Page 1: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to


General Motors CorporationJanuary 27 , 1983

Ms. Mary A. GadeAssistant Regional CounselU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyRegion V230 South Dearborn StreetChicago, Illinois 60604

Re: G & F Industrial Fill Co. SiteShelby Township. Michigan

Dear Ms. Gade:

Attached is General Motors Corporation's responseby an authorized agent of the Corporation to theinformation request for the G & H Industrial Fill Co. site.If you have any questions or desire to discuss this matterfurther, please contact me at (313) 556-4085.

Very truly yours,

OTIS M. SMITHGeneral Counsel

-n >/?. / 1 -C*\i i/ L^ ^J ir*~. I-~^A£'~-'*-'^<* \

H. Richard ElmquistfAttorneyEnvironmental & Energy LawOffice of the General Counsel


cc: Dr. Joseph ChuGeneral Motors Environmental Activities Staff

EPA Region 5 Records Ctr.


Genera: Motor:, Build,ng 30-iJ Wes* Grand Bouievard Detron MicMigar 482C

Page 2: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

General Motors Corporation

January 27, 1983

United States Environmental Protection AgencyRegion V230 South Dearborn StreetChicago, Illinois 60604

Attention: Ms. Mary A. GadeAssistant Regional Counsel

Re: G & H Industrial Fill CompanyShelby Township, Macomb County, Michigan

I, JOSEPH M. ROZEK, being first duly sworn, makethe following response to the information request addressedtc General Motors Corporation:

I am an attorney assigned to the Legal Staff ofGeneral Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202.

I am a designated agent authorized to acceptservice of process on behalf of General Motors Corporationand make appropriate response thereto, including thecertification of business records.

General Motors Corporation was served with thisinformation request on December 13, 1982, and a responsewas requested within thirty (30) days following receipt ofthe request. This information request was issued by theU.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Section104 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, and this requestrelates to General Motors Corporation's possibleinvolvement with the G & H Industrial Fill Company sitelocated in Shelby Township, Michigan.

Genera; Motors Building 3044 west Grand Boulevard Detroit Micfugar, 48202

Page 3: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyJanuary 27, 1983Page 2

In a letter dated December 28, 1982, Mary A.Gade, Assistant Regional Counsel for the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency, confirmed the granting of an extensionto January 28, 1983 for responding to the informationrequest. Ms. Gade also confirmed an agreement to limit thepresent information request to the eight (8) General Motorsfacilities identified in a letter dated December 21, 1982from Mr. H. Richard Elmquist, an attorney on the GeneralMotors Legal Staff. These eight facilities are as follows:

1. Pontiac Motor Division - Pontiac, Michigan2. Central Foundry Division - Pontiac, Michigan3. GM Truck and Bus Manufacturing Division -

Pontiac, Michigan4. Fisher Body Division - Grand Blanc, Michigan5. General Motors Technical Center - Warren,

Michigan6. Hydra-matic Division - Warren, Michigan7. General Motors Warehousing & Distribution

Division - Pontiac, Michigan8. General Motors Warehousing & Distribution

Division - Drayton Plains, Michigan

General Motors has been advised by Ms. Gade thatthe relevant time period for the possible shipment of wastematerials from General Motors facilities to the site isfrom the early 1950s through 1968. This is confirmed inMr. Elmquist1s letter dated December 21, 1982. The GeneralMotors facilities listed above have reviewed their filesfor this time period.

Each facility listed above has made adetermination of the departments at their facility thatmight have relevant records, and the following is a summaryof these departments by facility.

1. Pontiac Motor Division - PontiacPurchasing, Transportation, PlantEngineering, Production, Main Laboratory,and Salvage

Page 4: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyJanuary 27, 1983Page 3

2. Central Foundry Division - PontiacPurchasing, Maintenance

3. GM Truck & Bus Manufacturing Division -PontiacPurchasing, Accounts Payable, Maintenance

4. Fisher Body Division - Grand BlancGeneral Stores, Powerhouse, Purchasing

5. GM Technical Center - WarrenCentral Purchasing, Financial

6. Hydra-Matic Division - WarrenPurchasing, Financial

7. General Motors Warehousing & DistributionDivision - PontiacMaintenance, Financial, DivisionalEnvironmental Control

8. General Motors Warehousing & DistributionDivision - Drayton PlainsMaintenance, Financial, DivisionalEnvironmental Control

For the above-stated facilities, and based upon areview of anv existing records in the above-stateddepartments from the early 1950s through 1968, GeneralMotors submits the following responses to the five (5)questions in the information request:

1. General Motors Corporation has not been ableto locate any records describing a shipmentof material to the G & H Industrial FillCo. site.

Page 5: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyJanuary 27, 1983Page 4

Although General Motors has not been able tolocate any records, General Motors hasdetermined through employe recollectionsthat the General Motors Technical Centersent some waste material to the G & HIndustrial Fill Co. site. These shipmentsprobably occurred during the late 1950s orearly 1960s. The waste materials would havebeen hauled by General Motors using a 10cubic yard capacity dump truck and/or a 26cubic yard capacity seini-truck-trailer. Thewaste material consisted primarily ofrefuse, such as plaster, plastic, paper andwood. Some drums were also transported tothe G & H Industrial Fill Co. These drumsmay have contained material such as thinnerand waste gasoline, but the actual contentof the drums is uncertain.

2. General Motors Corporation has not been ableto locate any records documenting thehandling, disposal or treatment of waste atthe G &~H Industrial Fill Co. site. Theonly document identified that specificallyreferences the G & H Industrial Fill Co. isa ledger sheet in the 1966 yearly vendorsurvey records for the Hydra-matic Warrenfacility. This was a Chevrolet facilityduring the relevant time period. Thisdocument states that 2 payments in the totalamount of $100 were made to the G & HIndustrial Fill Co. in 1966, but records nolonger exist that would explain the reasonfor these payments. A copy of the ledgersheet and the ledger index for this entryare attached.

3. General Motors has not been able to locateany records relating to sampling or chemicalanalyses of material transported to the G &H Industrial Fill Co. site.

Page 6: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyJanuary 27, 1983Page 5

4. General Motors Corporation has not been ableto locate any records documenting thetransportation of materials to the G & HIndustrial Fill Co. site.

5. General Motors Corporation has not been ableto locate any records that would identify anemploye who authorized a shipment ofmaterial to the G & H Industrial Fill

The only employe presently identified whoauthorized shipments of materials to the G &H Industrial Fill Co. is Mr. Hugo Kinderman,Supervisor, Site Maintenance and RefuseRemoval, General Motors Technical Center.Mr. Kinderman is retired.

General Motors Corporation is continuing itsefforts to obtain information for the above-statedfacilities, and if additional information is obtained,General Motors will submit the information to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.

I have read the foregoing response of GeneralMotors Corporation and to the best of my knowledge andbelief, the information contained therein is true andcorrect.

The enclosed copies of the ledger sheet andledger index sheet from the 1966 yearly vendor surveyrecord for the Hydra-matic Warren facility are true andauthentic to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I ™ /? JJjfc-̂ -̂ A /X1 • 'C^^A*:—~/yJoseph M. RoSek

Subscribed and sworn to before meday of -4^ x ̂ 1983.

/ ,7/' > ^

'Notary P u b l i c / /My Commission expires

Page 7: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

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Page 8: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

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Page 9: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to


DEC 2 8 1982'

Mr. Richard Elmquist, AttorneyEnvironmental & Energy LawGeneral Motors CorporationGeneral Motors Building3044 West Grand BoulevardDetroit, Michigan 48202

Dear Mr. Elnqulst:

Re: G S H Industrial Fill CompanyShelby Township, Michigan

In a December 20, 1982 telephone conversation, you requested an exten-sion for responding to a United States Environmental Protection Agency(U.S. EPA) request for information concerning General Motors Corporationand the above captloned site. You subsequently reiterated your requestin a December 21, 1932 letter. As I agreed 1n our conversation, GeneralMotors has an extension until January 23, 1983 for the submittal of therequested information. Also, as you indicated in your letter, I haveagreed to your approach of first seeking information fron the GeneralMotors facilities in the vicinity of the site. You have listed eignt suchfacilities in your letter. Although I agreed to your init i a l narrowing oft.ho scone or your file sparch, ! reserved the right to ask for informationfron other General Motors facilities 1n the future.

lf I can be or further assistance, please do not hesitate to call ne at312/??^-55M.


Mary A. GadeAssistant Regional Counsel

Page 10: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

f /I

General Motors Corporation

• *-.December 21, 1982 V "-"'te

Ms. Mary GadeAssistant Regional CounselU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyRegion V230 S. Dearborn StreetChicago, Illinois 60604

Re: G & H Industrial Fill Company Site

Dear Ms. Gade:

In a letter dated December 9, 1982, GeneralMotors received from U.S. EPA an information requestpursuant to Section 104 of the Comprehensive EnvironmentalResponse, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA).This information request related to General Motors Corpo-ration's possible involvement with the G & H IndustrialFill Company site. The purpose of this letter is toconfirm our conversation on December 20, 1982 concerningGeneral Motors response to this request.

In our conversation, you indicated that yoususpect that General Motors Corporation may have sent wastematerial to this site based upon the information that youhave received from the State of Michigan. You also indi-cated that it is present U.S. EPA policy not to disclosethis information. I would like to reiterate General Motorsrequest that U.S. EPA make available any informationconcerning General Motors possible involvement with thesite. This would certainly facilitate General Motorsefforts to comply with your information request.

As I indicated in our conversation, GeneralMotors has over 60 facilities located within the State of

Ge^e'3: Mo'.ois Bbiifl IG 30^4 west Gianc Bouievaid Detroit Michigan 46202

Page 11: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

Ms..Mary GadeDecember 21, 1982Page 2

Michigan. Therefore, as we agreed, I have identified theGeneral Motors facilities in the closest geographicalproximity to the site and requested that they provide theinformation for General Motors response to this informationrequest. Although you stated that U.S. EPA may laterrequest information concerning other General Motors facil-ities, you indicated that this was a reasonable approach.The following is the list of facilities that I have re-quested respond to the information request-.

1. Pontiac Motor Division - Pontiac, Michigan2. Central Foundry Division - Pontiac, Michigan3. GM Truck and Bus Manufacturing Division -

Pontiac, Michigan4. Fisher Body Division - Grand Blanc, Michigan5. General Motors Technical Center - Warren,

Michigan6. Hydra-matic Division - Warren, Michigan7. General Motors Warehousing & Distribution

Division - Pontiac, Michigan8. General Motors Warehousing & Distribution

Division - Drayton Plains, Michigan

Based upon our conversation, it is my under-standing that the G & K Industrial Fill Company acceptedall sorts of industrial waste from the early 1950s through1968. Subsequent to 1968, this facility was prohibited byinjunction from receiving any additional industrial waste'.Th«- f a c i l i t y continued to operate as a municipal landfillur'il th.- o n rlv 1970G. It is also my understanding thatyou .ire s a t i s i i e d chat the facility complied with thisinjunction. Therefore, I have advised the General Motorsfacilities reviewing their files that the relevant timeperiod for the possible shipment of waste materials fromtheir facilities to this site is from the early 1950sthrough 1968.

In our conversation, I also requested additionaltime for responding to the information request Youincicated that you would agree to extending the deadline

Page 12: GENERAL MOTORS CORP RESPONSE TO ...General Motors Corporation. My business address is 15-252 General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan 48202. I am a designated agent authorized to

Ms. Mary GadeDecember 21, 1982Page 3

for the submittal of information until January 28, 1983,and I have so advised the facilities preparing the infor-mation. I: is also my understanding that you will confirmthe extension by letter. If I am subsequently advised bythe facilities that it is not feasible to prepare theinformation requested within this time frame, I you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Very truly yours,

Otis M. SmithGeneral Counsel

~* e^LJ t/~7^H. Richard Elmquist, AttorneyEnvironmental & Energy Law

sbcc: Dr. Joseph P. Chu

GM Environmental Activities Staff