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Page 1: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

2012 - Issue 3

www.clcbookshops.comFree Magazine!

Phil 3:12b-14 (The Message Bible)


Wrestling with God...

Seeing the finish line:

A vision for life!

Be FocusedExcerpts from Susan Sutton’s

book: A Quiet Center

Making the Message Global:

Updates from CLC International Council 2012

Page 2: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age”. Matthew �8: 18 - �0

(The Message Bible)

Same Message...Many Formats!



The Pacific

Africa & The Middle East

North & South America

CLC’s purpose is to bring glory to God by making Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in

the Lord Jesus Christ.

CLC’s International Council meets to discuss the

future of CLC. (see page 9)

For more information and interviews from the conference, use the qr code to visit our site.

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CLC International (UK) 291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ Tel: 0114 2812136

Mission Website: Retail Website: Editorial Email: [email protected] UK Director: [email protected] Personnel Enquiries: [email protected] Tel: 0114 2812136 CLC Finance Office: [email protected] 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Tel: 01962 733342 For Overseas Opportunities: [email protected]

Registered as a charity in England & Wales (number 1015793) and in Scotland (number SC037939)

© Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK) Printed by ARM Communications

Tel: 0121 248 4430 Email: [email protected]

In This Issue:

4 Seeing the line: A vision for life

5 - 8 CLC London Bookshop: 66 year timeline

9 CLC International Council �01�

10 - 11 Testimonies from the Council team

1� - 13 Cyprus: where ancient and modern mix in a unique way

14 - 15 Be Focused: excerpts from Susan Sutton’s book A Quiet Center

16 - 17 CLC UK Conference: Wrestling with Go & Team Photos

18 Songs of Truth: Scan & Enjoy!

19 Sing Over Me Blog

�0 - �1 Great Holiday Reading!

�� A Huge Thank You!


From the editor: Well, summer is here already and what a great time to stop and reflect on all that God is doing in our lives and ministry. I’m sure you’ll notice as you go through this issue that there are many changes (and hopefully improvements) on the horizon for CLC, both in the UK and globally. Although it is very normal to feel nervous or even a bit fearful about what lies ahead — as it is so ‘unknown’ — we really have been affirmed that God is still very much interested in our ministry and using us to build His Kingdom. Who knows what we will look like when He is finished with us...but then, we could say that about our personal lives too! Isn’t that a wonderful thought? May you be open to God’s work in your life and truly know His full blessing in all you do.

- Amanda Lutes

Published quarterly, CLC

World is available free via

CLC Bookshops, download

or post. To subscribe and

be sure of your copy, or

to order multiple copies,

contact us by email or

write to:

FAO CLC World,

51 The Dean,

Alresford, Hants,

SO24 9BJ

Same Message...Many Formats!

The Olympic Flame passing the

Bolton CLC Bookshop carried

by swimming silver medallist,

Martyn Woodroffe

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1st Lo

ndon Shop:

39 Ludgate H


(1946 -


Living the Christian life is not an easy task.

The Bible calls us to repentance, holiness,

faith, forgiveness, joy, suffering, patience

and many other seemingly impossible

goals. So many of us start out the life of

faith like a sprinter, leaping off the starting

blocks only to find that we do not have

what it takes to cross the finish line. Our

lack of progress can lead to frustration,

depression, bitterness and a desire to leave

the race altogether. The paradox of the

Christian life is that only when we reach

this moment of true surrender in our lives

are we ever able to begin to envision living

in such a way that we will hear the words

“well done thou good and faithful servant”

as we complete the race set before us.

The apostle Paul says in Acts 20:23-24: “I

only know that in every city the Holy Spirit

warns me that prison and hardships are

facing me. However, I consider my life

worth nothing to me; my only aim is to

finish the race and complete the task the

Lord Jesus has given me — the task of

testifying to the good news of God’s grace”.

Recently, a number of true pioneering CLC

missionaries have gone home to glory and

will certainly have heard the joyous words

from our Heavenly Father. Like any good

runner who not only finishes the race but

does so in a convincing fashion, they all had

one trait in common. They ran the race

with their eyes fixed on Jesus who is the

completer and finisher of our faith. Instead

of looking down at their circumstances or

back at their challengers, they looked ahead

to the only one who has finished the race

in perfection. His sustaining power and

indwelling Spirit allowed them to accomplish

feats in this life that were glorifying to the God

they served and transforming in the life of

others. Their daily acts of sacrifice, service,

boldness and conviction made them stand

out in such a way that others noticed the

way they lived and desired to lead such a life.

In the end, finishing well requires a recognition

that nothing we can do in our flesh will ever

please God or allow us to glorify Him, which

is the goal of this life of faith. Seeing the

finish line and running the race well only

happens as our sight is transformed by

a vision of a risen and conquering King,

who came as a lamb, died on a cross and

took the punishment that we deserve.

Seeing the finish line: A vision for life!

By David Almack, CLC USA Director

Main Speaker at CLC UK’s Annual Conference

We’re not finished yet!With CLC’s latest shop move in London, we celebrated 66 years of ministry in this historic city. Join us on a pictorial timeline as we look back over the years and discover our new shop which is now only a street away from where it originally was.

Window display for Nicky Cruz’s original copy of ‘Run Baby Run’ below:


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1st Lo

ndon Shop:

39 Ludgate H


(1946 -


Cliff Richard signing his book, ‘New Singer, New Song’, in 1967

One of the shop floors

Window display for Nicky Cruz’s original copy of ‘Run Baby Run’ below:

Basement was used for the Wholesale Dept. before moving to Alresford in 1969.

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3rd London Shop: Holborn Viaduct (1989 - �011)

�nd London Shop: St. Paul’s Precinct (1970 -1989)

Books being prepared & boxed by London team for the Sierra Leone Project!

Opening Day!July 31st, 1989

Yes, that’s us!

Bottom right photo: Manager, Petra Nemansky, receiving the �011 CRT Large Retailer Award.

I think someone is feeling a little ‘boxed in’!


Page 7: CLC World 2012 Issue 3


It was announced that on Saturday, the 12th of May (2012), there would be another protest from the Occupy Movement on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral. Early in the morning we didn’t witness much of it at all, other than four police vans being parked right in front of our shop on Ave Maria Lane. (We have already figured out that our new shop is the best protected one in the whole City; every time there is some unrest, police choose our street as their base of operation.) At 11am, some 50 protesters had gathered, but come lunchtime and lots of tweets later,

the Occupy crowd amounted to over 200 people. Those who had joined the protesters looked really ‘vicious’; looking like skeletons, dressed as they were with Guy Fawkes masks on, waving black flags and beating their drums, they started to march through the City. More police, helicopters, dogs and cameramen arrived on the scene and streets were cordoned off. At that time I was in Holborn picking up some things to take over to the new shop. To that point, Holborn Viaduct had been very quiet and I didn’t think anything of it. Suddenly, I heard screaming and yelling and many more drums beating louder and louder. I looked outside and saw that the Occupy procession had stopped right in front of our Holborn shop, ready to start a fight with the police and to demolish whatever was available; things started flying, people were dragged away, frightened bypassers were pressed against our doors, and excited cameramen had a field

day. I wasn’t quite sure if I should unlock the door to let the trapped people in and risk being flooded by an uninvited crowd of protesters as well. My thoughts were also of our shop windows: an easy target... yet another expense. In the end I resolved to phoning the shop at St Paul’s and asking them to pray, which afterwards I heard that they did right there and then. Well, to my utter amazement, and literally in just a few minutes’ time, the scene changed completely. Suddenly and for no apparent reason, all drumming stopped and for a few seconds there was a deadly silence. Then, hesitantly, someone in the crowd started to play a very gentle folk song. People lying on the floor picked themselves up, and the crowd moved on, just like that. I don’t think I have ever experienced such a dramatic and quick answer to prayer! It left me stunned (“oh you of little faith...”), and made me think, this is how it must have felt when Jesus was in the boat during the furious storm when He rebuked the winds and the waves: “Be still!”

Running a Christian bookshop in this city sometimes does feel like navigating a serious storm. But praise the Lord for His provision time and time again! We are thrilled with our new shop near the St Paul’s Cathedral. Pray with us that the Lord will use this location for His Glory. It certainly is a year of opportunities; we have just had the Diamond Jubilee, and are now preparing for the Olympics. Do visit us if you would like to help us spread the gospel by making Olympic-themed materials available through a book table at your church; we are here to serve!

Petra NemanskyLondon Shop Manager

Bottom right photo: Manager, Petra Nemansky, receiving the �011 CRT Large Retailer Award.


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3-4 Ave Maria Lane LONDON, EC4M 7AQTel: 0�0 7�48 �356

[email protected]

Thanksgiving Celebration

at our new London Shop!


Page 9: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

New technologies are a very significant threat to the traditional book business – as operated by CLC! Selling via websites has undermined the ability of “bricks & mortar” shops to thrive, as evidenced by the closure of major bookshop chains. However, eBooks are an even greater threat – but also a greater opportunity!!

With this in mind, the theme for CLC’s International Council meetings, which happen every four years, was Making the Message Global. Every day, during the week-long conference, we followed a main topic that related to our vision statement, plus a relevant aspect of leadership development.

As we discussed excellence in bookshops, the opportunities of eCommerce, the new marketing of social media, and the challenge to make a serious impact with eBooks and Apps, it became apparent that CLC has the opportunity to make a significant contribution.

CLC is multi-national, multi-lingual, and multi-denominational, with websites and bookshops in many countries. We asked ourselves the question how we could best fulfil our Purpose Statement “ that people come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ” through this new technology.

The graphic shown on the right illustrates the way that our eBooks will be organised. A central data base (the Cloud) will allow our eBooks to

be sold through multiple websites to multiple reading devices – computers, tablets, and smart phones. The aim is to have all existing CLC content available as eBooks within two years on all of our websites. Once the platform is established, we will be able to open it up to other publishers.

We then must use the different elements of CLC to communicate what we are doing – through personal contact, blog sites, websites, and Facebook. This is a whole new way of working for some of us, but a reality of the world today. We discovered that the Philippines, Indonesia and India were among the highest users of Facebook.

But the challenge is this: we can truly “make the message global” by taking hold of these opportunities. Is this all part of the fulfilment of the Great Commission? Then again, why not?


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CLC International Council 2012

We are all so intimately involved in our personal

situation in our own country. Besides CLC, there is family,

church and other responsibilities that often weigh heavy on

our shoulders. For one week, every four years, we who are

CLC leaders who have a common love of literature and the

CLC ministry, come together to share, to pray, to listen and to

learn from each other. What an exceptional experience!

One of the greatest blessings for me was to meet

and room with the director from CLC France, Hervé Lessous.

As we are both involved in ministry to the French speaking

part of the world, it was a wonderful opportunity to meet my

brother face to face, to discuss, dream, and pray together

for our respective situations. We spent many valuable hours

together, including a swim, run or walk each morning at 6:30.

It was the first time I have run more than 100 metres in 15

years. Thank you Hervé, thank you to the organisers for putting

us together and thank you Lord for this incredible ministry.

Rod Fowler National Director for CLC Canada



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Grigorij Torchilo was tired and sick. He had spent the last two weeks in hospital and he nearly cancelled his trip to Panama, but because the tickets were non-refundable and he truly felt God calling him to go, he forced himself onto the plane.

When Grigorij returned from Panama he was healthier, excited, encouraged, and relaxed! He shared with us, his co-workers, his vision and plans for the future as never before. Conference gave him new strength to continue work, to build plans for the future and to develop our ministry.

Grigorij was most encouraged by the reports from South America as they shared that churches in their countries are growing very quickly and they have a lot of young people in the Church.

Lidia Pinkevich Shop Manager of Brest, Belarus

Grigorij Torchilo is the National Director of CLC Belarus

It was really a blessing for me to attend the IC in Panama. Although this was my third time at IC, this year’s meeting in Panama was the best. Elba Carrizo’s session on leadership was so helpful; we had a wonderful time of fellowship and the topics on social media were so relevant to today’s market.

But, what struck me most was this question, “What hinders you from seeing or receiving the full blessing of God?” Philip Train, who was leading our devotional time on John 6, asked this question and I believe that God has a best plan for us and for our ministry... that is to bless us. We need to know it and to seek it. So, I pray that all those in CLC constantly ask themselves, “What hinders me from seeing and receiving God’s full blessings?”

Romualdo Macinas National Director of CLC Philippines &Regional Director for Asia

CLC Prayer Focus:

Our electronic bi-monthly resource will give you daily up-to-date prayer & praise points from any one of our 56 CLC countries.

To sign up, simply email us at: [email protected]

with ‘PF Subscribe’ as the subject.

To receive Prayer Focus or CLC World Magazine by post:

FAO: CLC Marketing , 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hants, SO24 9BJ


PF Qty:___ CLCW Qty:___

We are all so intimately involved in our personal

situation in our own country. Besides CLC, there is family,

church and other responsibilities that often weigh heavy on

our shoulders. For one week, every four years, we who are

CLC leaders who have a common love of literature and the

CLC ministry, come together to share, to pray, to listen and to

learn from each other. What an exceptional experience!

One of the greatest blessings for me was to meet

and room with the director from CLC France, Hervé Lessous.

As we are both involved in ministry to the French speaking

part of the world, it was a wonderful opportunity to meet my

brother face to face, to discuss, dream, and pray together

for our respective situations. We spent many valuable hours

together, including a swim, run or walk each morning at 6:30.

It was the first time I have run more than 100 metres in 15

years. Thank you Hervé, thank you to the organisers for putting

us together and thank you Lord for this incredible ministry.

Rod Fowler National Director for CLC Canada



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We, as a retired CLC couple, went on holiday (nothing unusual you say) to rest, visit ancient sights, read, etc. We were tired and felt we deserved a break. When you’re retired and still active, everyone thinks you have nothing to do, so loads of requests for help to do this and that come along all the time — very enjoyable but it is not always easy to say no — so we felt that getting away from it all was the answer.

With this in mind, we were expecting a lazy and relaxing time. We weren’t expecting to be challenged afresh in the Lord regarding our availability and flexibility - and WOW! What we saw lived out in our two CLC workers in Nicosia, Cyprus — Eva and Sotos Photiades — left us freshly challenged re our availability in God daily.

We know that CLC personnel don’t just work 9 - 5 in bookshops. Around the world, their involvement in many areas is 24/7 for outreach of the Good News in print, by life, teaching, bookstalls, etc. Did you know that?

Yes we did see ancient sights, beautiful seascapes, sun — even rain and snow in Paphos — but came home challenged by the lives of Eva and Sotos. Why? Well, their life and work for the Lord on the island of Cyprus through CLC in Nicosia goes far above the call of duty. Many other bookshops have opened and closed on the Island but Eva and Sotos have faithfully continued and God has blessed their ministry.

When they close the shop in the evening,

Thank you for your interest in CLC! We hope that you will continue to enjoy the CLC World magazine. To subscribe, email us at: [email protected] or send this tear-out to FAO: CLC World, 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hants, SO�4 9BJ

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Registered as a charity in England & Wales (no. 1015793) and in Scotland (no. SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK)


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1313 13

they often deliver books, run bookstalls, visit and pray with folks in need, and look after an elderly relative. They also visit Eva’s sister, who is going through treatment for cancer (this is a heavy burden on Eva’s heart - they both escaped from the north of the island in the 1970s during the invasion from Turkey). On Friday evenings when they close the shop, they drive 2 hours from Nicosia to Paphos where they pastor and lead a group of believers. After a drive in heavy Friday night traffic, they just share out love and care for this little church group who use the Bulgarian Church Hall in Paphos, teaching from the Word.

We didn’t understand Greek, but we could feel the love shared and their fervent prayers as well as the way they drank in the teaching Sotos gave. The night we were there, some new people joined and we were touched by their love, passion and concern for each other. We too received such a warm reception as did the newcomers.

Eva and Sotos stay Friday night with one of Eva’s nephews. They were only very young when they escaped with Eva & her sister that night in the 70s and their father was killed at that time, but they have grown up to love and serve the Lord in the Church. One of them is a wonderful guitarist and leads the worship.

Next morning, Saturday, Eva and Sotos leave around 6.30am and drive back to Nicosia to open the CLC shop. On Sunday after their church service in Nicosia and visiting family,

they drive back to Paphos to lead Sunday evening worship at the home of Believers. The buzz of talk about the Lord and the questions asked all help the Church grow.

There’s a good range of ages at the service. We had a lovely time of worship then a testimony from one of the Brothers. After that, Sotos preached. A new young Christian asked some questions about something she couldn’t understand. This happened while he was in the middle of preaching. What would he do? Tell her he’d answer her at the end, which is probably what we would do here? No. He stopped and talked to her so graciously and directly from the Scriptures. This was teaching to us all – showing his Pastor’s heart.

Eva was trying to translate for us and another non Greek-speaking Christian, so we got at least some of the content. We felt deeply moved and near to tears as we then shared a lovely supper together and Sotos and Eva drove back to Nicosia to rest and then open the shop again on Monday morning.

What a challenge this CLC couple were. We came home enriched, not just by the holiday, but by the commitment and challenge to pray more for CLC workers around the world and the need for others to join them as volunteers or fulltime workers. This is so that more can be done to reach both the people in Cyprus with the Gospel while there is time, and around the world people can come to faith by hearing the word through CLC’s ministry. Alasdair and Hilary Cameron




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here ancient and modern m

ix in a unique way.


Page 14: CLC World 2012 Issue 3


Organizing is essential in today’s world. Yet even if we do our best to organize our lives, they can still seem messy at times. The most scheduled of days may be fraught with unplanned distractions. Interruptions come from outside ourselves—telephone calls, unexpected visits, emergency situations, delays—but distractions rise from within as well. Our minds can’t seem to focus on the job at hand. Our bodies feel tired or ill. Perhaps we wake up on the wrong side of the bed and the day rides unproductively on an ill mood.

Maybe, despite well-ordered plans, we become overwhelmed with all there is to do. Deadlines to meet, relationships to nurture and expectations (both from others and ourselves) to fulfill all crowd our days. No amount of advice from management experts can stop the pressing rush of responsibilities. What we need at those times is to focus on internal management. We need to learn how to inwardly handle the outward moments of stress. (Pages 72 - 73)

When work mounts, whether in the home or the office, rather than stepping up our pace in order to run with the load, we need to pull back and first bring everything before the Lord.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. (Prov. 16:3)Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Prov. 3:5–6)

This can be done by simply asking God to quiet your mind about the work ahead or by asking His help in ordering your day. Or it can be a more focused “management session” with the CEO of our life.

Lay your schedule or to-do list before the Lord in prayer. Lift each individual item to the throne of grace. Remember:

The mind of man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9, NASB).

Ask God for insights into your schedule. Keep a notepad available for any thoughts He gives during this time of prayer. Is there someone you should call or visit or send a card to? What needs special attention? What can be laid aside for the moment? How can you handle this person, this meeting, this project?

It is possible that the Lord may ask you to whittle down your commitments. Stepping out of the marketplace of demands into a quiet place with the Lord helps us remember priorities and put our activities into perspective. In the light of His priorities, we can examine our motives for each activity and discern whether or not we are doing them for unnecessary reasons, such as pride or guilt or a feeling that we have to be involved to prove our worth. When I am sincerely seeking to be available to the Lord, it is easier to say no to those activities which are not in His plans for my use of time without anxious concern for the opinions of others. We do not want to use God as an excuse for laziness or personal agendas, but we can learn to rest in our schedules by seeking His agenda rather than wearying ourselves trying to fulfill the needs and expectations of others, doing more than we should and more than He ever intended for us to do.

Looking to Jesus as the manager of our schedules develops within us a peace and certainty about our days that cannot be found in books and articles on time management.

Bringing our weekly and daily calendars before Him goes much deeper than simplifying activities. It allows us to settle our very souls by focusing on one single goal: to do His will and be about His business in the world. Rather than being pulled in many directions, we are centered on one direction, and our minds are at peace. (Pages 76 - 78)

Taking time out of a difficult situation to look to Christ reminds us of His presence and His truths. We are reminded of His enabling power in a situation that seems overwhelming. We return to what really matters in life and regain right priorities. We are reminded of His love and so are lifted out of depression. His peace replaces tension and uncertainty. His grace replaces irritation. His wisdom replaces confusion.






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Page 15: CLC World 2012 Issue 3


We may need to deliberately look to Jesus again and again until an issue is resolved. No matter how often we must come to Him with the same situation, we can rest assured that Jesus is ever ready to hear and to help. (Pages 79 - 80)

Be Still Before God: Reflection & Discussion (Pages 80 - 82)

If God called you to the mission field long-term, what would it be hardest for you to give up? He may never ask you to give up something you hold dear, but no matter where you are or what you do, Christ asks for total obedience in following Him. In Matthew 6:19–21 He asserts, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Talk honestly with God about the things you would find hard to give up if He asked it of you. Now is the time to work on leading a life wholly devoted to Him.

How do you react to upsets in your schedule? Do you take them in stride, or do you tend to collapse into chaos? The fact is we can’t control whether or not life goes according to our plans, but we can recognize that God is in control. Proverbs 16:9 tells us, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Trusting God’s control over every detail leads to a restful heart even in the midst of chaos.We don’t have to worry when things don’t work out the way we think they should. Someone is in control even if we aren’t! We can rest in the promise: “If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand”. (Ps. 37:23–24).

There are many reasons why we become stressed. Think of other possible root causes of stress in your life as you consider the following: wanting to be perfect; anxiety about something you cannot control; concern about others’ opinions; felt expectations from others; finding it hard to say no. How can maintaining a focus on God help us uproot these stress producers?

Read the following verses and let God speak to you about your life’s focus: Psalm 25:15; 121:1–4; 123:2; 141:8.

Choose a short prayer, even a prayer phrase, to say to the Lord throughout the day as a reminder of His presence. Examples from the spiritual classics are: “Lord, have mercy on me.” “Not my will but Thy will be done.” “Help me, Lord, to do Your will.” “I love You, Lord. Help me to hear Your voice.”

From prayer that asks that I may beSheltered from winds that beat on Thee,

From fearing when I should aspire,From faltering when I should climb higher,

From silken self, O captain, freeThy soldier who would follow Thee.

From subtle love of softening things,From easy choices, weakenings,

Not thus are spirits fortified,Not this way went the Crucified;From all that dims Thy Calvary,

O Lamb of God, deliver me.Give me the love that leads the way,The faith that nothing can dismay,The hope no disappointments tire,The passion that will burn like fire.

Let me not sink to be a clod,Make me Thy fuel, O Flame of God.

- Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael, Mountain Breezes: The Collected Poems of Amy Carmichael (Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications,

1999), 223.

Page 16: CLC World 2012 Issue 3


Wrestling with God...There comes a point, no matter what ministry you are involved in, when you run into insurmountable odds. That instance when you realise, if we continue on with the same working model we have always used, we will either burn-out or, worse, see our whole organisation close down. We can be very much like Jacob when we approach these situations and line up our twelve-point plans about how we are going to change this and that, but all the planning in the world doesn’t alter what God’s will is for you and your ministry. Perhaps He simply wants you to look at your life and realise He has something amazing in store for you. What if He is wondering just how badly you want it and if you will be like Jacob and wrestle Him for it?

Many of us in CLC UK have felt like we have had to organise every moment in a race where we were always falling behind with technology and social media in the ever-changing book market. To say we have been feeling run down and scared about the future is probably putting it quite mildly. In our focus on ‘the bottom line’ with the finances, we have allowed the real purpose for our ministry to be sidelined. We are on the high streets for one reason, and one reason only, ‘to see lives transformed’! We are called to be a light in our communities on an ever-darkening street... but, most importantly, our ‘results’ do not equate finances. As a mission that truly stands behind this belief, God has allowed us to spread this literature ministry throughout the world into over 50 countries.

For the UK team this has meant that for over 70 years we have been a sending base and support system for many of these fields, and the fruit from ‘lives being transformed’ has truly been miraculous! In the last year alone, we have been blessed to be able to offer various forms of support to countries such as Tanzania, Poland, Sierra Leone and Italy. Even though this has truly stretched us in many ways, we know we were following God’s will and would do it all again.

While at our UK Conference, we were able to look at CLC’s work in Europe and Africa, and although they also face many challenges and hurdles, we can clearly see that God is still very much in the work of CLC and that He is not yet finished with us. But what will CLC UK look like and how will it function in just a few years time? Well, quite literally, only God knows....but with

CLC UK’s �01� Conference!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support while many of our shops (and our warehouse) were

shut for our annual conference. In the midst of all the meetings it was a wonderful time of fellowship for

the team, and we felt a real sense of God’s calling and direction for us. Thanks again & God Bless!

the awareness now that God is still very much visible in our ministry and not at all finished with us, we are ready to hit the wrestling mat.

As we became aware of what is required to face what lies ahead and wrestle with God for His blessing, we decided to share these important facts to both encourage and challenge you. If you remember nothing else, please remember that corporate transformation requires personal transformation. With this in mind you need to:

stop waiting to ‘get things right’ before wrestling with God. He doesn’t need or want us at our best — He wants to work in us now! He knows we will make mistakes and sin, but He will restore us each and every time.embrace who God created you to be! He loves how very different you are and most definitely can use your personality to bring about His Kingdom! Take those God-given gifts and personally go the extra mile, no matter the situation or person you are dealing with. experience a radical encounter with Jesus, our risen Lord! God is not looking for a one-time incident, but rather His heart is set on a daily occurrance. In order to experience this we need to have the focus that success is faithfulness to God and doing what pleases Him.recognise that there is a good chance you may be wounded in the challenges ahead. It is through brokenness and surrender we become dependent on God and are able to hear his still, small voice directing us. Sometimes being hurt is a necessary and vital part of growth.remember that no matter the outcome, God has blessed us if we have truly met with Him. God can be glorified no matter the end result because He has really only called us to be what we have already become, in a personal relationship with Jesus.

by Amanda Lutes

Page 17: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

CLC UK’s �01� Conference!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support while many of our shops (and our warehouse) were

shut for our annual conference. In the midst of all the meetings it was a wonderful time of fellowship for

the team, and we felt a real sense of God’s calling and direction for us. Thanks again & God Bless!


Page 18: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

Song: Keep Your Eyes Open Artist: Needtobreathe Album: The ReckoningGenre: RockLabel: Word (Kingsway)Product Code: 075678826214

Song: The Hurt & The HealerArtist: MercyMeAlbum: The Hurt & The Healer Genre: Pop Rock/WorshipLabel: Provident (Authentic)Product Code: 736211602091

Songs of Truth & Love... Scan the QR Code to hear the song!

Song : GoldArtist: Britt NicoleAlbum: GoldGenre: Pop Label: EMI (Kingsway)Product Code: 5099996785720

Song: Fighting For Me Artist: Anthony Evans Album: HomeGenre: Pop Rock/GospelLabel: Provident (Authentic)Product Code: 736211601896

Song: Carry Me To The CrossArtist: Kutless Album: BelieverGenre: Rock/WorshipLabel: EMI (Kingsway)Product Code: 5099960985422





Song: Yours ForeverArtist: Dara MacLean Album: You Got My Attention Genre: PopLabel: Word (Kingsway)Product Code: 080688821029




Page 19: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

I enjoy my morning runs on the high school track near my house. For the past month, at 9 o’clock sharp, a group of handicapped kids arrive to share the track with me; they are enjoying summer camp like many of the other kids in our area. I wear dark sunglasses, so they aren’t aware I’m watching them. I wouldn’t want them to feel uncomfortable being observed, but I learn so much from them.

One boy, who looks fourteen, runs a full quarter mile with raw joy—arms flailing, face grinning up at the summer sun. There are others who talk to themselves and wander toward the fence. Some are functional enough to carry on conversations. Every day they seem to follow the same patterns. After a few laps of walking, they join a group for parachute games on the hillside; a circle of kids make the parachute billow while they take turns running underneath. Against the clear blue summer sky, it’s a starkly beautiful thing to watch them play and learn.

What strikes me most is the tender care, gentleness, and patience of the volunteers who work with these children. They delight in them, laugh with them, and are dedicated to making summer camp as special as the “normal” kids have.

Two days ago a new little girl I didn’t recognise entered the track. Somebody loved her. Her bright orange Crocs matched her shirt and her fuchsia hair bows matched her shorts, but she was visibly upset and growing more so by the second. It was time to leave, but she stood by the gate heaving sobs, unable to move.

Three counsellors surrounded her and one began to yell at her: “What’s the matter with you? Can’t you see everyone else has left? Get moving, stupid!” The little girl began to sob harder as the worker intensified her rant …

No, wait—that’s not what happened. But what was your visceral reaction to the last paragraph? You were angry, right? You wanted to run to her rescue? Let me tell you what really happened: Three counsellors surrounded her and one began to gently say, “It’s time to go with your friends, Honey. Let’s say your ABCs.” She began to sing the alphabet. This must have been a comfortable reference point for the little girl as she began to calm down. They didn’t try to reason with her. She was past reason. The girl acted irrationally—not unlike my behaviour when I’m seriously disturbed.

Some people are seriously hindered physically; they will never be right. Others have been traumatised emotionally; they are like a doll with the stuffing ripped out. They won’t sit upright again until they get re-stuffed by someone gentle enough to help them. One of my favourite scriptures says of God, “Thy gentleness hath made me great.” Yelling at broken people accomplishes nothing.

Maybe you hear voices from your past, yelling at you, abusive voices ringing in your ears long after the words or even the people are gone. But there is a still small voice that longs to minister to you, to re-stuff you. You’re not stupid; you’re broken and in need of a gentle shepherd.

Jesus longs to surround you with Himself, give you a reference point you can relate to, and move you forward. So stop listening to the yellers and abusers and listen to the one who wants to heal the holes in your soul. You may be broken emotionally beyond human repair and past reason. You just need love. You are loved by the lover of your soul. He’s not yelling, He’s singing: “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing” (Zeph. 3:17 KJV).

Sing Over Me... by Jennifer Dapice Guest blogger on:

Page 20: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

Miracle in the Mine (Hardback) by José Henriquez ISBN: 9780310334941 Review by Bonnie Brooks Publisher: Zondervan, 176 p

This is the story of José Henriquez, the Christian who provided pastoral support to the Chilean miners trapped underground for sixty-nine days in 2010. The author explores how God had been preparing him for this role, and describes the transformation of the men who turned to Christ during this ordeal. Continuing his account beyond their world-famous rescue, José reveals the opportunities he has had to share his testimony in other countries, resulting in more life-changing responses. José’s story is encouraging and inspiring.

The Tehran Initiative (Novel) by Joel C. Rosenberg ISBN: 97814143649�6Review by Rev. Brian Butler Publisher: Tyndale House, 46� p

I’m not one for apocalyptic novels in the tradition of ‘Left behind’, but I must say I was gripped by this page-turner (and it’s better written in my view). It shows what happens when Iran gets the atomic bomb, and the Mahdi (the Islamic Messiah) appears at the same time. The Middle East is a tinder-box and when events converge to unite the disparate nations, what will happen to Israel? Scudding along at a frantic pace between Washington, Tehran and Jerusalem, this thriller really grabs you by the seat of your pants. It is scary because it paints a realistic scenario. But it is fiction!

Great Holiday Reading!

Eric Liddell: Pure Gold by David McCasland ISBN: 9780745955711 Review by Karen Markwell, CLC Ipswich Publisher: Lion Hudson, 366 p

This book really made me think about what you can achieve when you follow what God wants you to do. Eric Liddell’s complete surrender to what God called him to do is inspirational and can help you realise your potential also, if you are willing to do the same.This book will make you think about what you can achieve and encourage you to do it. Eric gave his all for God, just as we all can.

Voice In the Night by Pastor Surprise & David Wimbish Review by Jackie Gibbons ISBN: 9780800795�38 Publisher: Chosen, 187 p This amazing autobiography tells of a teenager who was called by God out of a family of witch doctors. Surprise Sithole left his home in response to a voice he had never heard before, travelled through the jungle and met a man who had seen him in a dream and was expecting him. The man led Surprise and his friend to Christ. and since then, Surprise has followed the Lord and shared about Him throughout Africa and in other nations. He prayed “Lord show us what you want us to do, we are willing to go anywhere and do anything”. The faith and obedience Surprise demonstrated as a new believer has marked the rest of his life as he has travelled around sharing the gospel and plant-ing churches. He has witnessed many miracles as he has faithfully evangelised and prayed for people. This book is a great encouragement to faith and obedience and you too will be inspired as you read how God has used for 25 years a man who is totally committed to Him.

Only £9.99

Only £8.99

Only £1�.99

Only £9.99


Page 21: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

Echoes of Titanic (Novel) by Mindy Stearns Clark ISBN: 97807369�946�Review by Penny Rivett, CLC Ipswich Publisher: Harvest House, 35� p

The world of investment finance is probably alien to most but this is the backdrop for this tale. The focus is on the legacy of the events of Titanic’s tragic voyage one hundred years ago. Here we find a skillful weaving of history and present day narrative; two stories unfolding side by side. Well crafted characters make a gripping story of heroism and self-sacrifice as the reader discovers how one family was affected down through the generations. Many of the vices of human nature are here: lies, deceit, greed, murder, and self-centredness. But the message that comes through is that of reconciliation, which is the heart of God our Father.


Behind the Veils of Yemen by Audra G. Shelby ISBN: 9780800795184 Review by Betty McKay Publisher: Chosen, �7� p

From the first page, readers find themselves accompanying a young American missionary and her husband and children as they travel to Yemen where they will be spending the next years trying to introduce Jesus to the unreached Yemenis. Climate, culture and language are radically different from the USA, and Audra skilfully allows readers to experience with her the many sights, smells and sounds of a country so different to her own, as well as giving them a glimpse behind those tantalisingly ubiquitous black veils as she gets closer to the women. Traumas in her own family life test her faith but not her calling to share the love of God with these veiled women living in an Islamic stronghold. Immensely readable and highly recommended.

Only £9.99

Miracle for Jen by Linda Barrick & John Perry ISBN: 978141437�631Review by Carol Brown, CLC Retiree Publisher: Tyndale, �7� pages

This is an absolutely amazing biography about a family involved in the most horrific and devastat-ing car crash. They were all badly hurt, but their daughter Jen was the most seriously injured. It will have you in tears within the first ten minutes of starting to read it (if you read on public transport make sure you have plenty of tissues). It is about God answering prayer, healing in the most wonderful and different way. It will challenge you to make you think about your walk with God, how you pray, and being open to talking about Jesus. This book will make you cry, laugh, hope, trust and make you think. This family had an amazing network of support from their church, family, friends and doctors and nurses. This is the best biograhpy I have read in a long time!

Only £9.99

The Vow by Kim & Krickett Carpenter ISBN: 9781433675799Review by Jane Morin, CLC Finance Dept. Publisher: Broadman & Holman, �40 p

A newly married couple with their whole future stretched out ahead of them. A car crash and everything comes tumbling down. Or does it? Kim’s life is on hold and Krickett’s life is hanging by a thread. But, despite Krickett’s memory loss, (she has no memory of Kim or their wedding), she does know how important God is to her. Her faith is strong. Despite the tough times, the set-backs, she and Krickett hold on to their vows. Day by day they heal from the injuries sustained in the crash and set about building a new life together. When you read this book, you will realise just how unimportant all those little arguments are, that with God in your life and commitment to your marriage in your heart, you can overcome anything. If Kim and Krickett can make it, so can you. Promotional price only while stocks last!

Now £7.99

Was: £9.99

Only £8.99 I’d like to dedicate this issue of CLC World in Loving Memory

of our dear and faithful book reviewer, Betty McKay, who passed away suddenly this May. I know her reviews in CLC World have inspired and encouraged many readers over the years and we’d like to just take a moment to say a thank you and remember her family in prayer. - Amanda Lutes, CW Editor

‘Betty McKay was one of the most complete women I have known and certainly a role model for me. She was a good mother, housekeeper, wife, and cook, but also had an acute mind, wide interests and loved her country dancing. Above all that she loved the Lord and was an assiduous pray-er. Indeed, someone to be admired and I imagine will be enjoying her new company after hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant”.’ - Joan M. Nicholson, CLC Retiree


Page 22: CLC World 2012 Issue 3


We want to thank the many people who gave to our missionary support fund during 2011. At a time of economic difficulty, it is always amazing how Christians respond to the needs of others! We are grateful to you all for your being open to God’s prompting to give. We praise Him that another year has gone by when we were able to pay the full monthly personal allowance of £90 to our non-salaried CLC UK workers.

During the year, we received over £105,000 in gifts designated to specific missionaries, plus another £41,000 of undesignated gifts. Every gift was greatly valued, whether it was £5 or £5,000. Without such gifts, our non-salaried CLCers would have found life that little bit harder as many of them work full-time with CLC and have no other additional income.

To ensure that the £90 allowances were paid each month, we had to dig into our reserves for £50,000. What this means is that over the past two years, those reserves have decreased by nearly £110,000.

As you can see, your gifts are so vital in our ongoing support of our missionaries. If you would like to partner with us, there are a number of ways you can give towards this missionary work:

‘“‘The Lord bless you and keep you;the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.’”Numbers 6: �4 - �6 (NIV)

Thank You!


You can send us a one-off gift, either for the support of a specific missionary or towards the general support of all our missionaries.You can give regularly by cheque or Standing Order, again for a specific person or for general support.You can, as some have already done, send your gift for the specific work of one of our shops.You can include us in your will.

Don’t forget that if you are able to Gift Aid your donation, we currently receive an extra 25% from HMRC. You can obtain a Gift Aid form either from me or by going to our website:

If you have questions about this fund or would like to send a gift, my contact details are: Address: CLC Finance, 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hants, SO24 9BJEmail: [email protected] Telephone: 01962 733342Once again, thank you! Brian Stevens. Head of Finance, CLC UK

Page 23: CLC World 2012 Issue 3

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You can settle for mediocrity, trying to muddle through on your own strength, or you can claim your upgrade and start living up to your potential in Christ. The choice is yours.”

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CLC provides sale or return bookstall services for churches, camps and one-off events (large or small). If we have the people available, we will even run the bookstall for you!

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