Page 1: Innovation Games Flyer - Holland...Innovation Games Flyer.pdf Subject: Lucidpress Created Date: 20160122184714Z


Innovation GamesC r eat iv it y in Act ion!!!

WHAT ARE THE INNOVATION GAMES?On Saturday May 7, 2016, the Hol land Central school wil l be host ing the third annual Innovat ion Games. This event engages students, parents, businesses, and community members in an academic compet it ion relat ing to the f ields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art , and Mathemat ics (STEAM).  Students in grades 5-12 demonstrate and apply their knowledge through several dif ferent presentat ions, demonstrat ions, and contests. Last year, these games included numerous students, their parents, and members of the Hol land community to celebrate the incredible things that our students accompl ish that otherwise go unrecognized. This year, with the help of many local businesses and community members, we are thri l led to make this a mul t i-school event . Through many meet ings with the East Aurora Chamber Business Al l iance, we have ident if ied numerous businesses and neighboring schools dist ricts wil l ing to take part and make this event a great success.

Through the Business Al l iance, we have already reached out to or had conversat ions with many principals of local schools. Now, we are looking to talk to businesses to gauge interest in part icipat ing in this year's games. Part icipat ion is not solely l imited to entering teams of students to compete in the events. We wil l have areas for demonstrat ions by students of projects that they are working on, spaces for students to meet with local businesses, and representat ives f rom local col leges and clubs to provide insight into the opportunit ies for STEAM-minded students beyond graduat ion.

It is our goal to give students and businesses the opportunity to make connect ions. If you would l ike to part icipate in this year?s Innovat ion Games, whether through set t ing up a table and space to talk to students or simply at tending, observing, and encouraging students as they compete in the events, we would be grateful to welcome you to the event . Please do not hesitate to reach out to us

Wher e: Hol l and J unior / Senior High School

103 Canada St r eet , Hol l and NY

When: Sat ur day M ay 7, 2016

Regist r at ion 9:00 t o 10:00

Opening Cer emonies @ 10:00

Games st ar t ing 10:15 t o 1:45

Cl osing Cer emonies 1:45 t o 2:00

For mor e inf or mat ion or quest ions pl ease cont act t he t eam at :

Hol l and.Innovat ion.Games@gmail .com

Hol l and Innovat ion Games Team:

Car l Guidot t i

Pr incipal (J r ./ Sr . High School )

Scot t Hunt , Technol ogy Educat ion

Lukas Gil l , Technol ogy Educat ion

Vir gin ia Schindl er ,

Famil y and Consumer Sciences

Angel a Ginnit t i, Ar t Educat ion

Kel l y Zimmer man, Ar t Educat ion

M ichel l e Kr ieger ,

Technol ogy Int egr at or