
Chinese Astrology for 2016 3


The Year of the Fire Monkey

INDEX1. Preface 4

2. Introduction 9

3. Forecast for the 12 Animal Signs in 2016 17

猴 - Monkey雞 - Rooster狗 - Dog豬 - Pig 鼠 - Rat牛 - Ox虎 - Tiger兔 - Rabbit龍 - Dragon蛇 - Snake馬 - Horse羊 - Goat



4. Personalised Forecast for 2016 based on Day of Birth(Assessment based on the 60 Jia Zi 甲子 Day Pillars)


甲子 - Jia Zi乙丑 - Yi Chou丙寅 - Bing Yin丁卯 - Ding Mao戊辰 - Wu Chen己巳 - Ji Si庚午 - Geng Wu辛未 - Xin Wei壬申 - Ren Shen癸酉 - Gui You甲戌 - Jia Xu乙亥 - Yi Hai丙子 - Bing Zi丁丑 - Ding Chou戊寅 - Wu Yin己卯 - Ji Mao庚辰 - Geng Chen辛巳 - Xin Si壬午 - Ren Wu癸未 - Gui Wei甲申 - Jia Shen乙酉 - Yi You丙戌 - Bing Xu丁亥 - Ding Hai 戊子 - Wu Zi 己丑 - Ji Chou 庚寅 - Geng Yin 辛卯 - Xin Mao 壬辰 - Ren Chen 癸巳 - Gui Si


甲午 - Jia Wu 乙未 - Yi Wei 丙申 - Bing Shen 丁酉 - Ding You 戊戌 - Wu Xu 己亥 - Ji Hai 庚子 - Geng Zi 辛丑 - Xin Chou 壬寅 - Ren Yin 癸卯 - Gui Mao 甲辰 - Jia Chen 乙巳 - Yi Si 丙午 - Bing Wu 丁未 - Ding Wei 戊申 - Wu Shen 己酉 - Ji You 庚戌 - Geng Xu 辛亥 - Xin Hai 壬子 - Ren Zi 癸丑 - Gui Chou 甲寅 - Jia Yin 乙卯 - Yi Mao 丙辰 - Bing Chen 丁巳 - Ding Si 戊午 - Wu Wu 己未 - Ji Wei 庚申 - Geng Shen 辛酉 - Xin You 壬戌 - Ren Xu 癸亥 - Gui Hai

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18 Chinese Astrology for 2016

Year of the Monkey1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004

Monkey 申

A person’s Chinese age is obtained by adding one year to his or her age based on the Western birthday. If you were born in 1976, your Western age in 2016 is 40, but your Chinese age would be 41.




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Chinese Astrology for 2016 19

Overall Forecast For The Year

Look forward to surfing the waves in the coming year as 2016 will prove to be an adventurous ride for you. Challenges will emerge to make it incumbent for you

to beat the various interruptions to gain triumphs. In spite of that, the good thing about these challenges is that they

present opportunities for you to grow as a person and to cement your status as a successful individual. With that

being said, there will be certain problems that are more troubling than mere gossips at work. There will be some disturbances within the family, both in terms of relationship and health. As such, it is important to care more about your family members and practice compassion in your interactions with them.

The ominous Grand Duke Star (太歲) harks on the possibility of disruptions in your daily life and plans. You may have set goals and formulated steps to reach those goals, but problematic obstacles will rise to block your path. During such times, you will be prone to feeling dejected and may even give up hope in pursuing your goals. Yet, you know that you must stand strong on your two feet. It is not necessary for you to shoulder all the burden yourself – you should remember that you always have the option of falling back onto the kindness of others to get the help you need in attaining your successes.

There are more precautions to take, however. The Sword Edge Star (劍鋒) indicates troubling times ahead for your health, focusing on problems related to stress and depression. As you may have the tendency to be a workaholic, it is important for you to remember to take breaks every now and then – such as enjoying the company of friends or savouring more peaceful environments. Use these avenues to make changes in your lifestyle for the better and be more mindful of your well-being from now on. Think more carefully about your choices in regards to your personal health and allow yourself some space to sit back and relax. You will be proud of the healthier you who will be more productive, considerate, and compassionate.



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Chinese Astrology for 2016 29

The Forecast for Individual Aspects of the Year


Minor financial loss is likely to occur this year. That being said, do not be disheartened. Focus on other things instead, such as investing in your skills and knowledge. Hone your skills and continue to strengthen your resume. Your talents will take you far, if you nurture and maintain them properly. It is recommended that you do not partake in high risk investments despite the promising returns. Maintain a steady course instead and wait for a more opportune time.


There are challenges at your workplace that may interfere your plans and projects. Because of this, you will need to exercise more patience than ever. Determination is key if you want to overcome obstacles and get back on track to fulfill your plans at work. Do not take this time as an excuse for you to get lazy, as your lack of action will certainly bring about failures later.



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30 Chinese Astrology for 2016


It is unlikely this year for singles to have the opportunity to meet their ideal partner. Even if you do meet new people, it is unlikely that any one of these people will turn out to be someone you can start a relationship with. If you are in a relationship already, you should focus your efforts on maintaining the passion and romance in your relationship. Keep things exciting and worthwhile for the both of you so that you will not experience stagnation or boredom.


This is not a good year for you in terms of health. You will need to do your best to guard against potential threats to your health by paying attention to your diet. Watch what you eat and stay away from unhealthy food to further improve your immune and digestive systems. Beware of possible influenza attacks and stay away from those who appear to have the virus, as it is likely to be passed on to you. Maintain your hygiene level whenever you go.

The Sna

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94 Chinese Astrology for 2016


Those who are single can experience some luck in finding and maintaining new relationships this year. Try to look around you and observe your close friends. You are likely to find your life partner within your social circle. Additionally, this is also a good year to tie the knot. So, do not be afraid to pop the question and get planning!


In spite of the good news that you are unlikely to contract any serious illnesses, it would still be wise to pay attention to the possibility of the minor ones, especially those related to your stomach. As prevention is better than cure, regular body checkups would do you good. Remember to also pay attention to the health and emotions of your loved ones, especially the elders in the family. Due to the likelihood of emotional turbulences, you may face communication problems with those whom you care, thus adding to your stress level. To strike the balance, bring yourself to do the things you enjoy to break away from the negative states of emotion.

The Sna

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Chinese Astrology for 2016 95

Monthly Luck

農曆正月 (February 4th - March 4th) 庚寅There will be a Nobleman who comes to help you in your areas of need this month, particularly in your career. The prestige of his or her involvement will give rise to your reputation and put you in a good light with your superiors. Furthermore, he or she will lend his or her skills to you and help you develop some new ones of your own. This makes you a frontrunner for bonuses or promotions at the workplace.

農曆二月 (March 5th - April 3rd) 辛卯The mantra to keep in mind this month is “no pain, no gain.” Knowing this, give your best in everything you do, no matter how much it seems to cost you, because the end results will bring rewards far better than you could ever imagine. Hard work will be rewarded with a good outcome this month and you should never forget that the best innovators in our world only got to where they are in life because of perseverance and hard work.

農曆三月 (April 4th - May 4th) 壬辰There will be happy moments for you to enjoy and keep in your memories at work, fostering closer relations with your colleagues or superiors. That being said, this sets the scene up for some drama. As we all know, sometimes it is inevitable that extreme joy begets sorrow. As such, you will need to be wary of potential backstabbing from the very people you have been getting close to.

農曆四月 (May 5th - June 4th) 癸巳Be wary of risky activities and the potential of accidents this month, as there are signs that you can be negatively affected if you are not careful. A particular activity to keep a lookout for is driving. Do not do so while incapacitated and always make sure you are sticking to the rules so that even if anything happens, you will not be in the wrong. An important thing to note as well is that this is going to be a busy month. You will have no time to spend with the family, so you will need to prepare yourself for that.

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96 Chinese Astrology for 2016

農曆五月 (June 5th - July 6th) 甲午Many obstacles come into your way this month and may initially stress you out as you become aware of how much you have to deal with. However, you need not worry too much about these obstacles as the stars will work to your favour and make it so that these obstacles would not harm you or interfere too severely with your plans. In fact, you can proceed as usual without harm to your end results.

農曆六月 (July 7th - August 6th) 乙未This is a bad month for you and you will feel dejected. This is due to the fact that you will be working very hard at work and putting in all your effort and heart, yet you get no recognition from superiors or consideration from colleagues. Despite the fact that your results are consistent and you are doing your best to continually prove yourself, you will not get the gratification you need in return.

農曆七月 (August 7th - September 6th) 丙申Everything works smoothly for you this month. Your previous hard work will yield results and pave the way for you to achieve more. As such, you can proceed with new plans in this month without any interference or delays. Furthermore, you will have Peach Blossom Luck this month and you should grab the opportunity and start looking for love.

農曆八月 (September 7th - October 7th) 丁酉Despite the challenges of the June, you will be able to enjoy better luck in your relationships. At work, get to know the people around you better and build a foundation for teamwork and mutual consideration. Outside of work, work on expanding your social network as you will never know how you can benefit from this both outside of and at work.



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Chinese Astrology for 2016 103

Monthly Luck

農曆正月 (February 4th - March 4th) 庚寅A Nobleman will come and help you in your career. The assistance he or she brings to your life drastically changes it, and you will have a whole new perspective as well as new resources that you can use to your benefit. You will be elevated to a position that makes things more convenient for you. As a result, your problems can now be solved easily and you will be ahead of others.

農曆二月 (March 5th - April 3rd) 辛卯This is a good month to start working on a new plan. Creativity is flourishing and cooperation at work is abound. Take this opportunity to pursue ideas you may have had for a long time. Luck will be in your favour when executing your plans. Now is also a suitable time for you to start looking for love. You will find the one you need and there is a possibility for a relationship to start.

農曆三月 (April 4th - May 4th) 壬辰You will begin to face problems in all aspects of your life. This will be incredibly disturbing and disruptive and you may feel like you do not have the strength to carry on. That being said, you will need to stay calm and have a steady mindset if you want any chance of pulling through at all. This is a difficult month of hardships and you will need to be strong now more than ever.

農曆四月 (May 5th - June 4th) 癸巳Your health will be more easily compromised this month. You will fall sick more often and be more susceptible to viruses. Pay close attention to your diet as that can greatly affect how well you are able to battle the sickness. In addition, there is a possibility of physical injury and you will need to stay away from extreme exercises.



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104 Chinese Astrology for 2016

農曆五月 (June 5th - July 6th) 甲午Things will not run smoothly in your life this month. Relationships with others enter into a shaky zone as everyone starts developing more ill-feelings towards each other. Disputes may occur that will affect your personal and work life. The climate is ripe for backstabbing and someone may start spreading rumours about you that will hurt your reputation.

農曆六月 (July 7th - August 6th) 乙未You will experience a smooth run at work. Things will go as planned and you will have the opportunity to start repairing relationships with your colleagues. Communication is much better now and the improvements are palpable. This results in a better mood in general and better luck as well. If you are single, you may even meet your ideal life partner.

農曆七月 (August 7th - September 6th) 丙申You will experience minor financial losses this month that may affect your overall mood. You will feel as if you are not attaining the rewards you deserve for the hard work you have put in. However, do not worry, as there is a chance for you to travel or have a business trip this month and this opportunity may provide the ideal relaxation time for you.

農曆八月 (September 7th - October 7th) 丁酉Everything goes smoothly for you at work. The rapport you have established with colleagues continues to benefit everyone. If you are still single, try to observe those around you to look for potential partners. Communicate with those people more often and learn a thing or two about their relationships. If you are married, be on the lookout for scandals or the intervention of third parties in your relationship.
