Page 1: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

It tnl1st be sen'iceoble too.

'-', ..... R HARNESS,

, .

~O. 5.

Cosis Money 1

, And the better it is Ihe morc it cost~ - just like c\'erything cls~

But (.ut glass is bou{;ht. main!) for its bealily an) II ny -and you can't get beauty withOl1t paying for it.

To tell YllU thnt ours is mod-' erately priced, do~sn' t e;w!ain anything for you. .

To tell you that we h(wc Salts nncl Peppers at $1.35 the pair dO~'n't let you know the b(!uuty 01 rl:C"lIl.

Will ,you drop in and ~ee for yourself?



r I

• •

Page 2: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

IseUITS , .


;neate:r, crisper, daintier, more appetizing~ •

bi!icuit' i~oc!d enough ,to take the place or your own baking; the',t)is(mil~8 from your own oven.

Freedom from a broiling kitchen-Ieisuro on the porcJi do the little knick-knacks that have boen neglected.

• ~I "-

n"",,', ~!'U~ho,c,re.almi.4~~J ,crispcs,t craokers made. ,~bley'ar,a,ba!uld hi the big sanitary factory in Winnipeg-

~~="'1f1 dyed ALL thesil DlfFERE", KI"DS'

''-C .'~ of Goods ======lIJlth the SAME Dye,'

I sed

de., Too,

t~:~}~~,!n~it~!!~~esr,~!:?!;~ Invornbly thnn o""~er.,;,oTI·;,~~JJ:fl'~:~~~~~' It lS slllled

" corne,ll nn hils : nAn!.",", lor!\ IIVcn,

A lIsll'n 111\ n t II per pcdollllnllco,

net fit lenst $85.000

" I

, ,

Page 3: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

success WlSUffi"a that even If four

',;:',COPI(!S,' been destroyed t"o or must hnve survived nnd

i~~~elth~ be found m Europe is h fit some trnen thereof mllY be found in Cnnada or the Unit· ed Stntes Any blblioplule who cnn discover a clue to the whereabouts of n copy 01 this bQOk wlll.plnce the rolgnmg house o! Englllnd under obligation as both }{lng George nnd Queen Mnry like Kmg EdwIlfd nnd Queen Vlctorin before them. hava Inmile eet the:r hellrts on gettmg on copy of tbls book or. If they cnnnot get a copy. at lenst Reeure permission Irom the present owner to have It prmted

The number of books written by royal Ilnd .mp~rial personages. s()me times by full fledged soverOlgn8 and Jlrtnted for prlvato circulation, is Ivery much larger than :l8 generally believed Prmcess Henry 01 Bntten. berg for tn. lAnce tho mother 01 tho Queen of SpDin. has qulte a number of volumes to her credit They

rench publtc lIbraries or get hnnds of strangers their di­

bemg usually restr eted to "'<:" •.. or to intImate non·

upon whose d sere '~"Jn,"nrlU ,.ou,',.,,'" dependence enn be


New School tof Women Wr.hrs Ga.n.ns Fame Abroad

'~'!·:'Ii' It l.I&ed to be sn,d nnd IS smd still !.hat Novo. Scollo. and New BrunswIck ,. pr'llm

helld the oti:er CanacUan III the InnklllS of poets One prOVlllce does not seem to be fuvored mOTe than 1Il tho "ork o! Cllnll ~r~~,tg~:~~~~~; IHlters lilts. L 1\1 f of l'nllce Ed ward Is

:Mrs Ewan Macdonald. a l'resbytcrlllll llulllster

QllUll;glIliS Jler homo this o.utumn ~~Ei~~~p~f~~:s::e~ct slands rhClr labors rench strango ru"es,-'ri~

:~~~~~~'~~~~tt.~;lIl Onta.rlo, IS the best d we have of a Cnna

~;~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~;1:~~~:i~~~.: wnose prOVlllCC ample

sJ~~I~d Mus bi,tflS1l~~1l;.j:~'~~I(i.r& ~~ ~l~; ~r much • but

behllls, I ski mo. Amsknns. Illountruneers etc -> et few derst'llld nn) Huns! of the arc dom:; After ease upon dred years o! mlsslonnry rcmRln unknown to the uPTlllr,,1

and de

C"I~"I. of Hnl! cllaru,etEHi!; II NovlI

loyaltst. 1.;iw~~'li~~"'ne~,;~; MneGregor o! C as unmlst.aknbly lin Unlnr 11m as MIss lI1.ontgomery is natlVc 10 Prmce Edward and MIss S!Lun ders to NOVll Scotia Mrs ElIz!Lbeth Roberls Mnc:donllld. sIster to Oharles G D Roberts, IS II true New Bruns wicker nnd her verses reHect 1 edern· tlOn and the province round about as flll!.hfully as II. looking glass !\Lrs Me OIung wns born 1Il Untarlo. but she was taken us a child t() the West,

her storIes urG completely, tn Western Mrs Murphy,

Janel' Canuek III the a natIve of wouldl

wrItten does

llc 1 hey ne, cr advertise tiHlmjselvClI.1

nnd lU thc roro Instances word l\!ornvlIln finds Its \1 ay pnpers. It IS l:enernIiy 111 eOlnt,,~ction Illtll some eXlllorer II ho IS recrUltmg "L 0. l\[ornvlIlll miSSIOn stallon or who I

a ,Mornvutn mISSIOn seLtle 1 liefor'e proeced1Ol: on Ius foyage I

~ nr on the shores of Lhe sell "I helll,llclIl"m nrc seL theso light houses of MoraVian llretllren. IJ.nd ,,!cully steudlly they IJurSUa theIr \\ orl~

NOlI hera IS thiS work moro mter 'st Ilg illlln III Labrador where at tho SIX sin lions scnttered over 80mu r1ve hundred miles of n COllSt biLterly barren they live 0. hie hurdly to bo mulched 1Il modern tunes In 1750 1\ ~[om'lall 1111\ 10g VIS ted a successful HornVlIlll settlement In Greenland pellhoned Ius b shOll to be allowed Lo found n s10ulnr one In Labrudor ~wo years Inter he landed WIth 101:- .. t,h.!~ Drcthren and after bUIlding a houso

the mission. he and Ius compon were treacherously murdered by

~ho E.klmo Noblllll>; drmntod an· other dovoted pIoneer having first

now wril.inl1 learnt the Esklmo langungc set out WIth heU<iquar Labrador. and In due course 01

Such a list as !.hId ''''' .. ~ esLabhshcd hl0 mIssion Smco IInyone thnt Cllnll then tlie work has not been allowed

writers are noL to be to langUIsh Tho UlIeo southerly sin re(lkclOc<l last among the forces whiCh. LIOns Mnkllovlk Hopedlllo and Nlllll. are bwldlOg Canlldlau natlOnulity are Irnmed d urm!! !jIB brIO! summer

One 01 Lho best known Canadian wo-- III the green of I UXUrJIlOt mosscs and mon novchsts lS Mrs Evorurd Cotes III dwnxf hard gro\lu woods of Lhol Mrs Oates 'Villi born iii Brnntford spruco Ilnd luruper OkkDk "Ith Its OJlt She won her /trst recogmtlon us churcll and IlOsllltlll. hes exposed un· a wrIter for The ~oronto Globe, der the dnrll 1Il0untllllls Hebron and the pen nl'ma 'Gnrth Gmflon Kllhneli: tho most norCherlv etutlons went round !.he world when the l of all lire beyond the limber hmlt ney was n!: at 0. novelty nek IS Indeed a dreary spot Wlth womun and 01 nn avernge temperature much below on her freezing pomt It Is tho homo of '1\11ese \. __ .I."clouds. squnlls and sunless dllr" Yct

It lS the resort of numb~rs of I SkllllO. Ilho find It 0. good Hshing place for walrus whlte whnle nnd soal

At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl<m statlons there lS 0. miSSIOnary called !.he house father WIth lus WIfe nno

1 younger children, and Jf tho uumbc~

VUJ"··' of EskImo makes It necessary nlso nn ordamcd assistant Ilnd a laymnl) storekeeper who nttends 19 tho Ip I dustrml busllless of UIO store TJi!) trade done by the 1l11ssion 15 of greut value to Lho natives rhe EsI>Ilnasl Imd the settlers brmg thClr Hsh anll other articles to tho miss 1011 store.1

and reCClve m Teturn banels 01 salt. I gear for fishmg or lnmtmg pro\1slon.s.' gllrme.nts. aud other supplIes 'Ih() pnccs pmd by tho nUSSlO11 nro liberal I III vha caSe of valunble skms tho storekecpels pa) S II depoSIt I and when tho silins havo been <li.n,,".!!: ed of 111 the London market the w11010;'; amount obtnlllccI, IrUIlUS II smal contnge IS handcd 0\ er to the lllln''';

er I lhe] sklmo !lIas I knows of a banlllng account lIe 'jllmu," money as rush as he Olonths Inter often Mn'M

mlsiiol1 funds As ~ho "n:iSS:iclO,.ul~d(;t.b

Page 4: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

, .


• l' ' •

NEW CLOTHS See Them Before You Buy

-,lI', ~c are;howing the New Styles

F:all"and Winter Overcoats .. ~

W4y be satisfipcl with half-a,­dozen. out-of-date styles th town

at you?" \ '. , ,

Come where you can examine the neWt styles.

, , . , ," .'

These 20th. Century Brand Overcoats are ben'c h tailored bv , J

I •

"expert .needlenielJ,: they, are the " acme of Style,· th~y Fit Fault­-.'J'ie~sly,' and hold, tileir shape, ,'until', worn ·out.

.. , 'tl'~

$20.0.0 and $22.00

\II . ,

,We are exclusive ag~nts

Convertible Colla .. Coat

A big, room)" warm, stylish singlc-breasted model, wi th thc l,lCW cOllvertible collar-no unncecss;;u'y hard-ware, jllst tUI'll it up and button it O\'cr for storl11 y-\\'Cal hCI' wca r, 20t h

, Cciltllry BI:~IIHI, ofcollrse: Wc arc exclusi\'c agcnts,


' i ,MCDONALD . • . '.-.. t.... I," '~

Apples • In.

N,ova ,Scotia


. "

"--"~I istq:las.

Page 5: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

" '

'''INT IN fALL 1


• , ,

'Phone 60 TREHE.RNE

~~~~~;i~;~~~~~~~~~·~~1 '


~ what 1·0'11 want: 'All

attachment \;'h' eh mn he applied to any make of sewing-machine anti \\ ill do an)'thing in the way of


and do easily and perfectly what you have heretofore

I , ' spen!" hours of your best labor

Ion I Think of it I This is something new [n.t guaran­teed to do all we claim,

I PRICE $ 2.00 in and let II" demon­

\Vc arl! sole agent~ district, '



:~~,#~ Corner Portage Ave. and

Edmonton Street, Winnipeg, FULL COMMERCIAL,


New ciassos forming in all de-partments each week. ' ,

O,ur final examinations are held, every month. Graduates are IIS-1 Iisled in securing good posltlona. "Wrile lo-day for handsume larg&,

'catalogue. Address ;

Success Business College,: , Winnipeg Man.

MILLINERY. All our I"nll Shapes nre now

Marked. Awar, D~wn and ~oll1c. splendid offers are the resllit. Best attentil1n '0 nil m"de shape~ " • '

Oi!1 Us Your Dressma~l~gOrdlr \

, Mri. ·it. J. ; 1IIIIIer III~ .rc .... llcr, trtkrac '

:========~" , IVERY STABLE(

_ 1

livCrY anCl feed busi-. rp"An' ... • horses; stvlish.

;.i'",;,_.;. ... '''.r.''.~':".g up-to-date. '

Automobile For Hire , Prompt and obliging ~ervice. Draying alld teaming. 'I" Special attention to COn:'mercia s.: -

1 ,


~ /

, ..

Page 6: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

Only Seven !'er p Moved

:~~!~~~;,~E~d~VA_deputnbon m from the Goose I,ulll<'" bitter complamt

m handling

crop of 10,703,-Bel/e'n per cent, It IS

brought out lind vi~i~~f1:~w~~~;e~ thnt the elevlltors " nnd all Iwallable

used as store \\ hent IS t ing c,ut

It wns begm-Il curse to be Park of thnt

forty Cllrs II nd It was estlmnted

3.!IOO.O!JIo.·bushels of grnm \\ ou 1<1 m!lrK:et"u., Tl'''':Te''eI'lt fine \V~ather

threshing operatIons to rU.lnCll, makmg the Situntion more


.... ,C"·~··Supply W-ould Enable Manu' I WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW facturon to Effect Saving

Portage h~ Prnmc - WJllle every t1nng IS gOIng along ns sahslactonll as may be expected 111 regnrd to Ull electric ltght supply so lllr as thl household consumers lire concerned It IS not Ilt 1111 unlIkely that 111 the very lleat' future arr.mgements Will bc completed for a supply of PO\\(~I from Wmnipcg \\hlCh Will mect the reqlllfCments of bUSiness men nnd possibly lead to the oponmg up 0' Portage as a prosperous lllllnufllctur ing centre

On Frtdny, Charles Ohnmberlam all electricnl expert from \Vlnmpcg hlld an mtenlCW WIth certam 01 the clectnc light ,hrectors when the ]>Os slblltty of getting a supply or POWCl dIrect from 'Vmmpcg \\ as discussed

By buymg Wmmpcg power tne cttl authorltHls Will be nble to effect n bl[ snvlng 111 the cost of produehon, fuel for 1I1st mee, bClng a vcr) lllrg" item wlllch would bc rcduced COllBldcrnbl) and they II III purchnsn the JlOW~1 chenper thllll It can be produced II




Price. of Grain, Poultry, L,ve Stock, Dalrv Products, Etc" at Home and Abroad


No 1 Northern No 2 Northern No :3 Northern No 4 Northern No 5 Northern No 6 Nort]lCrn feed

BllrJey­No 3 No 4 Rejected

flax­No 1 N \V

. .. I. -.

LIVERp,OOL MARKETS Man No 1 norlhern epot Mnn No 2 northern spot Mun No 3 norLhern spot


101 98 9Gy' 9l 84 77 77y'

61 GO 65


8" 41 8d ],1 8s 01

WELCOME DR. ROCHE \Choi:ce fed sl.cers Mltl hefs $1 2!i $', 00

New Secretary of State Warmly R.­celved In HI. Home l1)wn

1\Imnedosn ]\[an - Hon W. J Roche Sccretllry o[ Stnte m the new Borden Cllbl11ct waS welcomed home on 'rucsduy, lIlformnlly and Hrcspec bve of parLy He \1 as met at tho C P R stntlon by II Inrge number of prommcnt cltl7,ens u1l the ~~J\ool children II eontlllgellt of boy BCOUts find the CItizens' bund, amI escorted to 1116 reSidence, where ho guve n short nddres. Consldcrnble (lnthusI­IIsm WaS dlsplu~ed Arrangements lire bC1l1g mude for II compllmentnry bllnquet til Dr Roehl! of a pubbe chuructcr wlllch 1\111 plobably take pluce curlY 111 Novcm ber

Platinum Find. at Nelson Nelson, nO-An extcnslve ~tnK\llg

of cllllms 1n tho nnmedlule Nelson dlstnct hns hilton place durmg the Pllst few dnys, wInch IS SUld to cover ne\\ stnlws of plulll1UIlI-bCllfIllg ore. Appnrcntly the pint1l1tlm ZOllO bas brondened, n number of clallns hnv­mg been recorded on both thl) north lind south Sides of the west nrm 111 the ,iCHllty of Five Ctlc P(nnt A large llumber of cluuns hnve nlso been sLuiced 11l 1\ now sLamlllllg ground neur Sloeall JUllctIon

ACCIdental Shootmg Medlclllo Hat -Word "Its reeClved

on Tuesday lllormng of tho nccldentul shoolmg of John Scpamnh 111 the Cx­llleSB lulls, lIe wus puttlllg hIS shot­gUll mto the buck of a buggy butt foremost,,Avhen tho tnggcr c\mght nnd tho <JIschnrge Int hUll full 1ll tho nbdomen He lived elc.ven hOUl~

) , Exonerated In Express Thefts

HUlluitOIl, OuL - Pohce Maglstrnte Jells 011 Monday IlIncd out the ehnrge~ ngnlllst Onarge II Keunough and John W Hughes of complICIty III the mysterious theft of $8 000 from Ihe Onnmhan Express Company olliee here two weeks ngo

Test 1I1K:en by 111 tcrestcd

'~U,,~eI11e' Hnt to Ilscertnm F G Fosler IS legally qUllh­Sit on the councIl of thnt CIty 11 provmcwl lIeeuse inspector d,lstrlct exclUSive of tho city

Do. cows 3 75 4 25 Good ied eowa 3 00 , 75 ChOice calves 5 00 G 50 Good cnlvClS 4 50 r, 00 ChOice !!1mb! 5 50 G 50 Ohoi~ shMp 5 00 5 50 Select ho~s 5 75 B 50


MUlIItoba Creamcry No 1 No 2 'Nil :,

Eggs-l\tlll11tobll Eggs, strIctly freah

Potatoe8-New l'otllloe8, per busbel

Dressel! Poulhry­Dressed C111ckens __ Ducks, per ponnd • •• Geose, per 'Pound Turkeys )ler pound •

Drc.lscd Meats-Hind quarter Dressed Veul Dwswd Hogs Dressed Mutto" Dressl'd Lumb

Hldes­Curcd l~lour-


Ogilvie Royal Household "'[ount Royal Glenora l'utcut PurIty Strong Brukers 111 va Roses Lnl<e of the Woods Harvest (~ueen Hungnrtan Putent

Holled 011 ts-80 lbs 8n.c). 40lbs Sncit \ Corn loed nnd Brn<l­

BlIIn Shorts Chopped Outs Chopped OlltS Ilnd bill ley Fecd Oats, pcr huphel

HllY. lrnck, Will 111 peg Timothy No 1 TImothy No 2 Will! huy


. .

.. 30 2i 1<3 16



19 2() IS 2l>

lOY, 11,Y, 13 11,Y, 1I,Y.

o 9y'

2 O~ 2 8~ 2 G'> 2 no ~ 2(} 2 7r> 2 5~ 2 35-2 75-

2 Ill) 1 05-

22 Ort 2.1 O()O 20 Oil 28 O~


I.J 00-13 O{} 9 OC)


Lumbermen m Lake of Woods Pre­parIng For WInter CampaIgn

hoowntm OnL - Aloclldy lumber ps 1110 bemg sellt out to the \\oods tho different milling COmpll11lCS

1he ](oe\\lItll1 Lumber Compony hmo nlrelldv sent out lhreo enmps, and \\111 hll"e three 1II0re, Ilnu employ nltogethor GOO men In their !tmlls abovo WhItefish lit nlJ bOHY BIlY

1.'he Lhka of the Woods i\hlhn~ Compnny llnvc been sendlllg men out 10 thOlr camp nt Snbllskong l~IIY, IIml Will hnvo GO men 1I1 cump whcn It I" In full

!:'ortOlgo T,umbcr Com puny Crow Portage,

1\ number more-

Page 7: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

Beware of Ointments for Catarrh ~ ,that Contain Mercury, ~

.. mereury wilt Burel, dmtroy'" tho acne., of mell and COIDPIClely def&h/ie Wo whole IIYfltem when ent.erloJl It lbro\llJh 1110 mucous Itltt.eeI. Bucb .,Ucl9'J Jlhould n~"er bo tl.lled o:t:r.f!pt on prl'ACrlpo tlolll <rom repulablft ph".lclanl. All tho dama~e ttq will do 11 ten told to the .000 you CAn poaslbly de-­riva from 'ham.~!. lIaUa Catarrh CUre. ml\nutBct.urcd by F. J CbeuflY Ie Co. TI.lledo, O. contoln. no DIC~ :ury, and 11 taken Int.em&lIy, lelln" dlrectly UPOIl the blood and mucoUi luffaeel ot \he II)'Ilem. 10 lIuylnR 110.111 CAlarrh CUre be lure you 101. tilt «nnUlne. It Is taken Internally a.nd 10. Tol8do. Ohio. by 1" J Cheney a: Co T_Umonlall ~

Sold by DruItCI.t.a Price. 110. per bottie. '.l'&kD ll&ll" Famll, J'llla fOr CClDlUpaUOA.J

The Old Folks find advancIng years brIng an Incre;i~lng tendency to constipation. The corrective they need Is

" .t,~NA-DRU-CO~~ taxatives

I .. ,f,l i, I 11 1 .. f I ~ "I

Entirely different from common laxatives. Pleasant to talCe. mild ani! painless.. Ii. tablet (or less») at bed-tlme\regUlates t~e ,!io~e!s per'fectl~ .. )ncre~lnc doses never needed. Compounded, like all the 125 NA-DRU·CO pre­parlltlons, by. expert chemists. r.foney'back If. not :;at!slllctory _, ~. ,

~ 260, a box. If your druggist has not yet ,t'oeked them,~' I

, send 250. and we will mati them. • '. 1, NATIONAL DRUG 6. CHEMICAL COMPIANV • OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 22 } f ! I ,

~~~;~rl~~~1~.~~A~~:~J.~~~~(~i;g()r~redl' B. Patient

opernl~iom ir.~~·~·~~~~'~~~~~j~~i?~~~f~~ Thoy, ale BUah denr famihar feeL that

A very smnll boy, who wns oviden~ 1y u newspnper :vendor by profossion. sat on a step in tho Ward, Hc was ~v SOIled in I\1S nppcnrnnce thnt even he was bound to recognizo tho' fIlct. ~'he 'anvnsscr and his friend hall tho ttention atlracted by hIS be­grim., countenance. his small framll nnd 1118 knowlllg fncc.

I go . Along the pnth WIth ours-feet fast

~[~t1';~~~i~~i:!~].~· or slow, But trying to keep pace; if they mis· take

, \

of Prineo AI. must thank

1 11 n ve receIved .. ~I'm:·JlllK. f'""''' Bummer 1 Buf·

I started to loumu .:1t gave mo

and us· I am plensed

OI1(lO.t(1C1. complete

Or trend upon some flower thnt wo would tnke

Upon our breast, or bruise somo reed, Or crush, perhaps, until it bleed. We must be mute, Not turning quickly to imput" Grave fnult: for they nnd w" Have such n. littlo WBl' to go. cnn be Together such n htUe whllo upon the

WBY-, ' We must be pntlont whilo wo may,

Bo mnny little fnults wa lind, Wo sec them, for not blind Is love. We sec them, but if you

and 1 Perhaps remember them somo by and

by, They will not b;) , Faults thcn, gravo faults, to you and

me. But just qdd ways, mistakes, or oven

less-Remembrances to bless.

change so mnny things, yell

We sec so diCIercnt1y in Bun and showers;

Mistaken words tonight May be so cherished by tomor.

row's night;.;;;. We wJ1! be pntlOnt. for wo Imow Thera's Buch, a little ,way to go. >

-George Klingla,

"How old do you think ho is?" snld one I

"1 c1on't supposc that ho is mom thnn mne yenra," replied the 'other.

"Huh I" ejaculated the youngster. "do you think 1 lIot as dirty as this in nine YCllrs?"-From the Canndial1. Courier.

Clear Brains ,

and good spirits ,'lome· natumUy, when the 5tomach is up to its work, the Ii vcr and bowels ncti VIt

and the blood pUTC. Better con­ditions a)waY8 follow the use or



- 1 ,

I i ,

Page 8: THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ISSUER OF MAIlRIAGE Ll01ll~tlEB · walrus whlte whnle nnd soal At encll of ihe Mornvlan 1IlISSl

• Friday Minimum Mall:lnmm

Saturday Sunda'y Monda}' Tnesday 'Vednesday Thllrsday

Rain .23 III.

30 above 38 ahove 2+' ,. 44 " 32 " 39 II

~2 II 4-2 U

26 " 36 •• 19 II 29 .. I r .: 36 "-" , Snow .37 in.


THAT is the name, and below is the trademark, you are to look for next

time you buy underwear.

Your size in ony g!lrmcnt with that trademark will fit 'perfectly. will outwcor ordiriary underwear, will not shrink. Yet you pay nothing extro ' for this extra value; and you get our Guarantee of "money back if you cun fairly claim it"

Made at Puris in Cauado. by PENMANS Limited.

A Christmas Present Worth While! •

. FOR $1.00

end The Times to a Friend for a Year --- ------

.New Jewel Gang

Euilt entirely of steel and.lllallenbl~ itOIl, it has great STRENITH. Removable, dust proof bearings, ~leay'y sbares and triple plate mott tel boards give It great LASTING QUALITIES. Direct draft and the nUllluer of currying Lbe side pressure 011 the furr~)\\' wheels make LIGHT DRAFT. The peerless foot 11ft, nutomatic steering connection €I Jl d adjustment of furrow wheellllake EASY HANDLING. 'fhe set of shares and'shape of the l11ouldbonrds insure per­fect work and make the COCKSHUTT NEW JEWEL the LEADER IN 'ITS CLASS. Call and look it over.



The ,