How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

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How did you attract/address your



nt co


Contents page

Double page spread


Due to the number of individuals that visit retail places such as ASDA, WHSmiths, Tesco and Waterstones. This is where my magazine would be sold. The individuals that visit these places are likely to be part of my target audience. My product could potentially make a break though in shops like TOPSHOP and OUTFIT, creating a position in the fashion market. However by advertising the magazine in places with a high reputation i.e. on the high street and generally any place that female teens enjoy looking around is going to expand the ranges of people who will see the magazine on display. Displaying my magazine in retails like HMV and Just Entertainment would be exposing itself to my target audience because it is in the right environment. This is because these specifies primarily in music.


 I have used a red/pink stoke to my mast head to make it bold against my main image. However I haven't stuck to the normal conventions of a magazine because it is in lower case with italics to make It unique to my magazine. It would therefore attract the consumers eye in a more impactful way as opposed to other magazines on the market. Another unique selling point to my products is the ‘EXCLUSIVE CONTENT’ which I have added at the top of my mast head so it sits in line with the text. The general signification of the Masthead is sophistication, as well as represents a vintage/stylistic type- almost like a typewriter. This is very much fantasized by my target audience because they get inspiration from websites such as Tumblr and Instagram which denote a vintage style.


The use of direct mode of address can be considered an attraction to the target audience because direct mode of address leads to the demonstration of power. This entails the idea that this is what my target audience are looking for. They might also achieve this when reading my magazine. Another reason for using direct mode of address is because when on the shelves in retail shops the magazine is saying “buy me” when you look at it. In a way you feel that the magazine is looking at you which might manipulate my target audience into purchasing the magazine. The direct gaze connotes that the woman is strong and independent therefore can be seen as perfect. perhaps my target audience are searching for the ways to be 'perfect‘ so then consequently they are attracted to this magazine. 


Cover The overall colour scheme of my cover compliments the idea of vintage and fashion; I used dark red/pinks and blacks which are elegant colours. The use of contrasting colours create a drama on my cover but also work really well together. this therefore creates a very desirable visual. The elegance of the colours appeal to the upper class audience which I am promoting. Making it very appealing and satisfying to my audience. In regards to my cover-lines and starred stories on my contents page, I used the lexical first personal pronouns in order to directly address my reader; this allowed them to feel somewhat valued and as if they had an implication to my products.The mood board I made during the planning stages of my products denote a colour scheme of vintage/ indie fashion which I have now incorporated into all three products. The clothing used in my photographs also represent vintage attributes in terms of style and colour. This can be closely connected to artists such as Paloma Faith and Lana Del Rey because although they are not indie artists they are very much idolised by my target audience.

 LANGUAGE AND CONTENTI used a kicker to draw in the audience (a kicker being a convention of a DPS). The kicker includes a rhetorical question to draw the reader to the main article and also hyperboles of “thousands” and “viral” to add exaggeration to the body of the text this therefore attains power over the reader. The mode of address of my magazine article is indirect, however this is because it is an interview and therefore theoretically doesn't need to include the audience in a direct manner because it is one directional and the idol is answering the audiences questions in a formal way. Furthermore, alliteration was used to give a flow to the cover lines/stories in order to grab the attention of my audience for e.g. “TOP TRACKS” and “MIXANDMATCH”.The double page spread I am comparing to adopted a chatty, informal register to it so I chose to do this when creating my own. I believe this suites the target audience as being they are still young, and the text sounds like you are talking to a best friend. the informality would fundamentally relax them because they wouldn’t come across terminology that they don’t understand this allows them to read the interview and enjoy it.