Page 1: Task 1 work sheet 2 rachael wright (done)

Shauna Leacy

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Rachael Wright (Music Photographer)

A.The 1975 - Washington DC & Philadelphia - October 2013

Page 2: Task 1 work sheet 2 rachael wright (done)

Shauna Leacy

B.The 1975 - Washington DC & Philadelphia - October 2013

C.The 1975 - Washington DC & Philadelphia - October 2013

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Shauna Leacy

D.The 1975 - Washington DC & Philadelphia - October 2013

E.The 1975 - Washington DC & Philadelphia - October 2013

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Shauna Leacy

F.The 1975 - Washington DC & Philadelphia - October 2013

Theme or focus of images A. This photo was taken in Washington at The 1975 concert in October 2013, This is taken so you can see the audience’s reaction during the concert you can see all the audio equipment and lighting as well as the lead singer you can see from this photo kind of a behind the scenes look from what the singer sees and how the stage is set up all the things people don’t pay attention to during a concert

B. This photo was taken in Washington at The 1975 concert in October 2013, The angle this photos been taken at lets you see the whole room and from the audiences perspective you can see the wholes stage set up like the lights the instruments the speakers and the smoke machine effects also the audience and all of the band members

C. This photo was taken in Washington at The 1975 concert in October 2013, The photographer is just focusing on the lead singer in this one you can see his face properly but you can also see some of the audiences faces properly and get to see their reactions. You can see some of the lighting in the background and some of the equipment on stage.

D. This photo was taken in Washington at The 1975 concert in October 2013, This is focused on just the drummer of the band and most of the stage you can see all the drumming equipment and microphone set up and some of the smoke in the air from the smoke machines also some of the backstage crew and the another member who is out of focus.

E. This is a shot from the back of the stage it fits in three of the members one out of focus and the other to in focus as well as the audience in front you can see them playing the instruments and all the wires and everything connected up and the set lists on the floor you can pretty much see most of the stages set up with the speakers and pedals for the guitars. The lighting In the photo you can see clearly

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Shauna Leacy

because of the dark room.

F. The photo was taken in Washington at The 1975 concert in October 2013, it was taken mid-way through the concert, in the photo there is the lead singer Matt Healy and the drummer George Daniel, Matt Healy is stood on the drums taking a photo, is it also has some of the audience in the back. The photographer took the photo from the stage so it could be in a good angle to get most of the room in and also slightly so you get to see what the band gets to see when they perform.

CompositionA. This photo has been taken from a side angle it captured the lead singer of the band and all the audience/fans this photo has been taken at a certain way so you can see all the audiences reaction at that very moment it’s taken at a time where the lead singer is interacting with the crowd it also shows some of the audience singing along. The photographer has chosen to only include the lead singer and his instrument and its equipment even though the rest of the band is on the stage its framing part of the stage.

B. This photo has been taken from a high up angle and the photographer has taken it so the lead singer is centre of the photo she has framed It so all the stage and the crowd all fit into one it hasn’t been zoomed in or out but stood far away from the stage to capture what the room was like at that moment.

C. The photographer has chosen to only include the lead singer again and the crowd she also has focused on him and most of the front row the rest of the audience is out of focus so you only look at what she intended to take a picture of also the surroundings above the crowd is all dark and so is some of the audience all the lighting and focus is on the lead singer.

D. She has chosen to focus on the drummer of the band and only include him and his drums she isn’t including the crowd and the rest of the band in this one, she’s set near the back of the stage where the drum kit is set up all the surroundings are blurred out, you can see that it was taken mid song because of his drum sticks are blurred because of the movement when he’s playing the drums also the expression on his face is him mid singing.

E. This photo was taken slightly back left of the stage so it includes three of the members and the audience she has tried to include as much as she can of the room as she can but also including members of the band she has focused more on the further away members and has blurred slightly the one stood closest it’s so you look at the surroundings instead of the person stood closest it gives a chance for more things to be seen in the room.

F. the one was taken from the back of the stage this includes the drummer and the lead singer also the crowd but the photographer has focused more on the lead singer as he’s the one who is the most clear everything around him isn’t has focused

Techniques used

A. the shutte speed is quiet fast because being indoors and in a poorly lit room the photographer needs as much light as she can get. The depth of field is all of the photo is in focus there isn’t any less focused parts, the rule of thirds is that the main focus in the picture is the audience when it should be the singer.

B. the shutter speed average because it isn’t to dark or to light it matches the

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Shauna Leacy

brightness of the room and captures the big triangle light in the middle, the depth of field is nothing is close to the camera its all far and it fits everything in the picture nothing is out of focus just far away, the rule of thirds is the band is centred in the photo perfectly which is a good thing because you would want to se pictures of the band.

C. the shutter speed is average because it isn’t to light or to dark the depth of field is in the background is the audience who are out of focus because there isn’t any light on them but the foreground has the singer in it who is perfectly in focus and is clear. The rule of thirds is the singer is directly in the middle of the photo making him the main focus in the photo.

D. the shutter speed is average isn’t to dark or to light the depth of field is one of the members is in the background but is out of focus and the other member is closer the camera and is in focus the rule of thirds is that the drum kit is centre and the singer is more to the right.

E. the shutter speed is average because its not to dark and its not to light the depth of field is in the background you have the audience and the two members performing whilst one of the members is closer in the foreground but is out of focus. Rule of thirds the main lead singer is right in the middle of the photo.

F. the shutter speed is average its not to light or to dark the, the depth of field is in the foreground is one of the members playing the drums but he isn’t fully in focus and in the background is the ground who aren’t fully in focus either making the lead singer right in the middle clear and in focus making him the main thing to look at. The rule of thirds the main singer is right in the centre whilst.

Strengths & WeaknessesA. The Strengths is how much she has captured in the picture its shows the lead singer interacting with the crowd which would mean a lot to the people who can be seen in this photo because they would want something to look back on to remember the concert and I think that this photo has just been taken at a really good moment.The weakness is that you can’t see any of the other members of the band she is only focusing on the one.

B. The strengths in this photo is that is been taken from far away so you get to see more of the room and its taken at an angle so that you can see what the audience would of seen when they were there, its taken so that you can see the whole of the stage and the set up of it and because it been taken during mid performance its natural and not set up or people placed somewhere to make the photo look good its looks good without that. Also you can see all the smoke which gives it a cool feel and the way the bands logo looks in the background would make the fans of the band know instantly who they where.The weakness is that you can’t really see anyone’s face on stage for people who had never heard of the band wouldn’t know who it was.

C. The strengths in this photo are that the lead singer is centred and all the upper surroundings are darkened and the lighting is on him.The weaknesses in this photo are that he is just stood still it isn’t an action shot its quiet standard.

D. The strengths with this photo is that the lighting is just on him the rest of the background is dark so you only focus on the main subject in the picture The weakness is the people caught in the background because if they weren’t there is would make the picture look better and just have him has the main focus.

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Shauna Leacy

E. The strengths is that there is more of the members in this picture as well as the crowd it showing a lot of the equipment as well which fits the scene well its makes it more obvious that its at a concert also that it takes a lot to set up a stage its showing that its not as easy and straight forward as it looks when you go see someone it shows that a lot of work goes into creating.The weakness is that the she didn’t focus on everything in the picture because everything far away in the photo is clear but the things close up are blurred if she focused the camera to make everything clear it would of looked better so you can see everything in the photo clearer.

F. The strengths of this photo is the lighting it falls on the person in the middle it also lights up the smoke in the room which gives it a nice effect because it’s from a concert the smoke sits on top of the crowd it looks good, also can see his face clearly he is just still but also different because he’s stood on the drum kit whilst the drummer plays them so its action shot with the drummer The weaknesses is that the middle of the photo seems more focused and clear compared the surroundings so if the drummer was in focus it would make a good picture if more of it came out clear