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HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC PARISHIglesia Católica de La Santa Cruz1244 S Power Road, Mesa, Arizona 85206

Mission Statement AD INTRA (for ourselves): To deepen our experience of Jesus Christ through a vibrant sacramental life and our common liturgical worship. AD EXTRA (to the world) To reach our vocational fulfillment individually and as a community by engaging our neighbor with the Gospel Message.

October 31, 2021

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time The scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You are

right in saying, ‘He is One and there is no other than he.’ And when Jesus saw that [he]

answered with understanding, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”

Mk 12:32,34

Weekday Masses: (Held in Anderson Hall during Church upgrade) Monday through Saturday; 8:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening: 7:00 p.m.

Weekend Masses: (Held in Anderson Hall during Church upgrade) Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 9: 00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass. and 4:00 p.m. (English - ad orientem)

Confessions: After Daily Mass Monday - Saturday & 5:00 - 6:45 p.m. Wednesday

Adoration: Wednesday Evening Adoration: 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. Benediction at 6:45 p.m. First Friday Adoration: After the 8:30 a.m. Mass in Latin. Benediction at 11:45 a.m.

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Holy Cross is now a Baby Safe Haven. Call the Parish office for more information.

Infant Baptism A Parent requesting that their child be baptized must be a registered parishioner who is actively participating in the life of the parish. Baptism preparation classes are required. Please call the parish office for additional information.

Marriage, Marriage Prep and Annulments Couples seeking the Sacrament of Marriage must be registered parishioners who are actively participating in the life of the parish. Notification of intent to marry must be provided nine months in advance. For more information on the marriage preparation process, please call the parish office.

Communion of the Sick Ministers of Care bring Holy Communion to the sick and to those who are unable to attend Mass. Please call the parish office to schedule a visit from one of our Ministers of Care.

Emergency Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know is in critical condition or near death, call 480-981-2021 (after 5 p.m. and weekends, PRESS 4 when instructed to do so.) Leave a detailed message, including a contact name and phone number that will be heard by the Priest on call. Please Do Not use this service for any other reason.

Federal Privacy Regulation HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission for the hospital to do so. If you are admitted to a Hospital and would like a member of the clergy or a caregiver to visit you, please notify the hospital or call the parish office.

St. Vincent de Paul Society The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides food, clothing, and other assistance to those in need. Located at the North end of the campus, their hours are Monday through Thursday from 9-11 a.m. Please call 480-985-4259 to schedule an appointment.

Funerals Funeral Mass is reserved for families and friends alike who have made prior arrangements for proper burial of the mortal remains. Contact Carlos Briones in the Liturgy office at 480-981-2021, ext. 216 to make arrangements.

Parish Office: 480-981-2021

Religious Ed Office: 480-325-5375 Fax: 480-981-6844


Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

(Reopens after 8:30 Mass) until 12:00 p.m. Closed for Lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Open 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12 :00 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday

Parish Receptionist: Angie Perez

ext. 201, [email protected] Office Administrator: Laura Shirling ext. 205, [email protected]

Priests Pastor: Fr. Larry Merta

ext. 208, [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu ext. 202, [email protected]

Parochial Vicar: Fr. Raul Herrero

Deacons: Richard Conn, Clarence Vetter, Joe Scaccia, Jim Gersitz & JC Gonzalez

Pastoral Ministry Pastoral Associate: Bridgette Cosentino ext. 206, [email protected]

Assistant to Pastoral Assoc.: Olga Rivera Ext. 204, [email protected]

Religious Education Coor. of RE & Evangelization: Cynthia Benzing

ext. 214, [email protected] Coor. of Youth Faith Formation (grades 6-12):

Patti Phillips, ext. 213, [email protected] Coor. of Elem Faith Formation (PreK-5)

Donna Macia, ext. 209, [email protected]

Music and Liturgy Director of Music: Jason Phillips

ext. 215, [email protected] Facilitator of Liturgical Ministry:

Carlos Briones Ext. 216, [email protected]

Maintenance: Gabriel Suarez ext. 218, [email protected]

Maintenance: Paul Mansberger Maintenance: Abram Warpness

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Mass Intentions for the Week of November 1- November 7, 2021 Mon. 8:30 a.m. † Fr. Ray Hannigan Tue. 8:30 a.m. † Stephen Timothy Kennedy Wed. 8:30 a.m. (SI) Esperanza McKay Wed. 7:00 p.m. † Ricardo Ouano Thu. 8:30 a.m.. † Peter Bennes Jr. Fri. 8:30 a.m. † Deceased members Legion/ Mary Sat. 8:30 a.m. † Hugo Alcantara Sat. 4:00 p.m. † Shawn Peters Sun. 7:00 a.m. Pro Populo Sun. 9:00 a.m. † George Reicher Sun. 11:00 a.m. † Alles P. Parambu Sun. 1:00 p.m. † Antonio Ore Sun. 4:00 p.m. † Kathy Hamilton

Celebrant Schedule (subject to change) November 1- November 7, 2021 Mon. 8:30 a.m. Fr. Jaya Maddu Tue. 8:30 a.m. Fr. Larry Merta Wed. 8:30 a.m. Fr. Pierre Hissey Wed. 7:00 p.m. Fr. Jaya Maddu Thu. 8:30 a.m. Fr. Jaya Maddu Fri 8:30 a.m. Fr. Daniel Cruz Sat. 8:30 a.m. Fr. Jaya Maddu Sat. 4:00 p.m. Fr. Pierre Hissey Sun. 7:00 a.m. Fr. Jaya Maddu Sun. 9:00 a.m. Fr. Pierre Hissey Sun. 11:00 a.m. Fr. Pierre Hissey Sun. 1:00 p.m. Fr. Raul Herrero Sun. 4:00 p.m. Fr. Jaya Maddu - Ad Orientem Mass

Part-Time Bilingual Parish Receptionist Position Part-time Non-Exempt, 4-5 Days/wk – 20-28 hrs/wk. Reports to Pastoral Associate • Fully Bilingual; able to speak, read and write both English and Spanish • Welcoming and compassionate approach to all communications • Excellent administrative and organizational skills; attention to details and high level of accuracy in work • Adept in handling highly confidential matters; discretion always required • Must be able to work with multiple distractions and interruptions, and multitask • Ability to learn new things and adapt to change Minimum Requirements: • High School Diploma • Living in full communion with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church

Please contact Bridgette Cosentino @ [email protected] or 480-981-2021; ext 206 to apply. Puesto de recepcionista parroquial bilingüe medio tiempo 4-5 días por semana: 20-28 horas semanales Funciones esenciales del trabajo: • Totalmente bilingüe; capaz de hablar, leer y escribir tanto en inglés como en español. • Enfoque acogedor y compasivo para todas las comunicaciones • Excelentes habilidades administrativas y organizativas; atención a los detalles y alto nivel de precisión en el trabajo. Capaz de realizar múltiples tareas. • Experto en el manejo de asuntos altamente confidenciales; discreción siempre requerida. •Debe ser capaz de trabajar con múltiples distracciones e interrupciones. •Capacidad para aprender cosas nuevas y adaptarse al cambio Requisitos mínimos: •Diploma de secundaria • Vivir en plena comunión con las enseñanzas del la Iglesia Católica Romana.

All Souls Day 8:30 a.m. Mass - Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021 If you have lost a loved one between November 2nd, 2020 and November 1st, 2021, and have had their Funeral service here at Holy Cross, their names will be mentioned at this special All Souls Mass. Loved ones who have passed away before Nov. 2nd 2020, please write their names in the BOOK FOR ALL SOULS located on the table in Anderson Hall through Friday, October 29th. They will be remembered at all Masses though the Feast of Christ the King, November 21, 2021.

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Offertory Income - September 2021

July - September Plate Actual: $250,797.11 • July - September Plate Budget: $245,769.00

July - September “CUP”: $19,420.38

Thank you for your continued support of Holy Cross Parish!

Holy Cross Rosary Makers Please join us on the first Thursday of every month for a morning of prayerful fellowship while making rosaries for our parish

ministries. We will meet Thursday, November 4, 2021, from 9:30 am until 12:00 pm, in Room H. No previous experience needed. Please contact Cindy Benzing at 480-325-5375 or [email protected] for more information.

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St. Vincent de Paul Semi-Annual Food Drive November 13th -14th, 2021

There will be increased requests for food from The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Holy Cross this fall and winter. To meet this demand we are holding a food drive to fill our pantry and personal care shelves. Grocery bags for your donations will be distributed after all Masses on the weekend of November 6th and 7th. Bags with your do-

nations will be collected before all Masses on the weekend of November13th. and 14th.

Most needed items: Canned Items: corn, assorted beans (i.e.: pork & beans, kidney, refried, green), tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, mixed vegetables, chili, spaghetti, ravioli, tuna/sardines, Vienna sausage, bottled water, fruit juice, Gatorade Packaged Food: spaghetti, macaroni & cheese, ramen noodles, cup of soup, rice, stuffing, cake mix/baking items, cookies/crackers, chips, granola bars, peanut butter, jelly/jam Personal Items: toothpaste/toothbrushes, deodorant/body lotion, shampoo (small sizes) toilet paper, paper towels, bar soap, powdered laundry soap, Kleenex tissues.

Colecta de Alimentos Semi-Anual de la Sociedad de Santa Cruz de San Vicente de Paul Noviembre 13th - 14th, 2021

Anticipamos aumento en solicitudes de comida a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul en la parroquia de la Santa Cruz durante las temporadas de otonoe invierno. Para satisfacer esta demanda, estaremos colectando alimentos para llenar nuestra bodega y estanterías con artículos de cuidado personal. Bolsas para comestibles se distribuirán después de cada Misa el fin de semana del 6-7 de Noviembre. Colectaremos sus bolsas con donaciones antes de cada Misa los fines de semana del 13-14 de Noviembre. Elementos más necesarios: Artículos enlatados: maíz, frijoles variados (es decir, cerdo & frijoles, riñón, refrito), tomates, salsa de espaguetis, chile, ravi-oles, atún/sardinas, salchicha de Viena, agua embotellada Alimentos envasados: espaguetis, macarrones con queso, fideos ramen, taza de sopa, arroz, relleno, mezclas de hornear, galletas, patatas fritas, granola, mantequilla de maní, jalea/mermelada, jugo de fruta, salsa de pavo Artículos personales: cepillos de dientes/pasta de dientes, desodorante, loción corporal, champú, (tamaños pequeños),

First Friday and First Saturday Devotions-Nov. 5, 6

Children of Our Lady of Fatima's Prayer Group will gather for prayer after the 8:30 am morning Masses. We are all Our Lady's children and everyone is welcome! Young families are especially welcome! What do we do? Prayer, Reparation to console the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Our Lord and Lady, and amendment of life with the help of specific prayer guides and Marian Spirituality. Devotional explanations provided at the gathering. Contact parishioner Jeanne Walker by leaving a message in the Parish office at 480-981-2021.

Holy Cross is forming a Ladies Sodality! Please join us Monday, Nov. 1st at 6:30 pm in Classroom J for an information meeting on the newly forming Ladies group open to Parish Women 18 years of age and older. The Sodality's mission is to establish a community of faithful women who want to grow in personal holiness and encourage devotion to the Blessed Sacrament along with their devoted imitation of Mary. This Lay Apostolate will participate in Catholic Action by helping our Pastor in his apostolic work for souls and projects to benefit our Parish and community. Contact parishioner Jeanne Walker by leaving a message at the Parish office at 480-981-2021.

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Knowing our Faith... The Sacraments Baptism, Incorporated into Christ’s Body, Sent on Christ’s Mission.

The sacraments celebrated by the Church are signs of grace that make a deeper reality present to us. One reality we encounter through the sacraments is Christ’s presence in the Church community, His Body. This recognition of Christ’s presence in the community should lead to a stronger awareness of being sent on mission to engage in love-inspired action in the world. As Pope Benedict XVI notes in Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love), the celebration of the sacraments and the ministry of love are “insep-arable.” Love in action, he says, is “an indispensable expression” of the Church’s being (no. 25). Today we focus on the Sacrament of Baptism, the rite of initiation into the Christian community. As you read, consider the meaning of your own

Baptism, your membership in the community, and the mission on which you are sent. Baptism makes us “members of one another.” Since the time of early Christianity, Baptism has been the rite of initiation into the Christian community of the Church. In Baptism, the “one Spirit” makes us members of the Body of Christ and of “one another” (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], no. 1267). Pope John Paul II describes the result of Baptism as a “mystical unity” between Christ and his disciples, and the disciples with one another, like “branches of a single vine.” This reflects the mystical communion of the Holy Trinity (Christifideles Laici [The Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World], no. 12). Baptism reveals the equality and dignity of each member of the community. In the one Body of Christ, all the members share “a common dignity” so that “no inequality arising from race or nationality, social condition or sex” exists, for all are one in Christ (Lumen Gentium [Dogmatic Constitution on the Church], no. 32). Baptism requires us to reject sin and re-assess our values, decisions, and lifestyles. During the Rite of Baptism, we reject sin, renouncing those beliefs, values, and choices that are opposed to Christ. We also reject sinful attitudes that degrade the dignity of others (e.g., racism, sexism, etc.) and practices that prevent other members of our human family from living in dig-nity (e.g., abortion, policies that hurt the poor, etc.). Baptism calls us to reject death and embrace life and dignity for all. In Baptism, we profess our commitment to the Church’s beliefs, values, and vision. At Baptism, we embrace a unique vision and set of values: those of the community of the Church, whose values prioritize love for God, self, others, and all of creation. The rest of the community also joins in the profession of faith, illustrating that the community is linked across generations, space, and time. Baptism invites us to a vocation of holiness and the practice of charity. In Baptism, we receive a “vocation to holiness,” which is “intimately connected” to our membership in the “Communion of Saints,” which strives to make present the “Kingdom of God in history.” Participation in the Communion of Saints requires a commitment to communion with Christ and “a life of charity” in “this world and in the next” (Christifideles Laici, nos. 17, 19). Baptism incorporates us into the life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the world. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (Compendium) reminds us, “By Baptism, the laity are incorporated into Christ and are made participants in his life and mission” (no. 541). The triple immersion in the baptismal water signifies the death of sin and entry into the newness of life through Christ’s Death and Resurrection. The oil signifies anointing by the Holy Spirit and receiving of the Holy Spirit’s gifts. The Holy Spirit helps us to imitate Jesus’ self- sacrificial love and allows us to share in the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

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Baptism leads us to imitate Christ’s example. The baptized are called to imitate Jesus’ example and strive in thought, word, and action to live his love. This means working to heal the wounds of sin, living the Beatitudes, practicing the twofold commandment of love of God and neighbor, and imitat-ing the lives of the saints (CCC, nos. 1694-97). Having been anointed by the Spirit, “Christians can repeat in an individual way the words of Jesus: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to pro-claim the acceptable year of the Lord’ . . . (Lk 4:18-19)” (Christifideles Laici, no. 13). Baptism makes us disciples to the world. Incorporation into Christ and into the community of the People of God means agreeing to take part in, and to self- identify with, its mission to become disciples in the world (CCC, no. 1276, and Compendium, no. 541). Pope John Paul II writes, “Because of the one dignity flowing from Baptism,” every baptized person “shares a responsibility for the Church’s mission” (Christifideles Laici, no. 15). The baptized must work as disciples of Christ by caring for the sick, the oppressed, the debili-tated, and the sinners. We are called to carry out this work not only in our local communities, but also in the global community of which we are also members. In this way, we can extend to all the love, compassion, and mercy of God that we ourselves have come to know. Baptism calls us to live in the world, seeking the Kingdom in our daily lives. During the blessing of the baptismal waters at the Easter Vigil, we recall God’s action within history. We hear, for example, about the liberation of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Christians believe that “Baptism does not take [the baptized] from the world at all.” Instead, the world becomes the “place” and “means” for the lay faithful to “fulfill their Christian vocation” (Christifi-deles Laici, no. 15). We give expression to our baptismal reality “in our daily lives” in “the field” of the world (Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis [Sacrament of Charity], no. 79). The baptized work within the spheres of “work, culture, science and research; the exercise of social, economic and political responsibilities” to order them to the Kingdom (Compendium, no. 543). The baptized are called to contribute to the sanctification of the world. Being “present and active in the world” is a “theological and ecclesiological reality” (Compendium, no. 543). This reality is what leads us to work to protect the life and dignity of all people and to care for God’s creation here on earth. “The world is not something indifferent, raw material to be utilized simply as we see fit,” Pope Benedict XVI, notes. Instead, we see it as “God’s creation.” Our Baptism helps us see a “profound relationship” between our work here on earth and our future with Christ (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 92). The baptized are to live as lights in the darkness. After being baptized, we acknowledge or receive a white garment to signify that we have risen with Christ. We receive a lighted candle, which symbolizes that we are a new creation, enlightened by Christ. We are now called to carry that light into the dark world to extend the light to others (CCC, no. 1243). The gifts given at Baptism, Pope Benedict XVI writes, are for “the building up of Christ’s Body (1 Cor 12) and for ever greater witness to the Gospel in the world” (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 17). Copyright © 2013, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to duplicate this work without adaptation for non-commercial use.

QUESTION FOR REFLECTION What is the connection between your Baptism and work to protect the life and dignity of every person? SOMETHING TO CONSIDER Want another reason to have a celebration? Nowadays, It seems there is a holiday for everything. Why not celebrate a very important day? The day of your Baptism, the day of your initation into the Christian family of God! Look up your Baptism date and spend some time reflecting on what this means to you and your life in Christ? Perhaps another reason to have Cake?

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Los Sacrementos Bautismo...Incorporado al Cuerpo de Cristo, enviado a la misio n de Cristo

Los sacramentos celebrados por la Iglesia son signos de la gracia que hacen que una realidad mas profunda se presente ante nosotros. Una realidad que encontra-mos a traves de los sacramentos es la presencia de Cristo en la comunidad de la Iglesia, su cuerpo. Este reconocimiento de la presencia de Cristo en la comunidad debe llevar a una mayor conciencia de estar enviado en mision a emprender acciones en el mundo inspiradas en el amor. Como senala el papa Benedicto XVI en Deus Caritas Est (Dios es amor), la celebracion de los sacramentos y el ministe-rio del amor son “inseparables.” El amor en accion, dice, es “manifestacion irrenun-ciable” de la esencia de la Iglesia (no. 25). Esta guia se centra en el sacramento del Bautismo, el rito de iniciacion en la comunidad cristiana. Mientras lee, considere el significado de su propio Bautismo, su pertenencia a la comunidad y la mision a la que se le ha enviado.

El Bautismo nos hace “miembros los unos de los otros.” Desde la epoca del cristianismo primitivo, el Bautismo ha sido el rito de iniciacion en la comunidad cristiana de la Iglesia. En el Bautismo, el “Espiritu” nos hace miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo y “los unos de los otros” (Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica [CIC], no. 1267). Juan Pablo II describe el resultado del Bautismo como una “misteriosa unidad” entre Cristo y sus discipulos, y de los discipulos entre si, pues “todos son sarmientos de la unica Vid.” Esto refleja la comunion mistica de la Santisima Trinidad (Christifideles Laici [Vocacion y mision de los laicos en la Iglesia y en el mundo], no. 12). El Bautismo revela la igualdad y dignidad de cada miembro de la comunidad. En el Cuerpo de Cristo, todos los miembros comparten “una dignidad comun” de modo que “no hay . . . ninguna desigualdad por razon de la raza o de la nacionalidad, de la condicion social o del sexo,” pues todos son uno en Cristo (Lumen Gentium [Constitucion dogmatica sobre la Iglesia], no. 32). El Bautismo nos exige rechazar el pecado y reevaluar nuestros valores, decisiones y estilos de vida. Durante el rito del Bautismo, rechazamos el pecado, renunciando a las creencias, valores y opciones que se oponen a Cristo. Tambien rechazamos las actitudes pecaminosas que degradan la dignidad de los demas (por ejemplo, racismo, sexismo, etc.) y las practicas que impiden que otros miembros de nuestra familia humana vivan con dignidad (por ejemplo, aborto, politicas queperjudican a los pobres, etc.). El Bautismo nos llama a rechazar la muerte y abrazar la vida y la dignidad para todos. En el Bautismo, profesamos nuestro compromiso con las creencias, valores y vision de la Iglesia. En el Bautismo, abrazamos una vision y un conjunto de valores unicos: los de la comunidad de la Iglesia, cuyos valores priorizan el amor a Dios, a uno mismo, a los demas y a toda la creacion. El resto de la comunidad tambien se une a la profesion de fe, ilustrando que la comunidad esta vinculada a traves de las generaciones, el espacio y el tiempo. El Bautismo nos invita a una vocacion de santidad y a la practica de la caridad. En el Bautismo, recibimos una “vocacion a la santidad,” que esta “ligada intimamente” a nuestra pertenencia a la “Comunion de los Santos,” que se esfuerza por hacer presente el “reino de Dios en la historia.” La participacion en la Comunion de los Santos requiere un compromiso con la comunion con Cristo y una vida de caridad en “este y en el otro mundo” (Christifideles Laici, nos. 17, 19). El Bautismo nos incorpora a la vida, la muerte y la resurreccion de Cristo y el trabajo constante del Espiritu Santo en el mundo. El Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (Compendio) nos recuerda: “Mediante el Bautismo, los laicos son injertados en Cristo y hechos participes de su vida y de su mision” (no. 541). La triple inmersion en el agua bautismal significa la muerte del pecado y la entrada en la nueva vida a traves de la muerte y la resurreccion de Cristo. El oleo significa la uncion por el Espiritu Santo y la recepcion de los dones del Espiritu Santo. El Espiritu Santo nos ayuda a imitar el amor auto-sacrificial de Jesus y nos permite participar en la obra del Espiritu Santo en el mundo. Continúa en la página siguiente

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Ministerio de Matrimonios: Empezamos el año 2022 preparándonos para el Plan De Dios en nuestros matrimonios. El retiro de Plan de Dios está programado para el 8 de enero, las clases de Planificación Familiar Natural para el 13 de enero y Amor Por Toda La Vida el 12 de febrero. Pongan estas fechas importantes en sus calendarios y hagan planes para estar con nosotros. La boda comunitaria para la primavera se llevará a cabo el 23 de abril. Para participar en estas bodas necesitan estar en preparación durante nueve meses antes del 23 de abril. Para más información por favor de llamar a Olga Rivera, 480-981-2021 x 204.

El Bautismo nos lleva a imitar el ejemplo de Cristo. Los bautizados estan llamados a imitar el ejemplo de Jesus y esforzarse en pensamiento, palabra y accion por vivir su amor. Esto significa trabajar para curar las heridas del pecado, vivir las bienaventuranzas, practicar el doble mandamiento del amor a Dios y al projimo e imitar la vida de los santos (CIC, nos. 1694-97).Habiendo sido ungido por el Espiritu, “el cristiano puede, a su modo, repetir las palabras de Jesus: ‘El Espiritu del Senor esta sobre mi; por lo cual me ha ungido para evangelizar a los pobres, me ha enviado a proclamar la liberacion a los cautivos y la vista a los ciegos, a poner en libertad a los oprimidos, y a proclamar el ano de gracia del Senor’ (Lc 4:18-19)” (Christifideles Laici, no. 13). El Bautismo nos hace discipulos ante el mundo. La incorporacio n a Cristo y a la comunidad del Pueblo de Dios significa aceptar tomar parte e identificarse con su misio n de hacerse disci pulos en el mundo (CIC, no. 1276, y Compendio, no. 541). Juan Pablo II escribe: “En razo n de la comu n digni-dad bautismal,” toda persona bautizada “es corresponsable . . . de la misio n de la Iglesia” (Christifideles Laici, no. 15). Los bautizados deben trabajar como disci pulos de Cristo cuidando a los enfermos, los oprimidos, los debilitados y los pecadores. Estamos llamados a llevar a cabo este trabajo no so lo en nuestras comunidades locales, sino tambie n en la comunidad mundial de la que tambie n somos miembros. De esta manera, podemos extender a todos el amor, la compasio n y la misericordia de Dios que nosotros mismos hemos llegado a conocer. El Bautismo nos llama a vivir en el mundo, buscando el Reino en nuestra vida cotidiana. Durante la bendicio n de las aguas bautismales en la Vigilia de Pascua, recordamos la accio n de Dios dentro de la historia. Por ejemplo, escuchamos sobre la liberacio n de Israel de la esclavitud en Egipto. Los cristianos creen que “el Bautismo no los quita [a los bautizados] del mundo.” Por el contrario, el mundo se convierte en “el a mbito y el medio de la vocacio n cristiana de los fieles laicos” (Christifidelis Laici, no. 15). Damos expresio n a nuestra realidad bautismal en “la vida cotidiana” en “el campo” del mundo (Benedicto XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis [Sacramento de la caridad], no. 79). Los bautizados traba-jan dentro de los a mbitos “del trabajo, de la cultura, de la ciencia y de la investigacio n; el ejercicio de las responsabilidades sociales, econo micas, poli ticas” para ordenarlas al Reino (Compendio, no. 543). Los bautizados esta n llamados a contribuir a la santificacio n del mundo. “El ser y el actuar en el mundo” son una “realidad teolo gica y eclesial” (Compendio, no. 543). Esta realidad es lo que nos lleva a trabajar para proteger la vida y la dignidad de todas las personas y cuidar de la creacio n de Dios aqui en la tierra. El papa Benedicto XVI sen ala que “la creacio n no es una realidad neutral, mera materia que se puede utilizar indiferentemente.” Por el contrario, consideramos la tierra como “creacio n de Dios.” Nuestro Bautismo nos ayuda a ver una “relacio n profunda” entre nuestro trabajo aqui en la tierra y nuestro futuro con Cristo (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 92). Los bautizados deben vivir como luces en la oscuridad. Despue s de ser bautizados, reconocemos o recibimos una prenda blanca para significar que nos hemos elevado con Cristo. Recibimos una vela encendida que simboliza que somos una nueva creacio n, iluminada por Cristo. Ahora estamos llamados a llevar esa luz en el oscuro mundo para extender la luz a los dema s (CIC, no. 1243). Lo que nos ha sido dado en el Bautismo, escribe el papa Benedicto, se da para “la edificacio n del Cuerpo de Cristo (cf. 1 Cor 12) y para un mayor testimonio evange lico en el mundo” (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 17). Copyright © 2013, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Reservados todos los derechos. Se autoriza la reproduccio n de esta obra, sin adaptaciones, para uso no comercial.


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