Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limits

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Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limit s

of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations

Page 3: Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limits

Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Executive Editor Mai Shata h

Managing Editor Paul D. Monsour

Production Editor Reeva Goldsmith

Copy Editor Marc Nirenberg

Page 4: Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limits

Ping Zhang Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

17 Wigne r Measure and Semielassiea l Limits of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation s

Courant Institute of Mathematical Science s New York University New York, New York

American Mathematical Societ y Providence, Rhode Island


Page 5: Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limits

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. P r imar y 35Q40 , 35Q55 .

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Zhang, Ping , 1969 -Wigner measur e an d semiclassica l limit s o f nonlinea r Schrodinge r equation s / Pin g Zhang .

p. cm . — (Couran t lectur e note s ; 17 ) Includes bibliographica l references . ISBN 978-0-8218-4701- 5 (alk . paper ) 1. Schrodinge r equation . 2 . WK B approximation . 3 . Differentia l equations , Nonlinear .

4. Nonlinea r theories . I . Title .

QC174.26.W28Z43 200 8 530.12'4—dc22 200802802 5

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Preface vi i

Chapter 1 . Th e Classical WKB Method 1 1.1. Introductio n 1 1.2. WK B Approximation to the Linear Schrodinger Equation 2 1.3. Th e WKB Approximation to Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation 5 1.4. Reference s an d Remarks 1 0

Chapter 2. Wigne r Measure 1 1 2.1. Semiclassica l Pseudodifferential Operator s and the FBI Transform 1 1 2.2. Wigne r Measure 1 4 2.3. Semiclassica l Limit of the Linear Schrodinger Equation 3 0 2.4. Reference s an d Remarks 3 4

Chapter 3. Th e Limit from the One-Dimensional Schrodinger-Poisso n to Vlasov-Poisson Equations 3 7

3.1. Introductio n 3 7 3.2. Unifor m Estimates 4 2 3.3. Th e Limit to the Vlasov-Poisson Equations 4 6 3.4. Th e Main Theorem 7 3 3.5. Mixe d State Case 7 6 3.6. Reference s an d Remarks 7 9

Chapter 4. Semiclassica l Limit of Schrodinger-Poisson Equations 8 1 4.1. Introductio n 8 1 4.2. Preliminarie s 8 4 4.3. Modulate d Energy Estimate 8 9 4.4. Th e Main Theorem 9 5 4.5. Reference s an d Remarks 10 4

Chapter 5. Semiclassica l Limit of the Cubic Schrodinger Equation in an Exterior Domain 10 5

5.1. Introductio n 10 5 5.2. Loca l Existence of a Smooth Solution to (5.7)-(5.8) 10 9 5.3. Unifor m an d Modulated Energy Estimates 11 5 5.4. Semiclassica l Limit of the Cubic Schrodinger Equation 12 5 5.5. Reference s an d Remarks 12 7

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Chapter 6. Incompressibl e and Compressible Limits of Coupled Systems of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations 12 9

6.1. Introductio n 12 9 6.2. Conservatio n Laws 13 1 6.3. Incompressibl e Limit of (6.1) 13 6 6.4. Compressibl e Limit of (6.2) 14 6 6.5. Reference s an d Remarks 15 2

Chapter 7. High-Frequenc y Limi t of the Helmholtz Equation 15 3 7.1. Introductio n 15 3 7.2. Unifor m Estimate for Solutions of (7.1) 15 4 7.3. Limi t to the Liouville Equation 15 9 7.4. Reference s an d Remarks 17 1

Appendix A. Globa l Solutions to (3.14) 17 3

Appendix B. Densenes s of Polynomials 17 7

Appendix C. Globa l Existence of a Solution to (5.1) 17 9

Appendix D. Globa l Smooth Solution to (6.1) 18 9

Bibliography 193

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In fal l 2006 , I taught a course o n semielassiea l pseudodifferentia l operator s at the Couran t Institut e o f Ne w Yor k University. I n the semeste r tha t followed , I taugh t a cours e calle d "Wigne r measur e an d semielassiea l limit s o f nonlinea r Schrodinger equations " there. Th e main purpose o f the sprin g course was to ap-ply the theory of semielassieal pseudodifferential operator s to the study of various high-frequency limit s of equations from quantum mechanics. In particular, we pre-sented detailed explanations of Wigner measure and then tried to summarize some recent progress on how to use this tool to study various problems on semielassiea l limits of nonlinear Schrodinger equations.

Because there ar e already som e very nice books on semielassiea l pseudodif -ferential operators , such as those by D. Robert [84] and A. Martinez [72] , I mainly present the material from m y spring course in 2007.

This book is organized into seven chapters. Chapte r 1 deal s with the classical WKB method . Chapte r 2 deals wit h th e theor y o f Wigne r measure . Chapte r 3 deals wit h th e semielassiea l limi t fro m one-dimensiona l Schrodinger-Poisso n t o Vlasov-Poisson equations . Chapte r 4 deals wit h th e semielassiea l limit s o f mul-tidimensional Schrodinger-Poisso n equations . Chapte r 5 deals with semielassiea l limits of the cubic Schrodinger equation in an exterior domain . Chapte r 6 covers semielassieal limits of the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system. In the last chap-ter, we shall digress a little bit from the main topic and talk about the applications of Wigner measure to the study of high-frequency limit s of Helmholtz equations. Finally, we have four appendices concerning the global existence of smooth solu-tions to various Schrodinger-type equations.

I would like to take this opportunity t o thank Professor Charle s M. Newman for invitin g m e t o visi t Couran t Institut e fro m th e fal l o f 200 5 t o th e sprin g o f 2007. It is my great pleasure to thank Prof. Fanghua Lin and Prof. Jalal Shatah for encouraging m e to write down these notes. I t is also my grea t pleasure to thank all o f m y collaborator s o n thi s topic : Profs . Fanghu a Lin , Taichi a Lin , Norber t J. Mauser, Xuepin g Wang , an d Yuxi Zheng. I should als o thank my class a t the Courant Institute: Diog o Arsenio, Hantaek Baik, Jose Diaz-Alban, David Gerard-Varet, Pierre Germain, Nam Le, Ian Tice, Yong Yu, and Zhifei Zhang, with special thanks to Zhifei Zhang for reading the draft versio n of this book. Finally , it was a pleasure to collaborate with Paul Monsour in his beautiful editin g work.

Part o f Chapte r 2 was als o presented b y th e autho r i n the summe r schoo l a t Fudan University an d Wuhan University , China , in the summer of 2007. I would


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like to thank Profs. Jiaxing Hong and Hua Chen for their kind invitation and con-stant support . I woul d als o lik e t o acknowledg e th e suppor t fro m th e Nationa l Science Foundation of China under grants 1013105 0 and 10276036 , the National "973" Project, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences through an Innovation Grant.

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Titles i n Thi s Serie s

17 Pin g Zhang , Wigne r measur e an d semiclassica l limit s o f nonlinea r Schrodinge r equations , 2008

16 S . R . S . Varadhan , Stochasti c processes , 200 7

15 Emi l Art in , Algebr a wit h Galoi s theory , 200 7

14 Pete r D . Lax , Hyperboli c partia l differentia l equations , 200 6

13 Olive r Biihler , A brie f introductio n t o classical , statistical , an d quantu m mechanics , 200 6

12 Jiirge n Mose r an d Eduar d J . Zehnder , Note s o n dynamica l systems , 200 5

11 V . S . Varadarajan , Supersymmetr y fo r mathematicians : A n introduction , 200 4

10 Thierr y Cazenave , Semilinea r Schrodinge r equations , 200 3

9 Andre w Majda , Introductio n t o PDE s an d wave s fo r th e atmospher e an d ocean , 200 3

8 Fedo r Bogomolo v an d Tihomi r Petrov , Algebrai c curve s an d one-dimensiona l fields ,


7 S . R . S . Varadhan , Probabilit y theory , 200 1

6 Loui s Nirenberg , Topic s i n nonlinea r functiona l analysis , 200 1

5 Emmanue l Hebey , Nonlinea r analysi s o n manifolds : Sobole v space s an d inequalities ,


3 Perc y Deift , Orthogona l polynomial s an d rando m matrices : A Riemann-Hilber t

approach, 200 0

2 Jala l Shata h an d Michae l Struwe , Geometri c wav e equations , 200 0

1 Qin g Ha n an d Fanghu a Lin , Ellipti c partia l differentia l equations , 200 0

Page 17: Wigner Measure and Semiclassical Limits