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Transcription : CBC World ReportFebruary 10, 2009

In the news today Barrack Obama sells his economic plan to Main Street. US president predicts an economic recovery may not get going until sometime next year. Obama made that forecast last night during his first full-scale news conference at his visit to ministration. As our correspondent Michael Colton reports, millions watched that Obama pressed Congress to quickly back his recovery plan. Before I take a question tonight, Id like to speak briefly about the state of our economy. In this opening statement to reporters in the ornate east room of the White House, BO went straight to it. The federal government is the only entity left with the resources the jolt our economy the life.. Even if the jolt work served better put the multiple shocks and have a huge stimulus bill and a second bank bail out and a new program to stop home foreclosure. Even with all of that Obama still forecast the difficult 2009 and no will bounce back to 2010. If we get things right, then starting next year, we can start saying significant improvement. In political time next year is eons away, and here now. Obamas economic stimulus bill, a gigantic unwieldy package of tax cut in winding a slow cookert road for congress.. For apart to pick at without the final form of press tax and so complex is in the safarable to many Americans Obama tried to make the bills goes plain and simple. My initial measure of success is creating or saving 4 millions jobs. Thats bottom line number 1. Long within the time really passionate, it was a careful news conference day beew. But last night with just part of its pitch. Its all Obama all the time right now, hes travelling, hosting townholes, giving speeches. A new, an immencely popular president who walks straight into a full-blown economic crisis, doing everything he can to be heard and help his way. Michael Colton CBC news, Washington


