his

might. He was at the bank

now. She was making a mad

rush, he was sure, but he

dared not look back.

His brain had stopped

functioning. It had frozen in

fear. His legs somehow

carried him on. Safety! He

had managed to reach Neha’s


‘Neha!’ But the bed was

empty. His mouth went dry.

He needed to find someone!

Someone human!

‘Arjun!’ He did not dare look

up. A hand was on his

shoulder. He finally looked up

and saw Neha smiling.

‘What are you doing here so


‘I….I just came to check that

you were okay. You know,

you were so scared…’

‘Actually Arjun, you’re the

one that looks like he’s just

seen a ghost. What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing yaar. I try to show a

little concern, sensitive being

that I am, and these smart

retorts are what I get in

return!’ He hoped that it was


She laughed. Why was there

a twinkle in her eye? Was it

her, then? Had he really

annoyed Neha so much that

she had performed this

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elaborate ritual just to get

even? He knew that Neha

could go to great lengths if

she was determined to do

something… and yet...

But he would never ask. How

could he? If only he had had

the courage to stick to his

beliefs. If only he had trusted

his own theory that he had so

zealously defended. If only he

had followed the mysterious

woman, caught up with her,

and exposed her for the fraud

she was. ‘After all, the soul is

a battery’, he smiled bitterly.

About the Author

The author believes that he is

a classic case of the 3 idiots

syndrome - Engineer from

Pune University + MBA from

IIML, and now blundering

along in life, Vivek writes for

release. He also plays the

guitar for release, but his

neighbours seem to prefer

the writing!

Image Attribution:



Poetry Elegy

by Ananya S Guha

a poem


line, curve

dash, comma


a poem


the moment

it is born,


About the Author

Ananya S Guha lives in

Shillong and works in the

Indira Gandhi National Open

University. His poems in

English have been published

in numerous journals,

magazines, ezines, websites

in India and abroad. He can

be contacted at

[email protected]

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Story The Matrimonial

Clock by Shweta Ganesh Kumar

Tara took off her jacket and

hung it on the peg behind the

main door of the apartment.

It was slightly cold this time

of the year in Bangalore. She

rubbed her hands together

for warmth and took out her

wallet. This went into the first

drawer of the wooden chest

of drawers she had in the

sitting room. To the right of

that, went the keys to her

beloved three year old car.

Next on her agenda was a

shower, dinner and the

midnight re-run of FRIENDS

and then she would settle

down with her laptop. This

last, was the most important

activity of the day. It was all

about her search for a soul


Tara Narayan, thirty-six, lived

in Bangalore and was a

successful TV producer who

owned her own apartment

and a car. And she was single.

And ready to do more, than

mingle. She had broken up

with her long time boyfriend

more than eight years ago.

He had wanted to settle

down and she had not. She

had just started making her

mark as an assistant producer

in a children’s network. Tara

had barely any time for

meeting him at dinner those

days. Edits, props, production

schedules, and auditions with

precocious kids - these were

the only things on her mind

back then. She could not

think of taking time out for a

wedding. The idea of

shopping for a trousseau or

getting through the very

many ceremonies involved

with a wedding filled her with

dread. She was in love, but

she had no time or the

inclination to get into

something that would mean

making changes in her work

life. She had ended up having

a long talk with her boyfriend.

He had understood. They had

parted amicably and

remained friends. Over the

years, he had gotten married

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and was now settled in

Sydney with his family.

Tara had moved on too. She

had grown from an assistant

producer to a producer to a

senior producer and now an

executive producer of two

shows for the Kids Only

Network. She had bought a

mid-sized apartment in sub-

urban Bangalore and fallen

into a comfortable routine of

work, life and mostly laid-

back weekends. She was

successful and happy. But

these days she felt lonely.

It wasn’t as if Tara had

renounced her love life

completely after her break-

up. She had gone on the

occasional date, some set up

by friends, one set up by her

brother-in-law egged on by

her sister and a few with the

people she had met at

industry parties. But she had

always felt the stark lack of

connection. There had even

been a fling with an office

colleague. However, that had

ended in a couple of months

resulting in awkward silences

and a hurried shuffling away,

when they ran into each

other at work. After that,

Tara had made a mental note

to never get involved with her


She had been happy enough

as long as her friends had

been around flaunting their

single status with her. But the

number of their tribe had

dwindled by the time Tara

had hit thirty-four. Now all

she got when she called them

for an impromptu dinner or a

drinking session at her house

was excuses. ‘Sorry Tara!

Rajat is out on a business trip

and his mum’s over for a

visit’, ‘Oh I wish I could make

it, but Pinku is teething’. It

was weird how the years had

transformed her friends into

the very people they had

once vowed they would

never be. And just like that,

Tara’s social life had changed

from hip and happening to

staid and stagnant. Saturday

nights had once been

synonymous with a night

round town at Purple Haze or

Pecos. Now Saturday nights

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had become the nights Tara

curled up on her couch,

watching a DVD, as she

munched on Chinese

takeaway and gulped down a

drink or two. In her words,

‘Pathetic!’ And adding to her

misery, were her relatives

who seemed worried about

her situation, as if, the future

of the world depended on her

marital status. They had sent

across photographs of eligible

bachelors, proposals from

suitable families and even

arranged the odd, innocuous

meeting in a coffee shop.

‘Just go see him Tara, you will

see why he is the one,’ they

had said. The meetings,

though, had been invariably

stilted and strained. Tara had

returned home, annoyed at

having been bullied into

meeting strangers. ‘That’s it;

we’re doing this my way

now!’ She declared. If she

was the one who was putting

herself out there, then it was

only fair that she would

screen and select the people

she was going to meet. What

she needed to decide on

though, was a method.

The traditional methods had

failed her. And she had to

admit that she was tired of

asking for a table for one or

having to order two meals to

hit the minimum home

delivery limit. She was also

certainly done with the

meaningless, random dates

that meant she would be

making fake excuses half way

through to escape from

turning into the sleeping

beauty at the restaurant. It

was time to get a digital fairy

godmother in her quest for

prince charming. That meant

only one thing in India, online

matrimonial sites.

One click and Tara found

herself in a parallel universe

filled with people like her;

people who were waiting to

meet their perfect other half.

There were sites for singles,

divorced men and women,

widows and widowers and so

on and so forth. The profiles

on the sites were organized

according to caste, age,

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height, personal preferences

and so on. There was no

dearth of choice. There was

an ocean of information out

there. Reviews, testimonials

from happy couple and blogs

from disgruntled users.

Tara was hooked. Before she

knew it, she was signing on


Though the title was a tad too

cheesy for her, it claimed to

be the best site for men and

women in her age group. But

even as Tara uploaded her

profile, the site’s logo worried

her. It was a clock titled ‘The

Matrimonial clock’. As the

page loaded, the clock would

start ticking from the first

point that was a stick figure

of an unhappy single to the

last point which had two stick

figures holding hands. And it

was called a match made in


Though the corniness made

her cringe, she ignored it and

continued to key in her vital

statistics. ‘Height? Hmmm,

that ones simple,’ she

thought, “5’6” she typed in.

‘Age? Thirty-six. Should I add

and four months? Maybe I’ll

just leave it at that. Onto the

next, complexion… what sort

of a racist question is that? I

am not answering that one.

Next… She went on and on,

filling up the blanks in her

profile. ‘Tall, age above thirty-

six, employed in Bangalore


The registration process

completed, Tara had received

her new identity. F1734. She

could now browse through

other profiles and send them

enquiries or even chat with

them online. She did not

want to seem like a desperate

woman though. She was far

from that, anyway.

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Today, it had been three

months and few days to her

first step in the online

matchmaking world. Tara

settled down for her nightly

search. ‘So, let’s see what’s

been happening in the

heavenly inbox,’ she

muttered to herself as she

waited for the mails to load.

She had received a number of

‘Expressed interest’ mails so

far. This meant that these

members had wanted to

access her personal

information and photographs

and possibly even meet her in

person. However, she hadn’t

yet found anyone interesting

enough to take the discussion

out of the web realm. She

had chatted for a couple of

weeks with one guy, but had

stopped after she figured the

guy just seemed to be looking

for an online buddy.

Today, there were three

‘Expressed interest’ mails.

There was also a direct mail.

It was from M5892 who was

thirty-eight and was a

software engineer based in

Bangalore. His name was

Vikram Balakrishnan. He had

liked her profile and wished

to meet her in person. Tara

took a closer look at his

profile photograph. He

looked nice, young looking,

tall and casually dressed. She

could see the Eiffel Tower in

the background.

Tara replied to him, fixing an

early dinner date at Karavalli,

one of her favourite seafood

restaurants. She switched off

the computer and went to

bed with a faint smile on her

face. Maybe her matrimonial

clock had started ticking after


Vikram was waiting at the

table, when Tara walked in a

couple of minutes after 7 pm.

She patted her hair down, a

tad self-consciously. She had

picked up a new red kurta for

the occasion. Teamed with

her jeans, she thought she

looked pretty good, even if

she said so herself. Vikram

smiled at her, as she took her

seat. ‘Hi, sorry I’m a bit late.

Just got stuck in traffic’, Tara

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smiled, as she started the

conversation off.

‘That’s fine. Bloody Bangalore

infrastructure! I had to leave

from home, some two hours

in advance to make it on

time. This city really sucks


Tara nodded as she listened

to him. She was also busy

processing the two bits of

information that she had not

gotten from Vikram’s profile.

One, that he had a slightly

high-pitched voice with a

whiny tone to it. And two, he

didn’t seem to like Bangalore

a lot. To Tara, the city was

home, her security blanket

and on some days, her only

companion. She could not

think of living elsewhere,

even for a second.

Vikram broke into her

analysis. ‘So what will you

have? Let me call the waiter.’

He half- turned to gesture to

the waiter, only to proffer yet

another bit of information to

Tara. He had a bald patch the

size of a one-rupee coin in

the middle of his head. She

preferred a head full of hair,

no matter what the texture

was. She was fine with

shaven heads and even

baldheads. The patch

however caught her

unawares. She was not sure

how she felt about it. For

now, she clamped down on

the ambivalent feelings and

concentrated on the menu in

front of her. ‘I’ll have a Vodka

with Coke and lots of ice

please. And for starters the

prawns salad.’

Vikram gave her a strange

look and ordered a beer with

French fries. He asked the

waiter to come back for the

main course order later.

‘So tell me a little about you.’

Tara asked pleasantly,

mentally hoping she hadn’t

sounded like a prospective

employer at the start of an


‘You drink?’ Vikram


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‘Yup. Doesn’t everyone these

days?’ Tara replied,

wondering what he was

getting at.

Vikram had a disapproving

look on his face. ‘Hmmm, I

don’t think I read that on

your profile’, he said in a tone

matching his expression.

Tara gave him a disbelieving

look. She shook her head. ‘No

Vikram. It’s right there under


He raised his eyebrows and

opened his mouth to say

something but stopped

himself, as the waiter

approached the table with

their drinks. He took a swig of

his beer, without waiting for

Tara to finish mixing her


As soon as the waiter left, he

picked up from where he had

stopped, ‘I have gone through

your profile Tara. I don’t think

I would have set this up, if I

knew you drink alcohol. I

don’t think its right.’

Tara got angry, as she replied,

“Vikram, it’s right there under

habits. Secondly, you are

drinking yourself.’

He shrugged and said, ‘Ya,

but its different for me. I

mean, you are someone I was

considering getting married

to. This is not something, one

expects in a wife, na. It’s bad

enough that you’re over

thirty-six and that you work in

the TV industry. I mean that’s

ok, you can leave your job.

But I guess, the drinking is

what will have to stop first.’

What shocked Tara the most

was his matter of fact

delivery. He had spoken as if

he was talking about the

weather. Vikram’s

monologue had left no space

for any discussion.

Tara opened her wallet and

took out a five hundred-

rupee note. She laid it on the

table and stood up. Vikram

looked at her questioningly.

Tara made a wry face, smiled

and said, ‘Sorry Vikram. This

is not working. I just realized I

Page 19: Pothiz july-2010

like the M5892 better than

the Vikram Balakrishnan.

Goodnight and best of luck.

This should cover my part of

the bill.’ Vikram nodded and

nonchalantly pocketed the

money. Tara turned, rolled

her eyes upwards in a quick

gesture and walked back to

her car.

A long relaxing shower later,

Tara was back in front of her

computer. She had time to

kill before the Chinese food

got delivered. ‘What a

complete waste of time!

That’s it! I’m going to delete

my stupid profile. I cannot

believe I met up with an

imbecile chauvinist pig like

this.’ She logged on and

waited for her profile to load.

As she searched for the

delete button, a text box

popped up. She had a direct

mail from M3321. She read

the short message and leaned

back. ‘Wouldn’t hurt to check

out the guy and then delete

my profile, na’, Tara thought.

As she leaned forward and

clicked on M3321, the

matrimonial clock started

ticking again.

About the Author

Shweta Ganesh Kumar is a

writer and a freelance travel

journalist. She has

contributed articles for

‘Chicken Soup for the Indian

Spiritual Soul’ and ‘CBW’s

India’s Top 42 Weekend

Getaways’. Her short fiction

has been published in

Australian Women online,

Single Solitary Thought, and

the Asia Writes project. She

writes a column for The NRI

magazine. She can be

contacted at

[email protected]


Image Attribution:



Page 20: Pothiz july-2010

Poetry Goodbye Mrs. Boa

by Nazrul Haque

Boa, an eighty-five-year-old

woman was the last member

of the Bo tribe and the last

speaker of the Bo language.

She lived in the Andaman

Islands. Boa died on January

26, 2010 and in her death she

took her tribe and language

with her. The old woman was

very lonely in the last few

years of her life as she was

the only surviving member of

one of the oldest human

cultures on earth which lived

in the Andaman Islands for as

long as sixty-five thousand

years. She had no one to

converse with as she was the

lone speaker of Bo. Her death

may go unnoticed but it is a

bleak reminder to all of us.

Goodbye, Mrs. Boa!

We shall miss you.

The last of a tribe,

a lost language,

and those memories

You carried,

for the last 65,000 years.


Aren’t you happy, Mrs. Boa?

In death you are reborn.

Just after crossing the bridge,

You shall meet them all.

Won’t you laugh again?

Will you joke about us-

In ‘Bo’?

Goodbye, Mrs. Boa!


We shall depart too,

Just like you,

Lost and lonely.

Civilization is a great burden.

So is being human!

About the Author

Nazrul Haque is a Guwahati

based author.

Image Attribution:



Page 21: Pothiz july-2010

Humour Barberic Times

by Abhijeet Deogirikar

The dentist’s chair has been

famed to be the scariest of all

chairs. Ogden Nash has even

written an eloquent poem

about its horrors.

I’m pretty sure Ogden Nash

never went for a haircut. For

me, the barber’s chair is right

up there with the worst of

them. If you want a haircut in

a foreign land, that is.

Barbers in my hometown are

pretty good at their trade.

You tell them how you want

your hair cut, and they do the

needful. They generally do

not try to be consultants (one

did venture to ask me if I

wanted to do away with my

moustache. But he quickly

realized his mistake). All in all,

they generally do not step

out of line.

In contrast, the barbers I

came across abroad were a

different species altogether.

They see art in their work,

which is a good thing. They

see modelling clay in their

customers, which is the bad


The first time I faced this

predicament was in the good

city of New York, my first visit


Part I: Case of the Spanish

barber(ess), New York

A haircut is something I must

get every month. Call it good

or bad, it has become my

habit. To me, a haircut is like

mowing the lawn so short

that you don’t have to do it

for another month.

Not so with the Yankee

barbers. They probably view

it as a hibiscus hedge that

needs to be trimmed and

shaped, so that people can

applaud when you win the

‘best kept garden’ trophy.

I had seen the general

representation of punk-

haired individuals in

Hollywood movies. And I

knew about the zeal of the

hair-stylists of New York. As

Page 22: Pothiz july-2010

such, I had reasons to be

concerned. I might walk in as

myself, and walk out as

somebody who I wouldn’t

care to meet in the street.

The other thing that bothered

me was the concept of

‘unisex’ parlors. I won’t mince

words. I am NOT comfortable

with a lady cutting my hair.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s just

that women have far too

much on their minds already.

Due to which the results for

my hair could be potentially

unspeakable, albeit

spectacular. The visionaries

who came up with the idea of

unisex salons must have been

true die-hard adventurers. Or

bald. Both kinds would fail to

see my point of view.

To return to my tale, I

entered the only salon which

seemed to employ a

gentleman. It also employed

two ladies. It was a gamble,

positioning yourself to be the

nth customer, so that the guy

could attend to your haircut.

I gambled. And I lost. Just my

usual run of luck.

I told the Spanish lady:

‘Please make it short.’

This galvanized the good lady

into zealous animation. What

followed were the words that

I still have nightmares about:

‘You want SPIKES, right?’

I was told that in the US, if

you wanted vegetarian food,

don’t ask for just ‘veg’. Ask

for ‘Asian veg’. Nobody told

me what to say if you wanted

a short haircut. The words

‘short haircut’, apparently,

were insufficient. This was

the U.S. of A.

In adversity, they say, a man

rises to his true potential. I

dutifully rose to my true

diplomatic potential. Slowly

but surely, I explained to the

lady what I wanted. She

seemed to understand (I

doubted that she fully

understood English. And I

knew more about the tribes

of the Kalahari than I knew

Page 23: Pothiz july-2010

about Spanish. So it was no

mean feat).

I got the haircut I wanted,

and she got a big tip. Big by

my standards, anyway.

I was in New York for several

months. By and by, I learnt

the trick of getting what I

wanted, while still respecting

the craftsman’s art. I found a

desi barber.

Part II: Case of the Portugese

barber, Vancouver

Lightening never strikes the

same place twice; it’s an age-

old adage. I have stopped

believing age-old adages.

The second time lightening

struck me in Vancouver, in a

small salon. The fact that it

was small was why I had

decided to walk in. Small,

hence utilitarian, my

intelligence told me. I should

have left my intelligence at


The elderly owner (he was

evidently an immigrant)

pointed to the legendary


In a fight, it’s best to land the

first punch. But hindsight is a

wonderful thing - it never

fails to tell you what you did

wrong. The attack came

without any warning: ‘I’m

going to give you a new hair-

style. Your’s is totally


In the brief span of a few

seconds, three important

facts were thrown my way:

a. This grand-fatherly

character didn’t like my

‘hairstyle’. Now, as far as I

was concerned, ‘hairstyle’

is a word reserved for the

fairer gender. Gentlemen

always had a ‘haircut’.

Simple. But this guy

thought differently. Or I

was way behind the times.

b. He intended to do

something about my


c. He wasn’t asking my

permission to do it. He

hadn’t articulated a

Page 24: Pothiz july-2010

question. Or even a

suggestion. It was a

statement of fact. ‘I’m

going to give you a new

hair-style’. Just like that.

At times like these, one

wonders if Monalisa really

wanted to be painted that

way. If Michelangelo’s David

was happy to be sculpted in

that form. Or was it just the

‘I’m going to, and there is

damn all you can do about it’

attitude of their creators

(God rest their souls)?

Admittedly, both turned out

to be amongst the greatest

masterpieces in the history.

But then, some people are

luckier than the others.

For the next hundred and

eighty seconds, I patiently

listened to the salon owner’s

flattering monologue about

how my haircut was grossly

outdated by at least ten

years. How no one parted

their hair on the left side any

more. Or any side, for that

matter. How he could make it


In the midst of this hair-

splitting, I cast one vile glance

at the older man’s crown, in

hopes of extracting a

modicum of revenge. Eye-for-

an-eye stuff. A bald pate

glimmered back at me. Not

my lucky day, this one.

At last he paused, expecting

to find total agreement with

his expert opinion.

‘I’m not really looking for a

change of style. Just make it


‘You sure? I am thinking of

giving you a cool style. Like

George Clooney’s.’

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He was persistent, I grant him

that. I was terrified. He might

not achieve his lofty goal, but

he would die trying, leaving

me halfway there! I tried to

put the disturbing thought

out of my mind. It was

impossible, even with the

large mirror in front mocking

me with the nasty

possibilities that lay ahead. I

was ready to bolt out of

there, and the hell with the

eighteen dollars.

Then the truth sunk in:

eighteen dollars! No way!

Maybe he’s right. Maybe he

could make me look a bit like

Clooney. But then again,

maybe Santa did exist, after

all. Anyway, it was my hair we

were talking about, and the

question wasn’t up for a vote.

It would be cut just the way I

wanted it.

‘Thanks. But I just want it cut

short’, I asserted. Grudgingly,

he gave in.

Hair stylists chat a lot while

plying their trade. They have

to. Imagine someone snipping

away at the back of your neck

in utter silence. Unsettling,

isn’t it? So they keep up a

steady ramble about one

thing or another.

‘Where are you from, my

friend ?’

‘India. A place called Pune.’

‘Have you been to other

places, apart from


I could honestly muster the

names of a few places around

the world that I had been to.

And a few that I hadn’t been


I got in a quick question of my

own: ‘Where do you come


‘From the land of Vasco da

Gama’, he answered. So he

was from Portugal. ‘Da Gama

discovered India’, came next.

The first bristles of hair rose

on my wrists. I’m particularly

sensitive to any affront, real

or imagined, to my country’s

glory, and would have liked to

Page 26: Pothiz july-2010

point out to him in great

detail how, unlike Greenland,

India didn’t have to be

‘discovered’ by anybody. And

that great civilizations had

thrived in my land when the

early Europeans were just

graduating past cave


But it seemed a rather harsh

reaction to a relatively

harmless, though erroneous,

line picked up from history

books. Besides, he was the

one with the scissors. I’m

tactful around people with

snipping blades in the vicinity

of my ears. I have rather large

ears, and would like to keep

them that way. I decided on

strategic retreat.

He went on for a while about

the beauty of Vancouver. It’s

neatness. Serenity. Stuff like

that. Then onto Portugal, and

its countless virtues.

‘So which city did you like the

best, huh ?’ I knew the

question was coming. He

expected me to declare, ‘

Vancouver !’, or maybe even

some praise for Portugal. (I

didn’t recall if my recently

published list of ‘places

visited’ included any in that


‘My hometown, Pune, is the

best of all.’ Take that, Vasco !

I had got my pound of flesh.

The score was even again. (I

would have loved to say

‘bestest’, but he still had the


‘Yeah, home is where the

heart is’, he conceded. And

where stylists do what they

are asked, I could have


Not much banter ensued

after this. Once he felt he had

done his best, he stood back

to review - nay, admire - his

handiwork. I let him. He put

away the towel from my

shoulders, and put down his

assortment of artists’ tools. I

let him.

‘Howz that, huh?’ You could

have heard ‘Voila’ in his

voice. It was time to deliver

the blow.

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‘Make it shorter’, I said curtly.

It was heartless, I know. Even

Wicked. I enjoyed it

immensely! I was going to

make him earn every one of

those eighteen damned


He was finished. For another

ten minutes, he snipped away

dutifully. I got my hair cut

exactly as I wanted it. He got

his lesson. Fair deal.

‘Thanks, Mister Bruno.’ I said

on my way out. I had read the

name off the license hanging

over the mirror, but he didn’t

know that. The old man was

somewhat impressed. He

wished me a happy new year.

I wished him the same.

Perfect gentlemen.

About the Author

Author can be contacted at

[email protected]


Image Attribution:



Experimental Oops! I made you a

Daddy. by Techknowbaby

*Blink Blink*

Hmmm, this uterus is starting

to push into me now... I'm

getting cramped.

Wonder what the date is?

Hey Mom! Moooooommm!!!

mommyyyyyyy!!! What date

is today?

1st June! Isn't this a little

early for you to be imposing

your uterus onto me!!

I'm still enjoying the tasty

treats your friends made you

eat at your baby shower two

days ago! Stop trying to push

me out will you.

*Soothes the uterus down*

There there, I'm not leaving

you and going just yet. We'll

Page 28: Pothiz july-2010

be friends for some more

time, me, my umbilical cord,

and you!

2nd June

Ouch! Mom stop pushing me.

*Gags* I'm not getting

enough air! Help, Help...

*Kicks frantically with each

contraction* I can't take this

anymore... I'm too lazy to

fight this *Heart Rate Falls*

Ohhh everything's going dark.

I'm feeling numb. Hey, wait a

minute! Come back here!

You, yes you anterior wall of

the uterus... What's the big

idea letting so much light in!

Arrrrgghh, there's a knife in

your belly!!!

*Bright Lights* *Blink...

Blink... Blink*

Oh Crap! I'm out!!! Better

start crying before that scary

looking paediatrician whacks

my bottoms! *Waaaah


Ohhh Mommy you're pretty!

Who is that monstrosity of a

man with a cap and mask!

That's dad! You have got to

be kidding me. How could

someone looking like that

produce something as cute as


Okay, smile for the camera!

Gosh, I'm tired now! Enough

for the first day of my life.

About the Author

Techknowbaby is the author's

newly born son, who wants

to express his feelings to the

world (something like Look

who's talking but better!). His

dad writes too but like all the

fathers he wants his son to be

recognized first.


The Crib

c/o Dr. Mulchandani

40, Strand House,

Opp. Strand Cinema,

Colaba, Mumbai

Image Attribution:



Page 29: Pothiz july-2010

Story Thirteen Hours of

Fame by Jatin Pathak

Sitting on a chair, spinal cord

straight as a cricket pitch, the

eyes of Panditji were scrolling

fast on the kundli of nine-year

old Manav Sharma. With the

right hand he adjusted his

spectacles, giving the

impression that he has found

something of great

importance. Manav’s mother

pulled her chair closer to


Her face was dull and her

eyes were full of worry. And

why not, she had a genuine

reason to worry. Her son had

fallen from the second floor

of the building last night. But

miraculously he did not get

even a scratch. The whole

family had spent the night in

the civil hospital. Doctors did

a complete check up and

found no injury. Everyone

was amazed. She kept the

boy close to her the entire

night, holding him tightly as if

someone would take him

away. She summoned the

family priest next morning.

‘Long, very long’, said Panditji

and started calculating

something on the finger tips.

‘At least seventy-two’, he

added ‘the boy will live at

least till seventy-two years.

You should not worry at all

Mrs. Sharma.’

This changed the expression

on Mrs. Sharma’s face. She

felt relaxed and leaned

backward on the chair like

she had just finished a horror

movie with a happy ending.

‘Shanta, bring some milk and

biscuits for Panditji’, She

screamed at the maid.

‘One more thing’, said

Panditji, holding the kundli in

his left hand with straight

arm and giving it an eagle eye

view. This created suspense

again. ‘The boy will do great

things, he is born to change

the fortune of this family. He

is the Kuber of your dynasty.’

Page 30: Pothiz july-2010

He said as Shanta-bai served

milk and biscuits.

‘PanditJi, then what is the

reason for yesterday’s

accident? ’

‘Unfavorable planetary

conditions. You should offer

red cloth with cow’s milk to a

temple today. Also the vastu

of your kitchen is not good.

You have to change it to

make sure the food remains

pure and safe from evil


Suddenly a voice from

neighborhood intercepted


‘Sharmaji, Sharmaji, Sharmaji’

And a tall lean man, their

neighbor, entered the house

in a white kurta-pajama.

‘Mrs. Sharma, Where is


“He is sleeping” She replied.

‘Sleeping? Haven’t you read

the newspaper this morning?’

He said waving the local

newspaper Kapurthala Times.

‘No, we do not subscribe to it’

’Manav’s photo is on the

front page’, neighbor said and

started reading the story.

‘Miraculous escape for a

nine-year old boy. Doctors

have said that the boy

possesses a lot of mental

strength and is genetically

capable of enduring more

pain than normal human

being. They have requested

the district deputy collector

to provide funds to the

hospital so that they can buy

apparatus to study boy’s

gene-structure. They have

also suggested that the boy

should choose sports as a

career and bring fame and

glory to the town and the

nation. They have called our

Manav the Gem of

Page 31: Pothiz july-2010

Kapurthala.’ The neighbour

finished with a big smile and

handed over the newspaper

to Mrs. Sharma. She was

proud of her son.

‘I have already said the boy is

special. He will bring change

to the nation’, Panditji

jumped into the

conversation, taking away all

the credit.

‘His kundli is similar to Lal

Bahadur Shastri’s’, Panditji

said while picking up his bag

and turning towards the door

to leave. He was certainly not

aware that the former Prime

Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri

died in his sixties, fifteen

years short of his calculation.

Friends and relatives kept

coming, asking for Manav.

Shanta-bai got busy serving

the guests. Manav received

lots of toys as gifts from the

guests. He became famous in

his school and talk of the

town. His arch rival in school,

Diksha also came. In the

afternoon Mrs. Sharma

received a call from the local

TV channel that they wanted

to interview the boy for an

episode of “My town, My

Pride”. They would send a

reporter in the evening for

the recording. This electrified

the atmosphere. The proud

mother told everyone about

it. Mr. Sharma, the father of

the boy, was giving tips to

Manav for the interview. He

coached him to tell the

reporter that he wanted to

choose cricket as his career

and win the world cup for the


At around 5 P.M the reporter

came with the cameraman.

They started setting up their

apparatus. Tarikha Singh, a

former wrestler from the

town, also came at the same

time and started talking to

the reporter. He said that he

came to convince Manav’s

parents to let the boy to

choose wresting as a career.

He believed that one day

Manav can bring the Olympic

glory to the town. Tarikha

Singh was happy to come in

the news after a long long

Page 32: Pothiz july-2010

time. The mother asked

Manav to go and take a bath

before facing the camera.

While Manav was going to

take the bath, his old

grandmother came to put a

dot of kajal on his face. ‘Kisi ki

nazar na lag Jaye’, she said.

But the little boy was in a

hurry and was very excited

about facing the camera. So

he avoided her and went

straight to the bathroom.

When Manav did not come

out of the bath for a while,

his father went to fetch him.

He banged on the door,

‘Manav, come out soon beta.

TV Channel people are

waiting. Manav!’ There was

no response. Getting a little

annoyed, he forced open the

door only to find Manav

sprawled on the bathroom

floor. The boy had slipped in

the bathroom and had died a

quick death. In an instant, the

atmosphere changed

completely. The mother was

inconsolable. She was cursing

herself for not offering the

milk and cloth in the temple.

The whole town talked

philosophically about the

power of destiny. The doctor

and Punditji did not attend

the cremation ceremony.

Next day, Kapurthala Times

carried a small column on this

incident quoting Tarikha

Singh that the boy’s death

was a big blow to the

wrestling’s future. The local

channel telecasted the story

of how the child lived his

thirteen hours of fame before

dying. Perhaps he survived

earlier only to live these

thirteen hours.

About the Author

Author can be contacted at

[email protected]

Image Attribution:



Page 33: Pothiz july-2010

Book Review Inverting the Pyramid

(Jonathan Wilson) by Sriyansa Das

Football, Jonathan Wilson

writes in the prologue of

‘Inverting the Pyramid’,

… is not about players, or

at least not just about

players; it is about shape

and about space, about

the intelligent deployment

of players, and their

movement within that


Yet, no one remembers

football this way; it is always

about the Peles, the

Maradonas, the Rooneys and

the Messis and never about a

team or how eleven players

played. The beauty and

appeal of the football lies in

the fact that it is both

exceedingly simple in the

conception, and yet allows

for enormous complexity in

the game-play. There is thus a

history to be told of this

complex game-play, and

Jonathan Wilson tries in this

book to trace the tactical

evolution of football from the

early days to the modern


The first basic question is that

in a ‘simple’ game like

football, do tactics and

organization matter at all?

Arrigo Sacchi, the former Italy

and A.C. Milan coach, to

prove the efficacy of


took 5 players [playing per

his rules]…. they [the non

agreeing players] had 10

players … they had fifteen

minutes to score against

my five players, the only

rule was that if we won

possession or they lost the

ball, they had to start over

Page 34: Pothiz july-2010

10 meters inside their own

half … they never scored.

Not once.

Organizing a team allows a

team to effectively utilise the

space on the pitch. Or to get

one or more of the

opposition players out of the

game by denying them the

time or the space to operate.

As formations evolved,

players with time and space

started getting less of it

leading to some innovative

coaches searching for space

in some other part of the

pitch. The entire tactical

evolution of football, Wilson

demonstrates, can thus be

seen as a story of spaces

found and shut out over the


However, it isn’t just the

formation that is important. It

is also how players play

within it. On how the early

players operated, Wilson


… one of the founding

fathers of the game felt it

necessary to explain to

others that if one of their

team-mates were charging

head-down at goal, it

might be a good idea to go

and help him – although

expecting to receive the

ball volitionally seems to

have been a step too far.

Passing the ball to a team-

mate sounds very basic and

intuitive part of the game

today. But it has not always

been considered so. Even this

concept has evolved as a

technique at some point of

time in the footballing

history. So are concepts like

switching positions, pressing

opponents and retaining

possession no matter what.

Each of these techniques

came up in response to some

earlier development. In

recent memory, when Inter

Milan won the semi finals of

Champions League against

Barcelona, Jose Mourinho

talked about how he taught

Inter to play without the ball

Page 35: Pothiz july-2010

because Barcelona would

almost never give up


The story of football is as

much of people and places as

it is of how the game is

played or the formations

used. Jimmy Hogan, Herb

Chapman, Bela Guttman,

Helenio Herrara, Alf Ramsey,

Rinus Michels, Valery

Lobanovskyi and many others

find mention because of their

ideas on football. In a rather

dry book, the author is at his

dramatic best when he

describes these men who

have changed the game.

Football, the author

demonstrates, has also got a

cultural angle. Often a culture

chooses football as its

spokesperson; whether it be

the influence of the

intellectual cafe culture of

Vienna on the Austrian

Wunderteam in 1930s or the

concept of La Nuestra that

defines Argentinian football

to this day, football and the

way it is played has never

been just a game.

The single greatest reason to

read the book is that it allows

fans to see the game in a new

way. After reading this book,

it will be hard to ignore the

player who runs across, as

Messi stands over the ball

facing two defenders; he

provides an outlet for a pass

or even better draws away

one defender, allowing Messi

to nutmeg the one remaining

and score a brilliant goal. It

will a little hard to claim that

it was only Messi’s genius at


Image Attribution:









Page 36: Pothiz july-2010

Story Practical Lessons

by Sree

‘Want a condom?’ he asked.

‘Excuse me?’

‘I mean to say do you need


‘No thanks! And why are you

asking me?’ she became


‘Because ... errr ... we are

running an AIDS awareness

campaign as part of our CAS

activity and so we are

distributing condoms to

spread awareness about the

importance of practicing ...

err ... safe sex’, He blurted

out his practiced answer,

barely looking up to meet her


‘Where do you study and

what exactly is this CAS?’ She

asked twisting the scooter

key around her manicured


He was distributing condoms

at the gates of a discotheque

wearing his school uniform.

On seeing a scooter stop, he

had approached the rider

eagerly. However once the

helmet came off, the rider

had turned out to be a

beautiful, short-haired girl in

her late twenties. Her male

rock-star costume, complete

with the heavy metallic

chains and steel bracelets had

fooled him and now he was

caught in an embarrassing


‘CAS is Creativity, Action and

Service and it is a part of our

curriculum in New Era

International School. We

undertake a social service

project each month and this

month happened to be the

AIDS awareness month’, He

explained awkwardly.

‘So you are advocating safe

sex, eh? Do you even know

Page 37: Pothiz july-2010

what sex is like in the first

place?’ She asked.

He dug his shoe-tips into the

ground and tried to think of

an appropriate response.

Suddenly she grabbed his arm

and started dragging him

towards the discotheque


‘Come; first enjoy the life

young fella! Then you can go

wage a war against AIDS!

What do you say?’ she said


Come, be my escort for the

night and I will help you pass

through those bloody

guarded gates. Are you

game?’ She queried.

‘I am sorry but I am not

dressed for the occasion’, he

offered a lame excuse.

‘Oh, don't ya worry about

your damn prep school

uniform. I'll cook up some

story about a fancy dress

theme we are having

amongst us friends for the

night. Awww... come on, you

can’t let such an opportunity

pass. Have you ever been to a

happening place like this

before? You are not even

eighteen, I guess. So I'll

sponsor all the booze and

smoke for you. You just hang

on to my arms and see the

magic unfold. I am bored of

my regular escorts anyway.

Let us dance away this night

together’, she smiled

suggestively, playfully lisping

her words while running her

sharp nails against his


He tried to hide his flustered

look behind an idiotic smile.

This was a golden chance and

he couldn't let it pass. He

loosened up his tie, gave a

nervous smile and nodded his


They proceeded towards the

gates. As they were about to

step in, two strong arms

stopped them and they faced

the raised eyebrows of one of

the hulks at the gate.

‘Okay, okay, take it easy,’ She

backed off. Then she turned

Page 38: Pothiz july-2010

to him and smiled a

wonderfully smug smile like a

school-girl caught in her act.

‘We'll find something else to

do. I tell ya, let's go to my

small hide-out. We’ll watch a

movie on the DVD and we can

dance a little too. I've a good

music system. You wanna

come?’ She asked.

He looked at her disarming

smile and said yes.

As he rode pillion on the

scooter, her fragrance tickled

his senses and sent a tingling

sensation down his spine. He

had never been this close to a

female body. Myriad

thoughts raced across his

virile mind. He wondered

what story he will have by the

end of the evening to tell his

friends the next day. His heart

thumped with excitement.

The evening was pregnant

with alluring possibilities.

They reached her small flat in

the suburbs of the city. As he

entered he noticed the well-

kept room. A show-case filled

with books, DVDs and CDs

was standing against the wall.

On the opposite side was a

single comfortable sofa in

blazing red colour with a few

virgin white cushions. The

walls of the room were

painted in a pleasant lemon

yellow. A single large painting

adorned its wall, overhanging

the sofa; a painting of red

roses in a black vase against a

window sill. She closed the

door behind them and locked


As he settled down on the

sofa, she fetched a bottle of

wine and two glasses from

the kitchen and began to

pour the red bubbly liquid.

She offered one glass to him

which he took with shaking

and sweaty hands. She went

back to the showcase and

selected a DVD to play on the

music system. As the soft

song started playing, she gave

him an inviting look and

gestured him to come and

dance with her. He rose to

her command and joined her,

swaying slowly to the rhythm

of the music while his pulse

Page 39: Pothiz july-2010

raced and his heart thumped

with excitement. Being close

to her he realized that

underneath those loose

fitting hip hop clothes she

had a petite and thin body

that he could easily cocoon in

his athletic arms.

They danced for a while,

taking breaks in between to

sip the wine. No words were

exchanged. The silence

stoked the fire of excitement

in his mind with each passing

minute. Then she abruptly

stopped the music, inserted a

disc into the video system

and sank down on the sofa

gesturing him to join her at

her side. He settled down

beside her, their bodies

almost touching each other.

As the movie played, the

wine, the romantic dance and

the physical closeness began

to make him restless.

Gathering his courage, he

slowly placed his trembling

hand on her thigh. She turned

to him and smiled sweetly. He

felt encouraged by her

response. His heart-beats

now echoed in his ears as he

felt the warmth of her skin

through the thick clothes. She

took his hand and started

stroking her cheeks with it.

Then she spoke in a quiet


‘Can I share a secret with ya?’


‘I am suffering from AIDS?’

He froze as if bitten by a

snake. His hand twitched as

his mind tried to assimilate

the significance of the

information she had shared

with him. The warm romantic

feelings gave way to cold

fear. His body withdrew from

any contact with hers. He

wanted to get up and bolt

through the door but he was

stuck to his chair.

‘Are you serious?’ He said half

expecting this to be a bad


‘Yes, I am an HIV positive

person’ she said in a sad tone.

‘You probably want to leave

right away, eh? I know you

Page 40: Pothiz july-2010

are already running away

from me in your mind.’ She

stood up and started pacing

the room. ‘Look, I had no

intentions of tempting you

into some foolhardy act

tonight. I just wanted to show

you the real danger of AIDS

that exists in our society, the

careless attitude that people

in general have about its

dangers. I am sorry for giving

you such a rude shock but I

hope this is a practical lesson

for you and you will use all

the precautions for your own

self when the need arises.

Whatever you learn in

classrooms is all very good

but becoming sensitive

towards these issues in real

life is what matters. I hope

you understand that it is not

about distributing free

condoms, but about being

responsible and being aware.

Take care!’ She held the door

open for him to leave.

And as he hurriedly left the

house, she called out from

behind, ‘Hey, can you also do

something about the rotten

attitude people have towards

HIV positive people? Maybe

you can start with yourself!

You did not even thank me

for the evening or mention a

sweet goodbye. Anyway,

Good night and sweet


About the Author

The author is a general

practitioner of medicine by

profession and a writer by

compulsion of the muse that

invades her being on and off.

She is married with two kids

and has an easy, comfortable

life. She dreams of chaos,


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Page 41: Pothiz july-2010

Humour God Promise by Vibha Batra

God: Earthlings lie way too

much, tch tch! I want to make

an example of a liar so that

people are scared to lie.

Yamaraj: Why don’t we kill

them all?

Chitragupta: Then there will

be no one left on earth.

Narad muni: Yeah, it’s that


Yamaraj: Why don’t we take

human form and try drilling

sense into their heads?

Chitragupta: What an idea,


Yamaraj: So you are coming


Chitragupta (shifts

uncomfortably on his throne):

Umm, err, I have some

important business to attend

here. Why don’t you guys go?

I will hold fort.

God: Let’s do it, Yammy.


Narad muni: I’m on sick leave

starting tomorrow.

Yamaraj: Looks like it’s just

the two of us.

God: One minute, what do

we go as?

Yamaraj: Let’s see, we are

used to luxury. So it makes

sense to go as film stars or

bureaucrats or industrialists


God: Or politicians?

Chitragupta: They lie for a

living, sir.

God: Won’t that be

interesting? We will test

ourselves. We will stay on as

long as we speak the truth.

The moment we lie, we will

be transported back to


Yamaraj: Where do they have

the worst politicians on


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Chitragupta (scratching his

head): They are the same

everywhere. In some

countries though, if they

make money, they do some

work too.

Narad muni: Lord, go to India.

Their politicians take the


Yamaraj: Deal!

God: Tathastu!

Whirlpool engulfs them.

Next second, God and Yama

are standing inside Mumbai’s

Legislative Assembly.

Swearing in ceremony is in


Yama is in disguise. His

assumed name Y.A.M. is

called out.

He speaks into the mike:

Main, Y.A.M., shapath leta

hoon ki main…

His speech is rudely

interrupted by a mike that

comes flying on his face.

Close on its heels are some

murderous looking manoos.

They pounce on him, rough

him up and send him

sprawling to God.

God: Kai zhala? Kai zhala?

Yamaraj: (groaning) You knew

we were supposed to speak

only in Marathi?

God shuffles uncomfortably.

Suddenly, there’s an

announcement in Marathi:

Now, Shri G.O. Darshan will

read the party manifesto.

God puts on His glasses,

walks to the podium and

speaks in Marathi.

God: Mahan Neta Sena will

make Mumbai look like

Shanghai, MNS will provide

power, roads, infrastructure

to every village…

The words have barely been

Page 43: Pothiz july-2010

uttered by God when the

whirlpool engulfs Him and He

is transported back to the


Yamaraj: (left alone and

scared in the Assembly)


About the Author

Chennai based Vibha Batra

has a Masters in

Communication from the

University of Madras. A

copywriter by profession, she

has worked in some of the

leading advertising agencies

in the country. Her first book

Ishaavaasya Upanishad, a

translation of her

grandfather’s, (the late

scholar Vishnu Kant Shastri)

book, was published by Rupa

and Co in 2007. Her poetry

collection titled Tongue-in-

cheek was published by

Writers Workshop in 2008.

Her collection of short stories

'A Twist of Lime' was

published last year by Think

Big Publishers. Her short

stories and poems have

appeared on various literary

magazines (Dignity Dialogue,

Muse India, Clockwise Cat,

Long Story Short, Kritya, Asia

Writes, Jaalmag) and

anthologies (Vanilla Desires

by Unisun and Just Plain Bad

Luck by Prakash Books India).

She is an avid blogger on

Sulekha and is currently

working on her next book, a


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Page 44: Pothiz july-2010

Story The Idiot

by Abhishek Sahaya

‘What the hell! Why do they

always do this?’ It would be

an understatement if I say

Mr. OLD BALLS was furious.

Yes, Mr. OLD BALLS is the

name I have given to my

HOD. He is not aware

obviously for otherwise it

wouldn’t have taken him long

to chop my head off. I don’t

really blame him for his state

of mind. Handling new

manufacturing projects is a

tough job and it can easily

bring out the evil inside you.

He has been working in this

department for more than

twenty-five years — that’s my

age. I joined this hell three

years back, something I was

dying to do during my college

final year. So what they said

in the college is true —

mechanical engineering

students reach hell after


The news for the day was

that another design change

number was issued by the

R&D team. It was a MINOR

change according to their

project lead — a change that

would call for further MINOR

changes in the holding

fixture, making its cost go up

by not less than three lakhs.

Mr. OLD BALLS immediately

asked me to check on the

ordering status. Another bad

news — the PO was released

three weeks back and we

were half way through the

DAP. This is why I always try

not to meet any deadline.

Had we delayed on the

ordering, we could have

saved at least one lakh

rupees. But a MISTAKE once

done is done — there is little

point regretting later.

Anyway, this is everyday

business for our team and it

hardly affects me now. What

does affect me, however, is

my cell phone ringing on my

desk while I am standing in

Mr. OLD BALLS’ cabin. I

literally ran out to take the

call. It was HER.

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‘Where are you?’ A normal

employed person like me will

be working in office on a

working day at 12:42 in the

afternoon, but girls just can’t

see the obvious.

‘Office!!’ I replied, trying not

to sound irritated.

‘I am in the bus’, she said. She

was on her way to office. She

would take a bus to Dadar

and then a local to Andheri

every day. One more thing

she would do every day is to

call me when getting bored

waiting for the bus or train.

My friends often told me that

I am nothing more than a

time pass for her. But there

was one small problem – I

loved being her time pass!!

‘I am in a very bad mood

today’ she said. For a

moment, I got a weird

thought — am I talking to Mr.

OLD BALLS? I immediately

checked my cell phone. It

flashed her name on display.

God! Everyone is in a bad

mood today. ‘What

happened? I thought you

were supporting Italy!’

Italy had defeated France in

FIFA World Cup Final two

days back.

‘Not that stupid. Sanket isn’t

picking up his phone.’

Now this was something that

didn’t do any good to my

mood. She met Sanket at the

weekend MBA classes some

4-5 months back. They have

been ‘just friends’ since then.

That’s what she always told

me. My friends used to tell

me that I felt insecure

because of that guy. I would

go mad at them for even

thinking like this. There was

no way I could be jealous of

an IDIOT. Yes this is what I

used to call him – Her IDIOT.

She didn’t know about this of

course. I never felt that this

IDIOT had any credentials to

be my competitor.

There was nothing special

about him. He didn’t have

parents – lost them when he

was in 11th standard. He had

been staying with his

maternal uncle since then.

She once told me while

having dinner at a restaurant,

Page 46: Pothiz july-2010

‘You know, his uncle charges

him for staying with them.

Such a Bastard!!’ She

wouldn’t use foul language


‘How did he pay during his

school days?’ I asked.

‘Used to work for the local

cable guy. Part time. He was

always good at videography.

He would shoot at various

birthdays and marriages to fill

up his uncle’s pocket. Rascal!’

She was getting better with


‘Oh!! That’s why he is

working as a cameraman for

that News channel. Must be

finding it very easy at work

with all his experience.’ I

thought I wasn’t being


‘But it’s really exciting, isn’t

it? Covering all the news. He

even gets to meet some

celebrities. You know, when

he went to cover the

premiere of Fanaa he met

Aamir Khan there.’

I can never forget how she

bunked school thrice to see

MELA — such a diehard

Aamir Khan fan!! No wonder

she found a cameraman’s job

more exciting than a project


Anyways, this was how things

had been going for last few

months. She would spend all

her time talking about that

IDIOT of hers. And did I feel

jealous of him — of course

not, what rubbish!

‘I don’t know where he is.’ I

came back from my


introduction dream.

‘Actually I forgot to wish him

last night.’ It was his birthday

—11 July. ‘He must be going

mad at me!!’

I wished he actually got mad

and went away from her.

‘I think I should buy him some

special gift. That would

probably fix it up. But what

shall I buy him? He likes

sunglasses a lot. He is also

Page 47: Pothiz july-2010

very fond of wrist watches.

But I guess he bought a Fast

Track last week. What about

a Tie? It would look very nice

on him.’

Whenever she started

reciting her IDIOT-Chalisa I

always turned myself into a

mute listener.

‘Rahul, will you please help

me buy a gift for him?’ If

there was one thing next to

impossible, it was me saying

NO to her. So it was decided.

We were to meet after my

office at a mall near her office

to buy something for that

IDIOT of hers.

It was 15 minutes to six. At

my office, we had spent last

three hours shouting at each

other in a CFT CONCERNS

RESOLUTION meeting. In that

period I kept getting an SMS

from her every ten minutes. ‘I

think a photo-frame will be a

good option!’ ‘How about a

wallet?’ ‘I already bought a

greeting card, will show you

when you are here!’ ‘How

about a surprise dinner

party? Just the three of us!’

Mr. OLD BALLS was shouting

at everyone for the late

design changes. He was

worried about was the

increase in the fixture cost. I

would have bought that

fixture with my own money

and spent the rest of my life

paying EMIs, if he could make

her forget that IDIOT and

direct those feelings to me!

In another half an hour the

meeting got over and I

started towards the canteen.

I got another SMS — ‘Its

confirmed, dinner at 8:30.

Venue we’ll decide together.

Are you out of your meeting?

What time you coming?’ I

didn’t feel like replying. My

mind was completely

screwed up. I reached the

canteen. Everything felt

gloomy. Empty places all


But wait! That was strange. I

looked around in the

canteen. There was an

unusual silence in the hall. No

one in the queue, no one

having snacks. Then I realized

that people were all gathered

Page 48: Pothiz july-2010

around the TV set kept in the

corner. No one was saying

anything beyond a hush. I

spotted Sujit standing there.

‘What’s happening?’ I asked,

keeping my voice as low as


‘Where were you?? There

have been several bomb

blasts in Mumbai.’

It took me some time to

digest that. My eyes froze on

the TV set. They were flashing

Breaking News – 3 Blasts in

Mumbai Local Trains. Within

next 5-6 minutes the count

went up to 6. Everyone in the

hall was shocked. Were we

under an attack or

something? I noticed the

reporter on the TV screen. I

had seen her somewhere

before. I had actually met

her. She was Harshita Seth –

IDIOT’s colleague. We were

watching the News channel

that IDIOT worked for. That

meant the cameraman who

was taking the shots being

shown was none other than

Mr. IDIOT. For a moment I

forgot about the bomb blasts.

I was again thinking of her,

that IDIOT, his birthday gift,

surprise dinner party. Just

then I got another SMS – ‘Hey

I booked a table at The

Appetizers. Couldn’t resist.

Dying to meet you both.

Come soon.’

I knew she wasn’t dying to

meet me. My eyes went back

to the TV screen. Perhaps I

was imagining, but I saw

Harshita looking at me. She

had a strange smile on her

face as if she was mocking

me. Perhaps everyone except

me had realized that I was

nothing but a time-pass for

HER. She only cared about

her IDIOT. All her feelings

were for him. And that IDIOT

was right in front of me,

carrying his idiotic camera,

focusing on a local reaching

Borivali. Suddenly I felt a

surge of mixed emotions – of

anger, of grim, of betrayal, of

rejection, of REVENGE. I

prayed that the IDIOT should

die in those blasts.


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There was an earthquake

kind of scene on the screen as

the camera moved

haphazardly. For a moment

we couldn’t see anything.

Everything was covered in

dust and smoke. Then slowly

everything went quiet and

still. We could see the dead

bodies lying around. There

had been a blast in the train –

the 7th blast of the day for

the records. It took a while

for the situation to sink in, to

accept what we had just


And then I found my entire

body shaking and an entirely

new feeling overwhelming

me – feeling of GUILT.

I was not responsible for

what had happened. My not

praying for his death would

not have prevented the blast

from happening. But I did

pray – out of anger, out of

jealousy, out of rage. I had

degraded myself. I could see

no difference in people who

planted the bombs and

people like me. Both were

self-centred, malevolent,

greedy, covetous and

dissolute. People who wished

to kill those who had done

them no harm, who hardly

knew them, who were busy

fighting their own lives for

survival! Both represented

the most inhuman aspect of

the human nature.

The IDIOT was gone forever. I

always wished for this day

but when it finally came, I

didn’t have courage to face

the reality. My mobile rang

and I picked it up, my eyes

still stuck on the TV screen.

‘Where are you? I sent you so

many messages. I am with

Sanket right now and we are

waiting for you near my

office. He took a day off from

work today. Make it fast and

(in hushed voice) do bring a

cake; I forgot.’ She giggled.

There was nothing I could

say. I felt tears rolling down

my cheeks. I was smiling at

the same time. It was the

best feeling I have had in my

entire life. I would go and

celebrate tonight. The blasts

Page 50: Pothiz july-2010

had killed the IDIOT within


About the Author

Author is a mechanical

engineer, currently working

for Mahindra & Mahindra.

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Poetry (Hindi) सना फचऩन

by Mohit Sharma

वो किसी िी गोद भ चढता, अऩनो ि िऩड गद ियता, ऩहर सहाय स.... औय किय एि ददन

खद चरता।

रडखडाती चार स चीज बफगाडता, किय ततराती जफा स भदद िो ऩिायता, फड बाई - फदहन ऩय गससा उतायता।

सिर ना जान िी जजद ियता, िारनस दखन ि लरए रड


छ ऩिय डबफ भ िीड - भिोड

ऩारता, कमा होता ह दखन ि

लरए.....ऩौधो भ शऩ िा ऩानी डारता। २ औय २ िो जोड ना ऩता, नई कपलभो ि गरत गान गाता।

ऩय उसन ऐसा ि छ नही किमा, ....शामद दसय अनाथो िी तयह वो बी फचऩन भ फडा हो गमा।

About the Author

The author is pursuing Post

Graduation from Lucknow

University. Published articles,

poems and stories in regional

magazines and newspapers.

Published ideas and scripts in

Raj Comics.

Page 51: Pothiz july-2010

Poetry City's Seasons

by Babitha Marina Justin

marriages are like migrations


cities, the unfamiliarity and

the task of getting used to


my weathered feathers in

new city,

combating heat and cold

when the first summer


the greens stems to dry its

succulence to twigs, a snap

of the finger,the tension

of the thumb and index


it cracks no matter who wins.

winter, with its creeping

chill, froze every frill

at home, hardened knuckles

refused to move, seasoning


spices well, warm inside

covers, cold when the day


room heaters sustained the


gray city clouds that let not a

speckle of sun ray filter to the


portholes of windows let in

the chill

of an unfamiliar blizzard that


colder as the day progressed

city crept on me by inches,

wrapped the chill, the

discourse of familiarity was


hateful but comforting, it's


intersecting at cross-roads,

circles and traffic, grew on

in degrees till I learned its

maps clumsily like my veins,


arterial alleys waited to be


tread on,


trundled by

feet and dust,

their whispers


when heels click

and kiss

the ground

I learned how to love hate

the lost cities of the self,

nostrils echoed my

Page 52: Pothiz july-2010

breath like tunnels,

my tongue tasted the


in the visceral depths of


hunger that worsened day by


my eyes were the alert


to my mind's needs, the red


flashed to say I have to stop

and proceed at green,

I touched the muck of the city

and loved it too, there I saw a

piece of my sky mirrored

in its murky brown...

About the Author

Born in Kerala, South India,

Babitha Marina Justin had her

PhD in travel writing and

gender studies from the

University of Hyderabad and

an M. Phil in

Art History and Aesthetics

from the School of

Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru

University, New Delhi.

Since then she has been

teaching literature and

language in various parts of

India, like the Northeastern

Hill University, Meghalaya

and Indian Institute

of Space Science and

Technology, Trivandrum.

Her poems have appeared in

an anthology of travel poems

called “Journeys” edited by

Graham Vivian Lancaster

FPMI and Dr. Shaleen Kumar

Singh published by Trayberry

Press / Alexander House,

Johannesburg, South Africa,

Taj Mahal Review: An

International Journal Devoted

To Arts, Literature, Poetry

And Culture, Kritya, Creative

Sapilins, Journal of Post

Colonial Literature,

www.postcolonial.org and

also in various literary

journals across the India. Her

short stories are also being

anthologized. Her research

papers on travel writing,

identity studies and fine arts

and cultural studies are

periodically published in

journals and as book


Page 53: Pothiz july-2010

She has performed poetry

readings in many national

and international poetry

festivals in India, has been

the featured poet in English

at the BBC and DC books

sponsored Poet's Meet in

Trivandrum and she is also an

avid blogger, her blog site is



At present she lives in her

hometown in Kerala and

dedicates her time between

teaching, researching,

parenting and poetry.

Poetry (Hindi) फटी होन का ददद

by परिमॊका गपता


अऩन घय की छत ऩय

खडी हो कय

जफ नीर चॊदोफ स तन

आकाश की ओय दखती हॉ तो- सयज की आॉच स परऩघरता आसभान

जहाॉ भय बीतय

एक परऩघरन सी बय दता ह

वहीॊ ,

धयती की सखत जभीन ऩय

परी, ढयो उजास

भझ उकसाती ह कक

भ बी तीखी धऩ स फखफय, अरभसत हो आकाश भ उडती ननही सी चचडडमा की तयह

चोच खोर कय

अऩन ऩय ऩॊख परा कय

आॉख लभचौरी का खर खरॉ हवा क तज झकोयो स झभता


भझ औय बी उकसाता ह

झभन को भ ततऩय होती हॉ तो भाॉ की कपकरभनद आॉख भया यासता योक रती ह भ जानती हॉ कक

उनकी किकरभनद आॉखो क


एक लसहयन बयी ह

जो चाहन क फावजद

भझ तक नहीॊ ऩह ॉचती आकाश औय धयती क फीच


Page 54: Pothiz july-2010

उनका बिशॊक बम

ननही चचडडमा नहीॊ जानती जानना बी नहीॊ चाहती कक अननत आकाश क

इस छोय स उस छोय तक

वह अकरी नहीॊ.... ऩॊख परा कय उडत

आदभखोय चगदध

हय ऩर लशकाय की तराश भ ह।

About the Author

रगबग सात-आठ वषद की उमर स लरखना शर कयन वारी परिमॊका क अफ तक कई ऩि-ऩबिकाओॊ भ कहाननमाॉ, कपरवताएॊ, रघकथाएॊ आदद छऩ चक ह। इनकी चाय ऩसतक िकालशत हो चकी ह जजनभ स दो ऩयसकत ह। इसक अरावा इनहोन कादजबफनी सादहतम भहोतसव भ शरी भोतीरार वोहया क हाथो कहानी-िनतमोचगता भ अनशॊसा ऩयसकाय बी िापत ककमा ह।

Poetry Divine Sisterhood

by Sonia Sarkar


At October’s full moon

Her effigy rises like jagged


Gulps lesser gods whole

The city she saved paints her

a killer

Ruby red demon-slayer,

stained savior

Rage like a drought-ravaged


Eight arms make for

treacherous dancing

And as many worthy weapons

of destruction:

An octopodic death machine

That men’s armies could only

dream of

She is Elphaba to Athena’s


Dark-skinned queen of


Branded to one billion lambs

of sacrifice

Though she returns home to

a husband who

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Prefers his snake, his

bombastic trident

In pastel-shaded cartoons

they assign her soft


While she tosses thunder

from abstract prehistoric eyes

And although she too has

launched a thousand ships

No one will call her by name,

(Parvati, Kali, Durga?)

As they devour the fruits of

her labor

As they dress her in fancy



Lakshmi: nobody’s consort

Maiden in waiting

Careful now

Pull that shimmer sari closer

your penchant for the

cerulean gaze, your thrill for

the well-defined jaw

is it any coincidence that your

lotus flower draws gods?

*A twinkling Diana laugh*

Makes Indra’s court catch

their slender breath

white-boned shutters corset


suspicion s l i d e s its way

through the heavens like

golden thread

You hold your own, draw

them down with your owl


Flutter stories, sarcasm, and


With your card games, with

your slow song

Quick before he overshadows


Descends down to the earth

ten rescues over

Escape with your

explanations, coming fast and


A snake charmer’s basket:

Your hidden compartments

He should fear your milky


He should worship you

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Apocalypse comes simple

In myriad languages and


Happens like this:

Amidst the elation, rabble

turns rabid

The cherry blossoming is


Pleasingly, humankind preens


But once an era,

The attention is


The deities have drunk one

too many

Stumble into court

imperiously smashed


So, blue-woman: muster your

golden arrows,

Spin your chakra, controlled


Cross the border

Into worlds free of


Created, sung into being,

skeeballed true, by you

Vacation has bitten to a close

too soon, again

Flip a switch, turn a donkey


Churn the seas.

It pains you to disturb the life


In that way



Entries are invited for the

next issue of Pothiz. Details

are available on Pothi.com’s

website. Deadline for

submission to the next issue

is July 16, 2010.


This issue can also be

accessed online at

