
534 Broadway • Carle Place, NY 11514-1712

Tel 516.334.6288 • Fax 516.997.4622 • [email protected]

Pastor Rev. Thomas V. Arnao, J .C.D.

Deacons Thomas B. Rich,

Raymond J. Tirelli, Patrick J. Dunphy

Sunday Priests

Rev. Edward Dowling, SJ


Rei Cornelius, Parish Office Manager

Mr. Raymond Henderson, Liturgical Music Director

Mrs. Anne Lonegan, Coordinator of Religious



Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

Holy Days as announced

Weekday Mass Schedule-Mon to Fri 9:00 Mass


Saturday at 4:00 pm or by appointment


Celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm.

Please register in advance. There is a Baptismal

Preparation Class on the last Sunday of alternating

months after the 10:00 am Mass. Parents must attend

the class prior to the child’s baptism. Godparents are


Godparent Pre-Requisites - Godparents must be

practicing Catholics in good standing, 16 years of

age or older, Baptized and Confirmed Catholic.


The Church provides certain times and preparation

for weddings. Please contact the Church Office at

least nine months in advance to begin the process.


Please notify the Church Office when someone is

seriously ill so that we can provide spiritual care.


Parish Office 334.6288

Mon to Fri 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Sat 9 am to 2 pm

Sunday closed

Religious Education Office 334.4781

Email [email protected]

See for more information

St. Brigid / Our Lady of Hope Regional School


101 Maple Ave, Westbury, NY 11590

Mr. Paul Clagnaz, Principal

St. Vincent de Paul Society 334.6288 x 18


Every family and person within the parish is

encouraged to register with the Church Office.


Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith

are invited to contact the Church Office at 334.6288.


Novena Tues after 9:00 am Mass

Rosary after each weekday Mass

Holy Hour Thurs 1:00 pm

Our Lady of Hope Church


We, the parish family of Our Lady of Hope, commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus Christ, to proclaim His Gospel, and to love one

another as He loves us. We are a welcoming community of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered on God’s Word and the Eucharist.

Through the Sacraments, prayer, and the stewardship of our God-given gifts, we provide opportunities to grow closer to God and to serve

members of the community.

18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


Our Lady of Hope This Week


Repent and believe in the Gospel. These sound like simple words from our short Gospel today. But it is fitting that Jesus begins His earthly ministry with this powerful message after the Spirit de-scended upon Him at His baptism. He asks us to believe in the Gospel and embrace its message of humble service and discipleship.

2017 FAITH Catholic-Publishing and Communications


In the reading from Genesis, God establishes a covenant with Noah, declaring the rainbow as the reminder to all his people. In the second reading, we hear that the eight who had been saved by the water in the story of Noah prefigure our baptism which saves us now. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus be-gins his Galilean ministry by proclaiming the need to repent and believe.

2017 FAITH Catholic-Publishing and Communications


The waters of Baptism make us part of the new covenant in Christ. But the bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us that “there is funda-mental obligation arising from the sacrament of baptism…. That people place their gifts, their re-sources—their selves—at God’s service in and through the Church.”


Please see the article on page 5 of this bulletin. This column appeared in News-day a couple of weekends ago. I think it would be worthwhile for all of us to read, but especially our young people.


Religious Education office is closed for President’s Week Monday, February 19 through Sunday, Feb-ruary 25. Classes resume Monday, February 26. Wishing you a safe and healthy vacation.

With the passing of Ash Wednesday, Lent is upon is. All students are encouraged to attend Stations of the Cross on any Friday during Lent at 7:30pm. Level 6 students must hand in their Stations of the Cross attendance card in the blue box. Mark your calendars for Journey, Cross and Crucifixion on Wednesday, March 7 at 8pm. All Level 7 students are required to attend.


Please join us on Fridays during Lent for the Sta-tions of the Cross at 7:30pm.

May the upcoming holy season offer you an oppor-tunity for prayer, reflection and growth in God’s grace. Some have inquired about the practice of fast and abstinence:

Fasting obliges all Catholics (from ages 18 to 59 inclusive) to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Fri-day. On the fast days, we may take one full meal, two smaller meals and no snacking in between meals. Abstinence obliges all Catholics (14 years and older) to abstain from meat on Ash Wednes-day, Good Friday AND all other Fridays of Lent.


The class for Baptism will be held every other month on the last Sunday of the month at 11am in the lower church. The next class scheduled is March 18.

(continued on page 3)

Last Sunday’s collection 2/11/18 $7,718.50

Same Last Year $6,884.63

Weekly amount needed $9,456.00

Attendance 2/11/18 606

Same Last Year 542

Thank you for your generosity in returning to God some

of what He has given you.

Shortfall $1,737.50

18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent



Virtus is a program that gives us a specific plan in identifying and preventing child sexual abuse. The training is required of all diocesan personnel and vol-unteers in all parishes.

If you are a volunteer and still need to fulfill this obli-gation check the Long Island Catholic or the Diocesan website, for training sessions available in the area. Please register for the class online or stop in the Church office.

The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People maintains a confidential phone line: 516 594-9063. We are available to help you or anyone who has been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church. All calls are responded to within 24 hours.


With the flu season upon us, we offer the following suggestions.

Holy Communion: Priests, Deacons and Eucharistic Ministers should be especially encouraged to wash their hands before Mass begins.

Communion from the Cup: The faithful should refrain from drinking from the cup when one has a cold.

Greeting of Peace: The faithful should use good judg-ment and limit contact with others when sick.

Mass Attendance: If one is sick, there is no obligation to attend Mass, personal prayer and reflection is en-couraged.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered to adult Catholics who have never been confirmed, on Pentecost Sunday, May 20,2018. Ten sessions which will prepare candidates for reception of the sacrament will take place on Tuesday evenings (7-8pm). If you are interested, know someone who is or have any questions regarding Adult Confirmation, please con-tact Ray Henderson at 334-6288 ext. 19.


If you wish to donate the bread and wine for the week’s Sunday and daily Eucharist celebrations, the offering is $50. Opportunities to donate a Rose for Life are also available. The offering is $5 per week. The sanctuary candle is available for memorialization. The offering is $15.

**The church office will be closed on Monday, Feb-ruary 19 in observance of President’s Day.**


A reminder: If you would like to have loved ones re-membered in the Easter Masses, please return the Flower Fund envelope you received in the mail with the names of the people you wish to have remem-bered in the Easter Masses. If you did not receive an envelope, you can pick one up in the church office. Please be sure to fill in all the information on the enve-lope. Please return the Easter Flower Fund envelope by Monday, March 5 so that the Memorial Booklet can be available for Easter.


Please save your register tapes from King Kullen in Garden City Park. 1% of your purchases are donated to the parish. Proceeds from register receipts are for-warded to various charities through the St. Vincent de Paul Conference of Our Lady of Hope.


Online giving is available at Our Lady of Hope and it’s safe, simple and convenient. Please visit to get started. The site is very “user friendly”, but if you still have questions please do not hesitate to call the church office or WeShare directly at 855 800-4273.


We are accepting orders for the memorial bricks which will be placed in front of the Grotto on the parking lot side of the church. An order form ap-peared in last week’s bulletin and more are available in the church office. The cost of a memorial brick is $125. If you have any questions, please call the church office.

(Continued from page 2)

(continued on page 10)

OUR LADY OF HOPE FOOD PANTRY At this time, the Food Pantry is in need of the following items:

►jarred tomato sauce

►instant rice (white or brown)


Thank you for your continued and very generous sup-port! The Food Pantry Staff

18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent



Michael B. Kilgannon, USAF, AC2 Eric Cullum, US Navy (D), Captain Kristofer Seibt, US Army (D), Cpl. Matthew Ketcham (D), Lt. Col. Matthew Kessler, USMC, Gunnery Sgt. James Higgins, USMC, Robert Weingartner, Mat-thew Ziminsky, Daniel J. Vincent USAF, Timothy Vin-cent USMC, Captain Caitlin M. Drumm, USAF-MC, LTJG Joe Wengler, US Navy. *D = Deployed


especially those who have no one

to pray for them.


Maria Acierno, Mary Alba, Elvia Aleman, Ronald Aman, Eleanor Angelis, Yvonne Angeles, Maya Annunziato, Mikey Armand, Jeanne (Porcelli) Aroyo, Anthony Barbera, Concetta Basso, Nancy Belland, Susan Blum, Marion Bonura, Deborah Bourassa, Peter Burkhardt, Giuseppe Burro, Eustacia Calderone, Michael Caplice, Brianna Cardenas, Eileen Caro, Maria Carrillo, Richard Casella, Gianna Casella, Marcel Chaillol, Louis Cianca, Judy Clickner, Gina Cor-leto, Marie Corte, George Costidis, Esther Curran, Dana Day, Ma-rie DeSimone, Joseph DiBiasi, May Dong, Hailey Eimer, Joe Farinaro, Alice Feldt, Margaret Flahive, Marie Francis, Grace Franzese, Mario Gaigan, Karen Gass, Gerry Georgio, Linda Gildea, Donna Girardi, Susan Goode, Theresa Gravina, Emily Grimm, Art Howell, Tanner Jadezuk, Helen Jara, Jose Jara, Eileen Kawiecki, Jacqueline Klein, Barbara Knapp, Tom Knapp, Bill Kogler, Marietta Lettau, Raymond Licata, Vincent Luciano, John Malavolta, Sherrie Mayzie, John McDonald, Elaine Medoro, Christine Miller, Heather Morella, Baby Viviana Mortellaro, Angelina Muzio, Danny Noble, Theresa Noto, Maureen Ostrowski, Angela Pascarella, James Passarella, Rylie Pederson, Antonio Perrino, Loraine Pino, Joseph Piscitelli, Mary Ann Piscitelli Lorraine Poduch, Victor Praete, Vin-cent Purcell, Kathleen Rainone, Joel Rivera, Daniel Roche, Nicole Roeder, Dora Sabella, Alex Salvaggio, Sara Sammartino, John Saunders, Joseph Schaefer, Anthony Schiano, Maureen Schroeder, Jennifer Shivar, Randy J. Smith, Donna Spano, Albert Stellato, Darrell Stone, Nancy Tandi, Kerri Taylor, Florence Theroux, Joan Thue, James Tirone, Marie Tricarico, Dobie Ulm, Flo Vaccaro, Christopher Velez, Joseph Vigotty, Doug Walling, Maureen Wotten, Sondra Yannone, Rose Youngblood

Please call the parish office, if someone on this list has returned to reasonable health and can be removed from the list. At times, names may be taken off when

we do not have any information about the person listed.

Sanctuary CandleSanctuary CandleSanctuary CandleSanctuary Candle


Rose for LifeRose for LifeRose for LifeRose for Life


Altar Bread & WineAltar Bread & WineAltar Bread & WineAltar Bread & Wine

In loving memory of Maureen Raymond & Donald Reilly -by the Family

MINISTERS AT MASSES February 24 & 25

5.00pm 8.30am 10.00am 11.30am

PRESIDER Fr. Tomaz Fr. Tomaz Fr. Dowling Fr. Callan

LECTOR N. Moir D. Restivo J. Stein K. Franquiero

ALTAR SERVERS V. Natalie C. DeSimone

L. DeSimone

E. Johnson Volunteer Needed



P. Wilde

G. So

J. Wilde

S. Dowling

J. Pieper

Volunteer Needed

L. Boone

N. Boone

B. Horan

B. Kilgannon

M. O’Leary

Volunteer Needed

M. Schultz

J. Waters

R. Winter

E. Kelly

R. Grillo

Volunteer Needed

B. Dunphy

P. Walsh

R. Harrs

A. Santana

E. Santana

Volunteer Needed



Cantor/Organ Cantor/Organ Cantor/Organ

18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


MASS INTENTIONS for the week of February 17MASS INTENTIONS for the week of February 17MASS INTENTIONS for the week of February 17MASS INTENTIONS for the week of February 17

Saturday – February 17, 2018 Anticipated Mass for Sunday 5:00 PM – Joseph Schweitzer (by family)

-Violet Morella (by Lois Morella) -Thomas McCarthy (by family) -Fabrizio Fiorinda Piscitelli (by daughter)

-Rosina Girardi (1 year in heaven) (by the Loving family)

Sunday – February 18, 2018 8:30 AM – For the People of the Parish

In the missions: -Lee Giordano (by family)

10:00 AM – Maria Duarte (by the Duarte family) 11:30 AM – Joseph Sarubbi, Sr. (by Jim Hickey) Monday – February 19, 2018 9:00 AM – Bro. George Kopper (by Mary & John

Ryan) In the missions: -Edward Phillips (by Cathy Phillips & Pat Arch-er)

Tuesday – February 20, 2018 9:00 AM – Ann Davis (by James & Margaret Davis)

In the missions: -James & Una Walsh (by Freda Cantwell)

-For the intentions of John Ryan on the occa-sion of his birthday (by Mary Ryan)

Wednesday – February 21, 2018 9:00 AM – For the intentions of Rebecca Gabrielson

on the occasion of her birthday (by Ellen Weglarz)

Thursday – February 22, 2018 9:00 AM – Thomas Parissidi (by Ellen Weglarz)

In the missions: -Vincent Madonna (5 years in heaven) (with love, by his children)

Friday – February 23, 2018 9:00 AM – Thomas Parissidi (1st anniversary in

heaven) (by Fr. Arnao) -For the intentions of James & Avril Dunseath & family (by Freda Cantwell)

Saturday – February 24, 2018 Anticipated Mass for Sunday 5:00 PM – Davis, Shanley, & McNerny families (by

James Davis) -George Dyckman (by Bob Dyckman) -June Bellofaho (by the Flecker family)

Sunday – February 25, 2018 8:30 AM – Tom Bray (Happy Birthday) (by Peggy &

family) In the missions: -Lee Giordano (by family)

10:00 AM – For the People of the Parish In the missions: -Vito Basso (by wife, Concetta Basso)

11:30 AM – Philip Morella (by Lois Morella)

18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent


(continued from page 3)

Society of St. Vincent de PaulSociety of St. Vincent de PaulSociety of St. Vincent de PaulSociety of St. Vincent de Paul ...bringing hope for a better future to people

in need.

In the Gospel, Jesus overcomes the tempta-

tions to wealth, power and esteem. As we

begin Lent, may we open our hearts to the grace of prayer,

fasting and almsgiving.

(516) 334-6288 ext. 18


1. Who is the patron saint of painters? St. Luke, St. Cecilia or St. Polycarp?

2. Which team won the World Series of 1960? The NY Yankees, the Baltimore Orioles or the Pitts-burgh Pirates?

3. “Jesus dies on the cross.” Which station of the cross is that? The 11th, 12th or 13th?

4. How many times have the Olympic games been cancelled due to war since 1896? Once, twice, three times?

5. Blue, red and green are three of the five rings of the Olympic flag. What are the other two? Gold & White, Yellow & White, Yellow & Black

6. Where is the Church of St. Mark in the Diocese of Rockville Centre? Bay Shore, Shoreham or Ami-tyville?

O u r L a d y o f H o p e P a r i s h L i b r a r y

Please visit the Library, located in the front, right stairwell

of the Church. If you have a question about your faith, you

can find the answer in many of the library’s titles. There

are books on meditation and spiritual healing. The video col-

lection contains lives of the saints and other religious sub-


� � � � � � � � � � �

18 February 2018 First Sunday in Lent



HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD NEWS-Fr. Edward Dowling’s wonderful books of our Sunday Gospel Reflec-tions are available for you to read anytime! His collection of homilies are for everyone who would like to be better acquainted with the Sunday readings. Wonderful and thorough, these books are an absolute treasure! Three volume set is $25. Please contact Tam Musella [email protected] or 790-7778.

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER-“The Kingdom of God is at hand.” As we begin Lent, let us try to bring the kingdom of God to our marriages by attending a World-wide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekends are April 27-29 in Huntington, NY and November 16-18 in Huntington, NY. For more information call John & Toni Torio at 718 344-3700 or visit

COMPANION AVAILABLE– For companionship, local doc-tor visits and light shopping. One day a week, reasonable rates. Please call Lori 232-5980.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY-at Our Lady of Hope Church, hosted by the Westbury Council 1012 Knights of Colum-bus on March 17 at 6:30pm, Entertainment by Jimmy Moore. Admission: $25. Call Steve Fleming 946-6968 or Tom Callan 334-2013.

WANTED-Volunteer drivers for veterans. Nassau County provides vehicles to transport resident to/form the North-port VA, East Meadow and Valley Stream Clinics and Hicksville Vet Center. Monday-Friday 7am to 5pm. Please donate any time you have to give! Valid NYS driver’s li-cense required. Call Christine Sohmer 572-6526.

BEREAVEMENT CONFERENCE-SATURDAY March 10, 9am to 3pm. St. Frances de Chantal, Wantagh. Call for more information 785-2333.

LENTEN DAY OF RECOLLECTION-Saturday, March 3, 9:30am to 2pm at St. Anthony’s HS, South Huntington. Day begins with Mass, light breakfast to follow. The day will conclude with lunch. Donation of $25 is requested. RSVP by February 26. Contact Regina Stallone 221-5214.

2018 SAT EXAM PREP COURSE-for the May 5 exam at St. Dominic HS on Saturdays starting March 3. 9am to 11:30am in Marian Hall. Fee: $250. First come, first served. Contact Mrs. Stutzman at 922-4888 ext. 5241.

MEDITERRANEAN & ADRIATIC CRUISE-with Dubrovnik. Hosted by Fr. Tomaz Gomide. 15 days: September 28-October 12 on board the luxurious NCL Norwegian Spirit. Starting at only $3,099 from New York. Stop in the Our Lady of Hope office for a copy of the brochure and a regis-tration form.


“A LENTEN TALE TOLD TO GOD”-Lenten Day of Prayer on Sun-day, March 4 at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington from 9:30am to 3pm, conducted by Fr. Patrick Grif-fin, CM. Talks, Quiet Time, Confession, Lunch and Mass. Dona-tion $30. Reservations required: 631 423-0483 ext. 102.

DAY OF RECOLLECTION FOR PARISH MUSICIANS-Join fellow music directors, adult choir members, cantors and instrumental-ists for a day of prayer, reflection, music making and fellowship! Maryknoll Seminary (Ossining) Saturday, March 3 from 10am to 3pm. Registration $15. More information and registration: or [email protected] or 914 968-6200 ext 8177.

CONGRATULATIONS!-to those students from our parish who attend St. Dominic HS and have achieved honors for the second marking period. They are: Gabriella Del Monaco, Zachary Del Monaco and Michael Castellana. Keep up the good work!

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT IN OUR DIOCESE-Please visit our helpful website: Simply click on the word Bereavement on the bar in the middle of the home page and then click on Support groups available now and you will find: Monthly & weekly support groups, groups for children, memorial programs, Help for the Holidays, Conferences and much more. Or for more information call Kathleen Logan, Bereavement Coor-dinator, 516 678-5800 ext. 236.

PROJECT INDEPENDENCE-Senior Transportation Program for all Town of North Hempstead residents age 60 and over for non-emergency medical visits and food shopping. Registration re-quired. Call 311 or 869-6311 and get your Project Independence membership card. Shopping service is free, taxi rides to the doc-tor, dentist or treatment center are at half price. Call for bro-chure and more information.

STEADFAST CAREGIVERS-provides home companion services to seniors and home-bound adults. Our home care professionals are comprehensively screened, bonded, insured and monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure the highest quality care and com-panionship. Whether you need care on an hourly or live-in basis, Steadfast Caregivers offers affordable care. We offer a free and confidential in home assessment and are happy to answer any questions. 516 747-0570.

MEALS ON WHEELS-EAC Network program is available to indi-viduals 60 years and older in Westbury, Carle Place and New Cassel. The basic requirements are; living alone, no longer driv-ing and have a limited support system. 516 539-0150 ext. 219.


1. St. Luke 2. The Pittsburgh Pirates 3. The 12th Station 4. Three times 5. Yellow & Black 6. Shoreham

Courtesy Announcements The following are published as courtesies for a two-week period as space allows. They are not an endorsement of any functions or per-sons. If there are any difficulties or problems experienced with any ad, please call the Church Office so that we can remove the ad immedi-ately. We apologize for any typographical errors.
