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More TRANSF, VR Programming

Glenn G. [email protected]

U. of Alaska Fairbanks

CS 481/681 Lecture NotesMonday, February 16, 2004

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 2

Review:Representing T’formations [1/4] 44 Matrices

Very general.• Good for a pipeline!

Too general?• Tough to retrieve info about “the rotation” when you cannot even be sure it is a

rotation.• 16 numbers.

Angle-Axis Nice way to specify rotations. A bit nasty for computation involving rotations (composition, etc.)

Euler Angles (roll, pitch, yaw) (also: x rotation, y rotation, z rotation) Ick! Ick, ick, ick, ick!

Quaternions Great for computation. Compact. Easy to convert to other forms. Best (IMHO) all-around representation, if you only need to represent rotations.

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Review:Representing T’formations [2/4]

The quaternions are a generalization of complex numbers. Three square roots of –1: i, j, k. Quaternions are of the form a + bi + cj + dk,

for a, b, c, d real numbers. Addition, subtraction are as usual

(component-wise). For multiplication:

• i2 = j2 = k2 = –1.• ij = k; jk = i; ki = j.• ji = –k; kj = –i; ik = –j.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 4

Review:Representing T’formations [3/4] We can think of the i, j, k part of a quaternion as a 3-D

vector. So a quaternion is a real number plus a vector: a + u.

• a is the real part.• u is the vector part or pure part.

Addition: (a + u) + (b + v) = (a + b) + (u + v). Multiplication:

(a + u)(b + v) = (ab – u·v) + (av + bu + uv). We represent a rotation of an angle α about an axis u (unit

vector) as a quaternion as follows:

With this representation, composition of rotations is just multiplication.

partvector part real


2cos u

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Review:Representing T’formations [4/4]

A transformation of a rigid 3-D body can be modeled as: A rotation about a line through the origin … Followed by a translation.

Putting these together, we can represent anything a rigid body can do: Any translation. Any rotation. Corkscrew motions as well.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 6

Review:The TRANSF Package TRANSF defines 6 classes, organized as follows:

TRANSF has two source files: vecpos.h

• Defines and implements classes vec & pos. transf.h

• Defines and implements classes rot, orient, transf, frameref.• Also #include’s vecpos.h.

All classes and global functions are placed in namespace tf. There is also a file tfogl.h.

This is an experimental OpenGL interface.

Relative Absolute

vec pos

rot orient

transf frameref

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More TRANSF:Classes vec & pos [1/2] Class vec can be thought of as:

An array of three double’s. A 3-D vector. A translation.

Class pos: An array of three double’s. A point in 3-D space.

We can do the usual operations:

vec v1, v2, v3;

pos p1, p2;

double d;

d = dot(v1, v2);

v3 = cross(v1, v2);

p2 = p1 + v1;

v3 = v1 + v2;

v3 = 3. * v1;

v3 = p1 – p2;

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More TRANSF:Classes vec & pos [2/2] Certain operations are not defined.

These allow you to catch bugs during compilation.

vec v1, v2;

pos p1, p2;

double d;

// Each of the following lines results in an error:

dot(p1, p2);

cross(p1, p2);

3. * p1;

v1 – p1;

p1 + p2;

d + v1;

v1 = p1;

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More TRANSF:Classes rot & orient Class rot represents a rotation.

rot r(30, vec(1,1,0));

// r is a rotation of 30 degrees about the line

// through the origin and the point (1,1,0)

Just as pos is an “absolute” version of vec, orient is an absolute version of rot.

orient x(30, vec(1,1,0));

// The orientation resulting from applying the

// above rotation to the standard orientation

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More TRANSF:Classes transf & frameref Class transf represents a rigid 3-D

transformation. It is specified as a rotation (rot) followed by a

translation (vec).

rot r;vec v;…transf t(r, v);

Class frameref is an absolute version of class transf.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 11

More TRANSF:Transformations There are three transformation classes: vec, rot, transf.

They can be composed:

v3 = compose(v1, v2);

r3 = compose(r1, r2);

t3 = compose(t1, t2);

They can be inverted:

v2 = v1.inverse();

They can be applied to vec’s, pos’s, their own type, and their own absolute type.

p2 = r1.applyto(p1);

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 12

More TRANSF:Examples This method of dealing with transformations makes certain

operations very easy. Recall (from 381) the problem of determining where the viewer is.

• The viewer lies at the location that model/view puts at the origin.• So we need to apply the inverse of model/view to the origin.• Now we can just do it:

transf mv; // Holds model/view transformation…const pos origin(0. ,0. ,0.);pos whereami = mv.inverse().applyto(origin);

In which direction is the viewer looking?

const vec negz(0., 0., -1.);vec lookdir = mv.inverse().rotpart().applyto(negz);

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 13

More TRANSF:Using with OpenGL To use TRANSF with OpenGL, try tfogl.h.

Comments on this file are very welcome! Examples:

pos p;vec n, v;rot r;transf t;


glTranslate(v);glRotate(r);glTransform(t); // Hopefully it is obvious what this // should do.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 14

VR Programming:Review from 381 Recall (from CS 381):

In Virtual Reality, we want to give users the sense that they are inside a computer-generated 3-D world.

• This is called the sense of presence. We accomplish this using:

• 3-D display• Head tracking

• For proper perspective, etc.• Some kind of 3-D input device• An environment that surrounds the user, and which the

user can walk around in (literally). VR hardware comes in two categories:

• Head-mounted.• Theater-style.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 15

VR Programming:Hardware

The CAVE Developed in the early 1990’s at the

Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the U. of Illinois at Chicago.

Theater-style, roughly cubical. Multiple flat, rectangular screens (“walls”). 3-D input is a mouse-like “wand”. Stereo done using shutter glasses.

Our main VR display is a Mechdyne MD Flex, which is based on the CAVE.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 16

VR Programming:Libraries VR programming usually involves a specialized VR library.

The VR library plays a role similar to that of GLUT. We still use OpenGL for frame rendering. We do not use GLUT (except possibly glutSolidTorus, etc.).

VR libraries generally handle: Creation & sizing of windows, viewports, OpenGL contexts. Interfacing with VR input devices. Setting projection & model/view matrices for the user’s viewpoint. Creation & management of multiple processes or threads.

• Including inter-process communication, shared data spaces, etc. Callback registration and execution.

• Or some other way of getting the display code executed when necessary. Dealing with varying display hardware.

• E.g., we can change the number of screens without recompilation. Handling stereo. Networking of some sort (sometimes).

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VR Programming:The CAVE Library The CAVE team developed a VR library: the CAVE Library.

Now a commercial product: CAVELIB, sold by VRCO. Written in “C”, and similar to GLUT in many ways. Works with varying hardware and CG libraries (including OpenGL). For each frame, a display callback is called twice for each wall.

• Or once per wall, if in mono. Multiple processes:

• Computation• Runs main program.• Unlike with GLUT, application maintains overall control.

• Tracking• Manages input devices.• Does not execute user code.

• Display• There may be several of these (one for each wall?).• Executes display callback.

Processes communicate via shared memory, read & write locks. Input-device data gotten via function calls, not callbacks.

• No events!

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 18

VR Programming:VR Juggler — Introduction

We will be using a VR library called VR Juggler. Development team led by Carolina Cruz-Neira, formerly

of CAVE team at EVL, now at the VR Applications Center, Iowa State.

Under active development. Open-source. Written in C++. Works with varying hardware and CG libraries

(including OpenGL). Uses threads, not processes.

• Computation & display, as with CAVELIB.

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 19

VR Programming:VR Juggler — Coding

Programmer writes an object called a “VR Juggler Application”. Member functions are callbacks.

Everything is done via callbacks. As with GLUT, application gives up overall control. Display threads all execute draw. Main/computation thread is synchronized with display,

executes preFrame, intraFrame, postFrame. Input-device management is synchronized also.

Devices are read once per frame. Data is available via function calls.

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VR Programming:VR Juggler — Frame Execution VR Juggler execution is based on

the idea of a frame. Each frame, the major callbacks

are called once. The draw callback is called once

per wall-eye. Because of this synchronization:

Locks are unnecessary.• Make sure that neither draw nor

intraFrame accesses a variable that the other writes to.

Synchronization of computation with drawing is very easy.

• It is automatic, in fact. Long computations spanning

many rendering cycles are tricky.• With CAVELIB, on the other hand,

this is very easy.


intraFrame draw



Start of Frame

End of Frame

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16 Feb 2004 CS 481/681 21

VR Programming:VR Juggler — Our Addition

We have written a C++ class to aid with input-device interfacing in VR Juggler: jugglerUser. Written by Don Bahls and (theoretically)

myself. Includes functions for getting info from

various input devices. Returns TRANSF types.