My First thriller idea el secuestro

My first thriller idea

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Page 1: My first thriller idea

My First thriller idea

el secuestro

Page 2: My first thriller idea


• First shot: Mother-British, late 20’s, Saturday Lunchtime, walking up path to house with handbag on one arm, keys in one hand and shopping bag on other arm. She has returned home after going food shopping.

• She unlocks the door like any normal door and walks into the hall, she sees nothing is different and we see her putting her bags down whilst talking to her neighbour who agreed to baby-sit her child while she was out. For example, the mother could be calling the neighbours name and asking how the baby was and if she found her favourite toy (A Rabbit). The mother would then precede to explain how her husband called her while she was out from his business trip and told her that it had been extended a few extra days. The mother would then repeat the neighbours name when she hears no answer.

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story• The mother would then enter the living room, only to find the entire

place trashed, with furniture all over the place. It is clear that a struggle has gone on.

• The mother, then frantic for her child and neighbours life runs upstairs calling out the name of the child and neighbour and runs into the babies room only to find the baby is not in there.

• Running out the babies room into the corridor the mother stops short as she sees a little pool of blood at the other end of the corridor, moving closer she sees that the babies favourite toy (the rabbit as previously mentioned earlier) is in the pool of blood.

• Now knowing that someone is hurt she runs to the landline in her bedroom, on her bedroom table but after a few tries realises that the landline has been cut. Whilst shaking she digs her mobile out of her pocket and dials 999 whilst running downstairs.

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story• She gets downstairs but her phone is still trying to connect,

something catches her eye. It is a piece of paper nailed to the door. Moving closer she reads the note (John, You’ve got 24 hours. Come find your wife and child. Don’t be late.) The note is meant for her husband threatening her and her child’s life.

• Suddenly the 999 operator picks up and she drops the phone in shock as she realises she was meant to be kidnapped.

• The final shot is of the phone smashing on the floor.

Music• Upon discovery of the ruined house non-diegetic music would begin,

quietly at first and would then get louder. The idea of the music is to show that all hope is lost. The music I am planning on using will be embedded.

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• The house the opening scene will be set in should be spacious, with mainly wooden furniture. The family will be wealthy so should have a well decorated house.

The wooden based living room which in my thriller would be completely trashed.

The baby’s room, a basic wooden theme to fit with the rest of the house.

The kitchen, one of the rooms the mother would run into upon discovery of the trashed house.

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• The props I will be using will be basic everyday items as my thriller opening scene is based in an average home.

• An important prop is the Childs favourite toy. This is later found lying in a small pool of blood. This indicates that the child is in danger.

• Other important props would include the mobile phone we see smash at the end of the opening scene.

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• I envision the mother as being an average housewife, wearing jeans and a white cardigan, the white will be used to show that she is the victim and is innocent.