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Page 1: Time line of Ancient Egypt

Time line of Ancient Egypt

• Egypt's ancient history covers a huge block of time.

• Archaeological research noted that much of Egypt’s history could be divided into three large blocks of time.

• Scientists named these "The Old Kingdom", "The Middle Kingdom", and "The New Kingdom".

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• Pre-dynastic Eqyptc.6000 - c.3100 BC

• From about 6000 BC various communities of hunter-gatherers made the Nile the centre of their territory

• Upper and Lower Egypt were two separate lands• Early Egypt

c.3100 - c.2600 BC• Upper and Lower Egypt were united as one country

under the first pharoah Menes• Earliest known hieroglyphic writing .• Walled towns and villages were built.

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Around 5000BC many Egyptians farmed sheep and cattle. Some Egyptians grew wheat and barley on the fertile land on the Nile valley.

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Around 4500BC, sails were used on Egyptian ships for the first time. Boats were the main

form of transport in Ancient Egypt.

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Around 3500BC craftsmen began to create the first wall paintings using hieroglyphic symbols in the Egyptian writing system.

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3000BC Around 3000BC walled towns and villages were built in Egypt. The first buildings were made of mud brick.

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The Old Kingdom (2700 BCE-2200 BCE)

• Pharaohs had absolute power and were considered gods on earth. ". Pharaohs were buried in pyramids only during this time period in history.

• The Sphinx was built.• Egyptians began building pyramids• The Great pyramid was built.• Egyptians began experimenting with


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Around 2500BC Egyptians built the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid at Giza.

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Memphis was the main city

during this


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Middle Kingdomc. 2000 - c. 1650 BC

• The middle kingdom was Egypt's Golden Age. Trade flourished, arts and literature flourished. Egypt built strong armies to defend herself against her neighbors. During the time period of the middle kingdom, pharaohs were expected to be good kings and wise rulers.

• Pyramid building declined and stopped.• Orisis became the most important god, especially for

ordinary people.

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Thebes became the main centre of activity during the

Middle Kingdom

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• 1st Intermediate Period2125-1075 BC

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New Kingdom1539-1075 BC

• The new kingdom was Egypt's expansion period. Egypt expanded her borders through military conquest and became a world power.

• Pyramids were replaced by elaborate tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

• Tutankhamun ruled during some of this period • Ramesses II ruled for 67 years.• Memphis once again became the major centre of


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It was around 1550BC that many of the royal tombs were built in the Valley of

the Kings

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Around 1325BC, King Tutankhamun was buried in the Valley of the Kings.

In 1922 his tomb was discovered, inside were wonderful treasures and

the mummy of the Pharaoh covered by a beautiful gold death


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• Greek and Roman Egypt332 BC-395 AD

• Cleopatra VII reigned (51-30 BC)• Alexander the Great conquered Egypt• The Romans took over Egypt after Cleopatra's

death (30 BC).• The Rosetta Stone was carved (196 BC) • Late Period

715-332 BC

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In 332BC Egypt was invaded by Alexander the Great and was then ruled by Greek Kings. The

era of the New Kingdom ends.

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Expansion of settlement
