AS Media Gaming Magazine Demographics And Potential Audience Research

As media gaming magazine demographics and potential audience

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AS Media Gaming Magazine Demographics And Potential Audience Research

AS Media Gaming Magazine Demographics And Potential Audience Research

IntroductionAs a part of my A level course work and Target audience research I have chosen to investigate the demographics and potential audience of the gaming industry in order to gain knowledge on how to construct my magazine according to the consumers wishes and to find out who my potential consumers were. I will use primary and secondary research to find out the demographics of gamers who purchase magazine by creating my own questionnaire and analyzing the results as well as do research online on the internet. . For my questionnaire I will use an online survey, www.surveymonkey.com, and then critically analyze the results. I will complete my potential audience profile through extensive secondary research on the internet. Once I have gathered all the data that I have wanted it will later be used to aid me in constructing my own gaming magazine using the information I have gained to make it appeal to my main potential consumer group .

During my survey analysis the majority of the participants were males. Thats why I will focus my magazine design and content towards the male gender, with the inclusion of some female focused articles as they are still a part of the gaming community. While looking at this chart it is obvious that games are aimed and played by the male audience and therefore m marketing strategy will be aimed at this type of audience.After I have analyzed my survey results and looked at my chart I have realized that the majority of the gaming community is in their late teen years ,15-18, and I will focus my design, content and language towards them as they are my target audience. I shall also have some articles that are more mature as there still is a 18+ audience that I can appeal to as they are also a part of the gaming consumer base.

I have concluded that the majority of the people who purchase gaming magazines are still in schools and universities. As this target audience is not financially self-sufficient I will not make the price of my magazine too high for them. I will also make my magazine for informal and relatable as the audience is still young as they are completed their studies and are not employed.As I have conducted research on how often gaming magazines come out and how often people purchase them. Since they come out monthly most people tend to purchase them so or every 2-3 months. Based of my market research I have found out that they are bought mostly when they are released I have decided to also publish my gaming magazine monthly as at least half of the consumer base would purchase it.

After carefully analyzing the survey results I have decide to include a large variety of articles as the potential consumer base expressed interest in all the types of gaming articles. Articles about game reviews, previews and gaming lists will be the most important and written about content in my magazine as the audience has expressed the most interest in those three types of articles. Hardware articles and old school gaming articles will also be included but to a lesser extent.In order to know about what type of consoles articles I could feature I have conducted a research to see which are the most popular. In my research I have concluded that I should write about games on other consoles and not just PC games as they are popular. I would dedicate most of the other gaming console release to the Play Station games, and split the rest between the Xbox and mobile games

To encourage people to buy my magazine I have handed out a questionnaire wondering what type of rewards they would appreciate. Since its expensive to release both per issue and they are almost equally popular I have decide to alternate between the mega posters and special giveaways in my issues. Doing this would satisfy my consumers as they would get both and would encourage higher sales on the reward they prefer more.I have asked which type of games the people would prefer help on so I can focus more on those genres and be more specific towards my consumers wishes. I have decided that I would dedicate this section to puzzle and mystery genre mostly with sometimes paragraphs about some MMORPG games. I would not write tips for FPS an MOBA games as the majority of my consumers are not interested.

After I have analyzed the results I have gotten a very one-sided results and have decide to incorporate and interactive page in my magazine. Through this I have realized that my customers want to have more personal relations with the magazine and that it encourages sales as they feel important to the magazine when they are noticed.I have concluded that I should add both the hardware and the entertainment section as they have both been wanted mutually and it would add diversity to my gaming magazine, making it appeal to a broader audience. The consumers have shown interest in sections that are not only about video games, yet still related to them, and a diversity would prevent the magazine from becoming monotone.

Target Audience Profile

This is Jeremy, a stereotypical late-teen gamer and a member of my target audience. He is attending his last year of high school, year 13, and he is 18 years old. He spends most of his free time at home playing video games.

At school he enjoys hanging out with his friends during breaks and classes such as music, science and IT. He enjoys surfing the internet in his free time as well as going out and playing sports with his friends. He also enjoys meeting up with his friends online through Skype and playing online games with them. He likes to play the newest game and follow the latest gaming trends. Jeremy is also active within the gaming community as he participates on forums and runs his own gaming blog for others to read his gaming tips and reviews. He Has his own favorite Gaming genre ,action and FPS, He considers himself a Casual gamer as he does not devote all of his free time to his hobby and only plays the most popular newest releases. His favorite type of food is junk food.

He receives his money from his parents allowances and he spends it on video games, gaming magazines and hardware for his PC. He either goes to nearby gaming stores to buy his games or he orders the online.

Target Audience Profile

Jeremy likes going to cafes, skating parks and malls with his friends and hanging out. If they cannot meet outside he likes to connect with his friends over the internet and play games with them. They usually play games that depend on their teamwork.

He enjoys discussing games that he has completed over the internet or with his friends. He enjoys asking new friends online after they have played and experienced the same adventure the game has to offer. He is also actively tracking the big gaming releases and which ones he will buy and play. He likes to read articles online from his favorite studios and about his favorite games.

His favorite season is winter as he gets to stay at home all day since its cold and play his favorite games all day and read.

Target Audience Profile

Jeremy only uses Facebook and Snapchat as they are the quickest and most accessible methods to communicate with his friends. He is not interested in picture based ones as he believes they are a waste of time. He frequently visits gaming forums regarding his favorite and upcoming games and often enters various discussions of the forum.He is comfortable around his group of friends but is shy when being introduces to a new. Overall he is an outgoing and easy to talk to person. He also loves listening to music and watching TV shows and movies. He is not afraid to express himself and his hobbies, and voice his opinion. He is calm person, not very sporty, and he has good general knowledge on most daily conversational topic. He excels at in depth gaming conversations.His most purchased products are computer games, gaming magazines, various items related to his favorite games(figurines, bracelets and necklaces with and important theme from a game), junk food and fizzy drinks.

His favorite games are the Battlefield series, Modern Warfare, far cry 3 and Grand Theft Auto 5.

Gaming DemographicsAs a part of my primary research into statistics about the gamers and what they wished for in my magazine I have also conducted secondary research about the demographics of the people in the gaming industry.

After i have analyzed the secondary research I have found out about the average gaming industry consumers demographics:The average gamer is 35 years old, with the average male gamer also being 35 and the average female gamer being 43 years old.The gaming community is 56% males and 44% females.The average number of years and average gamer has been playing is 13 years.The average of the gamers are 26% are 18 or younger, 30% are 19-35, 17% are 36-49 and 27% are 50+.In the US there are 155 million people that play games, every 4 out of 5 households own a device used for playing games and 51% own gaming consoles in their homes.42% of gamer play on a regular basis three or more times a week.