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Escola Secundria de Rio Tinto

Written Test

10th Form Tcnico de Restaurante/Bar SCHOOL YEAR 2009/2010

Teacher: Margarida GuimaresEvaluation ..........................................................

Name: ........................................................................................................ no.: ...............



Bill is from Dublin. Reporters for a school magazine have decided to interview him to know about his hometown and his family life.

Where do you live?

I live with my parents and my brother in a small house in the suburbs of Dublin, Ireland. I go to a vocational school that is not far from my house, so I go to school on foot. It takes me ten minutes to get there. I am happy to live in Dublin because there are many young people and lots of things to do. Do you live in a house or in a flat?

I live in an old house in the suburbs. There are some nice views from my bedroom window and I can see the park where I skate in my free time. My books and my desk are my favourite things in my bedroom because I love to read and write. I am also keen on music: U2 are my favourite band!

Can you tell us something about your family?

My family is quite small. I think I have a typical family, my brother Mike and I go to the same school. Hes thirteen, he is three years younger than me and hes very funny. We are very close and mum sometimes drives us home after school. We sometimes have dinner out. We eat Chinese food. We love it because its different. My mother is a housewife and my father works in a coffee shop.

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

Yes, I have a good relationship with my parents. My mother is lovely and she does everything for me. She is always helpful, cooks nice food and she gives me hugs all the time. My dad is nice and loves me a lot. He often tells me to do well in school, but thats OK because I know he wants the best for me. I really want to be a doctor, so I know I have to study hard.

Do you follow any rules at home?

Rules are simple in our house. I must be home on time. After school I do my homework and then I help my mother with the household chores. I also make my bed before coming to school. In the evening I can watch TV but not till late. Of course I cant spend a long time on the phone talking to my friends.

Crown (adapted)A Fill in the table in note-form.






Favourite band

Favourite food

Future job

B Give complete answers to these questions.

1 Where does Bill live ? ....................2 How does he go to school? .........3 Why does he like living in Dublin? ...........................................................................4 Is his house modern? 5 What are his favourite things in his bedroom? Why? .................................................................................................................6 Does Bill always go home after school on foot? Why? .................................................................................................................7 Why does he love Chinese food? ................................................................8 What sort of relationship does he have with his family? 9 - What rules does he have to follow at home? ..........................................................................................10 What does he do after school? ..................................................................................II

A. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the simple present.

1) .. they . tomatoes in this shop? (sell)

2) This girl .. trousers at school. (not/ wear)

3) .. Mr Barker. Physics? (teach)

4. Johnny and Danny ................................... ( swim) in the lake.

5. Tom ...................................... (not/ collect) stamps.

6. You .................................... (sing) songs in the bathroom.

7. Julie ..................................(work) in the garden.

8. I ............................................ (not/sit) at home.9) .. Elisabeth. cola? (drink)10) Anne my questions. (not/answer)

11) Andy's brother. in an office. (work)

12) Leroy .. very fast. (not/read)

13) .. Jim and Joe . the flowers every week? (water)

14) Yvonne's mother .. a motorbike. (not/ride) 15. Johnny and Danny ................................... ( swim) in the lake.

16. Tom ...................................... (not/ collect) stamps.

17. You .................................... (sing) songs in the bathroom.

18. Julie ..................................(work) in the garden.

19) The guinea pigs under the desk. (not/hide)

B. Write the questions for the following answers. Dont forget this:

W (Question word) + A (auxiliary) + S (Subject) + Verb (infinitive)

1 Where ..? She lives in England.

2 - .? Yes, they do. They love football.

3 When ? Anna studies in the morning.

4 - ....? No, she doesnt. She doesnt go to school on foot.

5 - ....? Yes, I do. I like FCP very much.C. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the present continuous.

1. My father ................................... (take) a shower.

2. David ...................................... (swim) in the lake.

3. Max and Kate..................................... (help) their father.

4. You ..........................................(not/ learn) the poem.

5. ......................................Sue ..............................( draw) a picture?6. I ..................................... (not/ talk) to John.

7. Peter ..................................... (make) muffins.8. Phil and Martha .....................................( sing) a song.9. Louise .................................................. (not/watch) a film.10. .............................(cut) the grass?

11. Hannah ................................(not/ write) a letter.

12. Mary .......................................... (not/ wash) her hair.

13. We ................................... (swap) things.

14. Kathy ................................(dance) with Bob.15. We ................................................. ( buy) a new house.

16. They ...................................... (not / save) money for a book.

17. I ................................. (run) home.

18. The boy .................................(ride) the bike.19. .................................they ..................................( play) chess?

20. Peter .............................................(feed) his dog

D. Build correct present continuous sentences with these words. Pay attention to the interrogative and negative forms.

1. Bill/ play/ computer with his friends. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ?2. We / not comb / our hair ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3. Rufus / sleep / under the sofa. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4. Nick and Phill / write / a beautiful book. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ?5. Monica and John / watch / a game on TV ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................E. What are these people doing?

1. ( shave) ..................2. (play the piano) 3. (clean his teeth) ...4. (go upstairs) ...5. (comb her hair) 6. (drink a cup of tea) .....7. (drive a car) ..............8. (phone) .....................IIIA. These people are on holidays. Describe what they are doing.

Play .....................................................................................

Watch ....................................................................................

Read ..........................................................................................Swim ........................................................................................


I A8X2=16

I B10X6=60

II A15X2=30

II B5X2=10

II C20X2=40

II D5X4=20

II E 8X2=16

III A 4X2=8