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    # 3 Special Edition

    Mayor Buddy Dyer

    AboutUSM A G A Z I N E


    [email protected]://

  • AboutUS by HotspotOrlandoCEO- Ademar RodriguesEditor-Laiz RodriguesPhotography : HotspotOrlandoGuest Photographers: Nadia Vanderhoof- Judy Kerr from Orange County-Fl.James Eagles - Photographer for the Miami Fashion Week March 2012

    Advisor of Brazilian Business in the USA :: Sean Slack

    Fashion Editor: Patricia CostaFashion Specialist: Sari VasquezReal State: Rosana AlmeidaEcoturism: Edmundo CavalcantiChildhood Educational Affairs: Deo BritosGospel Music: Marcio TeixeiraInspirational: Patricia AmorimCulinary- Marta ThompsonHotspotOrlando Assignments-Laiz RodriguesContact us : [email protected]

  • EDITORIALWe believe that a picture is really worth a million words, and that our minds are always evolving, to creat better thin-gs, better ways to excel, cre-ating positive feelings and giving back to our Communi-ty. There is a lot that can be done . We are already working on ideas for the next issue, meanwhile Sean has a kid-ney stone so big the doctors couldnt remove, next week is his Birthday and we need him to get better! Please pray for him. Lets hope, less people are homeless, more people are employed, and we all learn how special is to be alive and healthy.Make the task of being a bet-ter person, be a number one priority every day. Find GOD,accept Faith, treat people well, have a heart, and most of all learn to accept that ho-nesty sometimes hurt but is necessary.Hope to see you next month !Thank you!Muito Obrigada !Laiz

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  • Cantos e Encantos

    Vivemos em um planeta exuberante onde podemos nos ma-ravilhar e surpreender a cada passo, a cada olhar. s buscar e ter olhos de ver, o dom de enxergar a beleza sutil do vo de um pssaro, do perfil das montanhas, o brilho da areia, da espuma das ondas...

    A partir deste primeiro trabalho mostraremos os cantos e encantos registrados em nossas andanas. So locais visitados com nossa famlia ou com amigos, onde tambm fazemos amigos.Buscamos sempre ngulos novos e recantos diferentes do turismo tradicional. Praias, florestas, montanhas. Lugares que ainda no foram includos como destino turstico, ou o roteiro turstico convencional no permite ainda mostrar tudo o que se poder ver e viver.

    Cultura, arte, imagens sob uma nova perspectiva, sob um novo olhar...

    Toda esta beleza dividiremos aqui com vocs!

    Temos aqui uma pequena mostra!

    Esperamos que gostem!

    Simoni e Marcio Lucena



    & S


    i Luc


    The beauty of Brazil

  • Bah


  • Rio das O

    stras Rio de Janeiro

  • Joo Pessoa

  • Rio de Janeiro-BrazilSongs and Charms

    We live in a lush planet where we can marvel and surprise at every step, every look. Just look and have eyes to see, the gift of seeing the subtle beauty of the flight of a bird, the profile of the mountains, the brightness of the sand, the foam of the waves ...With this first artiicle we will show the beauty recorded in our wanderings. Sites that were visited with our family or friends, and where we also make friends.We always find new angles and different corners of the traditional tourism. Beaches, forests, mountains. Places that have not been included as a tourist destination, or the conventional tourist route not yet possible to show everything you see and live.Culture, art, images from a new perspective, under a new look ...We will Divide all this beauty with you!Here is a small sample!We hope you enjoy!Simoni and Marcio Lucena

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  • Film

    e Bra


    ro O CorpoUma mistura entre o estudo do carter e thriller existencial, CORPO (2007) examina os limites da memria e da respon-sabilidade moral, durante a tentativa de nomear e re-significar algumas perdas irrecuperveis sofridas durante os anos da dita-dura militar no Brasil.

    Quando restos humanos so descobertos junto com o corpo ainda intacto de uma mulher jovem, Artur (Leonardo Me-deiros) e sua supervisora Lara (Chris Couto) tentam conectar esta descoberta macabra com o desaparecimento de presos pol-ticos durante os anos da ditadura no incio dos anos 70 .

    Mas, enquanto Lara toma o projeto com um desinteresse quase burocrtico, Artur fica obcecado com a nomeao do cadver. A investigao rapidamente leva a uma atriz excntrica jovem (Rejane Arruda), que se assemelha, quase a cada detalhe, ao cadver no reclamado. No entanto, o que isso significa para a investigao em geral?

    Poderia haver dois corpos com as charcateristics exatamente iguais? Se no, que histria podero partilhar estas duas mu-lheres?

  • Brazilian FilmA mix between character study and existential thriller, COR-PO (2007) examines the limits of memory and moral accountabili-ty, while attempting to name and re-signify some of the irrecove-rable losses suffered during the years of military dictatorship in Brazil.

    When human remains are uncovered along with the still-intact body of a young wo-man, Artur (Leonardo Medeiros) and his supervisor Lara (Chris Couto) try to connect this grue-some discovery to the disappea-rance of political prisoners du-ring the dictatorship years in the early 70s.

    But while Lara takes the project with an almost bureaucratic disinterest, Ar-tur becomes obsessed with naming the corpse. The in-vestigation quickly leads him to an eccentric young actress (Rejane Arruda), who resem-bles, almost to every detail, the unclaimed cadaver. Yet, what does this mean to the overall investigation?

    Could there be two bo-dies with the exact same charcateristics? If not, what story could these two woman share?

  • Hoje em dia existem famlias de todo o tipo. A maioria dos casais quando desejam ter filhos querem ser tornar bons pais, mas as crianas no vm com manual de instrues.

    Ser bons pais d trabalho. E como ajudar as crianas a cres-cer e estimular os seus potenciais? um trabalho que precisa de mui-ta pacincia e compreenso, mas pode ser muito recompensador.

    No existem pais perfeitos. Todos cometemos erros, mas quanto melhor compreendermos a nossa tarefa, melhor ser nosso desempenho e nossos filhos pode-ro atingir maior equilbrio na vida.

    Todo ser humano necessita ser notado e reconhecido como uma pessoa de valor.A criana busca ateno.

    Quando a criana no nota-da quando expressa um bom comportamento ela: derrama o leite na toalha, joga as coisas no cho, destri os brinquedos, tem crises de raiva, grita em lugares

    pblicos para ser notada, a crian-a pode no comer adequadamen-te porque descobriu que se ficar protelando os pais se preocuparo com ela. Se esses comportamen-tos inadequados terminassem na infncia talvez pudssemos suport-los, mas o jovem que no adquiriu o sentido de significado, costuma correr em alta velocidade com o carro para chamar a aten-o das outras pessoas, assumem modismos e comportamentos es-tranhos, etc.

    Como essa necessidade bsica de significado pode ser supri-da?Nada mais importante para a felicidade de uma criana, assim como para o seu sentido de signifi-cado, do que o amor dos pais, um pelo outro. Se os pais estiverem fe-lizes e satisfeitos um com o outro, esta felicidade ser transmitida para a criana.

    O filho no deve ser o centro das atenes do casal. O resulta-do so crianas egocntricas e O que posso ganhar torna-se o lema principal da vida dele. A





    TA SE

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    By Deo BritosEntenda seus filhos

  • O filho tem que saber que ele com-pleta a alegria do casal, ele faz parte de algo que j existe. O centro correto o relacionamento marido--mulher. O afeto na famlia aumenta a alegria e o prazer da vida. Famlias afetuosas proporcionam sade fsica, emocional e crescimento espiritual.

    O afeto uma ligao emocional a outra pessoa. Isso inclui ca-rinho, amor e devoo. As crianas desenvolvem-se com carinho. As crianas aprendem a ser afetuosos e delicados com a famlia, o amigo e o vizinho atravs dos exemplos que lhes damos.

    Como construir um sentido de Significado?Suas atitudes como pai/me em relao a vocs mesmos. A auto--estima de vocs ir afetar a auto--estima de seu filho. Apresente seu filho aos seus amigos e amigos dos seus amigos ,etc. O nome muits-simo importante para a criana as-sim como para o adulto. Quando os pais ou outras pessoas consideram a criana digna de ser apresentada pelo nome, isso contribui para que ela desenvolva um senso de dignida-de.

    Deixe que a criana fale por si mesma. Muitas vezes humilha-mos uma criana falando por ela, agindo assim os pais demonstram para a criana que ela insignifican-te e desqualificada para falar por si mesma.

    Passe tempo com o seu filho. Quando os pais no do ateno para o seu filho, este ir atingir esta ateno de modo desagradvel, atra-vs de padres negativos de compor-tamento.

    Certa vez um menino ficou olhan-do o pai encerar o carro e disse: Pai, o seu carro vale muito, no ? verdade respondeu o pai. Ele custou caro. Vale a pena cui-dar dele. Quando tiver de vend-lo, posso receber mais se estiver bem cuidado.Depois de refletir um pou-co, o menino disse: Pai eu acho que eu no valho muito, no ?

    Ns transmitimos ao nosso fi-lho um senso de auto-respeito quando arrumamos tempo para ou-vir suas preocupaes, quando olha-mos em seus olhos ao falar.

    (pesquisa livro: As sete necessidades bsicas da criana. John M.Drescher, Editora mundo cristo.)

  • Deo & Sarah Britos A





    TA SE

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  • The child needs to be noted is RECOGNIZEDToday there are families of all kinds. Most couples want to have children and they want to be become good parents, but children do not come with a instruction manual.Being a good parent is hard work. And how to help children grow and encourage their potential? It's a job that needs a lot of patience and understanding, but can be very rewarding.There are no perfect parents. We all make mistakes, but the better we understand our task, the bet-ter our performance and our children can achieve greater balance in life.Every human being needs to be noticed and recognized as a worthwhile person.The child seeks attention.When the child is not noticed for her good behavior: She pours the milk in the towel, throw things on the ground, destroys the toys, has tantrums, screaming in public places to be noticed, the child may not eat properly because she found that delaying it can get parents to mind her. If these inappropriate behaviors in childhood ended maybe we could ignore them, but the young man who has not acquired the sense of meaning, usually runs at high speed with the car to get the attention of others, take fads and strange behavior, etc..How this basic need for meaning can be met?Nothing is more important to the happiness of a child, as well as their sense of meaning, that the parents' care for one another. If the parents are happy and satisfied with one another, this happi-ness will be transmitted to the child.The child should not be in the spotlight of the couple. The result are children egocentric and "What can I get?" becomes the motto of his life. The child must know that he completes the joy of the couple, he is a part of something that already exists. The center of the husband-wife relationship. The affection in the family increases the joy and pleasure of life. Loving families provide physical, emotional and spiritual growth.The mood is an emotional attachment to another person. This includes care, love and devotion. Children grow up with love. Children learn to be affectionate and gentle with family, friend and neighbor across the examples we give them.How to build a sense of meaning?Their attitudes as father / mother in relation to yourself. You will affect the self-esteem of your child. Introduce your child to your friends and friends of friends, etc.. The name is extremely im-portant for children and for adults. When parents or other people think the child deserves to be presented by name, it helps to develop a sense of dignity.Let the child speak for itself. Often a child is ignored when we speak for her. Going this we act like parents that show children that it is insignificant and unqualified to speak for yourself.Spend time with your child. When parents do not pay attention to their children, it will achieve an unpleasant result, through negative patterns of behavior.Once a boy watched his father waxing the car he said: "Father, your car is worth much, isnt it?" It's true, "replied the father. "It was costly. It is worth taking care of him. When you have to sell it, I can get more if well maintained. "After some thought, the boy said," Dad I think I'm not worth much, do you? "We convey to our children a sense of self-respect when they could t take the time to hear their concerns, when we talk looking into their eyes .. ake the time to hear their concerns, when we look in their eyes when talking.Research from the book: The seven basic needs of the child. John M.Drescher, Publisher Christian World., written by Deo Britostian world.)

  • Sarah Britosfamily& friends

  • Do


    o do




    Estar ministrando no Brasil depois de tantos anos nos EUA como voltar pra casa do Pai e deleitar-se. Foi assim como me senti...o Brasil vive um momento de muita fome e sede espiri-tual. Foi fantstico testemunhar as pessoas sendo ministradas

    pelo Senhor atravs dos cnticos e oraes erguidas pelas igrejas por onde passei. Foram cerca de seis apresentaes em Igrejas em So Paulo onde pude testemunhar o mover de

    Deus em cada uma delas. Tive o privilgio de ser acompanhado por excelentes msicos e cantores que me ajudaram bastante no fluir do Esprito de Deus. Aos poucos os testemunhos vo

    chegando e para a Glrida de Deus, tenho ouvido muitos teste-munhos de vidas sendo alcanadas e transformadas. Oro para que o nosso Deus possa continuar a abrir portas e o CD ABA PAI possa estar alcanando mais vidas no Brasil e tambem

    aqui nos EUA. Voc pode baixar um mp3 gratuito do CD direto do site

  • CD Aba Pai disponvel no site:

    Marcio Teixeira

  • Come take a brief tour of the Community Food & Outreach Center and learn how we help feed one hundred thousand families per year in Cen-

    tral Florida.Then, enjoy lunch on us

    Save the DateRebuilding Broken Lives Lunchtime TourWednesday May 2nd from NOON-1PM.

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  • Lights, Camera, Fashion! Miami Beach Internatio-nal Fashion Week has officially ended this past Saturday Mar-ch 24th, with the electrifying Miami Moda & Music Awards. Hosted by celebrity radio and television personalities Orlan-do Leon and Ileana Garcia, the evenings festivities featured music from Supermodel Dasha Protsenko and Spains hottest vocal group DNash as well as a fashion show from celebrity designer Nicolas Felizola and a special presentation by Ema Savahl Couture.

    Featuring eminent designers, celebrities, and musicians from nearly every continent-Miami Beach International

    Fashion Week marked an exci-ting addition to the glamorous affair when it welcomed Supers-tar Dionne Warwick. An idol in the music industry for over four decades, Mrs. Warwick hosted a media seminar for students and designers in which she dis-cussed her life, her style, and advise how to succeed in your chosen passion.

    Aside from Living Legend Ms. Dionne Warwick and her son, Grammy award win-ning record producer Damon Elliot, we were also joined by an array of celebrity stars: CSI Wes Ramsey, actor and producer Vincent de Paul and Soap Ope-ra stars Adamari Lopez, Eze-quiel Montalt, Liannet Borrero, just to name a few.


  • In addition to showcasing the worlds top emerging designers, Miami Beach International Fashion Week continued its groundbre-aking format by offering delecta-ble cuisine from around the world at their Culinary Style Caf. This year, MBIFWs Culinary Style Caf, sponsored by Whole Foods Market, offered the creations of celebrity chef Adrianne Calvo, Chef Bernie Matz, Chef Steve Sabatino and Chef Jonathan Barnett. During each night of fashion week, The Culina-ry Style Caf served a unique tas-ting menu created specifically for a country being showcased on the catwalk. Fashion VIPs, celebrities, buyers, and designers discussed the amazing designs theyve seen throughout the shows while en-joying some of the best food South Florida has to offer.Saturday marked the culmination of four days filed with celebrities, sold out shows and global media attendance, all coming together at the Miami Moda & Music Awards. This fabulous night began with a

    fantastic encore presentation by Miami based designer Ema Savahl featuring her mold to the body couture pieces. Award-winning designer Nicolas Felizola, who has dressed some of Hollywood and La-tin Americas biggest stars, presen-ted a selection of his Red Carpet go-wns. Nicolas has a Haute Couture style that is totally new and always fresh. His creations recently earned him the Zanetti Murano Prize in Italy. This year, Nicolas was presen-ted with the coveted Victoria Puig de Lange Internatio-nal Style Award.



    talent Abo



  • As if the Hollywood red car-pet gowns werent enough excitement, the energy skyro-cketed when the evenings live musical acts begun.

    In order to parallel the global stylings seen throughout the week, the MBIFW team brou-ght in some of the hottest young music performers making waves around the world today.

    Supermodel and the face of Lancme Russia Dasha Prot-senko sang her new hit single "Prfct Girl", and Spain's hottest new vocal group, D'NASH also performed live.

    D'NASH is best known for representing Spain in the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Helsinki.

    The group has found new fame for their cover of Ben E. King's hit Stand By Me, which they released as a promotional single styleAll photos in this article by by James Eagles

  • 14th MIFW

    The true focus of the evenings fes-tivities, though, was to honor and announce the winners of the 2012 Mia-mi Model & Music Awards are:

    Living Legend Award Dionne Wa-rwick Victoria Puig de Lange International Style Award Nicolas Felizola, Vene-zuela/Miami

    International Rising Star Award WALLA, Kingdom of Bahrain Excellence in Eveningwear Award Ema Savahl Couture by Ema Koja, Albania/Miami

    Prt-A-Porter Style Award Petit Pois by Viviana G, Venezuela/Miami Designers Choice Award Peter Cave by Pedro Cueva, Ecuador Celebrity Style Award Rosario Var-gas, Bolivia Excellence in Accessories Award G. Destin Collection by Garry Destin, Miami

    Top Model of the Year Alexandra Aguilera, Next Model Management

  • Beh





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    ER C


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  • Liliana Montoya

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  • Alexandra Aguilera

  • Nico

    las F



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    Nossa MissoA misso da Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce

    facilitar o relacionamento e parcerias comerciais, para criar ou incrementar o comrcio e investimentos entre seus membros.

  • Lake



    Downtown Food&Wine Fest

  • The Downtown Food & Wine Fest was a huge success ! Not even the rain stopped the people, great food and wine, beautiful people, music and clelebrities through both days.Celebrity Chef s Stage* Bright House Networks hosts live cooking demonstrations on the Chef s Stage with fan meet--and-greet opportunities with the following celebrity chefs:BRAVOs Top Chef Just Desserts Season 1 Chef testant Erika Davis (Saturday)Food Networks Extreme Chef Amadeus, winner of the Mexi-can Showdown (Saturday)BRAVOs Top Chef Season 9 Chef testant Finalist Lindsay Au-try (photo at right) (Sunday) Live Entertainment* Saturday, March 31Live Hart Jon McLaughlinJohn Smith and Tropical Steel Simulcast with Scott McKenzie of MIX 105.1 FM and Bob Frier of FOX 35 American Idol Winner David Cook Sunday, April 1CeCe TenealMy GenerationLittle River BandCant wait for next Year !

  • Do yo

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  • 7512 Dr. Philipd Blvd #50-354 Orlando, FL 32819

    407 690-9722

    Nossa MissoA misso da Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce

    facilitar o relacionamento e parcerias comerciais, para criar ou incrementar o comrcio e investimentos entre seus membros.


    Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs, is-sued the following statement regarding Brazilian President Dilma Rousseffs visit to Washington today to meet with President Oba-ma:

    Brazil is an indispensable trade partner and American ally. As Bra-zil continues its rise as a global power, President Rousseffs visit is a reminder that the U.S. must continue strengthening our economic relationship, boost cooperation on security and energy issues, and also encourage them to use their platform to be a voice for human rights in Latin America and worldwide.

    Of all the issues of mutual interest to the U.S. and Brazil, one that already has broad bipartisan support and should move forward im-mediately is the JOLT Act. The JOLT Act would boost tourism to the U.S., particularly by Brazilians visiting Florida, by reforming a bur-densome visa process that has become a roadblock to economic growth.

    President Obama and Congress should build on the recent biparti-san momentum following approval of the JOBS Act to move forward with the JOLT Act and help bring more foreign tourist dollars to Flo-rida and the U.S.

    Message sent by the Senators Rubios Press to HotspotOrlando.

  • ICYMI: AS RUBIO HEADS TO COLOMBIA FOR SUMMIT OF THE AME-RICAS, HE DISCUSSES WESTERN HEMISPHERIC ISSUES Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs, is he-aded for Cartagena, Colombia today for this weekends Summit of the Americas. The Summit is an opportunity for Rubio to discuss the importance of democracy and trade with leaders from around the region, and help strengthen Americas relationships in this important part of the world. Before departing, he appeared on the radio show, From Washington Al Mundo, to discuss issues in Latin America including Irans influence, Venezuelas upcoming elections and the importance of embracing democracy & free enterprise. Interview with Mauricio Claver-Carone on From Washington Al Mun-doSenator Marco RubioApril 11, 2012 Rubio on Irans Influence in the Western Hemisphere Mauricio Claver-Carone: Youve expressed concern about Irans in-fluence in the Western Hemisphere. And this has actually gone from, in the last few years, from speculation to fact as theres been intelli-gence plots that have unfolded in Mexico with Iranian officials and Venezuelan officials and Cuban intelligence officials. We see that there are investments and transactions and perhaps even that Iran is trying to launder money to kind of deviate from its sanctions through Latin America. Are you comfortable that enough consideration is gi-ven to this potential threat?

  • Rubio on Upcoming Elections in Venezuela

    Claver-Carone: Obviously in November we have elections here in the United States and the impact of the elections will be felt not only in Latin America but in the rest of the world. But also, in La-tin America, this fall there are elections in Venezuela, which you previously alluded to. This could possibly be a game changing election for the hemisphere. What do you think the United States and the hemispheric community can do to ensure, or to try and ensure, that there is not wide spread fraud in the elections as weve seen in the past? Rubio: Well, first and foremost is to work with our partners in the region to call it for what it is. There is fraud and there are abu-ses. Its one of the things I was really upset about when it came to Nicaragua. We didnt prioritize it. I dont think there is anyone that would dispute that the elections in Nicaragua that were just carried out were fraudulent. Everyone says that. But the U.S. was very slow in saying that, in being forceful about it. We spoke very forcefully the day after fraudulent elections in Russia. It took us forever to put any sort of strong pronouncement out when it came to the issue of Nicaragua. I hope we are not as slow in doing that in Venezuela. I hope that if indeed there are irregularities that we would join the Western Hemisphere and the community of democratic nations in the he-misphere in condemning that. Ultimately the election and the de-cision belongs to the people of Venezuela. Its a sovereign nation. They have the right to choose who their leaders are, even if it is someone we dont agree with. Our job as their neighbor and their friend is to ensure that we will not turn our back on their demo-cratic aspirations and that if in fact their democratic rights are being undermined, we will be very forceful and clear in speaking out against that.

  • Rubio On Embracing Democracy and Free Enterprise Claver-Carone: The last couple of decades theres almost been like a pendulum in Latin America. You saw in the 1990s demo-cracy sweep in and it was the great hope of democracy. And then after Hugo Chavez was elected in 1998, we saw that there was almost like a counterattack on democracy. Where do you think that pendulum lies today? Are Hugo Chavez and his allies on the retreat? Rubio: I think so, because if you look at those nations and what theyve experienced. Compare whats happening in Colombia to whats happening in Venezuela. I mean compare the nations that have embraced democracy and free enterprise to the nations that have embraced what Venezuela is doing. Venezuela is a rich country. It has energy resources. It has an educated business class. This is a country that should be doing very well and by all accounts it has an increasing amount of inco-me inequality. The more they embrace Chavezs policies, or the more Chavezs policies are kicked in, the more income inequality exists. For example, pair the economic growth and income inequality in Chile to Venezuelas. Venezuela started out ahead of Chile on all these factors. And in a decade, Chile has surpassed them on everything, and it hasnt been by embracing Chavez-style poli-cies. I think what big government socialism has led to in Vene-zuela is what its led to everywhere in the world its been tried: corruption, income inequality, poverty and democratic instabili-ty.

  • Joao Marcos Pires-Apascorp

    Jay Santos - Visit Orlando Magazine

    Rosana de Almeida -Florida Connexion









    More pictures at


  • Brazil a World of Opportunities

    Presented By CFBACC and led by Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs

    Sponsored by:Apascorp & Fogo de Cho Steakhouse

    Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs

    Mediator Michael Schiffhauer

  • We live in a crazy economy, as fast as we recuperate from the crisis, other Countries like Brazil has transformed itself in the next best thing. An emergent economy that is fascinating foreign mo-ney, and beating economies down like Europe and USA, thriving on success. The resting giant is finally awake and it is sho-wing signs of his force. Brazil was never the land of opportunities, but now it see-ms like a dangerous combination, of great investment, lots of land to be explored, great people, gorgeous women, scenery, and most of all great climate. Everything is possible, when you add to all this a great economical plan. But the best of all is the growth and accomplishments the-re are reflecting here, because Brazilians love America, the lifestyle, the security, and the theme Parks, and they come and bring their money and cheer.

    Imagine that a trip to the mall in Brazil, is more expensive in every aspect you can think, so why not buy here?! They now are buying the homes, the cars and the apartments, bring an extension of their business to America, and live the life ! In January this year according with the last statistics, Brazilian tourists left here US$ 1.9 Billion Dollars, and in Fe-bruary US$ 1.7 Billion Dollars, and to compensate US$3.7 Billion Dollars in Direct Foreign Investments . Impressi-ve? Surprising ? Or just a thing of the moment? We will see it down the road, if Brazil is making enough rumble to attract all this attention and investments,

    enough to make foreigners cope with all the Brazilian gigantic bureaucratic maze, of papers, fees and infinite custom delays, it will sure prove to all that Brazil is really a World of Opportunities.

    Continuing the work that started at the Trade mission to Brazil in Octo-ber 2011, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs, City Commissioner John Marti-nez, and the Mayors Office of Economic Development / Hispanic & Asian Affairs, with the support of the Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, Fogo de Cho Steakhouse, Andrea Fleitas - Discount timeshare, Bree Gotsdiner from Publicly Related and Joo Marcos Arruda Pires-Apascorp, opened the panel about doing Business with Brazil at the National Entrepreneur Center at the Fashion Square Mall in Orlando. The Orange County Global Tra-de Mission counted with a few panelists, that were: Jay Santos Visit Orlando, Joo Marcos Arruda Pires-Apascorp, Rosana Rotondo Almeida Florida Connexion Realty, and the mediator was Michael Schiffhauer.

    Amy Litter President of the Brazilian Chamber in Orlando (CFBACC) ope-ned the event presenting the Board of Di-rectors and Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs, also spoke about her trip to Brazil and the wish to establish a stronger and fruitful relationship with the country that left such a strong impression to her and her committee, back in October 2011.

  • Vivemos em uma econo-mia louca, enquanto nos EUA nos recuperamos da crise economica, o Brasil rapidamente se tornou no mercado mais atrativo para investimentos, com uma economia emergente que atrai o dinheiro estrangeiro e esta superando econo-mias como as da Europa e EUA, prosperando com grande sucesso. O gigan-te adormecido finalmente despertou e est mostrando sinais de sua fora. O Brasil nunca foi a terra das opor-tunidades, mas agora se tornou uma combinao, de grande investimento, assim como latente oportu-nidade de explorar as terras ainda virgens, a espera do momento ($) Imaginem, boa gente, lindas mulheres, paisagens, e acima de tudo excelente clima. Tudo pos-svel, quando voc adicionar a tudo isto um grande plano econmico. Ainda com tudo isso, o melhor de tudo o crescimento que este pro-gresso reflete aqui, porque os brasileiros amam a Am-rica, o estilo de vida, a se-gurana, e os parques tem-ticos, e eles vm e trazem o seu dinheiro e a sua alegria.

    Imagine que um passeio ao Mall no Brasil, mais caro em todos os aspectos

    que voc pode pensar, ento porque no comprar aqui? Brasileiros esto compran-do casas, carros e aparta-mentos, trazem uma exten-so de seus negcios para a Amrica, e vivem a vida em grande estilo! Em Janeiro deste ano, de acordo com as ltimas estatsticas, os tu-ristas brasileiros deixaram aqui nos EUA $ 1,9 bilho de dlares, e em Feverei-ro $ 1,7 bilhes de dlares e para compensar os EUA investiram privadamente US $ 3,7 bilhes de dlares. Impressionante? Surpreen-dente? Ou apenas uma coisa do momento? Vamos ver ao longo dessa estrada, se o Brasil est fazendo o sufi-ciente para atrair toda essa ateno de investimentos, ou ainda para fazer os inves-tidores estrangeiros lidarem com todo o gigantesco labi-rinto burocratico do brasi-leiro, que vai de de papis, taxas e infinitos atrasos no interminavel desafio. Com certeza vai provar a todos que o Brasil realmente um mundo de oportunidades, mas tudo tem seu preo .

    Este painel da continui-dade ao trabalho que comeou em uma misso comercial ao Brasil em outubro de 2011, Orange County Mayor Teresa

    Jacobs, Comissrio da Cidade Joo Martinez, e o Gabinete do Prefeito de Desenvolvimento Econmi-co / Assuntos Hispnicos e Asiticos, com o apoio da Florida Central Brazilian American Chamber of Com-merce.

    Com patrocinio da Chur-rascaria Fogo de Chao e Apascorp, e apoio de

    , Andrea Fleitas - Discount-Timeshares, Bree Gotsdi-ner da Publicly Related, o painel sobre como fazer ne-gcios com o Brasil no Cen-tro Empreendedor Nacional no Fashion Square Mall, em Orlando, foi aberto. A Mis-so do Condado de Orange, Global Trade contou com os oradores: Jay Santos - Revis-ta Visit Orlando, Joo Mar-cos Arruda Pires-Apascorp, Rosana Almeida Rotondo - Florida Connexion Realty, e o mediador foi Michael Schiffhauer. Amy Litter Presidente da Cmara Bra-sil-America , em Orlando (CFBACC) abriu o evento apresentando o Conselho de Administrao e a Orange County Mayor Teresa Jaco-bs, tambm falou sobre sua viagem ao Brasil eo desejo de estabelecer uma rela-o forte e frutfera com o pas que deixou uma forte impresso em Outubro de 2011.

  • Paulo and Adam - Representing Fogo deCho SteakhouseAbou


    This photo by Nadia Vanderhoof

  • Mayor Teresa Jacobs and CFBACC Board of Directors

  • Zoraida VelascoMayor Teresa Jacobs Special Assistant

    Orange County MayorTeresa Jacobs

    Mayor Teresa Jacobs , Amy Litter President CFBACC and Commissioner JohnMartinez

  • Hector Perez New York Life

    Mayor Teresa, Joao Marcos Pires, Jay Santos and Michael Schiffer


    I have been working with com-panies in Brazil for over 16 years. As an American born citizen, I also understand the difficulty in trying to work with Brazil as an outsider. Its not easy to engage Latin America, and especially Brazil. However, if you follow five sim-ple steps listed below, no mat-ter what kind of business you are in, you will be well on your way to working with Brazil. UNDERSTAND THE COMMIT-MENT

    If you want to work with Bra-zil, you as a company need to commit to the fact that you will be going after a completely different demographic. A com-mitment does not mean one budget cycle. Your project ne-eds to have a 3 to 5 year com-mitment to developing the ne-cessary strategies to enhance your business. If you attempt to throw a few dollars in one year and expect millions in the next, this is not the business for you.


    No matter what your project or business is involved in, you must travel to the country to understand fully how the system works and what your true potential is there. Spend a couple of weeks and set up me-etings with people in your field. Of course, take part in the tourism aspects and view the Corcovado and Pao de Ajucar..Take in a futbol game and drink many chopps along with a cai piranha. But, go there with the intent on learning.RELATIONSHIPS ARE STRON-GER THAN CONTRACTS.

    I have been able to work with Brazil for so many years be-cause of my relationships with the owners and decision--makers of companies I work with now. Brazilians are not in the contracting and email business. They want to learn about you, your friends, your lifestyle. Can they trust you with their business? Are you just another Americano trying to get money from the Brazilian cash register? Understand that your reputation and your ability to develop relationships will be the key to your success.

  • Sean Slack

    Business Advice


    Forget about television ads and print media for the time being. Forget about demographic charts, percentages, and other often used paraphernalia. Brazil is unlike any other country on this planet. Bra-zilians want to be coddled. Want to feel important. And, if they have something that you need or want, you need to cognizant of this fact. They might be 400 miles away from here, but they are not third world. They are savvy, sharp, and friendly. Adapt your strategy and wrap it around a package that ca-ters individually to the person, not to a brand name. ACCEPT BRAZIL AS AN EQUAL , AND HAVE A PASSION FOR IT

    Brazil is the 6th largest eco-nomy, soon to be 5th. I laugh when I think of companies that disappeared in 2000 and 2001 be-cause the Brazilian markets went down. Many American companies

    turned their backs on Brazil. You have to acknowledge that Brazil is not a 3rd world countryit is powerful and is growing and is stable. Doing business with Bra-zil will change your lifeand you must have a passion for it or Bra-zilians will see right through you. Many of my Brazilian friends joke that I am more Brazilian than they are. Which is a true compliment. I learned the language, the mu-sic, the nuances, the habits, and the culture. I eat the food, and I understand Brazil because I lived there. You must have a thirst to capture the entire package, or it wont work.

    Doing business with Brazil is not complicated, but as you can see it takes a deep, human, emotional commitment. Its not a light switch that you turn on or a webpage you click on. If you truly want to do business with Brazil, be ready to look into the mirror first, change your stereotypes, and be ready for the ride of your life.

  • Jo & Yara CavaignacSuperstation Media TV Globo International Representative for the USA & Canada.

    Joaquim & Yara Cavaignac have just been in New York on a business dinner at Plataforma Steakhouse, with the local Media, clients and company executives,showing the new Globo TV International market strategies for 2012, and sharing the success of 2011.The Company has a lot to celebrate in 2012, from the many events of success sponsored by Globo interna-cional in the United States, the success in the Ameri-can market, and their 12 years of non stop support to the Brazilian media market in the USA, artists, music, Portuguese language and community.When you have this level of dedication to your work, only a huge success can generate from all this positive work and energy.We hope to see you always shining ! Congratulations !

  • Dia 3 e 4 de maio de 2012

  • Real State by

    About Us / Real Estate O que um REALTOR?

    Caros Leitores,

    com grande satisfao que eu comeo a escrever uma coluna para a About Us Magazine sobre o Mercado Imobilirio da Flori-da a convite de Laiz Rodrigues, editora chefe da revista. Tomei a liberdade de escrever nessa primeira edio sobre como fun-ciona a nossa profisso aqui nos Estados e algumas diferenas com o Brasil.

    H 12 anos venho atuando como corretora de imveis aqui na Florida, mais precisamente na regio de Orlando. Inicialmente tirei minha licena para traba-lhar em time-share, mas isso durou apenas 2 meses e logo per-cebi que no era propriamente o que eu estava procurando. Mas com a licena na mo, comecei

    a explorar a nova profisso, ini-cialmente como corretora para minha prpria famlia e amigos prximos pois ainda tinha mui-to que aprender. Naquela poca, por volta do ano 2000 e 2001, ainda tinha outras atividades e no me dedicava em tempo inte-gral.Com o aquecimento do Merca-do em 2004, 2005 comecei a au-mentar minha dedicao e logo passei a ter mais clientes e mais habilidade e conhecimento nessa profisso, que a corretagem de imveis nos Estados Unidos, to fortemente regulamentada. Temos que inicialmente parti-cipar de um curso de formao de 63 horas, passar na prova da escola e depois, enviar uma ficha de inscrio para ser aprovada pelo governo do Estado da Flori-da, acompanhado de um rastre-amento sobre a sua pessoa feita pelo FBI, com impresses digi-tais e etc.

    Rosana AlmeidaBroker

  • Uma vez sua solicitao sendo aceita, voc pode enfim fazer uma prova Estadual, para obter sua licena de trabalho como corretor que emitida pelo De-partamento de Regulamenta-o Profissional do Estado. Nesse momento, voc pode tra-balhar como corretor, mas sua licena tem que estar sob a su-perviso de um Broker, ou seja, voc no pode ainda ter sua imobiliria, s pode trabalhar para uma. Ainda como parte do seu aprendizado, aps essa primeira etapa exigido mais um curso de 45 horas de com-plementao e depois, a cada 2 anos, um mnimo de 14 horas de educao continuada. A fa-

    lha em qualquer uma dessas etapas e prazos significa a per-da da licena.Mas apenas os cursos e provas no te fazem um bom corretor. S mesmo a prtica e a vivncia dia aps dia e que vai te tornar um profissional experiente ca-paz de enfrentar as mudanas e inovaes do Mercado com responsabilidade, profissiona-lismo e tica.Quase 12 anos depois, muitos obstculos, erros e acertos re-solvi dar o prximo passo e me tornar Broker. Para isso, mais um curso com mais de 70 ho-ras, mais provas e a ousadia de abrir uma empresa.

  • O corretor imobilirio nos Es-tados Unidos regulamentado, fiscalizado e com leis bem espe-cficas a serem cumpridas. Um lado menos difcil e que sur-preende os brasileiros a auto-mao dessa indstria. Temos a nossa disposio ferramentas incrveis como o MLS, banco de dados completo de todos os imveis de uma determinada regio que os corretores partici-pantes tem acesso, informando o status da propriedade, se est a venda, ou se foi vendida, h quanto tempo, descrio com-pleta do imvel, fotografias, mapas com sua localizao e muito mais. Interligao com um sistema de formularios para gerao de contratos, adden-dums, listagens e comunicao com o cliente. Enfim, sensacio-nal! Meus amigos corretores brasileiros ficam boqueabertos com tamanha tecnologia. Para terminar esse captulo fal-

    ta responder, o que um REAL-TOR? Realtor um corretor de imveis que faz parte de uma associao, a Associao Nacio-nal dos Corretores que segue um alto padro de atendimento, oferece constante reciclagem profissional, tem representao poltica em diversas instncias governamentais. como se fos-se uma MARCA. O corretor no obrigado a fazer parte des-sa associao e nesse caso no pode ter o ttulo de REALTOR, mas apenas Licensed Real Esta-te Agent. Gostaria de propor que voc leitor, participe dessa coluna enviando perguntas e temas que gostaria que fosse abordado aqui. Envie suas sugestes para [email protected] Estarei aguardando! At a pr-xima!

    Rosana R Almeida.


    Customers can experience the magical South American country with authentic products available in select stores and on beginning April 22nd

    Brazil-inspired collections, that include Francisco Costa for Calvin Klein, FALCHI by Fal-chi, Seu Jorge and Rachel Roy for Rachel Rachel Roy, Cecilia Pra-do and more, available in limited--edition capsules starting in May

    Macys announced details on the launch of O Mercado, the Market at Macys a curated shop of Brazilian products and the next installation of the retailers Brasil: A Magical Journey campaign, which will offi-cially kick off on May 16. Featuring exclusive, limited-edition items, both inspired by and made in Brazil, the store-within-a-store marketplace will recreate the fun and festive atmos-phere of the captivating country. Debuting on April 22 in approximately 300 Macys stores and on, O Mercado, the Market at Macys will bring authentic Brazilian product to Macys customers, with 10 percent of the sale price of every product sold within O Mercado, the Market at Macys, both in-store and online, benefitting The Nature Conservancy and its efforts to protect the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

    Brazils burgeoning international appeal and enchanting culture inspi-red us to create a unique shopping environment that will bring even more newness, color and excitement to our stores, said Martine Reardon, Macys chief marketing officer. From stylish apparel and accessories, hot beauty finds and chic home goods, O Mer-cado, the Market at Macys will excite our customers sense of discovery by providing an unexpected assortment of Brazilian products, most of which cant be purchased outside of Brazil.

    In addition to O Mercado, Macys has partnered with renowned Bra-zilian designers, as well as Macys own designers, to create unique mer-chandise offerings that will begin appearing in select stores and online beginning in May. Products include limited-edition womens and mens apparel, home and accessory pieces emblematic of the designers signa-ture styles, made in or inspired by Brazilian color, prints and silhouettes. Designer collaborations will include a Francisco Costa for Calvin Klein" dress capsule exclusively designed by Mr. Costa, the Women's Creative Director of Calvin Klein Collection; FALCHI by Falchi featuring han-dbags, shoes, fashion jewelry and scarves by Carlos Falchi; footwear, handbags, fashion jewelry and appa-rel by Seu Jorge and Rachel Roy for Rachel Rachel Roy, Neon, Cecilia Pra-do, Hermanny by Paula Hermanny, and Brazilian swim manufacturers, Sauipe, Despi and ANK. Additionally, the existing Calvin Klein line will offer a range of Brazil-themed mens and womens apparel items designed by Kevin Carrigan, the brands' Creative Director, as well as a selection of un-derwear, shoes and accessories. O








  • O Mercado, the Market at Macys will feature a variety of merchandise categories, including fashion, home, beauty and accessories that have been selected to create an inviting main flo-or environment in approximately 300 Macys stores. With prices starting at $5, these curated shops will carry ap-proximately 100 exclusive items, giving customers the opportunity to experience a broad array of the distinctive spirit of Brazilian culture. Additionally, through a partnership with The Nature Conser-vancy (, one of the worlds leading global conservation organiza-tions, Macys will also help raise funds to protect the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. For more than 60 years, The Nature Con-servancy has worked to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depen-ds, and since 2001, has worked in the Amazon rainforest to protect important, fragile habitats while ensuring sustaina-ble livelihoods of local people. With this partnership, Macys goal is to generate awareness of the topic and raise funds by donating 10 percent of the sale price of every product sold within O Merca-do, the Market at Macys from April 22 through July 15 to The Nature Conser-vancy.

    O Mercado, the Market at Macys will include product from:

    Art da Terra Through the use of in-digenous fiber materials like buri and organic golden grass (capim dourado), found only in Brazil, Art da Terra crea-tes handcrafted costume and fashion jewelry and handbags. The technique of intertwining golden grass, natural fibers and textiles into intricate designs by hand adds distinctive character to Art da Terras creations.

    Brazilets Wish ribbon bracelets are a 200-year-old tradition from mystical Bahia, Brazil. Worn throughout Latin America, they have spiritual significance for all who wear them. Wrap your Brazi-lets bracelet around your wrist and tie three knots, making a wish with each knot. When the ribbons naturally break down and fall off, it is believed that your three wishes will come true.

    Ecoarts An arts and crafts initiative that brings together governmental and non-governmental organizations in Bra-zil to promote the richness and comple-xity of Brazilian culture through innova-tive decorative arts, gifts and artworks, all Ecoarts offerings share the philoso-phy of recycle, reuse or reduce, the key pillars of sustainability.

    Garoto Garoto has grown to become one of the largest chocolate manufactu-rers in the southern hemisphere offering more than 100 different premium quality products, including various luscious, wrapped chocolate candies, chocola-te bonbons, chocolate bars, ice cream treats, hard candies and chocolate pow-ders.

    Isabela Capeto Known as one of the most talented designers of Brazils new generation, Isabela Capetos creations are timeless and full of personality. Each item is a work of art; handmade, often recycled, dyed or plisse, with embellish-ments of vintage fabric trims.

    Lanno The handmade jewelry of the Lanno brand is seen and produced as true works of art. The design of every piece infuses rhythm and color, bringing lightness and volume through the use of natural raw materials.

  • Marcelo Rosenbaum The well--known architect and designer from So Paulo creates whimsical and gra-phic tabletop objects that tell stories by referencing personal memories and cultural roots that boost self-es-teem.

    Maria Oiticica From Brazilian raw materials to handcrafted jewelry, Maria Oiticicas pieces are made of natural components, such as seeds and pods gathered from the floor of the Amazon. Her work is defined as biojewels, and has direct impact on environmental conservation, as local communities rely on the harvest of fallen fruit seeds.

    Natura Ekos Innovative and uni-que in leading the charge on bio--diversity, social responsibility and sustainable ingredients from Brazil, Natura Ekos effectively practices the essence of sustainability. For that re-ason, their beauty products are deve-loped with a commitment to integrate the person's total self physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritu-ally and persons in all of their con-texts family, work, community and


    Parceria Carioca A mix of Brazi-lian real craftwork from Brazilian co--ops, Parceria curates contemporary designs combined to create light and fun pieces expressed in strong colors and exclusive prints. Designer Flavia Torres creates pieces that are hand-made by members of the communi-ties on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, where the opportunity to work while learning a craft is making a differen-ce.

    Phebo Phebo, Brazils first fragran-ce and luxury perfume house, was born in Belem (in the Amazon region) during the early 1930s. The brand has maintained its trendsetter image over the years and is cherished by generations of Brazilians, with endor-sements by famous Brazilian fashion designers. Known for its quality, all Phebo products are 100 percent vege-table-based, paraben-free, not tested on animals and produced in the Ama-zon. The brands portfolio includes a large variety of products, including soaps, moisturizers, perfumes, eau de colognes, diffusers, candles, etc.


  • Pilo Pilo is the leader in sales of coffee in Brazil offering a full line of products that provide a choice of fla-vor and aroma for every moment of life.

    Sol de Janeiro Sol de Janeiro de-velops highly sensorial sun protection and beauty care products that live up to the dream of a beautiful Brazilian beach. Sol de Janeiro provides top performance, trustworthy and innova-tive products that delight, comfort and reflect the beauty and purity of a natu-ral Brazilian beach experience.

    Macys Brasil campaign is made possible in part through partnerships with Calvin Klein, Apex-Brasil, Delta Air Lines, Pestana Hotels and Resorts and Globo TV. Beginning April 22, Macys customers can purchase O Mercado, the Market at Macys product by visiting

    About Macys Macy's, the largest retail brand of Macy's, Inc., delivers fashion and

    affordable luxury to customers at more than 800 locations in 45 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. Macy's stores and offer distinctive assortments including the most desired family of exclusive and fashion brands for him, her and home. Macy's is known for such epic events as Macy's 4th of July Fireworks and the Macy's Thanksgi-ving Day Parade, as well as specta-cular fashion shows, culinary events, flower shows and celebrity appearan-ces. Building on a 150-year tradition, Macy's helps strengthen communities by supporting local and national chari-ties that make a difference in the lives of our customers.

    About The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologi-cally important lands and waters for nature and people. The Conservancy and its more than 1 million members have protected nearly 120 million acres worldwide. Visit The Nature Conservancy on the Web at

    Arte da TerraMarcelo Rosenbaum Maria Oiticica

    Live Worldly for Brazil

    Isabela Capeto

    Article in Portuguese at

  • Paulo




    al o


    Brazilian & Latin Sounds Co. Often imitated, never duplicated!Samba is loved by millions in Brazil and today in the world.It is widely known overseas but not everyo-ne has the talent or the knowledge to show the real deal, exactly the way it is supposed to be played or danced.For many years Paulo Gualano, has brought to the world the best show on earth, and for a job well done, he had the opportunity to visit more than 15 countries all over the world carrying our flag and all the professional artists that are ambassadors of the Brazilian culture, showing the best of Samba, regio-nal dance and music, rhythms and choreography.His show brings a variety of Samba, mulatas,Percussion,Lambada, Gafieira, Capoeira, and much more always showing the rhythym of Brazil.In his experience he has organized Carnaval Balls, with the richest costumes, all hand made, by talen-ted crafters from Brazil, beautiful dancers, dedicated musicians, GOPE Percussion instruments, and by request any type of entertainment you desire.Talent is a gift not an option, words are often for-gotten but images are what stays, and what we will always carry in our memories so here are some for you to enjoy the beauty of our Samba culture and costumes.To visit the website:

  • Macy's stores are organizing the "Brazil Launch Par-ty" for the months of May and June, more precisely on 05/17(Aventura) and 05/19 (Dadeland) and 06/02 (Boca Raton). And to take care of entertainment, since Macys requires everything to be authentically Brazilian and of high quali-ty, they hired Brazilian & Latin Sounds Co. owned by Paul Gualano.Besides exposing luxury costumes at Macys selected stores, Gualano will display a 5 piece Brazilian Band that will be positioned in the center of the Mall (which will exe-cute a variety repertoire) and present their in-store con-certs Maculel, Capoeira, Frevo, Boleadores gauchos, Ba-tucada and beautiful Mulatas, The show will be held from 6 PM to 8 PM. Free admission to the public!

  • For more details visit the website:

  • Guaruj-BrasilEcoturismo

    Ecoturismo no GuarujGuaruj tem trilhas para quem quer se exercitar e deixar oestresse

    O ecoturismo um segmento de atividade turstica que utiliza, de forma sustentvel,o patrimnio natural e cultural, incentiva sua conservao e busca a formao de uma conscincia ambientalista atravs da interpretao do am-biente, promovendo o bem-estar das populaes envolvidas.

    Embora o trnsito de pessoas e veculos possa ser agressivo ao estado natural desses ecossiste-mas, os defensores de sua prtica argumentam que, complemen-tarmente, oecoturismo contribui para a preservao dos mesmos. Este um dos principais meios de educao ambiental que permite a integrao e desenvolvimen-to econmico das comunidades locais em reas de preservao ambiental.

    Dentre as atividades relacionadas com essa modalidade destacam--se: Tirolesa,Cavalgada, Boia--cross, espeleologia, observao de fauna e flora, rafting, trilhas, dentreoutros.

    No Guaruj a natureza est pre-sente na exuberante Mata Atlnti-ca. Passear pelas trilhas da ilha entrar em contato com a natureza, a fauna e a flora, as belezas natu-

    rais e tomar conscincia da im-portncia do meio ambiente.

    Quem vive a rotina casa-trnsito--trabalho pode no saber, mas Guaruj tem trilhas que so ti-mas opes para lazer e ativida-de fsica. Para os que gostam do contato com a natureza, a cidade oferece vrias opes para rea-lizar trilhas pela Mata Atlntica, concentradas nas pontas Sul e Norte da Ilha de Santo Amaro. Entre elas, destacam-se as da regio da Fortaleza da Barra Grande, onde, alm da natureza, o visitante poder conhecer um pouco da histria colonial brasileira. H tambm a trilha ecolgica do Conde, onde possvel praticar esportes radicais como tirolesa, minirrapel e slack-line (que se as-semelha a corda bamba circense) sobre piscina natural.

    Um dos grandes atrativos da ilha a biodiversidade. Este o local ideal para quem quer respirar ar puro, longe da poluio, e deixar o estresse da metrpole de lado. H opes tanto para quem nunca caminhou pelas matas como para quem j iniciado na prtica.Porm, recomendado que todas as trilhas sejam feitas sob a orien-tao de um guia regional de tu-rismo, para garantir que o passeio seja desfrutado com segurana (veja a seguir as dicas de cada uma).

    Edmundo C


  • Trilha da Fortaleza da Barra Grande: O seu acesso por meio da estrada do bairro Santa Cruz dos Navegantes, no Clube Saldanha da Gama. A trilha tem nvel de dificuldade baixo e leva at a

    Fortaleza da Barra Grande, construda pelos espanhis em 1584 para evitar o ataque de piratas. Situada em frente ao esturio de Santos, garantia de um

    passeio muito agradvel, repleto de histria e belezas naturais.

    Trilha da Praia do den: O seu acesso pela Estrada do Pernambuco, por meio do portal do Condom-nio Sorocotuba. Para chegar at a Praia do den podemos ir caminhando ou

    de carro at o topo do morro, depois descendo cerca de 40 metros por escada-ria de pedras em meio vegetao. A caminhada tem durao aproximada de 20 minutos. A praia de areia clara e mar que mais parece esmeralda lquida,

    recompensando o esforo.

  • Trilha da Praia Preta e Cambur:

    O seu acesso pela Prainha

    Branca e dura 2 horas aproxima-damente. Esta trilha exigir dos caminhantes um pouco mais de

    energia. Todavia, proporcionar experin-

    cias inesquecveis, j que durante toda a sua extenso, a natureza que praticamente intocada. A

    Praia Preta, com sua beleza singu-lar, e a Praia do Cambur, banhada

    de um lado pelo mar e do outro pelas guas do rio da Serra do

    Guararu, oferecem aos visitantes a verdadeira viso do paraso.

    Trilha da Prainha Branca: Tem incio no portal da Sociedade dos Amigos da PrainhaBranca, ao lado da travessia de balsas Guaruj-Bertioga, ao final da Rodovia Ario-valdo de Almeida Viana (SP61), tambm conhecida como Rodovia Guaruj-Bertioga. Chamada tambm de trilha alta, com durao de aproximadamente 20 minutos, um timo passeio,realizado por caminho suave e com calamento de pedras, oferecen-do aos usuriosfacilidade de acesso e uma espetacular interao com a Mata Atln-tica. Ao longo dopercurso, podero ser observadas milhares de espcies de plantas, animais e, do seu ponto mais alto, possvel admirar a bela vista da ilha junto praia, carto-postal do passeio.

  • Trilha das Runas: Assim como a Trilha da Prainha Branca, tem incio no portal daSociedade dos Amigos da Prainha Branca. tambm conhecida como trilha bai-xa e tem durao de aproximadamente 40 minutos. Ao longo do trajeto, pos-svel observar as runas da Armao das Baleias, localizada margem do canal de Bertioga, um importante marco econmico nos sculos XVIII e XIX, onde se extraa o leo dos mamferos para iluminao pblica, construo civil e outros. Alm disso, ser possvel visitar as runas da Ermida de Santo Antnio do Guai-b, uma capela do sculo XVI, construda a partir de pedra e leo de baleia e onde Padre Jos de Anchieta, ao som das vozes dos ndios tupiniquins que ecoavam do segundo andar da igreja, levava a Palavra de Deus queles que precisavam de acolhimento.

    Trilha de Ponta Grossa: Tem incio na praia da Santa Cruz dos Navegantes, e dura cercade 120 minutos. Longa trilha pelo p do morro, alternando caminhadas a cu aberto e por mata fechada.Belo passeio para se observar a natureza, a fauna e a flora e rvores centenrias.

  • Trilha do Conde: Do Primeiro ponto de Ecoturismo da cidade de Guaruj e localizada na Serra do Guarar no leste da cidade, na Trilha do Conde o visitante encontra um mini-rappel e uma tirolesa alm da trilha ecolgica interpretativa, e cascatas naturais quepodem ser utilizadas pelos visitantes.

    Convm reforar que recomendado que todas as trilhas sejam feitas sob aorientao de um guia regional de turismo, para garantir que o passeio seja desfrutado com segurana, indicamos consultar os especialistas abaixo. Instituto Litoral Verde-Trilha do CondeC.E.M.A. - Centro de Estudos do Meio Ambiente, conhecido tam-bm como "casa verde", um local disponibilizado pelo Instituto Litoral Verde para utilizao de institui-es pblicas e privadas para palestras e eventos relacionados preservao ambiental, localiza-do no km. 14,5 da Estrada Guaruj/

    Caiaras ExpediesA empresa trabalha na operacionalizao de roteiros e projetos de Turismo na RegioMetropolitana da Baixada Santista conhecida tambm por Costa da Mata Atlntica(formada pelos municpios de Santos, So Vicente, Guaruj, Praia Grande, Bertioga,Cubato, Itanham, Mongagu e Perube).Conhea Roteiros de Turismo e Servios em:

    Escrito por:Edmundo Cavalcanti

    Email: [email protected]

  • Trilha do Conde: Do Primeiro ponto de Ecoturismo da cidade de Guaruj e localizada na Serra do Guarar no leste da cidade, na Trilha do Conde o visitante encontra um mini-rappel e uma tirolesa alm da trilha ecolgica interpretativa, e cascatas naturais quepodem ser utilizadas pelos visitantes.

    Convm reforar que recomendado que todas as trilhas sejam feitas sob aorientao de um guia regional de turismo, para garantir que o passeio seja desfrutado com segurana, indicamos consultar os especialistas abaixo. Instituto Litoral Verde-Trilha do CondeC.E.M.A. - Centro de Estudos do Meio Ambiente, conhecido tam-bm como "casa verde", um local disponibilizado pelo Instituto Litoral Verde para utilizao de institui-es pblicas e privadas para palestras e eventos relacionados preservao ambiental, localiza-do no km. 14,5 da Estrada Guaruj/

    Caiaras ExpediesA empresa trabalha na operacionalizao de roteiros e projetos de Turismo na RegioMetropolitana da Baixada Santista conhecida tambm por Costa da Mata Atlntica(formada pelos municpios de Santos, So Vicente, Guaruj, Praia Grande, Bertioga,Cubato, Itanham, Mongagu e Perube).Conhea Roteiros de Turismo e Servios em:

    Escrito por:Edmundo Cavalcanti

    Email: [email protected]

  • Ecotourism in Guaruja

    Guaruja has trails for those who want to exercise and leave thestress

    Ecotourism is a "segment of tourism that uses in a sustainable way, the natural and cultural heritage. Its con-servation encourages the formation of an environmental awareness through interpretation of the environment and promoting the welfare of the popula-tions involved. "

    Although the movement of people and vehicles can be aggressive to the natural state of these ecosystems, the defenders of the practice argue that, in addition, theecotourism contributes to the preser-vation of them. This means a massive environmental education that enables the integration and economic develop-ment of local communities in areas of environmental preservation.

    The activities related to this moda-lity includes: Zip Line, Horseback riding, cross-Buoy, caving, observing wildlife, rafting, hiking, among others.

    In Guaruja nature is present in the exu-berant Atlantic Forest. Walking trailsthe island is to get in touch with natu-re, flora and fauna, natural beauty and takeawareness of the importance of the environment.

    Who lives the routine work-home--transit may not know, but Gua-ruj trails that are greatest option for recreation and physical activi-ty. For those who enjoy the contact with nature, the city offers seve-

    ral options to trails for the Atlantic forest,concentrated in the north and south ends of the island of Santo Ama-ro. Among them the region of Fortaleza -Barra Grande, where, beyond nature, visitors can know a bit of Brazilian co-lonial history. There is also the ecolo-gical path of the Count, where you can practice sports like zip lines, minirra-pel and slack-line (which resembles a circus tightrope) on natural pool, one of the major attractions of the island's biodiversity.

    This is ideal for anyone who wants fresh air, away from pollution, and leave the stress of the metropolis . The-re are options both for those who never walked through the woods as to who is already "initiated" into practice.

    However, it is recommended that all trails are made under the guidance of a regional tourism guide, to ensure that the ride is enjoyed safely Trail of Fortaleza da Barra Grande:

    The access is through the road of the neighborhood called Santa Cruz of the Navigators, the Club Saldanha da Gama. The trail has a low level of difficulty and leads to the Fortaleza da Barra Grande, built by the Spaniards in 1584 to avoid the attack of pirates. Situ-ated in the opposite side of the Santos estuary,you are guaranteed a very nice ride, full of history and natural beauty.Trail of Eden Beach:

    The access is by Pernambuco Road , through Condominium Portal de Sorocotuba . To reach the beach of Eden you can walk or drive to the top of the hill, then down about 40 meters througha stone staircase in the underbrush. The walk lasts approximately 20 minu-tes. The beach has white sandsand and emerald color ocean that makes the effort rewarding.

  • Trail Praia Preta e Camburi: Your access is the White Beach and lasts 2 hours approx. This trail hi-kers will require a little more energy. However, provide unforgettable expe-riences, since throughout its length, nature that is virtually untouched. The Black Beach, with its unique beauty and the beachof Cambridge, bathed by the sea on one side and the other by the river of the Sierra Guararu, offer visitors a true vision of paradise.Prainha Branca Trail:

    It begins at the portal of the Society of Friends of Prainha Branca, next to the ferry crossing Guaruja-Bertioga at the end of Highway Ariovaldo de Almeida Viana (SP61), also known as Highway Guaruja-Bertioga, also called Trilha Alta, lasting about 20 minutes, is a great ride, performed by gentle way and paving stones, giving users ease of access and interaction with a spec-tacular Atlantic. Over pathway may be observed thousand species of plants, animals, and theirhighest point, you can admire the beau-tiful view of the island along the beach, the postcard ride.Trail of Ruins: Just as the Trail of White Beach, opened in portalSociety of Friends of White Beach. It is also known as track and has lowduration of approximately 40 minutes. Along the path, it is possible to observe the Frame ruins of the Whale, located outside the channel Bertioga, an impor-tant economic framework in the eighte-enth and nineteenth centuries, where oil was extracted from mammals tostreet lighting, construction and others. In addition, you can visit the ruinsthe Chapel of St. Anthony's Guaib, a

    sixteenth-century chapel, built fromstone and whale oil and where Father Jose de Anchieta, the sound of the voi-ces of Indians tupiniquins echoing the second floor of the church, took the word of God to those who needed care.Ponta Grossa Trail:

    It begins on the beach in Santa Cruz of the Navigators, and lasts about 120 minutes. Long trek by foot of the hill, alternating walking in the open and clo-sed forest.Nice walk to observe nature, fauna and flora and trees.Condes trail:

    From First point of Ecotourism in the city of Guaruja and located Sierra Guarar in the east of town, in Comte Trail visitors will find a mini-abseiling and a zip line in addition to the ecological interpretive trail, water-falls and natural can be used by visi-tors. It is recommended to reinforce that all tracks are made under theguidance of a regional guide for tou-rism, to ensure that the ride is enjoyedsafely, consult the experts indicated below.Institute Coastal Trail Green-CountGuaruja /

    Caiaras ExpeditionsThe company works in the opera-tion of tours and tourism projects in the Region Metropolitan Santos also known as the Atlantic Coast (Formed by the cities of Santos, Sao Vicente, Guaruja, Playa Grande, Bertioga Cubato, Itana-gar, Mongagu and Perube).Discover Tours Tourism and Services:

    Written by: Edmundo Cavalcanti - www.bandeiraazultombo.comEmail: cavalcanti.edmundo @

  • Sprin

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    e ! A Primavera chegou ! e com ela os modis-mos que precedem o vero. "Trends" que

    ditam o Spring-Summer e pelo visto muita cor !

    Veja o que as vitrines de Park Avenue em Winter Park anunciam !

  • Desde o homem esportivo a mulher executiva a cor predomina! A primavera voltou cheia de vida e cheia de cor !

  • Espero que voc possa tirar umas verdadeiras frias brasileiras em uma praia paradi-saca, dessas que temos no nordeste e em v-rias regies do nosso grande Brasil! Mais se as frias so para realizar aquele sonho de fazer uma GERAL na alma e principalmente no corpo (tra-tamento de sade, misses de caridades, visitar paren-tes, etc.), a soluo correr para o vo charter da SST Air. Paulo Corra o divulgador para o mercado americano, principalmente a Florida e Gergia.

    Ao lanar os voos charters da SST Air, estamos reafir-mando nosso compromisso de servir aos brasileiros resi-dentes e que pertencem a or-ganizaes de igrejas, espor-tistas, turistas, entre outros grupos que tem uma deman-da forte nos interesses em realizar misses de caridade, tratamentos de sade, lazer e turismo de negcios.

    Pensando em servir a Comunidade a SSTAir resolveu ir alem do compro-misso de servir ao passageiro e deci-diu pensar no Brasileiro que precisa voltar ao Brasil mas no pode comprar a sua passa-gem.A SSTAir vem junto as Igrejas e Organizaes de Apoio ao Bra-sileiro oferecer em um sorteio de 50 passagens de ida para o

    Brasil. Paulo Correa esta entrando em contato com as Igrejas, para que as mesmas indiquem as pessoas que querem se candi-datar. Para maiores informacoes con-tate Paulo Correa 407-470-5450 ou 407-879--1777 . O sorteio se realizara no Camilas Lounge - Orlando no dia 23 de Maio.A todos os candidatos !Boa Sorte !

  • Brazilian Filmmaker Producing FilmEric Reis, a Brazilian actor/filmmaker turns to Brazilians abroad to fi-nance his upcoming film, By the Sea, a drama about two couples lear-ning to live amid the uncertainties of life. "It's a film about the Brazilian spirit, about trust and openness even in the face of doubt," Eric explains. "It's a universal story, but told with a Brazilian heart.""Securing funds for the film has not been easy", he continues, "but we're receiving support from every corner of the world. It's been amazing, and we hope to secure the funds to make the film a reality." Readers may learn more about his film at

  • Bem-vindos a nossa campanha da Indiegogo. Estamos arrecadando di-nheiro para produzir um filme de curta metragem, e precisamos de sua

    ajuda para alcanarmos nosso objetivo financeiro. Parece clich, mas mesmo doaes de apenas 10 dlares faro uma grande diferena para

    ns, ento... no seja tmido.Visite !

    By th

    e Sea

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    Objetivos Gerais: O ensino Portugus como Lngua-Herana deve garantir que os alunos se tornem capazes de:Absorver a Lngua-Herana, sabendo utilizar as palavras;Ler de forma independente os textos de diferentes gneros previstos para cada mdulo.Utilizar a linguagem para expressar sentimentos, experincias e idias, interpretando e respeitando os diferentes modos de falar, dentro da capa-cidade e desenvolvimento de cada faixa-etria.Conhecer a histria e cultura da sua lngua de herana. PUBLICO: CRIANCAS DE 6 A 11 ANOS


    Para estrangeiros adultos;

    Modulo I: Noes de leitura, gramtica e escrita. Conversao bsica.


    Para iniciantes e intermediarios: Metodo Cambridge

    Professores com formao Academica e treinamento para o ensino de linguas.

    Informaes sobre programa e valores:

    Centro Assistencial Nova Esperanca4300 Lake Margaret Dr.Orlando, Fl 32812(407) 275-6163


    n Po





    General Objectives: Teaching Portuguese as a Heritage-Language must ensure that students become able to:Absorb-Language Inheritance, knowing the words to use;Read independently texts from different genres provided for each module.Use Portuguese to express feelings, experiences and ideas, interpreting and respecting the different ways of speaking, within the capacity and development of each age group.Knowing the history and culture of their heritage language. AUDIENCE: CHILDREN FROM 6 TO 11 YEARS


    For foreign adults

    Module I: Concepts of reading, grammar and writing. Basic conversation.


    For beginners and intermediate: Cambridge Method

    Academic trained teachers and training for teaching languages .

    Information about the program and price:

    New Hope Care Center4300 Lake Margaret Dr.Orlando, Fl 32812(407) 275-6163



    South Coast records was founded by Lar-ry Poynter Jr. in Nov. of 2009. The company is an Indie label that is di-verse in genre, but deals mostly in Urban, Hip Hop and reggae. Larry Poynter has been involved in the music industry since 1983 and has a long list of ac-complish- ments and ex-periences both as an artist as well as an executive. South Coast Records is

    an Orlando based record label, but deals in global digital distribution as well as artist development. The company firmly believes in making the very best music possible as well as presenting their artists in a polished manner. Sou-th Coast records believes in staying on the cutting--edge on trending styles of music. South Coast Recor-ds' motto is"Real Talk, Real Music - South Coast Records", which sums up the whole persona of a South Coast Records team member.

    Trending styles of Music

  • Larry was born in 1969 in Kentucky, and by the age of 9 heard Hip-Hop for the first time, and he knew would be big. He moved to California 4 years later and there he started a group calledBreakers in Command, doin Dj and MC for $100 per show and everyone knew him as Larry LUV.He finished High school, joined the mi-litary and felt how music had a different perspective from country to country. After the military, Larry LUV moved back to Louisville to resume his music care-er. He formed the Indie label TRA DUCE, playing off his address in the west end of Louisville. Larry quickly gained mo-mentum in the local scene and by 1990 he and his crew were performing at every major event to come through the city. TRA DUCE in their first year sold 10,000 cassette tapes in the tri-state area, performing with a long list of ar-tists that at the time were large in the in-dustry. Between 1990 to 1993, Larry Luv sold close to 30,000 tapes without the help of any outsider (and on a very small budget). By 1995, things were looking up for Larry LUV music wise, but he had to make the choice of leaving music behind for the sake of raising his son. This was an easy decision but for the next 12 years Larry LUV fell off the music scene all together to be a single dad. In 2008 Larrys son was a junior in high school so Larry LUV decided that music was very important to him and that he should get back into it at some capacity. In 2009 he started South Coast Records with the experience of an artist and knowledge of a polished business man. South Coast Records is an Indie label that believes in great music first. They have a very diver-se artist roster that ranges from Hip Hop to Reggae. The goal for South Coast Re-cords is to be known globally for intro-

    ducing polished, well-defined artists that have the knowledge of the industry.Larry Poynter has performed with the following groups to crowds as large as 30,000 people: Run DMCWhodiniToo ShortTupacNaughty by natureSalt and PepperM.C. BreedUMCsBizMarkieBig Daddy KaneRakim... and many moreToday SouthCoast Records announcesartist SomeKosher Yuppy. SKYs move-ment GMATT The Lifestyle (Give my all to talent His debut EP release My Dub Step Experience prod. by STUPID GE-NIUS will be release on May 12th It will be available on Itunes. Also please add his links,

    FB fan page SomeKosher Yuppy (GMATT)

  • South Coast Records foi fun-dada por Larry Poynter Jr. em novembro de 2009. A empresa uma gravadora independente que di-versificada em gnero, mas lida princi-palmente com msica urbana, Hip Hop e reggae.

    Larry Poynter foi envolvido na inds-tria da msica desde 1983 e tem uma longa lista de experincias, tanto como artista, assim como executivo. South Coast Records uma grava-dora baseada em Orlando, mas suas promoes e distribuio digitais so globais, bem como o desenvolvimen-to do artista. A companhia acredita firmemente em fazer a melhor msica possvel, bem como apresentar os seus artistas de maneira polida. South Coast Records acredita em perma-necer na vanguarda de tendncias e estilos de msica. O lema daSouth Co-ast Records ""Real Talk, Real Music - South Coast Records", que resume a personalidade de todos os membros da equipe South Coast Records.

    Larry nasceu em 1969 em Kentucky, e aos 9 anos de idade ouviu Hip--Hop, pela primeira vez, e sabia que iria ser um grande.estilo de msica Ele se mudou para a Califrnia 4 anos de-

    pois e l ele iniciou um grupo chama-do Breakers no comando, fazendo Dj e M C por US $ 100 por show e todos o conheciam como Larry LUV.

    Ele terminou o ensino mdio, in-gressou no exrcito e sentiu como a msica tinha uma perspectiva dife-rente de pas para pas. Depois que terminou sua carreira militar Larry LUV voltou para Louisville para reto-mar sua carreira musical. Ele formou o Indie rtulo TRA Duce, jogando fora o seu endereo no extremo oeste de Louisville. Larry rapidamente ganhou fora na cena local e em 1990 ele e sua tripulao estavam realizando cada grande evento que vinha para a cidade. TRA Duce em seu primeiro ano vendeu 10.000 fitas cassete na rea tri--state, tocando com uma longa lista de artistas que na poca eram grandes na indstria.

    Entre 1990 a 1993, Larry Luv vendeu cerca de 30.000 fitas sem a ajuda de qualquer pessoa de fora (e com um oramento muito pequeno). Em 1995, as coisas estavam melhorando para Larry LUV msica sbio, mas ele teve que fazer a escolha de deixar a msica por trs para criar seu filho.

  • Esta foi uma deciso fcil, mas pelos prximos 12 anos Larry LUV saiu da cena musical para ser um pai solteiro.

    Em 2008, filho de Larry era um aluno do primeiro colegial e Larry LUV decidiu que a msica era muito importante para ele e que ele deveria voltar em alguma capacidade dentro do meio arts-tico. Em 2009 ele comeou South Coast Records com a experincia adquirida como artista e conheci-mento de um homem de negcios polido. South Coast Records uma gravadora independente que acredita na boa msica em primei-ro lugar. Eles tm uma lista de ar-tistas bem diversificada que vai do hip hop ao reggae.

    A meta para South Coast Recor-ds para ser conhecido mun-dialmente pela introduo polida e bem definidas dos artistas que tm o conhecimento da indstria.Larry Poynter j se apresentou com os seguintes grupos para multides to grandes como 30.000 pessoas:

    Run DMCWhodiniToo ShortTupacNaughty By NatureSal e PimentaM.C. RaaUMCBizMarkieBig Daddy KaneRakim... e muitos mais

    Hoje SouthCoast Records anun-cia o artistaYuppy SomeKosher. Moviment da SKY GMATT "O Estilo de Vida" (dar o meu tudo para o talento "Seu lanamento do EP de estria" My Dub Step Experience prod. by STUPID GENIUS ser lanado em 12 de maio Ela estar disponvel no iTunes. Adicione tambm estes links. / somekosheryuppy

    FB pgina de fs SomeKosher Yu-ppy (GMATT)


  • APRIL 19, 2012

    "Snap! Orlando kicked off its 2nd annual celebration of photography with an awe-inspiring marriage of creativity and technical prowess.FLORIDA TRAVEL + LIFE

    Images dancing across the Kress building, illuminating downtown Orlando, brought out the crowds to watch the display of photographycelebrated by Snap! ORLANDO SENTINEL

    Kick Off Event: Outdoor Projection MappingThe Kress Building. 130 S. Orange Ave, Downtown Orlando 32801. Showings every 1/2 hour from 8:30PM to Midnight. Free Event.

    The show will open the IDA Conference (International Downtown Association) with a larger-than-life projectionmapping on the front of the historic downtown Kress building, Thursday, April 19, 2012. It can be optimallyviewed from The Plaza property across the street from the Kress building. The surrounding portions of OrangeAve. will be closed

    This event hosted by Mayor Buddy Dyer, will dazzle the city with dynamic high technology 3-D animation createdby Canadian based company Angels View. The show produced by Snap! with the support of the DDB, and theKress Building will be coinciding with D.A.D. 3rd Thursday. Mayor Dyer opens the event at 8:30 PM

    2012 URBAN WILD

  • SNAP! ORLANDO : MAY 10-13, 2012Snap! 2012 will explore Urban Wild with imagery exa-mining the juxtaposition and paradox of wildlife, urba-nism and humanity. Snap! 2012 Urban Wild exhibit will feature : MOBY (Los Angeles), MIRU KIM (New York), MI-ZO (Germany/Japan), OLEG DOU (Russia), BEN LOWY (New York), TRAVIS DOVE (NC), ANDREW HETHERINGTON (New York), FILIP DUJARDIN (Bel-gium), MARJAN TEEUWEN (Netherlands), DAMIEN BLOTTIERE (France), GABRIEL WICKBOLD (Brazil), GREGORY SCOTT (Chicago), DIMA GAVRYSH (New York), YATIN (Orlando), HEIKO WAECHTER (Aus-tralia), GREGG SEGAL (Los Angeles), LUCAS DULAC (France), DILIP BHATIA (India), PATRICIA VAN DE CAMP (Netherlands), MARC GOUBY (France), PHOTO-GRAPHER HAL (Japan), DINA LITOVSKY (New York), SANDEE PAWAN (France), JENNY RISHER (New York), TOM CHAMBERS (VA), AD ACHKAR (Lebanon), CLA-RISSE DARCIMOLES (France), FRANK DAY (D.C.) and PDNs 30 2012 EMERGING PHOTOGRAPHERS TO WA-TCH (International).Our projection mapping show will be displayed onto the Kress building on April 19th, 2012. Below, view our full 2011 projection mapping spectacle, produced for the first time in Orlando

  • EAST

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    O An Easter celebration at the Amway Arena, Downtown Orlando, that has capacity for approximately 17.461 ac-cording to internet sources, and by where I stood only one small section was empty! We were touched by the grandiosity of the word, the warmth of the people, and the superior plan to gather us all on that same place same time, together praising and singing.

    He has risen ! Yes he has but I am sure, today, many he-arts were risen and filled with love, with Faith, I could have stayed all day, and it wasnt enough, fill your heart and soul with the word to carry you throughout the week, is like being carried in his arms, I wish everyone could feel the same. Remember this Jesus carries you in his arms every moment, every step of the way, but you have to listen to what he has to say in order to feel what he is offering you ! Believe , have Faith ! Take care.

  • The service was provided by First Baptist