
How did you attract/address your audience?

The theme of murder will help to encourage audiences to watch our film, as they may be curious to find out what happens to the killer in the end. A trailer supporting our media product would help with this.

Our characters are teenagers, which may appeal to audiences of horror movies as they are typically teenagers and young adults. They may as a result be more empathetic towards the characters.

The setting may also attract an audience as the woods is naturally spooky and unnerving and it could increase the fear of the audience and help give them the thrill they seek when viewing horror movies.

The flashback sequence may persuade audiences to view our film because it shows that there is a history behind the murder and do not know the reasoning behind it and by watching the film they can slowly start to find out how significant the victim was.

The use of a point of view shot helps to attract the audience as they know that they will be put in the position of the killer and this may help to create tension and fear in them, and will help them achieve the thrill they seek in a horror movie.