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ARMS AND ARMOUR During ancient times

HCB 2023/ HBB 2023: Islamic Knowledge And Sciences

Table of contentsChapter 1: Museum Visit Summary........................................................................................................2

1.1 Introduction:....................................................................................................................................2

1.2 Arms and Armor collection inside the museum............................................................................3

1.2.1 Lightness on Islamic Armour...................................................................................................3

1.2.3 Overview of other sections:......................................................................................................4



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1.3 Summary..........................................................................................................................................6

Chapter 2: History and context of the middle ages.................................................................................7

2.1 Introduction:....................................................................................................................................7

2.2 Catholic church in the middle ages:...............................................................................................9

2.3 The rise of Islam in the middle ages:..............................................................................................9

2.4 Art and Architures in the middle ages:..........................................................................................9

Chapter 3: The stages of development of ancent arms:........................................................................10

3.1 Abbriged history of acnient arms:................................................................................................10

3.2 The charcterstic of Islamic arms during anient time:.................................................................11

3.3 Preservation on the techniques used in islamic arms:.............................................................15

3.4 Arms and armor throighout islamic civilization:....................................................................18

Chapter 4: Arms in the early,later and present stages:

4.1 Prrent stage................................................................................................................................19

4.2 Later stage..................................................................................................................................19

4.3 Present stage...............................................................................................................................20

Chapter 5: Arms & Armour during Malmluk And Othermanian period..........................................21

5.1 Mamluk Period..........................................................................................................................19

5.2 Othmanian period......................................................................................................................19

Chapter 6: ARMS of the chirstian Medival ages..................................................................................21

6.1 Spears.........................................................................................................................................19

6.2 Arrows and Longbows...............................................................................................................19


Personal Reflection of the trip ...............................................................................................................21



Chapter 1: Museum Visit Summary

1.1 Introduction:

It`s with great enthusiastic to establishes the visit to The Islamic Arts museum for it`s

impressive displays of beautifully decorated firearms, swords, , maces, spears, shields and armor,

which give a wide overview to learn from the old history including wide ranging of collection of


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the ancient stuff. The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia opened in 1998, with 30,000 sq.m. Of

exhibition space located in a quiet corner of Kuala Lumpur next to the scenic Lake Gardens

provide the view of how the ancient Muslim In Middle east, Africa, asia and southeast asia live

long time ago after the death of prophet Muhammad SAW based on artifacts. Evidence of the

Ottoman Empire such as the Mehmed II cannon, the replica of Haghia sopia a.ka. Blue mosque

signifies Islamic development In Turkey. Other mosques such as Taj mahal in India shows the

great Mughal Empire, Al Hambra of Granada shows Andalusian Empire. Apart from the mosque

it also prove the existence of Muslim scientist from the books written by muslim scholars such

as Ibnu Sina, Ibnu Khaldun, Al Khawarizmi, Ibnu Rusyd and many others . History of Islamic

science derived from the Greeks, Indian and roman Philosophy recorded by the influence in

greeks ideas. Muslim costumes such as the ottoman cannon, the Seljuk soldiers warsuit shows

how the development of military in Islam. The Islamic Arts Museum (IAMM) is one of the best

museums in Malaysia with over 7000 top quality artefacts from all over the Islamic world.

Fig (1): Islamic Art Museum Malaysia

1.2 Arms and Armor collection inside the museum

1.2.1 Arts of war

Many cultures have put considerable effort into

beautifying the arts of war, but in the Islamic world


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there is a spiritual dimension as well. Religious inscriptions abound. While Japanese and

European armourers were also adept at making a dramatic impression, their Muslim counterparts

used the written word to unparalleled effect. In addition to sophisticated acid-etching techniques

and inlays in precious metals, the superb quality of steel with a high-carbon blend was allowed to

shine through. Collected for centuries as weapons, and much respected by their opponents in


[Figure “1” ,A Large Horse, India 18th Century AD / 12th century AH]

Figure “2” ,Moro suit of armour Mindanao, Philippines 19th century AD / 13th century AH

1.2.2 Lightness on Islamic Armour

Islamic armour has always been noted for its lightness and flexibility. The most typical example

is chain mail, often combined with steel plates. Equally characteristic are the pointed helmets

that were so widely used in Iran and India. Inspiring fear, as well as admiration, was the


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objective. Helmets which incorporated horns or the faces of ferocious animals must have made

the right impression, and horses were also equipped with awe-inspiring headgear. Islamic

warriors favoured armour that matched their weapons for decorative effect. This might feature

gilding, inlay, damascening or being set with gems.

A picture of the old Islamic sword in othmanian kingdom 17 centurey /AD

1.2.3 Overview of other sections: India

Revealing the world of the Mughals with their superb Islamic metalwork and examples of

portraiture China

This is where the Chinese and Islamic influences merged to produce some exquisite artworks

including cloisonné wares and calligraphic scrolls. Malay World


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In this gallery it emphasize the use of natural motifs such as plants, fruits and clouds make their

way into local arts such as textiles. Examples of wood carving, metal handicrafts and kris

designs are also featured. Jewellery

Displays include elaborate and opulent Indian jewellery sets made from diamonds, emeralds,

rubies and pearls together with examples of more simple ethnic styles from North Africa, Central

Asia and China featuring items like nose and toe rings. Textiles

Collections of complete costumes from all over the Islamic world are on show as well as some

fine wall coverings and rugs. Arms & Armour

Impressive displays of beautifully decorated firearms, swords, daggers, axes, maces, spears,

shields and armour are on view. Coins & Seals

IAMM has a wide ranging collection of both coins and seals dating back many centuries. Metalwork

Exhibits include brass and bronze trays, bowls, jugs, vases and so on. Ceramics

Blue and white collections, Ottoman Iznik ceramics, Kashan lustreware and Nishapur

calligraphic bowls are among the artefacts.

1.3 Summary

Based on the artifacts present, we can identify how Muslim way of arming are differs and

rich .Futuremore, it`s an consequence of what Muslim world faces from colonization and to


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protect themselves they had developed to many ways of defending themselves resulting in multi-

armours and arms . Armies, as well as individuals, had their own accoutrements. Military

standards have a universal value, although in the Islamic world they were usually made from

metal rather than cloth. Steel ‘alam were used in most of Islam’s empires. They tend not to be as

elaborately ornamented as weapons and armour, although they usually included inscriptions from

the Qur’an and details of the ruler to whom they belonged. Each of these groups of objects was

often signed by their maker.


2.1 Introduction:


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In European history, the middle ages or medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th

century. It began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the

Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The middle ages is the middle period of the three

traditional divisions of western history: Antiquity, medieval period, and modern period.

The Medieval period is itself subdivided into the Early, the High, and the Late Middle

Ages [1].

2.2 The catholic church in the middle ages

After the fall of Rome, no single state or government united the people who lived on

the European continent. Instead, the Catholic Church became the most powerful

institution of the medieval period. Kings, queens and other leaders derived much of their

power from their alliances with and protection of the Church.Ordinary people across

Europe had to “tithe” 10 percent of their earnings each year to the Church; at the same

time, the Church was mostly exempt from taxation. These policies helped it to amass a

great deal of money and power [2].

2.3 The rise of Islam in the middle ages

Meanwhile, the Islamic world was growing larger and more powerful. After the

prophet Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, Muslim armies conquered large parts of the

Middle East, uniting them under the rule of a single caliph. At its height, the medieval

Islamic world was more than three times bigger than all of Christendom [2].

The rise of Islam brought significant contributions to the medieval world in politics,

thought, and culture. Though the Empire was the largest geographically for its time, the

unity amongst regions of the Muslim tribes and former Christian lands was remarkable.

The discovery of paper and the annual pilgrimage to Mecca not only allowed for easy

transmission of culture, but knowledge as well. The advancements in science and

philosophy would contribute greatly to the medieval world in thought, politics, and

everyday life.

The influences that the empire would have on its own regions and that of Western

Europe are evident through the translations and commentaries of Aristotle into Arabic

and later Latin. The role of the Islamic Empire in the medieval world was one of


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preservation and advancement upon a rich history of Greek thought and science that

otherwise, may very well have been lost [3].

2.4 Art and architecture in the middle ages :

As a way to show devotion to the Church was to build grand cathedrals and other

ecclesiastical structures such as monasteries. Cathedrals were the largest buildings in

medieval Europe, and they could be found at the center of towns and cities across the

continent.Between the 10th and 13th centuries, most European cathedrals were built in

the Romanesque style. Romanesque cathedrals are solid and substantial: They have

rounded masonry arches and barrel vaults supporting the roof, thick stone walls and few

windows.Also, before the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, even books

were works of art. Craftsmen in monasteries and later in universities created illuminated

manuscripts: handmade sacred and secular books with colored illustrations, gold and

silver lettering and other adornments [2].

In the 12th century, urban booksellers began to market smaller illuminated

manuscripts, like books of hours, psalters and other prayer books, to wealthy

individuals.By the beginning of the 8th century, the Carolingian Empire revived the

basilica form of architecture. One feature of the basilica is the use of a transept, or the

"arms" of a cross-shaped building that are perpendicular to the long nave. In the 12th and

13th centuries, Europe saw economic growth and innovations in methods of production.

Major technological advances included the invention of the windmill, the first mechanical

clocks, the manufacture of distilled spirits, and the use of the astrolabe. Military affairs

saw an increase in the use of infantry with specialized roles. Along with the still-

dominant heavy cavalry, armies often included mounted and infantry crossbowmen, as

well as sappers and engineers. The first years of the 14th century were marked by

famines, culminating in the Great Famine of 1315–17 [1].

For many, the Muslim world in the medieval period 900-1300 means the crusades.

While this era was marked, in part, by military struggle, it is also overwhelmingly a

period of peaceable exchanges of goods and ideas between West and East. Both the


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Christian and Islamic civilizations underwent great transformations and internal struggles

during these years [4].

Islamic art and architecture, works of art and architecture created in countries where

Islam has been dominant and embodying Muslim precepts in its themes.Abstract

decoration of the surface is an important factor in every work of Islamic art and

architecture, whether large or small. Curving and often interlaced lines, of which the

arabesque is a typical example, and the use of brilliant colors characterize almost all of

the finest productions, which are of greatly varied styles.The earliest architectural

monument of Islam that retains most of its original form is the Dome of the Rock

(Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem as seen in figure(1), constructed in 691–92 on the site

of the Jewish Second Temple. Muslims believe it to be the spot from which Muhammad

ascended to heaven.

Figure (5) : Dome of the Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem

Late in the 9th century the governor of Egypt, Ibn Tulun, initiated the high period of

Egypto-Islamic art with the building of his famous mosque in Cairo. In the 10th century.

TheFatimids introduced into Egypt the decorative stalactite ceiling from Iran and placed

emphasis on decorative flat moldings. The most important Fatimid buildings are the

Cairo mosques of al-Azhar and al-Aqmar [5].


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In India a distinct style, preserved mainly in architecture, developed after the Delhi

Sultanate was established (1192). This art made extensive use of stone and reflected

Indian adaptation to Islam rule, until Mughal art replaced it in the 17th cent. The square

Char Minar of Hyderabad (1591) with large arches, arcades, and minarets is typical.

From the 10th to the mid-13th century great strides were made in the arts; Egypt

became a center of these arts and of calligraphy, which was of prime importance all over

the Islamic world. Arabic script represents the expression of the will and strength of

Allah, and as such is regarded as sacred by the faithful. One of Islam's most renowned

calligraphers was Ibn Muqlah of Baghdad who invented the six most prominent cursive

scripts. Certain scripts were favored for specific uses, such as Kufic for copying the


Islam was able to draw on a much more varied range of models for cultic buildings

than was Christianity, which says much for the simplicity of Islamic communal worship

and its refusal to be tied down to a narrow range of architectural expression. Its austerely

simple liturgy meant that Islam could appropriate almost any kind of building for worship




In all countries, and as much among primitive tribes as among civilized nations, the

question of weapons has been on of great importance. From the beginning, man, exposed on the


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earth without arms of defense, must have been forced to invent methods of repelling the attacks

of those creatures who were him joint properties of the soil, and to whom Nature, in depriving

them reason, had given as compensation natural weapons. Hence, weapons, originally invented

for destructive purposes, have become the most powerful means of civilization; the improvement

of these deadly instruments has constantly supplied deficiency of numbers, and finally secured

the triumph of reason; for, in modern times, the most ambitious of conquerors contributes to

civilization, since he is always followed by the pioneers of intellectual and mechanical culture.

Gunpowder has, in all probability, opened the road to printing, has lessened the stoppages and

smoothed the road of progress by supplying strength to disciplined minorities arrayed against

barbarous masses. Mind has found means of resisting and subduing brute force. If we deplore

warfare, we must not regret the ever increasing perfection of weapons, which, by shortening

renders it eventually less fatal to mankind.

Even among the most backward in civilization, the improvement of weapons can have

nothing injurious to the progressive march of society, since all progress is mutually

advantageous; and soon as intellectual culture gains ground, no matter in what branch, the

chances of unjust war, and dread of the reign of brute force, diminish. Of the earliest known

civilizations such as f those of India and America, though lost and almost ignored, has left the

most ancient trace of a defensive weapon, perfected in its form.

Earth, wood, stone and the skins of animals, which can be found over all the earth, must

of necessity have been the first materials which man employed in the manufacture of his utensil

and weapons. The use of stones for the manufacture of the latter dates back everywhere to the

infancy of all nations.


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3.2 The characteristic of the Islamic armors during ancient time :

The most familiar characteristic of Islamic armor is perhaps the distinctive conical-shape

helmets, which, with some variation, are found in most European and Near Eastern areas under

Islamic rule. One variation is known as a "turban helmet." Its prototype can be found in the pre-

Islamic Sasanian tradition (224–336) of Persia, but its sweeping outline, reminiscent of the

domes of mosques, has contributed to this type of helmet being recognized today as decidedly

Islamic. Many of the early surviving examples date from the fifteenth century and seem to have

been made in Iran and Turkey. Additional protection was afforded by shields, usually of round

shape, and constructed—unlike the majority of their European counterparts—of metal. 

The weapon most readily associated by today's audiences with Muslim warriors of bygone times

is probably the scimitar or saber, having a long, slightly curved blade with a single cutting edge.

Other arms included javelins (throwing spears), battle axes, maces, and recurve bows (so called

because the ends of the arms/limbs in their relaxed state curve forward, adding additional

momentum to the arrow when the bow is strung). Although the above weapons were certainly

also used by foot soldiers, all were essentially suited for use by cavalry. 

Firearms had been introduced to the Islamic world by trade and armed conflict in both the East

and West, and the manufacture of cannon and handheld firearms became a highly regarded craft

in many regions under Islamic rule. What are today commonly referred to as "Islamic firearms"

are weapons from various regions, which were derived from seventeenth-century European

prototypes in the construction of their locks and in the shape of their butts. Many were fitted

either with European locks, acquired by trade or as booty, or with locks that were manufactured

in Islamic regions but were in fact copies of European types. Some types, such as the matchlock,

remained popular in some areas under Islamic rule until long after they had become obsolete in

western Europe. 

Many examples of Islamic arms and armor are especially noteworthy for their opulent

decoration, a fact for which they were already renowned in the Middle Ages. Sword blades of

"Damascus steel" or "watered steel" refer to blades that had been given a wavy or "watered"

pattern, produced in the steel prior to forging using specific smelting and crucible techniques.


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Although this technique was practiced in the Islamic Middle East at least since the Middle Ages,

in western Europe such blades were believed to originate from Damascus (Syria), hence the

name. Along similar lines, the inlay of metal surfaces such as those of a breastplate or a sword

blade with gold or silver was known as "damascening," a term again alluding to the city of

Damascus and the apparent Eastern origins of this technique. 

 3.3 Preservation on the techniques used in Islamic arms :

Islamic arms and armor were decorated using a variety of techniques such as damascening,

gilding, inlay, gold and silver encrusting, as well as setting with jewels and enameling. On some

ceremonial items, the decoration could achieve such sumptuous and spectacular effects that the

final appearance of the object has more in common with an item of jewelry than a weapon.

Indeed, the splendor of the Mughal empire was such that even today the term "mogul" is

synonymous with enormous wealth and power, a notion easily verified by Mughal arms and


Apart from floral and animal motifs, a dominant part of Islamic iconography on arms and armor

is confined tocalligraphy. Although the representation of (sacred) figures is not strictly forbidden

in the Qur'an, images as objects of devotion were avoided in Islamic art from its very beginning.

Islamic artists relied instead on the words of the Prophet Muhammad to inspire and to give literal

shape to their designs. As a result, calligraphy in Islamic lands developed into a fine art,

becoming in the process the principal form of religious ornament. Thus, Islamic arms and armor

were often decorated with a wide variety of Qur'anic passages and pious invocations, which

functioned as expressions of piety, as powerful defenses in the form of talismans, or simply as

visually pleasing ornament..

3.4 Arms and Armor throughout Islamic Civilization

"Islamic arms and armor" is to some degree restrictively connected to arms and armor of the

Mamluk period (1250–1517) in Egypt and Syria, the Ottoman empire (ca. 1299–1922), the Near

East, particularly Persia, and those ranges of India under Mughal rule (1526–1858). Contrasted

with its European partners, it is generally lighter and less extensive. An example is with the

improvement of plate armor toward the start of the fifteenth century, western Europe had to a

great extent consigned this sort of defense to a secondary position. In Islamic armor, the


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utilization of plate was normally restricted to cap, short vambraces and greaves, and, to some

degree, fortification of the mail.

Aside from chainmail, " shirt made out of steel plates joined by ranges of mail is one of the

typical "Islamic” types of body protection, which developed first in Iran or Anatolia amid the

mid fifteenth century. Plates of diverse sizes and setups were being worn in numerous parts of

the Ottoman empire by the sixteenth century and brought into India early in the Mughal period

because of the Ottoman impact on Mughal military practices.

The most familiar characteristic of Islamic armor is perhaps the distinctive conical-shape

helmets, which, with some variety, are found in most European and Near Eastern ranges under

Islamicrule. One variety is known as a "turban helmet."Its model can be found in the pre-Islamic

tradition (224–336) of Persia, however I tssweeping outline, reminiscent of the domes of

mosques, has added to this sort of helmet being perceived today as positively Islamic .A large

portion of the early surviving examples date from the fifteenth century and appear to have been

made in Iran and Turkey. Extra insurance was managed by shields, more often than not of round

shape, and constructed—unlike the majority of their European counterparts—of metal.


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Throughout the history, there were varieties of that has been recorded produce from a variety of

materials. In the early history, armour were made with rudimentary leather protection and

evolving through mail and metal plate into today's modern composites. The technology and

employment of armour were dominated by the manufacture of metal personal armour.

Development of many important technologies of the Ancient World were droved by armour

production technique, including wood lamination, mining, metal refining, vehicle manufacture,

leather processing, and later decorative metal working. Industrial revolution influences the

production and furthered commercial development of metallurgy and engineering. Armour was

the single most influential factor in the development of firearms, which in turn revolutionised


4.2 EARLY STAEGArmour did not always cover all of the body; sometimes no more than a helmet and leg plates

were worn. The rest of the body was generally protected by means of a large shield as done by

the Aztecs (13th to 15th century CE). Various types of armour were commonly used at different

times by multiple cultures in East Asia including, scale armour, lamellar armour, laminar

armour, plated mail, mail, plate armour and brigandine. Cuirasses and plates were usedaround

the dynastic Tang, Song, and early Ming Period, with more elaborate versions for officers in war.

Partial plates were prefered by the Chinese for covering "important" body parts instead of their

whole body since too much plate armour hinders martial arts movement.

Mail also known as "chainmail", made of interlocking iron rings first appeared around 300 BC.

Small additional plates or discs of iron, hardened leather and splinted construction were added to

the mail to protect vulnerable areas such as arm and leg pieces. The coat of plates was

developed, an armour made of large plates sewn inside a textile or leather coat. In 13th–15th

century, plate were made of iron. That were carburised or case hardened to give a surface of


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harder steel. Plate armour became cheaper than mail by the 15th century as it required much less


Infantry were able to defeat armoured knightsdue to advances in weaponry developed in the

early 15th century. As the armies became bigger,the quality of the metal used in armour

deteriorated and armour was made thicker, necessitating breeding of larger cavalry horses. By

the late 16th century the armour weighed around 25 kg compared to during the 14–15th centuries

where armour seldom weighed more than 15 kg.


One plate element after another was discarded in the mid-16th century, to reduced weight for

foot soldiers. Throughout the entire period of the 18th century and through Napoleonic times,

back and breast plates continued to be used in many European (heavy) cavalry units, until the

early 20th century. Cavalry had to be far more mindful of the fireas muskets could pierce plate

armour. In Japan, armour continued to be used until the end of the samurai era, with the last

major fighting in which armour was used happening in 1868. Samurai armour had one last short

lived use in 1877 during the Satsuma Rebellion.

At the start of World War, thousands of the French Cuirassiers rode out to engage the German

Cavalry. The shiny armour plate was covered in dark paint during that period and a canvas wrap

covered their elaborate Napoleonic style helmets. The cavalry had to beware of high velocity

rifles and machine guns, unlike the foot soldiers, who at least had a trench to protect them as

their armour was meant to protect only against sabres and light lances.


Today, ballistic vests made of ballistic cloth (e.g. kevlar, dyneema, twaron, spectra etc.) The US

Army has adopted Interceptor body armour, which uses Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts

(E-S.A.P.I) in the chest, sides and back of the armour. Each plate is rated to stop a range of

ammunition including 3 hits from a 7.62×51 NATO AP round at a range of 10 m (33 ft).[13]

Dragon Skin body armour is another ballistic vest which is currently in testing with mixed



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5.1.1 Introduction

After the fragmentation of the Abbasid Empire, military slaves, known as either mamluks

or Ghilman, became the basis of military power throughout the Islamic world. The Fatimids of

Egypt had forcibly taken Armenian, Turkic, Sudanese and CopticEgyptian adolescents from their

families in order to be trained as slave soldiers, who formed the bulk of their military and often

their administration The powerful vizier Badr al-Jamali, for example, was a mamluk of

Armenian origin. In Iran and Iraq, the Buyids used Turkic slaves throughout their empire, such

as the rebel al-Basasiri who eventually ushered in Saljuq rule in Baghdad after attempting a

failed rebellion. When the later Abbasids regained military control over Iraq, they also relied on

the military slaves called Ghilman.[

Under Saladin and the Ayyubids of Egypt, the power of the mamluks increased until they

claimed the sultanate in 1250, ruling as the Mamluk Sultanate. Military slavery continued to be

employed throughout the Islamic world until the 19th century. The Ottoman Empire's devşirme,

or "gathering" of young slaves for the Janissary corps, lasted until the 17th century.

5.2 Mamluk period (1250–1517)

The Islamic Orient retained a fashion in armour, which was most profoundly developed in

Wrope amid the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. In the campaigns, the Arab chiefs wore armour

of ring or chain mail, admirably wrought, strong, and capable of great resistance, yet light and

flexible, and in every respect very greatly superior to the more massive and cumbersome

personal equipment of the Crusaders.

In Ayyubid society (1171-1250) the wearing of protection appears to have been the benefit of the

military aristocracy, and we are indebted to the memoirs 09 Usama ibn Munkidk, an Arab

knight, that the armour of a prince during the Ayyubid period can be visualized. It consisted of a


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helmet (khawdha), a mail shirt (dera' or zardiya), stockings (ranat), leggins (sak al-muza) and

boots (khuff) with spurs (mihmagz), while his arms comprised sword (saif), dagger (dashan or

nimdja), or knife (sikkina), lance (rumh), javelin (harba), and shield (turs or daraka).

Three sorts of protection were primarily being used in Syria and Egypt from the twelfth to the

fifteenth century, if not likewise after: the layer of mail, the support defensive layer and the

brigandine - the most widely recognized kind was the plain layer of mail. From easygoing

references, layers of mail were worn separately or twofold, short or long, and some of them were

not only long but rather dragging, covering the horseman's legs. Connections of this and prior

networking mail spots, or scriptural writings. Every connection of Islamic mail is bolted, a few

times with two defensive layer pegs, which puncture the metal directly through.

From early Mamelukes onward, layers of mail fortified by rectangular overlapping splints

(djawshan) had been widely utilized, and some time later under the Circassian dynasty in Egypt

(fourteenth fifteenth Cent.) they were utilized almost exclusively for the expensive armour of

high emirs (princes). To the same type, belongs the coat of mail of Sultan Qaitbay (ruled 1468-


5.3 Ottoman period (1299-1922)

The armour of Persia and Central Asia appears to have delighted in extraordinary prestige in the

eighth century. For the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries, there are only a few documentary

references and no illustratlons, but from the beginning of the 13th century on, miniatures provide

accurate pictorial records, especially manuscripts of the Shah-Ndma, which describes the arming

of Persian horses for single combats and for battle.

The manufacture of armour was well organised by Ghazan-Khan (1295-1304). There were in

each province and town many armourers, both Persians and Mongols, who made bows, arrows,

quivers, swords, etc., they received annually a salary from the State, and were in return to furnish

a certain number of arms.

With the XVth century, we come to the point where we have actual pieces of Persian armour

such as corslets, and these can be fairly well distinguished by comparison with the miniatures

which are rich in illustrative material and are often dated. The mail shir reinforced with iron


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plates, once in the Oriental department of the Zeughaus, Berlin, is a good example of the

protective armour of the first half of the XVth cent. The rings in the chain mail of this period

have, as a rule, a flat rectangular cross-section. Until late in the XIXth. cent. the rings were

constantly affixed with bolts.

In addition to mail shirts, the Tartar-Mongolian form of armour was additionally utilized,

comprising of two round shields, one on the breast, the other on the back, together with side

plates, neck piece and stomach plates. All these were usually made of damascened steel, joined

by the essential fragments of chain mail. It is important that in the XVIth cent., the breast and

back pieces were ornamented with flutings. The suits of armour are decorated on the rim and the

centre of the reast and back disks with gold inlaid inscriptions, while the side plates are

ornamented with vines and flowers, exceptionally rich and exquisite in execution.

ITo conclude, the typical armour suit (Indo-Persian) comprised of a shirt of chain-mail (zirah

baktar), over which was buckled a cuirass in four pieces (char aina). On each fore-arm was an

arm-guard (dastana), hat on the right arm usually being longer than the other, as it was not

secured by the circular shield (dhal). The head was covered by a hemispherical helmet with a

nasal coming down in front, and with a curtain of chain-mail hanging from the sides and back

resembling he medieval camail .


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6.1 Spears:

Spear is one of the type of weapons that was used by feudal armies during the middle

Ages. All men in The Middle Ages were expected to know how to fight. They were expected to

be readily available when called to fight for the king. Their lives were organized and structured

to have military training incorporated in their daily lives.

6.2 Arrows and Longbows:

The arrows in this era were made from lightweight, porous woods. Of the few examples

that survive, the Mary Rose arrows have only the shaft and a few points. The Westminster arrow

almost at 1440 contains only the point and glue fragments. There are, however hundreds of

representations of archers shooting arrows, starting from the 8th Century up to the 17th. These

arrows by and large appear to be of a fairly uniform composition. They are all under a yard long

which is considered to be the average tall of men at that time and have three feathers fletched to

the base of the arrow. The shape of the fletching varies but does fall into three primary shapes,

delta, shield, and parabolic. The arrow was fit to the bowstring by means of a nock, or groove,

cut into the base of the arrow. The points, many of which do survive, vary widely based, it is

assumed, on their purpose


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As arrowheads are the most commonly surviving pieces of medieval arrows since tens of

thousands were shot at one battle, it will be examined first. The most commonly found point is

the bodkin point. A simple needle-shaped point that could penetrate most anything the medieval

world had to offer.

6.3 Crossbows:

The crossbow was considered by many to be a weapon of mass destruction. Not only was it was

remarkably accurate and particularly deadly, worse, it allowed any lowly peasant to kill a high-

born mounted knight with the simple squeeze of a trigger.

No one, neither a king in full suit of armor nor lowly conscript in homespun, could escape a

well-aimed crossbow bolt. And that was something medieval elites feared would shatter the

natural order of society.

More advantages of the crossbow it could be loaded and be ready to fire long before it was

needed whereas it took time for a regular bowman to load his weapon. It was more accurate than

a bow because the crossbowman could use two hands to aim it. He didn't have to apply pressure

like a bowman had to do when drawing the bow string back.


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Personal Reflection on the Trip – Omar Ahmed Salem Basyoal (ID: 15718)

The trip of the Islamic Knowledge-September 2015-Class of UniverisitiTeknologi

PETRONAS was successful and beneficial. I learned that a good preparation leads to a fantastic

results. For instance, I have prepared some books to read as the way from UTP to Kuala Lumpur

is quite long. I have benefited from that as I could know something new and avoid myself of

being bored all the way. Additionally, preparing of expected required items like coat inside the

bus to avoid being cooled.

The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia visit was full with knowledge. The Portrayal of

Pakistan by AwaisYaqub gave me a lot of knowledge about the life in Pakistan, their culture and

the famous things in their lives. I was shocked by the over concern about the decoration of the

vans. The unusual inverted dome is another thing to ponder about. Meanwhile, the beautiful

thing about the museum is that can give you chance to learn about other cultures or countries

while you are here in Malaysia without the need for travelling there. For example, I knew about

the Chinese relationship with Islam and how it came into and the places of minority Muslims in

China. One of the best things about the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia is their online website

which arranged in a good manner, updated with new activities in the museum. By visiting the

website you gain an adequate knowledge about the museum to prepare for your visit.

The visit to Putrajaya was nice. Although, most of the books which I have seen in the

book fair was in Malay Language, I was touched by some students who are really concerning

about reading and buying books. Moreover, the beautiful historical pictures of the two sacred

places, the Makkah and Madinah is attaching to the heart. Furthermore, the Chinese calligrapher

had withdrawn my attention. The ability of making fast, accurate and complex drawings is a sign

of ALLAH’s Perfection, Beautifulness and Ability. The Chinese calligrapher fluently in Arabic

attracted me and my Arab colleagues and this is the power and importance of speaking the

people language.


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Shura (consultation) the very important principal in Islamwasimplemented in many

occasions throughout the trip. For instance when choosing restaurant to have our lunch in was

very difficult as some international students does not like to eat Malaysian food. Another case

after finishing the visit before the allocated time, discussion on advancing the return time to


Personal reflection on the trip- Muhamad HarithNaufal Bin Nor Azni 16588

The trip to Islamic Art Museum Malaysia was very beneficial as I have gain a great deal

of information relating to Islamic history and culture around the world and how it influence our

daily lives. There were numerous galleries relating to the Quran and manuscript, Islamic

architecture, Islamic influence on the Malay, Chinese, and Indian culture and development, the

arms and armour, and even the smallest coins provide information on the history of Islam

The Islamic Architecture galleries portrayed the earliest expression of Islamic ‘art’. The

mosque was the manifestation of Islamic arts as no other religion looks to a building as

determinedly as Islam looks to its most sacred shrine. As communal worship every Friday is

incumbent on male Muslims, the mosque is about community as well as devotion. There’s also a

gallery on the Malay world which I took great interest in. The Malay Archipelago has been the

most easterly frontier of Islam for the past 500 years. For centuries it has been part of the greatest

trading route the world had ever seen, surpassing the Silk Road for quantity and variety. It was a

meeting place for different Asian empires, as well as the new trading powers that emerged from

the West. Central to these global influences was Islam, guiding a culture of restrained opulence

which, like the Islamic art of China, is only now being explored by art historians.

The arms and armor galleries shown me that many cultures have put considerable effort

into beautifying the arts of war, but in the Islamic world there is a spiritual dimension as well.

Religious inscriptions abound. Muslim used the written word to unparalleled effect. In addition

to sophisticated acid-etching techniques and inlays in precious metals, the superb quality of steel

with a high-carbon blend was allowed to shine through. Collected for centuries as weapons, and

much respected by their opponents in warfare, they are an enduring reminder of the armourer’s

advanced sense of aesthetics and commitment to his craft.Coins and seals are invaluable to the


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art historian, as well as having an aesthetic dimension of their own. Up to the modern age, coins

throughout the Islamic world shared a certain identity. They were highly calligraphic, usually

with religious inscriptions and details of rulers. As an empire with a keen interest in trade, coins

of the Caliphate were distributed around the world. They were imitated as far away as Anglo-

Saxon England, and discoveries of Umayyad and Abbasid coin hoards happen regularly in

Sweden and Russia.

In conclusion, the trip has been very insightful to me. During the trip, not only was I

exposed to the Islamic civilization and culture and how they affect our daily life, I was shown

how Islamic art help to shape the world we live in today. I was amaze by how Islamic culture

influences the civilization around the world.

Personal reflection on the trip- Nasreldin Abbas Babiker 17770

The trip was really interesting as we got to learn from the ancient history regarding to the way of

how they were living , it`s good to get observation of what haapend in the past and to learn fron

the old history , The vist to the The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia houses more than seven

thousand artefacts, as well as an exceptional library of Islamic art books. The art objects on

display range from the tiniest pieces of jewellery to one of the world’s largest scale models of the

Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. The aim is to create a collection that is truly representative of the

Islamic world. Instead of concentrating on works from the heartlands of Persia and the Middle

East, IAMM also puts the emphasis on Asia. China and Southeast Asia are especially well

represented. The third component of the Malaysian melting pot is India, which is also given

special status. India, China and the Malay World are in an exceptional category. Other parts of

the collection are displayed according to type rather than geographical origins in the museum’s

12 galleries.

The style of the museum building is modern, with an Islamic feel created by the details rather

than by the structure itself. Iranian tile workers transformed the iwan-style entrance into a

ceramic tapestry that frames a welcoming verse from the Qur’an. On the roof, these artisans

turned the dome-construction traditions of Central Asia into the building’s crowning glory. The

turquoise-coloured domes are now a landmark on the Kuala Lumpur skyline.


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Personal reflection on the trip- Omer Mohammed Jamil ( 17731 )


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In the end ,Islamic culture had a big influence on the traditional way of armors . From its origins

in the 7th century, armor and weaponry were central to Islamic culture not only as a means of

conquest and the spread of faith, but also as symbols of status, wealth, and power. More than 120

exceptional examples from the renowned collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art are

presented in detail to demonstrate the remarkable craftsmanship and beauty of Islamic arms and

armor. These diverse objects, which have never been catalogued or published in detail, span ten

centuries and represent nearly every Islamic culture, from Spain to the Caucasus. Among these

masterpieces are rare early works, such as the oldest documented Islamic sword, and fine

examples of decorated helmets and body armor from late-15th-century Iran and Anatolia. Also

included are lavish gem-studded weapons from royal courts in the Ottoman world and India.

Each piece is handsomely photographed, with a detailed discussion of its technical, historical,

and artistic importance. Made by master artisans in conjunction with leading designers,

goldsmiths, and jewelers, these stunning objects demonstrate how utilitarian military equipment

could be transformed into striking and extravagant works of art.




3 World





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Old Armours that can identified in the old times and golden time of Islamic empire

scriptures copies pictures: from the Islamic arts museum Malaysia.


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