Evaluation 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation 3 media

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Evaluation 3

What have you learned from your audience


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My Target Audience • Target Audience:a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed."his stated target audience is children"

In order to make an effective and successful music video it was imperative that I chose a specific Target Audience in which my music video would appeal to. I decided early on in the coursework task that my intended audience would be teenagers who are interested in the ‘indie’ genre of music. I chose this as It reflects my age and the type of music I listen to, because of this I believed this would make the experience of making my video and ancillary tasks more enjoyable but also more authentic. I had every intention of making my video down to earth and almost ‘normal’ looking without flashy gimmicks and expensive lighting, I did this as I believe these types of videos would not fit into the indie genre which is known for being mellow yet passionate and ‘careless’ in a sense. Similarly I wanted my video to appeal to working class teenagers meaning they could relate more to the video and have a more enjoyable experience in watching it. My music video is not targeted towards a specific gender and I believe the style of song paired with the visuals of the video and the fact it is in black and white make my video quite gender neutral. If my target audience was to fit into a specific subculture I believe it would be Indie’s or hipster’s.

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Indie Person by urban dictionary:People usually in their teens or 20's who try really hard to be different from everyone else that they all made their own little group. It is quite rare, but some people are naturally indie. These are the people you see on the street that look like Urban Outfitters models and wear things you could find at good will or a thrift store. Although these hipsters often spend a lot of cash flow on their clothing, they continue to look like they've been wearing the same outfit for days. They thrive on unheard of bands. Some mainstream indie is Garden State Soundtrack. Indie kids get mad when their holy indie bands become the least bit popular and ditch the band for one that they heard at a mysterious pub on a backstreet of an indie little town. They love the cold. They LOVE photography and always have fancy cameras with a million different functions around their neck. They also use polariod cameras as well. Indie kids do low key activities like book signings, local bands, unheard of coffee shops ect. Indie kids are mostly always artistic in one way or another. They talk an awful lot about changing the world but don't do shit about it themselves (its too mainstream). 

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My target audience A visual representation of my target audience

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Importance of audience • When making a media product it is crucial that a specific target audience is chosen. Target audiences allow industries to design things specifically for their consumers with a clear focus In mind. Audiences make it easier for producers to design specific parts of the product and know what should and shouldn’t be included. They also allow businesses to gain consistent support by a certain demographic.

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Methods of gathering feedback

• In order for media industries to grow and continue to improve their products they must gain audience feedback. If the audience does not like what is being produced then there is no point in continuing to produce that thing, therefore media industries rely on audience feedback a lot in order to ensure what they are creating is gaining profit and being well received. Audience feedback allows people who otherwise would not have much power to give their opinions and critiques, ensuring their voices can be heard. The only way businesses can improve and continue to be successful is tailoring products that will be well received by their target audiences, therefore the option to give feedback is incredibly important.

• Because the media has been effected so incredibly by the proliferation of web 2.0 industries use this to their advantage giving the audiences the option to give their feedback online. Because web 2.0 is such a present part of everyday life for most people, media industries use this to their advantage encouraging their audiences to participate and leave their feedback online. For example YouTube allows audiences to leave comments and most websites have email addresses or comment boxes to share your opinion. This not only gives the audience the power in voicing their opinions and feedback it also encourages interactivity between the audience and the conglomerate. Media industries also often send out online questionnaires, again combining web 2.0 to collect fast feedback. The phenomenon of Twitter also allows audiences to answer and create polls therefore interacting with a large amount of people in a quick and easy way. The use of social media for feedback also benefits the industries as it is free therefore saving a lot of money.

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My Audience Feedback• Throughout my experience of making this coursework I collected some

feedback by my audiences to ensure what I created would suit my audience. • During the start of my creation process I posed the question over Facebook

what would you expect to see in an indie music video? From this I gathered some interesting ideas in which I added into my music video. This feedback allowed me to create a video that would fit into my target audience and also gave them a say. Some of the feedback I received was

• Guitars• Black and white• Vintage theme• Emotional expressions• Sunglasses• Carefree attitude

• I also asked people at the very start of the process to give feedback with regards to our very first pitch. The feedback was written on post it notes and then transferred to a document. From this I found out that the black and white digipak idea and the idea of having some narrative was popular. This feedback helped me in knowing which parts of my pitch ideas would be well received and which parts may be out of place.

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Final Feedback• Overall the feedback I received for my final products was positive. I again

used social media as a source for collecting feedback and it ensured I could gain a lot of feedback by people who were not only in my target audience. From the comments I have received it was clear that most people could identify the genre as indie, meaning the mise-en-scene I used fit well with what I intended to create. Many of the people I asked said that the black and white theme made the products look very indie. I also had a lot of positive feedback on the clips that I inserted when driving in a car and travelling, I was told this was refreshing and split up the performance nicely. As far as the website and digipak,. They were also received well and I had a lot of good feedback on the consistency of all 3 of the products.

• There was some ways in which I could improve my video however. Some people pointed out that some of the clips did not fit in, for example the clips of my singer with a girl. Similarly some clips could have been better placed. If I was to improve my video I would ensure that I look at this feedback and change some of the clips around to make the video flow better. The website could also be made more complex, although the simple theme of the website fit in with the theme of he video as well as the song title ‘Simple as this’ I think I could have made my website a lot more original and more complex. For example I could have changed the Tour Dates page to look more original by changing the format from the typical expected one that I used.