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Task 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and


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What is distribution Distribution is when you try to get your film as noticed as possible to achieve the greatest amount of coverage and success to your target audience, it is usually followed by when, how and how much money will be possibly spent/spent on the film.

Each and every film is distributed differently as they could be a Big Hollywood film or a film from an independent company or even just a smaller film.

The producer(s) receive the money to finance the film and they then control the budget for the film, if it is a big Hollywood film then obviously there will be more people to control the finance of the film as it will be bigger.

In order to get funding you would need an investor so that you can use that money to advertise your film and so that you can get the audience awareness of the film higher.

By getting your film more advertisement it increases the audiences awareness of your film. Films that are made by big Hollywood companies usually have their own distributing sections along with their own film companies.

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Types of Distribution that a company could use would be: TV , radio, trailers, posters, premieres, interviews, press previews and line campaign

Most marketing funds are more then the actual film fund and the objective is to get as many screenings across the country a the same time. This strategy is known as 'Saturation release'.

Low budget films would need to find their own distributer e.g. at a film festival as they wont be able to distribute the film through most advertisement e.g. TV adds, so they would need to use more of the advertising that could still reach the same amount of people but is cheaper or free e.g. Posters, Internet

Every copy of a film costs money so in order for them to get the film to the audience they would need to choose to show the film in key areas around the country and hope that they audience would have a positive view on what they saw. If they get a positive review then they would be able to get a wider release later on. This strategy is known as 'Platform' release.

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Most independent distributers have a specialty in a particular genre/style so that they mainly focus on making specific films for that genre in their own style.

In British filmmaking they would be able to look for multiple types of funding but because of the lack of income from the British film industry funding is rather scarce as they tend to make less money then other films.

The different types of funding a British film could get could be:

The government as a limited amount of money can be given to the film company, but it will never go over 30% of the films actual budget as not that much of the public finances would actually be used.

The Lottery is made available through the UK film council and the total budget would be £20 million which would then be replaced by the BFI also known as the British Film Institute.

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The Lottery is made available through the UK film council and the total budget would be £20 million which would then be replaced by the BFI also known as the British Film Institute. There has been multiple issues of both of these types of methods as the majority of the film either fail or they bring in less money and are poorly received by the audience.

With these films they mainly focus their money on the production and not the distribution which is where the problem is as the distribution get the attention that the film needs to succeed. The Television companies used to be a huge funder for British films e.g. Film Four until they had to withdraw due to the fact that of spiraling costs. If a British film where to want to get funding from a American Major company they would need a big start name that would get the film recognition along with the audience behind that start as well as, a popular genre, a well known director, based on a book or TV series or comic.

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Examples of Distribution companies • 20th Century Fox• Fox SearchLight Pictures• Paramount• Sony• Time Warner• Universal• Disney

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• For psychological thrillers a specific distribution company that distributed a film that we researched would be Fox Search Light Pictures which distributed The Black Swan which is one of the films that we took inspiration from along with Don’t breath which was distributed through Screen Gems and Stage 6 Films. Even though Don't Breath is a thriller we used the idea for editing and camera work as to us it seemed that there were codes and conventions of a psychological thriller within the movie.

• An example of this would be that during the film they mainly focus on the camera work so that the audience would feel as though they themselves were in the movie, we then tried to do the same so that the audience would somehow feel connected to the character.

• Another film that we took inspiration from was Memento and this movie had four distributors which were Pathe, Entertainment One, New Market Films and Summit entertainment.

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From looking at the distributers that distributed these films I would think that either Fox searchlight  productions or stage 6 films would be our distributer and this is purely because of the fact that they both are into different genres, but Fox is further established within the film as it being one of the biggest well known film production companies, whereas Stage 6 films I had only just heard of for films. Realistically I think we might be able to get an independent distributer/funding for our film/opening, from looking at all of the distributors and from knowing about some of them, I have gathered from my research that we would need a distributor well known within this type of genre and within the film industry. I think that with our genre being Psychological thriller the best option for us would be with Stage 6 productions which is actually one of Sonny Pictures Entertainment companies that deals with producing and distributing. Another company that deals with independent films would be Lionsgate.

As Stage 6 "produces and distributes 10-15 low budget" films every year I think that we would be able to appeal to their requirements for taking a film.

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The reason for this being that we have shown through our work an idea that we have turned into an actually project that does work when focused on and researched thoroughly.  

Although there are flaws within our work our variety of codes and conventions of a typical psychological thriller can be seen.

 For example we used a mirror which is generally seen throughout psychological thrillers along with the stereotypical codes of mise en scene, such as the protagonist wearing light colures to suggest purity and innocence whereas the antagonist is wearing black to show the "darkness" within his character.   

I think that our film will appeal to UK audience as it was aimed at a target audience of teenagers to late thirties, of both genders but seeing as we didn’t follow the stereotypical idea of the age of the protagonist in psychological thrillers this might bring the audiences age down as the older generation might not feel "connected" to the character as they have nothing to relate with them.  

Apart from this I would think that our target audience would want to watch this film as we have tried to appeal to what they would like to see within a psychological thriller.    

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Marketing strategies that we could use to get our film better noticed, could be:• Posters• Film Festivals • Internet • TV ads(depending on the budget)• Do something that will get the audiences attention so that they will

remember the film trailer• Create social media accounts for the film• Go to places that you would think would have a higher amount of target

audience and advertise • Get some of the target audience involved within the marketing by

creating a video that others could see We could use these to get our film noticed more as these types of marketing strategies are more to do with connecting with the target audience and making them see your film and be more interactive within the marketing.(

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Self-distribution • Self-distribution is where you physically go around try and

sell your film independently • This common with indie films• The easiest way to do this is to go to a film festival and meet

people and discuss your film along with talk about what your film is and what you hope to happen

From looking into self-distribution I can tell that it is rather difficult to do, especially if you want to get your film noticed by your target audience.Although there are risks with other distribution techniques this in my opinion seems to be the most unlikely to work for people who are impatient and want their film to immediately get the attention that it needs to be successful. One of the risks that comes with the both types of distribution would be that if the film doesn’t work you have wasted your time, money and efforts on a film that you didn’t distribute in the right way.

With our film I think that this could possibly work as I feel that our film has an indie feel to it and I think that with using the other types of marketing we would be able to get our film to our target audience. I think that in order for it to work we would need to make sure that we are well prepared to go and learn the ins and outs of what to do and what not to do whilst self advertising our film. Although this might work I still have my doubts on whether it might work with us because I would rather go with the safer option of having a little more knowledge on what might actually happen to your film. However from looking at both sides I think that if we were to use a variety of advertising options we could get our film to our audience.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

The kind of media institution that might distribute our media product, in my opinion , would be an independent distributor because from looking at all of my research it would be the best option for us as our work is more of an indie film and I do not think that our work would do well within a bigger well known distributor.

Overall from looking at distribution I think that we will be able to distribute our film to out target audience as there are multiple ways in which we could do so. Although it might be difficult to do, I still think that by using both of the strategies that I have gone over we would be able to get funding from an independent company.