


Bil. 6 Jun 2017 ISSN 1609-4271

Wishing our members & readers a very Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri


The 2nd CONSAL XVII EB Meeting was held on 8 and 9 May 2017 at Taw Win Garden Hotel, Yangon,

Myanmar and was attended by three CONSAL members from each country. BLA was represented

by Pn Nellie President, Dy Nooralizah Secretary and Nurul Fajrina Kamaluddin EXCO member.

The meeting was declared open by U Aung Myint, Acting Director General, Department of

Historical Research and National Library while Welcome Remarks was delivered by U Than Aung,

the President of Myanmar Library Association.

A Welcome Dinner for the delegates was hosted by the Acting Director General, Department of

Historical Research and National Library. The cultural event included a Classical Music Concert

by St Petersburg Music House of Russia and Myanmar at the National Theatre and visits to the

Shwe Dagon Pagoda and Dagon University Library.

BLA records is appreciation and thank you to the National Library of Myanmar and the Myanmar

Library Association for the excellent arrangements made for the meeting. Go to page 2



Exco meeting on 26 Apr 2017


The meeting was chaired by U Aung Myint, Acting Director General, Department of Historical Research

and National Library. Welcome Remarks was delivered by U Than Aung, President of Myanmar Library

Association. It was held at the Ball Room of Taw Win Garden Hotel in Yangon.

Daw Ah Win, Vice President 1 of MLA led discussions on the preparation for the upcoming CONSAL

XVII Conference to be held on 2-4 May 2018 at Nay Pyi Daw, the Keynote and Honorary Speakers,

programme topics, call for papers, sponsorships, CONSAL Web, nominees and the Awarding

Ceremony for the CONSAL Outstanding Librarian Award and the establishment of the CONSAL XVII

Advisory Group.

Other items discussed were on the Strategic Vision of CONSAL, ASEAN Integration and Cambodia as

the next CONSAL Chair and host of the CONSAL XVIII Conference in 2021. Go to page 4



The Meeting was held on Friday 28 Apr 2017 morning at the Conference Room Pusat Belia. It was chaired by Pn

Nellie, BLA President who also gave a Welcome Remarks. The Meeting approved the Secretary’s Report 2016,

discussed the Treasurer’s Report and made amendments to the Constitution. Aw Hj Abd Talip led reading of

Doa Arwah dan Tahlil for dearly departed family members and librarians. This was followed by light






The BLA delegation on the Goodwill Library Study Visit to ROK from 2-9 April 2017 records its appreciation and thank you to His Excellency Dato Paduka Haji Rosli Haji Sabtu and Datin for their generous hospitality by hosting a dinner reception for us at their residence on 3 April 2017.


The Omani Corner was officially launched on 9 May 2017 at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Business Library.

The Omani Corner features more than 700 books and multimedia materials – donated by the Oman Embassy in Brunei Darussalam – covering various aspects of Oman’s history, economy, culture, Islamic jurisprudence, and arts and literature.


NATIONAL LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS “Creating A Better Future For Children And Young Adults”

By Saidah Mohamad, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

On Wednesday, 5 April 2017, our BLA group visited the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NCLYA) which is situated at 138-908,21 Tehran-Ro, 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea. Upon arrival, we were welcomed by the Director General, Yeo Weesok , Lee Seong Deok, Director, Planning Cooperation Division, National Library for Children and Young Adults, Park II Sim, Director Library Services and Jeung Ji Yun (Julia), Interpreter (English). After introductions we were briefed on the library facilities and services of the library. Our Brunei librarians have benefitted over the years from the 17 day Training Programme organised by NLCYA under the Training Project for ASEAN Children’s Librarians. Thank you NLCYA. The National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) provides opportunities for children age of 6 to 9 from grade 4 to 6 and for young adults at the age of 18 to foster dreams, imagination and hopes for the future. They are also implementing projects and providing useful information in order to support research activities conducted by service providers and researchers in the field. It is a library where adults evolved together with children and young adults it serves, based on its core values : cooperation, growth, and leadership.

Since its opening in June 2006, the NLCY has been operating the Library Service Council and Young Adults which consist of librarians and teacher librarians working in libraries aiming to develop the library services by strengthening their professionalism and to create a human network. The library endeavors to serve the children and young adults by fulfilling their roles as the nation's representative library for the brighter future of children and young adults who will be leading the knowledge and information based society of the 21st Century. Collection The National Library for children and Young Adults (NCYL) has a large collection resources for children and young adults. They have 18,842 titles of online materials, including 17,893 titles of e-Books and 156 titles of Kids books.


1 st floor lobby and Exhibition Hall

1st floor Lobby (304.2㎡)/ 2nd floor Exhibition Hall (270㎡) used for various exhibitions.

Children`s Collection Room On 1 st floor, users are provided with school subject related materials as well as reading resources for preschoolers and lower elementary students. This collection room features ‘Storytelling Room’ where books can be read out to children and ‘Picture Book World’ where houses materials for preschoolers. Young Adult Collection Room On the 1 st floor, the Room contains materials for young adults such as materials related to career that help self-development of young adults, books recommended by experts in each field and books for upper elementary schools published in Korea. Go to page 7


From page 6 Multimedia Room

On the 2nd floor, the Multimedia Room features various types of digital contents including electronic resources and full-text database of volumes. Users may use the Multimedia Room by reserving seats through the Multimedia Room Reservation System. Major features include the 'Audio-visual Room' and the 'Virtual Reality Interactive Storytelling Room' where users can watch movies and experience virtual reality interactive storytelling program. Stacks Room

The stacks on 2nd floor contains resources from the past fiscal years which are not displayed in regular collection rooms as well as multimedia resources. As it is operated in closed shelf system users may access the resources material by requesting in advance. Research Materials - World Languages Collection

On the 3 rd floor, this room contains award-winning books in children’s literature field from both home and abroad, as well as research materials on children’s literature, picture books, fairy tales and textbooks from all over the world. Private collections of famous Korean children’s book authors (Kang So Cheon, Ma Hae Song, Park Hong Geun, Yoon Seok Jung, Cho Heun Pa, Hong Seong Chan) and ‘Space for researchers’ are also available.

Auditorium / Seminar Room On the 4th floor are used for various events such as Workshop, Cultural events, lectures are held. Reading Discussion Room.

Children’s Dokdo Island Experience Room on Basement B1 . A fun space to learn about the Dokdo Island.

Cafeteria on Basement 2. Library Events

Oral narration of storytelling programme - where the children at the age of 5 to 7 years old introduced to the world of picture books to get used of reading books known as oral narration of fairy tale ;

Audio-visual program - which operates regular program such as a film (video image) and music for each month ; Material exhibition :

Feature exhibition - National Library for Children and Young adults holds the feature exhibition directly organized by the library each year to support the academic and cultural activities of children and young adults. Library fair with the theme of children – The program which provide the chance to introduce related materials to users who visit the library with the theme given to children to induce the interest.

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Library Activities

Cooperation of library, Reading Promotion , Research for Children & Young Adults.

Library Tours are held to enhance the understanding and interest of children and young adults on the library as well as to assist a more convenient use of the library. Go to page 5

Acknowledgements Lastly but not least, as one of the delegates, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Brunei Darussalam Library Association (BLA) for this educational study tour to Korea. By joining the visit, we all received its benefit, new knowledge and experience to our profession as Librarians. Many thanks goes to the President of BLA for making the study tour a reality, more efficient and a memorable moment for me. I hope that one day, the libraries in Brunei Darussalam will get a sample of the best in the future. The warm welcome will forever leave footprint in our hearts for its interesting approach to provide knowledge for the students and we surely learned new things that would help our libraries in Brunei Darussalam especially the Public Libraries.. The visit ended with an exchange of tokens between the Director General of The National Library of Children and Young Adults (NLCY), Yeo Wee-sok and President of Brunei Library Association (BLA), Puan Nellie Sunny.


By Nellie Sunny

On 5 Apr 2017, the BLA group visited Yonsei University Samsung Library at 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722. We were welcomed by Ms Susan Beom of the Public and Research Service Team. Yonsei University Library was founded in 1915 with the founding of Yonhee College. On October 1924, the Library moved to the Yonhee Student Union Building, and in June 1956 to the Yongjae Building in May 1957. On 30 September 1979, the New Library Building (now Yonsei Central Library) was completed and was the main library of Yonsei University until 2008. In 2008, Yonsei University Library was the first in Korea to embark on the Subject Librarian Services, and is now equipped with a high-tech IT environment, as well as a strengthened digital content management system. With the opening of the Yonsei-Samsung Library in 2008, the Library changed its name from the Central Library to the Yonsei University Library.

In the Commons area readers can reserve study desks on a digital kiosk using Yonsei ID card The Ubiquitous Commons lead up to the study floors.

Yonsei Digital Collection Its digital collection consists of Yonsei University Theses, Old & Rare Books, Christian Classic Literature, Christian Classic Magazines, Yonsei Chunchu, Yonsei European Studies, Business Res and Lecture of Pastor Bae. Facilities Using PCs Information Commons, located on the 1st floor of Yonsei Samsung Library, provides many services and amenities including the Collaborative Booth, Digital Library Search, Writing/Editing, Internet PCs, Laptop Area, and seats for individuals with disabilities. Information Commons is one of the largest spaces for sharing academic information in Korea. To use computers in Information Commons , readers make an online reservation using the Yonsei University Library Website. once a ticket is issued from the Kiosk, readers can log on to a PC. Readers can also borrow equipment such as laptops, projectors, and devices for presentations from the IT/U-Lounge Service Desk on the 1st Floor. Go to page 9


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Multimedia Center

Located on the 2nd floor of Yonsei Samsung Library, the Center consists of the Multimedia Corner, complete with video equipment and recording booths with a blue screen. Studio, Multimedia Editing Corner, Multimedia Theater, and Multimedia Classroom.

Laptop Area

In Yonsei University Library, readers can access the Internet using Wireless LAN and find a space for using a laptop. Yonsei Samsung Library, 1st floor (Information Commons), Yonsei Samsung Library, 3rd floor - Laptop area with almost 300 seats, Yonsei Samsung Library, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors, Yonsei Samsung Library, 5th and 6th floors



The only form of medical education in Brunei was nurse staff training until the Institute of Medicine of Universiti Brunei

Darussalam was established in September 2000.

In November 1928, the first government hospital was built and by 1929, the Medical Department was established with the

appointment of the State Medical Officer. In Brunei, nurse education was organized in 1951 when the new hospital in Brunei

Town was completed including a Nursing School with a first group of nurses was founded. In 1953 they received certificates

of Trained Assistant Nurse. In 1954 more elaborated programme of nurse training was introduced. Until 1986, in School of

Nursing two levels of educational programs were used--General Nurse Training and Assistant Nurse Training. In 1986, the

College of Nursing was set up for training higher education nurses.

In 1991 first graduates of Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Saádatul Bolkiah College of Nursing received diplomas of nursing.

In 1999 School of Nursing was merged with the Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Saádatul Bolkiah College of Nursing which

became the only educational institution for nurse training. As a tertiary Nursing and Midwifery educational institution, the

college offers the Pre-Registration Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery which includes conversion programmes and Advanced

Diploma in Nursing for registered nurses.

The Institute of Medicine, Universiti Brunei Darussalam was established in September 2000 with the aim of providing medical

training to Bruneian students and other students from this region. It introduced the Biomedical Science undergraduate

programme in 2001-2005 with University of Queensland, Australia. The Medicine programme was introduced in 2004.

The MRCGP (International) examinations were first established in the Institute of Medicine in 2005 after Brunei Darussalam

was awarded host body status by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), UK. Membership of the RCGP has long

been established and recognized as the standard assessment for family doctors. Brunei Darussalam is the first host examining

body in the region and has successfully conducted the exams since 2005.

On 23 September 2008, the Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah College of Nursing was merged with the

Institute of Medicine of Universiti Brunei Darussalam and renamed the Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah

Institute of Health Sciences (IHS)

Institute of Health Sciences has expanded its focus beyond solely medical training to include Public Health, Biomedical

Sciences, Nursing, and Midwifery.

In 2014 the IHS became a centre for the advancement of health sciences being the forefront of medical research in Brunei


Politeknik Brunei introduces Level 4 Diploma Programmes in health sciences for the first time commencing 10 July 2015.

Sources: T. S. Sorokina (2006). "Nursing staff education in Brunei" The Evolution of Education in Brunei Darussalam


15-17 Apr 2017 Awang Mohd Adi Salihin bin Roslan won the gold medals in the Nandao and Nanquan event, and earned the bronze medal in the Nangun event at the 6th International Pars Wushu Cup in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 14 nations took part in the 3-day competition that began last Saturday.

18 Apr 2017 Brunei Government’s social media account has been named the most active in the world, according to a study conducted by Burson-Marsteller, a leading global public relations and communication firm.The study titled ‘World Leaders on Instagram’ is the US-based firm’s latest research into how world leaders, governments and international organisations communicate via social media and its findings were based on 325 accounts maintained by the different countries.

20 Apr 2017 Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd was presented with a commemoration plaque by the Lockheed Martin helicopter company, in honour of its ‘50 Years of Continuous Service with Sikorsky Helicopters’ at the inaugural 2017 Rotorcraft Asia show held at the Changi Exhibition Centre in Singapore, from 18 to 20 April .Across five decades, BSP’s fleet of six Sikorsky helicopters – three original S-61N and the three replacement S-92 models – have primarily performed offshore oil and passenger transport missions.

22 Apr 2017 The Establishment and Appointment of Nationwide School Leaders Executive Committee Council known as the Brunei Darussalam School Leaders Council, MPSBD with its role as a forum for school leaders to discuss, exchange views and opinions.

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23 Apr 2017 2,000 runners took part in the National Run 2017 to mark Brunei Darussalam’s 33rd National Day celebrations. The run, flagged off at Dermaga Diraja in the heart of the capital and ended at the Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien. There were three run categories: Male 5km Run, Female 5km Run, and 2km Fun Run.

24 Apr 2017 Israk Meraj celebrations

25 Apr 2017 The Brunei-Australia (Anzac Day service) Memorial at Muara Beach marked the site where the Allied Forces, led by Australia’s 9th Division, landed in Brunei on June 10 June 1945, during the Oboe 6 Operation as part of the broader Australia-led campaign to liberate Borneo.

28 Apr 2017 156 male recruits of the 158 intake completed their 31 week basic military training

28 Apr 2017 His Royal Highness Prince Captain ‘Abdul Mateen received a certificate after successfully completing the Instrument Flying Test in a graduation ceremony held at the Daedalus Officers’ Mess, Royal Air Force Cranwell, United Kingdom .

28 Apr 2017 Radio Televisyen Brunei’s 60 th anniversary. Radio Brunei began to air its services on 2 May 2 1957, when it was officiated by Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, the same day as the Hari Raya Aidilfitri, 2nd of Syawal 1376 Hijrah. The radio network then used to broadcast a one-hour and 45-minute Malay language programme and a 45-minute English language programme daily. In 1957, it included the Mandarin language on its list. The last five decades have seen the rapid transformation of its radio services, expanding to five channels today – Nasional FM, Pilihan FM, Harmoni FM, Pelangi FM and Nur Islam.

28 Apr 2017 Retreat Session of the 30th ASEAN Summit was held at the Coconut Palace, Manila. 30 TH ASEAN Summit ‘Partnering for Change, Engaging the World’, Manila. This is the first of two ASEAN summits in this milestone year as ASEAN celebrates its 50th anniversary and the signing of the ASEAN Declaration on the Roles of the Civil Service as a Catalyst for Achieving the ASEAN Community Vision 2025.

29 Apr 2017 The 12th Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) Summit and 10th Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Summit

28-30 Apr & 5- 7 May 2017

Baiduri Masters 2017

29 Apr 2017 St. George’s School 80th anniversary themed ‘Celebrating Its Past, Shaping The Future’,

29 Apr 2017 Yang Dimuliakan Pehin Datu Pekerma Jaya Major General Dato Paduka Seri Mohd Tawih bin Abdullah, Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces was conferred with the Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand by His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun, King of Thailand, at an investiture held at the Ministry of Defense in Bangkok.

29-30 Apr 2017 Islamic Designers Festival

29 Apr 2017 6th edition of the Putra Seni Theatre Group’s Tamu Seni, Youth Centre

29 Apr 2017 The flyover to Jangsak and Gadong in operation at 9pm.

29 Apr 2017 1 st meeting of the National Disaster Council for year 2017

29 Apr 2017 Brunei Postgraduate Society Holds 4th Brunei Students’ Research Symposium with theme “The Path of Sustainable Development” adopted from the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals in order to improve our current conditions. These goals aim to “end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all”. The theme is in line with Brunei’s Vision 2035, which focuses on improving quality of life through dynamic and sustainable economy and highly-skilled people with the guidance of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

30 Apr 2017 25th Brunei Age Group Swimming Championship

30 Apr 2017 Extraordinary General Meeting of Koperasi Kampong dan Mukim NDB (KOKAMI), BINA Building

30 Apr 2017 2,000 runners took part in the Reintegration Run 2017, a first-of-its-kind run which saw some 30 former inmates (Rakan Seliaan) and their families participating at Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar ‘Ali

Saifuddien in a concerted show of solidarity against the stigma shown towards former prison

inmates. 2-3 May 2017 Pilihan FM ran a one-off 24-hour programme beginning midnight Tuesday 2 May 2017 to midnight

Wednesday 3 May 2017 to mark the diamond jubilee of radio services in Brunei Darussalam

4 May 2017 The Ministry of Education, Department of Schools and CfBT Education Services have successfully launched the IGCSE AdVantage Programme, a joint initiative designed to raise exam results in International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) English as a Second Language.

5 May 2017 A parade was held to commemorate the 38th Anniversary of the Military Police of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) at the Royal Brunei Malay Reserve Regiment (ASMDB) Parade Square in Rimba Camp.

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5 May 2017 From January to April 2017, the Muara Port Company Sdn Bhd (MPC) has seen a 25 per cent increase in container handling to 35,000 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) from 28,000 TEUs in the same period last year. MPC started its operation in February 2017. Muara Port Company Sdn Bhd, a joint venture company formed by Darussalam Assets Sdn Bhd and Beibu Gulf (HK) Ltd of Guangxi, China

5 May 2017 Brunei Darussalam is named the 13th best destination across the globe for Muslim travellers in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries, according to a research survey.The Sultanate scored full mark (100) in safety aspect and prayer space access and gained 90 in dining options in the latest Mastercard-Crescent Rating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) for 2017, which covered 130 destinations globally.

6 May 2017 Launch of the newly-enhanced, the one-stop information portal for government services and reforms related to doing business in Brunei Darussalam.

6-8 May 2017 The 1st MSME Innovation Conference and Expo with the Made in Brunei Market Fair which featured around 200 local MSMEs & China-ASEAN Expo Brunei Exhibition

7 May 2017 Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society with the theme ‘The Power of Humanity’, celebrated World Red Crescent 2017 with the launching of Brunei Red Crescent Youth Council. BDRCS celebrated its 69th anniversary since its establishment as the British Red Cross Brunei Branch in 1984. It was gazetted by law in Brunei Constitutions in 1991 and became the 170th member of International Federations of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC),

7 May 2017 6th National Family Day ‘Keluargaku Penyayang Negara Gemilang’ or ‘Caring Family, Prosperous Nation’.

7 May 2017 The Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council held its 8th General Meeting at the Health Promotion Centre. The council’s signature youth programme LESTARI (or Life Skills Training) has 748 alumni members since the programme’s inception in 2004. Two local social media influencers, @OOTDBrunei and @streetcandid_brunei, were appointed as the council’s HIV Social Media Advocate for the year 2017, aimed to better inform Bruneians on HIV/AIDS and its related issues.

8 May 2017 Brunei Gas Carriers Sdn Bhd accredited with ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System and ISO14001:2015 Environment Management System

9 May 2017 Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society paid tribute to its youth leaders with the presentation of Henry Dunant Awards during the BRC Youth Convention at Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien.

9 May 2017 The Information Department at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) unveiled a news filtering mobile application named ‘InfoDeptBN’ to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the department. The mobile app is intended as a one-stop information system which will explain and help offset less accurate news and speculation about Brunei Darussalam.

9-11 May 2017 Nineteen finalists took part in the National Al-Quran Memorisation and Understanding competition for 1438 Hijrah held at the ICC..

9 May 2017 Butra Heidelberg Cement (BHC) Company marked BHC Magazine’s 5th anniversary

9 May 2017 the European Union (EU) and the ASEAN Secretariat organised the first ever EU-Asean Run, bringing together over 1,700 European and Asean citizens on Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Sisingamangaraja. This year’s special edition of the annual EU Run was held together with ASEAN to commemorate a ‘triple anniversary’ – 40 years of EU-ASEAN partnership, 50 years since the founding of ASEAN and 60 years of the Treaties of Rome and the establishment of the EU.

11 May 2017 15 Syaban 1438 was Nisfu Syaban

17th CONSAL Conference“ Next Generation Libraries: Collaborate and Connect” , 2-4 May 2018, Nay Pyi Daw. Myanmar

83 rd IFLA WLIC Conference ”Libraries. Solidarity. Society” 19-25 Aug 2017. Wroclaw, Poland 84TH IFLA WLIC Conference “Transform Societies, Transform Libraries’” 23-30 Aug 2018, Kuala Lumpur

3 rd IASL Regional Workshop October 2017 Malaysia, 4 th IASL Regional Workshop October 2018 Myanmar


All materials are copyrighted and any form of reproduction is not permitted without the permission of the publisher. WADAH

PERPUSTAKAAN is published by © Brunei Darussalam Library Association, c/o Class 64 Library, SOASC, Jalan Tengah, Bandar

Seri Begawan BS8411. Brunei Darussalam. email:[email protected]. Editor: Nellie Dato Paduka Haji Sunny. Photo

credits. Nellie, Saidah, Nooralizah, Nurul Fajrina, CONSAL Secretariat. Credits: Brunei, Borneo Bulletin, Media Permata,,
