812 N Jackson St • Milwaukee, WI 53202-3918 • (414) 276-9814 • www.stjohncathedral.org Archdiocese of Milwaukee / Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD • DECEMBER 25, 2021 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, & JOSEPH • DECEMBER 26, 2021 Cathedral OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST THE Catedral DE SAN JUAN EVANGELISTA LA LA NATIVIDAD DEL SEÑOR • 25 DE DICIEMBRE 2021 LA SAGRADA FAMILIA DE JESÚS, MARÍA Y JOSÉ • 26 DE DICIEMBRE 2021 Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas WEEKDAYS / ENTRE SEMANA Monday to Friday / Lunes a Viernes 5:15 pm WEEKENDS / FIN DE SEMANA Saturday / Sábado 5:15 pm (Vigil / Vigilia) Sunday / Domingo 9:00 am, 11:00 am, & 1:00 pm (Spanish / Español) Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesday / Miércoles 4:30 pm Our Mission / Nuestra Misión We are a welcoming Eucharistic community committed to growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ. As both a parish and the Mother Church of the Archdiocese, we serve as a beacon of faith, a patron of the arts and a haven and advocate for people who are poor and marginalized. Somos una comunidad eucarística acogedora comprometida a crecer juntos como discípulos de Jesucristo. Como parroquia y como Iglesia Madre de la Arquidiócesis, servimos como un faro de fe, un patrón de las artes y como refugio y defensa de las personas pobres y marginadas.

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812 N Jackson St • Milwaukee, WI 53202-3918 • (414) 276-9814 • www.stjohncathedral.org

Archdiocese of Milwaukee / Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee







Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas


Monday to Friday / Lunes a Viernes 5:15 pm


Saturday / Sábado 5:15 pm (Vigil / Vigilia)

Sunday / Domingo 9:00 am, 11:00 am, & 1:00 pm (Spanish / Español)

Reconciliation / Reconciliación

Wednesday / Miércoles 4:30 pm

Our Mission / Nuestra Misión We are a welcoming Eucharistic community

committed to growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ. As both a parish and the Mother Church of

the Archdiocese, we serve as a beacon of faith, a patron of the arts and a haven and advocate for

people who are poor and marginalized.

Somos una comunidad eucarística acogedora comprometida a crecer juntos como discípulos de Jesucristo. Como parroquia y como Iglesia Madre de la Arquidiócesis, servimos como un faro de fe, un patrón de las artes y como refugio y defensa de

las personas pobres y marginadas.

Page 2: Cathedral - container.parishesonline.com

2 | The Nativity of the Lord & The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph • December 25 & 26, 2021 .

Cathedral News & Notes...

FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 26, 2021 Sun: 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28/Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10 [cf. 5a]/

1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24/Lk 2:41-52

Mon: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 [12]/Jn 20:1a, 2-8

Tue: 1 Jn 1:5—2:2/Ps 124:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8 [7]/Mt 2:13-18

Wed: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 5b-6 [11a]/Lk 2:22-35

Thu: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-8a, 8b-9, 10 [11a]/Lk 2:36-40

Fri: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96:1-2, 11-12, 13 [11a]/Jn 1:1-18

Sat: Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [2a]/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21

Sun: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf. 11]/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/

Mt 2:1-12


Dom: 1 Sm 1, 20-22. 24-28/Sal 83, 2-3. 5-6. 9-10 [cfr. 5]/

1 Jn 3, 1-2. 21-24/Lc 2, 41-52

Lun: 1 Jn 1, 1-4/Sal 96, 1-2. 5-6. 11-12 [12]/Jn 20, 1. 2-8

Mar: 1 Jn 1, 5—2, 2/Sal 123, 2-3. 4-5. 7-8 [7]/Mt 2, 13-18

Mié: 1 Jn 2, 3-11/Sal 95, 1-2. 2-3. 5-6 [11]/Lc 2, 22-35

Jue: 1 Jn 2, 12-17/Sal 95, 7-8. 8-9. 10 [11]/Lc 2, 36-40

Vie: 1 Jn 2, 18-21/Sal 95, 1-2. 11-12. 13 [11]/Jn 1, 1-18

Sáb: Nm 6, 22-27/Sal 66, 2-3. 5. 6. 8 [2]/Gal 4, 4-7/Lc 2, 16-21

Dom: Is 60, 1-6/Sal 71, 1-2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13 [cfr. 11]/Ef 3, 2-3. 5-6/

Mt 2, 1-12

Sunday, December 26

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

9:00 am +Nancy Rae McGinn

11:00 am +Bruno & +Dolores Grzadzinski

1:00 pm Living & Deceased:

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Monday, December 27—Saint John, Apostle & Evangelist

5:15 pm Living & Deceased:

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Tuesday, December 28—The Holy Innocents

5:15 pm Members of the Legacy Society

and Cathedral Benefactors

Wednesday, December 29

Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 5:15 pm

Thursday, December 30

Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord

5:15 pm Intentions of Barbara Burns

Friday, December 31

Vigil of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

5:15 pm +Stephanie Garczynski-Brauch

Sunday, January 2—The Epiphany of the Lord

Sat. 5:15 pm Living & Deceased:

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Sun. 9:00 am +Anthony Pogorelc

11:00 am +Bernard Sedarski 1:00 pm

WEDNESDAY CONCERT SERIES SCHEDULE Thank you to all the concert performers and attendees who

joined us in 2021. After a two month break, we look forward

to seeing you again March 9, 2022.


No Concerts—Winter Break

MARCH 2022

Concerts resume Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Be sure to visit our web page for the most current

information: stjohncathedral.org/concert

Christmas Season Schedule FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31

Vigil of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Mass • 5:15 pm (Bilingual)


The Epiphany of the Lord

Regular Saturday Vigil & Sunday Mass Schedule


The Baptism of the Lord

Regular Saturday Vigil & Sunday Mass Schedule

CELEBRATE SAINT JOHN Monday, December 27 • 5:15 pm

Saint John, Apostle & Evangelist

Join us for Mass on Monday in the

Cathedral to celebrate our principal

patron saint.

CELEBRAR SAN JUAN Lunes, 27 de Diciembre • 5:15 pm

San Juan, Apóstol y Evangelista

¡Ven a la Catedral el Lunes para

celebrar con nosotros la Misa de

San Juan Evangelista, nuestro

santo patrón principal!

Page 3: Cathedral - container.parishesonline.com

The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist • Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 3 .

Cathedral News & Notes...

CHRISTMAS 2021 The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to

you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

Luke 2:10

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Imagine being a lowly shepherd, watching over your sheep

on a typical night, and then suddenly, your life changes

forever. A bright light and a multitude of angels appear,

proclaiming that “great joy” is to be had. While the message

was one of celebration and awe, I can’t help but think that if

it were me, I too would be a little more frightened than

overjoyed in the moment.

How many times have we been struck with fear in our lives?

During the past year, many of us faced the fear of a

worldwide pandemic, a serious health diagnosis and

possibly a job loss. During difficult times, it can be hard to

“fear not,” as the angels assured the shepherds.

No matter where you find yourself this Christmas – perhaps

back to Mass for the first time in a long time, or in the same

pew you’ve been sitting in for years – please know that Jesus

loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you.

This coming year, I encourage you to reconnect, rediscover,

and renew your relationship with Jesus and his Church. Here

in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, you’ll discover a multitude

of opportunities to encounter the love of Jesus and deepen

your spiritual life.

Together, let us not fear but rejoice in the “good news of

great joy!”

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki

Archbishop of Milwaukee

NAVIDAD 2021 Pero el ángel les dijo: “No tengan miedo. Miren que les traigo

buenas noticias que serán motivo de gran gozo para todo el pueblo.”

Lucas 2;10

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:

Imaginen ser unos pastores humildes, cuidando a sus ovejas

en una noche típica y, de repente, sus vidas cambian para

siempre. Aparecen una luz brillante y una multitud de

ángeles, proclamando que habrá un "gran gozo". Si bien el

mensaje fue de celebración y asombro, no puedo evitar

pensar que, si me hubiera ocurrido a mi, yo también estaría

más asustado que alegre en ese momento.

¿Cuántas veces nos ha asaltado el miedo en nuestra vida?

Durante el año pasado, muchos de nosotros enfrentamos el

temor de una pandemia mundial, de un diagnóstico de salud

grave y posiblemente de la pérdida del empleo. En tiempos

difíciles, puede ser complicado “no tener miedo”, como les

indicaron los ángeles a los pastores.

No importa dónde se encuentre esta Navidad - tal vez

regresando a misa por primera vez en mucho tiempo, o en el

mismo asiento en el que se ha sentado durante varios años -

sepa que Jesús le ama y quiere tener una relación con usted.

Este próximo año les animo a reconectarse, redescubrir y

renovar su relación con Jesús y su Iglesia. Aquí, en la

Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee, hallarán múltiples

oportunidades para encontrar el amor de Jesús y profundizar

en su vida espiritual.

Juntos, dejemos de lado el miedo y mejor regocijémonos con

la "buena nueva de un gran gozo"

Sinceramente en Cristo

Reverendísimo Jerome E. Listecki

Arzobispo de Milwaukee

Page 4: Cathedral - container.parishesonline.com

4 | The Nativity of the Lord & The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph • December 25 & 26, 2021 .

Cathedral News & Notes...

CHRISTMAS 2021 Dear Parishioners,

As we prepare to enter into the New Year of 2022, one thing

we should remember is that we should try to keep the spirit

of Christmas in our hearts the entire year.

We too need to pause and treasure the gift of Christmas in

our hearts. That gift is simply Jesus, true God who became

true man, who came to reveal perfectly God’s truth and love

to us, who died and rose for our salvation, and who founded

a Church – a family – where His presence continues in both

Word and Sacrament. Treasure and reflect on the gift of Jesus

and the faith you share in Him as a member of the Catholic


One thing we can all do is not let Christmas be just another

day. We all try our best to live in the spirit of Christmas

every day, but we could do better. One thing that can be

done is to reflect upon how to better treasure this gift each

day. Maybe you can treasure this gift by making prayer a

critical part of your day by reading the Sacred Scripture and

the teachings of our Church. Another thing you can do is to

try having a stronger devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and

the Mass. Another idea is to make a regular self-examination

of conscience and go to Confession. One last suggestion is to

do good works for those entrusted to our care and for those

in need. My wish is that such reflection of the gift of

Christmas move us by God’s grace to an even more intimate

relationship with our Lord in 2022. May our souls be like the

stable in Bethlehem where Christ first made His dwelling

among us.

I would like wish you all a joyful Christmas season. Through

God’s presence working within us, we are being healed,

transformed, reconciled and made whole. At “this most

wonderful time of the year” may you and your loved ones

find joy and fulfillment, as surely did Joseph and Mary.

I extend to you and your loved ones Christmas greetings and

best wishes for the New Year!

Most Reverend Jeffrey R. Haines

Rector & Pastor

Auxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee

NAVIDAD 2021 Queridos feligreses,

Mientras nos preparamos para empezar el año nuevo de

2022, una cosa que debemos recorder es que debemos tratar

de tener el espíritu de la Navidad en nuestros corazones

durante todo el año.

También necesitamos tomar un momento y atesorar el regalo

de la Navidad en nuestros corazones. Ese don simplemente

es Jesús, verdadero Dios quien llegó a ser verdadero hombre,

quien vino a revelar perfectamente a nosotros la verdad y

amor de Dios, quien murió y se resucitó por nuestra

salvación, y quien fundó una Iglesia—una familia—donde Su

presencia continua en Palabra y Sacramento. Atesora y

reflexiona en el don de Jesucristo y la fe que compartes en Él

como miembro de la Iglesia Católica.

La navidad no debe tratarse como un día cualquiera. Todos

hacemos todo lo posible por vivir en el espíritu de la

Navidad todos los días, pero podríamos hacerlo mejor. Para

empezar, debemos reflexionar sobre cómo atesorar mejor este

regalo cada día. Por otro lado, puedes apreciar mejor este

regalo haciendo de la oración una parte fundamental de tu

día leyendo la Sagrada Escritura y las enseñanzas de nuestra

Iglesia. Además, puedes intentar tener una mayor devoción

al Santísimo Sacramento y la Misa. Otra idea es hacer un

autoexamen de conciencia regular e ir a la Confesión. Por

último, podemos hacer buenas obras por aquellos que están

bajo nuestro cuidado y por los necesitados. Mi deseo es que

por medio de estas sugerencias el regalo de la Navidad nos

mueva por la gracia de Dios a una relación aún más íntima

con nuestro Señor en 2022. Que nuestras almas sean como el

establo en Belén donde Cristo habitó por primera vez entre


Me gustaría desearles a todos ustedes una feliz víspera

navideña. A través de la presencia de Dios obrando dentro

de nosotros, estamos siendo sanados, transformados,

reconciliados y sanados. Que en “esta época más maravillosa

del año” usted y sus seres queridos encuentren alegría y

plenitud, como seguramente lo hicieron José y María.

¡Les extiendo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos un saludo

navideño y los mejores deseos para el Año Nuevo!

Reverendísimo Jeffrey R. Haines

Rector y Pastora

Obispo auxiliar de Milwaukee

Page 5: Cathedral - container.parishesonline.com

The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist • Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 5 .

Cathedral News & Notes...

LA SAGRADA FAMILIA COMMISSION On behalf of our sister parish, La Sagrada Familia and the

Cathedral’s accompanying outreach ministry, a big “Thank

You” goes to you for your continued prayers and support

over the last year. A major focus over the last year was on

providing improved housing for a small number of families.

These improved accommodations will go a long way to

providing a more stable environment for raising a family.

Additionally, we were honored to host Bishop Tomás Alejo

Concepción, Bishop of San Juan de La Maguana and Fr.

Javier Guativa, Pastor of La Sagrada Familia, in October to

celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Archdiocese’s

relationship with La Sagrada Familia. There will be new

opportunities to visit with our sister parish in the next year

and the Cathedral invites you to participate in a visit to La

Sagrada Familia in the future to see and explore our unique

relationship with our sister parish and see how it benefits

both us and them spiritually.

A Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

La Sagrada Commission Team

Tentative dates for the next trips open to everyone to La Sagrada

Familia through the Office of World Missions, include the

Lenten Pilgrimage from 03/08—03/15/2022 and the

40th Anniversary Trip 10/11—10/18/2022.

LA COMISIÓN DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA Por parte de nuestra parroquia hermana (La Sagrada Familia)

y el ministerio acompañante de la Catedral, queremos

decirles muchísimas gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo

constante durante el último año. Nuestro enfoque principal

durante el año ha sido proveer mejores casas para algunas

familias de la parroquia de La Sagrada Familia. Las casas

ayudan mucho en formar un ambiente más estable para criar

una familia. Además, estamos honrados que vamos a recibir

el obispo Tomás Alejo Concepción (Obispo de San Juan de la

Maguana) y el padre Javier Guativa (Pastor de La Sagrada

Familia) en octubre para celebrar el aniversario de 40 años de

hermandad con el arquidiócesis de Milwaukee. Vamos a

tener más oportunidades para visitar nuestra parroquia

hermana en el próximo año y la Catedral les invita a

participar en uno de los viajes a La Sagrada Familia para ver

y recibir todas las bendiciones espirituales de nuestra


¡Les esperamos una navidad bendecida y un feliz año nuevo!

El equipo de la Comisión de La Sagrada Familia

Las fechas tentativas para los próximos viajes a La Sagrada Familia

(abiertos a todos a través de la Oficina de Misiones Mundiales)

incluyen un peregrinaje de la cuaresma desde 03/08—3/15/2022 y

el viaje para el aniversario de 40 años desde 10/11—10/18/2022.


SCHEDULE Sunday, December 26

The Open Door Café will be closed.

Monday, December 27

The Parish Office and the Open Door Café will be closed.

Sunday, January 2

The Open Door Café will be closed.

Monday, January 3

The Parish Office and the Open Door Café will be closed.


Y OPEN DOOR CAFÉ Domingo, 26 de Diciembre

El Open Door Café estarán cerradas.

Lunes, 27 de Diciembre

La oficina parroquial y el Open Door Café estarán cerradas.

Domingo, 2 de enero

El Open Door Café estarán cerradas.

Lunes, 3 de enero

La oficina parroquial y el Open Door Café estarán cerradas.

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6 | The Nativity of the Lord & The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph • December 25 & 26, 2021 .

Cathedral News & Notes...



FOR CHARITY DONATIONS IN 2021 Be sure to take advantage of the special $300 charitable-giving

deduction that Congress authorized this spring in response to the

pandemic. For the 2021 tax year, the charitable deduction is even better

that it was in 2020, at least for those who file a joint return. For 2020, the

charitable limit was $300 per “tax unit” – meaning that those who are

married and filing jointly can only get a $300 deduction. For the 2021

tax year, however, those who are married and filing jointly can each

take a $300 deduction, for a total of $600. Individuals still can also take

advantage of the $300 charitable-giving also in 2021.


IRA QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTION Our Cathedral supporters have always been very generous with their

stewardship pledges. We are blessed to have such support from our Parishioners and Friends of the Cathedral.

Many of us have taken advantage of using our contributions as an itemized tax deduction on our tax return. However, with

the new tax law’s higher standard deduction, many of us will find using the standard deduction is our best option, instead

of itemizing our deductions (including charitable donations). The effect of this is no separate tax deduction for our charitable


One part of the tax law you might consider using is making your Cathedral charitable donation directly from your

Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA). This is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). As you may be

aware, IRA owners generally must begin withdrawing money the year they reach age 70-1/2, and pay income tax on the

withdrawals. These are Required Minimum Distributions (RMD’s).

However, you may be able to avoid taxes on some of your RMD withdrawals if you have reached age 70-1/2. The IRA

trustee can send money directly to a charity such as the Cathedral. These donations are considered part of your RMD

amount, but are not included in income. So, income taxes may be avoided even without itemizing deductions.

The following excerpt comes from the Internal Revenue Service Publication 590-B:

Qualified charitable distributions.

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is generally a nontaxable distribution made directly by the trustee of

your IRA (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) to an organization eligible to receive tax-deductible

contributions. You must be at least age 701/2 when the distribution was made. Also, you must have the same

type of acknowledgment of your contribution that you would need to claim a deduction for a charitable

contribution. See Substantiation Requirements in Pub. 526.

The maximum annual exclusion for QCDs is $100,000. Any QCD in excess of the $100,000 exclusion limit is

included in income as any other distribution. If you file a joint return, your spouse can also have a QCD and

exclude up to $100,000. The amount of the QCD is limited to the amount of the distribution that would

otherwise be included in income. If your IRA includes nondeductible contributions, the distribution is first

considered to be paid out of otherwise taxable income.

To take advantage of this, talk to your IRA Trustee to ensure the transfer is completed correctly – it must be a direct transfer.

Of course, if you have a complex or special tax situation, talk to your tax professional.

The Cathedral’s Business Manager, Amy Nikolai, can provide the details to your Trustee. Contact her at (414) 276-9814, ext.

306 or [email protected].

Page 7: Cathedral - container.parishesonline.com

The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist • Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 7 .

SPRED ......................................... Bill Martin, Parish Chairperson

[email protected] ....................................... (414) 617-8321

(Special Religious Development for children and adults with

developmental disabilities)

Catholic East Elementary School . Timothy Trzcinko, Principal

[email protected] ................................ (414) 964-1770

School: 2461 N. Murray Avenue

Unaffiliated Ministries & Organizations

Eastside Senior Services .......................................... Melissa Meier

[email protected] ............................................ (414) 210-5881

Office: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 2618 N. Hackett Ave.

Archdiocesan AIDS Ministry Rev. Mike Hammer, Coordinator

Office: 831 N. Van Buren St. .............................. (414) 238-2719

St. Vincent de Paul Society Old St. Mary/Cathedral Conference

Office: 831 N. Van Buren St. .............................. (414) 238-2717

Cathedral Center, Inc. ............ Donna Rongholt-Migan, Director

Office: 845 N. Van Buren St. ............. (414) 831-0394, ext. 2114

Looking for a Parish? If you are new to the area or are looking for a parish, please

consider joining us. Call the parish office or visit

stjohncathedral.org to receive more information.

Safe Environment

Our commitment to keeping children safe every day throughout

the year. For information, please visit: www.archmil.org/Offices/


Bulletin submissions are regularly due by 12:00 pm Mondays.

Holiday Schedule Adjustment

January 2: The Epiphany of the Lord

Need to be submitted by Wednesday, December 22.

Submit them to: [email protected].

If you attend Mass at any of the Catholic Communities of Our Lady of Divine Providence, Ss. Peter and Paul, Old St. Mary, and

Three Holy Women, you can place your offertory envelope from your home parish in the basket and it will be forwarded for you.

Welcome to the Cathedral

Parish Office:

831 N. Van Buren Street

Milwaukee, WI 53202

(414) 276-9814 Fax: (414) 276-8285

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohncathedral.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com//SJCathedralMKE

Parish Staff Directory

Archbishop .................................. Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki

Rector & Pastor ........................... Most Reverend Jeffrey R. Haines

[email protected]

Auxiliary Bishop .................... Most Reverend James T. Schuerman

Vice Rector and Associate Pastor ............ Reverend José Gonzalez

[email protected] ....................................... Ext. 304

Deacon ....................................................................... Thomas N. Hunt

[email protected] ..................................... 414/961-0332

Director of Evangelization ........................................... Trevor Beach

[email protected] ........................................ Ext. 302

Director of Facilities ..................................................Scott R. Fischer

[email protected].......................................... Ext. 601

Director of Liturgy & Music ............................... James Grzadzinski

[email protected] ............................... Ext. 305

Director of Outreach Ministries ......................... Shanedra Johnson

[email protected] ................................ Ext. 110

Business Manager ....................................................... Amy J. Nikolai

[email protected] ......................................... Ext. 306

Office Coordinator............................................ Jim Trzebiatowski

[email protected] ................................ Ext. 308

Sacristan/Liturgy Assistant .............................. Paul Trzebiatowski

[email protected] .............................. Ext. 309

Sexton ......................................................................... Dale Westbrook

[email protected] ................................... Ext. 602

Receptionist ............................................................ Leona Bollenbeck

Assisting Priest .......................................... Reverend Mike Hammer

Archbishop Emeritus

..................................... Most Reverend Rembert G. Weakland, OSB Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus ..................................................................

.......................................................... Most Reverend Richard J. Sklba

Page 8: Cathedral - container.parishesonline.com

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