Page 1: BUILDING EVIDENCE INTO YOUR GENDER ... - Mercer Canada€¦ · Based on benchmarking data from Mercer’s When Women Thrive 2014 Global Gender Study, ... benefit and rewards programs


Despite overwhelming evidence that engaged female talent moves markets and drives business results, both women and organizations still face obstacles to achieving and maximizing the full potential of a gender-balanced workforce. In our work with leading companies around the world, we have seen firsthand the costs to businesses unable to secure and effectively utilize their female talent pipelines and understand the key drivers to help organizations realize the benefit of their full participation.

THE WHEN WOMEN THRIVE DIAGNOSTIC Based on benchmarking data from Mercer’s When Women Thrive 2014 Global Gender Study, we can help organizations identify the critical drivers across women’s health, wealth, and careers to assess how an organization can accelerate representation of women and realize greater value — we do this by linking practices to results. The When Women Thrive Diagnostic assesses four key areas:

• Organizational infrastructure — what you offer.

• Top talent profile — who succeeds.

• Operational context — how you operate.

• Internal Labor Market® (ILM) data — your talent pipeline.

Mercer consults with clients to build diverse and inclusive workplaces in support of talent optimization and business growth through innovation. Our approach is distinct,

combining the latest scientific research with workforce analytics, world-class expertise in leadership and organizational performance, and a holistic understanding of women’s unique career, health, and financial management needs throughout their professional lifecycle.

DELIVERABLES AND STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONUpon an organization’s completion of the data input step of the diagnostic, Mercer’s Workforce Sciences experts will benchmark your organization against the 2014 gender survey respondents and provide you with a custom report and facilitated findings workshop, where we will review how your organization’s gender programs compared overall. The custom report and workshop will include review of the following:

• Availability and effectiveness of your organization’s programs.

• Representation of female leaders and perceived strengths.

• Industry and organizational size and the impact on representation.

• Custom ILM and Workforce Projections Maps.

• Holistic diversity strategy recommendations from our experts to help to advance your programs in key areas across health, wealth, and career.

Page 2: BUILDING EVIDENCE INTO YOUR GENDER ... - Mercer Canada€¦ · Based on benchmarking data from Mercer’s When Women Thrive 2014 Global Gender Study, ... benefit and rewards programs

Copyright 2015 Mercer (Canada) Limited. All rights reserved. 13969A-MG 08052015

WHY MERCERMercer is uniquely positioned to help organizations diagnose and build inclusive culture, leadership, and talent practices to advance gender diversity through our:

• Scientific, data-driven approach to measuring and modeling inclusiveness of organizational practices in attracting, retaining, and advancing diverse talent.

• Expertise in designing and developing a truly inclusive culture and employee experience that allows diverse talent to contribute to their fullest potential and enable an organization to realize its business objectives.

• Design and implementation of targeted gender-focused benefit and rewards programs across health, wealth, pay, and career.

• Research platforms that link measures of employee a ect to HRIS data through Mercer’s say-do analytics.

• Benchmarking and best practice sharing through our longstanding employer networks of cross-industry diversity leaders.

• Experience in helping leaders build organizational alignment, embed accountability, as well as implement and sustain changes.







7 51% 49%

43% 57%

33% 67%

0% 100%

66% 34%


55% 45% 12%





48% 52%

0% 100%

55% 45%

62% 38%

83% 17%

0% 9%


4% 3%

273 114

8% 9%

349 306

5% 12%

331 886 12% 14%

221 1,788 16% 15%

244 1,382

New hires % of total

Female Male

Average active employees Total exits

Promotions % of available



59% Women face

a ceiling Women leave at high rates

Buying male

buying female talent here

talent here ...

% of total


ILM MAP BY GENDERILM maps can target particular workforce segments.

Projections: female senior managers 2006–2016 (%)











2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


With adjusted promotion

With adjusted term

With adjusted hire


With adjusted hire, promotion,and termination

Aggressive target

ILM MAP PROJECTIONProjections showed that this organization would not achieve its objectives unless it improved hiring, promotion, and retention of women.

CONTACT USFor more information, please contact your Mercer consultant or:

Gord FrostPartner and Canadian Talent [email protected]

Brian LevinePhD and Workforce Sciences [email protected]

Alina PolonskaiaDiversity and Inclusion Executive Networks [email protected]


Figure 2: Policies and Practices.

Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements (1 = strongly disagree, 3 = neutral, 5 = strongly agree).

Global Average

Northern America


Latin America

Global Average

Northern America


Latin America

sample size, n= 178 68 57 46 22 5 10 4

Gender Equality and Pay Equity Commitments

3.89 3.88 3.93 3.89 4.48 4.40 4.70 n/s

3.85 3.90 3.84 3.84 4.38 4.40 4.70 n/s

3.46 3.64 3.51 3.12 3.86 4.20 3.70 n/s

3.18 3.19 3.25 3.07 3.57 3.60 3.60 n/s

3.34 3.63 2.93 3.42 3.81 4.20 3.50 n/s

3.63 3.69 3.46 3.73 3.86 4.00 3.60 n/s

3.08 3.30 2.70 3.18 3.43 4.00 3.10 n/s

2.98 3.24 2.56 3.09 3.48 4.00 3.20 n/s

Talent Flows and Representation

3.39 3.62 3.26 3.20 3.95 4.20 4.20 n/s

3.28 3.47 3.29 2.96 3.76 4.00 3.90 n/s

3.08 3.29 2.95 2.89 3.48 4.00 3.30 n/s

2.97 3.11 2.96 2.73 3.38 3.80 3.20 n/s

2.76 2.65 2.48 3.27 3.00 3.20 2.70 n/s

Engagement and Leadership

3.18 3.30 2.93 3.33 3.33 3.00 3.20 n/s

3.48 3.72 3.23 3.38 4.29 4.40 4.40 n/s

3.35 3.78 2.95 3.18 3.81 4.00 3.70 n/s

3.42 3.83 3.11 3.31 3.71 4.80 3.20 n/s

3.51 3.70 3.25 3.51 4.19 4.20 4.20 n/s

2.20 2.35 1.89 2.36 2.38 3.00 2.10 n/s

2.18 2.12 1.89 2.61 2.35 2.80 2.10 n/s

Retirement/Savings Program Design

2.16 2.49 1.89 2.00 2.38 3.00 2.10 n/s

2.15 2.39 1.82 2.18 2.24 2.60 2.00 n/s

2.76 3.26 2.49 2.36 3.10 4.40 2.80 n/s

2.95 3.36 2.70 2.71 3.38 4.40 3.30 n/s

2.99 3.29 2.68 2.93 3.24 4.60 3.00 n/s

2.42 2.55 2.21 2.47 2.67 3.20 2.50 n/s

All Industry Results Information & Tech, Global Results

We have a dedicated team responsible for conducting pay equity analysis and ensuring adjustments are implemented.

Our commitments to gender equality are publicly documented(e.g., in annual reports, on websites, etc.).

Our company has an explicitly stated pay equity policy that is publicly communicated.

Our main retirement/savings program helps employees manage the nancial well-being of their elderly parents.

We routinely review and act upon engagement survey responses by gender.

Senior executives (i.e., CEO plus direct reports) are actively involved in diversity and inclusion (D&I) programs/initiatives.

Men are actively involved in diversity and inclusion (D&I) programs/initiatives.

Gender diversity programs/initiatives also incorporate racial/ethnic di erences.

The person who is responsible for leading D&I initiatives has decision-making authority.

Bonuses/incentives for senior executives (i.e., CEO plus direct reports) are linked to the achievement of D&I goals.

There are non- nancial consequences (e.g., termination) forindividuals who fail to drive D&I goals.

We monitor savings ratios and investment choices by gender, via our main retirement/savings program.

Our main retirement/savings education/training programs arecustomized to di erent gender behaviors.

Our main retirement/savings program addresses di erent work arrangements (e.g., adapted to part-timers, service breaks).

Our main retirement/savings program allows varying contributions to compensate for di erent work arrangements.

Our main retirement/savings program helps employees manage the nancial well-being of their dependents.

Women are equally represented in pro t and loss (P&L) roles as theyare in non-P&L positions.

Gender equality is a core part of our compensationphilosophy/strategy.

Gender equality is a core part of our bene ts philosophy/strategy.

Our pay equity analysis addresses both base pay and incentives.

Scores that are at least 2% points more than the global average Scores that are at least 2% points less than the global average

Note: There is insu cient survey data to separately report on Asia

We have a formalized remediation process to address any pay equity risks identi ed.

We routinely check for and act to close gender gaps in hiring rates.

We routinely check for and act to close gender gaps in promotion rates.

We routinely check for and act to close gender gaps in turnover rates.

We routinely check for and act to close gender gaps in performance ratings.

Our pay equity analysis relies upon a robust statistical approach(e.g., multiple regression).




TIMELINE AND FEEShould you decide to engage with Mercer to conduct the When Women Thrive diagnostic and findings workshop, the fee isCA $10,000 and the project can be conducted within threeweeks of sigining the statement of work.
