
Research & Innovation Profile

This document is protected by copyrights (Copyright ©Ubiwhere Lda. 2013). All rights reserved. No part of this document

can be altered, reproduced, provided or distributed, both totally or partially, without previous written authorization from

its authors. Ubiwhere Lda., allows the use of the information contained in this document as work tools internal to the

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the alteration and the free or onerous distribution, both total and partially, of this document’s contents.

Table of Contents Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... 2!

1! Company Overview ................................................................................................................ 4!

2! Research Topics ...................................................................................................................... 6!

3! Our Projects / Research Topic ............................................................................................ 8!

3.1! Smart Cities and Communities .................................................................................. 9!

3.1.1! Smart Parking and Logistics ............................................................................... 9!

3.1.2! Smart Bikesharing .................................................................................................. 9!

3.1.3! Smart Water Management ................................................................................ 10!

3.1.4! Smart Metering ..................................................................................................... 10!

3.2! Connected Smart Objects and People .................................................................. 12!3.2.1! IoT and M2M .......................................................................................................... 12!

3.2.2! Sensors Networks ................................................................................................. 12!

3.2.3! Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems ..................................... 13!

3.2.4! Internet of People and Internet of Everything .......................................... 13!

3.3! Future Internet and Next-Generation Networks ............................................... 14!

3.3.1! QoS and QoE Monitoring ................................................................................... 14!

3.3.2! Opportunistic Networks ..................................................................................... 15!

3.3.3! Indoor and Outdoor Positioning Systems ................................................... 15!

3.3.4! Networking Convergence .................................................................................. 16!

3.3.5! Future Internet Services .................................................................................... 17!

3.4! Content Technologies and Connected Media .................................................... 17!

3.4.1! Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing ................................................................ 17!

3.4.2! Context-aware, Semantics ................................................................................ 19!

This document is protected by copyrights (Copyright ©Ubiwhere Lda. 2013). All rights reserved. No part of this document

can be altered, reproduced, provided or distributed, both totally or partially, without previous written authorization from

its authors. Ubiwhere Lda., allows the use of the information contained in this document as work tools internal to the

company, therefore allowing its consult. To the users it is expressly forbidden the printing, the copy, the reproduction,

the alteration and the free or onerous distribution, both total and partially, of this document’s contents.

3.4.3! Real-Time Collaboration ................................................................................... 20!

3.4.4! Advanced User Interfaces, Gestures-based Recognition, Natural User

interfaces ............................................................................................................................... 20!

3.5! Data Analytics, Open Data and Interoperability ................................................ 21!

3.5.1! Data Mining and Business Intelligence ........................................................ 21!

3.5.2! Open Data, Open Access and Linked Data .................................................. 21!

3.5.3! Information Management and Interoperability ........................................ 22!

3.5.4! Decision Support Systems and Predictive analytics ................................ 22!


1 Company Overview


Research & Innovation and user-centered solutions have been the hallmark of

our growth, reflecting our culture of technology and shared ideas. Since 2007,

we have fostered a culture of innovation and creativity by delivering the

solutions that our clients need to succeed.

We aim to research and develop bleeding edge technologies, design state-of-

the-art solutions and create valuable intellectual property (by means of rich

intangible assets) internally and to our clients – in order to achieve our vision of

being an international reference in Smart Cities and Future Internet.

As an R&D company, our human resources’ skills are one of our key

differentiating factors from the competition. Our dedicated and fast-paced team

is one of the cornerstones of the company's success and is ready to tackle some

of technology’s and business’s greatest challenges. With hard and soft skills, our

team is multi-faceted, dynamic, passionate and highly qualified, with more than

80% having a Master degree or higher.

Our strategy has a deep focus on improving our internal processes in order to

increase cost efficiency and provide quality products and services to meet and

surpass clients’ expectations. To that end, we have kept a continuous bet on the

market’s best practices for Quality Assurance and have been awarded with

quality certifications such as the ISO9001, NP4457 and CMMI-DEV.

We research and develop technologies across several markets, namely:

• Telecom and Future Internet;

• Bioeconomy (Food, Agriculture and Fisheries);

• Sustainable and Efficient Resource Management (Energy, Environment

and Natural Resources);

• Transportation, Travel and Tourism;

• Knowledge, Collaboration and Education.


2 Research Topics


Smart Cities and Communities

Smart Parking and Logistics

Smart Bikesharing

Smart Water Management

Smart Metering

Connected Smart Objects and People

IoT and M2M

Sensor Networks

Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems

Internet of People and Internet of Everything

Future Internet and Next-Generation Networks

QoS and QoE Monitoring

Opportunistic Networks

Indoor and Outdoor Positioning Systems

Networking Convergence

Future Internet Services

Content Technologies and Connected Media

Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

Context-aware, Semantics

Real Time Collaboration

Advanced User Interfaces, Gestures-based Recognition, Natural User interfaces

Data Analytics, Open Data and Interoperability

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Open Data, Open Access and Linked Data

Information Management and Interoperability

Decision Support Systems and Predictive analytics


3 Our Projects / Research Topics


3.1 Smart Cities and Communities

3.1.1 Smart Parking and Logistics SemCloud PT

The SemCloud project aims to build an infrastructure for a Next-Generation

Service environment, based on three pillars: Semantic Intelligence, Semantic

Context Management and Cloud-shaped SAAS/RAAS virtualization for service

and application composition.

Cloud dynamicity and user-friendliness, along with easy operation of context-

aware services are benefits that cannot be ignored (both from the end-user and

the operator’s point of view) and are already being delivered.

The aim of the SemCloud project is to aggregate both trends into existing

service delivery technology at a very intimate level, so service platforms could

actually become context-aware service clouds.

Explore other Smart Parking and Logistics projects: uParking

3.1.2 Smart Bikesharing bikeemotion

bikeemotion is a smart bike sharing system that learns from use, adapts to users’

needs and adjusts to the city. It belongs to the 4th generation of “demand

responsive multimodal systems” and displays highly efficient, flexible, clean

stations alongside a better redistribution system.

It is a completely new bike sharing product and online management system,

based on a device with GPS recognition attached to a bicycle, shunning the need

for docking stations. The device can be unlocked by a smart card or a

smartphone, allowing the user to lock and unlock a bicycle in pre-identified

places. With bikeemotion’s mobile app the user has access to information about

the nearest available bikes and also about the shortest path to get to where he

wants to go.

The system decreases investment costs, overcomes the immovability of fixed

stations in large public spaces and solves redistribution problems while

reducing a city’s carbon footprint.


bikeemotion is a consortium project led by Ubiwhere, responsible for the

concept’s design, project coordination and the development of the mobile


3.1.3 Smart Water Management FP7 SAID

The need for providing high quality water to citizens and to reduce damages

caused by floods and droughts has motivated our company to embrace a new

challenging project focused on developing a software-based decision support

system (DSS). The objective of the SAID project is to involve end-users and SMEs

in improving the production and deployment of smarter water management

systems throughout Europe.

The project is focused on the deployment and evaluation of a complex

demonstrator, in the south of Spain, which represents many similar basins in

Europe. It is based on cutting-edge DSS technologies in four areas:

• Flood control (including the optimization of dam management);

• Water quality;

• Energy production;

• Energy consumption.

3.1.4 Smart Metering FP7 SportE2 (

SportE2 aims to manage and optimize the three dimensions of energy

flows (generation, grid exchange and consumption) in Sports and Recreation

Buildings by developing a new scalable and modular building management

system based on:

• Smart metering;

• Integrated control;

• Optimal decision-making;

• Multi facility management.

This tool enables a new relationship and business model structure between

facility managers and power providers. The SportE2 modules are applicable to

both new and existing structures and answer the fundamental questions of how,


where, when and why energy is generated, consumed and exchanged (locally or

within the context of the smart grid/neighbourhood). uMeter DTT

The switchover from analogue to digital terrestrial television (DTT) was a

disruptive process and had a strong social impact on the Portuguese population.

This process required a particularly close and permanent monitoring of the

quality of DTT broadcast signals. With that in mind, ANACOM (Portuguese

Communications Regulator) embraced the commitment to implement an

effective mechanism for real measurement of DTT coverage integrity, which

requires advanced technical infrastructure.

The DTT Probes Consortium, by Ubiwhere and Wavecom, developed a probe

prototype for DVB-T signal monitoring, as well as the database and central

server prototypes. This is an innovative project, which intends to develop a

modular solution that will become capable of monitoring other frequency

ranges and whose user interface can be updated according to the customer´s

needs. uMonitor

uMonitor is an IT infrastructure management system. It allows the real-time

monitoring of a school’s IT equipment (namely, laptops/desktops, servers, video

projectors and printers). uMonitor automatically collects different kinds of

parameters, e.g.:

• Physical and virtual characteristics;

• List of users logged into a computer;

• Classroom projector usage statistics;

• Maintenance warnings.

Its customization makes it compliant and fully interoperable with legacy


Explore other Smart Metering projects: FP7 ENERSIP

CIP-PSP SaveEnergy uMeter QoS


3.2 Connected Smart Objects and People

3.2.1 IoT and M2M uParking

The Smart Parking solution brings together all aspects of parking management

technology into one integrated system — from sensor-based vehicle detection to

base stations and car tags, it really is a suite of real-time parking management

applications, key performance indicators and insights for better parking policy

and management. Explore other IoT and M2M projects:


3.2.2 Sensors Networks FP7 ENERsip (

ENERsip aims to optimize energy demand, by coordinating consumption and


An innovative monitoring and control system for energy efficiency in buildings.

Based on a service-oriented architecture, ENERsip’s decision support system

matches energy generation and consumption in near real-time in residential,

commercial buildings and neighbourhoods in order to:

• Monitor usage patterns in households;

• Control energy generation in green buildings;

• Provide advice to users on how to optimize usage;

• Integrate demand and generation at a neighbourhood level;

• Provide information on integration mechanisms with other energy grids. uMeter QoS

uMeter QoS is a Quality of Service (QoS) Measurement System for Internet

Access, targeted at telecom regulators and ISPs.

Among other key features, uMeter provides:

• A self-care and administration web platform;

• Differentiated access profiles;

• A proprietary engine for unique identification of Internet access;


• Assessment of the following network indicators:

o Latency;

o Jitter (packet delay variation);

o Packet loss;

o Download/upload bandwidth;

o Throughput;

o Network neutrality;

o Web page/Application/Network access time. Explore other Sensors Networks projects:

FP7 SportE2 CIP-PSP SaveEnergy

uMeter DTT uMonitor

3.2.3 Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems

Explore Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems projects: uParking


3.2.4 Internet of People and Internet of Everything Playnify

Playnify is an innovative web 2.0 social network for amateur sports players. It

enables users to search and schedule sports events, find sports partners and

sports venues anywhere in the world.

In order to enrich the user experience and make the main features available

wherever the user is, we have developed the platform for web and mobile

devices (iOS and Android). The user interface is clean and straightforward and

the design is focused on the usability and accessibility. Birdaholic

Birdaholic is a mobile bird field guide, adapted to the birdwatchers and

ornithologists’ needs. The mobile app can be used to register bird sightings and

access a great amount of information about bird species, their behaviour and

habitats. Birdaholic allows users to challenge each other, turning their well-

known field locations into absolute game-zones.

This solution encompasses a Web 2.0 portal, as well as mobile applications for

iOS and Android.

14 EDP Eco-challenge

This project provides a power consumption monitoring system, with the aim of

developing activities that sensitize the teaching community for the importance

of the power efficiency, from a sustainable development perspective.

Ubiwhere, as a partner of ISA, embraced this project promoted by the main

national electricity supplier, EDP.

Ubiwhere has developed the web portal that allows schools and judges

registered on platform to interact with other users, monitor energy consumption,

access news, useful links and information as well as event dates and

locations. System Administrators using the back office, are able to define

questions for each challenge and its due dates, manage news, meeting places,

dates, useful links and set results for each challenge.

3.3 Future Internet and Next-Generation Networks

3.3.1 QoS and QoE Monitoring ANACOM Net.mede Pro

ANACOM, the Portuguese communications regulator, felt the need to monitor

and validate the Quality of Service provided by Internet operators under

ANACOM’s jurisdiction.

Ubiwhere developed a Quality of Service (QoS) Measurement System to measure

the quality of Internet access provided by ISPs in a region or country. The

platform offers a set of tools (intelligent end-user applications) that monitors

the quality of the service by retrieving several metrics related to QoS concepts

(download/upload speeds, latency and Web page access, among others) and,

subsequently, reports the measurement results to a centralized system. This

system can act as a self-care platform for customers, as well as a decision

support tool for regulators and ISPs, who can see detailed statistics and reports,

manage their customers accounts and associated internet connections, and


Explore other QoS and QoE Monitoring projects: uMeter QoS


3.3.2 Opportunistic Networks Smart bikeemotion

Smart bikeemotion has emerged as a natural heir of the original bikeemotion

project, with the goal of developing the 5th generation of bike sharing systems

in mind.

The project is aligned with the evolution of the Smart Cities concept and aims to

explore the opportunities created by vehicular and opportunistic networks,

embedded sensing technologies, metering and big data retrieval and

transformation and system management. The ultimate goal is to create a smart

bike sharing system that is truly immersed in its city, taking advantage of the

infrastructures it provides to create completely new services for its citizens and

to actually become the mobility solution of choice in cities worldwide.

By being able to target a much wider range of users (with the inclusion of

electric bike sharing), the project will also have increased responsibilities

regarding citizen safety, health and well-being. WMAN_NG

This metropolitan, universally accessible communication infrastructure holds

very low energy consumption requirements and low bitrate. The WMANG_NG

infrastructure enables the implementation of M2M services, which typically

demand high network coverage with low energy demands.

The project attempts to deploy the whole necessary infrastructure for smart city

services and applications. From low-energy sensing nodes and intelligent

gateways that leverage existing means and upcoming infrastructures (such as

vehicular and other opportunistic networks) to a middleware that is able to

collect, aggregate and provide interoperable data for multiple vertical

applications, the project will enable the next generation of smart cities, with

universal communication coverage and low-energy endpoints.

3.3.3 Indoor and Outdoor Positioning Systems Indoor Location System with Ultrasounds

This indoor location system uses ultrasound emitters to detect the presence of a

person within a radius of 1 meter.


This is a Real-Time Locating System (RTLS), providing accurate indoor location

information for third party developers.

It has been used by mobile museum guides to automatically identify artworks

(sculptures and paintings).

3.3.4 Networking Convergence IP Multimedia Subsystem

Our expertise in IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS), in standardization (3GPP,

3GPP2, TISPAN) and in the protocols inherent to the architecture (SIP + SDP,

DIAMETER, RTP, H.248) resulted in the development of the following projects:

• a Call Session Control Function (CSCF): the session control infrastructure

in Portugal Telecom´s Multimedia Subsystem (IMS);

• a DNS/ENUM server: a platform that allows the implementation of

DNS/ENUM server functionalities in the Portugal Telecom architecture

and was designed to be extendable, adaptable, robust and scalable;

• a Home Subscriber Server (HSS), compliant with 3GPP. This master user

database contains all necessary subscription-related information to

support the network entities handling calls/sessions from different

domains and subsystems;

• a Location Retrieval Function (LRF), compliant with 3GPP. The LRF

installed in the IMS network of Portugal Telecom interworks with

Ericsson´s E-CSCF;

• a Resource and Admission Control Subsystem (RACS), compliant with

3GPP. The QoS control system responsible for the new network flow

admission control and resources management. QoS Probing System for Telco Operator

This project consists in the development of protocol probes, capable of

extracting metrics and alarms associated with the analysis of voice and

multimedia network traffic. The analysis results are associated and aggregated

in CDRs and then retrieved and analysed by a data mining platform. By the

correlation of several output parameters, it is possible to track a specific


voice/multimedia call through the several analysed protocols. These protocols


• SIP; • RTP/RTCP; • Megaco; • MGCP; • Radius; • Diameter.

Explore other Networking Convergence projects: IP-Centrex Platform

3.3.5 Future Internet Services coollab

A real-time collaborative framework that provides an application programming

interface (API) allowing in-house and 3rd party products/services development.

Real-time collaboration can be integrated with numerous vertical markets. This

web-based framework (SaaS) offers cross-platform compatibility (Web, Desktop,

Tablet, Smartphone and Smart TV).

3.4 Content Technologies and Connected Media

3.4.1 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Accommodation of the Future

The project is being developed for AHRESP (Portuguese Association for Hotels

and Restaurants) in cooperation with idtour (a company that aims to promote

research and development of innovative solutions applied to different

organizations operating in the tourism area). The project involves the

development of 20+ services, applications and tools. It encompasses the

modernization of the diversity of communication tools and initiatives as well as

the development of smartphone applications, virtual tourist card, and web

platforms for tourism products promotion, among other innovative solutions. Circuits for Industrial Heritage

We embraced the challenge set out by the S. João da Madeira municipality to

promote the region´s industrial highlights and have developed the

mobile indoor and outdoor guides with:


• Offline and online maps;

• Custom mapping imagery;

• Fine-grained location;

• Custom-built multimedia data (images, videos, audio, among others);

• Routes and Points-of-Interest (POI);

• Distance-measuring;

• Geocaching support;

• QR Code Recognition. Geological Tourism of Macedo de Cavaleiros Geopark (UNESCO)

The Interpretation Centre of the Macedo de Cavaleiros’ Geopark idealized a set

of innovative promotion tools for its touristic heritage. With this aim in view, we

developed a range of technological solutions, such as:

• Custom-built Kinect applications for interactive surfaces in indoor


• An outdoor mobile guide with interactive routes; offline/online maps;

custom-built multimedia data; POI; distance-measuring; geocaching

support; QR Code Recognition;

• Custom-built website and brochures;

• A guide map with geological routes. Smart Tourism

This innovative project integrates five solutions:

• Gastronomic and wine tourism mobile guide;

• Sun, sand and sea tourism mobile guide;

• Nature tourism mobile guide;

• Recommendation system based on the analysis of contents inserted by

the user;

• User achievements system;

• Holiday album to organize and save, physically and virtually, the most

memorable moments. Vista Alegre Mobile Guide

We have developed a multilingual Android mobile application, with offline maps

(OpenStreetMaps) and multimedia contents on the subject of Vista Alegre –


Porcelain Museum and Factory. The mobile application integrates users’ profile,

tracking statistic management and automated content reproduction. High Heel Passenger Android App (UNESCO)

High Hell Passenger is an interactive exhibition that uses the installation as a

platform, encouraging young people to take an interest in arts and social

problems in their language. Based on the original layout from the labyrinth.

Ubiwhere developed an Android game, created to reinforce the message of the


Explore other Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing projects: Pervasive Tourism

3.4.2 Context-aware, Semantics Pervasive Tourism

Pervasive Tourism platform is an open infrastructure for innovative and creative

applications related to tourism, that uses shared data and software components.

The platform currently supports four distinct and customizable solutions:

• Outdoor mobile guide with online/offline mode, Points of Interest

information, navigation and maps selection, regional and urban paths,

multimedia contents, cultural agenda, alerts and search tool;

• Indoor mobile guide with online/offline mode, navigation and maps

selection, automatic object recognition, multimedia contents, Points of

Interest recommendation and search tool;

• Interactive surface with automatic gesture recognition that integrates

tailored interactive contents, business presentations, image gallery,

interactive timeline and games;

• Virtual or physical card for visitors that allows the creation of prepaid

visiting packages. The application integrates user automatic recognition,

discounts and alerts, package tours, bookings and payments, integrated

guides for mobile devices, one-to-one marketing, statistics and reports,

visitor’s profile creation.

Explore other Context-aware, Semantics projects: SemCloud PT



3.4.3 Real-Time Collaboration ubistudio

ubistudio is an educational whiteboard software with real-time collaboration. It

allows multi user collaboration on an online whiteboard, while communicating

via video chat. The software is compatible with all interactive whiteboards


Other main features are:

• Drawing tools;

• Handwriting text recognition;

• Office integration;

• Embedded browser;

• Desktop view;

• Embedded media player (avi, flash, wmv, etc );

• Lessons recorder. coolled

Applying the coollab technology to the education industry, we’ve developed

coolled - an educational web solution that allows users around the world to

share and collaborate, in real-time, through an online whiteboard. It also

integrates a video-conference system making the collaboration even more

interactive. coolled is designed to work in desktop computers through a browser.

The solution is available for smartphones, tablets and smart TVs. Explore other Real-time Collaboration projects:


3.4.4 Advanced User Interfaces, Gestures-based Recognition, Natural

User interfaces Pervasive Tourism - Play

Interactive surface with automatic gesture recognition that integrates tailored

interactive contents, business presentations, image gallery, interactive timeline

and games.

21 netboard Software

netboard Software is the interactive whiteboard application of Nautilus – a

school furniture manufacturer. netboard allows to interact with the desktop by

adding notes and using all its applications. The software integrates such

features as:

• Drawing tools (pen, geometric shapes, arrows, lines and highlighter);

• Embedded browser;

• Math tools (ruler, compasses, set square and protractor);

• Lesson recorder, with all the interactions, for further use. Explore other Gestures-based Recognition projects:


3.5 Data Analytics, Open Data and Interoperability

3.5.1 Data Mining and Business Intelligence CIP-PSP SaveEnergy (!

SaveEnergy aims to address the challenge of behaviour transformation through

the use of ICT (serious game and real-time information) as an enabler of energy

efficiency in five Public building in five European cities – Helsinki, Leiden,

Lisbon, Luleå and Manchester.

Explore other Data Analytics, Open Data and Interoperability projects: FP7 SportE2 FP7 ENERsip

3.5.2 Open Data, Open Access and Linked Data TICE.Mobilidade

The TICE.Mobilidade project aims to provide mobility products and services

through the Internet and thereby converging to the availability of such solutions

on the market.

The consortia are composed by SMEs, R&D institutions and end-users, and are

developing an IT platform for mobility services, called “One Stop Transport”.

Within this scope, we developed bikeemotion – a 4th generation bikesharing

system – and SEMA – a service that provides a semantics interoperability layer


for 3rd party mobility and transport services. The main objective of SEMA was

the development of an ASA (Artificial Selective Attention) module, the Semantic

Enrichment and Semantic Interoperability of data from transport systems and


3.5.3 Information Management and Interoperability IP-Centrex Web Platform

IP-Centrex Corporate Solution was developed for the major telecom operator in

Portugal integrating the following features:

• Supported on an SDP type platform (Service Delivery Platform) for the

convergent control of all functionalities of business convergent service;

• Standardization of southbound integrated with different network and

control types, namely PLMN, PSTN and IMS;

• Pre-integration of uniform northbound via Diameter Ro interface with the

NGIN rating and charging convergent system;

• Unified release of service activity records, SDR – Service Detail Records;

• Provision of charging records, CDR – Charging Detail Records;

• Provision of standard interface to ROM function;

• Full independence from billing and invoicing systems. Explore other Information Management and Interoperability projects:

IP Multimedia Subsystem

3.5.4 Decision Support Systems and Predictive analytics uSave

uSave is the Energy Efficiency simulator that we have developed to enable the

energy data management and energy efficiency promotion. The main features


• Web-based (SaaS) monitoring solution;

• Energy efficiency good practices (information about quantified


• Indicators matrix to be used on energy efficiency management;

• Self-diagnoses tools;

• Classification and suggestion of potential Improvement Action Plan;


• Reference to the national legislation of recommended and/or mandatory

requirement. uTracker

uTracker is the fleet management solution that we have developed to enable

the real-time control of vehicles location. The geo-referencing of each vehicle is

based on data sent through mobile devices. The main features are:

• Web-based monitoring solution (SaaS);

• Mobile support for multiple platforms;

• Mobile Navigation;

• Individual or general fleet management;

• Creation of work instructions for employees;

• Customized Reports (e.g. consumption by vehicle);

• Automatic Notifications.
