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The Bathford Bulletin

The Monthly Magazine For The Parish OfBathford

December 2010


Do you have a photo or drawing you would l ike to see on the front of the Bulletin?

We are looking for interesting or unusual ones of the vil lage; particularly any thatcapture a distinct character of the vil lage or are from an unusual or unique vantage


Please send your submissions to: [email protected]

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St. Swithun’s Church Bathford

Rev Jane Burgess - Telephone: 858325

email: [email protected]

Churchwardens: Derek Brown 859886 Joy Craine 85861 3

Readers: Gerry Mil ler 858402 Michael Craine 85861 3

Gil l Gilbert 858927 Dennis Pearson 858293

Everyone Is Warmly Welcome!

We have the fol lowing groups for children during our Sunday Services:

Crèche (0-3); Children’s Church (3-1 0); Rock Solid Youth Group (11 +).

Our 1 4+ youth group, 'Scubed', meets three times each month. For detai ls please ring

Michael Craine.


8:1 5am Holy Communion

1 0:00am First Sunday - Family Service

2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday - Holy Communion

3rd Sunday - Morning Worship (No Communion)

6:30pm First Sunday - Holy Communion - Other Sundays - Evensong

Mondays - Thursdays

9:00 - 9:30am Prayer Time In Church


2:00pm 2nd Monday – Service In The Community Room


2:30pm Holy Communion each 1 st Weds of the month.

House Groups Details from the Churchwardens or Notices.

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Bathford Baptist Chapel, High Street, Bathford

Services wil l be held at 1 0:30am each Sunday.

I f you require information or help then please call

01 225 8401 79

From the Parish Register

Baptism Oliver Ell iot Aldred 7th November

Funeral Anthony John Morgan 1 6th November

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From the Vicarage...

I cannot believe I am writing for theDecember edition of the Bulletin –Christmas is almost here – or is it;whatever happened to Advent, theseason of waiting, of looking forwardwith expectancy?

In a credit driven society that urges us toabandon all thought of waiting and to‘buy now’, we struggle with the conceptof waiting to celebrate Christmas.

Traditional ly, Christmas trees were putup and decorated on Christmas Eve andthe first mince pies were eaten; for mostof us, those days are now long gone.

One London store even put up itsChristmas tree and started sell ingChristmas products, in late August!

Rather than simply looking forward inanticipation of Christmas we seem tobring it forward and start ourcelebrations early; fi l l ing the shopsearl ier and earl ier with tinsel andcrackers, giving the message thatChristmas is here. After al l isn’t waitingjust frustrating? Many of us, for instance,wil l recal l from childhood the long andincreasingly frustrating wait to open theChristmas presents that progressivelygathered under the tree, throughDecember, from visiting friends andrelations.

Perhaps the time every woman is happyto wait is during a pregnancy, hopingthat the period of waiting does not endprematurely. I t is a wonderful example ofhow creative waiting can be. Eachmoment is valuable, ful l of creativeenergy as cells multiply and develop.When we begin to see waiting in this

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way, not as wasted time, but savouringeach moment for its own potential , thenwaiting al lows us also to appreciate theevent when it arrives. I f we areconstantly looking backwards to bettertimes we have known, and forward tobetter times that may be coming, we canmiss the present moment. Not only that,but when’ the present moment’ doesarrive we can fail to savour it. How oftenhave we heard others say – perhaps feltit ourselves - that Christmas Day was infact an anti-cl imax?

Advent encourages us to wait creatively,taking one day at a time and to reflect onthe joys and challenges of each new day.But it also reminds us to prepare ourhearts, to recognise afresh, the comingof God as a baby to be with us and toremember His promise that one day Hewil l return again. And so Advent is a timeof expectant waiting, of preparation. Notjust preparing al l the food and presentsbut preparing our hearts for the joyfulseason of Christmas.

As a wife, mother and vicar, Christmas isa very busy time for me. I t would be soeasy not to stop to make that extraspecial time for reflection. So to help me,each afternoon during Advent I plan tol ight an Advent candle and, as it burnsdown the segment marked for each day,to stop, reflect and pray. Perhaps youmight l ike to do the same or to take amoment as you open an Advent calendarto savour the chocolate within, and thengive thanks for the blessings of the day!

May you find some time during Advent topress the pause button and simply enjoythe moment. And, when it does come,have a wonderful and blessedChristmas!

Warmest greetings


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Monthly Film Club

Monday 6 December at 2pm in St.Swithun's Church

Come and join us for a delightfulcomedy, adapted for the screen fromMissing Christmas by popular author


Tea and mince pies

Contact Pam Priston. 743499

Calling All Senior Citizens

St.Swithun's Church would l ike to inviteyou all to a Christmas Tea Party onThursday 9 December at 2pm.

The venue wil l be in the lovely new hallof our school where we wil l beentertained by the children and enjoy afestive tea.

We do hope that you wil l come and joinus.

Transport available if required.

Contact Pam Priston 743499 orChristine Colgate 8591 95

Harvest Thanks

Thank you to all who gave so generouslyat harvest. £370 from collections and£300 from the PCC was sent to thePakistan Appeal and produce wasdistibuted around the vil lage and alsosome sent to Genesis.

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Bath Minerva Choir

A CD recently recorded by Gavin Carrwith Bath Philharmonia Orchestra andhis own Chorus Angelorum ensemble,playing music composed by his brotherPaul, principal ly "Requiem for an Angel"written in memory of their mother Una,has been selected by Classic FM to betheir CD of the Week commencing 1 5November when excerpts wil l be playedevery morning by John Suchet in hisprogramme at around 1 0:1 5am.

The CD wil l be available at BathCompact Discs from that date, and thepiece itself wil l be featured by BathMinerva Choir during their concert inBath Abbey in Apri l 2011 .

Martin Carr

Parish Hall Christmas Fayre

Saturday 4 December 1 0.00am to 1 2.00noon Tables £5.00 - with a Christmastheme please

No bric-a-brac No raffles

Contact: Anne Haworth Tel: 859982

Bathford District Winner In CPREVillage Of The Year 201 0

Bathford received the award from theCampaign to Protect Rural England(CPRE) Avonside at an award ceremonyat Bathford Primary School on 1 3November. Bathford is the large vil lagedistrict winner for 201 0. The ceremonytook place in the new school hal l withrepresentatives from the CPRE and thevil lage community including the ParishCouncil , Bathford Enterprise for All(BEFA), St Swithun's Church, theTwinning Association, the Allotments, theBathford Society - and of course theschool chi ldren.

A framed certificate and cheque for £50was presented to Hugh Baker ofBathford Parish Council on behalf of thevil lage in recognition of Bathford'sachievement

The CPRE Vil lage of the Yearcompetition is for more than a "BestKept" vi l lage. I t is about celebratingstrong communities and demonstratingthat the vil lage and its people are wellcared for with a sense of community andwith thriving societies, clubs andactivities.

This is the first time that the vil lage hasentered this competition and the entrywas compiled and submitted by theBathford Enterprise for All (BEFA Plus)group on behalf of the vil lage.

I t is intended that the award money wil lbe used to buy a plaque to mark thesuccess and fixed alongside the othersat the shop.

Bathford Society

As is usual, there wil l be no talk inDecember. We wish everyone apeaceful and enjoyable Christmas, andlook forward to seeing everyone on the31 January 2011 for the talk on theHistory of the Hospice Movement.

David Howells

The 2011 Bathford Calendar

Now on sale in the shop at £6.00 each.

This year the calendar is based on viewsaround the parish, memories of some ofthe events of 201 0 and contains anupdated vil lage directory of local servicesand organisations.

Production costs have been met bygenerous sponsorship donations fromlocal businesses, organisations andindividuals and every penny raised wil lgo towards supporting your vil lage shop.

Stan Cherry

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A Social and Business Evening for ourVolunteers.

Tuesday 7 December at 7.30pm in theshop. All volunteers are invited toattend a 'Thank you' evening in the shop.We plan to start wih a Question andAnswer session, so that you can raiseideas, questions or concerns with themanagement committee and ourmanager, Kevin.

This wil l be fol lowed by a socialgathering - a chance to catch up withother volunteers and to enjoy mulledwine and mince pies.

Questions can be voiced on the night orput in a box in the shop beforehand.(This might be helpful if facts or figureswil l need to be researched!}

Please sign the l ist in the shop if youplan to attend, so that we have an ideaof numbers and please do try to come. I twil l be a good evening.

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Carols at the Shop

and 201 0 Memory Tree

Carrying on the popular tradition of thepast few years, it is intended that theshop wil l have a Christmas tree againthis year and this provides theopportunity for dedications to be writtenon coloured stars and hung on the tree inmemory of friends and loved ones. Thededications wil l be read out as part of theCarols at the Shop by Rev Jane Burgesson Wednesday evening 1 5 December.

Ful l detai ls on page 7 opposite.

For further information contact

Maureen Breeze 852444

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charge then contact the clerk or B&NESon 477983:-

Directory of Services for Older People(booklet l isting services and facil ities forpeople over 50 or retired);

Choosing the right support for you(advice to help older or disabled peoplearrange their own care and support);

Looking after a relative or friend(information leaflet for carers);

Break opportunities for carers (leaflet);

Buy with confidence (Trading StandardsApproved Trader Directory 201 0/11 );

AskSARA (online advice tool about dailyl iving equipment);

Well Aware (leaflet about onl inedatabase of health, wellbeing andcommunity resources);

(Personal Budgets (leaflet);

Stop abuse of vulnerable adults (leaflet)

Seasons Greetings - the Parish Councilis grateful to residents for the interestthey have shown in issues affecting theParish and for the support they havereceived from parishioners during thepast year. All the members of the ParishCouncil wish you and your famil ies aMerry Christmas and a happy andpeaceful New Year.

Date of Next Meeting – There is nomeeting of the Parish Council inDecember. The next meeting wil l be onMonday 1 7 January 2011 at 7.30pm inthe Parish Office. Parishioners arereminded that al l Parish Councilmeetings are open to the public andresidents are welcome to attend asobservers or to bring matters of concernto the attention of the council in the first5 minutes of the meeting.

Ruth Holding


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852486, 859007

[email protected]

Grit Bins – after the cold spell in theearly part of this year, the Parish Councilinvited residents to suggest locationswhere additional grit bins might beplaced around the Parish. Several siteswere proposed and the Parish Councilsent a l ist to B&NES for consideration.The Parish Council regrets that B&NEShas refused all requests for additionalbins, except perhaps Ostl ings Lanewhich is sti l l under consideration. TheParish Council offered to purchase theadditional bins if B&NES would supplythe grit, but B&NES has also rejectedthis proposed arrangement.

Tree work on common land – due tothe cuts in local authority spending,B&NES has informed the Parish Councilthat it expects the owners of landbordering the highway to undertake atree survey and make safe any trees atrisk of fal l ing on to the highway. I f treesfal l on to the highway and requireemergency clearance, the costs wil l bepassed to the land owner. Since the late1 960s the Parish Council has been theregistered owner of a stretch of commonland bordering the A363 through Sally inthe Woods. B&NES tree officer hasbeen asked to carry out a survey in thisarea and the Parish Council may befaced with significant unexpected coststo make safe any trees identified asbeing at risk.

Leaflets available from B&NES – theLocal Authority has issued a number ofleaflets about the services availableprimari ly for older and disabledresidents. A list of leaflets fol lows. I f youwould l ike to obtain a copy free of

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The Annual General Meeting of theBathford with Kingsdown TwinningAssociation took place on Monday 1November 201 0 in the Royal BritishLegion Club.

At this well attended meeting theaudited accounts were received andapproved. The Chair, Maureen Breeze,reviewed the events of the past yeari l lustrated with a photographicpresentation of the visit by the group ofArtannais guests to Bathford last July.

Plans for 2011 are well underway. Thesewil l include visits to Artannes for the MayEurofest celebrations as well as a ful lbiennial visit to France in July. On thesocial side, there wil l a Safari Supper inthe summer and another social eventbefore Easter – detai ls to be announcedlater.

Also under consideration is a CookeryWeekend in the autumn in Artannes anda Great British Beer AppreciationWeekend in Bathford.

The Association heard with great regretthat Chris Eker had resigned asTreasurer due to i l l health. Chris hasgiven sterl ing service in looking after ourfinances and in supporting so many ofour activities. A message ofappreciation and thanks was sent to himafter the meeting. We were fortunate inthat Kevin Marris had agreed to take onthis post.

Elections to the committee took placeand the meeting closed with a glass ofwine from producers near Artannes.

The new committee has subsequentlymet to make appointments for the year.

Tony Woodcock has decided to retirefrom his activities as Newsletter Editorand Local Communications person butwil l remain as a committee member.

Details of the committee are:

Chair – Maureen Breeze

Vice Chairman – John Lees

Secretary – Peter Rideal

Asst. Sec. & Archivist – Colin Priston

Treasurer – Kevin Marris

Newsletter Editor & Communications –Jenny Matthews (assisted by JudyMarris)


Jul ia Masdin, Jeanette Kremer, TonyEvans, David Llewelyn, Sean/FreddieConnelly, Anne Woodcock & TonyWoodcock.

Jenny Matthews (7421 33)


Bathford Parish Hall

As of 1 December 201 0 the BookingSecretary wil l be:

Monica Stockwell,

22 Ashley Road, Bathford, Bath

Tel No: 01 225-859663

The Parish Hall Management Committeewould l ike to take this opportunity ofexpressing our sincere gratitude to AnneHaworth for the numerous years she hasso wil l ingly and conscientiouslycontributed towards the ongoing successof the Parish Hall , both as unpaidCaretaker and Booking Secretary. Herunique gentle and caring nature (put tothe test on many, many occasions) wil lbe sorely missed. A huge and grateful"thankyou" Anne for everything.

Shirley Beazer

Parish Hall Management Committee

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Remembrance Parade 201 0

Than you to all who attended and whomade the event so special.

Photos By David Howells

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BATHFORD CC'S U1 5s IN 201 0

The 201 0 season was a transitionalperiod for Bathford CC's U1 5s, with ouryoung team moving up from U1 3 in2009. The average age of our team wasalways younger than that of ouropponents, who usually fielded 5 or 6"real U1 5s" (born between 1 September1 994 and 31 August 1 995) whereas at notime did our squad include any trueU1 5s.

However, the boys and their managerwere not deterred, in May, when we wentto Westbury with only 6 players. Theopposition were happy to lend us someof their youngsters, who wouldn'totherwise have got a game.

Our squad, which numbered only 11 atthe start of the season, reached 1 6 bythe end, when it was composed of 7 @U1 4, 5 @ U1 3 and 4 that were youngersti l l . We wil l certainly be stronger nextyear.

Despite the early shortfal l in numbers,we managed to fulfi l al l our fixtures. (Wewere lucky with the weather this year).

Our captain loves his cricket so muchthat in the second half of the season hewould always elect to bowl, rather thanbat, first, even though the nights weredrawing in and batting second would bethe more difficult option.

His reasoning was that not being astrong team, we would probably not set achallenging target if we batted first, thegame would not last very long and thiswould be a shame for al l concerned. Hisview was that even if batting was hisfavourite part of the game, it was betterto bowl and field for a ful l 20 overs andhave games of perhaps 35 overs than tohave games of only 25 overs, which waslikely to be the case if we batted first andwere dismissed cheaply, but neither hisspirits nor those of his team ever flagged.The enthusiasm displayed by the whole

team throughout the season was adelight to behold.

Cricket has a name for sportsmanshipthat is well deserved!

Judging by the increase in our playingnumbers during 201 0, participation incricket seems to be growing amongst theyoung and your correspondent'santicipation of victory down under overthe next couple of months wil l only serveto reinforce this trend in the years ahead.

The club is planning a modestdevelopment to replace the inadequatestructure that has served as our pavil ionfor many years. We thank all ourmembers who have given their time andeffort to raise funds for this project andthank the many Bathford residents whohave contributed in support.

The boys are keenly looking forward tohaving this new facil ity in place -hopeful ly by 201 2, when its presence wil lundoubtedly encourage other boys (andgirls) to desert their computers and joinus.

L M Mackenzie


Bathford CC

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The deadline for receiving copy for the January 2011 Bulletin is 1 0 December 201 0Please put your items into the Bulletin Box in the Bathford Village Shop,

email to: [email protected] or post to:Bathford Bulletin c/o Bathford Vil lage Shop, 54 Bathford Hil l , Bathford, Bath BA1 7SN

Diary Of Events - December 201 0

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If you run or attend an event that is not listed please contact us and we will add yourevent to the list.