Page 1: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Department of Anthropology, School for Natural Resources and Environment

University of Michigan

Andrew J. Marshall

Page 2: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Hoffmann et al. 2010 Science

Vertebrate species richness


Keanekaragaman hayati yg tinggi


Tidak diketahui


Fig S4. Global patterns of vertebrate diversity, for land (terrestrial and freshwater, in brown) and marine (in blue) vertebrates. (A) Total number of species. (B) Residuals of the relationship between total number of species and total number of Threatened species per cell, where positive values (red) represent cells with higher threat than expected for their richness alone, and negative values (gray) represent cells with equal or lower threat than expected for richness alone. (C) Data Deficient species.




































Data Deficient vertebrate species (sensu IUCN)

Threatened vertebrate species (controlling for species richness)

Page 3: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

• Pengenalan komunitas vertebrat

• Komunitas vertebrat di kanopi

• Komunitas vertebrat di tanah

• Ekologi makanan dasar

• Jaringan makanan (“food web”)

Page 4: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

> Pengenalan komunitas vertebrat

• Komunitas vertebrat di kanopi

• Komunitas vertebrat di tanah

• Ekologi makanan dasar

• Jaringan makanan (“food web”)

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hewan yg punya tulang punggung

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Page 7: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ikan di hutan tropis

Perairan hutan hujan tropis adalah rumah bagi mayoritas spesies ikan air tawar di dunia.

Amazon: 1,100 anak sungai; 17 lebih daru 1,000km.

Lembah sungai Amazon sendiri memiliki 3,000 spesies yang diketahui (jumlah total > 5,000?).

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Ikan di hutan tropis

Arapaima, Amazon 5m panjang

Brachyplatystoma, Amazon migrasi 3,300km

Colossoma, Amazon penyebar biji

Toxotes, S & SE Asia penembak serangga

Page 9: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Amphibi di hutan tropis

TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: Rainforest Diversity

Countries with the most number of amphibian species

Total | Amphibians | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants

Total number of amphibian species, by country

Note, this data dates to 2004, but is the most recent available on a global scale. If you areaware of more up-to-date data, please contact us.

Brazil 695Colombia 623Ecuador 428Peru 361Mexico 358China 340Venezuela 288Indonesia 285United States 285Papua New Guinea 253India 233Australia 229Madagascar 226Congo, Dem Rep 218Malaysia 200Cameroon 192Costa Rica 183Panama 182Argentina 162Bolivia 161Guatemala 133Viet Nam 132Tanzania 132South Africa 119Philippines 110Guyana 104Thailand 103Honduras 101French Guiana 90Myanmar 89Suriname 86Angola 85Paraguay 76Kenya 76Ethiopia 76Nigeria 73Ghana 72Zambia 66Sri Lanka 66Japan 64Nicaragua 61Cuba 61Laos 59Mozambique 59Congo 58Malawi 56Côte d'Ivoire 54

Uganda 52Nepal 50Chile 50Guinea 48Uruguay 48Haiti 47Belize 46


For kids

Tour: the Amazon

Rainforest news

Tour: Indonesia's rainforests

Home What's New About Rainforests Mission Introduction Characteristics Biodiversity The Canopy Forest Floor Forest Waters Indigenous People Deforestation Consequences Saving Rainforests Amazon Borneo Congo New Guinea Sulawesi REDD Country Profiles Statistics Works Cited For Kids For Teachers Photos/Images Expert Interviews Rainforest News Forest data Global deforestation Tropical deforestation By country Deforestation charts Regional forest data Deforestation drivers XML Feeds Pictures Books Education Newsletter Contact

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Jumlah amphibi

Page 10: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Reptil di hutan tropis

Page 11: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Reptil di hutan tropis

Jumlah reptil

TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: Rainforest Diversity

Countries with the most number of reptile species

Total | Amphibians | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants

Total number of reptile species, by country

Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko on Nosy Mangabe

Note, this data dates to 2004, but is the most recent available on a global scale. If you areaware of more up-to-date data, please contact us.

Australia 880Mexico 837Indonesia 749Brazil 651India 521Colombia 518China 424Ecuador 419Malaysia 388Madagascar 383South Africa 364United States 360Peru 354Thailand 341Papua New Guinea 338Argentina 338Tanzania 335Venezuela 323Congo, Dem Rep 304Viet Nam 286Myanmar 285Philippines 274Kenya 261Costa Rica 258Bolivia 258

Panama 242Guatemala 236Angola 235Somalia 222Iran 220Namibia 215Honduras 213Cameroon 211


For kids

Tour: the Amazon

Rainforest news

Tour: Indonesia's rainforests

Home What's New About Rainforests Mission Introduction Characteristics Biodiversity The Canopy Forest Floor Forest Waters Indigenous People Deforestation Consequences Saving Rainforests Amazon Borneo Congo New Guinea Sulawesi REDD Country Profiles Statistics Works Cited For Kids For Teachers Photos/Images Expert Interviews Rainforest News Forest data Global deforestation Tropical deforestation By country Deforestation charts Regional forest data Deforestation drivers XML Feeds Pictures Books Education Newsletter Contact

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Page 12: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Burung di hutan tropis

Page 13: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Jumlah burung

TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: Rainforest Diversity

Countries with the most number of bird species

Total | Amphibians | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants

Total number of bird species, by country

Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant (Lophotriccus pileatus)

Note, this data dates to 2004, but is the most recent available on a global scale. If you are aware ofmore up-to-date data, please contact us.

Colombia 1,821Peru 1,781Brazil 1,712Indonesia 1,604Ecuador 1,515Bolivia 1,414Venezuela 1,392China 1,221India 1,180Congo, Dem Rep 1,148Kenya 1,103Tanzania 1,056Myanmar 1,047Argentina 1,038Mexico 1,026Uganda 1,015Thailand 971Sudan 952Cameroon 936Angola 930Panama 904Nigeria 899United States 888Nepal 864

Australia 851Ethiopia 839Costa Rica 838Viet Nam 837South Africa 829Guyana 786Zambia 770Malaysia 746


For kids

Tour: the Amazon

Rainforest news

Tour: Indonesia's rainforests

Home What's New About Rainforests Mission Introduction Characteristics Biodiversity The Canopy Forest Floor Forest Waters Indigenous People Deforestation Consequences Saving Rainforests Amazon Borneo Congo New Guinea Sulawesi REDD Country Profiles Statistics Works Cited For Kids For Teachers Photos/Images Expert Interviews Rainforest News Forest data Global deforestation Tropical deforestation By country Deforestation charts Regional forest data Deforestation drivers XML Feeds Pictures Books Education Newsletter Contact

CONTENTSRainforestsTropical FishNewsMadagascar

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Burung di hutan tropis

Page 14: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Mamalia di hutan tropis

Page 15: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Mamalia di hutan tropis

Jumlah mamalia

TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: Rainforest Diversity

Countries with the most number of mammal species

Total | Amphibians | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants

Total number of mammal species, by country

Baby gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)

Note, this data dates to 2004, but is the most recent available on a global scale. If you are aware ofmore up-to-date data, please contact us.

Indonesia 667Brazil 578Mexico 544China 502United States 468Colombia 467Peru 441Congo, Dem Rep 430India 422Kenya 407Australia 376Argentina 375Tanzania 375Bolivia 361Uganda 360Venezuela 353Ecuador 341Malaysia 337Cameroon 322South Africa 320Sudan 302Thailand 300Angola 296Russian Fed 296

Nigeria 290Myanmar 288Ethiopia 288Viet Nam 279Papua New Guinea 260Zambia 255Ghana 249Panama 241


For kids

Tour: the Amazon

Rainforest news

Tour: Indonesia's rainforests

Home What's New About Rainforests Mission Introduction Characteristics Biodiversity The Canopy Forest Floor Forest Waters Indigenous People Deforestation Consequences Saving Rainforests Amazon Borneo Congo New Guinea Sulawesi REDD Country Profiles Statistics Works Cited For Kids For Teachers Photos/Images Expert Interviews Rainforest News Forest data Global deforestation Tropical deforestation By country Deforestation charts Regional forest data Deforestation drivers XML Feeds Pictures Books Education Newsletter Contact

CONTENTSRainforestsTropical FishNewsMadagascar

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Page 16: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Kebanyakan penelitian adalah mengenai sebagian kecil keanekaragaman hayati

assessed taxonomic content for a random sample of 20% of PAs (n=113) based on titles; 10,148 hits

0 31 54 71 83 88 100

Other taxa



Non-ape primates

Non-primate mammals


cumulative percent

Percent of total hits







Marshall et al. (in press) Front. Ecol. Environ.

Page 17: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

assessed taxonomic content for a random sample of 20% of PAs (n=113) based on titles; 10,148 hits

0 31 54 71 83 88 100

Other taxa



All mammalscumulative percent

Percent of total hits







Kebanyakan penelitian adalah mengenai sebagian kecil keanekaragaman hayati

Marshall et al. (in press) Front. Ecol. Environ.

Page 18: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Walaupun hanya melingkupi kurang dari 2% dari permukaan bumi, hutan tropis menaungi lebih dari 50% tanaman dan

hewan di bumi.

Page 19: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Mengapa hutan tropis memiliki banyak sekali macam tumbuhan dan vertebrat?

Iklim: sumber daya alam banyak

-> hutan tropis menerima banyak sinar matahari -> energi oleh tumbuhan melalui proses fotosintesis -> energi di vegetasi kemudian dikonsumsi oleh hewan

Kanopi: struktur kanopi tersedia lebih banyak tempat

-> tempat untuk tumbuh dan hewan hidup -> kanopi memberikan sumber-sumber makanan baru,

perlindungan, dan tempat bersembunyi

Page 20: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

dan bagaimana mereka bisa hidup bersama-sama?

Mengapa hutan tropis memiliki banyak sekali macam tumbuhan dan vertebrat?

Page 21: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

• Pengenalan komunitas vertebrat

> Komunitas vertebrat di kanopi

• Komunitas vertebrat di tanah

• Ekologi makanan dasar

• Jaringan makanan (“food web”)

Page 22: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

70-90% dari kehidupan di hutan tropis ditemukan di kanopi

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lingkungan di kanopi sangat berbeda dari lingkungan di permukaan tanah

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tumbuhan dan hewan beradaptasi untuk kehidupan di kanopi

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vertebrat di kanopi menyediakan servis penyerbuki dan penyebar biji

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> 50% species mamalia di hutan tropis

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Primata di kanopi

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Burung di kanopi

Page 29: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Amphibi di kanopi

Page 30: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Reptil di kanopi

Page 31: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

• Pengenalan komunitas vertebrat

• Komunitas vertebrat di kanopi

> Komunitas vertebrat di tanah

• Ekologi makanan dasar

• Jaringan makanan (“food web”)

Page 32: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

tanah hutan tropis terlindungi sinar matahari, angin, dan hujan

Page 33: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

situs beberapa interaksi penting (misalnya, pembusukan)

makhluk-makhluk pembusuk (jamur dan mikro organism) mengurai tumbuhan dan hewan yang mati dan mendaur ulang

material-material serta nutrisi-nutrisi yang berguna

Page 34: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Herbivore di lantai hutan

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Carnivore di lantai hutan

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Burung di lantai hutan

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Reptil di lantai hutan

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Page 39: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

• Pengenalan komunitas vertebrat

• Komunitas vertebrat di kanopi

• Komunitas vertebrat di tanah

> Ekologi makanan dasar

• Jaringan makanan (“food web”)

Page 40: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Bagaimana sumber makanan pengaruhi adaptasi primata?


Page 41: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Daun: sumber energi tumbuhan



Biji: anaknya

Buah: strategi untuk penyebar biji

Page 42: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Colobus, colobus monkey

Pan, chimpanzee



pemakan daun

pemakan buah

Page 43: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Pemakan buahRequire relatively little specialization, but usually have:

Papio, baboon

large, broad, incisors (piercing fruit husk)

low, rounded molars

Cercocebus, mangabey

Ateles, spider monkey


Page 44: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Require relatively little specialization, but usually have:

strong lips

Seed specialists have very thick molar enamel

thin thick

Pemakan buah

Page 45: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Relatively simple guts

Large stomach volumes (esp if large body size)

Long small intestine (allows some hind-gut fermentation of fiber)

Cercocebus, mangabey

Pemakan buah

Page 46: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Pemakan daun

Presbytis, leaf monkey

Propithecus, sifaka

High cusps (slicing, shearing crests)

Page 47: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Thin molar enamel

thin thick

(thin enamel creates very sharp edges)

Pemakan daun

Page 48: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

need long, large gut (low quality foods)

specialized digestion & flora (to digest cellulose, other plant protective compounds)

Macaca, macaque

1. enlarged large intestine containing microorganisms

Pemakan daun

Page 49: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

2. large cecum, with microorganisms

Lepilemur, sportive lemur

3. Large, complex stomach

Colobus, colobus monkey

Pemakan daun

Page 50: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

• Pengenalan komunitas vertebrat

• Komunitas vertebrat di kanopi

• Komunitas vertebrat di tanah

• Ekologi makanan dasar

> Jaringan makanan (“food web”)

Page 51: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Food web

Page 52: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Tingkat pertama

Primary producers: plants

Page 53: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Tingkat kedua

Primary consumers: herbivores

Page 54: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Tingkat ketiga

Secondary consumers: small carnivores

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Tingkat keempat

Tertiary consumers

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Tingkat kelima

Quarternary consumers

Page 57: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis


Putaran mulai lagi

Page 58: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Food web

Page 59: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Food web

Page 60: Ekologi vertebrat di hutan tropis

Ucapan terima kasih

• Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi (RISTEK)

• Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)

• Direktorat Jenderal PHKA, Departemen Kehutanan

• Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Palung (BTNGP)

• Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN), U Michigan

• Yayasan Palung

• Lande, Mi’an, Surya, Zakaria
