a Reference for CAE Users Modeling onset and propagating of crack using ABAQUS Modeling cracks in finite element software is done in several ways. In general, these methods can be divided into two categories: traditional methods and modern methods. The traditional method is to include two methods: Surface-based cohesive behavior Virtual crack closure technique In traditional methods, simulating onset and propagating of cracks, need to design meshing of model regarding to crack propagation probability. If the model is also considered to simulate opening and propagating of crack, it would be far more complex and harder. In this method crack opening direction should be predicted and elements faces should be in this direction. Also at the crack tip, singularity for the elements should be defined. The new method, called the Extended Finite Element Method or XFEM many complexities and limitations of methods by using enriched elements have been fixed. In this example we will investigate opening and propagating of crack in a steel plate using XFEM method. Sheet dimensions are 6*3 units and at the beginning there is a 1.5 unit long crack in the middle of it. Sheet is under longitudinal and transverse forces at two ends, making the crack to open and propagate. Part / Sketch First in part module, make 2D part and name it “Plate”. Using dimensions command to make it 6*3. We will come back to part module again later. Property In property modules, we define the desired material. Submit your material as defined in the previous examples. Posted on April 12, 2012 by Babak 24

Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

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Page 1: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

a Reference for CAE Users

Modeling onset and propagating of crack using ABAQUS

Modeling cracks in finite element software is done in several ways. In general, these methods can be divided

into two categories: traditional methods and modern methods.

The traditional method is to include two methods:

Surface-based cohesive behavior

Virtual crack closure technique

In traditional methods, simulating onset and propagating of cracks, need to design meshing of model regarding

to crack propagation probability. If the model is also considered to simulate opening and propagating of crack,

it would be far more complex and harder. In this method crack opening direction should be predicted and

elements faces should be in this direction. Also at the crack tip, singularity for the elements should be defined.

The new method, called the Extended Finite Element Method or XFEM many complexities and limitations of

methods by using enriched elements have been fixed.

In this example we will investigate opening and propagating of crack in a steel plate using XFEM method. Sheet

dimensions are 6*3 units and at the beginning there is a 1.5 unit long crack in the middle of it. Sheet is under

longitudinal and transverse forces at two ends, making the crack to open and propagate.

Part / Sketch

First in part module, make 2D part and name it “Plate”. Using dimensions command to make it 6*3. We will

come back to part module again later.


In property modules, we define the desired material. Submit your material as defined in the previous examples.

Posted on April 12, 2012 by Babak24

Page 2: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

E = 200 GPa

ν = 0.3

It is very important to have enough knowledge about failure criteria when you want to simulate it. But, here we

only want to learn how to model crack in ABAQUS. One of the common failure criteria is the amount of

maximum stress. In this example we will use these criteria. We consider 84 MPa for the start of cracking.

Complete Maxps Damage and Damage Evolution settings according to the figure.

Do Damage Evolution settings from suboptions.

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Page 3: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D


In assembly module assemble an instance of “Plate”. Location of initial cracks in the piece is done in the

Assembly module. Therefore it is necessary to return again to the Part module to create the crack initial


Create a new Part and name it “Crack”. Draw a horizontal line of length 1.5 units. Now in the tree diagram you

may see Plate and Crack in the branch of Part.

Page 4: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

Returned to the Assembly module and add crack to model. Note that more than once the parts are not

assembled. To check this, there should not be more than two instances under assembly branch.

If parts have been assembled correctly, you should resemble the following figure.


In Step module define a Static General step and turn Nlgeom on.

Page 5: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D


To define crack, in interaction module follow the following path:

Special / Crack / Create

Create a crack with arbitrary name. Choose XFEM in create crack window. We will talk about XFEM and its

methods in another post. In comparison with other crack modeling methods, XFEM is a new way that for the

first time introduced in ABAQUS version 6.9. This concept adds some new characteristics to elements such as

ability to divide and make them enriched.

In the Edit crack window choose the whole sheet as the Region and the crack lane in front of the crack

location. It is possible to define interaction properties for crack edges but in this example we do not need it.

Enriched region and initial crack are shown by green crosses.

Page 6: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D
Page 7: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D


Please enter the Load module. Unlike the previous examples in this example instead of applying force on the

part we will apply movement. First it is better to define some sets for the part special areas. Execute the

following command from the main menu.

Tools / Set / Create

Name the set upper and choose Geometry type. Choose the upper edge of the part. In a same manner make

another set and name it lower for lower part edge.

Click on Create boundary condition button. Select Displacement / Rotation and select upper using sets button

from prompt area.

Enter -0.00135 and +0.00081 for longitudinal and transverse displacements like the figure. Similarly, for lower

enter values of +0.00135 and -0.00081.

Page 8: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D


In mesh module, mesh the plate in 0.1 unit size. In Assign Element Type check the family of plate elements to

be Plane strain. Part crack does not need mesh.

Page 9: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D
Page 10: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D


In Job module, define the model and click submit.


To view the results of run click results and get into the Visualization module. In order to see better results and

see how crack propagates increase scale from common options. The following animation shows crack opening

trend and the Mises stress.

Page 11: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

It is possible to adjust the number of frames in the Field Output options in step module.

English abaqus, crack, crack evolution, crack propagation, FEM, Finite Element, Implicit, nlgeom, plastic, کرت شرتسگ , کرت , سوکابا , کرت زاغآ , سوکابآ

responses to Modeling onset and propagating of crack using ABAQUS 24

rozaظ.ق at ۱۲:۴۴ ۱۳۹۱ ,۱۴ رهم

مالس اب

تسا یکيتسال دپ اب لکش رييغت شور هب یزلف تاحفص لکش رييغت نوا و مراد مدوخ هژورپ یارجا رد لکشم کي اما مدرک هدافتسا یليخ نوتاه یيامنهار زا

.نينک مکمک هگا مش یم نونمم

rubber pad forming


Babakظ.ب at ۱:۱۰ ۱۳۹۱ ,۱۸ رهم


.مدشن ناتلاوس هجوتم


rozaظ.ب at ۵:۵۴ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۸ رهم

Page 12: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

منونمم یليخ .نينک ليميا مارب نيراد رگا ار یشژوما لياف تسه شناکما .منودب ماوخ یم نوشراتفر و اه کيتسال یزاسلدم هب عجار نم


Babakظ.ب at ۱:۱۹ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۹ رهم


.ديئامرفب هعلاطم ار Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition 10.7 تمسق زا دنب


rozaظ.ب at ۶:۰۷ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۹ رهم

مرکشتم یليخ


rozaظ.ب at ۱۱:۱۲ ۱۳۹۱ ,۵ نابآ

شناکما . شتسين امش یاه شزوما لثم اما. هدرک ثحب ور یزلف یاه لاناک یهد لکش 6.11 سوکابا رد .ددجم الس اب

؟نيرازب مه ور نيا شزوما هک تسه


Babakظ.ب at ۱۲:۰۱ ۱۳۹۱ ,۶ نابآ


رگا و ديئامرفب ديراد یصاخ لاوس رگا .تسين رودقم ميارب ًالعف یگدرتسگ نيا هب یبلطم نتشاذگ ناکما

.مينک یسررب یروضح تروص هب ات دينزب ليميا ديناوت یم تسا یلک ناتلکشم


ناکرتظ.ق at ۹:۵۴ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۳ ريت


؟نيگب ور خرچ شتلغ فيرعت هوحن هنکمم هگا




Page 13: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

ظ.ب at ۱۲:۳۳ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۴ ريت


.دينک فيصوت رتلماک ار ناتلدم ًافطل


ناکرتظ.ب at ۴:۴۱ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۴ ريت

.…هيفاک لير یور خرچ شتلغ هساو منودب ونيمه…متساوخ یم ور هحفص یور هناوتسا کي شتلغ هداس لدم


Babakظ.ب at ۵:۲۹ ۱۳۹۱ ,۳۱ ريت


یم حرطم یصوصخ تاسلج رد هشيمه یلئاسم نينچ .دوب دهاوخ ديفم امش دوخ یارب طقف هک تسا صاخ case کي هب طوبرم امش لاوس

.منک لاسرا ناتيارب ار رگيد تاعالطا و سامت هرامش ات دينزب ليميا ديتشاد ليامت رگا .دوش


ناکرتظ.ب at ۹:۱۱ ۱۳۹۱ ,۵ دادرم

دايز راک منکن کف..منک شاديپ مدش قفوم هک تشاد هداس ريگ هي یصاخ سيک هچ…هرخالب مدرک اديپ مدوخ زيزع تسود

.… …نيدوبيم دلب رگا هتبلا نيتفگيم هگا دوب یتخس


Babakظ.ب at ۲:۲۴ ۱۳۹۱ ,۸ دادرم

هجوتم ديتفگ هک یرصتخم فيصوت اب و مشاب هديد ار ناتلدم هکنيا نودب ديتشاد راظتنا روطچ مناد یمن

.موش امش لدم هداس ريگ


ناکرتظ.ق at ۱۲:۱۱ ۱۳۹۱ ,۹ دادرم

…داوخيمن لدم هگيد هک نيا…هحفص یور رب هداس هناوتسا کي شتلغ متفگ زيزع تسود

یييييييييسرم لاح ره رد..تکرح هارمه شتلغ


انیسظ.ق at ۱۱:۴۹ ۱۳۹۱ ,۷ ريت

مالس اب

Page 14: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

.ديهد رارق یتاعالطا افطل زين progressive damage اب هطبار رد



Babakظ.ق at ۱:۲۲ ۱۳۹۱ ,۱۰ ريت


.دوش یم یسررب یروضح تاسلج رد یصاخ دراوم نينچ هک تسا نيا رب تياس نيا لاور و تسا صاخ رايسب عوضوم نيا


severus57ظ.ق at ۱۲:۳۵ ۱۳۹۱ ,۵ دادرخ

.زيزع سدنهم مالس>" p style="direction: rtl>

وت هک هدموا شيپ مارب ملاوس ات دنچ هي.دشن منک داجيا solid <p style="direction: rtl ناملا یور متساوخ ونيمه نم یلو.روخب درد هب و عقوم هب.شزومآ نيا زا مرگ تمد یليخ>"

.دروآ دوجوب لکشم نم یارب و دوبن شزومآ

؟هيچ ش property part ؟هدش هتخاس crack عون هچ زا؟هيچ <p style="direction: rtl تاصخشم>"


Babakظ.ق at ۱۱:۳۶ ۱۳۹۱ ,۸ دادرخ

.تسا طخ کي طقف و درادن property کرت .مدرک تسويپ یسراف شزومآ یاهتنا رد ار لاثم یاهلياف


میحرظ.ب at ۱۰:۴۰ ۱۳۹۱ ,۲۵ تشهبيدرا

حيضوت ور سوکابآ رد کرت کون کي دوم شنت تدش بيرض ندروآ تسدب لاور تسين یتمحز نوتارب هگا .نوتدنمشزرا بلاطم تباب امش زا رکشت نمض و زيزع تسود امش تمدخ مالس اب

..مراذگساپس هناميمص زيزع تسود امش یراکمه زا شيپاشيپ.مراد زاين تدشب نوچ ديتسرفب هبنشراهچ ات منکيم شهاوخ طقف.ديهد یم

[email protected]


Masoudظ.ب at ۴:۰۲ ۱۳۹۱ ,۱۱ تشهبيدرا


. منکهدافتسا هديم خر یگدشادج سيرتان و ربيف لاصتا لحم زا و هريگيم رارق شنت تحت هک تيزوپماک کي یزاسلدم یارب سوکابآ زا متساوخيم نم

Page 15: Xfem Crack Propagation 2D

.دينک یيامنهار افطل روطچ منوديمن اما منک هدافتسا رفص تماخض اب cohesive element زا دياب ايوگ


Babakظ.ب at ۷:۵۶ ۱۳۹۱ ,۱۴ تشهبيدرا

رگا .دراد دوجو cohesive یاهناملا زا هدافتسا یارب یياهلاثم سوکابآ تادنتسم یاهلاثم رد .مراذگب مناوت یمن تياس رد نآ یارب یشزومآ و تسا صاخ رايسب امش هلاسم

.ديريگب سامت نم اب رتشيب یاه یيامنهار یارب ديدشن شور هجوتم اهنآ یسررب اب


khalidظ.ق at ۶:۲۴ ۱۳۹۱ ,۷ تشهبيدرا

?thank you MR BABAK. is that it is possible to calculate the integral J by XFEM


Babakظ.ب at ۲:۲۳ ۱۳۹۱ ,۹ تشهبيدرا


!to calculate J integral you should use conventional method


Babakظ.ب at ۱۲:۳۳ ۱۳۹۱ ,۱ دادرخ

:Modeling discontinuities, such as cracks, as an enriched feature

can be performed using the static procedure (see “Static stress analysis,” Section 6.2.2), the implicit dynamic procedure (see

“Implicit dynamic analysis using direct integration,” Section 6.3.2), or the low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic

;(approach (see “Low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic approach,” Section 6.2.7

.دينک هدافتسا نآ زا ديناوت یم implicit explicit کيمانيد رد .تسين هدافتسا لباق xfem کيمانيد رد شور
